Medical Institute IKBFU I. Kanta develops postgraduate education

I have been studying at the IKBFU for several years now and I want to say that my university completely suits me. At my institute (IRTiFK) I never had problems with tests and exams, you can negotiate with teachers (not with money, but with words), they are always ready to meet halfway, if it is elementary to attend couples and do dz. I live in a hostel, everything is cool, there are no cockroaches, the coolest commandant (Nevsky 14b, V.V.). For 3 years of physical training, there have never been any serious problems, despite the fact that I missed classes, and not one or two, all the same, the points required for passing came out. I actively participate in the life of the university and thanks to my native IKBFU I have visited several cities of Russia in various projects. Our university provides a large number of opportunities, all sorts of projects, forums, exchanges, internships, scholarships, the main thing is to want and not be lazy to look at the university groups in social networks, so that later you will not complain that the IKBFU is bottoming out and gives nothing. I believe that our university really gives opportunities and prospects, but for this you need to do something yourself, and not just wait for happiness to fall from the ceiling. I don't know about other institutes, but my friends study in different ones, and each of them, like me, participates in the life of the university and studies normally.
For those who think that our university is the very bottom, I advise you to start looking at life more positively, and people around you will become better, and the university will not be so terrible.

Institute of Living Systems

When I entered the IKBFU, I saw all these negative reviews, but that did not stop me, and after studying for a year, I dropped out)))
In my stupid naivety, I thought that a person is responsible for his own education, to some extent this is so. But when you enter a natural science direction, you have some kind of opinion that you should work in laboratories, you should have subjects related at least by name to the chosen specialty, but not a damn thing, instead of biological disciplines in the first semester you'll have all sorts of design thinking stuff. In the second semester, of course, "normal" subjects will appear, but do not forget this IKBFU, but here is a modular system, so you will still have everything: biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics, as in school.
I studied in the direction of "biology", the teacher in biology came to the lecture once, the rest of the time either there were no couples, or undergraduate students, undergraduates bl ** b led. They behaved lousy, I understand everything, the student could be confused by his inexperience, but the devil, why torture them then?
There are a lot of questions for the university, how does it get accredited in general? Whom does he train competent specialists or f ** k what? In general, there are a lot of questions. Well, as they say, do the right thing))

I have been studying at IKBFU for a long time. I. Kanta did not face those "problems" about which some people write.
A good university that takes care of its students does a large number of activities, programs, and other extracurricular and educational work. Another question, do you yourself use what the university provides? Or do you sit like sofa critics and scold the university?
I have never had any problems with teachers. All normal, adequate people with whom you can joke and consult. They always try to meet and find compromises or negotiate. The subjects are interesting, bring up and give information quite easily and interestingly, if you don't understand something, they will always explain in more detail and show / tell examples.
For all the time of physical education there were no problems. Yes, she missed, and missed for various reasons, but there were always enough points. In the end, it was not in vain that the work off for the students was done. You don’t want to go to detentions and don’t want to deal with physical problems later, so don’t miss. Your joint, fix it. Please be responsible for your actions, and do not blame everything on others, not small children.
She led an active student life and, as already ...
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isala, IKBFU does a lot for a student if he sees that he is interested. Thank you for the support he provides, thanks to the University, she has visited other cities and countries, and also participated in cool projects, both local and federal. And you know, everything was cool! Most of the friends I have are people from these projects. And it's such an unreal feeling when you find your like-minded people.
If you want to be cool at the University, so do something for this. Nobody owes you anything except getting an education. Go to events, to KVN, to performances, to some meetings with successful people, do not sit in your rooms watching TV shows all day long.
There will always be those who like it and who don't like it, but as it was already written here: “For those who think that our university is the very bottom, I advise you to start looking at life more positively, and people around will become better, and the university will not be so terrible. "
Start doing at least something and everything will become much better, more interesting and you yourself will like everything) Good to everyone!

Institute of Living Systems

In principle, the university is not bad. I like the fact that here you can meet students not only from all over Russia but also from other countries) There are, of course, their own shoals, but for those who are ready to spin - everything is quite real. At my institute (IZhS) you can always find something to your liking and a lab, managers constantly come up with and organize events that make the educational process many times more interesting! The hostel ... There were cockroaches somehow, but they have not met for many years (pah-pah-pah), I am glad that the room can be arranged as conveniently (make it in a specific style, for example). Teachers, well, like everywhere else: there are those whose lectures are breathtaking, and there are those whose name you do not remember even on the exam)) In general, it's cool when you tell someone from the region that you are studying at the IKBFU on a budget - right away respect in the eyes of people) And many more opportunities (both personal, all sorts of circles, sections, volunteering, etc., and study - exchange, internships, and so on) In general, I love the IKBFU, it was worth it - to enter here )

Disgusting institution. They also promise modern education, technique and conditions for practice, in fact you get n * c * me, a bunch of useless items not in the direction. Teachers are different, but there are enough of those who will interfere with you with g * vn * m and you will not do anything about it, because everyone is fucked. You sit for three hours listening to a teacher who reads the presentation in a sad voice, and even if you're lucky, it often happens that the teacher does not come to the lecture at all and then hop! and exam. And you get all this by paying big money for training.
It's strange that no one left a review from honey, there is generally some kind of n * s * ets.
I regret the time and money spent. And no, your desire to learn has nothing to do with what you see at the university. The leadership is generally not interested in educating its students and creating conditions for normal learning. If you are going to apply for a contract, think about it 10 times better and turn it down if you don't like something after a month, it won't be better.

Now the cons.
There are many cons.
1) Low level of students. The guys who were really interested in the specialty made up about 12% of all students. It seems that the guys come here only because of the army, and the girls in order to at least enter somewhere. There were a lot of humanities in the technical specialty who did not understand anything at all in mathematics and programming, it is, of course, very difficult for them to study.
2) Total control of visits, homework, etc., but this is a consequence of point 1. For people who are interested in learning and in a specialty, point 2 is completely useless.
3) As many wrote - physical education. I had an exemption from practical training, so this problem did not bother me. But I saw how the guys suffer with a set of hours per semester.
4) Watch for special items ...
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very much reduced. Many in other universities studied improper integrals and series in mathematical analysis at the end of the 1st year, but we did not have this topic in the 1st year. Accordingly, the hours are really very few. Instead of special subjects, they introduced all sorts of leftist modules and practice (yes, practice at the end of the 1st year).
5) All sorts of innovations like "business course". The course on business is mandatory for some areas. In my year it was an experiment, but now the bfu wants to make a course in business for all areas of the 1st course every year. The course teaches entrepreneurship. students are divided into teams and make a project in a week, and then a competitive selection is made among projects for certificates of 25, 50 and 100 thousand rubles for further business development.
In this competition in 2019, a certificate for 100 thousand was won by people who did not even make a presentation for their project (although this was mandatory). The project was to create an application where students can buy term papers, essays, diplomas, etc. ... Here are the projects that win in this course.
When we performed, the jury was incompetent and humiliated us at all, although this university forced us to participate in this course without fail. We made such a project, which was enough imagination to do, and then no one had the right to humiliate us.
Conclusion: it all depends on the faculty.
The Faculty of Physics and Mathematics teaches more or less, and there is a sincere atmosphere. If you are a techie and becoming a tough specialist and having a prestigious diploma is not a priority for you, then go to the bfu.
Personally, I went from there to another university.

The first graduates of doctors who were educated in Kaliningrad began to work in hospitals and clinics in the region. The director of the Medical Institute of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Doctor of Medicine, Professor Sergei KORENEV tells about the training of medical personnel for the westernmost Russian region.

Sergei Vladimirovich, speaking about the past of the medical institute, it is difficult to say unequivocally: is he young or keeps old traditions?

In the history of the institute, both youth and antiquity are surprisingly intertwined. The roots of the history of medical education in our city go back to 1544, when the University of Königsberg was founded, which has carried out educational and scientific activities for four centuries. Old European universities, as a rule, consisted of four faculties: the "lower" - philosophical and three "higher" - theological, legal and medical. In Koenigsberg, the Faculty of Medicine trained specialists until the 1944/1945 academic year.

A new point of the report was in 2006, when, on the initiative of the regional government, a medical faculty was opened, six years later transformed into a university medical institute. The first enrollment of students was 48 people. Gradually, the university expanded, new departments were opened. The number of students also grew: at present, more than 500 students are receiving higher education in six courses. After joining the University of the Kaliningrad Medical College, the institute provides training in six programs of secondary vocational education.

Perhaps no other industry, with the exception of information technology, is undergoing such rapid changes as in medicine. How can an institution keep up with new technologies?

From a practical point of view, the medical institute is relatively young, this year it turned seven years old. We can say that our work begins with a blank slate, and our activity is not burdened with conservatism: the university is developing taking into account modern requirements and trends - both in science and in higher medical education.

It is worth noting that the geographical location of Kaliningrad contributes to the orientation of the university to the achievements of not only Russian higher education, but also European: many students regularly undergo practical training in Poland, Germany, Lithuania, Sweden. Due to the territorial proximity of the borders, it is somewhat easier for us to organize work with leading foreign clinics and research centers and participate in international projects.

In order to keep pace with the times, the institute is working on introducing new technologies into the learning process. Of course, they are also used in many other Russian universities: for example, a simulation center has been created to improve students' practical skills, which allows them to practice clinical situations on robots and simulators. It recreates the working conditions in the delivery room, endoscopic operating room, intensive care unit and intensive care unit. The Institute widely uses telemedicine with online broadcasts from operating rooms and maternity hospitals. A bank of standard operations is currently being created.

- When training medical personnel, cooperation with clinics and hospitals attached to the university is of great importance. What tendency can be traced in solving this issue, how is the mastery of practical skills and abilities carried out?

Establishing partnerships with hospitals is a very important issue, heads of all medical universities in the country will agree with this. The government and the Ministry of Health of the Kaliningrad region provide significant support to the institute - so that students have the opportunity to master practical skills, all questions about basic clinics are resolved quickly and constructively.

The general line of the federal educational standard is the training of graduates who know the practice, and to obtain medical experience, of course, training on robots and simulators is not enough, it is necessary to improve skills at the patient's bedside. Students are as busy as possible with practical work, which consists of supervising patients, compiling case histories in almost all clinical disciplines, on duty, including night, in hospitals, surgical, therapeutic, gynecological departments. Summer practice begins immediately after completing the first course. This rather painstaking work bears fruit: along with the creation of a good theoretical foundation, students receive valuable professional skills.

The main wealth of any university is, first of all, not the material and technical base, but the teaching staff.

It is too early to say that the institute has traditions and certain scientific schools have been created - all this becomes the task of the next stage of development. At first, it was necessary to decide the question of equipping the university with experienced personnel and conduct a careful selection of the teaching staff for the conduct of a particular specialty. On the one hand, work within the framework of a federal university made it possible to involve in teaching such basic disciplines as biology, chemistry, philosophy, foreign languages, and employees of the university. But in specialized disciplines at the time of the opening of the medical institute, the city and the region could not provide it with experienced staff of the teaching staff, so specialists from other medical universities were invited. The requirements were quite strict, and the competition sometimes amounted to four or five people per seat, but there was no disappointment in the people who started work.

A recognized authority in the field of higher medical education, therapy and cardiology is Professor R.S. Bogachev, under whose leadership 22 candidate and doctoral dissertations were defended. The students learn the basics of surgery from the candidates of medical sciences I.Z. Weisbein, L.V. Savich, doctors of medical sciences S.G. Maltseva, V.V. Yurchenko, A.A. Fominykh. The basics of obstetrics and gynecology are taught by such specialists as Professor O.N. Kharkevich, Candidates of Medical Sciences N.D. Klimenko, V.N. Rustle. The main scientific direction of Professor V.A. Izranova is human anatomy and ultrasound diagnostics. Doctors of medical sciences N.K. have a great scientific and pedagogical experience. Tikhonova, Yu.E. Morozov, L.V. Volkova, candidates of medical sciences V.F. Bondarenko, E.V. Kirienkova, N.B. Bulieva, L.A. Shilkina, T.N. Nikitina, O. M. Khrebtov, V.I. But-Gusaim.

At the invitation of the institute, professors and associate professors from medical universities in Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Kursk, Orenburg, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Smolensk and many other regions of the Russian Federation came to Kaliningrad. And today from the regions monthly applications are received about the desire to get a job at the institute. On the whole, the personnel problem has been resolved, and now there is the question of creating scientific schools. The university pins great hopes in this both on the current staff and on its graduates.

The famous Latin expression - "consumor aliis inserviendo" or "shining on others, I burn myself" - emphasizes the tradition of self-sacrifice inherent in the work of doctors. But the torch of love for people is lit by professors and associate professors ...

The leadership of the institute and the university has the most reverent attitude to educational work, since our graduates go to serve people. Probably, at all times it was customary to speak disapprovingly of young people. But, fortunately, all these complaints and prophecies remain an empty phrase: we are being replaced by a good generation. It is necessary to see with what desire and understanding the students of the institute participate in the Donor Days, the charitable action "Hospital for plush animals" and many others, revealing the spiritual generosity of young people. Patronage is carried out over two orphanages, excellent relations are maintained with city schools, where special classes are held on the basis of medical classes, including on the education of future medical workers. And the educational process at the university itself is permeated with the spirit of education.

Many aspects of the character of a future specialist are formed by scientific activity. Every year, our students give reports in Minsk (Belarus), Lubeck (Germany), Gdansk (Poland), Klaipeda (Lithuania), Moscow, Smolensk, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk.

A number of higher educational institutions train doctors, but the shortage of medical personnel remains. What is the situation with employment?

From conversations with senior students, it is clear that the overwhelming majority of them would like to work in the region. And today there is a large selection of vacancies in both Kaliningrad and regional clinics. Our medical institute was created because there was a problem of a shortage of medical personnel in the region. Of course, the first graduation of the internship, from which the overwhelming number of specialists came to regional clinics, is not able to solve all personnel problems, but it is important that the work on training medical personnel is proceeding in a planned and purposeful manner.

What needs to be done to develop the system of medical education in the region, and what prospects have the institute staff outlined for themselves?

It is important for a medical institute to create scientific schools. The university attracts professors with almost only one desire: to become leaders in their field, specialization. We need to build a system of scientific schools, which are proud of any, not only medical universities in the country. And the second important area is the development of the system of postgraduate education (internship, residency, advanced training of doctors) in the most popular areas. Significant work lies ahead to create specialized educational laboratories for postgraduate education.

Future doctors can complete all stages of training in order to start treating on their own in Kaliningrad

Medical education is undoubtedly one of the most difficult. Even after graduating after six years of study, you are not eligible to apply for a job. This is only the first step, followed by two years of residency or one year of internship - only after that you can carry out independent practice in the specialty you have chosen. However, even these impressive terms do not mean that you can relax: a doctor must study all his life, constantly confirming his qualifications.

Before work - eight years of study

A school graduate who dreams of becoming a doctor should understand that at least 8 years will pass before he begins to work independently and be accepted as a doctor. All this time, a person studies in order to obtain a certain specialization: surgeon, therapist, gynecologist, etc., says Sergey Korenev, professor, doctor of medical sciences, director of the Medical Institute of the IKBFU. I. Kant. - The Medical Institute of our university has created a decent base, which fully provides undergraduate education in the specialty of "general medicine" - this is practically all specialties, with the exception of the dentist and pharmacist. Now we are actively developing postgraduate education, so that our graduates go through a narrow specialization after graduation, and the opportunity to get a quality education appears for children who graduated from other medical universities. Nowadays, not only residents of Kaliningrad study in our internship and residency: half of them are graduates from other universities in Russia, Moldova, Georgia, Belarus.

To date, 13 areas of residency have been licensed and eight - internships (which in the Russian Federation will end its existence in a year). The residency is represented by the most popular areas: obstetrics and gynecology, anesthesiology - resuscitation, allergology and immunology, dermatovenerology, neurology, surgery, traumatology and orthopedics, clinical pharmacology, pathological anatomy, cardiology, pediatrics, oncology, ultrasound diagnostics.

- For example, Professor, Doctor of Science Robert Bogachev is responsible for the residency in cardiology, Professor, Doctor of Science Svetlana Perepelitsa is responsible for the residency in cardiology, Professor, Doctor of Sciences Svetlana Perepelitsa, for obstetrics and gynecology, Professor, Doctor of Science Alexander Pashov, etc. Two years already fully qualified specialists devote to practice in one chosen narrow direction, - Sergey Korenev explained.

By the way, all graduates have to enroll in residency anew, on a general basis: a test exam, an interview in the chosen direction are taken. Budget places are allocated based on the results, there is also a contract form of training.

- In addition to internship and residency, postgraduate and doctoral studies can be a continuation of higher medical education - purely scientific areas that we also plan to develop in our institute, - added the director of the institute.

Hone skills on simulators

The IKBFU Medical Institute is the youngest and most dynamic developing unit of the university. He conducts admission to secondary and higher medical education, more than 1,200 students, dozens of interns and residents, as well as more than five hundred students of advanced training courses study at the institute during the year.

As for the learning process itself, it is provided by a highly qualified teaching staff: leading professors and associate professors of medical universities in Moscow, St.Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Smolensk, Orenburg, Omsk, Krasnoyarsk, who have moved to work at the IKBFU for permanent work. I. Kant.

Visiting lecturers from other countries also come to the students of the Federal University. Theory is competently combined with practice in the largest clinics of our city (regional clinical hospital, emergency hospital, regional perinatal center, etc.), as well as clinics in Russia, Lithuania, Poland and Germany.

It is worth noting the excellent equipment of the institute: modern laboratories, its own clinical diagnostic and educational simulation centers, an anatomical theater.

- Today's training standards include training on simulators, robots and simulators. The university invests heavily in such equipment, and now senior students and interns-residents, before after mastering the theory go directly to the patient's bed, practice their practical skills in surgery, therapy, obstetrics and other specialties on robots specially designed for these tasks, - commented Sergey Korenev.

Immanuel Kant IKBFU Medical Institute

Engineering and Technical Institute

Despite progress and the post-industrial era, the modern world still needs blue collars - those who know how to work with their heads and hands. These are specialists who construct and maintain buildings, repair cars, operate the most complex machines in production, deal with logistics and labor protection. At the institute, you can get both secondary (college) and higher education. There is a Master's degree ("Car Service Management", "Transport Processes Management") and postgraduate studies.

The Institute has a modern infrastructure, which includes 14 laboratories of technical and engineering profiles: assessment of the technical condition and repair of cars; metrology and standardization; strength of materials and structures; electrical engineering and radio electronics; assessing the condition of the roadway and measuring the intensity of traffic flows; service of oil and gas equipment; mechanical engineering; mechanical processing of materials; mechatronics and others.

The institute has a scientific and educational center for mechanical engineering and shipbuilding. The infrastructure of the institute includes a unique Aviation Center for the training and retraining of specialists for the aviation industry with a real, decommissioned, Boeing 737 aircraft.

Institute of Humanities

The Institute for the Humanities is the largest structural subdivision of the IKBFU. I. Kant. These are 14 directions and specialties of training, 2.5 thousand undergraduate and graduate students, 250 teachers and researchers. The focus of the scientific policy of the Institute of the Humanities is the study of the civilizational dialogue between Russia and the West.

Priority scientific areas - intellectual history, Kant's philosophy and modern Kantianism, technologies of cultural exchange and interlingual transfer, Russian in the global world, media communications, international studies in the Baltic region.

Of particular importance is the interaction actively supported by the Institute with partner universities in Europe, thanks to which intellectual exchange between Russian and foreign students and teachers is ensured, and a single scientific and educational space is formed in the Baltic region and beyond.

Institute of Living Systems

The Institute of Chemistry and Biology trains specialists in natural science specialties, which implies the immersion of the student in the world of chemistry, biology, biomedicine, his constant presence in the atmosphere of modern biotechnology and chemical technologies. That is why the institute follows the path of integrating science and education, introducing a large number of design processes. Naturally, the institute did not forget about theoretical training, and not only in basic and special disciplines. Much attention is paid to the formation of students' skills in presenting themselves and their projects, which plays an important role in the formation of a highly qualified specialist. The Institute of Chemistry and Biology implements all stages of training: from undergraduate to postgraduate studies. Naturally, no matter what direction our student chooses, he will be able to realize himself not only in the real sector of the economy, but also in science, as well as in the development sector.

One of our main tasks is to develop students' skills and desire to create new products. By immersing them in an atmosphere of research and development, we rely on the experience and knowledge of our employees, many of whom are world-renowned scientists. At the heart of training at the institute is project activity, which involves interaction with a potential employer and the implementation of a real, not a training topic. Thus, we make the educational process as close as possible to real life, and the implementation of the project, in fact, is already a practical experience.

Institute for Nature Management, Territorial Development and Urban Planning

What is home? This is our planet, our city, the building in which we live and work. It is for those who strive to make our common Home more comfortable and beautiful, more convenient and understandable that our Institute has been created.

Students receive fundamental knowledge and practical skills on topical issues of geography, geoecology and oceanology, specializing in the research of the Baltic Sea. We help to gain knowledge in the field of design, construction, reconstruction, operation of construction sites, design, land management and cadastres.

To ensure effective and high-quality training, we have equipped our laboratories with the most modern equipment. Students, undergraduates, postgraduates, within the framework of their scientific projects, carry out analyzes of water and soil, building materials and the quality of construction of objects, carry out accurate geodetic measurements and cadastral valuation of land, create projects in the field of urban planning, architecture, design. Practices for students and undergraduates take place on the coast of the Baltic Sea, in the village of Rybnoye. Students take part and win in international professional competitions, exhibitions and olympiads.

Institute of Recreation, Tourism and Physical Education

The tourism and hospitality industry, cultural project management, choreography, physical culture and professional sports - these are the areas and directions that are steadily developing in our institute. Among the graduates there are successful managers of travel companies, winners of the most prestigious international and all-Russian tournaments (including the Olympic Games and World Championships), laureates of choreographic competitions of various levels. These results were made possible by the most experienced teachers, trainers and choreographers, as well as the availability of the necessary infrastructure.

The Institute has:

  • own hotel and hostel (for practicing hospitality skills);
  • swimming pool, outdoor stadium with all-season artificial turf, multifunctional sports complex, courts for beach sports;
  • specialized choreographic halls.

In training specialists, the partners of the Institutes are the most successful travel companies, hotel and health centers, leading educational centers in Russia, Poland, Lithuania and Germany.

Institute of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Information Technologies

The Institute of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Information Technologies is a modern scientific and educational structure in the field of radio physics, fundamental and technical physics, information systems and technologies, infocommunication technologies and communication systems, information systems and technologies, information security.

The priority task of the institute is the implementation of full-fledged engineering and natural science training of graduates, the formation of their key professional competencies.

The scientific infrastructure for research is concentrated in the Science and Technology Park "Fabrika", which unites laboratories in the main areas of scientific activity of the Institute, the Center for Shared Use for Research of Nanomaterials and the Technopark "Quantorium", which serves as a platform for the implementation of youth science.

Institute of Economics and Management

The Institute prepares specialists in economic and managerial profile with professional mobility to work in companies of national and international level.

The Institute conducts training in educational programs in the field of enterprise financial management; organization management; marketing; sales management; financial planning and controlling.

We use extensive partnerships to ensure the quality of training of specialists:

  • with the University of Göttingen (Germany), the University of Grenoble-2 and the University of Lille (France) for "double" degree programs and academic exchanges;
  • cooperation with leading universities and economic organizations in Russia and Europe (inviting leading lecturers, scientific consultants; conducting master classes, conferences, seminars, round tables);
  • cooperation with the business community within the framework of organizing the work of the institute's Schools of Professional Skills;
  • participation in the work of business associations.

Medical Institute

The combination of theoretical training with permanent practice in leading medical institutions in Russia, Lithuania, Poland and Germany makes the graduates of the medical institute competitive in the country and abroad.

The personnel base of the training process is made up of professors of the best medical universities in Russia, who have arrived for permanent work at the IKBFU. & NbspKant. The institute has theoretical and clinical departments and departments equipped at the most modern level, its own simulation clinic and anatomical theater, and a medical library. The Medical Scientific and Practical Center serves as a good testing ground for scientific discoveries of any level - from student ideas to professorial research.

The Institute actively cooperates with leading medical institutions and universities in Russia, Poland, Germany, Lithuania. Lectures for students of the Institute by leading professors from Germany, France, Denmark have become a good tradition. Academic exchanges of students, teachers in scientific and educational activities have been established.

Institute of Law

A good lawyer is the backbone of any organization's work. And an excellent lawyer is the key to her future success. That is why graduates of our Institute are in demand by both regional and foreign employers.

Obtaining a higher legal education, our students can choose one of four specializations:

  • international and European law;
  • jurisprudence in public authorities;
  • lawyer in the field of business and protection of property rights;
  • criminal justice, law enforcement and expert activities.

The Institute cooperates with authorities and law enforcement agencies (prosecutors, customs, police, courts, tax service, etc.), with legal companies and leading universities in Russia, the United States and Europe.

The Institute uses the principles of practice-oriented learning and has a modern infrastructure:

  • an educational courtroom, where students have the opportunity to view and discuss real trials;
  • center for legal informatics;
  • forensic center with forensic training ground;
  • a multimedia center, two reading rooms with specialized legal literature in Russian, English and German.

The Institute operates a legal clinic, where students, under the guidance of the most experienced teachers and practitioners, communicate with citizens on legal issues, gaining practical experience in legal advice. The Institute has many years of successful experience of academic interaction with the law faculties of the universities of Göttingen and Marburg (Germany), the University of Turku (Finland), the University of Bergen (Norway).

The Institute is especially proud of international conferences and summer schools, which welcomes leading faculty and legal practitioners from around the world.