The moon is an artificial satellite of the earth or not. Is the moon an artificial satellite? The fourth riddle of the moon: "lunar seas"

The moon has haunted humanity since time immemorial. A mysterious satellite, forever hiding the dark side from the Earth, awakened the imagination, inspiring thoughts of supernatural abilities. With the development of science, mysteries have become even more, suggesting an idea of \u200b\u200bartificial origin!

Soviet researchers were firmly convinced that the moon did not arise by itself, in fact, it was built by aliens. They put forward an interesting theory that once upon a time a highly developed civilization transformed a celestial body into a huge spaceship. The aliens arrived on it to Earth and permanently fixed the object in orbit. Perhaps someone is still watching us.

The 1960s saw a peak in interest in space. The first ships were launched, humanity was thirsty for discoveries and contacts with alien intelligence. A reflection of this mood can be seen in science fiction books and films of the time.

A well-known UFO contactee is confident that the satellite is indeed an interstellar ship and is under the control of the Draco-Reptiles. The atmosphere of secrecy that surrounds the exploration of the moon adds fuel to the fire.

What speaks in favor of artificiality?

The theory did not arise from scratch:

  1. Precious metals and uranium of the highest enrichment level are found in the bark; they are not found anywhere else in this form! And uranium 236? It arises as a waste product of nuclear decay, what is it doing on the moon? There are also huge titanium deposits hidden here. This metal is used in many fields, up to the construction of spaceships, because it has a huge margin of safety.
  2. In 1969, NASA is conducting an experiment simulating collisions with an alien object. Surprisingly, the moon sounded like a bell for an hour, shaking!
  3. The moon is very light! The average density is 3.34 g / cc, for comparison, the Earth is 5.5 g / cc. cm.
  4. There is an assumption that the celestial body does not have a solid core.
  5. The satellite is older than the Earth ... Yes, yes! For as much as 800,000 years! Whereas satellites of other planets are their younger brothers.
  6. Perfect circular orbit and position. The night star has been launched on a precisely calibrated course.

Now let's remember the theory of the origin of life. Life originated in the depths of the ocean, coming out on land due to the change of ebb and flow. The moon affects the cycles of existence of all life on our planet. Could it be that she is part of a grand design for humanity?

3.4. The moon is an artificial satellite of the Earth (or the INOzemlyan spacecraft).

... The life of mankind is vigilantly and closely watched by creatures more developed than man ... It never occurred to anyone that the older worlds of the Universe were a source of danger for the human race ... And meanwhile, through the abyss of space, creatures with highly developed, cold, insensitive intellect, surpassing us as much as we surpass extinct animals, and slowly but surely carried out their plans hostile to us.

HG Wells "War of the Worlds"

Our planet has been held captive by the "Lunar Rainbow" or, more simply, the Moon for thousands of years. This is a huge planetary-sized ship - an artificial satellite of our planet. In this ship, our ancestors arrived from the depths of space and created this polygon world, with a controlled biosphere and climate. But the Moon was badly damaged during a duel with the ship, which was controlled by the enemies of the human race, the so-called "Grays" (this is a roid race of creatures) and the Moon was "chained" to this planet forever, along with the entire crew. The body of the damaged Moon was covered with protective soil brought from Thera. It was obtained in abundance from great depths during the construction of underground structures near Arktida (now Antarctica). Then a genetic catastrophe, diseases and wars caused by the actions of an external enemy divided our ancestors into celestials and inhabitants of the planet. The trinity of traitor-puppets, who seized power on the moon with the help of viral weapons and biotechnology, made the rest of the brothers weak-willed participants in a multi-thousand-year nightmare. So the inhabitants of the upper lunar world, betraying their brothers, took the side of the hostile roid civilization, with which the human race fought for its soul and Will in the vastness of galaxies from time immemorial.

Vladimir Pyatibrat "The Deep Book"

Since 1958 the American military was keenly interested in our neighbor, hoping to cover it with a network of military bases and turn it into a kind of "eye" of the Pentagon.

The benefits are obvious. Reconnaissance satellites and combat stations are easily detectable and vulnerable in their near-earth orbits. In the evenings, everyone can simply see with the naked eye a few of these space spies. But try to find the same devices if you place them on the moon! For a lunar vehicle, the Moon covers with its body half of the striking stream of ionizing radiation and meteoroids. Accordingly, the service life of the equipment on the Moon should be 2 times longer than on orbit. There is no need to spend a limited supply of fuel on orienting the station and maintaining its flight altitude. Finally, the lunar soil is able to provide the personnel of the lunar bases with oxygen, water and metals. Already in our time, the leading specialist on the Moon, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Yu.G. Shkuratov noted the importance of the military aspect of lunar research: “So, if one state starts testing and stockpiling new weapons on the far side of the Moon, and other countries are not able to deliver even the“ pennant and coat of arms ”there, then the possible consequences for the world economy and the economy of individual states can be very unpleasant ... "

In the USSR, on the eve of its collapse, some measures were outlined in this direction. The "research" probes of the USA again reached the Moon. Japan with the help of the lunar probe "Hagoromo" announced its presence in the lunar space. In the near future, launches of new Japanese and European spacecraft to the Moon are planned. In this regard, it is prudent to reflect on the following topic.

Is it possible to guarantee that earthly humanity is the only intelligent force in the universe? Since no one can give such a guarantee, it cannot be ruled out that the strategically important Moon has long been used by someone to track our unique planet. After all, about one and a half hundred stars have already accidentally flew practically through the solar system. Therefore, even without controversial interstellar flights, creatures from other worlds could be interested in the Earth and inherit on the Moon. In any case, this possibility needs to be checked. Alas, carelessness is the basis of the Earth's space policy. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent trying to receive radio signals from distant stars. The search for traces of intelligent life on the moon is actually taboo even for the vast majority of SETI activists (this common abbreviation means "Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence"). For example, the Bioastronomical Commission of the International Astronomical Union has formally limited its interest in SETI to “searching for radio broadcasts of extraterrestrial origin”. And the SETI Institute and the Planetary Society, which traditionally conduct experiments to search for radio signals from extraterrestrial civilizations, refuse to discuss even the very formulation of the task of reconnaissance of the Moon.

I repeat: the Moon is a convenient platform for secret tracking of our planet and occupies a strategic position, allowing you to control the near space. Back in 1958. a Pentagon spokesman said that the main goal of US space policy should be the capture of bases on the moon.

It is possible that this intention has already been realized a long time ago by those who are interested in the Earth. The secret tracking of restless humanity, as the most probable strategy for the behavior of extraterrestrial intelligence in relation to the Earth, was pointed out by many experts, starting with K.E. Tsiolkovsky. We are trying to keep track of each other and the universe. Why shouldn't she watch us too? And that has the logic of events: there was the first step of the earthlings and there was the first blow to the hands ...

Let's figure it out a little because a detailed analysis of all events related to the neighbor is the work of many scientists on thousands of pages ....

There is a lot of false information about the Moon in textbooks, scientific and non-scientific publications. There are so many, and so erroneous, that the thought of some terrible secret connected with the Moon inevitably creeps in. Analyzing the features of the manifestation of lunar phenomena for their compliance with scientific interpretations, you come to the conclusion that the conspiracy theory is quite a good theory. Moreover: the closest to the truth.

So, what does not fit into any systems, laws and simply does not obey common sense ...

Firstly, for the entire time of manned space flights, not a single professional selenologist has published a single book or article on the topic “inhabited, or previously inhabited, or visited by other intelligent civilizations” ... This kind of taboo can be understood - selenologists (they are astrophysicists, geologists, geophysicists, geochemists, but by no means archaeologists!) are studying natural processes and formations. The search for artificial structures and objects simply goes beyond their professional practice. Therefore, among planetary scientists, the belief is widespread that if they still have not noticed the construction of the Selenites, then the Moon has always been uninhabited. Often the possibility of the moon being uninhabited is presented as a well-established fact. But the pen of the Swedish chemist and mineralogist J. Berzelius belongs to the wonderful words: "Whoever passes the probability as the truth, he becomes, consciously or unconsciously, a deceiver."

Secondly, phenomena that seem to be well-known, obvious, repeatedly repeated, documented, received simultaneously from observers who do not know each other from different parts of the Earth, should arouse the interest of specialists and stimulate research. However, in reality, scientists have a completely different desire - to "close" the problem before any research. Therefore, the scientific press remains silent.

3.4.1. Sunsets and sunrises. The moon sets and rises, and the sun rises and sets are two phenomena with very different dynamics, namely: the time of setting and rising of the sun per day changes by 1-3 minutes, the moon - from ten minutes to several hours. It's funny that almost no one knows about this. Grab a calendar showing the times of moonset and rise and see for yourself.

3.4.2. The ebb and flow. Since the time of Newton, we have only heard that the ebb and flow are associated with the Moon, and the weather too. But is it? Is this not the usual superstition? People talk a lot, but they don't even want to count the change in the store. But it is considered elementary that the Earth attracts its own water at least 300,000 times stronger than the Moon. Any particle of water is located at a distance of 6,371 km from the center of the Earth and at a distance of 380,000 km from the center of the Moon. The mass of the Earth is 81 times that of the Moon. So it turns out that the Moon attracts Earth's water 300,000 times weaker than the Earth itself. Compare a fly with an elephant! The pressure of the atmosphere on the ocean is not comparable more than lunar gravity. Pressure drops in the atmosphere are linked to the time of day. Moreover, the earth's axis has a tilt, leading to a change in temperature in the upper latitudes. The Earth, unlike the Moon, rotates around its axis, and the forces of inertia have not been canceled. Water is liquid and fluid, and the continents are good partitions. And so on. In other words, the Earth has enough strength for the ebb and flow.

There are textbooks on physics, where it is written what the tides should be - in accordance with the law of universal gravitation. And then there are textbooks on oceanography, where it is written what they are, the tides, in fact. If the law of universal gravitation is valid here, and ocean water is attracted, including to the Sun and the Moon, then the "physical" and "oceanographic" pictures of tides should coincide. Are they the same or not? It turns out that to say that they do not coincide is to say nothing. Because the "physical" and "oceanographic" pictures of the tides have nothing in common with each other. By the way, why are the ebbs and flows not observed in the atmosphere? She's lighter and deeper than the oceans. Understand, well, a fly cannot lift an elephant, no "resonance". Think about it - the difference in the gravity of the Earth and the Moon is 300,000 times! Feel the difference. Does not help? Then go out into the meadow on a quiet moonlit night and observe carefully: not a single speck of dust, not a single blade of grass will shudder towards the movement of the Moon. And if Newton is to be believed, the Moon should simply pull out the potatoes. Look what oceans she supposedly rears up!

In fact, the Moon does not have any effect on earthly affairs, it only causes the demolition of the roof of schizos, and the howling of wolves and dogs on the full moon. And we, people, do not need such a Moon.

And the Earth does not really need it. Indeed, the Moon is attracted to the Sun 2.2 times more strongly than to the Earth.

3.4.3. Lunar anomalies. The Moon is associated with a number of completely outrageous facts of inconsistencies with the established views of classical physics, which in the literature and the Internet are bashfully called "lunar anomalies."

The most obvious anomaly is the exact coincidence of the period of the Moon's revolution around the Earth and around its axis, which is why it always faces the Earth with one side. There are many reasons for these periods to become more and more out of sync on each orbit of the Moon around the Earth. For example, no one would argue that the Earth and the Moon are two ideal balls with an even distribution of mass inside. From the point of view of official physics, it is quite obvious that the motion of the Moon should be significantly influenced not only by the relative position of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun, but even the flights of Mars and Venus during the periods of their closest approach to Earth's orbits. The experience of space flights in near-earth orbit shows that stabilization similar to the lunar can be achieved only if the orientation micromotors are constantly steered. But how and how does the Moon steer? And most importantly - for what? The "anomaly" looks even more discouraging against the backdrop of the little-known fact that mainstream science has not yet developed an acceptable explanation for the trajectory along which the Moon moves around the Earth. The Moon's orbit is by no means circular or even elliptical. The strange curve that the moon is tracing over our heads is consistent with only the long list of statistical parameters outlined in the corresponding tables. These data are collected on the basis of long-term observations, but by no means on the basis of any calculations. It is thanks to this data that one or another event can be predicted with great accuracy, for example, solar or lunar eclipses, the maximum approach or distance of the Moon relative to the Earth, etc.

So, it is on this strange trajectory that the Moon manages to be turned to the Earth by only one side all the time!

Of course, this is not all. It turns out that the Earth is moving in its orbit around the Sun not at a uniform speed, as the official physics would like, but makes small slowdowns and jerks forward in the direction of its movement, which are synchronized with the corresponding position of the Moon. However, the Earth does not make any movements to the sides perpendicular to the direction of its orbit, despite the fact that the Moon can be located on either side of the Earth in the plane of its orbit.

Official physics not only does not undertake to describe or explain these processes - it simply keeps silent about them! Such a half-month cycle of the earth's tugs correlates perfectly with the statistical peaks of earthquakes, but where and when did you hear about it?

Do you know that in the Earth-Moon system of cosmic bodies there are no libration points predicted by Lagrange on the basis of the law of "universal gravitation"? The fact is that the region of gravity of the Moon does not exceed the distance of 10,000 km from its surface. There are many obvious confirmations of this fact. Suffice it to recall the geostationary satellites, which are not affected by the position of the Moon in any way, or the scientific-satirical story with the Smart-1 probe from ESA, with the help of which they were going to take pictures of the Apollo landing sites in 2003-2005.

The Smart-1 probe was created as an experimental spacecraft with low ion thrust engines, but with an enormous operating time. The ESA mission envisaged a gradual acceleration of the spacecraft, launched into a circular orbit around the Earth, so that, moving along a spiral trajectory with a climb, it reached the inner libration point of the Earth-Moon system. According to the predictions of official physics, starting from this moment, the probe should have changed its trajectory, going into a high circumlunar orbit, and begin a long braking maneuver, gradually narrowing the spiral around the Moon.

But everything would be fine if the official physics and the calculations made with its help corresponded to reality. In fact, after reaching the libration point, "Smart-1" continued its flight in a spiraling spiral, and on the next orbits did not even think to react to the approaching moon. From that moment on, around the flight of Smart-1, an amazing conspiracy of silence and outright disinformation began, until the trajectory of its flight allowed, finally, to simply smash it on the surface of the Moon, about which semi-official scientific popularizing Internet resources hastened to report under the appropriate informational sauce as about the great achievement of modern science, which suddenly decided to "change" the mission of the apparatus and from all over the place to shake tens of millions of foreign currency spent on the project about moon dust.

Naturally, on the last loop of its flight, the Smart-1 probe finally entered the lunar gravitational region, but it could not have slowed down to enter a low lunar orbit with the help of its low-power engine. The calculations of European ballisticians came into stark contradiction with reality.

And such cases in studies of near space are by no means isolated, but repeat themselves with enviable consistency, starting from the first attempts to hit the Moon or sending probes to the satellites of Mars, to the last attempts to enter orbits around asteroids or comets, the force of gravity of which is completely absent even on their surfaces.

But then the reader should have a completely natural question: how did the rocket and space industry of the USSR in the 60s and 70s of the twentieth century manage to explore the Moon with the help of automatic devices, being in captivity of false scientific views? How did Soviet ballistics specialists calculate the correct flight path to the Moon and back, if one of the most basic formulas of modern physics turns out to be fiction? Finally, how are the orbits of lunar automatic satellites that take close photographs and scan of the moon calculated in the 21st century? It's very simple! As in all other cases, when practice shows a discrepancy with physical theories, His Majesty Experience comes into play, which suggests the correct solution to a particular problem. After a series of completely natural failures, the ballistics empirically found some "correction factors" for certain stages of flights to the Moon and other space bodies, which are introduced into the onboard computers of modern automatic probes and space navigation systems.

And everything works! But most importantly, there is an opportunity to trumpet the whole world about the next victory of world science, and then teach gullible children and students the formula of "universal gravitation", which has nothing more to do with reality than the cocked hat of Baron Munchausen to his epic exploits.
And if suddenly a certain inventor comes up with another idea of \u200b\u200ba new way of traveling in space, there is nothing easier than to declare him a charlatan on the simple grounds that his calculations contradict the same notorious formula of "universal gravitation" ... The Commission for Combating Pseudoscience at the Academies of Sciences of different countries are working tirelessly.

This is a prison, comrades. A large planetary prison with a slight touch of science to neutralize especially zealous individuals who dare to be smart. It is enough for the rest to get married so that, following the apt remark of Karel Chapek, their autobiography ends ...

By the way, all the parameters of the trajectories and orbits of "manned flights" from NASA to the Moon in 1969-1972 were calculated and published precisely on the basis of the assumptions about the existence of libration points and about the fulfillment of the law of universal gravitation for the Earth-Moon system. Doesn't this alone explain why all manned lunar exploration programs were canceled after the 70s of the twentieth century? Which is easier: quietly leave the topic or confess to the falsification of all physics?

Finally, the moon has a number of amazing phenomena called "optical anomalies." These anomalies no longer fit into any gates of official physics that they prefer to be completely silent about them, replacing interest in them with the allegedly constantly recorded UFO activity on the lunar surface. With the help of the yellow press fictions, fake photo and video materials about flying saucers allegedly constantly moving over the Moon and huge structures of aliens on its surface, the behind-the-scenes owners are trying to cover up the really fantastic reality of the Moon with information noise, which should definitely be mentioned in this work.

The most obvious and vivid optical anomaly of the Moon is visible to all earthlings with the naked eye, so it remains only to be surprised that almost no one pays attention to it. See what the moon looks like in a clear night sky at full moon moments? It looks like a flat round body (like a coin), but not like a ball!

A spherical body with rather significant irregularities on its surface, in the case of its illumination by a light source located behind the observer, should shine to the greatest extent closer to its center, and as it approaches the edge of the sphere, the luminosity should smoothly decrease. Probably the most famous law of optics cries about this, which sounds like this: "The angle of incidence of a ray is equal to the angle of its reflection." But this rule does not apply to the Moon at all. Due to reasons incomprehensible to official physics, the rays of light falling into the edge of the lunar ball are reflected ... back to the Sun, which is why we see the Moon at the full moon, like a kind of coin, but not like a ball.

An equally obvious observable thing - the constant value of the luminosity level of the illuminated parts of the Moon for an observer from the Earth - introduces even greater confusion into the minds. Simply put, if we assume that the Moon has some property of directed scattering of light, then we have to admit that the reflection of light changes its angle depending on the position of the Sun-Earth-Moon system. No one can dispute the fact that even a narrow crescent of a young Moon gives a luminosity exactly the same as the central part of a half Moon corresponding to it in area. And this means that the Moon somehow controls the angle of reflection of the sun's rays so that they are always reflected from its surface to the Earth!

But when the full moon comes, the luminosity of the moon increases in leaps and bounds. This means that the surface of the Moon surprisingly splits the reflected light into two main directions - towards the Sun and the Earth. This leads to another stunning conclusion that the Moon is practically invisible to an observer from space, who is not on the straight lines Earth-Moon or Sun-Moon.

Who and why needed to hide the Moon in space in the optical range? ...

To understand what the joke is, in Soviet laboratories they spent a lot of time on optical experiments with lunar soil delivered to Earth by the automatic vehicles "Luna-16", "Luna-20" and "Luna-24". However, the parameters of light reflection, including solar light, from the lunar soil fit well into all the known canons of optics. The lunar soil on Earth did not want to show the wonders that we see on the Moon. It turns out that materials on the Moon and on Earth behave differently?

Quite possible. After all, an unoxidizable film several iron atoms thick on the surface of any objects, as far as I know, in terrestrial laboratories has not yet been obtained ...

The fire was poured by photographs from the Moon, transmitted by Soviet and American machine guns, which were able to land on its surface. Imagine the surprise of the scientists of that time, when all the photographs on the Moon turned out to be strictly black and white - without a single hint of such a rainbow spectrum that is familiar to us. If only the lunar landscape was photographed, evenly covered with dust from meteorite explosions, this would somehow be understandable. But even a color calibration plate on the body of the lander turned out in black and white! Any color on the lunar surface turns into a corresponding shade of gray, which is impartially captured by all photographs of the lunar surface, transmitted by automatic devices of different generations and missions to this day.

Now imagine in what deep ... puddle the Americans are sitting with their white-blue-red striped flags, allegedly photographed on the lunar surface by the valiant astronauts-"pioneers". Tell me, in their place, would you try hard to resume exploration of the Moon and get to its surface at least with the help of some kind of "pendo rover", knowing that images or videos will only turn out in black and white? Is it possible to quickly paint them, like old films ... But, damn it, in what colors to paint pieces of rocks, local stones or steep mountain slopes? ..

By the way, very similar problems awaited NASA on Mars. All researchers have probably already gotten sore by a muddy story with a color mismatch, more precisely, with a clear shift of the entire Martian visible spectrum on its surface towards the red. When NASA workers are suspected of deliberately distorting images from Mars (supposedly hiding blue skies, green carpets of lawns, blue lakes, crawling locals ...), I urge you to remember the Moon ...

Think, maybe different physical laws simply operate on different planets?

Then a lot of things immediately fall into place!

But back to the moon for now. Let's finish with the list of optical anomalies, and then get down to the next sections of lunar wonders.

A ray of light passing near the surface of the Moon receives significant scatter in direction, which is why modern astronomy cannot even calculate the time it takes to cover the stars with the body of the Moon. Official science does not express any ideas why this happens, except for the crazy-delusional electrostatic-style reasons for the movement of lunar dust at high altitudes above its surface or the activity of certain lunar volcanoes, which deliberately throw out dust refracting light exactly in the place where the observation is carried out. this star. And so, in fact, no one has yet observed lunar volcanoes.

As you know, terrestrial science is able to collect information about the chemical composition of distant celestial bodies by studying molecular emission-absorption spectra. So, for the celestial body closest to the Earth - the Moon - this method of determining the chemical composition of the surface does not work! The lunar spectrum is practically devoid of bands that can provide information about the composition of the moon. The only reliable information on the chemical composition of the lunar regolith was obtained, as is known, when studying samples taken by the Soviet "Lunas". But even now, when it is possible to scan the lunar surface from a low circumlunar orbit using automatic devices, reports of the presence of a particular chemical substance on its surface are extremely contradictory. Even on Mars - and even then there is much more information.

And one more amazing optical feature of the lunar surface. This property is a consequence of the unique backscattering of light, with which I began my story about the optical anomalies of the Moon. So, almost all light falling on the moon is reflected towards the sun and the earth. Let's remember that at night, under appropriate conditions, we can perfectly see the part of the Moon that is not illuminated by the Sun, which, in principle, should be completely black, if not for ... the secondary illumination of the Earth! The earth, when illuminated by the sun, reflects some of the sunlight towards the moon. And all this light that illuminates the shadowy part of the Moon returns back to Earth!

Hence, it is completely logical to assume that twilight reigns all the time on the surface of the Moon, even on the side illuminated by the Sun. This guess is superbly confirmed by photographs of the lunar surface taken by Soviet lunar rovers. Look at them carefully on occasion; for everything that can be obtained. They were made in direct sunlight without the influence of distortion of the atmosphere, but they look as if the contrast of the black-and-white picture was tightened in the earthly twilight.

In such conditions, the shadows from objects on the surface of the Moon should be absolutely black, illuminated only by the nearest stars and planets, the level of illumination from which is many orders of magnitude lower than from the sun. This means that it is not possible to see an object in the shadow of the moon using any known optical means.

To summarize the optical phenomena of the Moon, let us give the floor to an independent researcher A.A. Grishaev, the author of a book about the "digital" physical world, who, developing his ideas, points out in another article: “Taking into account the existence of these phenomena provides new, deadly arguments in support of those who consider film and photographic materials to be fakes, which allegedly testify to the presence of American astronauts on the lunar surface. After all, we give the keys to carry out the simplest and ruthless independent examination. If we are shown against the background of sunlit (!) Lunar landscapes of astronauts, on whose spacesuits there are no black shadows from the anti-sun side, or a well-lit figure of an astronaut in the shadow of the "lunar module", or color (!) Frames with a vivid reproduction of the colors of the American flag - then this is all irrefutable evidence, screaming falsification. In fact, we are not aware of a single film or photographic document depicting astronauts on the moon in real moonlight and with a real lunar color “palette”.

And then he continues: “The physical conditions on the Moon are too abnormal - and it cannot be ruled out that the circumlunar space is destructive for terrestrial organisms. Today we know the only model that explains the short-range action of lunar gravitation, and at the same time the origin of the accompanying anomalous optical phenomena - this is our model of "fluid space". And if this model is correct, then the vibrations of "unsteady space" below a certain height above the surface of the Moon are quite capable of breaking weak bonds in protein molecules - with the destruction of their tertiary and, possibly, secondary structures.

As far as we know, turtles returned from the lunar space alive on board the Soviet probe "Zond-5", which circled the Moon with a minimum distance of about 2000 km from its surface. It is possible that with the passage of the apparatus closer to the Moon, animals would die as a result of denaturation of proteins in their organisms. If it is very difficult to protect oneself from cosmic radiation, but it is still possible, then there is no physical protection from the vibrations of the "shaky space" ... "

And more about lunar anomalies, modernity:

A very strange behavior of the night luminary has been noticed, especially recently. It simply refused to obey the laws of celestial mechanics. Either the moon rises in the northeast, despite the fact that in its previous rise it rose almost strictly in the east, then the speed of crossing the sky became uneven - until the apogee it moves very slowly, and then almost before our eyes goes beyond the horizon. Unnatural changes in the angle of inclination of the lunar crescent are also observed at the same time of different observation days. Many have noticed that the angle of illumination of the lunar surface does not match. This is when the Sun shines from one side, and the crescent moon is lit from the opposite side.

And more about lunar anomalies, from history:

In the ancient images of the pre-Columbian era of the Indians of the Chimu state (Peru), you can see the narrow crescent moon and a bright star between its horns, where it is impossible to see the real star. Similar patterns are common in the Old World. An example is Islamic symbolism - a star between the crescent horns can be seen on the flags of Algeria, Mauritania, Pakistan and Tunisia. This symbol is also found on the flag of non-Muslim Nepal. As the American astronomer B.E. Schaefer, such a symbol is found in a vast territory from Italy to Iran, at least since 470 BC. e. It is unlikely that the star on the dark side of the moon is just a figment of the imagination of artists, because it was actually seen and even with the naked eye.

1048g. “This year a star appeared on the disk of the Moon when the new moon was on May 14 in the first half of the night” (Armenian Chronicle of Etum Patmich. XIII century). An attempt to identify this event with a supernova explosion in 1054 suffers from obvious stretch.

1064 “And in those days a star of enormous brightness appeared in the circle of the Moon a few days after its separation from the Sun” (Chronicle of J. Malvetius).

1540g. The Catalog of Short-Term Lunar Apparitions mentions an old engraving depicting the appearance of a "star" on the dark side of the young moon on November 26.

1587 5th of March. Many people have seen a "star" on the body of the moon "right between the ends of its horns" (Old English Chronicle).

1737 March 1. During a total eclipse of the Sun, a remarkable spot of light was observed on the lunar disk in the Sea of \u200b\u200bCrises region.

1888 July 15. On the dark side of the moon, in the region of the lunar Caucasus, Holden noticed a "star" comparable to the brightest stars in the sky!

1924 August 16. “M.G. Iseli, Observatory of Jora (Switzerland), noted an interesting observation made on August 16 at 20:30 pm He noticed, with the help of a strong increase, a luminous point, at latitude 40 °, slightly above the mountain range of the Rainbow Bay, near the famous Aristarchus volcano. Thinking it was an illusion, the observer changed the telescope eyepiece, but the light remained. The next day, in the evening of August 17, the light was seen with great difficulty - the dark side of the moon was lighter due to higher illumination than the day before. "

3.4.4. Expeditions to the Moon. An amazing circumstance becomes clear if you look at the lunar expeditions. For all the time, about 100 attempts were made to send spacecraft from Earth to the Moon. Of these, only in 44% of the cases the flight program was carried out in the main. And when flying to a much more distant Venus, despite its clouds of sulfuric, hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids and terrible conditions on the surface (temperatures up to + 50C. C, pressure about a hundred atmospheres), 67% of launches were crowned with success. As you can see, flights to the nearest atmosphereless Moon are noticeably more dangerous than to a distant "hellish" planet! Paradox...

All the failures can be attributed to incorrect ballistic calculations and technical problems, but some catastrophes of the lunar apparatus were accompanied by strange phenomena on the lunar surface. For example, July 17, 1967. Less than 1 hour before Surveyor 4 landed, a cloud of dust was seen in the center of Agrippa crater. The station was descending only 390 km from the mysterious formation. And so, at the most crucial moment, 2.5 minutes before landing, the radio communication with the Surveyor-4 "mysteriously" "fell silent" and the device crashed.

When I saw the electronic filling of the first spacecraft in the museum, I involuntarily wondered - how could such a thing fly successfully? But a strange story also happened with the Japanese probe "Hagoromo" - the first spacecraft of earthlings launched into selenocentric orbit after a fourteen-year hiatus. After entering the lunar orbit on March 19, 1990, radio communication with "Hagoromo" could not be established. According to the American Lunar Society, during the flight of the "Hagoromo" probe, a mysterious dot shone on the dark side of the moon for at least half an hour. Then something flashed in the crater Aristarchus, and in the Gassendi circus, an ominous orange light burned. The device entered the selenocentric orbit, but radio communication with it could not be established

Communication was also lost with the next, American probe "Clementine", which operated in orbit around the Moon in 1994.

Another example of this kind is the Apollo 16 flight in 1972. During the landing of astronauts on the moon, observers from Earth twice noticed a strange increase in the brightness of the Censorin crater, located near the landing site. Two days before the departure of the expedition to Earth, a column of light appeared to the northwest of the Aristarchus crater, increasing its height at a speed of 1.35 km / s. Having reached an altitude of 162 km, the pillar shifted 60 km from the starting point and blurred, having existed for about 3 minutes. Lunar seismometers did not notice any noticeable shaking of the soil at this time. Consequently, it was not an eruption of gases or a fall of a meteorite - something unknown threw a column of dust towards the stars.

So something strange is happening on the moon. Mysterious flares, lights, clouds would look harmless if not for the ominous statistics of lunar probe accidents.

3.4.5. Nuclear war on the moon. Not everything is clear with those lunar craters that are considered natural, that is, formed as a result of falling meteorites. There is every reason to believe that the most powerful nuclear explosions were the cause of most craters on the Moon. This is evidenced, in particular, by the high content of radioactive isotopes of uranium and thorium in lunar samples. In other words, the Moon, or that gigantic man-made object, which it possibly and most likely is, was once subjected to a nuclear attack, which left traces across its entire surface and turned it into a desert.

According to most ufologists, representatives of several alien races are constantly present on Earth, who are waging a struggle for domination on the planet hidden from us. In relatively recent antiquity, even in the memory of mankind, this struggle was conducted more openly and often with the use of nuclear weapons. It is logical to assume that the crew of the huge orbital station launched into the orbit of our planet took an active part in those space wars.

A group of British scientists, headed by the famous astronomer G. Fielder, carried out a statistical and computer analysis of the location of lunar craters. It turned out that the overwhelming majority of them are located not chaotically, as it should be with their natural origin, but grouping into complexes. In some cases, craters form pairs, in others, chains, and in others, they lie at the tops of rectangles.

All this is easily explained if we assume that the moon was once subjected to nuclear bombing. To achieve the most destructive effect, bombs must be dropped at some distance from one another. Thus, paired craters are traces of the explosions of two separated warheads of one missile. Chains are traces of continuous bombardment from one passing object (interestingly, crater chains are very similar to crater chains from American bombs that were dropped from B-52 bombers during the Vietnam War). There is also a known method of throwing bombs at the tops of triangles. In a nuclear bombardment, life inside these triangles is completely destroyed.

Almost 90% of the craters are concentrated on the so-called continents. There are very few craters in the sea areas. This fact, which is difficult to explain from the standpoint of the meteorite hypothesis, is in good agreement with the hypothesis of nuclear war. If there really was water in the lunar seas at that time, then intelligent life was concentrated on land. These areas were hit with nuclear missiles.

3.4.6. Mutual gravity in the Earth-Moon system. Official physics, which is taught in educational institutions, is very proud of the fact that it knows the relationships between different physical quantities in the form of formulas, which are allegedly reliably supported experimentally. On what they say, and we stand ... In particular, in all reference books and textbooks it is stated that between two bodies with masses (m) and (M), there is an attraction force (F), which is directly proportional to the product of these masses and inversely proportional the square of the distance (R) between them. This ratio is usually presented in the form of the formula "law of universal gravitation":

Where G - gravitational constant, equal to approximately 6.6725; 10; 11 m; / (kg s;).

Let's use this formula to calculate what is the force of attraction between the Earth and the Moon, as well as between the Moon and the Sun. To do this, we need to substitute the corresponding values \u200b\u200bfrom the dictionaries into this formula:

The mass of the moon is 7.3477: 10 to the 22 degree kg

Mass of the Sun - 1.9891: 10 to the 30th power kg

Mass of the Earth - 5.9737: 10 to 24 degrees of kg

Distance between the Earth and the Moon \u003d 380,000,000 m

Distance between the Moon and the Sun \u003d 149,000,000,000 m

The force of gravity between the Earth and the Moon \u003d
6.6725: 10-11 x 7.3477: 10 22 x 5.9737: 10 24 / 380,000,000 squared \u003d 2.028: 10 20

The force of attraction between the Moon and the Sun \u003d
6.6725: 10-11 x 7.3477 10 to the 22 power x 1.9891 1030/149,000,000,000 squared \u003d 4.39: 10 to the 20 power

It turns out that the force of attraction of the moon to the sun is more than twice (!) Greater than the force of attraction of the moon to the earth! Why, then, does the moon fly around the earth, and not around the sun? Where is the agreement between theory and experimental data? If you can't believe your eyes, please grab a calculator, open the reference books and see for yourself.

According to the formula of "universal gravitation", for a given system of three bodies, as soon as the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, it must leave the circular orbit around the Earth, turning into an independent planet with orbital parameters close to the Earth. However, the Moon stubbornly "does not notice" the Sun, as if it does not exist at all.

First of all, let's ask ourselves what could be wrong with this formula? There are few options here.

From the point of view of mathematics, this formula may be correct, but then the values \u200b\u200bof its parameters are incorrect. For example, modern science can be severely mistaken in determining distances in space based on false ideas about the nature and speed of propagation of light; or it is wrong to evaluate the masses of celestial bodies, using all the same purely speculative conclusions of Kepler or Laplace, expressed in the form of ratios of the sizes of orbits, velocities and masses of celestial bodies; or not at all to understand the nature of the mass of a macroscopic body, as all physics textbooks are very frank about, postulating this property of material objects regardless of its location and without delving into the reasons for its occurrence.

Also, official science may be mistaken in the reason for the existence and principles of action of the force of gravity, which is most likely. For example, if masses do not have an attractive effect (which, by the way, there are thousands of visual evidence, only they are hushed up), then this "formula of universal gravitation" simply reflects some idea expressed by Isaac Newton, which turned out to be false.

There are thousands of different ways to make mistakes, but there is only one truth. And its official physics deliberately hides, otherwise how to explain the defense of such an absurd formula?

The first and obvious consequence of the fact that the "formula of universal gravitation" does not work is the fact that the Earth does not have a dynamic response to the Moon. Simply put, two such large and close celestial bodies, one of which is only four times smaller in diameter than the other, should (according to the views of modern physics) revolve around a common center of mass - the so-called. barycenter. But he is not.

Well, besides this, the sphere of gravity of the Earth, inside which the gravity of the Earth exceeds the gravity of the Sun, has a radius of 260,000 km (counting from the center of the Earth). The moon, according to official figures, is located far beyond this sphere. It turns out that the Moon is not so much a satellite of the Earth as an independent planet of the solar system "having its own interest to stay close to the Earth" ...

And on the road: do you know that moonlight absorbs heat? .. It will be easy for you to check if you put two identical objects under the moonlight and in the shade, then measure it with a laser thermometer and ... oppa-la and the temperature of the object in the dark will be a few tenths of degrees higher! .. Are there any explanations for this phenomenon? ..

Back in the 1960s, Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov from the USSR Academy of Sciences put forward a hypothesis that in reality our satellite was created by artificial means. This hypothesis has eight main postulates, popularly called "riddles", which analyze some of the most surprising moments regarding the satellite.

The first riddle of the moon: artificial moon or space exchange

In fact, the orbit of motion and the magnitude of the moon's satellite are physically almost impossible. If this were natural, one could argue that this is an extremely strange "whim" of space. This is due to the fact that the size of the moon is equal to a quarter of the size of the Earth, and the ratio of the sizes of the satellite and the planet is always many times less. The distance from the Moon to the Earth is such that the sizes of the Sun and the Moon are visually the same. This allows us to observe such a rare event as a total solar eclipse, when the Moon completely covers the Sun. The same mathematical impossibility takes place in relation to the masses of both celestial bodies. If the Moon were a body that at a certain moment was attracted by the Earth and took on a natural orbit, then it would be expected that this orbit should have been elliptical. Instead, it is strikingly round.

The second mystery of the moon: the unlikely curvature of the moon

The implausible curvature that the surface of the Moon possesses is inexplicable. The moon is not a round body. The results of geological studies lead to the conclusion that this planetoid is actually a hollow sphere. Although it is, scientists still fail to explain how the moon can have such a strange structure without succumbing to destruction. One of the explanations suggested by the aforementioned scientists is that the lunar crust was made of a solid titanium frame. Indeed, the lunar crust and rocks have been proven to have extraordinary levels of titanium. According to the estimates of Russian scientists Vasin and Shcherbakov, the thickness of the titanium layer is 30 km.

The third mystery of the moon: lunar craters

The explanation for the presence of a huge number of meteorite craters on the lunar surface is widely known - the absence of an atmosphere. Most of the cosmic bodies that try to penetrate the Earth meet kilometers of the atmosphere on their way, and everything ends with the "aggressor" disintegrating. The moon does not have the ability to protect its surface from the scars left by all meteorites crashing into it - craters of all sizes. What remains unexplained is the shallow depth that the aforementioned bodies were able to penetrate. Indeed, it looks as if a layer of extremely durable material did not allow meteorites to penetrate the center of the satellite. Even craters with a diameter of 150 kilometers do not exceed 4 kilometers deep into the moon. This feature is inexplicable from the point of view of normal observation that there should have been craters at least 50 kilometers deep.

The fourth riddle of the moon: "lunar seas"

How did the so-called "lunar seas" come about? These gigantic areas of solid lava that originate from the interior of the Moon could easily be explained if the Moon were a hot planet with a liquid interior, where it could have been generated by meteorite impacts. But physically it is much more likely that the Moon, judging by its size, has always been a cold body. Another mystery is the location of the "lunar seas". Why 80% of them are on the visible side of the moon?

The fifth riddle of the moon: mascons

The gravitational pull on the lunar surface is not uniform. This effect was already noted by the crew of Apollo VIII when it flew around the zones of the lunar seas. Mascons (from "Mass Concentration" - concentration of mass) are places where a substance of higher density or in large quantities is believed to exist. This phenomenon is closely related to the lunar seas, as the mascons are located below them.

The sixth riddle of the moon: geographic asymmetry

A rather shocking fact in science, which still cannot be explained, is the geographic asymmetry of the moon's surface. The famous "dark" side of the moon has many more craters, mountains and landforms. In addition, as we already mentioned, most of the seas, on the contrary, are located on the side that we can see.

Seventh riddle of the Moon: low density of the Moon

The density of our satellite is 60% of the density of the Earth. This fact, together with various studies, proves that the Moon is a hollow object. Moreover, several scientists have ventured to suggest that the aforementioned cavity is artificial. In fact, given the location of the surface layers that have been identified, scientists argue that the Moon looks like a planet that formed "in reverse", and some use this as an argument in favor of the theory of "fake casting."

Eighth riddle of the moon: origins

In the last century, for a long time, three theories of the origin of the moon were conventionally accepted. At present, most of the scientific community has accepted the hypothesis of the artificial origin of the Moon's planetoid as no less reasonable than others.

One theory suggests that the Moon is a fragment of the Earth. But the huge differences in the nature of these two bodies make this theory practically untenable.

Another theory is that this celestial body was formed at the same time as the Earth, from the same cloud of cosmic gas. But the previous conclusion is also valid in relation to this judgment, since the Earth and the Moon should have at least a similar structure.

The third theory suggests that, while wandering through space, the Moon fell into gravity, which caught and turned her into her "captive". The big drawback of this explanation is that the Moon's orbit is nearly circular and cyclical. With such a phenomenon (when the satellite is "caught" by the planet) the orbit would be far enough from the center, or, at least, would be a kind of ellipsoid.

The fourth assumption is the most incredible of all, but, in any case, it can explain various anomalies that are associated with the Earth's satellite, since if the Moon was designed by intelligent beings, then the physical laws to which it is subject would not equally apply to other celestial bodies.

The riddles of the moon put forward by scientists Vasin and Shcherbakov are just some real physical estimates of the anomalies of the moon. In addition, there are many other video, photographic evidence and research that inspires confidence in those who think about the possibility that our "natural" satellite is not.

Recently, a controversial video appeared on the network, which will be interesting within the framework of the topic under consideration:

Description for the video:

This video was made from Germany and was filmed over 4 days starting from July 7, 2014. It is clearly seen how waves "run along the surface of the moon", or rather a strip, and this is similar to how the image of the lunar surface, which we see from the Earth, is updated.

As crazy as it may sound, these stripes have been noticed more than once when filming with various video cameras and telescopes. I think anyone with a good zoom camcorder can see the same thing.

And how may I ask you, can I explain this? In my opinion, several explanations are possible, and all of them will not please the adherents of the generally accepted picture of the world.

1 ... There is no Moon in the Earth's orbit at all, but there is only a flat projection (hologram) that creates the appearance of its presence. Moreover, this projection is technically rather primitive, judging by the fact that its creators were forced to create a flat projection and that is why the moon is turned to us on one side. It's just saving resources to maintain the visible part of the moon.

2 ... In the Earth's orbit, there is indeed a certain object whose dimensions correspond to the "Moon" visible to us from the Earth, but in fact what we see is only a hologram - a camouflage created over the object. This, incidentally, explains why no one flies to the Moon. I think all the states that have sent their devices to the "Moon" are well aware that under the guise of what we see from Earth, there is something completely different.

In favor of these versions fit those facts that have long been surprising for their illogicality:

Why does humanity send spacecraft into deep space, but completely ignores the planet closest to us?

Why are all photographs of the moon transmitted by earthly satellites of such disgusting quality?

Why astronomers with perfect telescopes can not take pictures of the lunar surface in quality comparable to at least pictures from Mars or from earth satellites. Why do satellites fly in the Earth's orbit that can take a photograph of the surface on which the license plate is visible, and the lunar satellites shoot the surface in such a resolution that the language cannot be called photography?

In addition, we present two excerpts from the RenTV films on the theme of the moon. The reputation of this channel is known to everyone, but the information provided is useful for analyzing the arguments proposed above.

* Additional Information:
On the site "" you will find a detailed story about artifacts and evidence of the most ancient history of mankind. -

Confirmation of the theory of the artificial origin of the moon.

Back in the 60s. Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov from the Academy of Sciences of the USSR put forward a hypothesis that the Moon, our satellite, was actually created by artificial means. This hypothesis has 8 main postulates, which are popularly called riddles.

The first riddle: the orbit of motion and the size of our satellite are physically impossible. This is due to the fact that the magnitude of the moon is equal to a quarter of the magnitude of the planet Earth, and the ratio of the magnitudes of the satellite and the planet is always many times less. The distance from the Earth to the Moon is such that the sizes of the Sun and the Moon are visually the same. If the Moon were a body that at a certain moment was attracted by the Earth and took on a natural orbit, then it would be expected that this orbit would have to be elliptical. Instead, it is strikingly round.

The second riddle of the Moon: The implausible curvature that the surface of the Moon possesses is inexplicable. The results of geological studies lead to the conclusion that this planetoid is, in fact, a hollow sphere. One explanation is that the lunar crust was made from a solid titanium frame. Indeed, the lunar crust and rocks have been proven to have unusually high levels of titanium.

The third mystery of the Moon: The explanation for the large number of craters on the surface of the Moon is widely known - is the absence of an atmosphere. The depth to which space meteorites were able to penetrate remains unexplained. Even craters with a diameter of 150 km. do not exceed 4 km. deep into the surface.

The fourth riddle: how did the so-called "lunar seas" form? These gigantic areas of solid lava that originate from the interior of the Moon could easily be explained if the Moon was a hot planet with a liquid interior, where it could have been produced by meteor impacts.

The fifth riddle of the moon: gravitational attraction on the surface is not uniform. This effect was already noted by the crew of Apollo 8 when it flew around the "lunar seas" zone.

Sixth: a rather shocking and loud fact is the geographic asymmetry of the Moon's surface. The famous dark side has many more craters, mountains and landforms. And most of the "seas", on the contrary, are in the visible part.

Seventh riddle: low density. The density of our satellite is 60% of the density of the Earth. This fact, together with various studies, proves that the Moon is a hollow object!

And, finally, the eighth riddle of the Moon: in the last century, for a long time, three theories of the origin of the Moon were conventionally accepted. Currently, the scientific community has accepted the theory of the artificial origin of this planetoid as no less grounded than others.

So, quite natural questions arise: who built it and why ?!

In ancient times, there were three moons above the Earth

More than 143,000 years ago, three Moons revolved around Midgard-Earth: Lelya, Fatta and the Month. Lelya is a small moon with a period of 7 days, Fatta is a middle moon with a period of 13 days (revolved around Midgard in the equatorial plane) and a month is a large moon with a period of 29.5 days. Two of these Moons - Lelya and the Month were originally the Moons of Midgard-Earth, and Fatta was dragged from the Earth of Dei. Confirmation of those times has been preserved in the myths and legends of various peoples.

A little more than 111 thousand years ago, the small Moon Lelya was destroyed by the power of Tarkh Dazhdbog, who destroyed the Koscheev base, which was on the Moon Lele (the Moon closest to the Earth) and it fell to the Earth with fragments, which caused the continent to sink Daariya is a continent at the North Pole of Midgard-Earth, where our Ancestors lived for a long time after the settlement of Midgard-Earth. This continent sank as a result of the flood created by the waters and fragments of the destroyed Lesser Moon Lelya. This is also said by the Santii Vedas of Perun: "You, on Midgard, have lived quietly, since ancient times, when the world was established ... Remembering from the Vedas, about the deeds of Dazhdbog, how he destroyed the strongholds of the Koshcheis that were on the nearest Moon "... Tarkh did not allow the insidious Koshcheis to destroy Midgard, as they destroyed Deyu... These Kashchei, the rulers of the Grays, disappeared together with the Moon in half an hour ... But Midgard paid for freedom with Daariya, hidden by the Great Flood ... The waters of the Moon created that Flood, they fell to the Earth from Heaven like a rainbow, for the Moon split into pieces and the army of the Svarozhichi descended to Midgard ...". The image of the outlines of the continent of Daariya was preserved on the wall of one of the pyramids in Giza.

Here is how ancient sources say (Russian Vedas "Songs of the bird Gamayun") about this event: “You are My children! Know that the Earth walks past the Sun, but My words will not pass you by! And about ancient times, people, remember! About the Great Flood that destroyed people, about the fall of fire on Mother Earth! "

After the waters and fragments of the destroyed Moon Lelya fell on Midgard-Earth, not only the external appearance of the Earth changed, but also the temperature regime on the surface.

13020 years ago (in 2011) byFragments of the destroyed Moon Fatta fell into the Pacific Ocean to Midgard-Earth. The leaders of Antlani (Atlantis), having a negative evolutionary imbalance, became conductors of the Dark Forces and unleashed a planetary war for world domination. They used nuclear weapons and tried to control the forces of the elements of Midgard-earth. Attempts to control this were unsuccessful and the second Moon - Fatta began to fall on Midgard-Earth. To save the planet from destruction, God Niy destroyed the falling Fatta, but the falling debris turned out to be too large and they caused not only a sinking into the depths of the sea of \u200b\u200bAntlani-Atlantis itself. A huge fragment crashed into the Earth in the region of the western continent (America), as a result of which the inclination of the earth's axis changed by 23.5 degrees and the continental outline. All this, taken together, caused many natural disasters and the beginning of a new ice age, and most of the survivors, after this planetary catastrophe, very quickly descended to primitive levels.

In a number of ancient texts, this process is described as a change in the inclination of the sky in relation to the earth. For example, in the ancient Chinese treatise "Huainanzi" it is described as follows: "The sky has tilted to the northwest, the Sun, Moon and stars have moved." The Earth's axis has acquired a top-like motion along an ellipse, which modern scientists call the "period of precession." The Yarilo-Sun began to pass through other Heavenly Halls on the Svarog Circle, that is, it began to pass through new constellations.

On the wall of one of the Mayan pyramids in America, there is the inscription "The Little Moon crashed." In the Chinese treatise Huainanzi, this event is described as follows: "The firmament broke, the earth's weights broke off. The sky tilted to the northwest. The sun and stars moved. The earth in the southeast turned out to be incomplete, and therefore the waters and silt rushed there ... In ancient times, four poles collapsed, nine continents split ... the fire blazed without ceasing, the waters raged without running out. "

Confirmation of the theory of the artificial origin of the moon.
Back in the 60s. Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov from the USSR Academy of Sciences put forward a hypothesis that the Moon, our satellite, was in fact created by artificial means. This hypothesis has 8 main postulates, which are popularly called riddles.

The first riddle: the orbit of motion and the size of our satellite are physically impossible. This is due to the fact that the size of the moon is equal to a quarter of the size of the planet Earth, and the ratio of the sizes of the satellite and the planet is always many times less. The distance from the Earth to the Moon is such that the sizes of the Sun and the Moon are visually the same. If the Moon were a body that at a certain moment was attracted by the Earth and took on a natural orbit, then it would be expected that this orbit would have to be elliptical. Instead, it is strikingly round.
The second riddle of the Moon: The implausible curvature that the surface of the Moon possesses is inexplicable. The results of geological studies lead to the conclusion that this planetoid is, in fact, a hollow sphere. One explanation is that the lunar crust was made from a solid titanium frame. Indeed, the lunar crust and rocks have been proven to have unusually high levels of titanium.

The third mystery of the Moon: The explanation for the large number of craters on the surface of the Moon is widely known - this is the absence of an atmosphere. The depth to which space meteorites were able to penetrate remains unexplained. Even craters with a diameter of 150 km. do not exceed 4 km. deep into the surface.

The fourth riddle: how did the so-called "lunar seas" form? These gigantic areas of solid lava that originate from the interior of the Moon could easily be explained if the Moon were a hot planet with a liquid interior, where they could arise after meteorite impacts.

The fifth riddle of the moon: gravitational attraction on the surface is not uniform. This effect was already noted by the crew of Apollo 8 when it flew around the "lunar seas" zone.

Sixth: a rather shocking and loud fact is the geographic asymmetry of the Moon's surface. The famous dark side has many more craters, mountains and landforms. And most of the "seas", on the contrary, are in the visible part.

Seventh riddle: low density. The density of our satellite is 60% of the density of the Earth. This fact, together with various studies, proves that the Moon is a hollow object!

And, finally, the eighth riddle of the Moon: in the last century, for a long time, three theories of the origin of the Moon were conventionally accepted. Currently, the scientific community has accepted the theory of the artificial origin of this planetoid as no less grounded than others.

This means that quite natural questions arise: who built it and why? !!

Who needs the moon?

With some longing from the damp depths
Everything mortal, tired, sick,

Creeping, oozing into pus,
Smelling like henbane juices
Dreams stirring like opium
Everything feminine, fragrant, earthly,
Everything dark, everything evil, everything passionate,
What are the bodies of people doomed, ..
Growing to you ...

Around the earth drawing vampire circles
And the currents of life drinking in a dream ...

M. Voloshin. "Lunaria"

The moon in science is considered a natural satellite of the Earth. At the same time, science still cannot explain either the origin of the Moon, or the unique features of its kinematics, in particular, its orientation to the Earth with one of its sides, or, finally, the mechanism by which the movement of the Moon leads to lunar cycles in the life of terrestrial plants and animals. We add that these issues are not clarified either by religions or by various esoteric doctrines. We will try to unravel a little the tangle of secrets associated with the moon. In the proposed version, the Moon is younger than the Earth and is an artificial object. It seems to us that the Earth's space neighbor was created with a grandiose goal - for someone else's control over the local biosphere - and since this neighbor appeared in the firmament, she has brilliantly coped with the task assigned to her. $ CUT $

It should be clarified that "control over the biosphere" here means the energy supply of programs that ensure the automatic vital activity of biological organisms. As mentioned earlier (see "Freezing Castles"), for such energy supply, a characteristic attribute is cyclicality - with regular ups and downs that controlled processes in organisms. It is well known that seasonal, diurnal, and lunar-monthly cycles are most pronounced in the biosphere. It is important to understand what causes the corresponding biorhythms, or, in other words, how the biological clock works.

For a long time, researchers have been trying to link the course of the biological clock with periodic changes in the physical factors of the environment. Let us assume that seasonal rhythms can be linked to seasonal temperature fluctuations. But diurnal biorhythms cannot be associated with any diurnal fluctuations of physical factors - for example, with fluctuations in temperature or illumination - since these rhythms take place even in organisms in rooms isolated from the outside world; the same is true for lunar biorhythms. The only physical factor that, in theory, could set the course of the biological clock is the force of gravity, which, in fact, experiences diurnal and lunar-monthly variations. However, in practice, these variations as a source of biorhythms would be unsuitable not so much because of the insignificance of their values, but because of the impossibility of eliminating the dependence of gravity on factors not related to time: on the geographical latitude and on the position relative to sea level. Conclusion: diurnal and lunar-monthly biorhythms are not associated with any fluctuations in local physical parameters of the habitat. Here science falls into a dead end: the connection between the location of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun in relation to some biological being, on the one hand, and its biorhythms, on the other hand, certainly exists, but this connection turns out to be not physical, but purely geometric, as it were. Meanwhile, it is easy to find a way out of this impasse if we recall the programmatic level of reality. The course of the biological clock, as it seems to us, is realized purely by software, and the parameters that set this course are the current phases of periodically changing angles between the directions from the biological being to the centers of the Earth, the Sun and the Moon.

Indeed, imagine that such a program is constantly running in a computer: no matter how three objects move on the monitor screen - the reference point O and two markers, A and B - the program determines their current coordinates and calculates the current angle AOB. Something similar, only in three-dimensional space, is done by programs that count biological time. Thus, the daily cycle is formed on the basis of the current phase of the angle between the directions from the biological being to the center of the Earth and the center of the Sun; in this case, the role of markers is played by the centers of the corresponding frequency wells (see "The desiccating trail"). One can be convinced that the phase of this angle uniquely sets the diurnal biorhythms. Indeed, for any season and for any geographical latitude, with the exception of small polar areas, the named angle has the maximum value at local noon, and the minimum at local midnight.It becomes clear why automatic life programs, synchronized with the diurnal cycle, react painfully to fast and large movements of a biological creature in longitude - using modern means of transport. it is known that, after a flight to the east or west, at a new location, adaptation to the phase shift of the diurnal cycle is required. The situation is much worse for cosmonauts, say, on board an orbital station. Their diurnal biorhythms are completely upset, and long "space watches" have become possible thanks to the electric sleep apparatus, which allows you to create at least some kind of daily cyclicity: at the request of the user, this device temporarily drives him into a state of deep "sleep-out".

Now let's look at the lunar cycle. First of all, let us clarify that there was a period in history when there were no lunar biorhythms, because there was no moon in the sky. This is evidenced, for example, by the following circumstance. In ancient times, people did not have the opportunity to detect, say, the summer solstice with an accuracy of even one day. Therefore, they could only know approximately the number of days in a year. There is historical evidence that in ancient chronology the beginning of the new year was associated with some local natural event: with the flood of a sacred river, or with the flowering of sacred trees, or with the arrival of sacred birds ... Since events of this kind are not reproduced from year to year in at the same point of the annual cycle, then the length of the year with this approach turns out to be "floating", like all such system of chronology.But since such systems were still used, this means that there was no natural clock that made it possible to keep the calendar more convenient and more precisely, new opportunities for this opened up only with the appearance of the moon in the sky, and lunar calendars quickly replaced their "floating" predecessors. The fact that the moon moves across the sky "not from the creation of the world" is also evidenced by the remarkable fact that solar deities were certainly present in many ancient religious systems, and the moon deities ... were absent! This was the case, for example, in the pagan pantheons of the ancient Latins, Germans, Slavs ... But, perhaps, this strangeness manifested itself most clearly in the history of Ancient Egypt. The religion of the ancient Egyptians is exceptional in its polytheism: there is probably not a single natural phenomenon, familiar to the Egyptians, which they did not deify. And again - all the same picture: the main deity they had was the solar god Ra, and the lunar deity was not at all! The moon goddess, Isis, appeared much later than the ancient Egyptian pantheon was formed. Why this happened is a mystery to Egyptologists. But an even greater mystery is the development events after Isis, like a devil from a box, appeared on the scene: pretty quickly this punchy lady outshone everyone and everything, and already in the late antique era, she was revered as the Great Mother of the World throughout the entire Mediterranean Sea and adjacent regions. Here is how Apuleius wrote about her in "Metamorphoses": "O holy, eternal deliverer of the human race, constant intercessor of mortals, that you are a miserable tender mother in troubles! Not a day, not a night, not even a short minute passes, you are deprived of your blessings: on the sea and on land you patronize people, in the storms of life you stretch out your saving hand, with which you dissolve the indissoluble yarn of fate, you humble the fury of Fate, you tame the ominous luminary. The gods above honor you, and the gods of the shadows of the underground worship you; you revolve the circle of the world, light up the Sun, rule the Universe, trample on Tartarus. The stars answer your call; you are the alternation of times, the source, the joy of the inhabitants of heaven, the lady of the elements. With your beckoning fire, the fire flares up, the clouds thicken, crops sprout, shoots rise. The birds that fly in the sky are afraid of your strength; beasts wandering in the mountains; snakes hiding in the ground; monsters floating on the waves ... ”After reading such outpourings, it remains only to be amazed: could the Great Initiates of Ancient Egypt, forming the pantheon, at first admit such a glaring flaw? The version that while there was no moon, there was nowhere to take the moon goddess looks much more plausible. When the Moon opened to amazed gaze, the "flaw" had to be urgently eliminated not only by the Egyptians, as the original attributes of the lunar cults are characteristic only of those religious systems that appeared later.

Perhaps the most fantastic in this whole story is the way in which the coveted frequency well was created - in terms of exoticism and minimal cost, this method seems to be unique. It is appropriate to recall here that Aristotle once taught that The moon is like a mirror reflecting the earth... More than one generation of astronomers made fun of this "ridiculous" doctrine. But, in fact, Aristotle was right! Let us recall that mirrors are capable of mirroring the architecture of the Physical Arena, ie the geometry of space-time (see "Desiccating Path"). If a large parabolic mirror is directed towards the Earth, then it will mirror the Earth's frequency well, i.e. a spherically symmetric frequency well with a center at the focus of the mirror will appear. This frequency well, created by the mirror, will, like the original well, impart centripetal acceleration to the physical bodies located on its slopes, i.e. it will have the properties of a center of gravity. It seems to us that the main part of the Moon's structure is precisely the parabolic mirror - with an area that occupies almost the entire visible disk of the Moon, and with a focus located in its geometric center. The efficiency of the lunar mirror can be judged by the fact that the Moon behaves as if it has a mass about 81 times less than the mass of the Earth. Moreover, in the center of the moon, of course, there is no energy reactor, as we naively believed earlier; The moon attracts and attracts passively. Surprisingly, all the gravity of the moon, heaving ocean tides and wobbling the Earth itself in its path around the sun, is due to the mirrored gravity of the Earth. We can say that the Earth moves itself with the help of the lunar mirror - something similar was done by Baron Munchausen when he pulled himself out of the swamp by his hair. As for the Moon's own mass, it is much less than scientists believe. The moon is hollow inside, it contains only a mirror and an outer shell, which performs protective and camouflage functions. Presumably, the problem of ensuring a constant orientation of the lunar mirror to the Earth was solved by a method from the category of the simplest - as they say, “without moving parts.” This method exists; in astronautics it is called “passive gravitational stabilization of the orientation of satellites”. All you need to do is to create a mass distribution for the satellite that is sufficiently elongated along a certain axis - for which, for example, retractable rods with ballast at the end are used - and this axis for a satellite moving in orbit around a force center will always tend to orient itself along the local frequency slope (along the local vertical). In the case of the Moon, the retractable rod was dispensed with, since the required mass distribution was created inside the outer shell.

After the impostor and his assistants quickly solved all these technical problems, he proceeded to the next stage of his grandiose idea: to alter the automatic programs of life for all terrestrial animals - with the synchronization of these programs along the lunar cycle. The phase of this cycle is determined, again, by software - through the phase of the angle, which is formed by the directions from the biological creature to the centers of the Sun and the Moon: this angle is maximum on a full moon, and on a new moon it is minimal. And now, some time after the installation of the "queen of the night", the biosphere became unrecognizable. No, outwardly it almost did not change, but the lunar biorhythms in its life permeated everything that was possible. During this restructuring, special attention was paid to what subsequently happened called the principle of great harmony between "yin", female energies, and "yang", male energies - for which the corresponding female and male biorhythms were prudently set in antiphase. For example, on a full moon, males experience a physical decline and emotional upsurge, and females, on the contrary, physical upsurge and emotional decline; on the new moon, the picture is exactly the opposite.The Ministry of Health does not warn: sexual intercourse on new and full moons is fraught with trouble! And, by the way, not only sexual intercourse. Ask for statistics of accidents, as well as statistics of doctors, forensic experts, psychiatrists - it will be found that accidents with people usually gravitate towards new and full moons. This is such a harmony. the grimaces of this "harmony" during solar and lunar eclipses are especially revealing. When the Moon eclipses the Sun, the angle that defines the lunar cycle becomes not just minimal, as in the new moon; it becomes zero. Whether at the same time some programs fail, or something else, but the animals behave in a peculiar way. Even being in closed rooms and having no idea what is happening in the sky, females usually experience unmotivated fear, and males show unmotivated aggression. Similar anomalies in the behavior of animals are observed when the shadow of the Earth covers the Moon, and the angle that sets the lunar cycle becomes equal to one hundred and eighty degrees.

However, if we close our eyes to these minor flaws, then, on the whole, the "lunization" of automatic vital activity in the biosphere was carried out brilliantly, but with such a scale that amazed everyone. How could it not have glorified the new goddess who wasted the good deeds of all earthly living creatures? then someone, what for these "good deeds" will have to pay with the development of criminal behavioral programs? And that the whole history of the sublunary world will be reduced, basically, to a stream of boundless atrocities and abominations? And what will those who know about the Golden Age, in which people lived conscientiously, be regarded as dangerous madmen?

Who would have believed in the mortal horror hanging over people after the "moonization", which conceals a real possibility for their rapid and almost total death? After all, it is not so difficult to blow this cheap paraboloid from orbit. The question is: what would have happened if the Moon had not been saved ? Answers: the programs of automatic life activity in the biosphere, synchronized according to the lunar cycle, would stop. Presumably, the emergency switching to the previous programs developed for the daily cycle - which remain on such a rainy day, would have worked immediately. But this emergency switching would not help everyone, Plants and animals, tormented with adaptation, would continue to exist. People who lived by conscience would continue their lives. Those who deliberately worked out the criminal programs of the Prince would have lost their guiding energy source and would have simply died out. - everything is fair.

In this connection, it is appropriate to recall one historical episode at the dawn of cosmonautics. Imagine: the scientist elite of the USSR is discussing the project of launching the first rocket capable of reaching the Moon. There was no talk of a soft landing yet; a modest task was planned for the apparatus: to enter the Moon's sphere of action and collapse onto its surface. The question arose: how can you be sure that the device has reached the surface of the moon, that it has not missed? And so it was proposed to send a nuclear warhead on this apparatus. One can imagine with what a sincere screech this proposal was considered - after all, then there were only a few of these warheads! And they would have sent one, tearing it away from the heart ... But it dawned on someone: since there is no atmosphere on the Moon, a nuclear explosion, as a demonstration, will be ineffective - a precious warhead will be wasted! Therefore, we stopped at another version, with a radio transmitter, which stopped beeping at the calculated moment ... Lucky for the biosphere! Or maybe not lucky - after all, she still suffers. Generally unclear.

And it is clear that the criminal lawlessness that has now swept over Russia is a reflection of the prince's energy agony.

And that in the near future the criminal leading energy source will somehow sink into oblivion.

You need to be prepared for this.

Andrey Nikolaevsky