Scientifically proven that. Scientifically proven that people who cry often are very strong

The bespectacled people don't just seem smarter - they are actually smart, scientists have found. This isn't just a cliché or a stereotype, new research has shown, and people who wear glasses are indeed intellectually superior to those who have good eyesight.
Scientists from the University of Edinburgh have found a link between poor eyesight and high levels of intelligence. In the largest study of its kind, scientists have found compelling evidence that genetics affects human thought processes.
The study involved more than 300,000 people aged 16 to 102 years.
A total of 148 genes were found associated with good mental performance. Thus, scientists were able to assess how various factors such as vision, blood pressure and life expectancy affect a person's intelligence. After analyzing a huge amount of data, the researchers found a clear link between intelligence and poor vision.
People with high levels of intelligence were 28 percent more likely to wear glasses or lenses, and 32 percent more likely to be nearsighted.

It is also interesting that high mental abilities have a great impact on human health. Besides the fact that smart people are more likely to wear glasses, they are less likely to suffer from hypertension, heart attack, lung cancer and osteoarthritis.
They are 30 percent less likely to experience clinical depression and 17 percent more likely to be centenarians. Although scientists have not yet been able to figure out exactly how these factors affect each other, this connection exists.

3 clear signs of intelligence

Numerous studies have found that these characteristics can also indicate an exceptional intelligence in a person.

1. Good sense of humor

Perhaps the funniest person in the group does not seem to you the smartest. However, the ability to make others laugh requires abstract thinking and critical thinking, as well as developed verbal abilities.
Scientists call the sense of humor "mental exercise." Researchers at the University of New Mexico tested hundreds of people for abstract thinking, verbal intelligence, and the ability to write a good joke.
The results showed that the ability to joke directly depends on high intelligence.

2. Left-handedness

In the past, left-handers were often retrained to write with their left hand. This practice not only led to emotional trauma, but also became a reason for the delay in school.
Fortunately, this approach is now considered outdated, and, moreover, left-handedness indicates that a person can intellectually surpass his peers. A study from the University of Athens found that left-handers were more effective at involving the right hemisphere of the brain, had greater mental flexibility and working memory than right-handers. Also left-handers have more inventive thinking, generate new ideas easier and faster.

3. Anxiety

Scientists have found that strong intelligence is the cause of anxiety. People who tend to worry a lot have more active brains. Numerous studies have shown that high IQ levels correlate with increased anxiety.
As you know, happiness is in the dark. While knowing this will not relieve you of your anxiety, you might be reassured by the fact that you are one of the smartest people in the world.

Incredible facts

How to become an irresistible and attractive person? Everyone will surely have their own answer to this seemingly easy question.

Many people are looking for an answer to it for a long time until they find their zest. Today we will talk about the methods that have been proven by research.

1) Look your partner in the eyes for a long time

Scientists conducted two psychological experiments, during which the volunteers had to look at strangers of the opposite sex for two minutes, without looking away.

It turned out that after such eye contact, people look much more attractive in the eyes of each other.

2) No relationship development? Talk about travel, not movies

After conversations about cinema, less than 9 percent of the participants in the experiment wanted to continue the relationship, while the number of such applicants doubled when the topic of the conversation was travel.

Become irresistible

3) What to do to look more attractive?

It is scientifically proven that we only need thirteen milliseconds to understand how good another person is.

In order to calculate how quickly we determine the attractiveness of another, neuroscientists conducted an interesting experiment. The men and women were shown several photographs of their faces. Among them were both ordinary faces and very beautiful ones. People were asked to rate the attractiveness of faces in photographs.

The trick was that the photos flashed in front of the volunteers very quickly, each face took 13 milliseconds. It is unlikely that something can be seen at such a speed of flickering. However, the participants in the experiment were able to assess the faces very accurately. At the same time, they themselves said that they did not even have time to see them.

Therefore, we have very little time to make an impression, however, there are still things we can do:

Sleep beauty actually helps to look better;

No matter what gender you are, remember that red in your clothes will add points to you;

Women should lower their chin slightly, while men should raise it.

4) Come up with an original pastime

What can help people who have been married for a long time, shake up their relationship, start looking attractive in each other's eyes again? Experts say that the best method is to experience something exciting together.

Psychological research was conducted over 10 weeks, in which experienced couples were provided with either active adventures or a quiet pastime. Eventually, adventure prevailed.

Why do exciting experiences have such a positive effect on relationships? The thing is that the human subconscious does not understand, because of what the owner's heart rate has increased. When we start to worry about whatever, no matter what, we will associate this excitement with the one who was next to us at that moment. Even if the process of excitement itself had nothing to do with this person.

And another important detail: good moments are stronger than bad ones. That is, how you spend your holiday is much more important than how you fight.

How to become attractive

5) What to give?

In order to be very attractive in the eyes of another person, when the question comes about a gift, do not try to be original, but simply give him what he wants, but he will not dare to spend money on it.

6) It's important to ask the right questions

The famous psychologist Arthur Aron conducted a very interesting experiment. His goal was to find a way of quick and deep contact between two people. He concluded that the best way is to ask the right questions.

During the experiment, Aron asked volunteers of both sexes, who did not know each other, to talk for an hour. He wanted to achieve the degree of intimacy that happens between people after many years of life, he came up with a list of 36 questions. Here are some of them:

Have you dreamed of being famous? In what field?

The ability to completely forget unnecessary things and send part of information "for safekeeping" until the right moment is not given to a person by accident.


According to Blake Richards, this allows you not to get hung up on trifles, but to think globally. In this case, it takes much less time to make decisions, and the load of unnecessary details is left overboard. An added bonus is an analytical approach to problem solving. Focusing on fundamental things avoids overloading - the brain simply blocks out unnecessary information.

During normal brain functioning, not everything is recorded in our memory, but only the most important. It is easy to conclude that tons of memorized information is not a sign of intelligence, moreover, often such a "load of knowledge" interferes with concentration.

Forgetting about any little thing once again, do not reproach yourself. Better to think about the research results that prove that your memory is in perfect order and perfectly copes with its work.

Neeee It's not me who came up with this name, this is the author of the post:

"The American researcher Ross Innell presented irrefutable evidence that we live in an artificially created computer world - Cybertronium. The ideas that our world is an illusion have occupied the minds of scientists and researchers for many millennia. This is what the ancient Maya thought, Descartes thought about they shot various films that described the computer "Matrix" and so on.

To prove the unreality of our world, the researcher began to study the predictions made by hundreds of prophets - Nostradamus, Wanga, Casey, Messing and others. Using modern computing technology, he calculated the probability that an event could be predicted in the ordinary physical world. The results of his research were stunning - in the real world, predicting the future is contrary to the laws of physics. In other words, it is impossible to predict the future in the real world. Numerous recorded predictions of the future made by the prophets have proven that the probability that we live in Cybertronium is 99.99999% in the period. "

Post author lenny_van_ross I wrote it back in March, then, also in March, there were a couple more posts and ... a person disappeared. Probably, his computer god punished him for revealing a terrible secret!

Actually, this is sophistry: if predictions contradict the laws of physics, it means that the predictors are charlatans, and those who believe them are naive, and there is no computer world. But the person wrote interestingly. It's a pity that I saw it late, I would have talked to him, but now why ... He is not there. :(

But what does this mean for the average person? What conclusions can he draw from what lives in Cybertronium? Very important. First, realizing that neither he nor the world exists, he can stop worrying and worrying about every occasion. If everything around is a matrix, then you can understand why our world is arranged this way and not otherwise. If it was created by some kind of super-civilization, then it becomes clear why there is violence and evil in the world - looking at a computer simulation where angels flutter all day and the blue sky is probably not interesting to anyone.

Much becomes clear - magic, for example. Magic is nothing more than hacking, an attempt to recode a system.

When you invade the "operating system" it is called a sin. If we are trying to take action against the OS, it is a mortal sin.

And just in general - a person is nothing more than a computer virus that some cosmic terrorist organization launched into an ideal world - Cybertronium. Since there is no antivirus on it, the virus replicates and does its dirty work. What will happen when the antivirus is installed is not clear.

Now you can get an answer to any question. UFO? - It's just broken pixels in the matrix. Riddles of the pyramids? - ancient computer modeling, no one built them, but just made a copy-paste from another computer game. Deja vu? Failure in the code, the source code is poorly written. World Crisis - Pre-planned to make the game more interesting. Paranormal activity? You don't even need to explain anything here - in Cybertronium, the laws of physics act selectively.

Finally, the question of fate has been resolved. Since there is no time in Cybertronium, then both present and past and future events exist simultaneously, therefore the prophets can "hack" the OS and tell us what will happen in the future - for this Cybertronium has always disliked their prophets. Smart too. And it is easier for an ordinary person - knowing that his whole life has long passed and in front of him is just a projection, he can not worry and continue his existence.

In other words, it has finally been proved that neither me nor you exist, and this is a reason for optimism - since you and I are not in this world and there is not even this world itself, it means that you can just enjoy every day, do good people, you can stop saving money for a rainy day, smile when a loved one leaves this world, give women flowers and rejoice at the arrival of spring.


Why does one person shed tears over a dramatic film, while another hardly sheds tears at the death of a loved one? Does this speak about the nature of a person, about his ability to compassion, about human relationships?

Researchers have begun to study the science of tears to help us better understand what a person's tears mean in terms of social, psychological, and neuroscientific views. Recent research shows that crying is not only beneficial, but also critical for mental health and stability.

Tears are part of our emotional package. They provide an effective channel and filter for disturbing thoughts and events. Often, hiding your emotions and hiding tears can lead to long-term psychological damage.

Here are four reasons why you should allow yourself to cry:

1. Tears relieve tension

Thirty years ago, biochemist Alex Goetz discovered that emotional tears carry more protein than unemotional tears (like those from chopping onions), suggesting that important psychological and physiological changes occur within the body when we cry.

He put it this way: “Tears serve an important purpose. Emotional tears shed during moments of intense feeling carry stress hormones and are a way to get rid of them. Even if crying confuses you, it indicates that you have reached a level of stress that damages your health. "

The physical process of deep emotional crying includes muscle spasms, rapid breathing, and tears that build up and then gradually subside. During this process, the body tenses and then relaxes, providing a sense of release and stress and its physiological symptoms dissipate.

2. Tears build mental strength

Crying is a way to validate your emotions and face them. Avoiding or ignoring negative feelings can be detrimental to your mental health and can lead to anxiety and depressive disorder. Or, instead of crying, you can use other less productive coping mechanisms, including alcoholism, drug abuse, or other unhealthy behaviors.

3. Crying helps you cope and heal

Professor Roger Baker of the University of Bournemouth believes that crying is the transformation of a disaster into something material, and this process reduces feelings of resentment. The implication is that when you cry for emotional reasons, you are initiating an emotional healing process.
Tears allow you to highlight and symbolize psychological pain in physical form. Your tears help your recovery.

4. Crying strengthens and promotes relationships

Tears are a positive representation of who we are. Our tears demonstrate our deep emotional connection to our world and show that we care about something.

Crying in front of people reveals your vulnerability and allows others to see that your emotional guard is not working. Crying in difficult or sad situations breaks down emotional walls and gives others the freedom to express themselves.

Scientific evidence of crying makes you feel better. No, it will not solve your problem, change the situation, or bring people back into your life. But it gives you an emotional outlet that starts the healing process, relieves stress, makes you smarter, and fosters relationships.