A brief biography of Shota Rustaveli. Life and creativity writer

Under the control of the famous Georgian queen Tamara. It was a time when Great Georgia knew around the world - a small state on the Black Sea coast respected even stronger and powerful neighbors. One of the most respected statesmen at the time was Shota Rustaveli.


Official sources telling about the early childhood of the Great Poet, not practically preserved.

He was born at the turn of the 60-70s of the 12th century. The place of birth could not be determined - most likely, the word "Rustaveli" is not the name, but indicates the terrain in which the Shota appeared. The name of Rustavi wore several settlements located in various fields of Georgia.

The origin of the future poet also remains a mystery. According to one source, Shota Rustaveli was born in a rich and influential family. Then the question arises about why such a brilliant person hid his generic name? It looks more logical to the guess that he was born in the family of the poor, but for his abilities he was taken to raising the house of one of the Georgian nobles, probably Bagrationi.

Almost reliable information about the good education, which was received by Shota: he spent the young years in one of the monasteries of Meskhetia, and then he studied in Greece, brilliantly owned Greek and Latin, studied Homer and Plato's legacy, theology, the basics of poetics and rhetoric. These knowledge came in handy in public service.

Georgia in the 12th century

The period of the reign is not in vain called the Golden Age of the Georgian state. This woman combined small specific princes in one big country. The reign of smart and widely educated monarchin led to the flourishing of the culture and writing of the ancient Georgia, to the creation of new literary works, on the right of their place in the list of world literary monuments of the past. In addition to the Great Rustaveli, at the courtyard, Tamara created their works such poets like floriders and Chakhrukadze, the Odas who, who chanting the queen Tamar, partially reached the present day. Such an environment quickly provided a literary takeoff with a young poet, and Rustaveli Shota could please the world with their immortal work.

Creation of the poem

Somewhere between 1187 and 1207, Rustaveli's Shota created his poem "Vityaz in Tiger (Barsova) Schucket". The action of the poem unfolds on a large geographical space, and among the characters of the poem there are representatives of non-existent countries and nationalities. Skill using various author truthfully portrayed a multi-level reality in modern Georgia. The heroine of the poem is waiting for marriage with unloved. She refuses to marry him, for which cruel relatives conclude it to the Caudz Tower. Three Vitya-twigs are fighting for her freedom and in the end, the girl is liberated. In this literary monument, the victory of good and justice over envy and unilles is extodulated.

The text has several historical and literary instructions on the allegorical meaning of the poem, as well as indirect pointers of the period of creating this literary work. In the prologue, the reign of Tamara and her love for David Soskani. In the final stanza, the poet mourns the death of the queen, and there is also a hint of the authorship of Shota Rustaveli - it is indicated that the author of these lines is "Mons of the Unknown Rustavi."

Public service

The poem highly appreciated contemporaries. The author receives the position of the Tsarist Librarian. Tamara presents him a golden feather, which Shota Rustaveli was awarded for his literary contribution. The biography of the poet mentions that the Golden Golden Feather should always be in the librarian header. It was considered a sign of his scholarships, literary talent and personal favor of the queen. This feather is accompanied by the Rustaveli Shota - the photo taken from the ancient frescoes, prove that the poet always wore a sign of distinction.

Days in Jerusalem

Gradually admire the brilliant Tamara turned into a deeper feeling. When the queen found out about this feeling, Rustaveli fell into disrespect. The poet was forced to flee in Jerusalem.

There, he most likely, he took a monasticism in the monastery of St. Cross and in gratitude for the shelter painted the walls of the ancient temple with wonderful frescoes, reminding him of a distant homeland. There is a Georgian poet and died. The monastery brothers did not forget about the significant role of the poet - his grave slab decorates the inscription "Shota Rustaveli - Georgian State Affairs (Vizier)." There is also an image of Rustaveli in elegant Georgian clothes and with appropriate inscriptions in Georgian. In the inscription, the poet asks God to be merciful to him and forgive him all the sins.

Shota Rustaveli is an outstanding Georgian poet, a statesman, the author of the greatest literary monument - the poems "Vityaz in Tiger Shkure". The data on his life path is small and not confirmed by historical documents. It is believed that he was born approximately in 1172 (other sources call numbers 1160-1166). Most likely, the nickname Rustaveli was associated with his small birthplace - the village of Rustavi, whom several were several of the name at that time. It is possible that he was a descendant of the famous ancient kind and was the owner of Rusta Majorate.

It is known that he received an education in Greece, was a state treasurer at the court of Queen Tamara. At this time, Georgia was a politically powerful state, in which art bloomed, including lyric poetry, having signs of knightly ministry. In the Georgian Monastery of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem there is a fresco portrait, which shows a notable person in secular clothing with the inscription under the portrait of Rustaveli. This gives reason to believe that Rustaveli was no one and supported the monastery.

Shota Rustaveli was not only a wonderful poet, but also a wonderful restorer and artist. The aforementioned Jerusalem monastery was updated and painted. Nevertheless, in world culture, Rustaveli is associated, first of all, with its poetry. It was in literary creativity that he found his calling. His activities helped the knowledge of the Arab and Persian literature, the foundations of rhetoric and pirography, theology, acquaintance with Platonic philosophy and Homeric writings. The lyric poetry of Rustaveli is characterized by aphoristic and metaphoricity. A real masterpiece is not only a national, but also world literature is the poem "Vityaz in Tiger Schurd" - anthem patriotism, serving Fatherland, friendship and love.

Reliable information about the death of Shota Rustaveli, as well as about many other things in his biography, are absent. Became the object of numerous legends and relationship of the poet with the queen Tamara. One of the legends states that an unrequited feeling toward her led Rustaveli into the monastic cell. Another legend claims that, despite the love of the queen, Rustaveli married, and after some time after the wedding, the queen Tamara commanded him to shift a literary gift to the Georgian language - the poem that Shah presented her. The rejection of the award for the perfectly performed work was worth him of life: a week after him was discovered his decapitated corpse. There is also such a legend that after the death of the queen Tamara Rustaveli subjected to opal from the Catholicos John, who previously patronized him. This forced the poet to go to Jerusalem, where he spent the rest of his life. It is believed that he died in about 1216

Rustaveli Shota Rustaveli (Shota) - the famous Georgian poet of the XII century. Biographical information about it is scarce and legendary. His name, Shota, Abbreviated from Ashot, is not found in the Christian saints. Note "Rustaveli" the poet received at the place of his birth in p. Rustavi (in the current Akhaltsich district of Tiflis province). He himself speaks in his poem that he is "Mesh", that is, a resident of the Akhaltsich region. His formation R. tried in Greece. He was the cassener of the queen Tamara (we have a signature of it on one act of 1190). It was the time of the political power of Georgia and the heyday of lyrical poetry at the lush yard of the young queen, with all the signs of medieval knightly ministry. A familiar with the poems of Homer and the philosophy of Plato, theology, the beginning of the pickers and rhetoric, the Persian and Arabic literature, Rustaveli fully dedicated themselves to literary activities and wrote the poem "Barsova Leather" (more correctly "man in the breeze skin"), the beauty and pride of Georgian writing. Hopelessly in love with his ladies, he cumshot life in the monastery cell. Timofey, Metropolitan Georgian in the XVIII century, saw in Jerusalem, in the church of St. Cross, built by Georgian kings, grave and portrait R., in the owner of the devotee. According to one legend, R., in love in the queen, marries, however, on some Nina and soon after the wedding receives from the "ladies of the perfect worship" the order to translate a literary gift to the Georgian language, brought by her defeated Shah. Brilliantly fulfilled the order, he refuses to his award for his work. A week after that, a declined corpse was found. There is a lot of legends about R. and his relationship to Tamara. Poem "Barsova Leather" has a 1637 stanz (by ed. Acad. Chusset) for 16 syllables in verse. She reached us in numerous manuscripts, with a mass of interpolations and additions and with a continuation known under the name "Omaniani". The reason for the lack of the oldest lists of the poems close to the time of its creation is in addition to severe disasters who have begun Georgia from foreign waste, in the fact that "Barsova Leather" was pursued by the clergy, as a nasty Christian humility writing a secular character. Catholicos John, during the lifetime of the queen, patronized by the poet, by ledge, persecution on R. in the 18th century Patriarch Anthony I, an enlightened writer, betrayed several copies of the "breeze skin", printed in 1712 by the king Vakhtang VI. Donyn remains unresolved and the question from where R. Borrowed the plot of his poem. Three opinions were expressed in the literature: the first is based on the words of the R. itself, who in the 16th Stoma Stammala states that "he found a Persian story and shifted it with verses, like a large pearl, moving out of hand in hand"; However, the Persian original, despite all the searches, has not yet been found. The second opinion was first expressed by Professor D.I. Chubinov, who proves that R. did not borrow the plot of "breeze skin" in the eastern writers; It is created by himself and is directed towards the glove of Tamara Queen. The third opinion belongs to A. Khakhanov; Comparing the poems of R. with folk songs about Tarely, he suggested that the artificial poem of the XII century has its own foundation of popular poetry, just as "Faust" and "Hamlet" go back to medieval folk traditions. R. took advantage of the folk tale for the image of the Great Historical Epo. A comparison of the songs contacting among the Georgian people about the Tarely with the Pustaveli poema, where the main character is Tariel, discovers the unconditional similarity in the general plot and in detail. On the other hand, a comparison of the life of Tamara with the events described in the poem gives a reason to think that under the name of the main character, Nestan-Darzhani, hides Tamara herself. You can think that the poet deliberately suffered the plot of "breeze leather" in the perfect area - "to India, Arabia, China," - in order to take the reader from guessing and hide his love, "for which there is no medicine ...". The heroes and heroines of the "Barce Skin" suffer persecution of evil fate, but after prolonged wandering, connecting the wedding bonds, enjoy happiness. The value of the poem lies in its artistic processing, psychological analysis and generously scattered wise sayings, which, after seven hundred years, are pronounced Georgian with a sense of special reverence. R. inspires "liberating slaves", proclaims the equality of the sexes ("The deportation of a lion remains lion, it's still, whatever the floor it is"), calls for a generousness: "What you are distributed - yours, that is not - lost." Personal merits he puts above noble origin, nice death prefers shameful life, does not tolerate a false person, saying: "False and treason - two native sisters." Such thoughts made "Barzu skin" the educational book for the people, and the talented technique made it for Georgians synonymous with sublime and artistic poetry. The poem is translated, part in the full form, part of the passages, in Languages \u200b\u200bGerman (Leist "Der Mann Im Tigerfelle," Leipzig, 1880), French ("La Peau de Leopard", 1885), English, Russian, Polish and Armenian. After 1712, she was several times printed in St. Petersburg and in various cities of Georgia. In 1855, the tragedy of "Barsova Leather" appeared in Moscow, written in Russian, in verses, Tsarevich Okropimir. Poem R. In 1890, K. Meshi was translated into a drama that was delivered to Tiflis. Poem Russian Translation Overclocking from "Bars Leather", Bardtinsky, printed in "Illustrations" (No. 6 - 7, for 1845). See Khakhanov "Essays on the history of Georgian literature" (Vol. II, p. 243 - 298). The best critical article on interpolations belongs to A. S - Lee; She is still undergoing printing in the Moombe Georgian magazine, starting from 1895 (with interruptions). The best edition of the poem, with rich illustrations, appeared in Tiflis in 1889. A. Khakhanov.

Biographical Dictionary. 2000 .

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    Shota Rustaveli შოთა რუსთაველი "Shota Rustaveli", Fleier, Paris, 1852 Year Date of Birth: OK. 1172 Date of death: OK. 1216 Business: Georgian State Affairs and Poet of the XII century ... Wikipedia

    - (Years of birth and death are unknown), Georgian poet 12 century, author of the poem "Vityaz in Barce Schur" (another name - "Vityaz in Tiger Schucket"). Significant biographical information about R. has been preserved. The main source of information is the prologue of the poem, ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Rustaveli, Shota - Shota Rustaveli. Rustaveli Shota, Georgian poet 12 V. He was a state treasurer Queen Tamara. The author of the poem "Vityaz in Tiger Shkure", which entered the treasury of world literature. Anticipated humanistic ideas of early revival. ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (OK. 1172 OK. 1216) Georgian poet. He held the position of state treasurer Queen Tamara. He was the attitude of the new Georgian literary language. Among the works of the poem, Vityaz in tiger skins. Aphorisms, quotes every mischief ... Summary encyclopedia of aphorisms

    Georgian poet 12 V. He was a state treasurer Queen Tamara. The author of the poem is Vityaz in Tiger Shkure, who entered the treasury of world literature. Anticipated the humanistic ideas of early revival. Proclaimed the freedom of personality, felt ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Georgian poet XII century. He was a state treasurer Queen Tamara. The author of the poem "Vityaz in Tiger Shkure", which entered the treasury of world literature. Anticipated the humanistic ideas of early revival. Proclaimed the freedom of personality, felt ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Rustaveli Schota - Georgian poet 12 V. There was a state. Treasurer Tsaritsa Tamara, restored and painted the cargo. Monasteryers, Cross in Jerusalem. Poem "Vityaz in Tiger Shkure". First ed. (Ed. And with Comm, Vakhtanga VI) came out in 1712. ■ Per. K. D. Balmont (M., ... ... Literary Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Name. The name of the unless.; born. And the death of unfortunately.) - Cargo. poet xi in. PS. Rustaveli indicates the place of birth of the poet - Rustavi. There was a state. Treasurer Queen Tamara. The author of the poem "Vityaz in Tiger Shkure", which was in the Treasury of World Lithuan. ... ... Encyclopedic dictionary of pseudonyms

    Shota Rustaveli შოთა რუსთაველი "Shota Rustaveli", Fleier, Paris, 1852 Year Date of Birth: OK. 1172 Date of death: OK. 1216 Business: Georgian State Affairs and Poet of the XII century ... Wikipedia


  • Vepichistkasani. Vityaz in tiger skins. Genuine story, Rustaveli Shota. This publication contains prosaic substitution transfer of the poem Sh. Rustaveli "Vepichistkasani" ("Vityaz in Tiger Skin"). It is such a flow of the famous text, but, in fact, not ...

Georgian literature

Shota Rustaveli


Rustaveli (killed), Shota - the Great Georgian Poet Humanist, who lived at the end of 12 and early 13 centuries.

The biographical data on Rustaveli is very scarce: the exact dates of his birth and death are unknown, there are almost no reliable historical data on the main events of his life, other works are not preserved, they are written. Even his real name is disputes. Rustaveli is not a surname, this word indicates that a person calling himself was somehow connected with the geographical point called Rustavi: he could be from there, he could also be a feudalist, owned by the city and fortress under the name, or even spiritual Face - Bishop Rustovsky.

There are many legends regarding the life of Rustaveli, which, perhaps, to some extent reflect the actual events of his life. Geographical points with the name Rustavi in \u200b\u200bthat epoch existed several. The folk legend connects the name Rustaveli with Rustavi in \u200b\u200bSouth Georgia. Some data on the identity of Rustaveli can be learned from entry into its poem, where it is indicated that it is written to praise the Queen Tamara: This is to some extent and the indicator of the author's social status. Some historical data can be learned from the synodic (memorial book) of the cross monastery in Jerusalem. Writing 13 V. Mention of Shota, calling his position at the court. In the monastery itself there is a fresco portrait (per. Sex 13th century) Velmazby in secular clothing, and in the inscriptions there are also mentioned "Rustaveli". From here you can conclude that Rustaveli was a dignitorn who had a major support for the monastery, thanks to which he was depicted on the fresco and his name was introduced into the synod. The inscription and the portrait were known to the Georgian pilgrims and travelers of the Middle Ages, and in 1960 the Georgian scientific expedition cleared the portrait painted after the monastery went to possession of Greek patriarchate. Folk legends call the unrequited love for Queen Tamara caused Rustaveli to the monks; According to legends, he went to Jerusalem, where he was buried, but these traditions are not supported by the facts. Poets of the 17-18th centuries, mentioning the poet, call his name - Shota.

The poem Vityaz in Barce Schucket is the only work of Rustaveli, who has come down to us, and then in later lists; Separate stanzas are found in the manuscripts of 14 and 15 centuries., Two quatrains are on the walls of the Vanya monastery in southern Georgia, but the full lists are available from 16-17 centuries, and the first dated manuscript is 1646.

Currently there are about 150 lists, and in all - a lot of distortion, corrections made by the corresponders, inserts, etc., the interpretation of the poem is also controversial. The name of the predator, whose skin is thrown on the shoulders of the hero, earlier in Georgian marked "Barça", later - both "Bars" and "Tigger". Since in the poem, the action takes place in the environmental eastern environment and other animals and birds, not found in the fauna of Georgia, are also mentioned, and a different understanding of the name reflected in the translations of the poem into different languages.

Three parts are allocated in the work: entry, narrative part and a short epilogue. The introduction gives significant material to understand the religious and philosophical and artistic and aesthetic worldview of Rustaveli. At the very beginning, he addresses the Creator of the Universe with a request for help, then the mention of the queen Tamara, to praise which, according to Rustaveli, and the poem was written. Next follows a judgment of poetry, which the author considers to be a divine gift and an integral part of wisdom. Listing various types of poetry, he prefers the epic genre. It also expresses his judgment about love. This feeling is quite earthly, but it elevates a person, requires constancy, loyalty, restraint and self-sacrifice. The poem itself is an artistic embodiment of the author's concept.

The content of Vityaz in the breeze skull in short: after the coronation of his daughter Tinatin on the kingdom, the King of Rosvan, along with his pupil, the warlord Avandal, go hunting. There they see a stranger who is the breeze skin, but he, obviously not wanting to meet with people, is removed on his raven the horse. Seeing his father's heated by this event, Tinatin is recognized as Avtandil in love and sends him to search for a stranger. After three years, Avtandil managed to find it, shelting in a deserted area in the cave. A stranger, whose name is Tariel, tells the Avtandil his story. He is the son of the king, who was a vassal of the powerful king of India Parsadan. A brought up in Parsadan, Tariel fell in love with his daughter, beautiful Nestan-Daredzhan, but her parents wanted to give it for another. Not wanting to be a stranger to take possession of India's throne, Tariel, consulting with his beloved, killed him and, fearing the anger of the king, hid in his fortified city. Here Asmat, approximate Nalatan-Daredzhan and attorney in the secrets of lovers, told him that the teacher Nestan-Daredzhan, the sister of the king, after the brutal beatings planted her pupil into the ark and threw him into the sea. Asked for the search for the beloved Tariel, during his wanderers, he met the close enemies Friedon, who assisted. From Friedon, he learned that one day he saw Nasan-Daredzhan in a floating ark, but he could not free her, the ark was disappeared into the sea. Having learned from Tariel about his grief, Friedon tried to help a friend, but the messengers sent everywhere could not find Nesta-Daredzhan. Tariel said goodbye to the twin, received from him as a gift of an excellent horse and after that I was looking for Nasan-Daredzhan for a long time. Desperate, he hid in this cave along with the faithful Asmat and spends his days away from people. Barzu skin he carries his beloved in memory of his beloved. The Avtandil's touched His grief promised Tariela to help in search of Nestan-Daredzhan. Arriving in Arabia, Avtandil told all the king of Roshwan and his beloved. She approved his intention to help the twin in trouble, but the king did not want to let him go again, so the Avandil had to go secret. Returning to Tariela, he promised to seek Nalat-Daredzhan during the year and went on the road, visited Fridon; Then the sea went to Gulançaro, the capital of the Marine Tsar. Here he began his friends with the wife of the merchant ruler - Fatum, who accepted Avtandil for the merchant by his clothes. He learned from her that it was Fatama who saved Nestan-Daredzhan from the accompanying two guards and covered her, but Husband Fatma, giving a secret, delivered Nalatan-Daredzhan to the king. The ruler wanted to marry her son, but Nalatan-Daredzhan managed to bribe the guard and return to Fatime. She gave Nalatan-Daredzhan Kony, and his fiel disappeared. Subsequently, by chance he heard the conversation of those gathered from different sides of people, she learned that Nalatan-Daredzhan was in captivity to the card, the country of wizards. The Tsar wants to marry her son. The Avtandil was opened by Fatime, told her that he was looking for Nalatan-Daredzhan for his friend and asked Fatum to help him. Fatma immediately sent a magician-servant to Capholdy, giving him a letter for Nestan-Daredzhan. The prisoner sent letters to Futme and Tariela with him, attaching a miraculous bedspread to him, once brought by Tariel for her. In a gentle letter, she swore Tariela in eternal love, but she asked to leave her, as it was impossible to take the fortress of the Kaji wizard and Tariel would certainly perish. She herself swore that he would never be a wife of anyone else. Avtandil hurried to Tariela with joyful news. Capturing the weapon that Tariel dismantled from the fairy creatures - DeVov, they went to Friedon, then three twin, taking with them three hundred Warriors Friedon, headed for the Cage of Fortress. Each of them suggested his hardening plan, but a Tariela plan was adopted; Sharing the three parts accompanying their detachment, they rushed into the attack on three sides. After breaking the gate, they broke into the city. Tariel was the first to be in the underground passage leading to the fortress; Afterby interrupting all the guard, he freed Nestan-Daredzhan. Returning from there to the marine kingdom, they guided the wedding of Tariel with Nestan-Daredzhan, then in Arabia, with the consent of King Rosver, the wedding of Avtandil and Tinatin. Returning to India and driving alien enemies, Tariel and Nalatan-Daredzhan reigned there. Potility broke up, swinging each other in eternal friendship. The major sound of the final - the victory of good over evil - is the logical completion of the epic narration. In the prologue, the plot of the poems is called the Persian story, but this is just a literary reception characteristic of that era. The plot, in addition to typological parallels, does not have accurate analogues in any literary works of that time or folklore. The plot of the poems, despite its multi-facetedness and complexity, compositely assembled and stored. However, not an entertaining Fabulus is the main advantage of the work of Rustaveli. The strength of the poem is in her deep humanity. Rustaveli chances the ideas of love, selfless friendship, loyalty, but the heroes of the work - the embodiment of these ideas is not sketchy sketches. Rustaveli masterfully draws them different characters, the slightest shades of their emotions. That is why neither an unreal geographical area nor hyperbolization in the description of their feelings and actions does not interfere with the perceive of the heroes of the poem exactly as living people with their individual features and even disadvantages. Avtandil and Tariel - both "MJNURI" (ie, lovers), both are ready to sacrifice life for both lover and a friend. At the same time, these two Vityaz do not look like each other in nature. Tariel all in the mercy of feelings and sometimes actually operates, the Avtandil always subordinates his actions to the mind and always knows how to find a way out of a difficult situation, sometimes even contrary to his desires and inconsistencies. Loyalty in friendship is the highest moral debt for heroes Rustaveli. Representatives of the Three Nations - Avtandil, Tariel and Friedon - Potility Friends, ready for each other for any of the victims. Despite the threat of secondary long-term separation from Tinatin, on the anger of the king, who does not want to let him go to a long way, Avtandil, without hesitation, secretly goes to help a friend. Asmat, a dedicated servant Nestan-Daredzhan, voluntarily demolves together with Tariel all his expulsion. Friedon, without thinking, is sent with Tariel and Avtandil to rescue Nalat-Daredzhan from captivity Caudi. Love for heroes - all-level strength, in the name of love commits Tariel his exploits. Having lost hope to find a loved one, it is removed into the desert terrain, away from human society, and sheds tears alone, because life without Nalatan-Daredzhan is deprived of meaning. Women's images have Rustaveli vividly outlined: Nalatan-Daredzhan loves Tariela unless. Captured in the fortress, she writes in a letter to the beloved, which rather rushes down from the rock, either end his life with a knife to the heart, which marries another; In the same place, she begs Tariela not to try to rescue it, as she does not transfer his indispensable death; Suffering himself, she does not forget about her native India, close enemies, and asks Tariela to hurry there, to help her father. Tinatin, sending Avtandil to the search for Tariela, hesitantly assures him that she would never have another husband, even if he was a "bodily incarnation of the Sun." Rustavevev's understanding of poetry, love, the significance of the human personality is the opposition of natural human senses to the harsh asceticism of the early Middle Ages - the identification of the poet's worldview. The philosophical and artistic and aesthetic concept of Rustaveli, "radiant synthesis of an elevated and earth" (Sh. Nutsubidze), represents the highest level of development of the Georgian Renaissance. The poem is written in the form of storage-katrenov, i.e., four lines combined with a common end rhyme. The number of storage, depending on the fact that the publishers were considered the genuine text of Rustaveli, fluctuates in various editions from about 1500 to 1700. All strangers are written in the size of Shairi, in which the string contains 16 syllables and shares the cesury into 2 equal parts. Shairi in the poem of two types: "High Shairi" is a form of so-called. Static symmetry, where the divided cores, the dummy lines consist of four segments in the syllable, this is the so-called. equivalent symmetry; "Low Shairi" is a form of dynamic symmetry - lines consist of asymmetric segments with a symbol ratio of 3: 5 or 5: 3. In the stanza, written by "High Shairi", the rhyme is doubled, and in the stanza written by "Low Shairi" - three-sided. The alternation of the structure with a different row structure and rhymes is one of the reasons for the exclusive dynamic and musicality of the verse Rustaveli. Shairi is ancient, the most common shape of a verse in the Georgian folklore, which indicates the connection of the poems of the poem Rustaveli with folk creativity. In turn, the impact of Rustaveli on subsequent time poetry is detected and in the fact that up to 18 V. 16 Syllabic Shairi became almost an absolutely predominant size in Georgian poetry. The product of the work is extremely flexible and expressive. The poem written in classical Georgian, close to the living folk language. The vocabulary of the work includes more than 1,500 units. Artistic rhyme techniques, alliteration, metaphors, derivatives, poetic licenses - are found in a variety. This is one of the factors that provided the poem popularity that no other work in Georgian literature was honored. Often (up to the present day) everyone knew the whole poem, they corresponded from hand: individual expressions, especially aphorisms, were firmly entered into everyday Georgian speech. The beginning of the study of the Pustaveli poems should be considered the comments of the Georgian king Vakhtang VI, which he supplied the first edition printed in Tbilisi-based typography in 1712. Interest in Rustaveli in Russia manifested itself after edition of books E. Bolchovitinova, the historical picture of Georgia, from the political point of view, Church and Enlightenment in 1802. Son of the last Georgian king George XII Teimuraz Bagrationi can be considered the founder of Rolleomology as science: many questions affected by the personality of the author of the poem, his biographies and the worldview, the composition of the poem, its poems, vocabulary, etc. D. French scientist Marie Absome (1802-1882) participated in the preparation of the second edition of the poem, providing him with his preface. Scientists and writers 19 V. (I. Schavchavadze, A. Tsereteli, Vaja-Pshavel, D. Chininashvili, A. Tsagarel, etc.) were engaged in many issues relating to the poem. At the turn of 19-20 centuries. N. Marr made a lot new in the study of the poem: based on strict philological methods, he studied her text, highlighting the complex problem of the poem in the light of the integrated study of Western and Eastern cultures. After the founding of the University of Tbilisi in 1918, Rollaelology turned widely unfolded both at the University and at the Institute of History of Georgian Literature and in a specially established commission Rustaveli. The number of text editions in Georgia and outside its limits (Petersburg, Paris) is about a hundred. The poem has been translated into many languages \u200b\u200b(both in poetic and prosaic form), for some - several times: Russian (6 Transl.), Ukrainian, English, French, German, Spanish. Hebrew, Arabic, Japanese, Armenian, Azerbaijani, etc. Large work on Rollaelology belongs to academicians K. Kekelidze, A. Baramidze, A. Shanidze; The latter was re-faxed edition of the text 1712. In the works of K. Kekelidze and A. Baramidze, the questions of the biography of the poet, the plot of the poem, its composition, artistic party, etc. Academician Sh. Nutsubidze, who has transferred the poem to Russian, dedicated to the study of the study affecting the philosophical and ideological questions of the poem. In 1966, the anniversary of Rustaveli was celebrated, by this time and later, not only Georgian, but also European scientists are engaged in Rolleomology: D. Lang, D. Refild, D. Barrett, new translations appear. Currently, the Rustaveli Commission prepares an academic multi-volume edition of the poem with options and comments.

Rustaveli Shota (1160-1166-1216) - Georgian poet, politician. A little known about the poet's life, since there are no historical documentation confirming the facts of his life, there are no accurate data and about the date of birth: some scholars call 1172 years, others - 1160-1166 .. It is assumed that the pseudonym Rustaveli is taken from the name of his homeland Rustavi village But there were several such villages. Perhaps he was a leaving from the famous antique kind, which owned Rusta Majorate.

Rustaveli studied in Greece, where he served at Queen Tamara as a state treasurer. In Jerusalem, there is a Georgian monastery of the Holy Cross with a fresco, which depicts a portrait with a "Rustaveli" signature. The appearance gives reason to believe that the poet was a rich man and allocated funds to the monastery.

Shota Rustaveli not only wrote poems and poems, he also was restored and painting. The monastery of the Holy Cross was artistically painted and updated. But he received world popularity for his contribution to poetry. Shota Rustaveli had a deep knowledge of the Persian and Arab literature, the works of Plato and Homer, theology and rhetoric. The most famous work of the poet is the poem "Vityaz in Tiger Shkura".

Some sources claim that Rustaveli fell out unrequited feelings to the Queen Tamara, so I knead the monks. There is a legend that the poet was married, and for refusing to fulfill the royal decree was executed. In another legend, it is described that the patron siest of Rustaveli Catholicos John began to pursue the poet after the death of Queen Tamara. Therefore, the writer went to Jerusalem and lived there until the end of his life. Rustaveli Shota died around 1216.

What position at the court of Tsaritsa Tamara occupied Shota Rustaveli?

5 (100%) 1 voice [s]

Today, the third January 2019, on the weekend, we are waiting for another release of the television game "Who wants to become a millionaire."

But since the release is repeated, we decided to publish only the most difficult questions for you for 3.01.2019.

What position at the court of Tsaritsa Tamara occupied Shota Rustaveli?

We are given four options:

  • treasurer
  • court poet
  • chief Vizier
  • ambassador

But let's not hurry and wonder the question in more detail and answer some questions that will be interesting for you.

Who is the Rustaveli Shota

Rustaveli shock (cargo. შოთა რუსთაველი, about 1172-1216) is a Georgian statesman and the poet of the XII century. It is considered the author of the shittomatic epic poem "Vityaz in Tiger Skur" (a transfer option - "Vityaz in the Barca Schur").

From his biography, it is known that he received a good education in Greece, and after training he was adopted in the "state" of Tamar Tamara (1166 - 1213), with which the Golden Age of Georgia is rightfully associated. In her palace, he was entrusted to establish a casal queen. This allowed him everywhere to accompany her and it was not surprising that he was in love with Tamaru, hesitated her (it was possible that it was that he had never been married).

Queen Tamara

Tamara (1166 year-1213) - the queen of Georgia, with the name of which is connected by one of the best periods in the history of Georgia - the "golden age of Georgian history".

There was from the Bagration dynasty and was a daughter George III and Queen Burduchan, the daughter of the Alan Tsar Khudan.

Queen Tamara continued the activities of the King David IV of the builder and contributed to the widespread dissemination of Christianity throughout Georgia, the construction of temples and monasteries.

In Orthodoxy, it is ranked in the saints, in Russian lives is sometimes referred to as Tamara Great.

Meeting Tamara and Rustaveli

The country of the Georgian queen flourished and in a short time became one of the richest powers of that time. About Tamar I francmed legends, they challenged her beauty, generosity and wisdom. Contemporaries called her king ("MEPE"), and not the queen ("Deadopali"). The government built a fortress, roads, ships and schools. She invited the best scientists, poets, philosophers, historians and theologians. So one day the Great Shota Rustaveli arrived in her palace.

Their history begins with this day, but in this article we will not retell it again.

Let's go back to the game issue and answer it.

The correct option is the treasurer. Rustaveli was treasurer.