The Chinese have found Noah's ark. Chinese archaeologists claim that they found Noah's Ark and even climbed inside\u200d

Noah's ark was found - the one thanks to which the biblical hero Noah saved himself, his family and all sorts of different creatures in pairs from the Flood. The remains of the ship were found by Chinese documentary film researchers from a group called Noah's Ark Ministries International (NAMI), which is based in Hong Kong.

The path to Noah's ark was shown to the researchers by the Kurds, who led them along secret paths along the slope of Mount Ararat. The vessel was at an altitude of just over 4 thousand meters.

- We saw an icy wooden platform with fragments of walls along the edges, it all looked like the remains of a huge wooden box, - said one of the expedition members Man-fai Yuen. - We even went inside and saw several compartments, fenced off by wooden beams. Most likely, the animals were housed there.

The Chinese broke off a few pieces from one of the girders - radiocarbon analysis showed that it was about 4,800 years old.

To prove their discovery, they presented photographs of themselves against the background of snow-covered or rocky slopes. But then from somewhere there were pictures taken inside the ark. A video also appeared, which researchers began to show in many countries.

The Turkish authorities admit that the remains of Noah's ark exist and are located on Mount Ararat, as indicated in the Bible. They officially assign him a place in the area of \u200b\u200bthe so-called "Ararat anomaly". There is a petrified skeleton that periodically appears from under the snow.

This is how Noah's ark could look during the rescue operation during the flood described in the Bible

There is a sudden revival on the Internet around the topic of searches Noah's Ark: The popular British newspaper Express reported that Noah's Ark was finally found - the one thanks to which the biblical hero Noah saved himself, his family and all sorts of different creatures in pairs from the Flood.

The remains of the ship were allegedly discovered by Chinese documentary film researchers from a group called Noah's Ark Ministries International (NAMI)which is based in Hong Kong.

"Novosti" appeared on May 21, 2017. But the journalists of Express did not explain what became the informational occasion for her. After all, the event itself - namely, the visit of the Chinese to Noah's Ark - happened back in 2009. What they - the Chinese - talked about in 2010. And then they told many more times, touring with this story around the world.

Since 2010, no new details have been added. So Express brought all the same on behalf of the director of NAMI - a certain Jung Wing-Chung (Yeung Wing-cheung).

- Of course, there is no one hundred percent certainty that the legendary ship has been found, but 99.9 percent can be assumed that this is it, - said this Chung 7 years ago. And now he repeats.

The big question is whether the Chinese have really found something worthy of attention or are fooling the audience. But this is what is known from their words.

Allegedly, the path to Noah's ark was shown to the researchers by the Kurds, who led them along secret paths along the slope of Mount Ararat in October 2009. The vessel was at an altitude of just over 4 thousand meters.

“We saw an icy wooden platform with fragments of walls along the edges, it all looked like the remains of a huge wooden box,” said one of the expedition members Man-fai Yuen. - We even went inside and saw several compartments, fenced off by wooden beams. Most likely, the animals were housed there.

The Chinese broke off a few pieces from one of the girders - radiocarbon analysis showed that it was about 4,800 years old.

Video about the ark found by the Chinese

At first, the Chinese claimed that they could not shoot anything inside the ark - they say, some "miraculous force" disabled the video camera. To prove their discovery, they presented photographs of themselves against the background of snow-covered or rocky slopes. But then from somewhere there were pictures taken inside the ark. A video also appeared, which researchers began to show in many countries.

So, according to the assurances of the Chinese, one of the "cabins" of Noah's ark looked

On the shelf in the "cabin", if you believe your eyes, preserved hay, which ate the herbivorous passengers of the ark

By the way, the Turkish authorities admit that the remains of Noah's ark exist and are located on Mount Ararat, as indicated in the Bible. But officially they assign him another place in the area of \u200b\u200bthe so-called "Ararat anomaly". It seems that there is a kind of petrified skeleton that periodically appears from under the snow. Expeditions are not allowed there.

The Chinese found their "own" ark 18 kilometers from the "anomaly".

"Ararat anomaly", which the Turks consider the petrified skeleton of Noah's ark

Location of the "Ararat anomaly". "Chinese Ark" - 18 kilometers from it


And we were there

The Turkish government officially "closed" the slope of Ararat with the likely remains of the ark back in 1974. And before that, enthusiasts have been actively exploring it - since about 1800. They left their impressions in books and memoirs.

The writer Charles Berlitz in his book "The Lost Ship of Noah" cites the testimony of the Armenian Georgy Hagopyan. He said that in 1905, being an 8-year-old boy, he climbed Mount Ararat with his grandfather. Found the ark and went inside. On the upper deck I saw a superstructure with many windows. The body of the ark was huge and hard as stone.

In 1939, the American magazine New Eden published an interview with a former pilot of the Tsarist army, Lieutenant Vladimir Roskovitsky. He claimed to have discovered the ark in 1916 during a reconnaissance flight. Reported to the king. Nicholas II equipped an expedition - 150 people. In two weeks they reached the ark.

According to Roskovitsky, the ship looked like a giant barge and a freight car at the same time. Inside there were many rooms, large and small. Moreover, the little ones were tightened with a metal mesh.

Alas, the expedition reports and photos disappeared during the revolution.

Common sense dictates that if the ark is real, then it should have rotted long ago. It's no joke - almost 5 thousand years have passed. And the ship was made of wood. Could a tree really have survived to our times? time we set

“It follows from the Bible that the ark was made of cedar or cypress,” explains Porcher Taylor, a well-known “arkologist” at the University of Richmond. - This wood is very durable.

According to Taylor, in July 1955, the French industrialist and explorer Fernand Navarra found a meter-long piece of petrified wood cut by human hands just a few meters from the "Ararat anomaly."

Who knows, suddenly the remains of Noah's ark do exist. Moreover, the people who saw him do not lie and are not mistaken. In all the stories about the finds of Noah's ark, one thing confuses - they all come from amateurs in archeology. Professionals have never been involved in searches. And this does not allow to fully trust the stories of eyewitnesses. Especially those who repeat the same thing from year to year.

Serious scientists do not believe the Chinese. They consider their "movie about Noah's ark" a hoax.

There is a sudden revival on the Internet around the topic of searches Noah's Ark: The popular British newspaper Express reported that Noah's Ark was finally found - the one thanks to which the biblical hero Noah saved himself, his family and all sorts of different creatures in pairs from the Flood.

The remains of the ship were allegedly discovered by Chinese documentary film researchers from a group called Noah "s Ark Ministries International (NAMI)which is based in Hong Kong.

This is how Noah's ark could look during the rescue operation during the flood described in the Bible

"Novosti" appeared on May 21, 2017. But the journalists of Express did not explain what became the informational occasion for her. After all, the event itself - namely, the Chinese visit to Noah's Ark - happened back in 2009. What they - the Chinese - talked about in 2010. And then they told many more times, touring with this story around the world.

Since 2010, no new details have been added. So Express brought all the same on behalf of the director of NAMI - a certain Jung Wing-Chung (Yeung Wing-cheung).

- Of course, there is no one hundred percent certainty that the legendary ship has been found, but 99.9 percent can be assumed that this is it, - said this Chung 7 years ago. And now he repeats.

The big question is whether the Chinese have really found something worthy of attention or are fooling the audience. But this is what is known from their words.

Allegedly, the path to Noah's ark was shown to the researchers by the Kurds, who led them along secret paths along the slope of Mount Ararat in October 2009. The vessel was at an altitude of just over 4 thousand meters.

The Chinese climb the slope of Ararat to the ark

“We saw an icy wooden platform with fragments of walls along the edges, it all looked like the remains of a huge wooden box,” said one of the expedition members Man-fai Yuen. - We even went inside and saw several compartments, fenced off by wooden beams. Most likely, the animals were housed there.

The Chinese broke off a few pieces from one of the girders - radiocarbon analysis showed that it was about 4,800 years old.

Video about the ark found by the Chinese

At first, the Chinese claimed that they could not shoot anything inside the ark - they say, some "miraculous force" disabled the video camera. To prove their discovery, they presented photographs of themselves against the background of snow-covered or rocky slopes. But then from somewhere there were pictures taken inside the ark. A video also appeared, which researchers began to show in many countries.

So, according to the assurances of the Chinese, one of the "cabins" of Noah's ark looked

On the shelf in the "cabin", if you believe your eyes, preserved hay, which ate the herbivorous passengers of the ark

Spacer bar inside the ark

By the way, the Turkish authorities admit that the remains of Noah's ark exist and are located on Mount Ararat, as indicated in the Bible. But officially they assign him another place in the area of \u200b\u200bthe so-called "Ararat anomaly". It seems that there is a kind of petrified skeleton that periodically appears from under the snow. Expeditions are not allowed there.

The Chinese found their "own" ark 18 kilometers from the "anomaly".

"Ararat anomaly", which the Turks consider the petrified skeleton of Noah's ark

Location of the "Ararat anomaly". "Chinese Ark" - 18 kilometers from it


And we were there

The Turkish government officially "closed" the slope of Ararat with the likely remains of the ark back in 1974. And before that, enthusiasts have been actively exploring it - since about 1800. They left their impressions in books and memoirs.

The writer Charles Berlitz in his book "The Lost Ship of Noah" cites the testimony of the Armenian Georgy Hagopyan. He said that in 1905, being an 8-year-old boy, he climbed Mount Ararat with his grandfather. Found the ark and went inside. On the upper deck I saw a superstructure with many windows. The body of the ark was huge and hard as stone.

In 1939, the American magazine New Eden published an interview with a former pilot of the Tsarist army, Lieutenant Vladimir Roskovitsky. He claimed to have discovered the ark in 1916 during a reconnaissance flight. Reported to the king. Nicholas II equipped an expedition - 150 people. In two weeks they reached the ark.

According to Roskovitsky, the ship looked like a giant barge and a freight car at the same time. Inside there were many rooms, large and small. Moreover, the little ones were tightened with a metal mesh.

Alas, the expedition reports and photos disappeared during the revolution.

The Russian pilot Vladimir Roskovitsky saw something like this in 1916.

Common sense dictates that if the ark is real, then it should have rotted long ago. It's no joke - almost 5 thousand years have passed. And the ship was made of wood. Could a tree really have survived to our times? time we set

“It follows from the Bible that the ark was made of cedar or cypress,” explains Porcher Taylor, a well-known “arkologist” at the University of Richmond. - This wood is very durable.

According to Taylor, in July 1955, the French industrialist and explorer Fernand Navarra found a meter-long piece of petrified wood cut by human hands just a few meters from the "Ararat anomaly."

Who knows, suddenly the remains of Noah's ark do exist. Moreover, the people who saw him do not lie and are not mistaken. In all the stories about the finds of Noah's ark, one thing confuses - they all come from amateurs in archeology. Professionals have never been involved in searches. And this does not allow to fully trust the stories of eyewitnesses. Especially those who repeat the same thing from year to year.

Serious scientists do not believe the Chinese. They consider their "movie about Noah's ark" a hoax.

Western journalists talked about another potential sensation. The popular British tabloid "Express" published information that Noah's Ark, the legendary ship, on which the biblical patriarch Noah saved his own family and a couple of individuals of each biological species from the Flood, was allegedly found. Ark Remains Reportedly Recovered by Chinese Documentary Filmmakers from Hong Kong (source

Despite the fact that this news has thundered all over the world only now, an amazing find, it turns out, was made 8 years ago. Then director Jung Wing-Chung went with his team of researchers to Mount Ararat (Turkey), where, according to legend, Noah stayed. There the Chinese stumbled upon the skeleton of an ancient ship. “I'm 99.9 percent convinced that this is the ship that Noah built,” says Wing-Chung.

The amazing find of the Chinese

The path to the relic was shown to the filmmakers by the Kurds, who had known about Noah's fantastic floating craft for many centuries. The Chinese were led along secret paths on the slope of Mount Ararat in October 2009. The remains of the ark were at an altitude of more than four kilometers. Man-fai Yuen, who participated in the expedition, reports: “We were led to an icy wooden platform with extensive fragments of walls at the edges. It looked like the remains of a huge wooden box. We went inside, there were several compartments, separated by wooden beams. Apparently, the animals were housed here. "

Experts broke off several pieces of wood from the beams. Radiocarbon analysis subsequently showed the tree to be over 4,800 years old. The Bible just says that the ark was made of cypress or cedar, and such needles can, under certain conditions, be stored without decomposition, even for an eternity. The documentary filmmakers also took many photographs inside the dilapidated ship. Something similar to hay was preserved on the shelves inside, which probably served as food for herbivores. They also found a mysterious wooden chest, which the Chinese did not dare to open, fearing to break off its lid.

Noah's Ark was found on Ararat before

It is noteworthy that the Turkish authorities, where the highest volcanic massif of the Armenian Highlands is located, do not deny that the wreckage of Noah's Ark is indeed on Ararat. Nevertheless, officially, the relics are assigned to another place, where a mysterious petrified skeleton is observed, periodically appearing from under the snow. However, no expeditions are allowed there.

We are talking about the so-called Ararat anomaly - a mysterious object that appears in the photographs of the snow-covered slopes of the Ararat peak. Many scholars and Christians believe that this is precisely the wreckage of a biblical ship. Hong Kongers made their find about 18 kilometers from this place.

The Turkish government closed the mountainside with the alleged remains of Noah's ark in 1974. However, since 1800 many enthusiasts have managed to explore Ararat and many of them have left their impressions of their travels here in their memoirs and books. For example, the Armenian Georgy Khagopyan said that in 1905, when he was only 8 years old, he went up the mountain with his grandfather and visited the ship. The hull of the ship was huge and hard as stone. Hagopyan also saw a superstructure with countless windows on the upper deck of the ark.

In 1939, the American magazine New Eden published an interview with a former pilot of the Tsarist army, Vladimir Roskovitsky. The lieutenant claimed to have stumbled upon the wreck of the ark in 1916 during one of his reconnaissance flights over Ararat. The pilot immediately reported this to Nicholas II. The king equipped an expedition of one and a half hundred men, and in a couple of weeks they reached the ark. The ship, they said, resembled a colossal barge and, at the same time, a freight car. Inside there was a huge variety of large and small rooms. Unfortunately, reports and pictures from this expedition were destroyed during the 1917 revolution.

And in July 1955, researcher and industrialist Fernand Navarra from France discovered a meter-long piece of skillfully processed wood, which had a phenomenally high strength, not far from the Ararat anomaly ...

Noah's Ark continues to keep unsolved secrets, and the main one is how much the Christian legend about the Flood and the real history of those distant years correspond to each other ...

According to researchers, the legendary biblical ship is located where it should be - on Mount Ararat.

On the Internet, revival: the popular British newspaper Express reported that Noah's Ark was found - the very one thanks to which the biblical hero Noah saved himself, his family and all sorts of different creatures in pairs from the Flood. The remains of the ship were found by Chinese documentary film researchers from a group called Noah's Ark Ministries International (NAMI), which is based in Hong Kong.

"Novosti" appeared on May 21, 2017. But the journalists of Express did not explain what became the informational occasion for her. After all, the event itself - namely, the Chinese visit to Noah's Ark - happened back in 2009. What they - the Chinese - talked about in 2010. And then they told many more times, touring with this story around the world.

Since 2010, no new details have been added. So Express brought all the same on behalf of the director of NAMI - a certain Jung Wing-cheung (Yeung Wing-cheung).

Of course, there is no one hundred percent certainty that the legendary ship has been found, but 99.9 percent can be assumed that this is it, - said this Chung 7 years ago. And now he repeats.

The big question is whether the Chinese have really found something worthy of attention or are fooling the audience. But this is what is known from their words.

Allegedly, the path to Noah's ark was shown to the researchers by the Kurds, who led them along secret paths along the slope of Mount Ararat in October 2009. The vessel was at an altitude of just over 4 thousand meters.

We saw an icy wooden platform with fragments of walls at the edges, it all resembled the remains of a huge wooden box, ”said one of the expedition members Man-fai Yuen. - We even went inside and saw several compartments, fenced off by wooden beams. Most likely, the animals were housed there.

The Chinese broke off a few pieces from one of the girders - radiocarbon analysis showed that it was about 4,800 years old.

At first, the Chinese claimed that they could not shoot anything inside the ark - they say, some "miraculous force" disabled the video camera. To prove their discovery, they presented photographs of themselves against the background of snow-covered or rocky slopes. But then from somewhere there were pictures taken inside the ark. A video also appeared, which researchers began to show in many countries.

By the way, the Turkish authorities admit that the remains of Noah's ark exist and are located on Mount Ararat, as indicated in the Bible. But officially they assign him another place in the area of \u200b\u200bthe so-called "Ararat anomaly". It seems that there is a certain petrified skeleton that periodically appears from under the snow. Expeditions are not allowed there.

The Chinese found their "own" ark 18 kilometers from the "anomaly".


And we were there

The Turkish government officially "closed" the slope of Ararat with the likely remains of the ark back in 1974. And before that, enthusiasts have been actively exploring it - since about 1800. They left their impressions in books and memoirs.

The writer Charles Berlitz in his book "The Lost Ship of Noah" cites the testimony of the Armenian Georgy Hagopyan. He said that in 1905, being an 8-year-old boy, he climbed Mount Ararat with his grandfather. Found the ark and went inside. On the upper deck I saw a superstructure with many windows. The body of the ark was huge and hard as stone.

In 1939, the American magazine New Eden published an interview with a former pilot of the Tsarist army, Lieutenant Vladimir Roskovitsky. He claimed to have discovered the ark in 1916 during a reconnaissance flight. Reported to the king. Nicholas II equipped an expedition - 150 people. In two weeks they reached the ark.

According to Roskovitsky, the ship looked like a giant barge and a freight car at the same time. Inside there were many rooms, large and small. Moreover, the little ones were tightened with a metal mesh.

Alas, the expedition reports and photos disappeared during the revolution.

Common sense dictates that if the ark is real, then it should have rotted long ago. It's no joke - almost 5 thousand years have passed. And the ship was made of wood. Could a tree really have survived to our times?

It follows from the Bible that the ark was made of cedar or cypress, explains Porcher Taylor, a famous "arkologist" professor at the University of Richmond. - This wood is very durable.

According to Taylor, in July 1955, the French industrialist and explorer Fernand Navarra found a meter-long piece of petrified wood cut by human hands just a few meters from the "Ararat anomaly."

Who knows, suddenly the remains of Noah's ark do exist. Moreover, the people who saw him do not lie and are not mistaken. In all the stories about the finds of Noah's ark, one thing confuses - they all come from amateurs in archeology. Professionals have never been involved in searches. And this does not allow to fully trust the stories of eyewitnesses. Especially those who repeat the same thing from year to year.

Serious scientists do not believe the Chinese. They consider their "movie about Noah's ark" a hoax.