Tender analysis. Analysis of the poem of Mandelstam "tender tender

The poem of Osip Mandelstam is dedicated to the Russian poetess, his contemporary - Marina Tsvetaeva, with whom he connected him, on the memoirs of Tsvetaeva, "Platonic Love". The feeling was strong, mutual, however, doomed to an unlucky end. The lover was married to the other and raised her daughter.

The work is a poem-recognition in feelings. The lyrical hero seeks to show how he is delighted, tied, the woman who is dedicated to these lines is devoted. Such conclusions can be defined as a topic and the idea of \u200b\u200bthis poem.


"Target gentle" and "whiter white" emphasizes the importance of the said. It also suggests that the lyrical hero is hard to choose the words to show that it is he feels that he attracted to his beloved:

Tenderly tender your face

White White Your Hand

From the world of the whole you are far away,

And all yours - from the inevitable.

Beautiful recognition, exceeding a woman over those who were before her who will be after - that's true, all-consuming, blinding, "Platonic love." Like Petrarke, Mandelstam is guarding Marina Tsvetaeva.

First stanza poem

Speaks about the beautiful, according to the lyrical hero, the appearance of the beloved, as well as about its uniqueness, remoteness from the whole world. Well, love is inevitable!

The second part of the work of the "gentle gentle" smoothly follows from the first and is associated with the repetition of the word "inevitable", which also emphasizes the hopelessness of these relations and the position of Marina Tsvetaeva. It is between two lights - two men, with one of which it is connected by a child, with the other - love.

In the poem of Mandelstam's Osip, the most feminine features and images: face, hands, fingers, speeches and eyes. And each of them is a special attention. Poetic speech was beautifully built: the repetition of words, the impulusal accumulation of vowels, romantic romance, achieved by special construction of the verse structure.

Withdrawn, as if sketches, strokes, draws a lyrical hero image of a beloved, carving it in his memory, from here and such frequency. The thought concluded in one or two words is fully disclosed, each word is accurate and excitation, without unnecessary detachments transmits a high feeling - love.

The poem is small in volume, laconic, but very sincere and timid. The poet was indeed passionate about the color, but demanded a change from it. Probably, this is the highest degree of adoration and respect for another person called love.

What is the life of the circle empty to us shine?
Dreams? Suffering? All for nothing!
Play in the box who will notice
What life passed and not you?

Recently, my teacher Professor M. increasingly repeats that human life is like a vicious circle, the meaning of which we begin to understand only closer to old age, and the meaning is that the circle is this narrow and banal. Banalen is the main thing that M. turns his attention. He repeats once over the time that Mililards of people on the planet lived their lives equally thinking equally, in an equally striking the same values \u200b\u200band equally ended their way. All around only repeats, with each of us firmly convinced of its uniqueness. And almost all the reasons and consequences of human relationships are clear and understandable in advance ... Conscious of it, the sadder to read the novel of Fitzgerald "Night".
In the huge wealth of world literature, a few novels can boast that the author is one of the heroes of all novels - does not impose our ideas to us, while the creation becomes not freshly a work, but almost a novel of the century. The master of such a novel, I rightly consider Francis Fizzgerald's cattle, because two of his works firmly occupied the place in the classical literature of all time. I'm talking about the novels "Night" and "Great Guest" - they are called the only adult novels of Francis Scott, adults in content. The life path of the main hero of the novel "Night" Dick Daiver is replete with numerous episodes, every act on its path receives its local assessment from the author, but a one-piece picture does not radiate a clear and understandable idea. Obviously, the theme of the novel becomes the elevation of Dick, reaching it on the peak of life activity, fame, the prospects are much more, but there is a drop down, sort of skate from the mountain, convergence in nothing, from which it is impossible to recover. The context of the novel is his huge autobiographicality, which on the one hand covers his eyes to his own advantages, on the other open the essence of the idea, the basis of things.

Who is Mr. Diver?
Among the huge number of people, sometimes lucky units, which for their work and personal qualities make the villain-fate spit on them and distinguish them from the crowd, giving them a chance to develop their plans. Plans of Dick Daiver were, no, nor little, become the best psychiatrist on the planet Earth. Everything that it has had for this was: talent, luck, the human charm who revealed many doors in his life, as well as a rich spouse, whose capital could be the basis of peaceful work on books. From the very beginning of life, he only went to the mountain. Li Joke: the silence of the priest received a special Rhodescent scholarship and studied in Oxford, managed during the war not to lie down in the fields of Flanders, and, being "too rich investment", settled in Switzerland, where, living on officer salary, studied psychology textbooks, released Several works and early received a doctoral degree. All the doors of the world were ready to swill before his smile and knowledge ... as the author writes, "the above sounds like the beginning of the biography, but without an encouraging hint that the hero is waiting for a complex and exciting fate and that he already hears her call, as General Grant heard , sitting in a petty bench in Galen. So it's better not to torment the reader: Hour Dick Daiver has come. " The turning point was his meeting with the future wife, beautiful and rigor, but at the same time soul Nicole.
An ordinary person always thinks a lot about himself, he studies himself, his opportunities, fantasies his future fame and a special fate, notes in relations to himself every little thing, lives with himself years and does not see himself, whereas it stands to meet Thus, this is a characteristic of a person, he can make a day of dating, and, oddly enough, but in most cases the height of a flight of a person can guess in two-three episodes. But it is in life. Roman in any case is only a timid reflection, so guess what kind of bird dick dyver is somewhat more complicated. The first and very important thing is that we know about him, this is what he is a man with an intellectual slope, whether a joke is Dr. Psychology. The problem of the book is that we do not see Dick at the very beginning of the path, only a few rare characteristics: "In early 1917, when it became very tight with coal, Dick let all his tutorials on fuel - they had a hundred pieces; but everyone Once, sticking to the next volume to the stove, he did it with a cheerful disterination, as if he knew about himself, that the essence of the book entered His flesh and blood that he was able to retell her content in five years. " It is in these words that we can notice something at absolutely not associating with a wilderness - "lucky" from the beach of Riviera, who will allow him to go to the right and on the right of his charm, makes admire his ability to keep himself, but not by his works, not the talent of thought.
"... - Are you a scientist?
- I am a doctor.
- Yah? - She just boosame ... "
And when did he shine? It is said only that there was a time when everything worked out, but it happens with each of us. It was at that time that he imagined himself a certain hero, to whom his phrase belongs to this moment and his phrase belongs to this moment: "My intention is one, Franz: Become a good psychiatrist, and not just good, and the best of the best." I can not note that he had opportunities, because he started pretty good, what I wrote above, but it was later that this time all slowly begins to break in his life, and changes occur unnoticed. Very good suddenly drawn in the wild of the desire of a man of his age: "In it, he had already started the process of worrying on the cells of the whole world of youth ... And he wanted to be kind, to be sensitive, be brave and smart, which is not very easy. And still be loved If this does not serve the hindrance. " And love came to his life, and she briefed unnoticed, first as if the game, but one day she presented him all the trumps and Dick could not resist. A thirty-year-old man decides to marry love, is it strange? It would be strange if he fled from her, but now the dream became eternal, beyond the usual not to leave, another thing: could it ask him a new one - a drop-down vector development? Or put the question differently: did the "quality" of his wife affect his doctor's career?

Who is Nicole Diver (Warren)?
Nicole judging by the descriptions of her actions, behavior and decisions was a fairly enterprising young person who was absolutely not alien to all human and female. Her beauty was durable, its financial position is stable, the intellect was quite at the level, because we do not expect from a beautiful woman knowledge of the textbook "Atomic Physics". All would be nothing, but incest in his youth donated it, she became the mentally ill and it was expressed primarily in the attacks of madness, inadequate fun, turning into anger and feeling that everyone wants to humiliate her, smith and outraget. Nicole fell in loved by Dick, for whom he was from the very beginning only a private case in practice, but not to say that he very resisted her charms, who were children, naive, dreamy. Just two beautiful and charming people were met, one of whom fell in love with another, and that other, who was Dick, was confused by the power of the desire of love, settled, and, after all, I realized that it was a handsome male millionaire - this is quite for him. That's what probably became his slack, a crack, to which he was not ready.
"One can wish you, my child," says the Fairy Black Wand in
"Rose and Ring" Tekkesea, - a little misfortune. "Intestons on Dick's path were rarely met, so rarely so that Dick could not oppose the first more or less serious of them. The life of Dr. Daiver gave a crack as a result of the psyche irritation, it became an irritant. Nicole. However, the question of whom Dick Diver loved - a beautiful patient, with whom it is necessary to nurse or a healthy millionaire, because Nicole completely recovers at the end of the novel, while Dick "ills". At the end of the book, he no longer experiences feelings to Nicole, but only It is eliminated and tired of it, spoken by Tommy Barbana. The behavior of recovered Nicole is completely clear - she wants to move forward, and not to live with a man who rolled down. Should she help wild win again, as he helped her once Best years? Here it lies the difference of morality. Dick dedicated himself to his beloved creature, helped her stand on his feet, but tired of all this, the crack that was unnoticed At the beginning of the marriage, it became a huge years later, she broke the main character. Now the wilder needed a nurse - a support, which he did not find, because Nicole hid behind selfish, stupid glances and removed as quickly as possible from everything bad in Dick. She immediately threw him as she understood that everything is good that he could give her, dried up. But can we consider her decision not normal? In my opinion, 99 out of 100 people would do. Her upbringing, when the whole world rushed to her feet, was for Nicole only help. Nicole is tired of going under the leadership of Dick, healthy, she could go alone and she went. The marriage of two people was not so stronger, but it happens quite often.

Family and career?
Family life usually brings more side concerns, so there is less space on the creative process. There is already a naked professionalism, the desire to survive, to provide a family and be happy. The problem is that "survive and provide" did not stand in any way for Dick, because Nicole is so rich, therefore, from the administrator, he turned into an administrator of his clinic near Swiss lakes. Without another, he never stood out, for the whole family life, without writing what he conceived - "psychology for psychiatrists", and this work was supposed to be only the initial help for a variety of works. In Riviera, we see the Dick Diver by the mortgage life - which he became. Is he to blame for this, or the environment made him become such? Yes and no. He marrying on Nicole, he did not sharpen attention to Eya Millions, whereas he marrying himself, he did not take all her weaknesses and spikes. Where she is there and he. He got a nurse for the Warren daughter. Loving, hoping, linking charm, he was still young and fresh, nothing, and brazenly, cesspasic was not a barrier - he entered the world of wealth and money, but did not become a stronghold of decency and prudence in him. After all, remember: Whom Roseary meets on the beach? Clown in Jockey Cap, which entertains his friends. He had fun, he drank a little, looked at Nicole, helped her, he had two children, but his work was confused. However, he still remained on the crest of the wave. They were still admired, but at the horizon there appears Rosemery, who like Nicole in ornament falls in love with him, and all his secured life, with a view of happiness, suddenly he doesn't need it for several hours. Several hours and crack in the wilderly shows himself. He first understands that something is wrong, as he wants. Ajulter does not happen, but Nicole ceases to be what he needs. She begins to become a burden, which he still loves, but which does not give him happiness. Career still looms before Wild, but he stopped in growth, the train of life begins to touch, and he does not have time for him.

When does everything start to collapse?
Rosemery became for Dick's moment of truth, his whole life became on the map, he almost escaped. ... although "almost" is clearly not enough in order to suddenly radically change their lives. Warren actually bought Dick, he resisted this fact, but he could hardly escape from him, he understood that he was accustomed to a fashionable life, and when he refused Roseary, he understood it finally. In fact, he refused to all the fact that the author refers to the "Dani, which Dick Diver paid the non-disqualified, unreserved, not exceeding." This is probably the so-called mental inferiority, which was the revolving side of its integrity. He never crossed the hell for which stupidity and emotions began, and it was hard to do it when you see how Roomäry flies in life like a petrated butterfly, and it is hard and not to face. The crack appeared and began to disperse. Muticiation of the train some conversations of the nefple, attempts to forget everything and a new meeting. All this is already irretrievable dive in the abyss. From this point on, the Dicky Dick vector is imperceptible, but steadily falling, suddenly sharply broke down. And the first echo danger was the conversation with Baby Warren in the Swiss Alps. When it was about the acquisition of the clinic in fact, for the first time, she decided for him, for the first time he agreed with her, maybe he wanted to argue, but he could not, he had already fully recognized his role. "Hundreds and hundreds of years will be held, must be before such Amazons will learn - not in words only - to understand that only in its pride, a person is truly vulnerable; But if it is touched in it, he becomes similar to Saltay-bold. " From the moment Bebi Warren points out the wild on his place, everything starts to finally collapse. First of all, this is expressed in the dick feature that appeared by the Dick - grinding on the French, the British, on everything around, intolerance to the imperfection of this world. It seemed to understand only at 38 years old that the world consists of injustice, monetary, he learned that it was necessary to give way to the villains so as not to get into the even more trouble. He took too little failure earlier, and when it collided with the first serious series of lesions - threw the white flag. Finally finished his vacation, when, breaking out of the Mirka of his hospital, to rest, first of all, from the concerns about Nicole, he meets Roseary, he learns about his father's death and climbs into a drunken fight. Vacation as if he wakes up a pink veil with eyes. Then he himself understands that the collapse came in his life.

Did Diver thought to become the best of psychiatrists in fact?
Returning to his phrase, about what he wanted to become the best of the best, it is worth noting that he hardly thought in the same way his whole life. At the start, he was more surprised at his luck, as he was surprised that the scholarship was given to him, and not Peit Livingston. But everything went into his hands "Lucky" and he thought that he would not take advantage of this. Then he began to think that everything would always go, as if he enchanted good luck. But she is a thing at all is not empirical as Dr. he had to understand it. Dick his life, like the majority, sat by the sea and waited for the weather, the necessary weather came to him and he used it, and the fact that she came too often played with him a dick joke. Already in the clinic, he does not look like a careerist. He respects himself, laughs at other doctors, but committed at the same time he forgets that he has to do something great in his life.

Could Dick avoid collapse or survive him?
This question is probably the main thing in the novel. The author does not give an unequivocal response. I will venture to suggest that it was inevitable as the collapse, since he was the mercy of billion people before him. Dick's path if different from the path of any other man, then only in trifles. These are all the same hopes of youth, good start and bad end. Banal, gentlemen! Dick would not save even a nurse, because His wife Mary was not saved by Eibe, a sample of a quiet assistant, and Abe is almost that Dick. All the same hopes, start and end - death in a drunken fight. The difference between Eymbon and Wildness is only that Ayb fell earlier, almost immediately after the war, and Dick only after felt the weakness expressing in aging, rethinking the life and infringement of pride. In general, the collapse for both was debunking romanticism, which turned into disappointment of Dick and Sarcasm Eybe, and found the same redemption in alcohol. We all seem to me to meet this disappointment, seemingly ready for him, we will still be crumpled. Women This phrase does not concern. Dick could not avoid crash - sooner or later it would be overtaken it. Not at 38, so exactly 48 years old. The more interesting is to study the description of the personality by the person before and after the collapse, in order to compare the two hypostasis of one person and find the laws of expressing themselves to the fallen personality. First of all, this is observed in the fact that a person who kept "afloat" stands out a positive look at things, i.e. He even in a negatively folding situation finds a compromise or point of contact with other people. He acts within the framework of the social movement, not trying to stand up against him, while he knows his place in it and clearly oppresses his line. Going forward personality is confident in herself, his way and her confidence is transmitted to others, so they believe in her - this person. But we should allow us to make a miss that hides after an angle, and after him follows the other, and then avalanche failed, and not to get out of the knees - it's easier to hide from everyone - and this is also a protective reaction leading to updating and rethinking, and in Subsequent and to getting up from the knees. That is the circle of life, banal and narrow. Dick Diver failed, but who he is, as not a statistical case of falling, and how many of us managed to avoid disappointments? We are all children over the abyss of rye. Let's run and hide, break away, but whether the cross does not become great, not to achieve your goal in life? After all, the goals of life so changeable, at first it was a career, then the family. Then what? Of course, the world of people is not perfect and fill its many personalities with their eyes on him, and every thing this creature conflicts with others. You can fall in one company, but conquer respect to another. To say that wealth or terrible world ruined the diver stupid. He himself suppressed himself. Tired of living? Maybe. Factors broke down a lot, but the main thing I consider the debunk of a romantic look at the world. Although in the context of "night ..." only this look and moves forward art and science. It is worth it to go and seems bad tone attempt to idealize or improve.

And I'm already with you. How is the night gentle!
But here it is dark, and only stars rays
Through the blessing of the foliage like a sigh of Marshmallows timid,
That is here, then they slide there on a mossy trail.
J. Kitts. Oda to Solovyu

"Tender tender" Osip Mandelstam

Tender gentle
Your face,
White white
Your hand
From the world of the whole
You are far away
And all yours -
From the inevitable.

From inevitable
Your sadness,
And fingers hands
And quiet sound
And Dal.
Your eyes.

Analysis of the poem of Mandelstam "tender tender"

In the summer of 1915, Osip Mandelshtam met in Koktebel with the Coloeee Marina. This event has become a swivel in life, the poet, since he fell in love as a boy. By that time, Tsvetaeva was already married to Sergey Efron and raised her daughter. However, this did not prevent her by reciprocity.

The novel of two signs of Russian literature lasted for a long time and was, on the memoirs of Tsvetaeva, Platonic. In 1916, Mandelstam came to Moscow and met with a poetess. They walked around the city all day, and Tsvetaeva acquainted her friend with attractions. However, Osip Mandelstam watched not to the Kremlin and Moscow cathedrals, but on the beloved, which caused a tech smile and the desire to constantly make fun over the poet.

It was after one of such such walks, Mandelstam wrote a poem "gentle gentle", which was dedicated to the Tsvetaeva. It is absolutely not like other works of this author and built on the repetition of single-handed words, which are designed to strengthen the effect of the overall impression and most fully emphasize the advantages of the one that has been honored to be suspended in verses. "Your tender tender face is," here is the first touch to the poetic portrait of Marina Tsvetaeva, who, as the poetess later recognized, did not quite correspond to reality. However, further Mandelstam reveals the character traits of his chosen, telling that it is absolutely not like other women. The author, referring to Tsvetaeva, notes that "from the world of the whole you are far away, and everything is yours - from the inevitable."

This phrase turned out to be a very prophetic. The first part of it hints at the fact that at this time Marina Tsvetaeva randing itself to futurist, so her verses were indeed very far from reality. She often mentally rushed into the future and played the most different scenes from his own life. For example, during this period, she wrote a poem that ended in a string that subsequently became a reality - "My verses, as precious wines, will come."

As for the second part of the phrase in the poem of the master of Mandelstam "more tender," the author would seek to the future and carried out a clear belief that the fate of the color was already predetermined, and it is impossible to change it. Developing this thought, the poet notes that "from the inevitable your sadness" and the "quiet sound of nonsense speeches". You can interpret these lines in different ways. However, it is known that Marina Tsvetaeva very painfully experienced the death of the mother. Plus, in 1916, she broke up with her best friend's friend's friend, to which he experienced very gentle and not only friendly feelings. Returning to her husband in time coincided with the arrival of Mandelstam Osip, who caught Tsvetaeva in a state close to depression. True, behind the fear of feelings and words the poet managed to see something more. He would seek the book of life of Marina Tsvetaeva, in which he saw a lot of frightening and inevitable. Moreover, Mandelstam realized that the poetess itself realizes that it is precipitated by her judge, and accepts it as proper. These knowledge is not dying "Dal Ochra" poetess, which continues to write poems and stay in their, full dreams and fantasies, peace.

Later, Tsvetaeva recalled that her relationship with Mandelshtam was like a novel of two poets, which are constantly arguing, admire each other, compare their works, swear and reiterate. However, this poetic idyll last long, about six months. After that, Tsvetaeva and Mandelstam began to meet much less often, and soon the poetess left Russia at all and, while in emigration, he learned about the arrest and death of the poet, who wrote the epigram on Stalin and had a misfortune to read it publicly that the poet Boris Pasternak equated to suicide.

1916: The First World War is coming, the population is choking in loyal feelings, poets challenge the right more accurately to express the spirit of the era. Great domestic poems of the beginning of the 20th century recalls Vladimir Averin.

Osip Emilevich Mandelshtam (birth name - Joseph) - Poet, Prosecutor and translator, Esseist, critic, literary critic.

Joseph Mandelshtam was born on January 3, 1891 in Warsaw in the family of a glitter. His father was in the merchants of the first guild, which gave him the right to live out of a sidewality, despite the Jewish origin. A year later, the family settles in Pavlovsk, then in 1897 she moved to St. Petersburg. Here he finishes one of the best Petersburg schools - the Tenishevsk Commercial School.

In 1908-1910, Mandelstam is studying in Sorbonne and in Heidelberg University. By 1911, the family began to ruin, and the training in Europe was impossible. To get around the quota for Jews upon admission to the University of Petersburg, Mandelstam is baptized with the Methodist pastor.

In 1910, in the magazine "Apollo" for the first time published his texts. From November 1911, he regularly participates in meetings of the poets shop. In 1912 he enters the group of aqmeist. In 1913, the first book of the poems of Osipa Mandelstam "Stone" was published, immediately putting the author into a number of significant Russian poets. In the prevailed years, Mandelstam is a frequent participant in literary evenings, where he performs with reading his poems

After October 1917, he lives in Moscow, then in Petrograd, then in Tiflis. Chukovsky wrote: "... he never had not only any property, but also a permanent settling - he led a wandering lifestyle, ... I understood the most striking line to be free."

The 1920s were for Mandelstam the time of intense and diverse literary work. New poetic collections were published - Tristia (1922), "The Second Book" (1923), "Poem" (1928). He publishes articles about literature, two books of prose - the story "noise of time" (1925) and "Egyptian Mark" (1928). A few books for children came out.

In the fall of 1933, Mandelstam writes a poem "We live, under no si-country ...", for which in May 1934 was arrested. Next - years of reference and second arrest. The sentence is 5 years of the camps. December 27, 1938 Osip Emilevich Mandelstam died in a hospital bar in the camp under Vladivostok. Rehabilitated posthumously: in the case of 1938 - in 1956, in the case of 1934 - in 1987. The location of the grave of the poet is still not known.

In 1916, Osip Mandelstam lives in St. Petersburg and heads the shop of poets. In his life, Marina Tsvetaeva. Friendship began, a peculiar "poetic" result of which several poems devoted to each other became.

In Petropol transparent we will die
Where the prosepine is owned over us.
We in each sigh of mortal air drink,
And every hour we are a mortal godina.

The goddess of the sea, Terrible Athena,
Remove the mighty stone shell.
In Petropol, we will die transparent, -
Here you reign not you, and Proserpina.

Tender gentle
Your face,
White white
Your hand
From the world of the whole
You are far away
And all yours -
From the inevitable.

From inevitable
Your sadness,
And fingers hands
And quiet sound
And Dal.
Your eyes.

Not believing Sunday miracle,
We walked on the cemetery.
- You know, I earth everywhere
Reminds those hills

Where Russia is broken
Above the sea black and deaf.

From monastic skobors
Wide runs away meadow.
Me from Vladimir's expanses
So wanted to south,
But in this dark, wooden
And the oarodie slobode
With such a foggy monastery
Stay - it means being trouble.

A whole elbow tanned
And the forehead is a piece of wax.
I know - he remained white
Under the dark strand of gold.
Whole brush where from bracelet
Still whites the band.
Tavrida Flame Summer
Creates such miracles.

How soon you have become dumb
And to the save the poor came,
Without breaking kisses
And the pride in Moscow was.
We only have a name:
Wonderful sound for a long time.
With my palms with my
Sand shock.


18.04.2019, 10:10

The great relocation of peoples will change Europe

Evgeny Satanovsky: "The great resettlement of peoples is what it means? There is a mass of the people, who is completely not interested, who lived here and how he lived, she comes from somewhere, where she could not live and does not want to go somewhere where everything seems to her. And she demolides all the way. And it doesn't matter, these are the Huns go to the Roman Empire, these are Tatars-Mongols go to everything in Europe, including Russian principalitys. "

In the summer of 1915, Osip Mandelshtam met in Koktebel with the Coloeee Marina. This event has become a swivel in life, the poet, since he fell in love as a boy. By that time, Tsvetaeva was already married to Sergey Efron and raised her daughter. However, this did not prevent her by reciprocity.

The novel of two signs of Russian literature lasted for a long time and was, on the memoirs of Tsvetaeva, Platonic. In 1916, Mandelstam came to Moscow and met with the poetess. They wandered around the city all day, and Tsvetaeva acquainted her friend with

Attractions. However, Osip Mandelstam watched not to the Kremlin and Moscow cathedrals, but on the beloved, which caused a tech smile and the desire to constantly make fun over the poet.

It was after one of these walks, Mandelstam wrote a poem "tender gentle", which was dedicated to the Tsvetaeva. It is absolutely not like other works of this author and built on the repetition of single-handed words, which are designed to strengthen the effect of the overall impression and most fully emphasize the advantages of the one that has been honored to be suspended in verses. "A gentle tender face is yours," here

The first barcode to the poetic portrait of Marina Tsvetaeva, who, as a later recognized the poetess, did not quite correspond to reality. However, further Mandelstam reveals the character traits of his chosen, telling that it is absolutely not like other women. The author, turning to Tsvetaeva, notes that "from the world of the whole you are far away, and all yours is from the inevitable."

This phrase turned out to be a very prophetic. The first part of it hints at the fact that at this time Marina Tsvetaeva randing itself to futurist, so her verses were indeed very far from reality. She often mentally rushed into the future and played the most different scenes from his own life. For example, during this period, she wrote a poem, which ended in a string that later became a reality - "My verses, like precious wines, will come."

As for the second part of the phrase in the poem of Osip, Mandelstam "tender tender", the author would seek to look into the future and carried out a clear belief that the fate of the color was already predetermined, and it is impossible to change it. Developing this thought, the poet notes that "from inevitable your sadness" and "quiet sound of non-merging speeches." You can interpret these lines in different ways. However, it is known that Marina Tsvetaeva very painfully experienced the death of the mother. Plus, in 1916, she broke up with her best friend's friend's friend, to which he experienced very gentle and not only friendly feelings. Returning to her husband in time coincided with the arrival of Mandelstam Osip, who caught Tsvetaeva in a state close to depression. True, behind the fear of feelings and words the poet managed to see something more. He seemed to read the book of the life of Marina Tsvetaeva, in which he saw a lot of frightening and inevitable. Moreover, Mandelstam realized that the poetess itself realizes that it is precipitated by her judge, and accepts it as proper. These knowledge do not darken the "distance" poetess, which continues to write poems and stay in their, full dream and fantasies, peace.

Later, Tsvetaeva recalled that her relationship with Mandelshtam was like a novel of two poets, which are constantly arguing, admire each other, compare their works, swear and reiterate. However, this poetic idyll last long, about six months. After that, Tsvetaeva and Mandelstam began to meet much less often, and soon the poetess left Russia at all and, while in emigration, he learned about the arrest and death of the poet, who wrote the epigram on Stalin and had a misfortune to read it publicly that the poet Boris Pasternak equated to suicide.

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  4. Osip Mandelstam in his work from time to time appealed to the story, and the plots inspired by the past laid the basis of his works. It happened and with the poem "a little flickering the ghostly scene ...", ...
  5. The issues of the universe were interested in Osipa Mandelstam since childhood. He was fond of various types of accurate sciences, but very soon disappointed in natural science, because he failed to get answers to his questions ....
  6. Marina Tsvevaeva periodically fell in love with women, and in men. Among its elects was Osip Mandelstam, with whom Tsvetaeva met in 1916. This novel proceeded very peculiar, so ...
  7. The acquaintance of Marina Tsvetaeva with Osipom Mandelstam played in the life and work of two bright poet 20 centuries an important role. They drew in each other inspiration and along with ordinary letters long ...
  8. Osip Mandelstam was born in Warsaw, but St. Petersburg always considered his favorite city, where he held children's and youthful years. He had a chance to learn abroad, to be in Moscow, which made a poet ...
  9. The theme of life after the death of the red line passes in the work of Marina Tsvetaeva. Being a teenager, the poetess lost his mother, and for some time she believed that he would certainly meet with her in that other ...
  10. The fate of Osipa Mandelstam has developed quite tragically, and after the revolution, he underwent persecutions from the Soviet power. However, the poet himself did not complain those who arranged a bloody coup in Russia, calling them ...
  11. In 1908, Osip Mandelstam becomes a listener of Sorbonne, studying French literature in the prestigious European University. Along the way, the young poet travels a lot and get acquainted with the sights of the country. One of the deepest ...
  12. The world in the verses of Osip Mandelstam is quite gloomy and incontestation. This is partly due to the fact that the poet's hometown is St. Petersburg, raw, cold and irresistible. But it is in the northern Russian capital ...
  13. The soul of a man is multifaceted, like a crystal, and it is impossible to determine which of the faces will shine under the rays of the sun, and what to turn into the likeness of a dangerous razor. On the properties of human nature in their works ...
  14. In the early 19th century, a group of Russian nobles, who participated in the organization of the uprising on the Senate Square in St. Petersburg, were exiled to Katorga to Siberia. Almost 100 years have passed, Yves 1917 Osip Mandelshtam ...
  15. M. I. Tsvevaeva wrote her poem "youth" in 1921. Each of the two parts of the poem - addressed to youth, which invariably leaves. The poetess speaks in his poem about the burden ...
  16. At the time of the overthrow of the October Revolution, Osip Mandelstam was already fully held by a poet, a highly appreciated master. With the Soviet government, his relationship was contradictory. He liked the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a new state. It...
  17. In the poetry of Osip, Mandelstam there are several iconic metaphors who go from the work in the work. Moreover, on them, as if on a thin thread, all subsequent narratives are rolled, thanks to which amazing ...
  18. Among the many lovers, Marina Tsvetaeva should be allocated to Konstantina Rodzevich, the White Guard officer, with whom the poetess met in emigration. Spouse Tsvetaeva Sergey Efron knew about this a silicon novel, which ended with parting by mutual ...
  19. In the biography of Marina Tsvetaeva there is one very unusual episode associated with the translator of Sofia Gamenik. The poetess fell in love so much in that woman that Sergei Efront's husband left her husband and moved to live ...
  20. Marina Tsvetaeva very early left without mother and for a long time experienced panic fear of death. It seemed to her that this world was suddenly and suddenly to leave - the highest injustice. Chumbled ...
  21. Marina Tsvevaeva met with Osipo Mandelstam in Koktebel at the dacha at the poet Maximilian Voloshin. However, this meeting was fleeting and did not leave the poetess in the soul. She opened for ...
  22. "You are so forgetful, how are unforgettable ..." - poem, dated 1918. It is included in the "comedyant" cycle, dedicated to the well-known actor Yuri Zavadsky. With him Tsvetaeva introduced a common friend - the poet and translator ...
  23. "Of the two books" - the third poetic collection of Tsvetaeva, who saw the light in 1913 in the publishing house "Ole Lukai". Contemporaries initially characterized Marina Ivanovna as a verse that could finely feel the poetry of everyday life, simple ...
  24. After the revolution, Marina Tsvetaeva fully felt all the greatness of the life of the Russian intelligent, which remained without a roof over his head and livestock. For 5 years, which conducted a poetess in ... Early creativity of Marina Tsvetaeva still causes controversy in literary critics. Some of them are convinced that their best works of the poetess created at the turn of 1909-1910. Others impressive more ... Many Russian writers were very painfully experienced the period of their formation and adults. Marina Tsvetaeva in this regard is no exception. In 1921, a few months after his 29th anniversary, the poetess realized ...
Analysis of the poem of Mandelstam "tender tender