A brief and clear statement of your thoughts. Proper statement of thoughts - the key to success

The correct statement of its thoughts is real art, which is not given to everyone. It is necessary to study throughout life and in each situation to apply the necessary strategy and methodology. On how we can collect with thoughts, we can express our position, our career depends, relationships with relatives and loved ones, family well-being and their own success.

Why is it important to speak correctly?

How to get together with thoughts and decompose everything in the regiments? Unfortunately, different people perceive in different ways all the information that goes into their brain, it depends on the personal perception of the world by this person, firstly, and secondly, from the correct point of view of the interlocutor. Imagine that you have absolutely different points of view with your opponent, while you still cannot competently express your thoughts. Do you understand you at least on a second? Can the dialogue be able to continue? A bright example may be the communication of two foreigners, one of which does not own the language. Also with every person: we have different languages, even hearing the same phrase, we perceive it in different ways. That is why you need to learn as accurately as possible, clearly and specifically express our views. There are special techniques, techniques and techniques for this.

What will help to express your thoughts right?

The first thing that will help competently and correctly express your thoughts is reading. Since childhood, at school, we checked the reading technique, forced to read books in the summer and insisted on their detailed study. You need to start with classical literature. It will help competently put speech and diversify the vocabulary for daily communication. It may be thick, Bulgakov, Pasternak and other Russian classics. If you need to learn to competently express your thoughts in the professional sphere, then, of course, it is necessary to continue reading special literature: economic, technical, etc. This will allow you not only to competently speak, but also grow through the career stairs. Literature, which will always be relevant not only to read, but also to look around the techniques of communication - these are the books of Dale Carnegie, Robin Sharma, John Maxwell and other world speakers.

The second effective method is an intentional increase in the vocabulary stock. Here the explanatory dictionary will help you, the study of synonyms of words, as well as the breakdown of crosswords.

It is not worth paying the most attention to the last item, otherwise you will not speak not suggestions and words from Crossword.

Presentation: "Cognitive processes and personality abilities"

The third is the development of memory. How to develop memory can be read here (reference to the article). It is very important to understand that you will not be able to learn new words, read a lot and memorize if you have memory problems. Get rid of them.

Fourth - public speeches. Yes, for many it is scary. But in the process of preparing for a public speech, you will not only learn a lot of new things, but also write a performance plan, theses that will help you draw up a logical chain and have them correctly in your head. The more practice will be, the better the presentation of thought.

It is very important to have clarity of thought when communicating with people, because when you yourself can not figure out with your thoughts, then who can then? How to work out clarity of thought Let us later.

How to purchase and keep the clarity of the mind?

  1. Regular physical exertion. Permanent workouts lead in feelings not only muscles, but also the mind, constantly supplying it with blood and oxygen, which has a very positive effect on saving sober memory. And it will help competently express your point of view.
  2. A large amount of water. Drink water in the morning. This will make it possible to feel cheerful all day, water activates the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, the brain and microsystems.
  3. Use odors to activate the brain. Clarity of thought depends not only on the number of vocabulary stock. It more depends on the mood, enthusiasm and other factors. So, using smells you can enhance your thoughts and their quality. Use the flavors of the thyase, basil, rosemary, roses. This will help concentrate your attention.
  4. Focus on positive aspects. Do not load the brain with negative information, and everything will be much easier.
  5. Play puzzles: Chess, Sudoku and others. Board games that practice your brain.
  6. Use high-quality information from the network. Imaging piles of stuffing materials on the Internet, you can greatly work out the clarity of thought and learn to "throw out unnecessary" from the head.
  7. Spit and sleep well. Strong sleep - the key to a successful day. Everything is known that the clarity of thought is absent with constant lack of sleep. In such a stress, it is impossible to state your thoughts correctly.

  • wire a personal diary or blog on the Internet. Describe everything bright and eloquently, then you can talk beautifully and correctly, expressing your thoughts and emotions.
  • join the discussion. Not into quarrel! Visit clubs for interests, forums, circles where you can talk and discuss exciting problems.
  • examine logic, it is allowed to consistently and accurately express your requirements, conclusions, etc.
  • develop communicative skills, do not close at home, communicate with people.
Creation Velickovsky Paisius

Word 1. A summary of thoughts relating to repentance

I remember my soul, a terrible and terrible miracle that your Creator became for you for the sake of you, I learned to suffer from your salvation. His angels tremble, the cherubs are terrified, seraphims are afraid and all the heavens are incessantly wealthy, and you are unhappy soul in tannies; Although from nowing it is to rise and do not deploy my delicious soul, saint repentance, heart rate and satisfaction (epithimia) for your sins. Depositing the same year after year, month after the month, day after day, I do not want to repent from the heart and you will not find a compassion for yourself; Oh, with what torment will begin to repent, but without success. Having the opportunity today to make any good, do not deploy, my kind soul, for tomorrow is the saint repentance, because you do not know what he will give rise to today, or what trouble will happen to you on this night; For you do not know what the day or night will bring you: is there any life to be done, or suddenly you will suddenly get a distressed and ambulance death? Now, my kind soul, the time of patience; Now - time of grief tolerate; Now - time to keep the commandments and virtues to perform; Nowadays the time of crying sweet and tear sobs. If you truly want to escape, my soul, love sorrow, shed, as she loved peace before; Live as if dying daily; Soon your life will be held, as the usual shadow before the Sun and stay without anything; Days of our life, as it were, there are flooded in the air; Do not give way and before the sickness of severe sorrow. In relation to people, not to mention the unreasonable, but also in reasonable grief, do not indulge in sadness, do not be confused, do not run away; But consider yourself as a dust under your feet. Without it, you can not escape and avoid eternal flour. For soon our life ends like one day passes. If a person does not defeat himself piously virtue, or will not sacrifice his life for the fulfillment of the commandments of God and the decens, can not be saved. So, my kind soul, remember all the saints of prophets, apostles, martyrs, saints, respectable and righteous, weeding and all of the centuries of God. Where did you find saints that would not conquer the flesh of the spirit, or would not suffer in heavy disasters

From the book sectology Author Dvorkin Alexander Leonidovich

9. "Clean all your heads from your own thoughts and fill it with the Word of God! And then the proclamation of this word, and a miracle will happen! " "The word of life" took from the "new thinking" the idea that orally has a huge creative force, you just need to learn this power

From the book of the shower after death Author Seraphim Hieromona

X. A summary of the Orthodox doctrine on the posthumous fate of the soul in the first nine books of this book we tried to state some major aspects of an Orthodox Christian view of life after death, opposing them widespread

From the book of Maya. Life, religion, culture The author of Whitlock Ralph

A summary of the Mayan history involved in the history of Maya scientists share it for the next periods: the formation period that has launched from 1500 or 1000 to our era to about 150 years of our era. During this time, the Maja tribes was launched.

From the PSS book. Volume 24. Works, 1880-1884 Author Tolstoy Lion Nikolaevich

Summary of the Gospel

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A summary of the Gospel of the Gospel is the revelation of the true good by Jesus Christ (son

From the Book of St. Gregory, the Wonderworker, Bishop Neokesa. His life, creation, theology Author Sagrad Nikolai Ivanovich

From the book Anthology of East Christian theological Thought, Tom II Author author unknown

A brief true word about the faith of the Universal and Apostolic Church. GL 1. Thinking in writing our multi-solid, diverse, separated by many parts, outgoing from the bad intentions and the difficulty of the teachings of opponents, and divided them by species and childbirth, power of God

From the book that there is a spiritual life and how to tune in Author FEOFAN SCLASHNIK

From the book of moral essays author Greek Maxim

TRACHSIS OF THE PROTASTRATOR A summary of the His Holiness Disputes of the Fassalonian Cyrus Gregory and Grigora Philosopher, which took place in the wards in the face of the emperor (fragments). Text and comments (per. D A. Pospelova) - (texts and comments) 333-338 (Candal): 6. Philosopher

From the book of Bhagavad-Gita as it is the author

31. How to maintain the early desire for good life. Spiritual reading and reflection. Writing good thoughts. How to avoid wandering thoughts when reading and prayer. Undeading remembering about God and death. Self-evictionation here and thank God! Watch that you have a strong

From the book of creation. Part III. Book 2. About the Holy Spirit to Saint Amphilochia Author Great Vasily.

Word 17. Movement to repentance Fire and a constantly ricking worm, and crying, and darkness, and darkness, and the terrible crushes of the teeth expects us, the soul, at the expense of from here, in the underworld and gloomy gluttony, if we live simply. Take the same, Issue, beyond the evil

From the book the path of liberation. Practical guide for spiritual enlightenment. Author

Chapter Second: A brief summary of Bhagavad-gita Arjuna takes Lord Krishna with his spiritual teacher, and Krishna begins to instruct him, explaining the difference between the strugency material body and the eternal soul. The Lord describes the process of relocation of the soul, nature

From the book of Heavenly Books in the Apocalypse of John the Bogoslov Author Androsova Veronika Aleksandrovna

Chapter 17: The answer claiming that the Holy Spirit does not feel with the Father and Son, but only will be reached by him, and together a brief summary of the faith of a pious lookout is not easy and to understand what they mean under the SIM following (????????? ??), and what value give this word. For anyone

From the book, the National Idea of \u200b\u200bRussia - Live well. Civilization of Slavs in valid history Author Yershov Vladimir V.

Summary of exercise. Be quiet. Put the question every thought. Consider the source of reality. And keep your eyes open. You do not know when something that seems completely insignificant, breaks the whole world, widely revealing towards eternal joy.

From the book of the author

5.3.1. A summary of the Nattery 11 as mentioned, in Open 11: 1-2, the Tinoser is given the following command: "Stand and measure the temple of God and the altar, and worshiping in it. And the external courtyard of the temple will exclude and not measure it, because it is given to the pagans: they will pour

"A first-grader boy comes to me. We talk friendly, slowly. We are discussing the task of his textbook:" There were ten books on the shelf, five took up how much left? "I ask him about what the task. Responds: About books. What does it mean about books? Is there a task about what books there were on the shelf, fantasy, fairy tales, comics? Not. Once again - about what the task is about the shelf. I clarify: Once about the shelf, then, probably, the task says that the shelf is metallic or from a tree, painted with white or black paint? Not. From the third time he guessed: the task about the number of books. "

One of the frequent causes of misunderstanding tasks is to implicate thoughts, to silence the main and secondary. This skill is necessary to master any school subject. In mathematics, for example. Examples The schoolboy decides, learned the algorithm, and the tasks can not, there it is necessary to understand what it is about. So, before the school, the child was not formed the skill consistently express text.

Orientation in space

In what space? In any. House space, room, sheet of paper. And the space is mathematics, it is geometry.

We send a child to the bathroom, let it put on the right shelf soap, on the left towel. And it is necessary to know that the left is even stronger to the left, and the right is even more right. Ask a child: "Put a closer, put away," is not a fact that every preschooler will cope.

(By the way, with comparative degrees, in general troubles! This is, although it does not always relate to spatial concepts, but always to the concepts, necessary and in everyday life, and at school. Here, for example, you did not pay attention as children play in "cold -Hracho "? It seems that there is no game easier. However, let me listen to how our child says?" warmer ", or only" warmth, warmth, warmth! "Nowadays, the position is simply catastrophic. Rare children of the preparing group of kindergarten own a comparative degree. Next. Nerko, already, ugly. Hot, hot, hot, boiling water!)

The base for the development of spatial thinking, orientation in space is a full-fledged major motor. First of all, children need to move a lot, play moving games. It should face the distance, hand - weight, sense the tension of the muscles, necessary to throw with a certain force, thorough for the desired distance, get into target. He must feel that if she makes big steps, then they need them less to reach the goal. And if small - then more.

Dear psychologist, you do not exaggerate? Such an obvious! This is probably clear and preschoolers.

You're wrong. In my group of preparations this year, none could immediately go through the carpet exactly in six steps. They lined up. And they did not succeed, while one girl did not realize that it was necessary to adjust the length of the step. And everyone with delight was fascinated by the carpet, and everyone did in six steps. Then they were offered to go for ten, and new torments began. And again not immediately, but someone guessed. And then asked to pass the carpet in two steps. Children were confused. Stood up. Buried. And someone suddenly asked: "And you can jump?" It was a discovery.

It must be said that the group was operated here. With a good psychologist, a teacher or smart dad (or mom), the group is capable of more than one child. It has a certain collective mind. Someone cleans something, and it becomes general knowledge.

It only seems to us that children are able to walk and wide and small margins. Do not know how. They do not play "Rodder", where you need to reach the running out of so many steps, in the nap, when you need to dodge the ball, in the "hurt", where you can save, measuring the distance to the coin slightly shifting or rather farming the fingers.

A couple of decades ago in every courtyard we ribbon the rope was twisted, it was necessary to jump in time and jump out. You stand, you are preparing, I got into the resonance, ran under the rope, so jump. Several jumps - you turn! - And again picked up the rhythm, jumped out. The rope develops rhythm, and rhythm is the word, and the ability to adapt to the world, harmonize yourself. Rhythm is primary vibrations that are at the heart of everything. A child who does not feel the rhythm cannot beat him off - how does he recognize the syllables? In no way. So, I will not check the transfer of words, will not find test words that are also searched through syllables. We are in childhood - everything! - jumped on the rope. Therefore, we did not have such a total illiteracy, which reigns now. And we read books. But that is another story...

The child's development from five to seven is very important because after seven years the formation of basic mental functions that ensure the success in school and in life ends. And if during this period anything is not formed, then after seven years it is necessary to attach five times more efforts to retranslate, and with an unknown result - whether it will turn out, or not, the grandmother has said.

In this sense, the role of adults in the senior preschool age is that, living with a child, to give him all the fullness of life. Yes, buy educational games, yes, sew rag dolls. Yes, run bulk and teach to play in the tunnel and football. And cook together soup. But about it is slightly lower.

Of course, and purposefully teach - too. It is after five (not until! Up to five benefits only fairy tales and games, lullabies and toys!). After five kids, I like to think, corpe over the designer, solve a chess task. And here it would be hurt to shorten it. After five are good, not even very successful classes in groups.

Do not "develop functions", and live together.

How to get a harmoniously developed seven-year, comprehensively ready for school? This requires joint full-fledged life. Because to develop specific functions - this does not mean to hire a governer or conduct educational classes. If the child lives together with his parents, and not in some parallel world, then the daily participation in the family life is the key to its full development. We can do together with children anything, even knit brooms - and it will develop them. Because along the way, we will discuss that these twigs are flexible, and these tough, these are longer, and these are shorter. That brooms today are some drowned, unlike a couple of days ago, those were yellow. What was tied to fifteen brooms today, and tomorrow you need to do more. That it is impossible to finish so far because it has not yet been brought to the end. And together will remove the workplace. And the knife for tomorrow's work.

The same thing happens when we are preparing lunch. Another little, three years old, we will ask us three bulbs: "No, you gave two. You need one more." And ask you to bring a cup from the shelf, the one that stands on the right. And we put two hundred grams of oil and two hundred grams of flour into the cake of the oil, and we will get together that they have the same weigh, although the volume they occupy different.

The same thing - when mom, for example, is engaged in the puppet theater. Puts the plays in the mug "skillful fingers." At first she (and the child with her!) Chooses a play, they read it, think about it - is it good? Is not suitable? Then come up with and glue-sew scenery, dolls, then rehearsed ...

There is no difference than the parents are engaged. It is important that they do it with the children. Because the child, with whom to speak at home, to which they read and give to draw, with which they make any homemade or making things to do - it will be necessary for us normally developed. It is enough to build with him together from cubes, to run the cars, cook lunch and family members and dolls, rustle the leaves in the autumn park, look at the bugs on the branch, ride a bike ... live.

And no additional "development" and "preparation" he does not need to enter school. For the development of the child, it is absolutely indifferent to what to take as a basis. His mental functions can be loaded on any material, through any occupation.

Dear psychologist, but it's scary! And if we missed something? Development of any skill or function?

Do not be afraid. He will be able to form a skill in school if it is necessary. And all the functions of such a child will definitely be developed normally.

Often parents complain about the shortage of time. Indeed, we all get tired at work. Many mothers work, and for a long time. Come home late. It's hard to argue with it. Yes, if the life of the family develops so, then you have to reckon with reality. I would like to just pay attention to the fact that all parents are tired. Always. Railing children is a big load. Therefore, in the chronic fatigue and employment of parents there are two ways.

The path is the first - overcoming yourself. In this case, we depose our fatigue, laziness, the desire to relax and relax - and, coming home, we begin a collaborative life with the child. Contrary to fatigue and reluctance. The fact is that even not the amount is extremely important, but the quality of communication. The more important is when time and strength in the edge.

What it is? Here you saw a stranger flower on a walk.

Dad, what is it? Bell?

No, not the bell exactly. And what - I do not know. Come home, let's see.

So, coming home, be sure to - without forgetting, without reminders of a child! - See what it was behind the flower. On the Internet, in the directory of the plants of the middle strip, somewhere else. Of course, for this you need to have sources of information. How long will this clarification take? Five minutes, fifteen? Not more. It is not long and small, you will agree. But the benefit for the development of the child is enormous. The point is not even that he will recognize the name of a particular flower, will receive an answer to some question. The main thing is that he will see, how to make information you need and take this method to weapons. Or will not take. But you did your job. Showed. Once, the other, the third. You gave the child the opportunity, that's the main thing. And they began to form a stereotype of his behavior. In this case, this stereotype is next - if I don't know something, then you need to look in the book or else anywhere. This is a development.

The second way is to pay for the work of specialists. Nanny, governess, psychologist, speech therapist. If parents are not consciously ready to deal with their children, but only their own affairs and work, the function of development, education is performed by specially trained people, professionals. I have no time, desire, no confidence that I am a mom or dad - I will do it well, there is no strength to engage in your child, - I assign him to a person who trust. This method has its own pitfalls and often leads to disappointments. However, it is not uncommon and good luck. Parents must understand the main thing: the child does not grow by itself. Do not take yourself the illusion that there will be a beautiful rose without effort from adults. Living Burian - please, as much as you like. But the cultural well-groomed plant will grow only where they care for him.


    Bezless M.M. "Steps to school" Moscow, Drop, 2002.

    Vasilyeva T.V. "You understand me" Publishing House "Accident" St. Petersburg 1994

    Glenn Doman "Harmonious Development of the Child" Moscow, Aquarium LTD, 1996

    Gutkin N.I. "Psychological readiness for school." (4 edition) Pyrtera, 2004. "Children's psychodiagnostics: Pratte. Classes: method. Instructions »In-t" Open O-in "; Cost. Konev O.B. 2001.

    Zaporozhets A.V. "Preparation of children to school. Basics of pre-school pedagogy "M. 1980

    "Reference book of a preschool psychologist" under. Red.G.A.Shokova Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2007.

    "Psychological readiness of children for school" Tutorial. Chelyabinsk: Publishing House of Juragu, 2000.Yu.V. Filippova. - Yaroslavl, 2003.

    Pre-school preparation and adaptation of first-graders Site - http://adalin.mospsy.ru/l_04_01.shtml

    Determination of the child's readiness for school tests site -


    "Psychology of the Child" edited by A.A. Roman St. Petersburg Prime - Evnognak M, 2007

The presentation is the most frequent form of software testing. About what is the presentation and how to write it, we will tell in detail in the article.

Before moving to the practical part, it is necessary to decide on what it means to state. Express - it will explainb, interpret both verbally and writing information that was read or heard.

In contact with

What is the investment

The presentation is the retelling of the text read or listened with audio recordings. The most common form is a written presentation, as it allows you to check not only the degree of training of memory, but also the correctness of writing (without grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors).

The presentation is not only the playback of the text, but also speech Style Training, the correctness of the presentation of events, an understanding of the author's main thought, which he wanted to convey to the reader.

What are the types?

A summary is a form that provides for the shortest retelling, but at the same time, while maintaining the main thoughts.

Detailed requires a student of the description of all that he remembered to the smallest details. This kind helps to develop the beauty of speech and its completeness. The narration is the main role is to describe events in the order that was in the source.

What is the difference between an exhibition from an essay?

Often confuse this type of work and. Remember: these are two different ways of writing thoughts. The first species is directed to the competent and complete retelling of the read or listened text. Essay is personally your thoughts And the thoughts of the child, his vision of a particular problem. It does not have restrictions on the number of words, and the form of the letter is diverse.

Important!Memo, designed specifically to alleviate writing, will help much faster to learn how to properly state the content.

If your child is preparing for the first time to write such work before you start, convince him that he can cope with all the tasks. As practice shows, schoolchildren receive negative estimates on this type of work precisely because of the scattering.

Then start reading or listening to text and proceed to compilation.

How to make a plan

After the text read or listened to the child, he will need to systematize his memories that concern text. The plan helps to cope with this. It acts as the main element.

Mentally scatter heard into three parts:

  • introductory;
  • main;
  • final.

This will help to properly build events and faster remember text. In the course of re-reading or listening, determine the most memorable words (for example, at the interface between the components of parts), which may also indicate the heroes, their actions and the main idea.

Next steps

After the outlining plan is drawn up, the time will be given to re-read. Explain the child that it is necessary to highlight the support phrases. They refresh memories.

Ask a child come up with an association to each part of the plan, as well as imagine yourself on the site of the main character, feel personal attitude towards the situation that is written in the passage.

Only after these manipulations can begin a written presentation. . To facilitate the task, invite the student to break the future work on the part and write first introductory, and then all the others.

It was the separate writing of all components that will help reduce the number of grammatical errors, and most importantly, refresh the memories and will transmit The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe author.

After all paragraphs are written, the schoolboy must combine them into a single whole. Re-reread them, determine the compliance of the plan, as well as pay attention to all errors, both punctuation, grammatical and spelling, and fix them. This is necessary not only for the beauty of the recreated passage, but also for high marks.

As a rule, the first assessment (for the retelling of the text) is always positive, and for the correctness of writing often does not exceed the troika due to the inattention of children of school age, scattered attention and ignorance of Russian rules. What person to write a presentation? It is necessary to write with the replacement of the first person on the third.

It is worth remembering that the presentation is to reproduce with the words of the author's thoughts, and not inventing their own.

How to write a compressed presentation

A simple written presentation, the rules of writing which we looked at the above, differs from compressed because the summary does not tolerate the complete description all what is happening events in the excerpt of the text. In order to get the highest score for a short account , It is necessary to apply the ways to compress text.

  1. During the first listening, the passage extremely carefully pay attention to the distinctive details of each of the paragraphs. Associate less memorable offers and thought pictures. Associative thinking will help to remember what is written much faster.
  2. Determine microtheles of each paragraphSo it will be easier to remember not only the passage, but the main idea that the author wanted to transfer. As a rule, it is allocated after the first reading of the text.
  3. Next to certain microthelems, write words-supports that orient you and help you correctly set out thoughts. Determine the style and type of work.
  4. The second read enables the impressions and correct microthem. At this stage, decide on the number of paragraphs.
  5. Start writing work.

Important! Starting with writing paragraphs on a separateness, and after connecting them together. So the student will easier to notice errors and fix the teacher to putting work.

During the compression, do not allow the meaning distortion. Despite the fact that the principles of exception and substitution are applied, logic structure of thoughts The author in your work should not be broken.

How to start retelling depends on the individuality of the text. The main thing, do not lose the main idea and do not start writing an essay. You can use as ligament words: it follows from this. It is allowed to use inner words and all structures that are in Russian. Your task - treat the thought, not retreating from the meaningBy passing the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe author, while not allowing errors, both when writing words and when aligning punctuation marks.

An example of how to write a statement

According to the method of transmission of text content, three types of presentation distinguish: detailed (deployed, close to text), compressed and selective.

Detailed statement of textit implies its consistent retelling with the preservation of the author's linguistic features: characteristic visual means, details, phraseology and syntax.

Compressed text- This is a brief retelling of its main content, in which it is necessary to maintain only the most important in terms of meaning, lowering details. It is necessary to preserve only the most important thing: the main idea, artistic parts and language features, without which the ideological orientation of the text cannot be understood and achieved goals. The ability to retell the content briefly is the necessary skill to work on the text.

When writing selective presentationit is necessary to retell in accordance with the task not all the text, but only the selected part, that is, to reproduce some selected source text: Material associated with a certain character, event, phenomenon.

During the sample presentation, it is necessary to allocate individual themes in the text, to determine the material relating to a particular topic, to build a statement based on the assembled material and transfer it in detail.

C1 GIA 2012 - compressed presentation

Currently, the control measuring materials exam for the core school is included in the C1 task, which involves writing a compressed presentation of the content of the listened text. Examinations listened to the audio recording of reading text (the number of words and in the source text is about 130). The volume of compressed presentation is at least 70 words. On the execution of this work, including listening to the source text, 90 minutes are given. Of these, 2.5-3 minutes (in accordance with the duration of audio recordings) stands out for the first reading and listening to the text, 3-4 minutes - to understand the text graduates, 2.5-3 minutes - on the second reading and listening of the text. The rest of the time is given to writing a compressed presentation. It is recommended to leave 15-20 minutes of allotted time to rewrite the presentation to the Castovik from the draft. 10 minutes before the completion of the work reminded about the need to complete the writing of the presentation. After 90 minutes, all graduates pass individual signed sheets.

How to write a compressed presentation

Graduates must be transferred to the main content of each microthem and the entire text as a whole, while maintaining the semantic sequence.

Microtem. - The theme of each semantic part of the text, which reflects the part of the general theme, united for the whole text.

The number of microthele in the task of C1 GIA in the Russian language is three. It is important to remember that the number of microthele in the source text should coincide with their number in the compressed presentation. To successfully cope with the task of C1 GIA in the Russian language, follow the requirements.

How to listen to the text for the first time

During the first reading, listen carefully and focus on the text, allocate the most important thing, mentally divide it into semantic parts to understand what is said in each of them. Identify the general topic of the text, its main idea, in accordance with which individual parts are written and all the text to understand why it is written.

Pay attention to the support words, pay attention to the peculiarities of the author: what words are the defining how the author's individual style is reflected in them.

Writing during the first listening of text is not recommended.

After the first reading of the text

After reading, you can write keywords on draft, leaving large distances between them to further add your records.

Determine the style of text and type of speech, pay attention to the features of the text of the text, select its composite part: for the narrative - the beginning of events, culmination, junction; To describe - the subject of speech and its significant, essential signs; For reasoning - thesis, evidence, conclusion.

Make a detailed text plan. It is necessary to highlight the microthels of each part and entitled them. Record the name of the points of the Plan, leaving the place to record the support words.

How to listen to the text second time

During the second hearing, specify the first impressions of the text, if possible, make written corrections and additions to the text diagram. Decter to the number of paragraphs in the future text: it is necessary to relate individual parts with the support words in meaning to create a whole text. Pay attention to the logic of the author's argument and compare it with a designated text plan.

After the second reading of the text

Write a rough version of the compressed presentation in accordance with the dedicated microthelems along the exhaust scheme. Check the interconnection of microthem in the parts of the text.

Re-read the text, think about it as you can still cut. Make final fixes and additions. Check the draft twice.

Rewrite a compressed presentation in the Castovik. Check for at least two times.

Brief algorithm for writing compressed presentationlooks like that:

1) We divide the text on the part;

2) allocate those proposals without which one cannot do, the absence of which will lead to a distortion of the meaning or its misunderstanding;

3) omit a non-essential material, without which you can do, the absence of which will not affect the understanding of the meaning of the text;

4) If necessary, rebuild some sentences: from several proposals we make one (that is, to compress them).

There are several ways to compress text:

1) Exclusion of details, details;

2) a generalization of specific, single phenomena;

3) Combination of exception and generalization.

To compress text, the following techniques are usually used:

1) the exclusion of individual members of the sentence, some homogeneous members of the sentence; reduction of a complex proposal due to the less significant part;

2) skipping proposals containing secondary facts, proposals with descriptions and arguments;

3) replacement of homogeneous members by a generalizing word;

3) replacement of direct speech indirectly;

4) separation of a complex proposal for abbreviated simple;

5) replacement of the supply or its part of the index pronoun;

6) the formation of a challenging offer by merging semantically similar simple proposals.

So, the main thing that the graduate should learn For the successful writing of the compressed presentation, - briefly, in generalized form retell the facts, phenomena or events described in the text, phenomena or events, to be deep into the content of the work, to extract the most important material, independently select words and syntactic structures.

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