Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (KGASU). Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering Kazan Civil Engineering

Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
International name Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering (KSUAE)
Former names Kazan Civil Engineering Institute (KISS)
Motto Not everyone is given to live so generously, to give to the people of the city
Year of foundation 1930
Reorganization year 2005
A type state
Rector R.K. Nizams
(appointed October 7, 2008)
Students 7 178
Foreign students 99
Postgraduate studies 150
Doctorate 2
The doctors 50
Teachers 1325
Location Russia Russia, Kazan Kazan
Campus Educational buildings: University campus
Residential buildings: Dorms on campus
Legal address st. Green, building 1
Website kgasu.ru

In 1889, a special commission of the Ministry of Public Education of the Russian Empire, with the initiative participation of the Volga-Ural merchants, decided to open an educational institution in Kazan that trains technicians - a united Industrial school with two levels of vocational training: secondary chemical and lower technical, with mechanical, chemical and construction specialties. With the formation of the Industrial School, construction education begins in Kazan and throughout the Volga-Ural region. The first stone of the educational building was laid on June 12, 1896. The contract for the construction of educational buildings was concluded with Trading house of brothers V. and A. Persons... The architect of the Kazan educational district S.V. Bechko-Druzin was appointed to supervise the construction of the buildings. The building itself was designed by the famous architect Konstantin Oleshkevich.

In accordance with the decree of the Provisional Government of Russia dated May 30, 1917 N 131, it was transformed into Kazan Polytechnic School with three departments, including a building one (from September 30, 1917). November 21, 1918 by order N 3420 of the department of universities of the People's Commissariat for Education was created , which included the former: Kazan Polytechnic School, Kazan Art School, Kazan Commercial School and Vilna Chemical and Technical School.

January 2, 1919 by decree N 22 of the department of universities of the People's Commissariat for Education of the RSFSR Kazan Industrial, Economic and Art College was converted to Kazan Polytechnic Institute, which on January 9 began its work in 4 faculties: architecture and construction, chemical, mechanical, economic with an agricultural bias (transformed on February 23, 1919 into an agricultural faculty). Professor of Kazan State University D.N.Zeyliger was elected the first rector of the Polytechnic Institute, professor A.I.Tulparov became the vice-rector. The faculties were headed by Professor K. S. Oleshkevich (architecture and construction), Professor A. O. Barshchevsky (chemical), Professor P. I. Zhakov (mechanical), Professor Nikolsky, and later Professor D. N. Zeiliger (economics).

The engineering faculty was opened on November 2, 1919. It consisted of three departments: hydraulic engineering, land reclamation and road bridge. In August 1920, the Institute was included in the list of higher technical educational institutions by a decree of the Chief Profobra of the People's Commissariat for Education of the RSFSR.

August 8, 1924 adopted a resolution on reorganization in Kazan Industrial College of Advanced Type... Admission to the technical school was carried out at the expense of those who graduated from the full secondary school of nine years. The training was conducted according to the curricula and programs of technical colleges. The same requirements were imposed on those entering the technical school as for those who entered the institutes. On June 18, 1929, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR decided to reopen in Kazan polytechnical Institute... The TASSR government assigned three additional buildings to the institute (including the building of the art and theater technical school) and allocated 85 thousand rubles for repair work.

The institute established the civil engineering, chemical and mechanical faculties. The Civil Engineering Faculty had the same organizational structure and the same specialties as in the former Polytechnic Institute and in the advanced technical school. The faculty had two departments - municipal construction and hydraulic engineering. Glavprofobrom established the admission plan for the first year. In the construction department, he numbered 60 people. Z.Z. Gimranov was appointed director of the newly created Polytechnic Institute.

In 1930 on the basis of faculties Kazan Polytechnic Institute several new independent universities were created. The Civil Engineering Faculty of the Institute became the basis for organizing an independent higher construction educational institution in Kazan.

By order of May 13, 1930 No. 255 on the People's Commissariat of Education "On the reorganization of the existing network of higher educational institutions" it was decided (point X): " Establish a construction institute on the basis of the construction faculty of the Kazan Polytechnic Institute and transfer it to the NKVD". The newly organized technical college is given a name Kazan Institute of Public Construction (KIX). The newly created institute begins its work in the structure of three faculties: civil engineering, road construction and sanitary engineering. Z.Z. Gimranov was appointed director of KIKS, and professor M.G. Elchaninov was appointed his deputy for scientific and educational work. On March 25, 1932, the institute was renamed into Kazan Institute of Civil Engineering Engineers, and on October 1 of the same year, in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the literary activity of A.M. Gorky, the Collegium of the NKKH assigns the institute the name of the writer and the institute receives the name: Kazan Institute of Municipal Construction Engineers named after A.M. Gorky... The College also established 5 scholarships to them. Gorky for the best students of KIIKS. KIIKS ceased its activities by the decision of the Soviet government in June 1941, a few days before the start of the Great Patriotic War. In accordance with the decision of the Government on new priorities in the training of specialists, the building of the institute at 68 Karl Marx Street, the entire laboratory base and other premises were transferred (KAI). Students of a civil engineering university could now continue their education in a new specialty - aviation construction. Many professors, teachers and scientists of the institute also moved to KAI. Thus, the life of a construction university continued, as it were, but already as part of another educational institution, albeit in new specialties, but using the accumulated scientific and technical potential and the developments of scientists and specialists. Naturally, the demands of the war and the demands of the front played a decisive role.

In 1946, in accordance with the order of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the Kazan Civil Engineering University resumed its work in the system of the People's Commissariat for Housing and Civil Construction of the RSFSR - as Kazan Institute of Civil Engineering Engineers(KIIGS). On September 1, 1946, the institute began its first post-war academic year. 113 students of the only then faculty of "Industrial and Civil Engineering" started their studies. Temporarily KIIGS was housed in the rented classrooms of the Kazan Agricultural and Chemical Technological Institute. On January 21, 1952, KIIGS was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Oil Industry of the RSFSR. This circumstance was dictated by the need to develop the oil industry and the industry's need for qualified personnel. The material base of the institute was significantly strengthened, the admission of students expanded, the training of specialists in the technology of production of building products and parts was opened (1952). The name was changed - the institute was renamed Kazan Institute of Civil Engineers of the Petroleum Industry.

Kazan Civil Engineering Institute (1957-1995)

In 1957, on June 28, the institute was transferred to the system of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education, receiving a new name - Kazan Civil Engineering Institute... The university existed with this name for about 40 years. For many, it remains the Kazan Civil Engineering Institute even today - KISS.

Since October 1957, Associate Professor EF Kamyshev, who had previously headed educational and scientific work, was appointed director of the institute. From this period, the rapid development of the university begins. New departments are being organized, the staff of the teaching staff is expanding, the number of students is increasing, the teaching and laboratory base is being strengthened.

In 1995, by order of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education N 286 of February 28, KISS was renamed into Kazan State Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering.


In 1996, a new stage in the life of the university begins, now Kazan State Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering (KGASA). With the new status, changes naturally occur in the activities of structural divisions, faculties, departments. New specialties, scientific directions are opening, the material and technical base is improving. A significant event in the life of the academy was the opening on September 27, 1996 of the museum of the history of the university, which is located on the second floor of the main building. In the same year, KGASA created its own local network, which makes it possible to comprehensively automate all the financial and economic activities of the university, and in early 1997 the network was connected to the global international Internet network. Employees and students have the opportunity to access the global information system, which opens up new prospects for improving the educational process, research work. In 1996, the construction of the educational and laboratory building of the Department of Highways and Bridges began. In 1999, the Kazan School of Design was opened. Her training program is adapted to real (problem) situations in the field of project activities and takes into account the level of preliminary training of students. The training system is based on the use of modern information technologies. On March 10, 1999, a public organization of the Republic of Tatarstan "Graduates of KISI-KGASA" was formed, uniting on a voluntary basis university graduates of different years. The main goals of the organization were named: strengthening and development of mutual assistance and cooperation of graduates; rendering assistance in the training of highly qualified specialists for the construction industry, in strengthening and developing the material and technical base of the academy. On February 6, 2001, the Institute of Transport Structures was opened at the Academy. Professor A.I.Brekhman became its director. In the same year, the teaching and laboratory building of the Institute of Transport Structures was put into operation. On the eve of its 75th anniversary (2005), the university rises to a new, higher level and becomes Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (KGASU).

University structure

Institute of Architecture and Design (IA&D)

  • Department of Fine Arts (1998)
  • Department of Descriptive Geometry and Graphics (1998)
  • Department of Architectural Design (1966)
  • Department of Reconstruction, Restoration of Architectural Heritage and Fundamentals of Architecture (2004)
  • Department of Urban Development and Planning of Rural Areas (1990)
  • Department of Theory and History of Architecture (2004)
  • Department of Design of Architectural Environment (1990)
  • Department of Interior (2003)
  • Department of Architecture (1930)
  • Department of Building Design (2007)

Institute for Transport Structures (ITS)

  • Department of Applied Mathematics (1985)
  • Department of Higher Mathematics (1971)
  • Department of road-building machines (2007)
  • Department of Bridges, Transport Tunnels and Geodesy (2014)
  • Department of Highways (1919)
  • Department of Physical Education and Sports (1960)

Institute of Economics and Management in Construction (IEiUS)

  • Department of Expertise and Real Estate Management (2014)
  • Department of Municipal Management (2014)
  • Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship in Construction

Construction Institute (IS)

  • Department of Industrial Safety and Law (1973)
  • Department of Mechanics (2014)
  • Department of metal structures and IS (1973)
  • Department of technology, organization and mechanization of construction (1966)
  • Department of reinforced concrete and stone structures (1948)
  • Department of Foundations, Foundations, Structural Dynamics and Engineering Geology (1965)
  • Department of Physics, Electrical Engineering and Automation (restored in 2014)
  • Department of Information Technologies and Computer-Aided Design Systems (2014)

Institute of Building Technologies and Environmental Engineering Systems (ISTIIES)

  • Department of Building Materials (1923)
  • Department of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering in Construction (2006)
  • Department of technology of building materials, products and structures (1985)
  • Department of Heat Power Engineering (1972)
  • Department of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation (1967)
  • Department of water supply and sewerage (1946)
  • Department of Professional Education, Pedagogy and Sociology (2014)
  • Department of History and Philosophy (2014)

About the university

Visiting card of KGASU
Full name Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Abbreviated name of KazGASU
Name in English Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering
Parent organization Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Certificates, Licenses

Educational activities

License for the right to conduct educational activities in the field of vocational education of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science series A N 282173 Reg. N 10091 dated March 28, 2008
? Appendix to the license

Certificate of state accreditation reg. 1238 dated April 28, 2008
? Appendix to the certificate of state accreditation
Research activities

Industrial safety expertise. Reg. N 00-DE-004030 (НХ) dated 21.12.2004

License for the design of buildings and structures of 1 and 2 levels of responsibility in accordance with the state standard. Reg. N GS-4-16-02-26-0-1655018025-00297501 dated 03.13.2003
? License for engineering surveys for the construction of buildings and structures of 1 and 2 levels of responsibility in accordance with the state standard. Reg. N GS-4-16-02-28-0-1655018025-002977-1 dated 03.13.2003
? License for the construction of buildings and structures of 1 and 2 levels of responsibility in accordance with the state standard. Reg. N GS-4-16-02-27-0-1655018025-002976-1 dated February 17, 2003
? License for engineering surveys for the construction of buildings and structures of 1 and 2 levels of responsibility in accordance with the state standard. Reg. N GS-4-16-02-28-0-1655018025-002629-1 dated 5.12.2002
Membership in associations

Association of Building Higher Educational Institutions. Certificate N 001 / k.


Total 6799 people
? full-time education 4476 people
? distance learning 1869 people
? second higher education 454 people
? foreign students 31 people
? graduation of specialists in 2008 939 people

Total 1260 people
? teaching staff 540 people
? academicians and corresponding members 29 people
incl. state academies 6 people
public academies 23 people
? 55 doctors of sciences and professors
? candidates of sciences and associate professors 230 people
? senior teachers 101 people
? teachers and assistants 82 people
? doctoral students 4 people
? post-graduate students 103 people
Information service

Library (volumes) 583 thousand
? computers 416 units
? local area networks 18 units
? computer classes 21 units
KazGASU has (area, m2)

The main building with a total area of \u200b\u200b6253.4
? 5 educational and laboratory buildings 6160.4
? 2 educational and administrative buildings 10492.0
? laboratories of departments 788.6
? gym 711.8
? dining room 4460.5
? 2 hostels 8634.2
incl. living rooms 7379.0
? sports and health camp on the river. Mesha 2289.0
? sanatorium-preventorium for 840 people per year 360.0

Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, as a higher educational institution, was created by Order of the People's Commissariat of the RSFSR dated May 13, 1930 No. 255 on the basis of the construction faculty of the Kazan Polytechnic Institute with its transfer to the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs.

The university is headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Tatarstan Nizamov Rashit Kurbangalievich.

Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (KGASU) is one of the leading universities in the system of higher education in construction in Russia and the leading university in the framework of the Association of Civil Engineering Universities in the region of the Volga region. The university has a high personnel and scientific and technical potential: out of 437 teachers - more than 50 doctors of sciences and professors, more than 240 candidates of sciences and associate professors.

University teachers understand that education, spiritual formation and the formation of a specialist is impossible without taking into account the national characteristics of students. Since 1991, the Faculty of Civil Engineering has been training in the Tatar language. At the moment, 7 graduates of specialists with knowledge of 2 state languages \u200b\u200bhave been completed. This training is accompanied by the publication of educational and methodological literature in the Tatar language.

The university is actively studying the problems of bilingualism:
- taking into account in the educational process the ratio of the universal, national and individual components;
- training of specialists through training in two languages, without narrowing the space of their future professional activities;
- identifying the features of teaching various disciplines in the Tatar language;
- creation of educational and methodological complexes that ensure the continuity of the study of various disciplines in the conditions of the transition in the learning process from Russian to Tatar;
- taking into account the peculiarities of the region when drawing up the national-regional and university components of the content of education to provide students from national schools.

The university has a scientific and methodological laboratory for organizing education on a bilingual basis.
The University has created the Children's Architecture and Design School "DASHKA" with its own unique training program. The educational process corresponds to three age programs: "studio" (6-9 years old), "school" (10-13 years old), "college" (14-16 years old). "DASHKA" aims to formulate the concept of initial architectural and design education.
A special role in enhancing the educational activities of students in practical classes is assigned to educational, creative and situational tasks, cases. An important element of enhancing the student's educational activity is game lessons. Such classes, in contrast to traditional ones, activate the cognitive and creative activity of students, develop initiative and enterprise, promote the establishment of cooperation with the teacher, teach the student to work in a team. Game lessons have been introduced into the educational process in various universities since the beginning of the 70s, but they were mainly used in the study of economic and organizational disciplines. In the research of scientists of our university, their application is extended to the study of special disciplines, course design. More than 20 different game lessons for various courses and specialties have been developed, adapted and introduced into the educational process.

In this regard, at the university, the teachers of the department of "Water supply and wastewater disposal" implemented the task of creating an office of active teaching methods. The educational process uses the "Tutorial on modeling the terrain" (RF patents 2163397 and 2204171 Adelshina A.B. sewerage, heat supply, gas supply, etc. by increasing the variability of the general plans of these objects. The staff of the department filed an application No. 2003121668/12 for the invention “Method of teaching. Variants "Adelshin AB and others The University implements and monitors the employment of its graduates, maintains contacts with them after graduation. Approximately 85% of graduates work in their specialty.
Orders for graduates from all enterprises of the industry with which the university maintains contacts from all over the Republic and other regions of Russia.

At the moment, 5670 students are studying at the university. About 80 university graduates annually receive an honors degree.
In 2004, the average competition for admission to a university was more than two people per place.

A Board of Trustees has been created and operates in the republic, which includes graduates of our university - heads of the largest construction organizations and enterprises in the region.
The public organization "Graduates of KISI-KGASU" works at the university.

Graduate of KISS 1974 Mirikhanov N.M. is the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Russian Federation with the rank of Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan (since 1999).