Material help. Scholarships and other forms of financial support Priced knowledge is better remembered

Material support for students

    1. Financial aid is a form of social support for needy students and is a lump sum payment. Material assistance can be provided to students on a personal application with supporting documents attached in the following cases:
      • Difficult financial or family situation (orphans, disabled people, Chernobyl victims, war veterans, from single-parent or large families with a child, non-working parents, parents of disabled persons or pensioners, with chronic diseases, high travel expenses to the place of study and permanent residence, etc.) .p. categories);
      • Death of a close relative (mother, father, wife, husband, child)
      • Accident, natural disaster, other circumstances that entailed serious consequences (theft, fire, etc.);
      • The birth of a child;
      • Serious illness or surgery;

In the event of the death of a student, financial assistance can be provided to parents or family members in order to partially cover the costs of the funeral.

Financial assistance is issued once a calendar year and is paid on a scholarship card

  1. Students from among orphans and children left without parental care, studying full-time, are paid an annual allowance in the amount of 3-month stipends, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, for the purchase of educational literature and writing materials.
  2. Students who take maternity leave are paid benefits in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Nonresident students may be partially compensated expenses for travel to the permanent place of residence during the holidays.

The application is accompanied by certificates or photocopies of documents confirming eligibility for material assistance by category, namely:

Orphans - a photocopy of the parents' death certificate (court order on deprivation of parental rights).
Disabled - certificate of disability.
Chernobyls - certificate of residence in the area exposed to radiation from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
Participants in hostilities - a photocopy of a combat participant's ID.
Single-parent family - a copy of the divorce (or death) certificate + a copy of the passport of the parent with whom the student was left (pages: photo, marital status).
The large family - a copy of the certificate of a large family; if the youngest is over 16 years old, then a certificate from the educational institution.
Birth of a child
Having a child - a photocopy of the child's birth certificate.
Non-working parents - photocopies of work books with a record of dismissal (reduction) from the last place of work.
Parents with disabilities or retirees - photocopies of certificates of disability or pension certificates.
With chronic diseases - a confirmation certificate from a medical institution.
High costs of travel to the place of study and permanent residence - travel tickets of the established form.
Death of a close relative (mother, father, wife, husband, child) - a photocopy of the death certificate.

The application can be submitted in person to the Trade Union Organization or through the student's personal account on the university website.

Material help - this is a cash payment that can be provided to students and graduate students studying at the expense of the federal budget, within the funds allocated to the educational unit (physics and technology school, institute).

The basis for the provision of material support is a statement from the student and supporting documents attached to the application.The application for the provision of material assistance can be filled out and given to the directorate of the educational unit or filled out on the spot.

The training unit reviews applications from students on a monthly basis and makes its decision.

List of grounds and amounts of material support payments to needy students

Supporting documents

Material support amount

Frequency of financial assistance

1. Students receiving state social assistance

Students receiving state social assistance

Application, copy of a certificate of receipt of state. social assistance

Monthly upon submission of the application

2. Students with a difficult financial situation

Students whose total income does not exceed the subsistence level per capita in the city of Moscow

Application supporting documents (if any), a petition from the chairman of the student council (trade union organizer, headman)

Not more than the size of the subsistence minimum for an able-bodied person in the city of Moscow

Monthly upon submission of documents

Students for whom both parents do not work, one or both parents are disabled I, II groups or unemployed pensioners, single-parent family

Application supporting documents (medical certificates, certificates from the social protection authorities, VTEK conclusions, copies of pension certificates, a certificate from the labor exchange, a copy of a divorce certificate, etc.)

Students with children

Application, copy of birth certificate baby

3. Students who find themselves in difficult life situations that require material costs that they cannot cope with on their own

Students in need of treatment and restoration of health due to illness, accident

Application, copies of relevant documents - certificates, cash receipts, confirmed by a medical institution with an extract from the medical history

The size is determined by the scholarship commission based on the submitted documents

Students who have fallen into a difficult financial situation as a result of extraordinary circumstances (fire, accident, accident, etc.), who have become victims of a crime (theft, robbery, etc.)

Statement, statement of damage to personal property (copy), police report and / or police certificate of theft, etc. (copies)

Students who have lost close relatives. Close relatives - spouse, spouse, parents, children, adoptive parents, adopted children, brothers and sisters

Application, death certificate (copy), student's birth certificate (copy), copy of student's passport (personal information and registration)

Not more than double the subsistence level for an able-bodied person in the city of Moscow

4. Students who find themselves in certain life situations that require significant material costs, with which they cannot cope on their own

Trainees who made a trip to the place of residence and back

Application supporting documents: originals of tickets, boarding passes (round trip) with the student's full name or a certificate from Russian Railways / airline / road transport organization

The amount is determined by the scholarship commission for travel documents once a semester **

No more than once a semester

(limited by economy class)

Married learners

Application, marriage certificate (copy), copy of student's passport (personal information and registration)

Not more than the size of the subsistence minimum for an able-bodied person in the city of Moscow

At the same time when submitting documents

Students who are on maternity leave, as well as those who are registered in a medical institution in the early stages of pregnancy

Application, medical certificate, sick leave of a medical institution

Not more than the size of the subsistence minimum for an able-bodied person in the city of Moscow

At the same time when submitting documents

Donor learners

Statement, donation certificate

Not more than the size of the minimum state academic scholarship

At the same time when submitting documents

5. Other students

Other students

Supporting documents or detailed justifications confirming the special financial situation of the student or an extract from the Register of Special Needy

The size is determined by the scholarship commission, but not more than 15% of the material support fund

At the same time when submitting documents

* In some cases, these payments can be summed up.

** The amount and expediency of payment is determined by the decision of the scholarship commission.

Material support to needy students is provided in five categories-grounds and is determined by applying coefficients to the standard of the state academic scholarship for the formation of the scholarship fund, established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1390 of December 17, 2016.

To obtain material support, a student must contact his Training Department.

The basis for the provision of material support is the student's personal application, filled in with his own hand, with the obligatory indication of the date of filling and the category-basis for the provision of material support, confirmed by the attachment of the full set of documents specified in Table 1.

A student can use material support no more than once a semester. By category 5.1. and 5.2. the number of times of providing material support to students is accepted at a meeting of the MAI Scholarship Commission, depending on the circumstances that have arisen.

If, when registering material support for category 3.1., The ticket was purchased in non-documentary form (electronic ticket), then a boarding pass is required to confirm the fact of the flight. A boarding pass is an integral document when checking in for a flight. In the absence of a boarding pass, you must provide a certificate containing the information necessary to prove the flight, issued by the air carrier or its representative.

The basis for the provision of material support by categories 2.5., 3.1. in case of early passing of the examination session and, accordingly, early travel / flight, a copy of the student's record book with the seal of the dean's office / directorate of the Educational Unit, indicating the date of the session, is presented.

Certificates confirming the validity of the reasons for the provision of material support must be valid at the time of delivery of the completed order to the scholarship group of the cash settlement department of the Financial Accounting and Financial Control Department (SJSC, room 131).

During the period of being on academic leave for medical reasons, as well as maternity leave, parental leave until the child reaches the age of three years, students can apply for material support.

Download for the provision of material support in 2018.

Material support for urgently needed students

Material support for urgently needed students (hereinafter referred to as the APOS Material Support) is provided to students enrolled in full-time education at the MAI, which may include:

  • students - orphans;
  • disabled students;
  • students with children;
  • students - participants in hostilities;
  • students from large families;
  • students - Chernobyl victims;
  • students with disabled parents, retired parents;
  • students from single-parent families;
  • students who are registered with chronic diseases;
  • students living in hostels;
  • students not receiving a scholarship.

Financial support for APOS is a quarterly payment of 3,600 rubles (1,200 rubles per month).

In order to qualify for the appointment of the APOS Material Support, the student must submit to his faculty / institute / branch a personal application together with documents confirming the right to receive material support from the APOS. Documents (including certificates) confirming the right to receive material support for the APOS must be valid throughout the entire period of appointment of the Material support for the APOS.

Students who applied for the provision of Material Support to APOS by categories:

  • students - orphans;
  • disabled students;
  • students with children;
  • students - participants in hostilities
payment of material support is assigned without fail.

Students who submitted applications for other categories are paid depending on the documents provided for the provision of Material support to the APOS. The following categories have the lowest priority for assignment.

The following types of scholarships are established in the branch of FSBEI HE "NRU" MPEI "in Smolensk:

Social scholarship - 150% of the basic academic - RUB 2 250

Increased scholarships:

200% of the basic academic (for those who passed the exam session for "good", "good" and "excellent") - RUB 3,000

250% of the basic academic (for those who passed the exam session as "excellent") - RUB 3 750

Scholarship Of the Academic Council of the MPEI branch in Smolensk - 300% of the basic academic (instead of previously assigned academic scholarships) - RUB 4,500

Scholarship MPEI Academic Council- 400% of the basic academic (instead of previously assigned academic scholarships) - RUB 6,000

Nominal scholarship of the MPEI Academic Council (in honor of the MPEI rectors M.G. Chilikin, V.A.Golubtsova, V.A.Grigoriev, I.N. Orlov; - 400% of the basic academic (instead of the previously assigned academic scholarships) - RUB 6,000

Regional named after Prince of Smolensk Roman Rostislavovich set annually in the amount determined by the regional administration.

Regionalscholarship of the Administration of the Smolensk region for students from large families living in the Smolensk region

Scholarships President and Government of the Russian Federation:

In the priority areas of development of education and science in the Russian Federation (for students who have shown outstanding abilities in educational and scientific activities):

a) scholarship RF President (in addition to those previously assigned) - RUB 7,000

b) scholarship RF government (in addition to those previously assigned) - RUB 5,000

In other areas (for students who have shown outstanding abilities in educational and scientific activities):

a) scholarship RF President (in addition to those previously assigned) - RUB 2 200

b) scholarship RF government (in addition to those previously assigned) - 1 440 rub.

In addition, the MPEI branch in Smolensk makes payments of increased scholarships according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 679 (scholarships for needy students of I and II courses studying at "good" and "excellent", based on the results of intermediate certification within the framework of the established educational organization of the scholarship fund ), as well as the payment of increased scholarships under the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 945 (to students with achievements in educational, research, social, cultural, creative and sports activities, taking into account the priority increase in scholarships for students enrolled in senior courses, within the framework of the established educational institution of the scholarship fund).