China 3 4 brief history. Brief history of the ancient China

Features of the Chinese civilization.

1. Geographic closure of China. In the north, China is limited to the deserts of Gobi and Siberian forests, in the East - the Pacific Ocean, in the south - tropical jungle, in the West - Himalayas. At the level of agrarian society, these obstacles are difficult to prejurate, so in China there were practically no intrusions from the outside, and, moreover, overnourishment (excess labor resources) constantly arises.

2. Stability. The gradual development of society, without shocks, revolutions.

3. The basis of the economy is agriculture. The main industry is highly intense agriculture based on the general-day irrigation system. Cattle breeding was not developed due to the lack of pasture lands and because of the use of people as a major force. An excess of working hands contributed to the development of the craft.

4. Cyclic of political development. The whole history of China is moving in stages:

Stage 1 - seizure of power during a whole period of civil wars. At this time, a significant part of the population dies and an excess of Earth appears and a relatively high standard of living, social stability. This emperor confirmed the presence of the "Sky Mandate", i.e. The right to power in the country.

Stage 2 - the population is growing, the earth is missing, the peasants go to the city, appear beggars, peasant uprisings, i.e. Social instability appears. This testifies that the emperor has exhausted "the mandate of the sky."

3 Stage - the overthrow of the old dynasty, the establishment of a new one.

One cycle is about 300-500 years.

5. The peculiarity of the social structure of China is that the city and rural counties do not differ from each other and carry the same duties in front of the state. The entire population is divided into 2 groups: 1) a full estate - peasants, artisans, merchants, ruling classes; 2) Opt pervasia - people of new professions, they do not have freedom of movement and cannot take exams to become an official.

6. China Management System. In China, there will be no police nor the army before the 19th century, the entire country was ruled by 1% of the population - officials (Shenshi). To become Schansha, it was necessary to pass exams for knowledge of philosophical literature, mathematics, etc. There were 9 Shenshi discharges: the first three were obtained in the county, the following three in the provinces, and the last three in the capital. State Schendi was engaged in the policies and government management. They carried the service outside the native province, and every 3 years the place of service changed to prevent corruption. Shenshi, who do not have public posts, were engaged in the economy in their homeland, they led everyone, were teachers, doctors.

7. Hard submission to traditions and observance of the ritual.

Periodization of Chinese history.

Stage 1: 2 Millennium BC. - decomposition of primitive building and the emergence of the oldest states (Song-Yin, Western Zhou). Cities had proper geometric layout. In the Shan Initian period - the first written signs arise.

2 stage: 8-3 centuries. BC. - Ancient China. East Zhou.

At this time, the first philosophical schools and the first collections of poems appear. Confucianism is born.

3 stages: 221-207 BC BC. Empire Qin. There was the first association of China at the Qin dynasty. A rigid administrative structure was created. The construction of the Great Wall of China begins.

4 Stage: 2nd. BC. AD Empire Han. From the 1st century AD. called Eastern Han. Confuciation applies, palaces are built, the first history of China is written, paper and other "great" inventions are invented.

5 stage: 3 - 6 centuries. AD Political decay. The strongest state is North Wei (4-6 centuries) with the capital in Luoyang. Buddhism is distributed.

6 stage: Con. 6 - beginning 7 centuries. Empire Sui (Combining China). The Great Chinese Channel, connected by Yangtze and Juanhe (more than 1000 km).

7 stage: 7 - NEW.10 centuries. Empire Tang. The Schunshi system introduced, a single set of laws was compiled. China leads intensive trade with Arab Caliphate, Central Asia, India. Invented typography.

8 stages: Ser.10 - Kon. 13 centuries. Empire Song. She was won by grandson of Genghis Khabilam, who founded the Mongolian dynasty yuan.

9 Stage: Kon.13 - Ser.14 centuries. Dynasty yuan. Mongols have mastered Chinese and writing, perceived the control system. But more active than the Chinese participated in international trading relations.

10 Stage: KON.14 - Ser.17 centuries. Dynasty min. Beijing became the capital. Craft develops. Europeans appear in China, create a concession in Macau. Penetration into the first missionaries - Jesuit.

11 Stage: 1644-1911 Manchurian Qing Dynasty. The active penetration of Europeans, so in 1757 all ports for foreign merchants were closed (it lasted until the mid-19th century). China was cut off from the outside world, so there is a conservation of the economic and social system, deterioration and delay in development.



1. Cosmogonic myths, according to which everything arose from two particles: Yang (male spirit, positive, light, controls the sky) and Yin (female spirit, cold, negative, manages the earth). Later it was the idea that a person was created by the goddess of Nyu-Wa from clay and dry grass. Subsequently, the myth arose that the Universe occurred from Pan-Gui first.

2. Myths about natural disasters and heroes who saved people from them. Mostly it is flooding and drought.

The ideas about the past world reflected the order existed on Earth. All power in the sky belonged to the Supreme Divine Di. The nearest environment di is the deceased ancestors of the emperor (Emperor - Wang or Juandi). They fulfill instructions di and give him the request of Wan. Therefore, bringing victims to your ancestors, Wang could easily die them, and at the same time and enlist the support of the Supreme Divine. The function of the Vana, like the Supreme Priest, communication with its ancestors, which are intermediaries between the world of people and the world of the gods.

Gradually occurs the separation of the world of ancestors from the world of gods. As a result, two cults appear: the cult of ancestors, the cult of the Supreme Divine. At the same time, the cult of the Supreme Divine is transformed and di turns into the sky.

The second half of the I millennium BC. e. in society Ancient Chinareceived the name Zhango - Fighting kingdoms. It was the era of constant wars between the minor principalities and the kingdoms formed on the ruins of the once powerful Power of Zhou. Over time, there were seven strongest among them, which subjugated their power of weak neighbors and continued to fight for the inheritance of the Zhou dynasty: kingdoms Chu, Qin, Wei, Zhao, Han, Qi and Yan. But it was the era of changes in all areas of life, production and public relations. The cities grew, the crafts were improved, and agriculture developed, the iron came to shift bronze. Scientists and writers created remarkable interpretations in the field of natural science, philosophy, history, romance and poetry continuing to worry the reader. It is enough to say that it was at that time that the founders of two philosophical and religious schools - Confucianism and Taoism lived at this time, and the most Chinese people consider themselves to be.

Despite the boundaries, it was a single world, one civilization, it created all the conditions not only for the merger, but also to exit their geographical limits such an association within the framework of the Unified Empire occurred at the end of the III century. BC e. Under the rule of the dynasty of one of the "seven strongest" - kingdom Qin. Dynasty rules with single China is only one generation, only 11 years (from 221 to 210 BC). But what a decade was! Reforms touched upon all parties to the life of Chinese society.

Map of ancient China in the era of Qin and Han

I replaced new dynasty - Hanwhich not only did not cross everything done first Emperor Qin ShihuandiBut I retained, imagined his achievements and distributed them to the surrounding peoples, from the wasteland of Gobi in the north, to the South China Sea in the south and from the Liaodong Peninsula in the East to the Mountains of the Pamir in the West. The Empire of the Ancient China, which pretended to the end of the III century. BC e., existed until the end of II century. n. e. when new, even more significant changes led her to crisis and decay.

In the further history of the civilization of the ancient China, there were still quite a few dynasties, both local and prose. The epochs of power replaced the periods of decline. But from each crisis, China came out invariably retaining the originality and the cultural wealth of their cultural wealth. Witness the next take up of Chinese civilization We are with you now. And the beginning of this amazing constancy and originality was made in that distant era, when the China's Crimson Empire was born.

Street of the Chinese city of East Zhou

The emergence of civilization of ancient China

Kingdom Qin Among other major formations of ancient China was not the strongest and enlightened. It was in the north of the country, had heavy soils and adjacent to numerous nomadic tribes. But the natural borders are fenced - the River Juanhe and the mountain ranges, the Qin king was more or less protected from enemy invasions and at the same time occupied convenient strategic positions for the attack on neighboring powers and tribes. The land of the kingdom, lying in the basins of the Weihe rivers, Jinghe and Lohe, are very fertile. In the middle of the III century. BC e. Simultaneously with the creation of the Zheng Guing channel, work was carried out on the drainage of the marshes, which significantly increased the crop. In the kingdom of the Qin, important trading routes were held, and trading with neighboring tribes became one of its sources of enrichment. Of particular importance for the state, trading with northern tribes - intermediaries in the trade of the ancient Chinese kingdoms with the countries of Central Asia. From Qin exported mainly iron and products from it, salt and silk. From the cattle breeding tribes of the North and North-West, the inhabitants of the kingdom of Qin received wool, skins and slaves. In the south-west, the kingdom of Qin traded with residents of the regions of Mu and Ba. Fertile lands and mining riches of these areas lying on the junction of trade routes, which led far to the south-west until ancient India, caused the expansion of the Cinsky kingdom.

Since the Board of Xiao Guna (361-338 BC er) began to strengthen Qin. And it was not only in the success of the economy and conquering campaigns. The same thing happened in other kingdoms of the ancient China.

In the middle of the IV century BC e. In the kingdom of Qin were implemented important reformscontributing to its comprehensive strengthening. Shanan Yang was conducted by Shanov, one of the most prominent representatives and zealous followers of Fucking. First was land reform, annealed decisive blow to community land tenure. According to the establishments of Shang Yana, the land began to freely buy and sell. In order to centralize the state, Shanan Yang introduced a new administrative division according to the territorial principle, which violated the former boundaries established by another old tribony division. All the kingdom was broken by the counties (Xiang). The treasures were crushed into smaller education, government officials were delivered at the head of everyone. The most minor administrative units have become a circular order association from five and ten families. Second reform There was a tax. Instead of the former land tax, which was 1/10, part of the crop, Shanan Yang introduced a new tax corresponding to the number of land treated. This provided the state an annual permanent income, independent of harvest. Drought, floods, crouching now all the severity fell on the farmers. The new tax collection system provided huge funds necessary to rule the kin kingdom for wars.

According to military reform Shang Yana, the Zinskoy army was re-equipped and reorganized. In it included Connection. The fighting chariots, which made the basis of the military relics of the previous hereditary aristocracy, were excluded from the composition of the army. Bronze weapons replaced new - from iron. The long upper clothes of warriors changed the short, like a barbaric nomads, a jacket, comfortable in hike and battle. The army was divided into tops and dozens connected by a circular order system. The soldiers who did not show the proper courage were subjected to severe punishment. After the military reform, Shang Yana, the Zinskaya Army became one of the most combat-ready armies of the Ancient Chinese kingdoms. Shang Nan was created by 18 degrees of acquaintance for military merits. For each captive and the killed enemy relying one degree. "Rooded houses that have no military merit can no longer be in the lists of nobles," the decree said. The result of reforms conducted by the Shang Yan was the appearance on the place of before the amorphous education - the kingdom of the Qin - a strong centralized state. Already since the Board of Xiao Guna began the struggle of the Cinsky kingdom for the union under its hegemony of the entire territory of the Ancient China. The Qin kingdom did not have equal strength and power. Further conquests of the kingdom, completed by the formation of the Empire, are associated with the name of In Zhen (246-221 BC. E.). As a result of many years of struggle, he subjugated one after another all the kingdoms of the Ancient China: in 230 BC. e. - Kingdom of Han, in 228 BC. e. - Kingdom Zhao, in 225 BC. e. - The Kingdom of Wei. In 222 BC e. It was finally conquered by the kingdom of Chu in the same year surrendered to the kingdom of Yan. The last - in 221 BC. e. - Conquered the kingdom of qi. Chariot, arcing and horses are made with extraordinary accuracy transmitting all the details of the sobrases. Having done the head of a huge state, In Zheng chose a new title - Huangi (emperor) for himself and his descendants. Latest sources are usually referred to Qin Shihuandythat literally means "First Emperor Empire Qin". Almost immediately after the conquests of the conquests of the Ancient Chinese kingdoms, Qin Shihuandi made successful campaigns against Huns in the north and kingdom of Yue in the south. The Chinese state has emerged beyond the borders of national education. From this point on, the history of the imperial period begins.

Sericulture. Silk in ancient China

Sources indicate that the ancient Chinese of silk worm and silklook. Mulberry is a sacred tree, the personification of the sun and the symbol of fertility. The old Chinese texts mention the sacred tute groves or individual mulberries as the place of departure of rituals associated with the cultural culture cult. According to the legend, a Yin baby was found in the Mulberry Dupel, who became the two-chair of the first china dynasty. The deity of the silk worm was considered a woman who stands at the tree on his knees and weave the flush thread.

Money in ancient China

In the VI century BC er, as well as at the other end of the civilized world in front of Asia and, in kingdom Jin. For the first time, metallic money appeared. Soon they began to be cast in the rest of the powers of the ancient China. In different kingdoms money had a different form: in Chu - the shape of the square, and in Qi and Yan - the shape of knives or swords, in Zhao, Han and Wei - the shape of the shovel, in Qin there were large money with square holes in the middle.


For a letter until the invention of paper in China, bamboo or wooden plates and silk were used. Bamboo plates stuck in peculiar "notebooks." Shelkovoy "Books" were kept in rolls.

Improved technology writing Ancient China. Bamboo trunks The Chinese split into thin planks and wrote onto them black inch of hieroglyphs from top to bottom. Then folded into a row they fastened them with leather straps on the upper and lower edge - a long bamboo cloth was obtained, easily folded into the roll. Such was an ancient Chinese book, usually written on several scrolls - Juiana; In the skated form they were put into the clay vessel, stored in the stone gamars of the imperial libraries, in the wicker boxes of scribes.

Politics of ancient China

The Chinese Society, at least the most enlightened minds of that time, well understood the accomplished and coming changes. This awareness gave rise to numerous ideological trends, some of which were protected by ancient, others took all the innovations as a given, the third were looking for ways of further progress. It can be said, politician entered the house of each Chinese, and passionate disputes of supporters of various teachings flared up on the squares and in taverns, with the courts of the nobles and the dignity. The most famous teachings of that epoch were Taoism, Confucianism and Fazzya, conventionally called the school of legislates, - legists. Political platforms that nominated by representatives of these areas expressed the interests of different layers of the population. The creators and preachers of these teachings performed both representatives of higher light and people are doubtful and poor. Some of them were immigrants from the lowest layers of society, even from the slave environment. The founder of Taoism is considered a hemalemand sage Lao Tziwho lived, according to legend, in the VI-V centuries. BC e. He wrote a philosophical treatise, known as "Dae De Jing" ("Book O Tao and DE"). The teaching set forth in this book has become a significant expression of a passive protest of the community against increasing the tax negle and ruin. Condeming wealth, luxury and knowledge, Lao Tzu spoke against the arbitrariness and cruelty of rulers, against violence and wars. Social ideal of ancient Taoism was a refund to the primitive community. However, along with passionate chief of injustice and violence of Lao Tzu, he preached a refusal to fight, putting forward theory "Navigation"According to which a person must submore to follow the Dao - the natural flow of life. This theory was the basic principle of the socio-ethical concept of Taoism.

Confucianism arose as an ethical and political teaching at the turn of the VI-V centuries. BC e. And in the future it was very widespread. Its founder is considered a preacher from the kingdom of Lou - Kun-Tzu (Confucius, as it is called in the European world; about 551-479 BC.). Confucians were ideologists old aristocracy, justified the order of things since ancient times, were negatively related to enrichment and elevation of people of doubt. According to the teachings of Confucius, each person in society should occupy a strictly defined place. "The sovereign must be a state truck, subjects - subjects, father - father, son,", "said Confucius. His adherents insisted on the inviolability of patriarchal relations and attached a great importance to the cult of ancestors.

Representatives of the third direction - Fazzya expressed the interests of a new nobility. They advocated the establishment of private ownership of land, the termination of civil wars between the kingdoms and insisted on the implementation of reforms corresponding to the requirements of time. This direction of social thought has reached a heyday in the IV-III centuries. BC e. The most prominent representatives of Fazzya were Shanan Yang, who lived in IV. BC e. and Han Fei (III century BC). The legists created their theory of political and government. In their works for the first time in the history of China, it was nominated the idea of \u200b\u200b"legal law" as instruments of government. In contrast to the Confucians guided by the ancient traditions and customs, the legists believed that the state of government should lie strict and mandatory laws (FA), which meet the demands of modernity. They were supporters of creating a strong bureaucratic state. In the struggle for the association of ancient China, it was the one who followed this teaching. He was chosen by the rulers of the outskirts and the least enlightened kingdom of Qin, who would have received the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "strong kingdom and the weak people", the absolute power over the entire subway.


On the level development of the ancient Chinese holidays Says a list of professions. Ancient writers report on artisans of various specialties: skillful loafers, carpenters, masters of jewelry, gunsmiths, specialists in making carts, ceramic products, weales, even builders of dams and dams. Each region, the city was famous for their masters: the kingdom of Qi - the production of silk and linen fabrics, and his capital Lignji was the largest to the center of the weaving craft. Here, thanks to the convenient location, salt and fishing crafts were obtained. Linjun's city in Shu (Sichuan), rich in ore deposits, has become one of the most significant mining centers and iron treatment. For that time, the centers of iron production were Nanyan in the kingdom of Han and Handan - the capital of Kingdom Zhao. In the kingdom of Chu, Hofi was famous for the production of leather goods, Changsha - jewelry. Coastal cities are known for the construction of ships. About the Ancient Chinese courts gives the representation well preserved wooden model 1B-vein boat (See below), which archaeologists discovered during excavations of the ancient graves. Already in this remote epoch, the Chinese invented a primitive compass; Initially, they were used with land travel, and then Chinese navigators began to apply it. The growth of cities and craft production, the expansion of the land and water road network gave impetus and the development of trade.

At this time, ties were established not only within the kingdoms, but also between various regions of the ancient China and neighboring tribes. The Northern and Western tribes of the Chinese bought slaves, horses, cattle, rams, skin and wool; At the tribes that lived in the south - elephant bone, dyes, gold, silver, pearls. During this period, the kingdom was considered stronger and richly rich, where there was a significant number of major merchants. And their influence on political life intensified so much so that they became more and more often they began to hold senior government positions at the courtyard. So, in the kingdom of Wei in the IV century. BC e. A large dignity was made by the trader Bai Tuy. In the kingdom of Qin in the III century. BC e. The famous horses trader Lui Bueway served as the first adviser. In the kingdom of Qi, the Tian family was raised.

China has a long and practically continuous history, numbering about six thousand years. Written sources, however, indicate a little less age - 3,600 years. China presented to humanity a lot of inventions, including gunpowder, compass, paper and a typical printing. Until the XIX century, China was one of the most advanced world states and the main cultural center of East Asia. Later, the country survived whole centuries of colonial seizures, but was able to once again become a powerful, independent industrial power.

Short review

It is believed that people in China lived already 7 million years ago. And the first Chinese dynasty - Sia - began to edit another 2700 BC. All subsequent periods are associated with the board in the country of different dynasties, consistently replaced by one another. To facilitate the perception of all Chinese history, use the following periodization based on traditional Haniography:

  1. Dobimer's China (Xia, Shang, Zhou - up to 221 BC. E.)
  2. Imperial China (Qin - Qing)
  3. New China (1911 - Sovr.)

The first emperor Shi Juandy - united China under his power, dividing the new formed empire Qin(221-206 BC) on 36 provinces that managed officials appointed by the emperor. He announced the cessation of all wars, gathered a weapon from subjects and melted, building 12 large monuments. He streamlined measures and weight, introduced the standard writing of the hieroglyphs, organized a hard bureaucratic control system. During the Board of Shi Huangdi, the construction of the Great Wall of China was launched. The road network of 15 meters and a total length of 7,500 km tied a country.

Second in the history of China, the empire called Han(206 BC-220 AD), founded a leav of the average officials of Liu Ban. This period is considered one of the most important periods in China's history, the Chinese themselves themselves took their self-calf from here (Hantsev).

Epochs Tang(618-907) and Sun. (960-1127) is customary to be called a classic period in China's history.
During the period of domination, the Tang was formed a system of state exams. They contributed to the upbringing of the educated elite, as a candidate who knew the classic texts well, regardless of social origin was able to take the rank of an official. People of humanitarian exercises are writers, philosophers, scientists - were the people of the privileged class.
The Sun period is considered to be the era of the economic and cultural heyday of China. The number of cities is growing, the increase in the number of urban population continues, Chinese artisans reach heights in the manufacture of products from porcelain, silk, varnish, wood, ivory, etc.

At the beginning of the XIII century to China invaded the United States of Genghis Khan Mongola. They were expelled in the middle of the XIV century after a long struggle. One of the leaders of the uprising came to power - the son of the peasant Zhu Yuanzhan, who founded the state Min.(1368-1644)

Dynasty Qing(1644-1911), created by nomads-conquerors from Manchuria, lined up the last empire, expanding the country as much as possible. By the middle of the 19th century, China's population rose to about 400 million people, but the management and financial system was extremely ineffective, which laid the foundation for future problems and crisis. Corruption was widespread, the ruling elite did not want reforms. After a series of lesions in opium wars, China was forced to conclude non-equivance contracts with European powers, opening their markets and transferring the main ports for foreign control.

The Manchurian dynasty was overthrown as a result Xinhai revolution (1911). The Empire Qing collapsed and was proclaimed the creation of the Republic of China. In 1912, with the support of the United States and Japan, the Romintan's revolutionary party was created. And in 1921, with the support of Russian organizations, the Communist Communist Party of China was created. Since 1927, armed clashes, which took place in civil war begins between the Hominthane and PDA. In the 1930s, the Japanese intervention begins, for some time interrupted the conflict. After the defeat of Japan in 1945, the war between the Homintandan and the CCP resumed. By 1949, the CCP army established control over most of the country.

October 1, 1949it was proclaimed the formation of the People's Republic of China. Chairman of China's Communist Party Mao Zedongsolemnly announced this from the stands on Tiananmen Square. The next day, the Soviet Union was the first to admit the PRC and concluded an agreement on friendship, union and mutual assistance with it.

The emergence of Chinese civilization

Culture Yangshao

This focus of agricultural neolithic arose in the Juanhe basin at about the VI-V millenniums BC. e. For the Ancient Chinese Neolithic, the Middle Eastern types of cereals (wheat, barley) and domestic livestock breeds (cow, sheep, goat), a potted circle and other innovations are already well known to the west of China by that time. Painted ceramics and skills of growing grain crops, familiarity with domestication of cattle (pig), allow you to tie the culture of Jancheo with similar cultures of painted ceramics, in particular the Middle Eastern. In this case, it is not about the effect in the form of mass migration. The prevailing racial type on the ancient Chinese plain ancient times were Mongoloids (inclusions of the European and Australoid racial types are single), and this particularly distinguishes the ancient Chinese focus of civilization.

Bronze Age in China

The beginning of the Bronze Age was recorded by archaeologists from the middle of the II millennium BC. e. At the end of the era of Neolithic in the Lunshan-Lunchanoid Neolithic Environment of the Egrovers of the Juanhe basin, a fairly developed bronze culture appears Shan-Yin. It can be assumed that the civilization of the Bronze Age in China again, many must many of the cultural influences from the outside. This is told about the high rates of the appearance and heyday of the bronze age: the development of the bronze, the appearance of writing, the construction of lush palaces and the construction of tombs, the art of carving on stone, finishing utensils, decorations, weapons. On the relationship of civilizations most convincingly evidenced by the Inan battle chariots identical to Indo-European. Dawnian China did not know any horses or chariots. Thus, Indo-European tribes could play a certain role in the process of the genesis of Chinese civilization. At the same time, Injans were also Mongoloids, so again it is difficult to talk about migrations in significant sizes.

Ancient China. Doomper period.

The Ancient Chinese historiographic tradition begins the history of China with the description of the period of the reign of five legendary emperors. The time of their dominion is perceived as the golden age of wisdom, justice and virtue. Sage Yao transferred his throne capable and virtuous Shuya, and that is great Yuu.Starting from the board of which the power began to be inherited. Yu is considered the founder of the first dynasty Sia. Chinese historiographic tradition believes that the Dynasty of China's Rules at the end of III and the beginning of the II millennium BC. e. Her last unfinished representative of the Jesi was confused his authority and was deprived of the moral right to manage the subnet. He was defeated virtuous Cheng Tanfounded a new dynasty Yin.

There is reason to believe that no Sia existed at all. When the first innovative legends were recorded, the term was designated the aggregate of the Chinese lands and the population. It is possible that the invasion of hents to the Juanhe basin over time and were comprehended as a replacement of one (Sia) Other (Intex).

Yinskaya community ass in Anyana. Here quickly quickly developed a large protogation led by the All-Russia Ruler. Governor Wan was also the high priest. The position became hereditary in the last four rulers. The administration was divided into three main categories of senior administrators, lower managers, officials responsible for military training and hunting. Van and his approximal fell out of harness about the crop, preparation and clearing of fields. Book of songs Shizhinmention of large fields treated with the teams of peasants under the control of supervisors. All craft products were also used centrally. A similar model was in the royal and temple farms of ancient Egypt or two-frequencies.

The most important source of the Shang-Yin era are dentative inscriptions on specially processed laminy blades and shells of turtles. In total, more than 150 thousand such inscriptions were discovered. Apparently, the Injans lived with a compact team of unintermakers, cohesive joint ritual-religious practices, sacrifices in honor of their common ancestors, deities and spirits. It is known that the Injans practiced human sacrifices from among the prisoners of neighbors. The rite of communication with dead vans and ancestors was important. The existence of the team depended on their will and support, according to the ideas of hents. Informing the ancestors about the situation and current problems, referring to them with requests, the Injans recorded the essence of the affairs on the bones and carried out the rite of divination.

Injans led an active foreign policy, including wars and expanding their territories at the expense of neighbors. The greatest power of the Injans reached at Dina. Armed with combat chariots, consisting of professional archers and spearkers, the Inin Army was a formidable force that kept in the obedience of neighbors.

Among such neighbors treated jusisywho lived to the west of Shan-Yin. Their capital was Zongzhou. The Zhou rulers recognized the tinsente of the Yinsky Vana. Over time, they managed to strengthen and then create a tribal coalition, which ultimately defeated the Shang-Yin in a decisive battle of Muu in 1027 BC. e. The new Lord of the Ancient China became U-Van..

China during the period of Western Zhou (1027-771 BC.)

A few Zhou tribe, defeating the hents, turned out to be at the head of a major military-political association, the limits of which came far beyond the former territory of Shan-Yin and practically covered almost the entire pool of Juanhe. Skiful Inician Masters was built for the Zhusutians a new capital Chengrzhou. She became the place of stay of a significant part of the Zhowa administration, as well as the main military center where 8 armies were located. The rest of the administration, 6 armies and Wang himself, continued to live in Tzungzhou, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe former generic settlements of Jusussev. Hence, the name of the described period (Western Zhou) went.

During this period, the doctrine of Mandate Neba (Tian-min), according to which the sky presents the mandate on the management of a subwayless virtuous ruler, thus depriving the authorities of the unfinished. Protecting a legitimate idea, Jusimen managed to establish an effective centralized administration, based on the 14th armies of the center in the two capitals. The aristocrats and merits of the aristocrats were usually appointed to administrative positions, primarily from the number of Zhowa and Yin kindergarten. There is information that capable administrators promoted up the service staircase. An important innovation was the creation of a system of exercises provided to the hereditary possession and management of relatives and an approximate ruler. The owner of the lot was relying a squad of the Zhusztsev soldiers. At first, the owners of the lotion were closely connected with the center, depended on its help and military support. Over the years, however, the situation changed. The rulers of the lots already in the 4-6th generations already felt themselves with full owners in their lands.

Power decline Vana and strengthening

The number of initial valits has been reduced over time. One of them from the very beginning was larger in the neighboring, which helped them faster and easier to overcome rivals. Others were favorably located, which allowed them to rich or grow lands at the expense of weaker neighbors. Third, outskirts, boldly increased their limits at the expense of wars with the tribes of the external belt. Fourth, on the contrary, turned out to be clamped stronger neighbors and in an unequal struggle gradually lost the legacy of fathers. All this led to the strengthening of several large lots.

One of the rulers of Western Zhou, Xuan-Wan I tried to conduct a number of reforms aimed at strengthening the central government, for example in the field of taxation. However, reforms came up to the resistance of others and, most importantly, turned out to be too late. Son Xuan-Vana, Yu-Van., I put my favorite concubine above the legitimate wife, the daughter of the ruler of Shen's daughter. That in alliance with neighboring barbaric tribes invaded Zuzungzhou and Summaging Yu-Van. After that, the son of Yu-Vana, PIN-WAN, was forced to 771 BC. e. transfer your residence to the Eastern Capital, in LooThat has become the beginning of the Eastern Zhou period. Land in the area of \u200b\u200bthe old capital Zuzungzhou Pin Van gave one of the allies, which on the basis of these lands created a new lot Qin- The one that 500 years later united the kingdoms of Zhowsky China as part of a single empire.

The period of Zhango ("Fighting Kingdoms", V-III centuries. BC)

This is the time of large-scale shifts in all spheres of China's life, from the productive forces to ideology, from mastering the outflows to wars. During this period, China joined the iron age. In addition to the role in production, iron tools literally revolutionized the army. A numerous and well-armed infantry came to change the chariots, and then the cavalry. There were battles with the participation of many dozens and hundreds of thousands of warriors, a military strategy and tactics developed, which was reflected in treatises about military art (Sun Tzu).

The period of Zhango was the time of coexistence and internecine struggle of the seven of the largest kingdoms (Wei, Zhao, Han, Qin, Qi, Yan and Chu). The kingdom competing with each other was the fierce wars. Gradually, the map of the country has reprings, the most powerful states were published on the front edge. Most of them were carried out by the reforms of a legist type. The most fully and radically such reforms were carried out in the middle of the IV century. BC. in Qin. The beginning of them put a legist Shanan.

First, community land use was strictly regulated. Large families were to be divided into small. A circular guilty system was created: the yards were combined into heels and dozens, in which all the residents of Qin were obliged to follow each other and respond to each other.

Secondly, a new system of social ranks was introduced, which were assigned to any person for his merit, primarily the military. From a certain level, the ranks gave benefits and privileges, up to the right to official ownership and income from it. For excessively rejected owners who received benefits from secondary classes, crafts and trade were used to be applied, a peculiar expropriation mechanism was applied. It was possible to avoid trouble with the acquisition for considerable social rank.

In 350 BC. All the kingdom was divided into government-managed counties. A system of measures and scales was unified, they were fixed behind the peasants. The distribution of surplus was under the stringent control of the authorities.

Concerned the rapid growth of the power of Qin, the remaining six tried to create a coalition against him. The whole second half of Zhango passed under the sign of intrigue, skillful diplomacy. However, intrigues and complex unions did not help. The latter Palo Kingdom Chu and in 221 BC. e. Qin in Zheng.The future emperor Qin Shi-Huangdi completed the association of China under his power.

Empire Qin

In Zheng accepted the new title "Qin Shihuandi" ("The First Military-Emperor of the Qin Dynasty"), the country was turned into a bureaucratic centralized empire. The state subjugated to strict administrative control of all parties to the lives of people, the population selected all the weapons and shouted it to the bell. In the whole empire, there was a single legislation. Its foundation was the system of guarantees. The death penalty was used for all sorts of provinces, including small. Often executed or turned the whole family of the criminal in state slaves.

The territory was divided into 36 administrative districts, in each district, civilians focused in the hands of one official, and the military - the other. The supervision of them was carried out by a special service of inspectors - entriters of the emperor. The emperor appointed two advisers who were responsible for ensuring that the decrees were performed immediately. In his submission, the advisers had numerous central departments. One of the important was the authority of the Yushi Dafa. The duties of his officials included storing the state archive and checking the work of the districts.

In the country they walked mass work on the construction of roads and canals. This contributed to the development of trade and increased management efficiency. In order for the road with less frequently demanded repairs, uniform axes were introduced. Throughout the empire, 700 palaces were built for Qin Shi-Huangdi. One of the most beautiful cities of the empire became the capital of Sanyan. During the reign of Qin Shihuandi, the Great Wall of China and the Giant Tomb for the Emperor was erected. It placed 6000 terracotta warriors in the guards in full size. Trucks were made due to the most severe operation, taxes for the peasants reached 2/3 of the harvest.

Money, units of measure and weight, as well as writing, were unified throughout the country. It was ordered to destroy all the works of the Doczyn era, so that people had nowhere to learn about old times and orders. For the commitment of antiquity and resistance, the reforms were executed hundreds of Confucian scientists.

Qin dynasty caused universal hatred, and after the death of Qin Shihuandi in 210 BC. e. Immediately began uprising across the country. In 207 BC e. The detachments of the rebels took the capital and overthrew the Son Qin Shihuandi. However, China has existed as a single state from that moment. The teams of the Chinese Empires, who came to the change of Qin, in political and economic plan a lot borrowed from their predecessors. The Qin Empire existed only 14 years, but by the number of events and the importance of the changes that occurred is the whole epoch for China.

Drop Qin

Qin Shihuangi sought to find the secret of immortality, but in 210 BC. e. Suddenly died at the age of 49. His heir was the younger Son, who joined the throne under the name of Ersh Huangdi (210-207 BC. E.).

In 209 BC e. The country began in the country, the imperial troops began to move on the side of the rebels. One of the armies was headed by a small official Liu Ban. In 202 BC e. He unites China under his power and takes the imperial title name Gao-Tzu (202-195 BC. E.).

Han Dynasty

Gao-Cu is becoming the founder of the new Han dynasty (206/202 BC. E. - 220 g. E.).

The state management system has been changed. At least half of the territory of the country Gao-CzU gave to the hereditary drips to the closest associates: the seven most important of them got the titles of Vanov. In their possessions they enjoyed broad authority. Vanya could independently assign and disperse officials, collect taxes and establish duty. In the rest of the country, an administrative apparatus was revived, which existed at the Qin dynasty. A number of measures were taken, sharply improved the position of the people and encouraged the development of production. Gao-CUU significantly reduced the tax tax (up to 1/15 crop). Many categories of the population were exempt from all duties.

The highest flourishing of the Han Empire reached the Board of the Emperor U-D. (140-87 BC. E.). U-di conducted reforms aimed at the further centralization of the state. The official ideology becomes the teaching of Confucius was introduced by the system of training officials. The governors of the districts were to find out and recommend the government of the capable young men. Candidates went to study at the Specially Created Academy in the capital, whose graduates were appointed after passing the exams in the state apparatus. The right to enter the Academy had all the free people, regardless of the rank of knowledge.

At the end of II century BC e. Chan troops make hiking against Syunnu in the north, in Korea, west to East Turkestan and to the borders of modern Vietnam and Myanmar. The territory of the Han Empire has increased by almost one third however, as a result, he plunged into the economic and social crisis. The government was usurped by one of the relatives of the emperor, began folk unrest, the largest of which were the uprising of the "redobrov" and "green forest". The peasant armies overthrew the usurper, then grabbed each other.

The winner of this crossbob was released by Liu, who proclaimed himself with Emperor Guan U-di and founding the Eastern Dynasty, or Late, Han (25-220). The capital was moved to the east, to the city of Luoyang. At this time, the Han Empire establishes permanent trade and diplomatic relations with Parfia and the Roman Empire. In the second half of the I-II centuries. The empire leads almost continuous wars with neighbors.

The end of the Eastern Han dynasty also laid the folk uprisings, the most powerful of which was the uprising of the "yellow dressings", which began in 184. e. In 220 N. er, after the death of U-di, China decays into three independent kingdoms: Wei, Shu and U. This event is conditionally considered the end of the history of ancient China.

History of Ancient China, Summary

The first empire of the ancient China - Qin existed only a half dozen years, but she laid the solid socio-economic foundation of the Han Empire. The new empire has become one of the strongest powers of the ancient world. Its more than four-hour existence was an important stage in the development of all East Asia, coinciding with the epochs of the rise and crash of the slave-owned production method. For the National History of China, it was an important stage of consolidation of the ancient Chinese nationality. The Zhango-Qin-Han era for the historical development of China and all East Asia has the same meaning as the Greek World for Europe. Ancient Chinese civilization laid the foundation of a cultural tradition, which is traced further throughout the centuries-old history of China until the new and the latest time.

Features of the study and periodization of the history of the ancient China

No other people showed a greater diligence in historical events, which began to lead their chronicles at the beginning of the first millennium BC. And subsequently, they punctually updated their dynasty for the dynasty.

In Chinese historiography, the use of dynasty periods. Each dynasty has its own name other than the surname of the rulers. Ethnonyms were first used as such names (the name of the nationality founded by this state) and toponyms (the names of the specific possessions of the future founders of the dynasties). From the XII century. The dynasties are indicated by philosophical categorical terms, for example, the yuan literally "initial" that is, the lack of principle of true rule, min - "enlightened".

Between the dynasty periods, the periods of the "troubled time" - the administrative-territorial fragmentation of the country, which indicate the terminological definitions: "The Epoch of Fighting Kingdoms", "The Epoch of Six Dynasties", "Trozenia" and so on.

The traditional Chinese state with deep antiquity was hardly a classic embodiment of the principle of power-property and centralized redistribution. While the peasants had put on the ground, treated the earth and paid the tax rente in the treasury, the structure of the Chinese Empire was a fastener. The stability of this kind existed, as a rule, in the framework of the dynasty cycle, not too long, most often no more than for a century. But since the land in significant quantities passed to rich landowners, the situation began to change. The treasury lost the arrival rate, it was often compensated by the increased arbitrariness of the power in the field. This in turn led to the deepening of crisis phenomena.

History of ancient China at school - 5th grade

The history of ancient China in Russian schools is studied in the 5th grade. Task lesson:To form an idea of \u200b\u200bancient China, to acquaint students with the history of ancient China, his geographical position, to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe contribution of Chinese culture into world history. The topic of the lesson is new for students, but it plays an important role in the study of the section "Ancient East". Expected results: Knowledge of the geographical situation, the natural conditions of the ancient China, the history of the formation of the Qin Power. The ability to show the territory of the Qin Power, the Great Wall of China and the Great Silk Road. To express judgments about the contribution of the culture of ancient China to the world culture. Characterizes the living conditions and occupations of the population, the social system of the ancient China, the position of representatives of different layers. Major terms, concepts:"Great Wall", "Great Silk Road", Confucius.

Treasy Age (220-280) and Jin Empire

After the fall of the second Dynasty of Han and several years of civil engineering, the three most successful commander came to the fore. Cao Cao dominated in the north, in the Juanhe basin, where in 220 his son Cao Lei proclaimed himself as a state ruler Way. Liu Bay declared himself a ruler of the southwestern country Shu.. Sun Quan, became the ruler of the southeastern part of China, the kingdom W.. A short period of triequiments, led to the formation of two independent states on the weakly mastered by the south of China.

Already by the middle of the III century. Power in the kingdom of Wei moved to the mighty clan of the commander of the Sum. In 265, he founded the new Dynasty of Jin, which soon, in 280, managed to subjugate Shu and U, uniting under his authority again all China, however, only for several decades. From the beginning of the IV century. Nomadic northern tribes one after another began to invade North China, Jin's empire ceased to exist, the Nan-Bay Chao, southern and northern dynasties began.

Nan-Bay Chao (IV-VI centuries)

The conquerors of North China were relatively retarded compared to the Chinese peoples. Under the influence of Chinese culture, nomads to the V-VI centuries. They fell so much as the end of the VI century. Their descendants became ordinary Chinese. Proverb "You can conquer the empire, sitting on horseback, but it is impossible to manage it, sitting on horseback"- Meaning that the impact of Chinese culture sooner or later led to assimilation and the chitaization of any ethnic groups won. Moreover, the ingenians were in northern China only 20%; All the rest of the population, despite the mass migrations of the Chinese to the south, was Chinese.

The southern dynasties also quickly replaced each other (Sun, 420-479; Qi, 479-502; Liang, 502-557; Chen, 557-589; the late Liang coexistently, 555-587). The Center for Chinese Culture focused on the south: there were outstanding scientists, poets, thinkers, energetically developed in China in China in the II century. Buddhism. Already with V c. On the fertile fields of the rice belt began to assemble two harvests per year, which is practiced and so on. In the south, new cities began to be created in a rapid pace, developing old and new types of crafts, flourishing trade and consumer money relations.

The flourishing of the Chinese Empire (VI-XIII century)

Dynasty Sui (581-618)

In 581, the commander of the kingdom of Northern Zhou Yang Jiang united all the northern and then the South China under his authority, proclaiming a new dynasty. The new emperor conducted a series of reforms, seeking to strengthen the state, knock the soil from under the feet of "strong houses". Each Pacquer should have had his own field and pay tax. His son Yan-di reared 10 thousand rich families from different parts of the country to the capital of Loyang rebuilt. Luxury palaces were built in the Luoyang area, as well as huge granaries, and for the transportation of tax grain from the south, which was already the main resident of the country, the Great Channel was died, tied by Yangtze with Huanghe. The maintenance of this structure with all its gateways and other devices was occupied, according to some data, up to 80 thousand people. Jan-di led several colossal buildings at the same time, tried to lead an active foreign policy and constantly fought and eventually the country could not stand the burden. Rebells broke out, Jan di was killed.

Tang Dynasty (618-907)

The ruler of the Tang Dynasty proclaim himself proclaimed himself one of the warlords and relatives of Yang-di on the women's line Lee Yuan. He and his son Lee Shi-Ming (Tha-Zong, 626-649) laid the foundation of the prosperity of the Chinese Empire. Land reform and implementation of the tax system within the framework of the ridiculous land use provided the treasury with a regular influx of income, and the state - the necessary labor force (labor service). It also contributed to strengthening the infrastructure of the empire - roads, canals, dams, palaces, temples, whole large cities were built. The craft and trade, including the treason craft, where the best masters of high qualifications were usually focused, who worked in the order of labor service or excess of this. Craft and trade was under the strict control of the state, special officials, which through the head of the tuan and khanov (shops and shop-guilds) strictly regulated every step of urban residents.

In the tongue, the empire was divided into 10 provinces (Dao), which in turn were divided into areas (Zhou) and the counties (Xian). All officials were appointed from the center and they were also controlled. This feature attached to the administrative bureaucratic system of China strength and sustainability. The work of the executive bodies and the entire state system, primarily the apparatus of the authorities, officials, strictly controlled the censors-prosecutors of the Special Chamber of Yushtai, who had great powers, including the right to submit reports to the highest name. The executive power was represented by two chancellors (Tszaisani or Zhichens) - the left (he was usually considered senior) and the right one, each of which conducted three of the six departments of the Chamber of Shashushen, a kind of Council of Ministers. The first group of departments treated the management of the ranks (selection of personnel and appointment throughout the empire), rites (control over compliance with the norms of behavior, the protection of public order) and taxes. To the second - managing military affairs, sentences and public works (the implementation of labor duties, construction, including irrigation).

The power of the county chief was very big and therefore was usually controlled most strictly. It was limited as a period (no more than 3 years in one place, followed by moving to another), and the place of service (in no case there is not where the official comes from). The empire paid special attention to the important problem of the training and principles of staff recruitment. In Tansk China, it was done on special exams on the degree in county, provincial and metropolitan centers, under the strict supervision of special commissions sent by the part, and in a closed room and in writing under the motto. For the successful examination of the exam, there was a good to know the compositions of the ancients, primarily the classic Confucian canons, and also be able to creatively interpret the stories from history, to distrast on the topics of philosophical treatises and possess a literary taste, to be able to compose poems. All this, of course, in a strictly Confucian spirit, with respect to the relevant mandatory form. Better than others copied with the task (3-5% of the candidates-applicants) were honored with the desired degree and, most importantly, they received the right to pass an exam on the second degree, and the owners of two on the third.

Song Dynasty (960-1279)

This period is also considered the time of the heyday of the Chinese Empire in the field of economics, culture, administration. The number, population and well-being of cities grew. New crafts appeared: the production of porcelain, silk, products from varnish, wood, ivory, etc. It was at this time that the powder and the compass were invented, it became widely spread. Agriculture and Agrotechnology reached great success, crop grain varieties were derived, the cultivation of Indian cotton began.

However, all this was combined with the onslaught of northern nomadic tribes (chuck, Tanguts) and the small attempts of the Soon Empire to reflect this Natisk. China was forced to pay a humiliating tribute, but it did not help and he lost the territory behind the territory, the city outside the city.

In 1127, Zhugzheni captures the capital of the Song Empire - Kaifyn and captured the imperial family. One of the sons of the Emperor runs to the south, in Hangzhou, which later becomes the capital of the new - South South Empire (1127-1280). The promotion of the Zhurzheney army to the south restrains only the Yangtze River. The border between Jin and the South Sun Empire is installed on the Mezzani of Juanhe and Yangtze.

Against the backdrop of Tan-Sun, the subsequent centuries were already a period if not always decline, then in any case stagnation.

Mongols and Dynasty Yuan (1280-1368)

Conquer the peoples of Southern Siberia, neighboring the Mongolian Stepha, the Army of Genghis-Khan in 1210 began a war with Chuzhseni and in 1215 he was already taken by Beijing. Mongols have left for the conquest of South Susoon China. In 1280, China was entirely under the rule of Mongols, and the Great Khan Khubilai became the Chinese emperor of the Mongolian dynasty Yuan (1280-1368).

China's economy after half a century Warred in decline, agriculture and trade were upset. Confucian officials were forced to give out their place to Mongols and people from other areas of Asia. The Chinese were considered the people of the third and fourth grade (after the Mongols themselves and Sam-Zhen, i.e. immigrants from other countries). However, after a few decades, confusion officials began to come to the administration (confusion officials began to function (from 1317, the examination system began to function); The descendants of the first Mongolian rulers who frequently anti-wives in the wives, more and more turned into ordinary Chinese. However, the usual assimilation scenario of the invaders did not take place.

After a series of cataclysms, the most catastrophic of which was a breakthrough of dam on Juanhe in 1334, which took hundreds of thousands of lives. In the country, displeasure to Mongols sharply increased. The uprisings began to flash, whose participants were called "Krasnopovaznosniki". The leader of the rebels Zhu Yuan-Zhang (1328-1398) in the end and took the imperial throne, founding the Ming Dynasty.

China during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)

Like the previous Emperors of Zhu Yuan-Zhang, the Emperors of Zhu Yuan-Zhang did a lot to strengthen the central authority, starting with agrarian reforms. A fixed taxation was introduced with relatively low taxes, and some categories of yards sometimes were released from taxes, as it happened before. The system of duties was universal, but was implemented alternately.

Successfully driven Mongols from the territory of China, the Minsk Army held several successful military campaigns and in the south, in the Vietnam area. The Chinese fleet, headed by Zheng He, from 1405 to 1433 committed several maritime expeditions to the countries of Southeast Asia, to India and even to the eastern coast of Africa.

By the same period include the establishment of trade relations with neighboring countries. Trade was extremely profitable for ingenians. They represented their products as the "gifts" from the authorities of their country, the Chinese, perceiving them as a manifestation of Dunnic trade with "barbarians", "died", and the volume and value of the imperial awards and complains were to exceed the "tribute" How much the prestige of the Chinese emperor was valued by the Chinese themselves above the prestige of "Danikov rulers".

The MIN dynasty existed for almost three centuries, the last half of this period is in the conditions of a protracted crisis. Over a year and a half of the tightened political struggle in the tops for the necessary country of reform, the process of rupture of peasants has achieved extremely degree. At the head of the next uprising was Tzu-Cheng (1606-1645). In 1644, the troops were taken by Beijing, and he himself, having ended with Min, declared himself an emperor. However, he did not work on the throne.

The history of ancient China is usually divided into periods denoted by the names of the reign dynasties.

  • · Shang (Yin) period: XVI - XI centuries. BC. (1583--1027 BC).
  • · Zhou period (Middle Empire): XI - III centuries. BC. (1027--258 BC).
  • · Qin period: 258--207. BC.
  • · Han: 206 BC. -- 220 N.E.

Inside China is irrigated by three major rivers - Sysiazyn, Yangtze (blue) and Juanhe (yellow), they flow from west to east, flowing into the Pacific Ocean. The first states of the states arose in the Valley of the Juanhe River (length of 3000 miles), where the Inin tribes lived, led by tribal leaders - vans. At the beginning, the Chinese (the name from the medieval name of the Tribe tribe, the self-calibration of the Chinese - Hani) lived apart by natural barriers, which contributed to the formation of a distinctive and long-lasting river civilization.

From 1583 BC. Rules of the Shang (Yin) dynasty (Van - King - the winning tribe at the head of state). In Yinskaya China, due to the decomposition of rhodople bonds, the progressive separation of labor is allocated by the control layer of the generic aristocracy: the ruler-van and its approximate, relatives, dignitaries, tribal leaders and ordinary tribesmen, as well as instacy chambers, transformed, as a rule, in slaves.

The creation of initial primitive state education in Shang (Yin) was associated with the need to organize the production, irrigation of land, preventing the detrimental effects of river spills, protecting the territories. This was expressed, firstly, in turning the tribal leader in the deified ruler of the Yinsky Kingdom - Vana, who had significant power, secondly, in the formation of an administrative apparatus, consisting of numerous ruled rules, military leaders, priests and other, opposing communists.

In Yin's era, the Supreme Property of the Tsar-Van on Earth is approved to the land, this was facilitated by the ideas about Wan as the Earth Divine. The main forms of ownership during this period - the royal and community. Community land tenure was organized in such a way as to distribute its fruits between different sectors of consumption - royal, communal and private.

The lands were divided into two categories - public and private field. Private fields were not private property, and products from them went on providing free communities and those families that were directly treated. The public field was cultivated together, and the entire harvest was received by the elder of the community for the subsequent transfer of the king.

In 1027 BC. The kingdom Shan fell under the authority of the ruler of the Kingdom of Zhou, who lived along the Western border. They announced that Wang is the son of the sky, and the empire - the imperiance of the Empire - the Empire was without clear boundaries. The territory was increased, but territorial control was weak due to the elevation of local feudal -- By the princes, who owned fortified cities with the surrounding lands, the population was entrusted with obedience. Juso Wang was raised before the organization of the management of a huge territory. To this end, he passed the conquered lands into hereditary possessions to his relatives and approximate, which, together with the Earth, received the corresponding titles.

Initially, the power of titled land owners was held back by the power of the central government. However, in the VIII century. BC. Specific rulers, former verbal subjects, begin to acquire actually complete independence. Wan power is limited to the limits of its domain ownership. Becoming local king, the specific rulers themselves begin to complain the land for the service, faster than their vassals, their management apparatus.

Thus, in Zhuusky China, the fragmentation with the characteristic interworking is dominant, leading to the seizure of the one, then the other local kingdom of the position of Hegemon, to the absorption of smaller kingdoms.

Long-term continuous wars led to economic decline, to the destruction of irrigation facilities and, finally, to the awareness of the need for peace, rapprochement of the peoples of China. The expression of the new sentiments were preachers of the Confucian religion, calling for the association of the country "without the addiction and destruction of people." Despite the war, in the period of Zhango, economic and cultural contacts of various districts and peoples are increasing, which leads to their rapprochement, to "collecting" lands around seven large Chinese kingdoms. The Zhuusian dynasty ended the board of the Troubles period (the era of the "struggling 7 kingdoms" - V - III centuries. BC) and the beginning of collecting the empire from 7 kingdoms.

In recent century BC. In China, there is a confrontation of two trends in the development of society. On the one hand, large private property is developing on land, based on the operation of tenant peasants, employees, slaves; On the other hand, a wide layer of the applied peasantry directly subordinate to the state is formed. These were two possible ways of development: 1) Through the victory of large private ownership of Earth - the path of fragmentation, intercruise; 2) through the strengthening of state ownership to Earth and the creation of a single centralized state.

258 BC. - The beginning of the Board of the Qin Dynasty as a result of replacing the Jusus emperor the most powerful of the feudal lord.

There is a centralized empire according to the type "Eastern Despoty". The empire is divided into provinces. Local lords lived in the capitals. The king appropriate for the role of guards of the provinces. To protect the boundaries from the raids of the barbaric peoples and tribes (for example, Huns), the construction of the Great Wall of China is launched. Its length - 5 thousand km at height and width from 6 to 10 m (5-6 riders could drive around the wall), after every 200 meters there are guard towers. The wall was built by 2 million people.

The ruler Qin Shi-Huangdi introduced a single legislation for the entire empire, uniform weights in trade. However, his heirs quickly lost power and gave way to the rulers of the Han dynasty. In 221 BC The Qin Dynasty of Victoriously finished the struggle for the association of the country.

During the kingdom of Qin, two ways of China's further development are scheduled:

  • · Through the victory of large private property to Earth, which meant the path of fragmentation;
  • · Through the consolidation of state ownership of land and the creation of a single centralized state.

The second path of development is approved to the bourgeois revolutions 1911--1913 gg

During the Board of the Han Dynasty (206 BC. -- 221 AD) An examination system of tests was introduced for applicants for public positions; The interest in the Confucian teaching was revived (551--497 BC - Confucius), in I century. BC. Buddhism penetrates into China, and in 124 BC The imperial university opens, which is preparing administrators officials. Trading ties with India, Syria and the Roman Republic are expanding. Emperor U-di (14--87 BC) introduced a call-motto, which denoted the years of the Board, fixed in official documents and did not change at the entire board of the emperor.

Three thousand years ago, the Great Chinese Plain between the Rivers Juanhe and Yangtze began to settle the first Chinese. Despite the fact that the first states began to appear on this territory, their inhabitants considered themselves a single people with a single culture and language.

The emergence of ancient China occurred almost the same as in ancient Egypt, Sumer and Ancient India - on the shores of large rivers. In the Valley of Juanhe (in Chinese - "Yellow River") and ancient Chinese civilization originated. The first kingdom arose in 2 millennia BC. e. and called Shan or Yin. Archaeologists excavated the capital of this kingdom Great City Shan and the tomb of the Shan Kings - Vanov.

In 1122 BC e. The warlike tribe of Zhou, headed by Word, defeated the Shagians and established its primacy, and the majority of the country's population of Shang-Yin drew into slavery. But in the 8th century BC. e. The state of Zhou broke up under the blows of nomads; Now, one, then another kingdom, of which the largest state was the Kingdom of Jin (7-5th century to N. e.). With the collapse of States Jin began the period of Zhango ("fighting kingdoms") when China was divided into two dozen small princes of the principalities, badly obeyed Zhousvan.

6-5th century BC. e. - The time of the first philosophical teachings of the ancient China. Of all the wise men of this time, a confusion was especially revered by the Chinese. His teaching about the "noble man," about respect for the elder, about modesty, about the importance of education, about the attitude towards the ruler as the head of the family, for a long time in China, the ideal relationship between people - and in the family, and in the state.

In 221 BC, the ruler Qin In Zheng united large territories into a single empire and took the title Qin Shihuandi, which means "the first emperor of the Qin dynasty. So that people do not ropat, they were kept in constant fear. Qin Shihuandi brutally suppressed any resistance, applying the most terrible treasures, for example, could be cooked alive in the boiler. For the slightest guidance of man, they beat the heels bamboo stick or sliced \u200b\u200bhis nose. If a person violated the law, then his whole family was exposed to punishment: the condemned relatives turned into slaves who were used on heavy construction work.

Having established its complete power in the Empire, Qin Shihuangi began a war with nomads-Huns, attacked from the north on his borders. He decided to fix his victory forever to the construction of a powerful border wall, called the Great Wall. It was erected from stone blocks and bricks hundreds of thousands of convicts and ordinary peasants. The height of the wall was with a three-storey house. At the top, two carts could be dispersed without any work. In the towers carried the security service. At the bottom of it, they lived, and on the top platform, the watch closely followed the surroundings and, in the case of danger, the fire was burned, smoke, which was visible far. A large squad of warriors hurried to this place to this place.

With the fall of the dynasty of Qin to power, one of the leaders of the peasant war - Lyuban came. He reduced taxes and canceled the most cruel laws introduced in China by Emperor Qinashovandi. Lyuban became the founder of the Han dynasty. In the Han era, the main features of the Chinese state were formed, which were inherent to him before the beginning of the 20th century.

The collection of taxes in a large country required Chan's officials in geometry and arithmetic. For learning the basics of mathematics used special textbooks and collections of tasks. Ancient Chinese astronomers accurately calculated the duration of a sunny year and made a perfect calendar; They were known hundreds of stars and constellations, they calculated the periods of circulation of the planets. In ancient China, the beginning of the Chinese civilization and its culture - science, literature, art were laid.

The death of the Han dynasty was associated with the uprising of "yellow dressings", which covered the country in 184. Although the uprising was cruelly suppressed, it caused the hardest blow to the country. In 220, the Han dynasty fell, and several independent states were formed on its territory. This event is usually considered to be the end of the period of antiquity in Chinese history.