Tenderly gentle analysis. Osip Mandelshtam

Living a certain period of my life in Moscow, Osip Mandelstam found his second house there, and in the time of youth was almost happy - in love with Marina Tsvetaeva, who just like the poet himself, entered the history of Russian literature.

"She opened to him in Moscow, and was one of the first enthusiastic and at the same time the strict critics of his work," Vladimir Krizhevsky, Vladimir Krizhevsky, was noted in an interview with Russia's voting in Moscow:

"Tsvetaeva and Mandelstam in youth very gently treated each other. They had a brief novel, but, as everyone says, it was not so much love, but a poetic novel. There is, in my opinion, eight poems of Mandelstam, dedicated to the Tsvetaeva, and approximately The same in the cycle of the color itself. There, she calls his verse next to him - "Non-aparted." Already then, in 1915-16, they marked their discrepancies with each other. Tsveyev was a futurist, and Mandelstam was closer to poetry 19- The first century - Gabriel Derzhavin, Fyodor Tyutchev, that is, to poets that easily wrote high style. And this "one note" was very developed with him. "

One of the eight poems laid on magnificent music is invited to listen to you in this video.

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Part 20 - Osip Mandelstam. Tender gentle.
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Francis Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) is considered not just a writer, but the embodiment of the Spirit of Time and the idol of American youth of the 20s of the 20th century. Nowadays, American critics continue to call F.S. Fitzgerald "Child of Boom", "Son of the Epoch of prosperity", "Lauryat Jazz Century", based on its judgments not only on the content of the author's books, but also on the style of his life.

The novel "Night is gentle" is an attempt by a writer to restore with its help a shameless literary reputation. Neither one of his novels he did not work for so long and carefully. Therefore, it is not surprising that the novel has absorbed many of the gloomy sentiment who have won the writer in recent years. At the same time, "Night is gentle", again returning us to the "Age of Jazz" after his crash, was the final sentence of the author to the entire tragically frivolous decade.

The plot of the novel briefly comes down to the next. The young psychiatrist Richard Diver, who is all the great future, holds the years of World War II in Europe, studying psychopathology. The case brings him with a young girl Nicole Warren, suffering from a severe mental illness. Nicole fell ill under circumstances, which thoroughly hides her father, the main culprit of misfortunes, a few years ago, "inadvertently" seducing the girl. Dick falls in love with Nicole and soon marries her, although friends will disagree him in every way. And they turn out to be right. Some time Dick and Nicole live happily. On then comes gradual, initially even imperceptible passionate. As Nicole gets better, Dick, overlooking, begins slowly, but steadily lose state forces and in the end comes to a complete moral decline. The finale of the book is pessimistic: a career of a talented doctor failed, his personal life collapsed. Nicole, recovery, throws a loser husband and marries one of his prosperous friends. Left alone, Dick returns to the outback of the Midwest, forever disappearing from the life of Nicole and her rich friends.

F.S. Fitzgerald really treated a new book, hoping to restore his own literary reputation with its help. He did not work on one of his novels for so long, thoroughly separating all the details. In total, the work on the "Night Native" took about eight years; The novel included in the converted form, some scenes from the unfinished "World Fair", and then the writer prepared two more books of the book before it was decided to finally publish it.

For many years, F.S. Fitzgerald rewrote the infinite number of times not only separate episodes, but also the whole chapters, changing the composition and improving style. In a letter to Maxuel, Perkins, who was trying to morally support F.S. Fitzgerald, he, complaining about the difficulty in working on a book, compared himself with Hemingway:

"Once, having tolding with Ernest Hemingway, I told him that, contrary to popular opinion, I am a turtle, and he is a hare, and this is true truth, because everything I have achieved, has been achieved by the price of long and hard work, while Ernest Inherent in the genius, allowing him to make amazing things with ease. I have no ease. If I give yourself an will, I can easily write only the cheaply, but when I decide to write seriously, then I have to fight with each sentence until I turn into a hippopotamus. "

The poem of Osip Mandelstam is dedicated to the Russian poetess, his contemporary - Marina Tsvetaeva, with whom he connected him, on the memoirs of Tsvetaeva, "Platonic Love". The feeling was strong, mutual, however, doomed to an unlucky end. The lover was married to the other and raised her daughter.

The work is a poem-recognition in feelings. The lyrical hero seeks to show how he is delighted, tied, the woman who is dedicated to these lines is devoted. Such conclusions can be defined as a topic and the idea of \u200b\u200bthis poem.


"Target gentle" and "whiter white" emphasizes the importance of the said. It also suggests that the lyrical hero is hard to choose the words to show that it is he feels that he attracted to his beloved:

Tenderly tender your face

White White Your Hand

From the world of the whole you are far away,

And all yours - from the inevitable.

Beautiful recognition, exceeding a woman over those who were before her who will be after - that's true, all-consuming, blinding, "Platonic love." Like Petrarke, Mandelstam is guarding Marina Tsvetaeva.

First stanza poem

Speaks about the beautiful, according to the lyrical hero, the appearance of the beloved, as well as about its uniqueness, remoteness from the whole world. Well, love is inevitable!

The second part of the work of the "gentle gentle" smoothly follows from the first and is associated with the repetition of the word "inevitable", which also emphasizes the hopelessness of these relations and the position of Marina Tsvetaeva. It is between two lights - two men, with one of which it is connected by a child, with the other - love.

In the poem of Mandelstam's Osip, the most feminine features and images: face, hands, fingers, speeches and eyes. And each of them is a special attention. Poetic speech was beautifully built: the repetition of words, the impulusal accumulation of vowels, romantic romance, achieved by special construction of the verse structure.

Withdrawn, as if sketches, strokes, draws a lyrical hero image of a beloved, carving it in his memory, from here and such frequency. The thought concluded in one or two words is fully disclosed, each word is accurate and excitation, without unnecessary detachments transmits a high feeling - love.

The poem is small in volume, laconic, but very sincere and timid. The poet was indeed passionate about the color, but demanded a change from it. Probably, this is the highest degree of adoration and respect for another person called love.

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In the summer of 1915. Osip Mandelshtam I met in Koktebel with Marina Tsvetaeva. This event has become a swivel in life, the poet, since he fell in love as a boy. By that time, Tsvetaeva was already married to Sergey Efron and raised her daughter. However, this did not prevent her by reciprocity.

The novel of two signs of Russian literature lasted for a long time and was, on the memoirs of Tsvetaeva, Platonic. In 1916 came to Moscow and met with the poetess. They walked around the city all day, and Tsvetaeva acquainted her friend with attractions. However, Osip Mandelstam watched not to the Kremlin and Moscow cathedrals, but on the beloved, which caused a tech smile and the desire to constantly make fun over the poet.

It was after one of these walks to Mandelstam wrote a poem that was dedicated to the Tsvetaeva. It is absolutely not like other works of this author and built on the repetition of single-handed words, which are designed to strengthen the effect of the overall impression and most fully emphasize the advantages of the one that has been honored to be suspended in verses. "Your tender tender face is," here is the first touch to the poetic portrait of Marina Tsvetaeva, who, as the poetess later recognized, did not quite correspond to reality. However, further Mandelstam reveals the character traits of his chosen, telling that it is absolutely not like other women. The author, referring to Tsvetaeva, notes that "from the world of the whole you are far away, and everything is yours - from the inevitable."

This phrase turned out to be a very prophetic. The first part of it hints at the fact that at this time ranked herself for futurist, so her poems were indeed very far from reality. She often mentally rushed into the future and played the most different scenes from his own life. For example, during this period, she wrote a poem that ended in a string that subsequently became a reality - "My verses, as precious wines, will come."

As for the second part of the phrase in the poem of Mandelstam Osip "Tender tender", the author as if he looked into the future and made a clear belief that the fate of the color was already predetermined, and it was impossible to change it. Developing this thought, the poet notes that "from the inevitable your sadness" and the "quiet sound of nonsense speeches". You can interpret these lines in different ways. However, it is known that Marina Tsvetaeva very painfully experienced the death of the mother. Plus, in 1916, she broke up with her best friend's friend's friend, to which he experienced very gentle and not only friendly feelings. Returning to her husband in time coincided with the arrival of Mandelstam Osip, who caught Tsvetaeva in a state close to depression. True, behind the fear of feelings and words the poet managed to see something more. He seemed to read the book of the life of Marina Tsvetaeva, in which he saw a lot of frightening and inevitable. Moreover, Mandelstam realized that the poetess itself realizes that it is precipitated by her judge, and accepts it as proper. These knowledge is not dying "Dal Ochra" poetess, which continues to write poems and stay in their, full dreams and fantasies, peace.

Later, Tsvetaeva recalled that her relationship with Mandelshtam was like a novel of two poets, which are constantly arguing, admire each other, compare their works, swear and reiterate. However, this poetic idyll last long, about six months. After that, Tsvetaeva and Mandelstam began to meet much less often, and soon the poetess left Russia at all and, while in emigration, he learned about the arrest and death of the poet, who wrote the epigram on Stalin and had a misfortune to read it publicly that the poet

The poem "gentle gentle" is written by Mandelshtam in 1909. It entered the collection "Stone". Young poet for only 18 years. At this time, he studies in Sorbonne, it happens in St. Petersburg in the Tower of Vyacheslav Ivanova.

On the Internet there is information that the poem is dedicated to Marina Tsvetaeva. This opinion is mistaken. Mandelstam and Tsvetaeva first saw each other at Voloshina in Koktebel in 1915. Only in 1916, Mandelstam and Tsvetaeva met in St. Petersburg. Then Mandelstam came to Moscow several times to see the Tsvetaeva. She called their relationship with Platonic. After one of the walks with Tsvetaeva in Moscow, Mandelstam, allegedly, wrote a poem "tender gentle."

In tempting to see in this poem, the portrait of the color and prophetic path of her poetry, but the poems are written before dating poets.

Literary direction and genre

In 1909, the Ambheist Program (1912) was not yet announced, but the poem was already consonant with anxistic ideas, although it was written under the influence of the evenings in the "tower" of the symbolist Vyacheslav Ivanov. Images of poem are specific and real, the words are carefully chosen and accurate. The poem "tender gentle" is not at all a student. Well, the genre poem is a recognition in love, love lyrics.

Theme, the main idea and composition

The theme of the poem is the admiration of the appearance and the inner world of the lover. The main idea is to exclude the elected woman. In subtext - the youthful confidence of the lyrical character in its own exclusivity and, from here, the ability to see individuality, chosenness, the inevitable loneliness of another person, women.

The poem consists of eight-grades and nineties. In the first stanza, individual details of the beloved appearance, her remoteness "from the world of the whole" find the reason - "from the inevitable." The second stanza begins the same phrase that the first ends. It rethinks the details of the beloved appearance, which are filled with her soul.

Trails and images

The main trail in the poem is epithets, describing the face, hands, fingers, voice, beloved eyes. Mandelstam uses tautology as an artistic technique, repeating the same roots in the phrases of the adjective and noun: tender gentle, white white. Thus, the excellent degree of quality is even brighter than when using an excellent degree of adjective: not just the most gentle, but more gentle than the most gentle.

Repetition of pronoun is yours All the time returns the reader to the Personality of Beloved. Private structures with the prefix not repeated three times. Word tender, twice repeated in the first line and as it were to the tone of the entire poem, also begins with notAlthough it is in the word part of the root. So the general denial is created, the selection of lover from a number of other personalities.

In the center of the poem - twice repeated "from the inevitable". Substantantant leaves a riddle without pointing to the subject of inevitable. In the second stanz, Mandelstam uses metaphorical epithets, from which the images acquire depth and meaning: hands of improving hands, nonsense speeches. Metaphor dal Ocha Returns again to the emotional alienation of the heroine declared in the first stanza.

Size and rhymes

The poem "tender tender" is unusually from the point of view of the form. If the stanzes turn into a quatrain, it will turn out a five-axis yamb with pyrical and internal rhymes, which in the last line becomes four-stroke. Only two middle lines in each stitch will be rhymed then, and one rhyme will be male, and the second is dactilic. The remaining lines will be unimposed. Get semi-dribr.

But Mandelstam divided each line into two parts. Thus, the poem has become multiple, and two- and three-plated lines alternately alternate. Four three-seat lines of 16 consist of one independent word, that is, they have one emphasis. Such a galloping rhythm of the poem, as it should not be better conveyed by a knocking breath of the young men who recognized in love, and it is difficult to do smoothly. In the end, the lyrical hero is generally silent, chips, shortening the lines.

Even more difficult to the poem rhythm system. Each line is rhymes, but disordered. In the first stanza, the central 4 lines are rhymes a crosslinic rhyme, and the extreme - ring. That is, the rhymes are symmetrical about the center of the stanza. In the second stanza, symmetry disappears, the rhyme scheme: A'BVG'VG'DBD. There remains a cross rhythm of the central part of the stanza. But the first line of the second stanza is generally rhymes from the first and last first stanza.

Lack of orderliness and symmetry, multiple repetition of words, sounds and rhymes - a feature of a complex formal organization of a poem, corresponding to the difficult expression of the feelings of loved.

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