Masi open house day. Open House Day at Masi

MESI invites you to take part in the open dayfor the following programs:

  • for applicants on the basis of grade 9 (college MESI)

  • for applicants on the basis of grade 11 (university undergraduate programs)

  • for applicants on the basis of secondary vocational education (programs of the Institute of Continuing Education).

Friends, making a choice in favor of a successful career is the lot of serious and promising people! You are building your future by making the decisions you make today. MESI graduates become subjects for imitation of many Russian students. Providing high-quality education, the fruits of which are relevant not only today, but also in demand in the future - this is the task that MESI copes with "perfectly." The MESI bachelor's degree is your first sure step towards a serious and successful career!

Why choose MESI?

  • MESI is in the TOP 10 of the "Strongest Universities of Russia" rating according to Forbes magazine;

  • 13 MESI programs were recognized as winners in the framework of the All-Russian project "The Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia";

  • MESI graduates occupy leading positions in the largest Russian and European companies;

  • We are preferred by over 70 thousand students and listeners, including about 15 thousand foreign citizens from 52 countries of the world;

  • For 2 years MESI has been one of the leaders in information transparency for applicants.

Competitive advantages:

  • 15 areas of training;

  • We give the opportunity to get 2 state diplomas: MESI and a foreign university;

  • 70% of our teachers are practitioners, 85% are candidates of science, 15% are professors;

  • We train more than 80 professional software products that are used by the world's leading companies, such as IBM, MARS, P&G, MICROSOFT, etc .;

  • 100% employment of graduates.

Our graduates are:

  • Mikhailov K. - Project Manager of L'Oreal;

  • K. Pankratova - Marketing Director of the Okhotny Ryad shopping center.

  • M. Yurchenko - Project Manager of Beeline-VimpelCom;

  • D. Baldin - General Director of Rus-Motors LLC;

  • D. Mikheeva - Commercial Director of Neftekhimservice LLC;

  • Bobkov V.P., deputy. Director of the GU Expertise of the Bank of Russia;

  • Drobin S.V., deputy. Head of the State Research Center of the Bank of Russia;

  • T.S. Matveeva, Director of the Settlement Center of Sberbank of Russia;

  • BG Nuraliev, Director of 1C Company;

  • Volzhanin A. V. - President of the Non-Profit Partnership "Self-regulatory organization of arbitration managers of the Central Federal District (PAU CFD)".

  • Business Informatics;

  • State and municipal administration;

  • Innovation;

  • Informatics and Computer Engineering;

  • Information Security;

  • Linguistics;

  • Software and administration of information systems;

  • Management;

  • Applied Informatics;

  • Psychology;

  • Psychological and pedagogical education;

  • Trading business;

  • Personnel Management;

  • Economy;

  • Jurisprudence.

On November 25, 2012 at 12.00 he holds an Open Doors Day.
MESI open days schedule

2012 - 2013 academic year
Month Date Subject
September 2012 September 23, 2012 Directions of training at MESI. Admission rules 2012 Results of admission campaign 2012
October 2012 18 October 2012 * Presentation of MESI Master's Programs
October 2012 October 28, 2012 Directions of training at MESI. Admission rules 2012. Results of the admission campaign 2012. Preparatory courses and Olympiads
November 2012 date to be confirmed 2012 Webinar "How to choose a university - admissions campaign 2013", conducted by the Executive Secretary of the MESI Admissions Committee - Zavrazhnaya E.A.
November 2012 November 25, 2012 Directions of training at MESI. Admission rules 2012. Results of admission campaign 2012. Preparatory courses and Olympiads
February 2013 7 February 2013 * Presentation of MESI Master's Programs
February 2013 14 February 2013 Parents' meeting "Admissions campaign 2013"
February 2013 17 February 2013 Directions of training at MESI. Admission rules 2013
March 2013 March 31, 2013 Directions of training at MESI. Admission rules 2013 Results of admission campaign 2012
April 2013 April 28, 2013 Directions of training at MESI. Admission rules 2013.
April 2013 April 28, 2013 MESI Day. Presentation of the student council MESI, KVN MESI, Theater MESI, feedback from MESI students about studies and extracurricular activities. Great day when you can learn everything, everything, everything!
May 2013 May 19, 2013 Directions of training at MESI. Admission rules 2013 Results of admission campaign 2012

All open days are held at 7, Nezhinskaya st. How can I get to…

Sunday DOD starts at 12:00. Entrance to the building from 11:00.

All events are broadcast on the Internet, and recordings of events are posted on the youtube channel.

* - presentations of master's programs start at 19:00.

** - parent meeting starts at 18:00.

Visit more open days:
  • 25.03

    The open day of the program "Fashion Industry: Theory and Practice" will be held on March 25 in an online format.

  • 26.03
  • 28.03
    State Academic University of Humanities

    GAUGN invites you to an open day!

  • 28.03
    Institute of Public Administration

    Dear Applicants! We are glad to invite you to the open day at our Institute of Public Administration! The open house day will take place on March 28, 2020. Beginning at 11:00.

  • 28.03
    State University of Land Management

    March 28 (Saturday), 2020 11:00 at the State University of Land Management, OPEN DOORS DAY will be held.
    Institute "Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences"

    We invite applicants to the open day of the Faculty of Law, which will be held in Shaninka on March 28.

We are waiting for you to 11.00 .

From 11.00 you will be able to undergo psychological vocational guidance testing, which will help you make the right choice of your future profession. Testing is carried out in the second building in room 25 (we can always take you there).

At the same time, an excursion around MESI will begin. The staff of the MESI information center will acquaint you with the history of the university at the MESI museum, show classrooms, a sports complex, a library and an electronic classroom for free access, tell you about the life and study of students.

In the lobby of the second floor, applicants will be able to take photographs against the background of MESI stands to participate in the "Entrant 2011" competition.

At 11.30 we will start inviting guests to room 202, then, as they fill up - 203, 201. Until 12.00, video materials about the university prepared by MESI students will be broadcast in the classrooms.

A presentation about MESI will begin at 12.00. You will find answers to the questions: what are the advantages of studying at MESI, what additional opportunities our students have, employment opportunities for our students and graduates, as well as the rules for admission to MESI in 2011.

At about 12.45 we will take you to the auditorium according to the chosen institute (faculty). Here you will find speeches of directors of educational institutes, students on areas of training, organization of the educational process, places of practice, internships and employment of graduates.

After that we will be happy to answer all your questions.

At the same time and until the last question in aud. 202 consultations on admission issues will continue.

If you do not have the opportunity to attend the Open House Day in person, we suggest you join the online broadcast on April 17, 2011 at 12.00.

Faculties that will be presented at the Open House:

Institute of Management

. Direction "Management":

Set for basic profiles
1. Organization management
2. Information management
3. Management of the company's competitiveness
4. Project management
5. International management
6. Production management
7. Management in the media

Profile set
1. Anti-crisis management

Profile set
1. Marketing

Recruitment for profiles (target programs)
1. Management in sports
2. Management of the performing arts
3. Management in tourism and hotel business

... Direction "Personnel management":

Set for basic profiles:
1. Management of professional development of personnel
2. Organization, standardization and regulation of labor
3. Employment management

... Direction "Trade":

Set for basic profiles:
1. Commerce
2. Electronic commerce
3. Marketing in sales activities

... Direction "State and Municipal Administration" (without profiles)

Institute of Economics and Finance

... Direction "Economics"

Set for basic profiles:
1. Accounting, analysis and audit
2. Business statistics and forecasting
3. Mathematical methods in economics
4. Taxes and taxation
5. Economy of organizations and enterprises
6. Labor economics

Recruitment for profiles:
1. Investment activity
2. Financial management
3. Finance and banking

Set for the profile "World Economy"

Institute of Computer Technology

... Direction "Innovatics"

Profile set:
1. Management of innovations in information and communication sphere

... Direction "Informatics and Computer Engineering"

Profile set:
1. Automated information processing and control systems

... Direction "Information Security"

Recruitment for profiles:
1. Security of automated systems
2. Information and analytical systems of financial monitoring

... Direction "Mathematical support and administration of information systems"

Recruitment for profiles:
1. System programming
2. Administration of information systems

... Direction "Applied Informatics"

Recruitment for profiles:
1. Applied Informatics in Economics
2. Applied Informatics in Management

... Applied Informatics in Education and Educational Technologies

Institute of Law and Humanities Education

... Direction "Psychology"

Profile set:
1. Organizational psychology

... Direction "Psychological and pedagogical education"

Recruitment for profiles:
1. Electronic pedagogy
2. Practical psychology in education

... Direction "Jurisprudence"

Recruitment for profiles:
1. Civil law
2. Financial law
3. Legal support of information security "International Law"
4. Legal bases of state and municipal administration

... Direction "Linguistics"

Recruitment for profiles:
1. Translation and translation studies
2. Theory and practice of intercultural communication