Battle on the ice Konstantin Simonov. Battle on Lake Peipsi, Battle on the Ice - poems

... and byst slashing that great Nemtsev and Chyudi ...
Novgorod First Chronicle

On blue and wet
Peipsi cracked ice
At six thousand seven hundred and fifty
From the Creation year,

Saturday, April 5th,
Damp at dawn sometimes
Advanced reviewed
The marching Germans are in a dark formation.

On their hats there are feathers of cheerful birds,
The helmets have ponytails.
Above them on the shafts of heavy
Black crosses swung.

The squires behind proudly
They brought family shields
They have coats of arms of bear muzzles,
Weapons, towers and flowers.

Everything was devilishly beautiful
As if these gentlemen,
Having already broken our strength,
We went for a walk here.

Well, let's bring shelves with shelves,
Enough with us embassies, betrayals,
Oshuy us Raven Stone
And Uzmen at our right hand.

Ice below us, sky above us
Our cities are behind us,
No forest, no land, no bread
Do not take you ever again.

All night, cracking with tar, they burned
Red bonfires are behind us.
We warmed our hands before the fight,
So that the axes do not slip.

Angle forward, apart from everyone,
Dressed in fur coats, in army jackets,
Stood dark with anger
Pskov foot regiments.

The Germans drunk them with iron,
Hijacked their children and wives,
Their yard is plundered, their cattle are slaughtered,
The sowing was trampled down, the house was burned.

The prince put them in the middle,
So that they take the pressure first, -
Reliable in the dark
A peasant forged ax!

Prince in front of the Russian regiments
I unrolled my horse,
With hands chained in steel
I poked angrily under the clouds.

“May God judge us with the Germans
Without delay here on the ice
We have swords with us, and, come what may,
Let's help God's judgment! "

The prince galloped to the coastal rocks,
Climbing them with difficulty,
He found a high ledge,
From where you can see everything around.

And he looked back. Somewhere in the back
Among trees and stones
His regiments are in ambush
Keeping horses on a leash.

And ahead, along the ringing ice floes
Rattling with heavy scales
The Livonians are riding in a formidable wedge -
An iron pig's head.

The first onslaught of the Germans was terrible.
Into the Russian infantry corner,
Two rows of horse towers
They got it right.

Like angry sheep in a storm,
Among the German shishaks
White shirts flashed
Lamb hats of men.

In washed underwear shirts,
Throwing sheepskin coats to the ground,
They rushed into a deadly battle,
Throwing wide the collar.

It's easier to hit the enemy in a big way,
And if you have to die
Better a clean shirt
To smear with your blood.

They are with open eyes
They walked on the Germans with their bare breasts,
Cutting your fingers to the bone
They bowed their spears to the ground.

And where the spears bent
They're in desperate carnage
Through the line the German cut through
Shoulder to shoulder, back to back.

Ontsyfor made his way deep into the ranks,
With a crumpled neck and rib
Spinning and jumping, chopped
With a big heavy ax.

Seven times his ax rose,
Armor warped seven times
Seven times the Livonian leaned over
And with a clang he fell from his horse.

With the eighth, the last on the vow,
Ontsyfror stood face to face
When its ninth from the side
He hit the sacrum with his sword.

Ontsyphor turned around in silence,
With difficulty I gathered the rest of my strength,
The redhead rushed at the German
And he mowed it down with an ax.

They fell to the ground beside
And they fought for a long time in a crush.
Ontsyphor with a clouded look
Noticed a gap in his armor.

Peeling the skin from the palm,
He crawled with all five
There, where the helmet is German edge
Was loosely adhered to the armor.

And at the last gasp,
It is in the fingers, hard and thin,
Deadly squeezed goodbye
Fleshy knight's Adam's apple.

Already mixed people, horses,
Swords, poleaxes, axes,
And the prince is still calm
Monitors the battle from the mountain.

My face froze as if on purpose
He fastened his helmet to the bridle
And a wolf-trimmed cap
He pulled it over his forehead and ears.

His vigilantes missed
Horses trampled, a fire smoldered.
The old boyars grumbled:
“Or is the prince's sword not sharp?

Fathers and grandfathers did not fight like that
For your lot, for your city,
We rushed into battle looking for victory
Risking the prince's head! "

The prince listened silently to the conversations,
Frowning on a horse sat;
Today he was not saving the city,
Not a patrimony, not your destiny.

Today by the strength of the nation
He closed the way for the Livonians,
And the one who risked today -
He risked all of Russia.

Let the boyars cheat together -
He saw everything, he knew for sure
When ambush regiments need
Give the agreed signal.

And, just after waiting for the Livonians,
Mixing ranks, we got involved in the battle
He, blazing with a sword in the sun,
He led the squad behind him.

Raising swords from Russian steel,
Bending down the spear shafts,
They flew out of the forest screaming
Novgorod regiments.

They flew on the ice with a clang, with thunder,
Leaning towards shaggy manes;
And the first on a huge horse
The prince cut himself into the German system.

And, retreating before the prince,
Throwing spears and shields
The Germans fell from their horses to the ground,
Lifting up iron fingers.

The brown horses were hot
Ashes rose from under the hooves,
Bodies dragged through the snow,
Tied up in narrow stirrups

There was a harsh mess
Iron, blood and water.
In place of knightly troops
Bloody footprints have formed.

Some lay drowning
In bloody ice water
Others raced away, crouching,
A cowardly spur of horses.

Horses were drowning under them,
Ice stood on end under them,
Their stirrups pulled to the bottom,
The shell did not allow them to swim out.

Wandered under oblique gaze
Many caught gentlemen
For the first time with bare heels
Diligently slapping on the ice.

And the prince, barely cooled from the landfill,
From under my arm I was already watching
Like fugitives the remnant is pitiful
He went to the Livonian lands.

Exactly today saturday 5 Aprilas then 772 years ago.

The Battle of the Ice (German Schlacht auf dem Eise, Latin Prœlium glaciale - "Battle of the Ice"), also the Battle of Lake Peipus (German Schlacht auf dem Peipussee) - a battle that took place on April 5, 1242 (Saturday), between Novgorodians and Vladimir residents under the leadership of Alexander Nevsky, on the one hand, and the army of the Livonian Order, which in 1237 included the Order of the Swordsmen (after the defeat at Saul). General battle of the unsuccessful conquest campaign of the Order of 1240-1242. It took place on the ice of Lake Peipsi. Wiki

April 18 is the Day of Military Glory of Russia - the Day of the victory of the Russian soldiers of Prince Alexander Nevsky over the German knights on Lake Peipsi (Battle of the Ice).

from the poem "Battle on the Ice":

On blue and wet
Peipsi cracked ice
At six thousand seven hundred and fifty
From the Creation year,

Saturday, April 5th,
Damp at dawn sometimes
Advanced reviewed
The marching Germans are in a dark formation.

The feathers of funny birds on their hats
The helmets have ponytails.
Above them on the shafts of heavy
Black crosses swung.

The squires behind proudly
They brought family shields
They have coats of arms of bear muzzles,
Weapons, towers and flowers.

Everything was devilishly beautiful
As if these gentlemen,
Having already broken our strength,
We went here for a walk.

Well, let's bring shelves with shelves,
Enough with us embassies, betrayals,
Oshuy us Raven Stone
And Uzmen at our right hand.

Ice below us, sky above us
Our cities are behind us,
No forest, no land, no bread
Do not take you ever again.


There was a harsh mess
Iron, blood and water.
In place of knightly troops
Bloody footprints have formed.

Some lay drowning
In bloody ice water
Others raced away, crouching,
A cowardly spur of horses.

Horses were drowning under them,
The ice stood on end under them,
Their stirrups pulled to the bottom,
The shell did not allow them to swim out.

Wandered under oblique gaze
Many caught gentlemen
For the first time with bare heels
Diligently slapping on the ice.

And the prince, barely cooled from the landfill,
From under my arm I was already watching
Like fugitives the remnant is pitiful
He went to the Livonian lands.


On blue and wet
Peipsi cracked ice
At six thousand seven hundred and fifty
From the Creation year,

Saturday, April 5th,
Damp at dawn sometimes
Advanced reviewed
The marching Germans are in a dark formation.

The feathers of funny birds on their hats
The helmets have ponytails.
Above them on the shafts of heavy
Black crosses swung.

The squires behind proudly
They brought family shields
They have coats of arms of bear muzzles,
Weapons, towers and flowers.

Everything was devilishly beautiful
As if these gentlemen,
Having already broken our strength,
We went here for a walk.

Well, let's bring shelves with shelves,
Enough with us embassies, betrayals,
Oshuy us Raven Stone
And Uzmen at our right hand.

Ice below us, sky above us
Our cities are behind us,
No forest, no land, no bread
Do not take you ever again.

All night, cracking with tar, they burned
Red bonfires are behind us.
We warmed our hands before the fight,
So that the axes do not slip.

Angle forward, from everyone separately,
Dressed in fur coats, in army jackets,
Stood dark with anger
Pskov foot regiments.

The Germans drunk them with iron,
Hijacked their children and wives
Their yard is plundered, their cattle are slaughtered,
The sowing was trampled down, the house was burnt.

The prince put them in the middle,
So that they take the pressure first, -
Reliable in the dark
A peasant forged ax!

Prince in front of the Russian regiments
He turned his horse from flight,
With hands chained in steel
I poked angrily under the clouds.

“May God judge us with the Germans
Without delay here on the ice
We have swords with us, and come what may,
Let's help God's judgment! "

The prince galloped to the coastal rocks,
Climbing them with difficulty,
He found a high ledge,
From where you can see everything around.

And he looked back. Somewhere in the back
Among trees and stones
His regiments are in ambush
Keeping horses on a leash.

And ahead, along the ringing ice floes
Rattling with heavy scales
The Livonians are riding in a formidable wedge -
An iron pig's head.

The first onslaught of the Germans was terrible.
To the Russian infantry corner,
Two rows of horse towers
They got it right.

Like angry lambs in a storm,
Among the German shishaks
White shirts flashed
Lamb hats of men.

In washed underwear shirts,
Throwing sheepskin coats to the ground,
They rushed into a deadly battle,
Throwing wide the collar.

It's easier to hit the enemy in a big way,
And if you have to die
Better a clean shirt
To smear with your blood.

They are with open eyes
They walked on the Germans with their bare breasts,
Cutting your fingers to the bone
They bowed their spears to the ground.

And where the spears bent
They're in desperate carnage
Through the line the German cut through
Shoulder to shoulder, back to back.

Ontsyfor made his way deep into the ranks,
With a crumpled neck and rib
Spinning and jumping, chopped
With a large heavy ax.

Seven times his ax rose,
Armor warped seven times
Seven times the Livonian leaned over
And with a clang he fell from his horse.

With the eighth, the last on the vow,
Ontsyfror stood face to face
When its ninth from the side
He hit the sacrum with his sword.

Ontsyphor turned around in silence,
With difficulty I gathered the rest of my strength,
The redhead rushed at the German
And he mowed it down with an ax.

They fell to the ground beside
And they fought for a long time in a crush.
Ontsyphor with a clouded look
Noticed a gap in his armor.

Peeling the skin from the palm,
He crawled with all five
There, where the helmet is German edge
It was loosely attached to the armor.

And at the last gasp,
It is in the fingers, hard and thin,
Deadly squeezed goodbye
Fleshy knight's Adam's apple.

Already mixed people, horses,
Swords, poleaxes, axes,
And the prince is still calm
Monitors the battle from the mountain.

The face froze as if on purpose
He fastened his helmet to the bridle
And a wolf-trimmed cap
He pulled it over his forehead and ears.

His vigilantes missed
Horses trampled, a fire smoldered.
The old boyars grumbled:
“Or is the prince's sword not sharp?

Fathers and grandfathers did not fight like that
For your lot, for your city,
Rushed into battle looking for victory
Risking the prince's head! "

The prince listened silently to the conversations,
Frowning on a horse sat;
Today he was not saving the city,
Not a patrimony, not your destiny.

Today by the strength of the nation
He closed the way for the Livonians,
And the one who risked today -
He risked all of Russia.

Let the boyars cheat together -
He saw everything, he knew for sure
When ambush regiments need
Give the agreed signal.

And, just after waiting for the Livonians,
Mixing ranks, we got involved in the battle
He, blazing with a sword in the sun,
He led the squad behind him.

Raising swords from Russian steel,
Bending down the spear shafts,
They flew out of the forest screaming
Novgorod regiments.

They flew on the ice with a clang, with thunder,
Leaning towards shaggy manes;
And the first on a huge horse
The prince cut himself into the German system.

And, retreating before the prince,
Throwing spears and shields
The Germans fell from their horses to the ground,
Lifting up iron fingers.

The brown horses were hot
Ashes rose from under the hooves,
Bodies dragged through the snow,
Tied up in narrow stirrups

There was a harsh mess
Iron, blood and water.
In place of knightly troops
Bloody footprints have formed.

Some lay drowning
In bloody ice water
Others raced away, crouching,
A cowardly spur of horses.

Horses were drowning under them,
The ice stood on end under them,
Their stirrups pulled to the bottom,
The shell did not allow them to swim out.

Wandered under oblique gaze
Many caught gentlemen
For the first time with bare heels
Diligently slapping on the ice.

And the prince, barely cooled from the landfill,
From under my arm I was already watching
Like fugitives the remnant is pitiful
He went to the Livonian lands.

I read it to my eldest yesterday, I didn't understand how much I understood, at the same time I checked my memory; it turns out that I remember at least half of the passage from school. thanks to Nina Vasilievna.


The cannonade rang out all night.
Pskov was surrounded on three sides.
Red Guard detachments
With difficulty we made our way to the platform.
And then in the blink of an eye
With a whistle burst here
Germans to the very windows
Stuffed trains.
For no apparent reason
One train went to hell.
One hundred and three German lower ranks,
Three officers were there.
There were pools of blood on the rails,
Remains of meat and bones.
So unfriendly in Pskov
The uninvited guests were greeted!
They hid in houses, put out the lights,
The city was dark and thorny.
We did not offer the enemy
There is a key on a gilded platter.
To frighten the population
Was assembled for the Hay parade.
Keeping a fierce alignment,
The soldiers walked behind a row.
Silent and long as fish
Set on tails;
Leopold of Bavaria himself arrived
Hand out the Iron Crosses.
The Germans were in sturdy helmets,
Numbered inside
And painted on top
Concern "Farben Industry".
And the population was silent
Looked at every house in silence.
So they look at enemies first,
To take a sip of them later.
Found on the whole city only
Five children of bitches
With servility, with feeling, with sense
Met "dear" guests.
Five city landowners
Deciding to grab a piece for yourself,
Considered a profitable business
Concoct an address for the Germans.
They humbly asked:
To return their property,
Should Germans half of Russia
Grab it in the next month.
One of them in a dissenting opinion
I asked Siberia not to forget
He had an estate in those parts
And he didn't want to be a waste.
On an old, faded postcard
That moment was captured:
A nobleman, dry and liquid,
Reads the document to the Germans.
His goatee
(But now he's shaved off his beard!)
His demeanor and gait
(But he changed his gait!)
His gorgeous business card
(But he took off his business card long ago!) -
It used to be on that postcard
And the photographer himself did not recognize.
But if he's not dead and wanders
Near the border through the forests,
People like him are found everywhere
Wolves' faded eyes.
He will not hide them with a mint cap,
He will not hide them under glasses,
Like a postcard, stealthily
Familiar pupils look.
And the German, filmed next to him,
Somewhere in the Gestapo
And twenty years with the same look
He looks at the Russian land.

CHAPTER TWO 1240-1242

Transfer holding with Nmtsi Plskovichi
and brought them up Tverdilo Ivankovich
with the input, and the very place to own Plskov
s Nmtsi, fighting the village of Novgorodskaya.
Novgorod First Chronicle
Two days since we lost Pskov,
And it can be seen a hundred miles around -
Above the tower the order banner:
There is a black cross on a white field.
In the big landing chambers
With a crooked grin on my lips
Sitting Livonian in black armor
With crosses in ten places.
Sits haughtily, as at a feast,
Putting a black helmet at my feet
And in a businesslike way
Feet in iron shoes.
Victory was easy for him,
There was a pestilence, and gladness, and crop failure
The Swedes attacked Novgorod,
The Tatars were at the gate.
The prince was found seedy,
Having come running from Pskov to the Germans,
He gave the city to them in words,
For this, a table and a roof.
When Izborsk was starved out
And Pskov itself is burned by a third,
There were traitors who
Didn't let the veche warm your hands.
The past is deprived of honor
They, in order to regain the power,
Not like the Germans - even the devil
Could open the gate ...
The Livonian looks down at the veche,
Into black floating smoke.
Asserted - a thief and a translator -
He sat down in the chairs next to him.
He was in Riga and Wenden,
A loan is open to him everywhere,
He, flirting with the German, about treason
He speaks German with him.
He and his friends asked him
And they ask again: having gathered an army,
Should Livonians half of Russia
In the next month, select.
But the red-haired German looks past
There, where, hanging from the teeth,
Creak with ropes under them
Five blue dead.
Yesterday, under the wet howl of a blizzard,
In the back alley of Pskov
Three Livonians were attacked,
Without letting them draw their swords.
But an hour later there is help
Along the narrow streets of Pskov
Passed the bloody road
Trample the dead and the living.
One blacksmith, Ontsyfor-Cloud,
Made my way to the city wall
And rushed down straight from the steep
On a knightly alien horse.
They chased him, but did not catch up,
We walked through the city with fire,
Who was not killed with a spear,
That one was worn out with a rope.
They hang. The shore is under them,
The moon is low above them,
German commander Hermann Dering
Watching them from the window.
He is very glad that merciful
Kind knightly lord
Helped hang the daring smerds,
Raised their hand against the gentlemen.
They are hung securely
He is saddened only by the fact
That the whole city is impossible
Hang along the oak walls.
But he will do his best
No wonder there is an ancient law:
Where the knight was let in an inch,
There he will cut off the whole mile.
No wonder, proudly arching the neck,
Curves twisting the mustache
Pskov trample the pavements
His most Christian dogs.


And inii Plskovichi vbjasha vb Nov
the city with wives and dytm ...
Novgorod First Chronicle
Leaving the Germans for a hundred fathoms,
Ontsyfor, hurrying, jumped into the forest,
Through the mud, over the remnants of the crust
I climbed into a deep ravine with my horse.
He missed the chase,
And the horse didn’t give out - it didn’t laugh.
No wonder in hard palms
Ontsyphor snoring caught him.
Rather come to Novgorod!
No rest, at any cost!
Let the long forest echo
Seven days jumping behind the back!
Even before the first night
Spotted someone's blue corpse
And under a stuck cart
Already swollen horse croup.
Then the carts went more and more often,
And people drove right through
Through the prickly forest thickets,
Through the naked wolf windbreak.
They threw the house and belongings and were torn
From Pskov to Novgorod. Always
The enemies of Russia got
Some empty cities.
On the third day over the ferry
He saw bonfires, sacks
And hundreds of stray carts
By the swollen gray river.
Everyone was waiting here in the mud and cold
So that the ice from the upper reaches.
Ontsyphor took off his weapon,
The saddle is heavy from the horse.
Sinking on a wet stone
Pulled off a boot, then another
And, widely crossed,
He stepped into the wave with his bare foot.
The jaws pounded from the cold
I swam with my horse to the slippery rocks.
They shouted from the other side
So that he rode to Novgorod as soon as possible.
I can't remember myself from the cold
He did not really hear the words,
But as a sign that he will fulfill everything,
He waved his wet hat.
Through rain and hail, without drying out,
Ontsyphor the rest of the day
Drove to Novgorod, not resting,
From the foam of a white horse.
In the evening on a deaf country road
Among the trampled earth
Wolves attacked the horse trail
And with a howl they followed the trail.
But the horse did not give out, thank God,
Riding through the forest all night until
I did not collapse on the road in the morning,
Hitting the rider on the ground.
The owner freed his leg
Make way for the damn curse
For some reason I touched it with my fingers
The glassy, \u200b\u200bwet eye of a horse.
There was a German horse,
And it served well ...
And with a stumbling step
Ontsyfor went to Novgorod.
Even if your legs are broken
In rain, mud and darkness
He is two, he is three such roads
Crawled silently on my stomach.
It was lunchtime. Saturday.
The end of trade was coming
When through the Spassky Gate
Ontsyfor got to Novgorod.
Screaming left and right
That Pskov was given to the Livonian dogs,
He wandered, staggering, between the shops,
Sheds, forges and trays.
And, hastily wiping his hands,
Hiding chests underground
Locking goods in lari,
Hanging locks on benches
Along all the rows, in a wide crowd,
The merchants moved to the veche,
Smaller people, bakers,
Cloth makers and blacksmiths.
Following the sedate mayor,
Picking up under the arms from the ground,
Up the stairs
They dragged the Ontsyphor.
And, having risen through strength,
Taking a look around everything,
He screamed, knocking on the railing
With a bony black fist:
"There was Pskov - and there is no more Pskov,
It's time to put on chain mail,
Not that and you will have to soon
Kiss the German boot! "


To the parish on Novgorodskaya
time to find Lithuania, Nmtsi, Chyud and
i will catch all horses and cattle along the Luga, not on
than and go to the villages ...
The First Sophia Chronicle
... send the Novgorodians Spiridon Vladyka
by Prince Alexander Yaroslavlich.
Chronicle of Abraham
The Livonians broke into the depths of Russia,
We reached Luga, Tesov fell.
Near Novgorod, boasting,
The Livonian maester approached.
Waving the parchment ready,
Hanging a round seal
Pope himself is their crusade
He blessed to start quickly.
Waged war in the Livonian spirit:
They took everything that you can take;
The kids are dying of hunger
There is nothing to shout in the villages.
The enemy is at the gate, and the prince is away,
The month was coming to an end
How he and the whole squad together
In Pereyaslavl he went to his father.
There was a reason for that:
Prince Alexander was nice while
The thug of the Swede and the German
His heavy hand.
But, having come to Novgorod with a victory,
He pinched the tail of the boyars
And immediately became no better than a Swede
For them, it is neither asked nor dear.
The boyars took the upper hand in the veche,
Shutting the mouth of the lesser people,
They showed the way to the prince
And they were escorted to the gate.
Now that with the Livonian pack
I had to fight cruelly
We went to the veche of quarrels, disputes:
Call back or not call.
The boyar and the lord were sent,
But, apart from these hardened ones,
The lesser were elected ambassadors
Thinner than five.
So that the prince comes back more faithfully,
So that he was more complaisant,
They sent those little men of war,
With whom he beat the Swede.
He remembered them - they are at the veche
Boyars in spite of all
Speeches were raised for the prince
And with axes we got into an argument.
They sent them, and to them in addition,
So that hot requests come out,
They sent, choosing at random,
Two rescued residents of Pskov.
Ontsyphor rode with them;
To Pereyaslavl ten days
I had to use forest roads
Whipping the frozen horses.
For the third day, like the whole embassy
Waiting for an answer, beating the thumbs
And, cursing hospitality,
Visiting the prince eats and drinks.
And, thundering with boots,
For the third day the embassy house
Takes big steps
Archbishop Spiridon.
The wagon broke - not a hindrance,
Tucking my cassock in my belt,
He rode a third of the way on horseback,
Never having a rest.
He was a booty of a military fold,
I walked in earhooks for seven years
And Novgorodian orders
I guided all the way to Vyatka.
He, nourished by war,
And now it would be nothing at all
And replace the surplice with armor
And the pastoral staff - with a sword.
For three days he endured humiliation,
He beat bows, wore gifts,
Three days, like reigning again
He asked the prince to Novgorod;
The prince is in no hurry to answer -
Now he leads by the nose, then he is silent ...
The bishop walks until dawn
And knocks on the floor with a staff.
Rising with dawn, Ontsyfor is near
With another newcomer Pskov
Passed once by the Trade Row,
Asking how much.
I felt the goods on the counters,
Heard the bell buzz
I told the merchants of Pereyaslavl,
That the city is thin against Pskov.
Let's go back. At the turn
In one of the towers of the serfs,
The gates creaked open,
And the prince drove through them.
Turning to the creak of the constipation,
Seeing the princely walk,
Two Pskovs, winking,
They hit him with the forehead.
He lingered, reluctantly
Their breasts are crowded with horses.
"The boyars sent you, or what?
Want to pity me? "
The prince was sinewy and hard as a stone,
But not wide and small in stature,
I could not believe that he was with his hands
I broke horseshoes.
Face the paternal breed,
He carried separately from everything
Big harsh chin
And a hooked hard nose.
Sat, ruffled, high
In a huge battle saddle
Like a small and strong falcon,
Folded wings on the rock
Without responding, looking straight
In the notched princely armor,
Ontsyphor repeated stubbornly:
"Defend us from the Germans!"
The prince chuckled and suddenly,
Whipping the horse with a strap,
Turned it west
And he shook his fist.
Then he asked angrily, quickly:
How the Germans are armed
Who was appointed to the masters
And they are good friends with Denmark.
And in his eyes prickly,
And by how angry he was
Ontsyfor understood - the Germans are better,
Without waiting for him, get out.
Ontsyphor raised his hand to heaven
In burns, in scars, in nodules
And shouted to the whole neighborhood,
So that the god in the clouds heard:
"Let the devil take me to hell,
Let the thunder break out on the spot
When I'm on the Pskov wall
I will not fit first with an ax.
If I don't die until that minute
Perhaps you will see me, prince! "
The prince turned on the spot abruptly
And silently drove the horse away.
The prince was vindictive. Exile
He did not forgive the Novgorodians,
The whole city is crying and wailing
I would not return it back.
The grievances were not forgotten
He could have chased away the ambassador
But, covering all the insults,
Hatred for the aliens grew.
Sharper than anything he had heard for a long time
As they crawl to visit us,
Tireless than mice
The Russian border is gnawing.
They crawl under our roof,
Behind each hiding bush
Where not with swords - there with trade,
Where not with trade - there with a cross.
They crawl. And he will be stupid
Who draws his sword too late
Who, because of their quarrels, forgets
Stop the Livonian plague.
The prince swore once and again swears:
The Livonians cannot see Russia.
He will even return to Novgorod,
To give them a knee in the ass.


He soon exiled the city of Pskov and
N'mets izse'che, and ineh bindings and hail
free you from the godless Nmets ...
Pskov Second Chronicle
The prince took Koporye first,
The German town broke
German bollards in Lakeside
Whom he killed, whom he caught.
Having summoned the troops, gathered the carts,
Waiting for the Suzdal regiments,
In winter, in bitter frosts
He suddenly overlaid Pskov.
Squeezed by Velikaya and Pskov,
Oak is surrounded by a wall,
Pskov raised his head
Over the entire surrounding side.
And over high walls
Having cut off the entrance and the entrance to the city,
The order banner was sticking out -
There is a black cross on a white field.
Constructing like a crane wedge,
Because of the surrounding line
By noon to the Pskov valley
Russian troops burst in.
The prince himself, throwing on a new casing
Over iron scales
I rode a straight path to Pskov,
Outstripping their shelves.
Pskov and Ladoga were walking,
The Izhorians walked, all of them,
There were claps, stinkers, townspeople -
All Novgorod has gathered here.
Putting aside the arshins for a while,
People and merchants went to live,
They were collected in a squad
All Novgorod Ends.
Rush, showing prowess,
The squads on their horses;
Pereyaslavl, Vladimir, Suzdal
They sent them to help.
Cheered up before the fight
Gray-bearded old wolf
Archbishop behind him
He led his cavalry regiment.
In saddle cushions jumping,
Clutching the habit of the occasion,
The boyars rode separately,
Behind each servant in two rows.
Everyone, even the oldest, fat ones,
Long gone to rest
The prince himself from their vast estates
Iron fished out with his hand.
Any one of them once fought,
I went on a campaign outside Novgorod,
Yes, the horse died, the campaign was forgotten,
And the sword has rusted for a year.
But the prince took them all away -
Than to die on the stove,
Is it not better under the Pskov wall
To fight in an open field?
Long ago the boyars became
Loving prince. To their swords
To their armor of heavy steel,
Their intractable speeches
Preferred men of war
In a simple chain mail with an ax -
He tried them many times.
And he always remembered kindly!
All the way he, out of anger
Driving with everyone on a par,
Didn't let the boyars warm their bones,
Neither remove the armor nor dismount from the horse.
The sun was rising. It became clear -
The German shields are burning.
Livonians on the walls are insulting
They speak Basurmansky.
The prince in the battle saddle ducked,
I jerked the frozen horse,
Turned to the squad from the summer
And waved his whip in the air.
Knowing every ledge on the towers,
Hooks, slits and bitches
In silence, the first to attack
The Pskov regiments rushed.
The prince saw how bearded
He strove to climb the tower
Pskovich, with whom he once
I spoke in Pereyaslavl.
Ontsyphor crawled higher and higher,
I took out the cornice with my hand,
Climbed to the roof with difficulty
And the enemy's banner pulled down.
Torn to shreds the cloth,
He flung them away
And, spitting on the palm,
He pulled the shaft out of the roof.
Pskov was recaptured. The walls are everywhere
Dead bodies were lying around.
And the blood thuds like a dish
Flowed on the logs to the ground,
And on the wall, calling for revenge
Still hanging from the teeth,
Rocked in a row in the old place
Five half-rotten dead.
They are in battle with an intruder
Lay your belly here
And snow and rain cuts their bones
And the worm gnaws, and the raven vomits.
We bury them in the darkness of the earth
And we will give an eternal oath -
Livonian dogs and their descendants
We will not give up an inch!
Pskov was devastated by fire,
The entrance to the houses is covered with snow -
Christ's knights for good reason
Here they ruled for a year.
Prince Alexander settled down
In the room where the commander lived.
As you can see, the commander has settled down here -
There was a whip of bull veins,
The logs were smoldering in the oven,
The forgotten dog dozed in the warmth
And the half-drunk stood
Two French cups on the table.
The commander himself seemed to have sunk into the water
The blizzard closed all the fetters.
In such damn weather
He won't get far.
Under the battle axes
All the rest were killed.
Only three were raked alive
And they brought him to Alexander.
They behaved arrogantly
Quite sure that the prince
He will certainly let them all go
Flattering to the order's ransom.
One of them, leaving his leg,
Proudly chewed with his lips,
I asked the prince in Russian: there are many
Would he like to take for them?
The prince was genuinely surprised:
Livonians loving childhood,
He'd rather strangle himself,
Than letting them go.
And in order for them to live, admiring Pskov,
So that the city is more visible from above,
Let any tower be chosen
And he will hang them on it.
In the morning, it was still getting light,
The prince ordered to blow the horns:
The Russian squads do not fit,
Sitting on the stove, waiting for the enemy.
Hurry! Without letting him wake up
Without letting the wound lick
Reach across the border
Punish the beast in the den.
The air was full of horse snoring,
I bit with an iron clink.
To the west, to the Livonian borders,
The prince led the militia.
And, passing under the Pskov tower,
We saw the troops above
Like the three rulers of yesterday
They hung silently on the wall.
They looked down at the spruce
For hundreds of miles of foreign land,
For everything that they wanted to master,
But, to their chagrin, they could not.
Driving spurs into the sides of the horses,
We rode away to the thunder of horseshoes
The Livonian and the prince who
Pskov was sold to them in words.
Two friends to Riga for help
Hurried through the deep woods
And darkly fought all the way,
As befits a dog to squabble.


Novgorod First Chronicle
On blue and wet
Saturday, April 5th,
The squires behind proudly
Everything was devilishly beautiful
Well, let's bring shelves with shelves,
Ice below us, sky above us
All night, cracking with tar, they burned
Angle forward, apart from everyone,
The Germans drunk them with iron,
The prince put them in the middle,
So that they take the pressure first, -
Prince in front of the Russian regiments
The prince galloped to the coastal rocks,
And he looked back. Somewhere in the back
And ahead, along the ringing ice floes
The Livonians are riding in a formidable wedge -
The first onslaught of the Germans was terrible.
Like angry sheep in a storm,
In washed underwear shirts,
It's easier to hit the enemy in a big way,
They are with open eyes
And where the spears bent
Ontsyfor made his way deep into the ranks,
Seven times his ax rose,
With the eighth, the last on the vow,
Ontsyphor turned around in silence,
They fell to the ground beside
Peeling the skin from the palm,
Already mixed people, horses,
My face froze as if on purpose
His vigilantes missed
Fathers and grandfathers did not fight like that
The prince listened silently to the conversations,
Today by the strength of the nation
And the one who risked today -
Let the boyars cheat together -
And, just after waiting for the Livonians,
Raising swords from Russian steel,
They flew on the ice with a clang, with thunder,
And, retreating before the prince,
The brown horses were hot
There was a harsh mess
Some lay drowning
Horses were drowning under them,
Wandered under oblique gaze
And the prince, barely cooled from the landfill,






Raising swords from Russian steel,




On blue and wet

Saturday, April 5th,

On their hats there are feathers of cheerful birds,

The squires behind proudly

Everything was devilishly beautiful

Well, let's bring shelves with shelves,

Ice below us, sky above us

All night, cracking with tar, they burned

Angle forward, apart from everyone,

The Germans drunk them with iron,

The prince put them in the middle,

Prince in front of the Russian regiments


The prince galloped to the coastal rocks,

And he looked back. Somewhere in the back

And ahead, along the ringing ice floes

The first onslaught of the Germans was terrible.

Like angry sheep in a storm,

In washed underwear shirts,

It's easier to hit the enemy in a big way,

They are with open eyes

And where the spears bent

Ontsyfor made his way deep into the ranks,

Seven times his ax rose,

With the eighth, the last on the vow,

Ontsyphor turned around in silence,

They fell to the ground beside

Peeling the skin from the palm,

And at the last gasp,

Already mixed people, horses,

My face froze as if on purpose

His vigilantes missed

Fathers and grandfathers did not fight like that

The prince listened silently to the conversations,

Today by the strength of the nation

Let the boyars cheat together -

And, just after waiting for the Livonians,

Raising swords from Russian steel,

They flew on the ice with a clang, with thunder,

And, retreating before the prince,

The brown horses were hot

There was a harsh mess

Some lay drowning

Horses were drowning under them,

Wandered under oblique gaze

And the prince, barely cooled from the landfill,