Lecture on the most ancient pages of the formation of mankind. The World History


Lesson number 2.

Section: The oldest stage in the history of mankind.

Topic: The oldest stage in the history of mankind.

Purpose: To consider the stages of human history.


(Educational)consider the stages of human history;

(Developing) teach to distinguish the stages of the historical development of mankind;

(Educational) contribute to fostering a sense of patriotism and involvement in their homeland.

Equipment:textbook, notebook, marker, board.

Lesson type:Combined lesson

During the classes.

    Organizing time.(3 minutes)

    Homework check(20 minutes)

    Describe the types of historical sources?

    Civilization, variants of their typology.

    Periodization of world history.

    The role and functions of history.

    What is a tribal community?

    Learning new material.(50 minutes)


    Resettlement of people around the globe.

    Neolithic revolution, its reasons.

    The emergence of a manufacturing economy

    Consequences of the Neolithic Revolution.

    Evolution of social relations.

    The origin of statehood.

    Isolation of a person from the animal world.

Sources of knowledge about ancient man. The first event that historical science studies is the appearance of man.

Science proceeds from the fact that man appeared as a result of evolution from the animal kingdom. Biologists since the famous 18th century Swedish scientist. Linnaeus belongs to the order of higher mammals - primates. Together with humans, the primate squad includes all known species of monkeys. It is almost impossible to distinguish the remains of the first species of "prehistoric" man from the remains of great apes by anatomical features. Probably a search with lead in a different direction. With the help of archeology, we got at our disposal objects made by the ancient inhabitants of our planet.

It is the ability to make different objects that should be considered the main feature that distinguishes humans from other primates. True, from ancient times, products from organic materials, such as wood, could not survive. It is known that modern great apes are able to make and use the simplest devices from branches and sticks. However, no monkey can make a tool out of stone. Therefore, it should be clarified that the difference between the ancient man and the animal lies in the ability to make tools from stone and other solid materials.

Archaeologists divide history into Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages. The Stone Age is subdivided into ancient (Paleolithic), Middle (Mesolithic) and new (Neolithic) according to the characteristics of stone products of ancient people. In addition to archeology, ethnography is of great importance in the study of the primitive era.

Problems of human origin. There are several theories on the issue of human origin - anthropogenesis. In our country, the labor theory formulated in the 19th century was very famous. F. Engels. According to this theory, the labor to which the ancestors of man were forced to turn led to a change in their appearance, which was fixed in the course of natural selection, and the need for communication in the labor process contributed to the emergence of language and thinking. Labor theory is based on Charles Darwin's doctrine of natural selection.

Modern genetics has a slightly different opinion about the reasons for the evolution of living things. She denies the possibility of fixing qualities acquired in the course of life in the body, if their appearance is not associated with mutations.

Currently, there are different versions of the causes of anthropogenesis. Scientists have noticed that the region where anthropogenesis mainly took place (East Africa) is a zone of increased radioactivity. In addition, according to archaeologists, new human species appeared during periods of geomagnetic reversals (changes in the Earth's poles). Reversals that occur once every hundreds of thousands of years are accompanied by a temporary disappearance of the Earth's magnetic field and, consequently, an increase in the radiation level due to the effect of cosmic rays. Radiation is the strongest mutagenic factor. Perhaps it was radiation that caused anatomical changes, which ultimately led to the appearance of man.

The remains of common ancestors of apes and humans, found in East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, are about 30-40 million years old. In East and South Africa, the remains of the most probable human ancestor - Australopithecus (age 4 - 5.5 million years) were found. Australopithecines, most likely, did not yet know how to make tools from stone, but in appearance they looked like the first creature that created such tools.

The most ancient stone tools (age about 2.6 million years), created by the hand of man, were found by archaeologists in the area of \u200b\u200bKada Gona in Ethiopia. Almost equally ancient items have been found in a number of regions of East Africa, in particular, in the Olduvai (Oldowai) gorge in Tanzania. In the same places, fragments of the remains of their creators have been excavated - a skilled man. The most characteristic tools of a skilled man are pebbles chipped on one or two sides. Since its inception, the main occupation of man has been hunting, including rather large animals (elephants). Even the dwellings of the most ancient people have been discovered in the form of a fence made of large stones stacked in a circle. From above, they may have been covered with branches and skins. Types of people. Resettlement of the most ancient people. There is no consensus among scientists on the issue of continuity between a skilled person and the next type of person - a person who is erect, or, literally, straightened. The oldest find of the remains of Homo erectus in East Africa dates back to 1.7 million years ago. For some time Noto ege & iz coexisted with Noto sapians, but it is important to note that Homo erectus was similar in height to modern man, the volume of his brain was quite large.

The most common human tool was the hand ax. It was an oblong tool, sharpened at one end and rounded at the other: it was convenient for them to cut, dig, gouge, and scrape the skin of a dead animal.Another great achievement of Homo erectus was the mastery of fire. The oldest traces of fires date back to 1.5 million years ago and were found in East Africa.

Approximately 40 - 35 thousand years ago, the Neanderthals completely gave way to modern man. In the town of Cro-Magnon in France, the first people of the modern type are called Cro-Magnons.

With the advent of Cro-Magnons, the process of anthropogenesis ends. Some researchers believe that Cro-Magnons appeared much earlier, about 100 thousand years ago, in Africa or the Middle East, and 40 - 35 thousand years ago they began to populate Europe and other continents.

2. Resettlement of people around the globe. Living conditions of primitive people. The process of anthropogenesis took about 3 million years. During this time, cardinal changes have occurred in nature more than once: four large glaciations, and within glacial and warm epochs, their periods of warming and cooling.

During the glacial epochs in the north of Eurasia and North America, a layer of ice up to 2 km thick covered vast territories. Endless tundra stretched from the glacier to the south. In summer, grasses and bushes grew green here. The periglacial lands were quite densely populated by people, since animals lived there, which were the main object of hunting for humans. These are primarily mammoths, woolly rhinoceroses and cave bears.

The need to withstand difficult conditions contributed to the progressive development of mankind. Hunting large animals was possible only with the participation of a significant number of people. It is assumed that the hunt was driven: the animals were driven either to the cliffs or to the dug holes. Thus, a person could survive only in a group of his own kind.

Tribal community. It is very difficult to judge social relations during the Paleolithic period. Even the most backward tribes studied by ethnographers (Australian aborigines, Bushmen, a number of Amazonian tribes), according to archaeological periodization, were at the Mesolithic stage.

It is assumed that the first people, like flocks of modern monkeys, lived in small groups. In groups of primates (great apes) the leader and several males close to him dominate all other males and females. In a number of backward peoples studied by ethnographers, a system of domination of leaders and their entourage over the rest of the group was also revealed. It should be assumed that the same system existed among the first people. However, there is another opinion, confirmed by ethnographers. In most of the backward tribes, relations are recorded, which scientists have called "primitive communism". The features of "primitive communism" are the equality of group members, mutual assistance and mutual assistance. Authority in such human collectives is enjoyed by those whom all members recognize as the most experienced and intelligent. Obviously, it was precisely such relations that prevailed in primitive society.... The data of archeology, ethnography, folklore studies allowed scientists to come to the conclusion that the basis of the social organization of the Cro-Magnons was the clan community (clan) - a collective of blood relatives descending from a common ancestor. Judging by the excavations, the ancient tribal community consisted of 100-150 people. All members of the tribal community were jointly engaged in hunting, gathering, making tools and processing prey. Dwellings, food supplies, animal skins, and tools were considered common property. At the head of the clan were experienced people, as a rule, older in age (leaders or elders). All the most important issues in the life of the community were decided at a meeting of all its adult members.

The problem of sexual relations is closely connected with the problem of the social structure of primitive peoples. Great apes have harem families: only the leader and his entourage participate in reproduction, using all the females of his group. Scientists suggest that in ancient people, after the elimination of the system of dominance of the leader, sexual relations took the form of promiscuity - every man in the group was considered the husband of every woman. Later, exogamy appeared - a ban on marriage within the tribal community. A dual-clan group marriage developed, in which men of one clan entered into marriage only with women of another clan and vice versa. This custom contributed to the biological progress of mankind.

Tribal communities were united into tribes. Initially, the tribe had two clans, which participated in group marriage, then there were more and more clans. Over time, restrictions appeared in group marriage. The members of the genus were divided into age groups (marriages were allowed only between the corresponding age groups). Then a pair marriage developed, which was initially very fragile.

For a long time, the dominant idea was that in its development the tribal organization went through two stages - matriarchy and patriarchy. Under matriarchy, the account of kinship was carried out on the maternal side, and husbands passed on to live in the family of a wife. Under patriarchy, a large patriarchal family headed by an older man becomes the main unit of society. Currently, opinions are expressed that these two stages were not universal for all primitive peoples.

Achievements of the Paleolithic people. As a material for the manufacture of tools and hunting Cro-Magnons used primarily flint, as well as obsidian, jasper and other rocks of hard, but easily cracking stone.

The cold climate led to the appearance of clothing and the improvement of dwellings. In Western Europe and a number of other places, caves were widely used for housing. It was once believed that all primitive people lived in caves, they were even called troglodytes (cave people). However, in Eastern Europe, in places where there were caves (for example, in the Urals), people did not always settle in them. A round or oval hole was usually dug here, along its edges they placed mammoth tusks bent inward, which were covered with skins and branches on top and covered with earth. Up to fifty people lived in such a "house".

In the Middle Paleolithic, the first age and sex division of labor occurs: men went hunting, women were engaged in gathering, sewn clothes. Children helped women, grown-up boys hunted on an equal basis with men.

Over time, human tribes populated almost all of Eurasia. During warming times, they moved northward, with the advance of the glacier, they retreated to the south.

Forty thousand years ago (and maybe even earlier), the settlement of America began. It is assumed that people got there through the isthmus connecting Chukotka and Alaska, or over ice. During the late Paleolithic period, Australia and the Polynesian islands were settled.

For the end of the Paleolithic era, the coexistence of various archaeological cultures in different parts of the earth is recorded (archaeological culture covers a group of sites with similar inventory). This testifies to the emergence of ethnic differences between groups of the population of our planet. Even earlier, three main races of mankind began to take shape: Negroid, Caucasoid, and Mongoloid.

Primitive religion and art. Primitive people knew a lot about the world. They understood the habits of animals, the properties of different plants and stones, knew how to predict the weather, heal from wounds and bites of poisonous snakes. Even surgical operations were performed using stone tools: they cut off an injured arm or leg, and opened the skull to remove a tumor. Observations of natural phenomena, reflections on the life of people led to the birth of ideas about the existence of invisible forces - spirits and gods that affect nature and human life. This is how religion was born.

Primitive religion was different from the religions that exist in the modern world. For ancient people, gods and spirits were not otherworldly forces that ruled the world, they were not perceived as something different from man. The gods were embodied in specific objects: stones, trees, animals, mountains. The ancestors of the family were also considered gods. People felt their constant connection with such gods. They believed that they could influence them: appease, feed (sacrifices), even punish.

Primitive art is associated with religion, the problem of the origin of which is still the subject of scientific discussions. It is assumed that art, like religion, has become one of the ways of understanding the world around us. Art originated in the Neanderthals (notches, ornaments). Under the Cro-Magnons, the time of its true heyday came. The most impressive monument of the times. Paleolithic is a cave (rock) painting. Hundreds of magnificent colorful realistic images of animals have been discovered in the caves: mammoths, bison, deer, horses, bears. Cave drawings were created from 30 to 12 thousand years ago. Some images, obviously, served for witchcraft hunting rites.

The sculpture of the Paleolithic is no less interesting. Often these are animal figurines made of stone or bone. They were also used for ritual purposes (traces of blows, which were inflicted by stone points, were preserved on them).

Unlike images of animals, images of people, as a rule, were performed abstractly. On the walls of the caves, all human figures have masks on their faces. The Paleolithic Venuses, small (5-15 cm) statuettes of women, usually naked, occasionally dressed, are practically absent. N-few such figurines were found in Western Europe, but most of all in Russia, in the Voronezh region, as well as in the Baikal region. Historians suggest that these are images of the progenitor-prostrate clan. Such sculptures also expressed the ideas of motherhood and fertility.

Paleolithic in Russia. The very first signs of human presence in the territory of modern Russia are dated by some archaeologists to about 1 million years ago. So, at the sites Ulalinka and U-Kan (within the city of Gorno-Altaysk), Dering-Yuryakh not far from Yakutsk, Mysovaya in the Southern Urals, primitive tools made of pebbles, similar to the oldest products from East Africa, were discovered.

One of the most famous places associated with the stay of ancient people is the Kapova Cave in Bashkiria. There were found more than forty drawings made in red ocher: mammoths, bison, wild horses, rhinos. The age of the drawings is 15-13 thousand years.

The Kostenko-Borshchevsky district near Voronezh is unique. Here, in a small area, 24 hundred-Yankees and 4 burials have been excavated, a colossal amount of stone and bone tools, figurines, primarily Paleolithic venuses, have been found.

At the Sungir site near Vladimir, two burials were excavated, made 25-30 thousand years ago. One of them may have contained a tribal leader. All his clothes and hat were embroidered with hundreds of small beads from mammoth tusks. Hands were adorned with more than twenty bracelets, also made of tusks. Even more interesting is the second grave, where a boy 12-13 years old and a girl 7-8 years old are buried. Their clothes are also richly decorated with bone products, a total of 7,500 beads have been collected. It remains a mystery why the children were honored with such a magnificent burial.

3. Neolithic revolution, its reasons.

For millions of years, humans have lived off hunting, fishing and gathering. Man “appropriated” the gifts of nature, therefore this type of economy is called appropriating. People were completely dependent on nature, external conditions, climate change, abundance or scarcity of prey, and random luck.

About 11-10 thousand years ago, the relationship between man and nature became radically different. Agriculture and animal husbandry were born. People began to independently produce products necessary for life. Dependence on the environment has greatly diminished. This type of economy is called producing. A producing economy still remains the basis of human existence. The transition to a productive economy for a number of tribes and peoples began in the Mesolithic period and ended in the Neolithic.

4. The emergence of a producing economy. The emergence of a productive economy radically changed the life of mankind, relationships within communities of people, the order of management in them. Historians have called these changes the Neolithic Revolution.

Causes of the Neolithic Revolution. The last major glaciation of the Earth ended about 12 thousand years ago. In a relatively short period of time, the tundra and part of the territory where the eternal ice lay were covered with forests. It seemed that such changes would make life easier for people, however, during the melting of the ice, mammoths and many other large animals died out, which primitive people were accustomed to and knew how to hunt and which gave them food, skins, and bone for making various objects. I had to master hunting for small game, poultry, and pay more attention to fishing.Now tribal communities in search of prey were often forced to move to new territories .

During this period, a bow and arrow, various traps, traps were invented. Another invention was the boomerang, which had the property of returning back when thrown unsuccessfully (not hitting prey). People built boats and rafts on which they sailed not only along rivers and lakes, but also went out to sea.

The melting of the glacier had dire consequences for the communities of Western Asia (the territory of modern Turkey, Syria, Israel, Palestine, Iraq, Iran and some other countries). During the Paleolithic period, wild rams, wild boars, goats, bulls were hunted here, cereals were collected - wheat, barley, millet. In the wild, these plants grow only in the mountainous regions of Western Asia.

To cut the ears of cereals, people invented a special tool - the sickle. A groove was hollowed out along the inner surface of a curved wooden stick or bone, sharpened pebbles 1 - 2 cm in size (microliths) were inserted close to each other and everything was fixed with resin or concrete. If one of the microliths broke or fell out, it could easily be replaced with another, since they were made the same, in the form of trapezoids or triangles. Later, microliths began to be used for the manufacture of compound knives, swords, axes, and spears. After the end of the glaciation, a terrible drought began in Western Asia, which led to the death of many animals and plants. The ecological crisis has forced people to look for new sources of livelihood. A way out was found in the artificial breeding of plants and the domestication (domestication) of animals.

The emergence of a manufacturing economy. Grain gatherers noticed that if a grain is buried in loose soil and watered with water, then an ear with many grains grows out of it. This is how agriculture was born. Only the best grains were selected for sowing every year. Over time, the appearance and many beneficial properties of wheat, millet, barley and other cereals have changed.

Due to the drought, wild sheep, goats, cows, pigs began to enter human settlements in search of water. Community members often caught them alive, kept them in paddocks, and ate them as needed. Some animals were born in captivity. Over time, such animals began to be fed, grazed, and the calmest and largest were selected for breeding. Gradually, domestic animals began to differ from wild ones in habits, character, and even in anatomical structure. The domestication of animals took place. Livestock raising (cattle breeding) appeared.

The first were domesticated in the X - IX millennia BC. sheep and goats, in the 7th millennium BC have tamed a pig and a cow. In ancient times, the domestication of the cat also took place, which saved grain reserves from rodents. (The dog was domesticated by Paleolithic hunters.)

The first plants to grow wheat, barley, millet, lentils. Later they learned to plant fruit-bearing trees - plums, pears, peaches, apricots, apples, grapes, etc.

The oldest site with traces of agriculture, discovered in northern Iraq, dates back to the 10th-9th millennia BC.

When the climate became more humid, agriculture spread to almost all of Western Asia and some neighboring territories (Egypt, southern Europe, Central Asia, etc.). New types of cultivated plants and animals were developed on new lands. So, in Central Asia, the camel was domesticated.

In a number of places, agriculture arose independently, without any connection with Western Asia. These places, of course, include America, where they began to grow corn and tomatoes. Rice was "domesticated" in India and China. Perhaps in Europe, cattle were domesticated on their own. However, the “ancestors” of most domestic animals (sheep, goats, cows) and plants (wheat, barley, millet) are considered wild animals and plants that were present only in Western Asia.

Cereals and domestic animals obtained by the ancient inhabitants of Western Asia, and to this day remain the main sources of food for mankind.

5. Consequences of the Neolithic Revolution. Following the advent of agriculture, many more discoveries were made. People have learned to produce woolen and linen fabrics. The most important invention was ceramics (the first products from fired clay date back to the 8th millennium BC). A potter's wheel appeared. Bricks used in construction were also made of clay.

For irrigation of fields, they began to build canals and pools, gradually irrigation (irrigation) structures became more and more complicated. They began to cultivate the fields not only with a hoe, but also with a plow and a plow. Over time, bulls began to be used for plowing.

At the settlement of farmers and pastoralists at the turn of the VIII-VII millennia BC. Chaiyonu-Tepesi in Asia Minor found the most ancient products made of native copper. From V - IV millennia BC. e. in the Middle East, the Eneolithic period begins - the Copper-Stone Age (transitional from the Stone to the Bronze Age). In Europe, the beginning of the Chalcolithic dates back to the 3rd millennium BC. The Bronze Age began in the Middle East at the end of the 4th - 3rd millennium BC, and in Europe in the 2nd millennium BC. e. Iron products (Iron Age) began to be made from the end of the 2nd millennium BC. e. in Asia Minor and in the 1st millennium BC in Europe. After the development of mass production of iron ore products, stone tools finally disappeared.

Neolithic revolution on the territory of modern Russia. In the steppes of the Southern Urals and the Volga region, archaeologists have found bones of domestic animals (cows, goats, sheep), which they began to breed 8 - 7 thousand years ago. These are the oldest traces of a manufacturing economy in Russia. Pets were brought here by settlers from the southern lands.

People who once lived in the Southern Urals also contributed to the Neolithic Revolution. It is here that the world's oldest bones of domesticated horses were found.

The advent of domesticated horses dramatically accelerated the course of history. Horses facilitated communication between different peoples, which contributed to their mutual development. It is no coincidence that in regions where it was not possible to tame a horse, development was slow (America, Australia).

Social division of labor. The origin of craft and trade. The economy in the first communities of farmers and pastoralists was of a complex nature. The cultivation of cereals, fruits and livestock were complementary. However, differences in natural conditions very soon led to the emergence of specialization.

On fertile lands, the main occupation is farming and the associated animal husbandry. The farmers were sedentary. The tribes who found themselves in the steppe regions completely switched to cattle breeding, which, after the domestication of the horse and the development of the wheel, acquired a nomadic character.

The so-called first large social division of labor took place - the separation of agriculture and cattle breeding into separate economic complexes. In the settlements of farmers, people began to appear who specialized in the production of various products from stone, metals or clay, in the manufacture of fabrics, etc. (artisans). Over time, many began to live exclusively on the craft. The second major social division of labor took place - the separation of handicrafts from agriculture and cattle breeding.

The social division of labor contributed to the development of exchange. Craftsmen supplied farmers and pastoralists with their products, receiving food from them. Farmers and pastoralists also exchanged their products. So trade was born.

The beginning of the formation of peoples. With the development of the manufacturing economy, the differences in the rates of development of different regions of the world increased. Where there were favorable conditions for farming and the formation of crafts, development proceeded faster.

Natural and climatic conditions influenced the formation of peoples who spoke different languages.

Scientists suggest that once the ancestors of the speakers of related languages \u200b\u200brepresented a single community and lived in one place. Then separate groups separated, mixed with other tribes, and differences appeared and intensified in languages.

In the scientific world, the dispute about which peoples lived on the territory of Western Asia during the period of the formation of the manufacturing economy does not subside until their time. Undoubtedly, both there and in North Africa in ancient times there were tribes that gave rise to the Semitic-Hamitic languages. Many ancient peoples spoke these languages: Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians.

There is a point of view that tribes lived in some regions of Asia Minor, which laid the foundation for peoples speaking Indo-European languages. Nowadays, a significant part of the world's population uses the Indo-European languages. In particular, Russian belongs to the East Slavic group of Indo-European languages.

The question of the time and place of the appearance of the Indo-Europeans has also been the subject of controversy for more than two hundred years, since the relationship of languages \u200b\u200bspread over vast areas from India to Western Europe was established (hence their name). Most scholars believe that the Indo-European community began to take shape in the IV-III millennia BC, but there are opinions about an earlier period (VI-V millennium BC).

Previously, it was believed that the ancestral home of the Indo-European peoples is Southern Scandinavia and Northern Germany. Currently, this point of view has no adherents among scientists. The theory of the Balkan-Danube ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans is considered the most widespread. The version about the southern Russian ancestral homeland (Eastern Ukraine, Northern Caucasus, Volga region, Southern Urals) is also popular. Finally, an opinion is expressed about the Eastern Anatolian ancestral home (north of Western Asia).

For a long time, the main occupation of the Indo-European tribes was cattle breeding. However, mastering the secret of making bronze weapons made the Indo-Europeans very warlike. Separate groups moved in different directions, trying to seize the best lands. Mixing with other tribes and passing on their languages \u200b\u200bto them, the Indo-Europeans settled almost all of Europe, Central Asia, Iran, India and other lands.

6. Evolution of social relations. Neighboring community.

The Mesolithic and Neolithic period was a time of change in communities.

As farmers improved their instruments of labor and the use of draft animals, the individual family became an increasingly independent production unit. The need for joint work disappeared. This process was enhanced by the introduction of bronze and especially iron tools of labor. The tribal community gave way to a neighboring community.

Dwellings, tools, and draft animals in the neighboring community became the property of individual families. However, arable and other land continued to remain in communal ownership. As a rule, members of one family worked on arable land, but the clearing of the fields, work on their irrigation was carried out jointly by all members of the neighboring community.

For pastoralists, tribal relations persisted longer than for farmers. For a long time the herds remained the common property of the clan.

Over time, equality within the community became a thing of the past. Some families became wealthier than others and accumulated wealth.

At the origins of statehood. The supreme governing body in communities and tribes remained the meeting, in which all adult members took part. The leader elected by the assembly for the period of hostilities depended on the support of his fellow tribesmen. The elders were the council of the community, tribe. All relations within society were regulated by customs and traditions (customary law). The organization of power in primitive communities and tribes can be called self-government. As material inequality developed, so did inequality in governance. The wealthier members of the community began to exert an increasing influence on government. In the assembly of the people, the word of such people becomes decisive. The power of the leader was now preserved in times of peace and gradually began to pass by inheritance. With increasing inequality, many customs and traditions ceased to effectively regulate life. The leaders had to resolve disputes between fellow tribesmen, punish them for misdeeds that could not have happened before. For example, after individual families acquired property, theft arose, which was not known before, since everything was common.

Increased clashes between tribes contributed to the development of inequality. During the Paleolithic period, tribal wars were quite rare, but since the beginning of the Neolithic revolution they have been fought almost constantly. Individual communities and tribes in a productive economy could accumulate significant reserves of food, which other tribes sought to appropriate.

For successful defense and attacks, the tribes united in tribal alliances led by a warlord. The best warriors rallied around the leaders.

In many ancient societies, the leaders also acquired priestly functions: only they could communicate with the gods, ask them for help for their fellow tribesmen. The priest-chief led the rituals.

Over time, members of the community (tribe) began to supply the leader and his entourage with everything they needed. Initially, these were voluntary gifts, signs of respect. Donations then became mandatory taxes, similar to taxes. The material basis for such a phenomenon can be considered success in economic development. It has been calculated, for example, that the primitive farmer of Asia Minor in two months of work provided himself with food for a whole year, the rest of the time he gave to the leaders, priests.

After a successful raid on the neighbors, the leader and especially distinguished warriors received the best part of the booty. Prisoners were also among the spoils. Previously, they were either released, or sacrificed to the gods, or eaten. Now the prisoners were forced to work for the winners (again, because a person could already produce more than he needed himself). This is how slaves appeared.

7. The emergence of statehood.The growth of the wealth of the leaders and nobility as a result of wars further increased their power over their fellow tribesmen.

The tribes united in alliances were usually not equal to each other. The union was dominated by one tribe, sometimes forcing others to join it. Conquest by one tribe of others was not uncommon. In this case, the conquerors had to develop new control mechanisms. The leaders of the conquering tribes became rulers, and their fellow tribesmen became assistants in managing the conquered. The structure being created was in many ways reminiscent of the state, one of the main features of which is the presence of organs for managing society, separated from society itself.

At the same time, the traditions of self-government persisted for a very long time. Even the most powerful leader called a popular assembly, where important decisions were discussed and approved. The congregation elected a new leader after the death of the old one, even if he was his son.

The first states arose where the leaders and their assistants also became the leaders of economic life.

So it was in those places where for agriculture it was necessary to build and maintain complex irrigation structures in good condition.

The origin of cities. Some villages of farmers turned into large settlements. Walls of stone were erected around them. Such settlements resembled cities. The cities became the seat of the tribal leaders, from where they governed the district under their control. In the center of such a city, one or more temples usually rose, which were considered the dwellings of the gods. The gods of the sun, wind and rain were held in special esteem, who ruled, as it was believed, natural phenomena, on which the life of farmers and pastoralists largely depended.

One of the oldest settlements (VIII millennium BC) was discovered in the city of Jericho in Palestine. Around ancient Jericho, in which about 3 thousand people lived, they built walls of stone up to 3 m thick. An even larger urban-type settlement Chatal-Guyuk (Chatal-Huyuk) existed in the 7th-6th millennia BC. in Asia Minor. Houses made of sun-dried mud bricks were built here close to each other, there were no streets, and the doors were on the roof.

4. Summing up. Frontal poll

- What is a neighborhood community?

- What is a tribal community?

- Causes of the neo-classical revolution *

- Consequences of the Neolithic Revolution? (10 minutes)

5. Homework: V.V. Artemov, pp. 13-32. (7 minutes)

The most common is archaeological periodization, the criterion of which is the differences in the material and technique of making tools. According to this scheme, the primitive era is divided into stone, bronze and iron ages. . In turn, each of these eras is subdivided into a number of stages. We are unable to analyze these stages. All of them constitute the era of the savagery of the human community. For the formation of civilization, the Neolithic period (VIII-V thousand years ago) is of fundamental importance, when the formation of an economy based on agriculture and animal husbandry began. This period was an English archaeologist. Gordon Child suggested calling it the Neolithic Revolution. The essence of the Neolithic revolution was the transition of a part of the population from appropriating forms of economy (hunting, fishing, gathering) to the producing economy - agriculture and cattle breeding, the emergence of the first civilizations was preceded by the Neolithic revolution.

The associated transition to new forms of economy contributed to cardinal changes in culture, lifestyle and the spiritual sphere. Now in the endless world of hunters, fishermen and gatherers, who have mastered almost all natural and climatic zones of the Earth, societies of farmers and herders are moving to the forefront of history. It is in their environment that a significant surplus product is created and material and spiritual values \u200b\u200bare accumulated accordingly.

The origins of the first civilizations go back to the period of the existence of early agricultural societies. Thanks to the construction of irrigation facilities, grandiose at that time, the productivity of agriculture increased sharply. In societies that have entered the path of civilization, the craft was separated from agriculture. Cities appeared - a special type of settlement in which the inhabitants, at least partially, were freed from agriculture. Monumental structures began to be erected: temples, tombs, pyramids, etc., which have a direct economic purpose.

Began social stratification of society. Various social groups appeared in it, differing from each other in professional characteristics, in social status, in material status, in the amount of rights and privileges. Formed states - a system of bodies for organizing and managing the life of society, protecting the social interests of some groups and suppressing others. Was created writing, thanks to which people could fix in a material form the achievements of their culture: ideas, beliefs, traditions, laws and pass them on to posterity.

Neolithic revolution. Changes in the way of life and forms of social ties. The centers of origin of agriculture and cattle breeding in the Old and New Worlds. Social consequences of the transition from an appropriating economy to a producing one. The emergence of private property. Decomposition of the tribal system. Role of the tribal elite. Slaves and slavery. Division of labor. Preconditions for the emergence of civilization.

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Section 1. The oldest stage in the history of mankind. Civilizations of the Ancient World


Natural and social in man and human community of the primitive era. Isolation of a person from the animal world. Resettlement of people around the globe.

Habitat. The beginning of social life. Tribal community. Distribution of social functions between the sexes. Human consequences of global climate change.

Neolithic revolution. Changes in the way of life and forms of social ties. The centers of origin of agriculture and cattle breeding in the Old and New Worlds. Social consequences of the transition from an appropriating economy to a producing one. The emergence of private property. Decomposition of the tribal system. Role of the tribal elite. Slaves and slavery. Division of labor. Preconditions for the emergence of civilization.

Basic concepts:

civilization, anthropogenesis, social life, religion, worldview, art, culture, neolithic revolution, appropriating economy, producing economy, private property, clan structure, slavery, division of labor.

Extracurricular independent work:

Compile a conceptual dictionary "Civilization" (at least 7-10 sources)


2.1 Early civilizations, their distinctive features

Chronological and geographical framework of the history of the Ancient World.

Early Civilizations: Egypt. Front Asia. India. China.

Material culture and economics of early civilizations. Social system. Political and military organization. Ideology.

2.2 The flourishing of civilizations of the Bronze Age and the Iron Age of the East

New Egyptian state. Babylon of the time of Hammurabi. Hittites: Indo-Europeans in Asia Minor. Aegean world of the Bronze Age. Minoan civilization in Crete. Achaean states.

Assyrian military power and its successors in Asia Minor. Persian "kingdom of kingdoms". Ancient India. The Mauryan Empire. Formation of ancient Chinese civilization. The Qin and Han empires.

2.3 Ancient civilization

Ancient civilization. Formation of a polis civilization in Greece: geographical and social preconditions. Alexander the Great and Hellenism.

Ancient Rome: the stages of the formation of society and the state. Economy, social system, state apparatus in the republicanand imperial Rome.

2.4 Religions of the Ancient World and Cultural Heritage of Ancient Civilizations

Religions of the Ancient World. Paganism in the East and in the West. The emergence of world religions. Buddhism and its spread. Confucianism. The religion of the ancient Jews. Early Christianity.

Basic concepts:

Ancient world, traditional society, aristocracy, priesthood, state, law, material and spiritual culture, mentality, political system, ideology, Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, polis, democracy, oligarchy, colonization, Hellenism, republic, monarchy, empire , science, philosophy, paganism, Buddhism, Confucianism, world religion, Christianity, monotheism, church.

Literature for students:




History: a textbook for open source software

Artemov V.V., Lubchenko Yu.N.

M. 2006-2011

Russia and the world. Antiquity. Middle Ages. New time. Cl. 10: basic level

Danilov A.A., Kosulina L.G., Brandt M.Yu.

M. Enlightenment. 2010

History. Russia and the world in the 20th - early 21st centuries: 11 cl. Tutorial: Basic Level

Aleksashkina L.G., Danilov A.A., Kosulina L.G.

M. Enlightenment. 2010

General history: textbook 10 cl.

N.V. Zagladin, Simonia N.A.

M. Russian word, 2011.

General history: textbook 11 cl.

N.V. Zagladin

M. Russian word, 2011.

History of Russia (electronic textbook)

A.P. Derevianko, N.A. Shabelnikova

Publishing house KnoRus, 2010

World history (electronic textbook)

Publishing House UNITY-DANA

UNITY-DANA Publishing House, 2011

Conceptual apparatus

The oldest and most ancient history. Traditional societies.

Theme "Primitive World"

Bronze Age - came at the end of the 3rd millennium BC It is characterized by the development of new tools of labor, but now made of metal.

Leader - military leader in the family and tribe.

Soul -

Iron age - began from the 1st millennium BC, when the opat diya of labor from iron, which led to the development of new economic relations, moren the development of land cultivation, the emergence of crafts.

Painting - the art of depicting objects with paints.

Know - people are something outstanding in the family and tribe (wealth, origin from geroev, etc.).

Stone Age - the chronology of the Stone Age covers the period from 3 million years ago (pabout the phenomenon of people) before the appearance and spread of metal 7-8 thousand years ago in the Ancient East and 6-7 thousand years ago in Europe. Within the period are distinguished:Paleolithic - the ancient period of the Stone Age, when the first people arose (3 million years - 10-11 thousand years ago).

Mesolithic - the middle period of the Stone Age (10-11 thousand - 7-8 thousand years ago) whenand there was a bow and arrow.Neolithic - new the period of the Stone Age (7-8 thousand - 5-6 thousand years ago). Charactere it is characterized by the appearance of new instruments of labor; people learned to grind, drill, make clay pabout court, spin and weave.

Witchcraft - t to attack people and animals.

Magic - a set of rituals and spells considered to be miraculous, a calln to influence nature, people, animals and gods. (l

Matriarchy - in the primitive communal system: the era replaced by patriarchyn the current position of a woman in the genus group, when establishing kinship (according ton skyline), in economic and social life. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Thenl to

Natural economy -a farm in which almost everything necessary for life is produceds found inside the economy, and not for sale, but for their own consumption.

Neolithic revolution -radical revolution in the life of primitive society, trans.e the move from the appropriating economy to the producing one.

Werewolf -

Social stratification -the process of destruction of the tribal system, during which from aboutb strata of the new civilizational society are distinguished.

Tool - technical device with the help of which work or some action is performed. (

Hunting - search and killing of animals and birds.

Primitive communal system -the first socio-economic formation in the history of mankind. Covers the era from the appearance of the first people to the emergenceabout class society. It is characterized by common ownership of the means of production, collectivein labor and consumption due to the low level of development of theb forces. The main cell of the primitive communal system, according to the majority of scholarse ny, there was a maternal family, which was replaced under the patriarchy oft tsovskaya large family, and then a neighboring community. Growth of productive forces, development of social divisione labor led to the emergence of private property, indand visual economy and the disintegration of the clan, the allocation of a wealthy elite, who first turned the militaryabout prisoners, then impoverished fellow tribesmen, which caused the emergence of classes and statest va. ( A.M. Prokhorov. Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary, Moscow: 1988).

Primitive society -the first stage of development of society, in which people live in camps or in villages, society consists of clan communities and tribes, management wasat people's assemblies, councils of elders and elected leaders are held, knowledge is stored and transmitted from generation to generation orally.

Tribe - the union of clan communities, which are united by a single elected leader, a common protected territory, the custom of marriage, common beliefs.

Assigning farm -economy of hunters and gatherers who have not grownand whether food, and with the help of tools they extracted and appropriated what was grown inand kind.

Manufacturing economy -agriculture and cattle breeding, the economy in which people onat we wanted to produce (grow) food, and not appropriate what was grown inand kind.

Clan (tribal community) -a group of relatives (unification of families descended from one ancestor) who lived together, had common property and jointly managedt in, as well as ruled by tribal elders.

Generic structure - the kind of society that exists at the primitive stage of development, withabout torus people are divided into clans and tribes.

Foraging -picking up edible plants, fruits, roots, bird eggs.

Neighboring community -a union of unrelated families living in the same settlement (village, village), which are united by joint ownership of land.

The elder is the head of the community.

Totem - among primitive peoples: a deified animal (sometimes a natural phenomenon, plant, object), considered the ancestor of the people. (about russian Dictionary, Moscow: 1997)

Totemism - the primitive cult of totems. (with language, Moscow: 1997).

Fetishism - among primitive peoples: the cult of inanimate objects endowed with supernatural properties. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Explanatory dictionary ruwith language, Moscow: 1997)

The human flock -a collective of ancient people looking for means of subsistence.

The theme "The origin of civilizations"

Agrarian Society -the first kind of civilization created by people. The basis of the economy isagriculture. The vast majority of people live inse lakh, leads natural economy... Commodity-money relations develop, as a rule, only in the mountainsabout dax. The society consists ofindividual estates, the rights and obligations of a person depend on his origin.Most the population is usuallyhas no political rights.The government can only be influenced bylandowning nobility.Culture and m and the outlook of most people is subordinatereligion, traditionsand custom the pits of the ancestors. In societyfew literate and educated people.

Agricultural production (from the word agrarian) -production related to land, relabout related to land tenure, land use.

Town - a special type of settlement in which the inhabitants, at least in part, wereabout born of rural labor.

State - organization of management of society, people who live in a certain territory (within the boundaries of the state). Each state has a management apparatus, i.e. professional government officials; system of laws (prand in); law enforcement services (city guards, police, militia); an army to protect the borders, independence and interests of the state; collection of taxes from the population forabout holding the army, police, officials and other government tasks.

Law - independent of anyone's will, objectively present immutability, sand a given that has developed in the process of the existence of a given phenomenon, its connections and relationshipse with the outside world. For example, the law of nature. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Thenl Government regulation, normsand a positive act adopted by the government; general educational rules established by state authorities. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Thenl kovy dictionary of the Russian language, Moscow: 1997).Generally binding and immutable rule. For example, the laws of mannerst vents. (Oh b the name of the basic principles and ideas of a religious doctrine, a set of rules for any religion. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Thenl kovy dictionary of the Russian language, Moscow: 1997).

Irrigation - irrigation system for fields using artificial canals, reservoirs, etc.

People - a community of people who are united by a self-name (name of the people); one language aboutb shcheniya, special way of life, customs.

Exchange - changing one thing to another.

Primary civilizations -ancient civilizations that originated at the dawn of human historye values \u200b\u200band grew directly from primitiveness.

Writing - signs with which you can write words.

Early state -the unification of tribes resulting from the collapse of the clan system. The state apparatus, the tax system is emerging, but there are still not many prand signs of a mature state (written laws, standing army, etc.).

Craft - manufacture of products by hand.

Estate - a social group formed on the basis of feudal relations with its inherited rights and obligations, enshrined in customs and lawand mi. In pre-revolutionary Russia: a group of individuals united by professional intere yourself.

The topic "Civilizations of the Ancient World"

The Ancient East

"Valley of the Kings" - the place of mass burial of the pharaohs near the city of Cairo.

Nobleman - a noble and wealthy dignitary.

Tomb - a structure made of stone in which the coffin with the body of the deceased is kept.

Mesopotamia (Mesopotamia, Babylonian kingdom) -ancient countryyu located between the two rivers Tigris and Euphrates.

Despotism - translated from Greek means "unlimited power"; samode formr luscious power; a special type of state, headed by a ruler who possessed full power and was considered the owner of all the land.

Ancient Egypt - the largest state of the Ancient East in northeast Africa, whose territory stretched in a wide strip along the valley of the Nile River and its poresabout gov to the delta.

Sacrifice -gifts brought to the deity by people of ancient civilizations. Yingabout where it consists of fruits, vegetables or flowers, but could include the routine killing of animals or people.nickname. M., 2000)

Priest - a servant of the deity who makes sacrifices.

Hierarchy - sequential arrangement of social strata or service ranks from lower to higher, in the order of their subordination.

Hieroglyph - curly sign in writing.

Another world - that light. Otherworld. The place where the Egyptians and many others thoughtat many ancient peoples, people live after death.(Big Historical Encyclopedia of Schoolsnickname. M., 2000)

Caste - a social group among the population with its own rules of conduct and lawand mi.

Caste system -an inherited system that strictly defines social classes in India. Currently, a social system based primarily on the professionabout natural principle.

Peasant - a person whose main occupation is tillage.

Mummy - a dried-up human corpse protected from decomposition by embalming.

Rite - special actions showing respect for the gods.

Papyrus - tropical reed or reed writing material.

Pyramid - a large stone structure that served as the tomb of the pharaohs and nobles.

Slave - a person who was the property of another person and used as labor. Like any property, they were bought and sold. They didn't have a nicknameand their rights and privileges and had to perform any work that their owner gavebut a businessman. (Big Historical Encyclopedia of Schoolsnickname. M., 2000)

Slavery - condition, position of a slave. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Thenl kovy dictionary of the Russian language, Moscow: 1997).A state of complete dependence, subordination. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Senseabout russian Dictionary, Moscow: 1997)

Scroll - a rolled-up strip of paper or papyrus.

Sphinx - stone statue of a lying lion with a human head.

Pharaoh - ruler in Egypt, who possessed the supreme military, judicial and priestlybut stu.

Temple - building for worship.

Ancient civilization of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome

Ancient civilization -civilization created by the ancient Greeks, Romans.

Aristocracy - the highest clan layer of the nobility. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Senseo d dictionary ru s language, M .: 1997).The privileged part of a class or some social group. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Thenl kovy dictionary of the Russian language, Moscow: 1997)

Attica - the name of a city-state consisting of Athens and its surrounding regions in the south-eastern peninsula of Central Greece.(Big historical en cyclopedia of school nik. M., 2000)

Barbarians - by this common name the Romans called all those who lived outside the empire's possessions. The Romans considered them wild and uneducated, as their way of life was very different from the traditional Roman. Constant invasions diffh nye barbarian tribes became one of the reasons for the collapse of the empire.

Citizen - a person who lives permanently in the state and enjoys all rights, but also fulfills all the duties assumed in the state.

Greek Polis -city-state with its own authorities. It consisted of itselfabout th city and adjacent territories.

Democracy - "The power of the demos", a system of government in which all questions of power were decided by all free citizens (at a national assembly).

Demos - "People", full citizens.

National Assembly -organ in Athens, attended by all free residents (men). "I chose the officials, I judged."

Oligarchy - translated from Greek "minority power".

Olympic Games -sports competitions in honor of the god Zeus, held in Olim fii.

Patricians - translated from Latin "having fathers"; privileged part of rimoscow society.

Plebeians - translated from Latin "common people". One of the classes in Roman society. The plebeians were the poorest citizens, the descendants of the first farmers and artisansand covs who once lived in Rome.

Republic - in translation from Latin "public business". A state in which power belongs to people chosen by society for a certain period.

Romans - people living in the city of Rome, in central Italy. Rome was founded in the 8th century. BC. and became the center of a great civilization. The Romans created a great empire in Ein rope and the Mediterranean Sea, conquering Egypt in 30 BC. Their empire reached onand the highest flowering in the 1st century. AD, but cultural influence remains great to this day.(More shah Historical Encyclopedia of Schoolsnickname. M., 2000)

System of values \u200b\u200b-a system of moral norms, ideals that determine behaviore the concept of a person, his attitude to himself, the world around him.

Personality status -the current state, the position of the individual. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Thenl kovy dictionary of the Russian language, Moscow: 1997).The legal status of the individual. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Explanatory dictionary Russianabout go language, M .: 1997)

Tyranny - autocracy, thanks to which the arbitrariness of the nobility was limited. Tyrant - translated from Greek "sole ruler". This word had no negative connotation. Tyrants often contributed to the prosperity of policies.

Census (census) - registration of the population. Roman government collected statand empire population statistics, mainly for more efficient tax collection.

Topic "Culture of Ancient Civilizations"

Architecture - art of design and construction of buildings, structures, architecture. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, Moscow: 1997).Building construction style. (yka, Moscow: 1997).

Astronomy - the science of cosmic bodies, the systems they form and the Universe in ce scrap. ( S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Thenl kovy dictionary of the Russian language, Moscow: 1997)

God - in religion: the supreme omnipotent being who controls the world or (inabout zhii) is one such creature. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Thenl kovy dictionary of the Russian language, Moscow: 1997)

Buddhism - one of the three world religions widespread in many countries of the East, which arose in Ancient India in the 6-5 centuries. BC. based on the cult of Buddha as an incarnation onand higher spiritual development. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Thenl kovy dictionary of the Russian language, Moscow: 1997)

Soul - a supernatural and immortal being in man.

Painting - fine arts - creating artistic images using paints. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Thenl kovy dictionary of the Russian language, Moscow: 1997)

Architecture - the same as architecture. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Thenl kovy dictionary of the Russian language, Moscow: 1997)

Judaism - monotheistic religion with the cult of the god Yahweh. It arose in the 1st millennium BC. in Palestine; common among Jews. The main provisions of Judaism sobrand us in the Talmud. Judaism is the state religion of Israel.

Witchcraft - mysterious techniques that with the help of evil spirits can affectt to attack people and animals.

Confucianism - ethical and political doctrine in China. The foundations of Confucianism wereand laid down in the 6th century. BC. Confucius. Expressing the interests of the hereditary aristocracy, whichn fucianism declared the power of the ruler (sovereign) sacred, bestowed by heaven, and ras the division of people into higher and lower ("noble men" and "little people") - alle the general law of justice. Confucianism became the basis of the social structureand there was moral self-improvement and adherence to the norms of etiquette ("li").

Culture - the totality of industrial, social and spiritual achievements lyou day. ( S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, Moscow: 1997)

Literature - works of writing that have social cognitive knowledgereading. ( S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, Moscow: 1997).Letter a changeable form of art, a set of works of art (poetry, prose, drama). (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, Moscow: 1997). Owls about a collection of works of any branch of knowledge, for some specialistth question. ( S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Thenl kovy dictionary of the Russian language, Moscow: 1997)

Magic - translated from Greek "sorcery", "magic".

World religions -one of the directions of social consciousness, spreading throughout the world, which is important for the whole world. One of the forms of social consciousness is a set of spiritual ideas based on belief in supernatural forces and beings (gods, spirits) that are the subject of worship. World re leagues: Buddhism, Islam, Christianity. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, Moscow: 1997)

Myth - literally translated from Greek "word". Figurative legend, lanee giving an idea of \u200b\u200bthe world, its origin, gods and heroes.

Monotheism - belief in one single deity, one god, monotheism. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Thenl kovy dictionary of the Russian language, Moscow: 1997)

Music - art that reflects reality in sound artistic images, as well as the works of this art themselves. (about varied with language, M .: 1997).The performance of such works on instruments, as well as the very sound of these works. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Explanatory dictionary ruwith language, M .: 1997).A melody of some sound. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Explanatory dictionary ruwith language, Moscow: 1997)

The science - a system of knowledge about the laws of development of nature, society and thinking, as well as a separate branch of such knowledge. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Thenl kovy dictionary of the Russian language, Moscow: 1997)

Werewolf - a person who knows how to turn, according to primitive people, into other people, animals or objects.

Religion - belief in God and supernatural phenomena.

Sculpture - the art of creating voluminous works of art by cuttingb would, carving, molding or casting, forging, embossing. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Senseabout russian Dictionary, Moscow: 1997).A work of such art, as well as a scoopp ness of such works. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Explanatory dictionary of Russian languageyka, M .: 1997)

"Land of the Dead" -according to primitive people, the other world, where the soul of a deceased person departs.

Theism - religious and philosophical teaching about God as a creature who created the world and controlin giving them. ( S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Thenl kovy dictionary of the Russian language, Moscow: 1997)

Totemism - belief in a supernatural connection between a tribe, a community, i.e. group lyu dey, and any animal, bird, etc.

Christianity - world religion, whose followers believe in one God in three yearsand tsakh: the Father - the Creator of the world, the Son - Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit.

Epic - narrative kind of literature. (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Explanatory slabout variation of the Russian language, M .: 1997).Folk art - heroic talea niya, songs. ( S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Thenl kovy dictionary of the Russian language, Moscow: 1997)

Paganism - common name for primitive non-theistic religions based on pluralabout godliness. ( S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Thenl kovy dictionary of the Russian language, Moscow: 1997)

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The oldest stage in the history of mankind.

Natural and social in man and human community of the primitive era. Changes in the way of life and forms of social ties.

The history of mankind as a whole is characterized by the growing dynamics of changes taking place both in various spheres of social life and in the complex of relationships between society and nature.

Traditional for the materialistic traditions of European science was the consideration of history from the point of view of the conquest of nature by man. It really acts as a source of resources for the development of civilization. At the same time, a person is in constant interaction with his environment, he himself is its product and an integral part.

Human society and natural communities

The most ancient stone tools appeared about 2.5-3 million years ago. Consequently, at that time in East Africa there were already creatures with the rudiments of intelligence.

The origin of reason is explained by the action of the natural laws of evolutionary development, the interspecies struggle for survival. The best chances in this struggle were possessed by those species that, to a greater extent than others, could ensure their existence in the changing conditions of the natural environment.

Wildlife has demonstrated an endless variety of both dead-end and viable evolution options. One of them was associated with the formation of the rudiments of social behavior, which are demonstrated by many species of animals. Uniting in herds (flocks), they could defend themselves and protect the young from stronger opponents, get more food. In the interspecific and sometimes intraspecific struggle between herds that needed similar food, those who had better developed communication, the ability to warn each other about the approach of the enemy, and better coordinate their actions on the hunt won. Gradually, over hundreds of thousands of years, primitive sound signals expressing emotions among human predecessors began to acquire an increasingly meaningful character. Speech formed, inseparable from the ability for abstract, abstract thinking, which implied the complication of the brain structure.

Thus, the emergence and improvement of speech, abstract thinking became the most important factor in the development of the human race itself. It is no coincidence that each new step in the stage of human evolution was associated, on the one hand, with the development of the brain, and on the other, with the improvement of hunting and fishing tools.

The accumulation of knowledge and practical skills of their application provided a person with decisive advantages in the struggle for survival in comparison with other species. Armed with clubs, spears, acting together, primitive hunters could cope with any predator. The possibilities of obtaining food have expanded significantly. Thanks to warm clothing, mastery of fire, and the acquisition of the skill of preserving food (drying, smoking), people were able to settle over a vast territory, they felt relative independence from the climate and the vagaries of the weather.

The accumulation of knowledge was not a constantly evolving, progressive process. Many human communities perished due to hunger, disease, attacks of hostile tribes, the knowledge they received was completely or partially lost.


Approximately 1.0 million - 700 thousand years ago a period begins, which is called the Early Paleolithic (from the Greek "paleo" - "ancient" and "lithos" - "stone"). Excavations in France, near the villages of Chelle and Saint-Achel, have revealed the remains of caves and ancient settlements, where for tens of thousands of years, successive generations of predecessors of modern man lived. Subsequently, such finds were found in other places.

Research by archaeologists has made it possible to trace how the tools of labor and hunting have changed. Tools made of bone and sharpened stone (points, scrapers, choppers) became more and more perfect and durable. The physical type of a person was changing: he more and more adapted to moving on the ground without the help of his hands, the brain volume increased.

The most important achievement of the Early Paleolithic was the mastery of the ability to use fire (about 200-300 thousand years ago) to heat a home, prepare food, and protect against predators.

The period of the early Paleolithic period ends with a sharp change in the natural conditions of the existence of primitive people. The onset of glaciers began, about 100 thousand years ago, covering almost the entire territory of Russia, Central and Western Europe. Many herds of primitive Neanderthal hunters could not adapt to the new conditions of existence. Between them, the struggle for diminished sources of food intensified.

By the end of the Early Paleolithic (approximately 30-20 thousand years BC) in Eurasia and Africa, the Neanderthals completely disappeared. A man of the modern, Cro-Magnon type has become established everywhere.

In the same period of time, under the influence of differences in natural conditions, the main races of people developed.

The Mesolithic era (from the Greek "mezos" - "middle" and "lithos" - "stone") covers the period from XX to IX-VIII millennium BC. It is characterized by a new change in natural conditions that become more favorable: glaciers retreat, new territories become available for settlement.

During this period, the population of the Earth did not exceed 10 million people.

In the Mesolithic era, rock art was born and became widespread. In the remains of dwellings of that time, archaeologists find figurines depicting people, animals, beads and other jewelry. All this speaks of the onset of a new stage in the knowledge of the world. Abstract symbols and generalized concepts that arose with the development of speech acquire, as it were, an independent life in drawings and figurines. Many of them were associated with rituals, ceremonies of primitive magic. The large role of chance in people's lives gave rise to attempts to improve the situation on the hunt, in life. So there was a belief in omens, favorable or unfavorable. Fetishism appeared - the belief that some objects (talismans) have special magical powers. Among them were figurines of animals, stones, amulets, supposedly bringing good luck to their owner. Beliefs arose, for example, that a warrior who drank the blood of an enemy or ate his heart acquired special strength. Hunting, treating a patient, choosing a pair (boy or girl) were preceded by ritual actions, among which special importance was given to dancing and singing. People of the Mesolithic era knew how to make percussion, wind, string and plucked musical instruments.

Particular importance was attached to funeral rituals, which over time became more and more complex. In ancient burials, archaeologists find jewelry and tools that people used during their lifetime, food supplies. This proves that already at the dawn of history, there were widespread beliefs in the existence of the other world, where a person lives after death.

Gradually, faith in higher powers was strengthened, which could both help and harm. It was assumed that they can be appeased by sacrifice, most often - part of the prey, it should have been left in a certain place. Some tribes practiced human sacrifice.

It was believed that some people have great abilities to communicate with higher powers, spirits. Gradually, along with the leaders (they usually became the most powerful, successful, experienced hunters), priests (shamans, sorcerers) began to play a noticeable role in the life of primitive tribes. They usually knew the healing properties of herbs, possessed some hypnotic abilities and had a great influence on their fellow tribesmen.

The time of completion of the Mesolithic and the transition to a new stage in the development of mankind can be determined only approximately. For many tribes of the equatorial zone in Africa, South America, on the islands of Southeast Asia and the Pacific Ocean, among the aborigines of Australia, some peoples of the North, the type of economic activity and culture has practically not changed since the Mesolithic era. At the same time, in the IX-VIII millennia BC. in some parts of the world, the transition to agriculture and animal husbandry is beginning. This time of the Neolithic revolution (from the Greek "neos" - "new" and "lithos" - "stone") marks the transition from appropriating to producing type of economic activity.

Human and nature

Man by about the X millennium BC. established itself on all continents as a dominant species and, as such, ideally adapted to the conditions of its habitat. However, the further improvement of hunting tools led to the extermination of many species of animals, a reduction in their livestock, which undermined the foundations of the existence of primitive people. Famine and related diseases, the aggravation of the struggle between tribes for the increasingly impoverished hunting territories, the decline in the size of the human population - such was the price for progress.

This first crisis in the development of civilization was solved in two ways:

Living in the harsh climate of the North, desert areas, jungles, the tribes seemed to freeze in their development and in the knowledge of the world around them. A system of prohibitions (taboos) gradually developed, limiting hunting and food consumption. This prevented population growth, lifestyle changes and the development of knowledge.

In other cases, there was a breakthrough to a qualitatively new level of development. People moved on to a conscious impact on the natural environment, to its transformation. The development of agriculture and livestock raising took place only in favorable natural conditions.

After a successful hunt, live wolf cubs, lambs, kids, calves, wild boars, foals, and fawn often ended up in the camps. Initially, they were considered as a food supply, then it became clear that they can live in captivity and give offspring. Breeding animals turned out to be much more productive than hunting their wild relatives. It took millennia for isolated attempts at domestication to lead to the establishment of a new type of economy. During this time, new breeds of domesticated animals arose, most of which, unlike their wild ancestors, could no longer survive in the natural environment, needed a man to protect them from predators.

The transition to agriculture took place in a similar way. The collection of edible plants has always played a large role in the life of primitive man. Over time, from observations and experience, it came to the understanding that plant seeds can be sown near a settlement and, with appropriate care, watering, and weeding, get good yields.

Agrarian and cattle-breeding cultures

The first agricultural crops of the 7th-4th millennia BC arose near large rivers, where a mild climate and exceptional soil fertility made it possible to obtain good harvests - in the territory of modern Egypt, Iran, Iraq, India, Central Asia, China, Mexico, Peru.

During this period, people's lives underwent very significant changes.

For most of the primitive communal era, the existence of people was subordinated to the interests of the struggle for survival. All the time was spent looking for food. At the same time, a person who accidentally fought off his tribe or was expelled from it had no chance to survive.

The only form of division of labor existed between men, mainly engaged in hunting, and women who remained in the camp and looked after the children, who ran the household, who were engaged in sewing, and cooking.

Over time, the structure of social relations began to become more complex. Thanks to the increased productivity of labor, it became possible to produce more products than was necessary for the survival of the tribe. This made it possible to expand the diet, make consumption more diversified. Stable economic ties gradually developed between neighboring settlements. The division of labor has deepened. On the one hand, agriculture separated from cattle breeding, on the other, handicraft work acquired an independent significance (weaving and pottery developed, boats and the first wheeled carts appeared, driven by horses, oxen and donkeys). The division of labor has also improved. For example, in some settlements, artisans specialized in weapons, in others - in weaving, in others - in the manufacture of dishes, etc. Natural exchange took place between the tribes. But with its expansion, a need arose for the existence of a single equivalent to the value of goods, in other words, in money.

The emergence of surplus products became the basis not only for the development of trade, but also for the emergence of property inequality. Gradually, the leaders, sorcerers (priests), the most skilled artisans began to accumulate property and values. Experienced artisans and healers, whose work was especially highly valued by their fellow tribesmen, began to hide the secrets of their skills.

The transition from matriarchy to patriarchy

The emergence of property, property, knowledge, labor, professional skills, which were inherited, was closely associated with changes in the way of life of people of the Neolithic era, the emergence of such a unit of organization of society as the family.

The most important role in the formation of the family was played by the transition from matriarchy to patriarchy.

In the period when hunting was the main source of food, the age of men was, as a rule, short-lived. Only the most successful and skillful of them lived to be 25-30 years old.

Under these conditions, women played an important role in preserving the genus. It was they who gave life to new generations of hunters (the degree of kinship was determined by the mother), raised the children, kept the home, organized the life of the tribe, whose members were related by blood ties. This system was called matriarchy.

The work of a farmer, cattle breeder, artisan did not involve such a risk to life as hunting. The mortality rate among men decreased, the number of men and women became equal. This played a large role in changing the nature of family relationships.

Fields and pens for livestock were usually located near the settlement, and men now worked with women, doing the most difficult, hard work. They passed on the acquired skills and knowledge to children. This determined the increasing role of men in the tribe. For many peoples, it gradually became dominant.

The emerging traditions, customs, rituals also consolidated the norms of patriarchy, i.e. the special role of men in society.

People of the Neolithic era usually lived in large families (several dozen people), which included blood relatives. Men and women belonging to the same genus could not marry each other. The timing of this prohibition, which avoids the genetic degeneration observed by most tribes, is unknown, but it arose quite a long time ago.

Grown-up girls were given in marriage to other clans, from which men took wives for themselves. In other words, women passed from clan to clan, men remained in their family, and it was they who became its permanent nucleus. The degree of relationship was now taken into account in the male line. In some tribes, women were seen as a kind of commodity that one family sold to another.

With such a system of kinship ties, the property created or acquired by the family remained in it. The concept of property emerged. Craftsmen, healers also sought to pass on their knowledge to members of their family.

Several clans living in the neighborhood, whose members entered into marriages with each other, constituted a tribe. The tribe was headed by a leader.

Transition to the Eneolithic

With the growth of the population, individual clans moved to undeveloped or conquered territories, over time new tribes were formed. Kinship tribes speaking the same language and having similar beliefs usually maintained close ties with each other. Together they formed tribal alliances that supported each other in case of conflict, in lean years.

The tribes who moved a long distance from the originally occupied territory (those who specialized in cattle breeding were especially gravitating towards resettlement) often lost touch with the center of their origin. Their language developed, words appeared in it, borrowed from new neighbors, associated with changing forms of economic activity.

At the same time, a new stage begins in the development of agricultural and shepherd tribes: they move on to the development of metals. In search of new materials for making tools, artisans found nuggets of low-melting metals (copper, tin, lead, etc.) and eventually learned how to make weapons, tools and jewelry from them. Metals yielded better and faster to processing than stone; more productive tools, better weapons, and armor could be made from them.

The available reserves of metal were still few, their processing was taking only the first steps, so stone tools were used for a long time. Nevertheless, the time that began with the development of metal (the first metal tools date back to the 7th millennium BC, but they were widely distributed only in the 4th-3rd millennia BC) is called the Eneolithic (Copper-Stone Age). It was marked by the onset of a new stage in the history of mankind, associated with the emergence of the first states.

Lesson plan Sources, main stages of primitive history Evolution of biological species of human ancestors Evolution of social relations and forms Preconditions for the formation of civilizations

Anthropogenesis is the process of formation of a person as a biological species and sociogenesis. Sociogenesis is a process of historical and evolutionary emergence and formation of human society.

Theories of anthropogenesis The theory of creation (creationism). This theory states that man is created by God. External interference theory. According to this theory, the appearance of people on Earth is somehow connected with the activities of other civilizations (UFOs). The theory of spatial anomalies The followers of this theory interpret anthropogenesis as an element of the development of a stable spatial anomaly (radiation).

Charles Darwin's evolutionary theory Charles Darwin's evolutionary theory suggests that humans descended from the great apes - great apes through gradual modification under the influence of external factors and natural selection

LABOR THEORY OF ANTHROPOGENESIS by Friedrich Engels Labor activity (social factor) was a decisive factor in the process of humanization of the monkey.This is a complex phenomenon, including the development of upright posture, progressive brain transformations, adaptation of the hand to work, changes in the dentoalveolar apparatus, the formation of articulate speech, conceptual thinking, consciousness, restructuring of ontogenesis, the development of social organization, material culture and other aspects.

Archaeological periodization (periodization is based on differences in the material and technique of making tools) 1. Stone Age (from the emergence of man to the 3rd millennium BC) 2. Bronze Age (from the end of the 4th to the beginning of the 1st millennium BC. .) 3. Iron Age (from 1 millennium BC - to the present day).

Australopithecus (southern monkey) 4-5 million years ago Moved on the hind limbs The volume of the brain (500-600 cubic cm), more than that of a monkey Teeth are similar to humans Did not make tools

Skillful man (Homo habilis) 2, 4 -1, 5 million years ago Erect walking The brain volume is greater than that of Australopithecus Engaged in hunting, building housing Manufactures tools

Homo erectus 1, 7 million years ago The brain volume is larger than that of humans. skillful Manufactured stone tools (hand chopper) Was able to maintain fire, but not to extract it Inhabited Europe and Asia Two types: Pithecanthropus, Sinanthropus.

Homo sapiens (Homo sapiens) 300 thousand years ago Two species: Neanderthal (300 -40 thousand years ago) and Cro-Magnon (40 -35 thousand years ago)

Neanderthal Small in stature, no chin. Was incredibly strong Survived glaciation Occupied all continents except America and Australia Brain size was not inferior to modern humans Hunted in groups for mammoth and cave bear Invented the spear thrower Was a meat-eater Speech and thinking skills Sewed clothes from skins Buried the dead

Cro-Magnons People of a modern look Settled on all continents Perfect stone processing technique. Used horn and bones Domesticated a dog Cave painting Lived in tribal communities Invented a bow and arrows

Answer the questions Anthropogenesis is carried out under the influence of what factors? BIOLOGICAL AND SOCIAL Which ancient people spread across all continents? Cro-Magnons Why Homo erectus has ceased to depend on the climate? Got fire What helped the ancient people to hunt very large animals? Collective hunting Why did the Neanderthals die out? Due to the onset of cold and their extermination by the Cro-Magnons

Paleolithic ... 11 thousand years ago Climate Belly world Tools of labor Technician Forms owner Dwellings Artist Vera Sots. organization of society. Mesolithic 10 -8 thousand years ago Neolithic 8 -4 thousand years ago Eneolithic 4 -3 thousand years ago

Paleolithic ... 11 thousand years ago Mesolithic 10 -8 thousand years ago Neolithic 8 -4 thousand years ago Eneolithic 4 -3 thousand years ago Climate Four glaciations Melting of glaciers, appear. forests and steppes Vozn. time. nat. zones Diversified pr erodny zones Belly world Large. animals bears, mammoth Extinct kr. alive. Deer, bulls Domestication Diverse animals animals. world Tools Technician Choppers, axes knives. Chipped pebble technique Bow, sickles. boomer. Te Sokhi, plows, kirp hen. ichi splitting. Tech. polished stone wki stone Transition from kam. to the copper tools. Hostess uniforms Hunting, gathering. Having extracted. fire Hunting, gathering Farming and about, fishing. cattle breeding Irrigated agriculture Dwellings Caves, hunter's camps Caves, semi-earthlings Kirpichn. houses. ki Firing clay There are kilns in the houses Art Cave painting. Sculpt. women Image groups of hunters, rituals Ornament for Perfection. crockery, decorated. art of Vera Burial. Totem rev. The cult of the leaders The cult of the ancestors and the land. Magic, cold,. Kul Temples. Belief in mother's underworld Soc. orga Created. small families. Weakened communities. Main Vozn. Neighborhood Zarozd. childbirth. total the role of elders. communities. Social unions Matriarchy Gender-age sect. tribal labor. Cities. Vozn. early earth edelch. civilizations

Social relations in the Paleolithic period There are two points of view: First, the ancient people lived in small groups at the head of which was a leader who dominated over the rest of the group. Second, there was equality and mutual assistance in the groups, which allowed people to survive during the ice age (tribal community)

Tribal community of the Late Paleolithic period (task - insert the missing words) Collective of blood relatives (100 -150 people), originating from ……………. ... dealing with a common economy based on. ……………. property and equality in the distribution of products headed by …………………. ... All the most important issues in the life of the community were resolved at a meeting of its adult members (………………..)

Tribal community of the Late Paleolithic period (correct answer) A collective of blood relatives (100-150 people), descending from a common ancestor, engaged in a common economy based on common collective property and equality in the distribution of products, led by elders. All the most important issues in the life of the community were resolved at a meeting of its adult members (national assembly) Two stages of the tribal community: matriarchy and patriarchy

Stages of family development 1. Group marriage (promiscuity - promiscuous sexual relations) A) endogamy - marital relations within the group B) exogamy - marital relations outside the group 2. Polygamy A) polygyny - polygamy B) polyandry - one woman had many men 3. Monogamy A) multi-generational family B) nuclear family

Age and sex division of labor during the Paleolithic Men - hunted Women - engaged in gathering, cooked food and sewed clothes. Children helped with the housework. Initiation is the rite of passage of a teenager into adulthood.

Primitive people knew a lot about the world. They understood the habits of animals, the properties of various plants and stones, knew how to predict the weather, and heal wounds. Even surgical operations were performed with stone tools: they cut off the injured arm, opened the skull.

Observations of natural phenomena, reflections on the life of people led to the birth of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe existence of invisible forces-spirits and gods that affect nature and human life. Religion was born

Religion is one of the forms of social consciousness, the reflection of reality in illusory-fantastic images, ideas, concepts Early forms of religious beliefs: Fetishism Totemism Magic Witchcraft Witchcraft Animism Funeral cult The cult of leaders

For primitive people, gods and spirits were not some otherworldly forces that govern the world, they were not perceived as something different from man. The gods were embodied in specific objects: stones, trees, animals. The ancestors of the family were also gods. These ancestors were often considered animals of some kind. People felt their constant connection with the gods, who can be appeased or punished.

Much attention was paid to the burial rite, which appeared even under the Neanderthals, since the members of the genus who left for the afterlife had to be provided with everything necessary for life there. Ancient people believed in life after death. During the Mesolithic period, they began to bury the dead near their homes.

Art originated from the Neanderthals. Under the Cro-Magnons, the time of its true heyday came. In the Paleolithic, cave painting appeared with the image of mammoths, bison, and deer. Cave drawings date back to the period from 30 to 12 thousand years ago

Unlike animals, the image of people, as a rule, was performed in an abstract manner. On the walls of the caves, all people have masks on their faces.

There are practically no faces in small statuettes of women, as a rule, naked, occasionally dressed. Historians suggest that these are the ancestors of the clan. Such sculptures also expressed the ideas of motherhood and fertility.

Formation of peoples Southwest Asia and North Africa: Semitic-Hamitic language family (Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians) Southern Urals, Volga region, North Caucasus: Indo-Europeans Form of farming Indo-European cattle breeding; the first to domesticate the horse, to master the bronze. They settled in Europe, Central Asia, Iran, India ...

Neolithic revolution (Mesolithic and Neolithic period) Transition from appropriating to producing economy, that is, from gathering and hunting to agriculture and animal husbandry. What are the reasons for the Neolithic Revolution?

Climate change Using textbook pages 23-24, show the logical chain of events leading to the Neolithic revolution.

Climate change Large animals became extinct Correct answer Invented the bow and arrow Invented the sickle Drought farming Animal domestication Cattle breeding

Causes of the Neolithic Revolution 1. Depletion of reserves of game and useful plants with the improvement of hunting methods and population growth. 2. Raising the technical level of tools and the development of knowledge. 3. The presence of favorable natural conditions conducive to the development of agriculture and animal husbandry.

The "Neolithic revolution" took place in a number of centers of the emergence of agriculture: 1. Western Asia and the Eastern Mediterranean - 8-6 thousand years BC. e. 2. Indochina - 7 - 6 thousand years BC. e. 3. Iran and Central Asia - 6 - 5 thousand years BC e. 4. Valley of the Nile - 5 - 4 thousand years BC. e. 5. India - 5 - 3 thousand years BC e. 6. China, Central America, Peru - 4-1 thousand years BC. e.

Man became relatively independent of nature. Plows and plows appeared; bull labor was used in the fields. Copper and bronze tools replaced stone tools. Production of woolen fabrics, as a result of animal domestication. Ceramics and a potter's wheel appeared. Clay was used to make bricks. Consequences of the Neolithic Revolution. Manufacturing led to surplus products. Crafts appeared. The appearance of leaders and priests Irrigation structures were created People began to live in settled settlements. Decomposition of the clan community and the emergence of a neighboring community. Formation of a union of tribes. The emergence of non-literate civilizations

Dictionary Social division of labor differentiation of existing social functions in society. Private property is the right to own separate property and property for tools and products.

Independent work Characteristics of the Bronze and Iron Ages Purpose of the work: to learn how to compose and analyze the historical stages of the development of mankind Explanations for the work: Brief historical information: At the settlement of farmers and cattle breeders at the turn of 8-7 thousand BC. e. in Asia Minor, the most ancient products from native copper were found. From 5-4 thousand BC e. in the Middle East, the Eneolithic period (copper-stone age) begins. On the territory of Europe, the beginning of the Eneolithic period dates back to 3000 BC. e. The Bronze Age began in the Middle East at the end of the 4th-3rd millennium BC. e. and Europe in the 2nd millennium BC. e. Archaeologists have found bronze axes and arrows. In the Bronze Age, nomadic cattle breeding and irrigated agriculture, writing, slavery (the Middle East, China, South America, etc.) appeared. Burial mounds became widespread; the use of the horse as a transport animal began. Chariots appeared. In the valleys of large rivers: Nile, Euphrates and Tigris, Indus, Yellow River in the IV-III millennia BC, the first slave states arose. Iron began to be made from the end of the 2nd millennium BC. e. in Asia Minor and in 1 millennium BC. e. in Europe. The technical revolution caused by the spread of iron greatly expanded the power of man over nature: it became possible to clear large forest areas with axes for sowing, with hoe-diggers, they expanded and improved irrigation and reclamation structures, a plow with an iron ploughshare cultivated the land. Masks of thin gold sheets were put on the faces of the dead. There is a specialization of the craft (blacksmiths and gunsmiths), military equipment has improved, exchange has expanded, and metal coins have spread as a means of circulation. The possibility of enrichment through exploitation has given rise to wars of plunder and enslavement. At the beginning of the Iron Age, fortifications were widespread. Assignment: 1. Compile and fill in the comparative table "Bronze and Iron Ages". 2. Draw conclusions using all the words and phrases below, without changing their form: A) producing, regions, differences, in rates, with development, development, different, growing, economies of the world. B) where, for agriculture, handicrafts, conditions, development, favorable, faster, there, there was, existed, farms C) the first, irrigation structures, states, to build and maintain, state, complex, arose where it was necessary for agriculture, was, in serviceable D) iron, experienced, primitive communal system, on the eve of the emergence, there were tribes of Europe and Asia, class society, the stage of decay, and the state, in the era, century. Literature: V. V. Artemov, Yu. N. Lubchenkov "History"

Comparative table "Bronze and Iron Age" Bronze Age (end 4 - beginning of the 1st millennium BC) Distribution region Tools of labor and war Forms of economy Rites Culture Social organization Iron Age (from the beginning of the 1st millennium BC). …….)

Comparative table "Bronze and Iron Age" Bronze Age (end 4 - beginning of the 1st millennium AD) Iron Age (from the beginning of the 1st millennium BC - …….) Region of distribution Middle East 4 -3 thousand days e. Europe 2 kd. N. e. Middle East 2000 BC e. Europe 1 kd. N. e. Tools of labor and war Bronze axes and arrows, chariots Iron axes and arrows, hoeing diggers, plows and plows with iron plowshares, horseshoes Forms of economy Nomadic cattle breeding. Irrigated agriculture, horse breeding Crafts specialization (blacksmiths, gunsmiths). Development of exchange, the emergence of money-coins Rites Barrow burials Golden masks Culture Writing. The spread of writing Social organization The first slave states in the river valleys Wars for plunder. The emergence of tribal aristocracy, private property and states.

Correct answer With the development of a manufacturing economy, differences in the rates of development of different regions of the world increase. Where favorable conditions existed for agriculture and handicrafts, development proceeded faster. The first states arose where for agriculture it was necessary to build and maintain complex irrigation structures in good condition. In the era of the Iron Age, the tribes of Europe and Asia were going through a stage of disintegration of the primitive communal system, they were on the eve of the emergence of a class society and state.

The origins of the state. Organization of power in the primitive communal system. National Assembly of All Adult Members of the Tribe Tribal Council, Elders and Chief Military Leader

The organization of power in the period of the disintegration of the tribal system Formed alliances of tribes for joint defense and attack, led by the leaders of the military leaders and squads. The chief becomes both a judge and a priest at the same time. Sources of wealth for leaders: taxes, spoils of war, captive slaves. Creation of governing bodies of tribal unions and formation of the top of the aristocracy. The leader turns into a ruler who is supported by the aristocracy, the squad.

Preconditions for the emergence of civilizations (4-3 thousand BC) Economic Socio-political Cultural

Economic prerequisites for the emergence of civilizations (social division of labor) The emergence of agriculture and cattle breeding The separation of handicrafts and construction from agriculture The emergence of exchange and trade The emergence of private property

Socio-political prerequisites The disintegration of the clan community and the emergence of a neighboring community Property inequality led to the emergence of social inequality The emergence of slavery The introduction of mandatory taxes for the population for the maintenance of leaders, priests, warriors Creation of governing bodies and violence to govern society, the emergence of the state

What is a Neighborhood Community? (p. 28 of the textbook) Neighboring community - separated from the clan of individual families who have personal property (housing, tools, livestock), but use the land together.