How to learn a foreign language in a short time. How much can I learn English from scratch? Remember British words will help the game

According to statistics, English today is native more than for 370 million people. English, along with Chinese and Spanish, in the number of media stably holds in the top three leaders. What country of the world we went, knowledge of colloquial English will definitely not be superfluous. For employees of many objects located in tourist areas, one of the main requirements for receiving the service is at least the minimum hold of English. It is for all the above reasons, the question of how to independently learn English is relevant for many years. And which programs and methods for training in foreign today are not invented. Many courses promise to achieve just fantastic results in a short time. For beginners, programs are offered, which allegedly allow for 3 months to speak English no worse than Queen Elizabeth.

Of course, in training in foreign language, miracles do not happen, and you are unlikely to learn to explain the American, how to go to the subway, already at the first lesson. There are people with whom English is given a little easier than the rest. But to make certain efforts in training accounts for everyone.

Learning English independently or with a tutor - decide, of course, you. Each person is individual. Someone is difficult to force themselves to study at home. Such people, no matter whether it comes to sports or foreign language, choose a mentor. Someone from the student simply does not have time or the opportunity to visit English courses. But, thanks to the Internet, today foreign languages \u200b\u200bhave become accessible to all.

I want to learn English language! Goals and motivation

Suppose you decide to independently learn English. Starting with the definition of goals and search for motivation. Children in school often with reluctance teach English words and nervous when they are forced to memorize grammar, precisely because of the misunderstanding of that, why do they need all this. But if schoolchildren can still be motivated by exams and estimates, then with adults, if, of course, we are not talking about the faculty of linguistics, such a number is unlikely to work. We need to understand why we teach the language. Then the process will go much faster and easier.

So, as a rule, an adult is recorded for foreign courses or makes the decision to learn English on its own for the following reasons:

· travels;
· Work in the international company;
· Moving to permanent residence in the English-speaking country.

From what purpose you are learning foreign, the choice of textbooks and the duration of training depends. Those who simply go on a journey to the English-speaking country, sometimes it is enough to bring a phrasebook with you. If there is time before the trip, you can buy an English tutorial. In reality, few people are mastering such sunsus from crust to peel, but the most necessary in everyday life phrases can well learn independently. Most of us travels are in typical situations: museum hiking and souvenir shops, buying food in the supermarket, walk through the streets, placement in the restaurant, trip to the taxi and purchase of plane tickets or train. It is in all the above topics that it is extremely desirable to learn the vocabulary before the trip abroad.

However, if you consider yourself an avid traveler and intend to go around the polio, then you need to learn English at least to the level B1 (Intermediate). It will help you to find more new friends on trips and expand the horizon by communicating with foreigners.

In Russia, many make a decision to learn English on their own in order to find a higher paying job or get into an international company. Possession of a foreign language is always a competitive advantage in the labor market. Moreover, today to know English at the Upper-Intermediate level, and then the Advanced is required from most professionals, not to mention the top managers. If you intend to learn a foreign language for work, then without a systematic approach, it is not necessary to do without a systematic approach. Some international companies invite English teachers in their offices in order for employees to improve the level of language proficiency. If the organization does not help you with learning, then you will have to teach English yourself. Of course, in order to achieve the Upper-Intermediate or Advanced level, you will need not one year of work. Successes here in many respects will depend on the effectiveness of the selected methodological materials.

To move to permanent residence in the English-language country will have to look for ways for full immersion in another culture. Fortunately, thanks to the Internet, today it can be done even in Russia. Books in original, movies and television programs in English - all this is available to Russian-speaking users. Many people help youtube, where there is a lot of interesting channels in English. Try to give up the usual Russian bloggers in favor of foreign. Youtyub-channels about travel will allow you not only to pull the spoken vocabulary, but also find out the opinion of the British and Americans about our country. The child is not necessary to start learning English in advance. Having moved to the permanent country to another country, he will go to school anyway, will fall into an unusual social environment and can adapt to the language. But an adult in a new place for studying English may not be. After all, you will have to solve a lot of domestic issues when moving: from the search for housing and work to a child's device to school and the purchases of the necessary household items. And without language it will be extremely difficult.

How to independently learn English? 4 steps

So, you decided on the motivation and decided to independently learn English. What are your further actions? If you have once earlier (maybe at school or institute) have already studied English, and now intend to continue, then to start it is worth passing a test in order to determine the level of ownership. You can do it right on our website:

Perhaps your knowledge is enough to proceed to intermediate (that is, 3 steps). If you feel that you can hardly remember the alphabet, it is better to start with the first level of Beginner. In this case, it is useful to contact. It offers 5 learning steps with video lessons available to grammar explanations, a variety of interactive exercises and tests for consolidating the knowledge gained.

If you think that one online course will not be enough for you or you just prefer to follow your learning system, then you need to be ready for the following 4 steps that serve as a response to the question of how to learn English yourself.

Step 1. Search for benefits and books

For a good account, to start learning English you will need 4 tutorials:

· Universal modern allowance for beginners or continuing;
· Grammar textbook;
· Handbook for pronunciation;
· Manuals with exercises to increase the vocabulary stock.

Quite a lot, isn't it? Nevertheless, having spent a considerable amount of funds for educational literature, it is not a fact that you will soon begin to express in English. First, the majority of benefits are designed to work in groups. In such textbooks, almost half of the tasks implies the construction of dialogues and even entire conversations between students. Secondly, many modern benefits for studying English do not contain a word in Russian: to start the exercise itself, you must first translate tasks. With independent training, this can create some difficulties. And finally, it has long been proven that live English is usually distant from those often too formalized phrases that textbooks offer us.

Remember that the benefits written more than 20 years ago, it is better not to take. Like any language, English is changing dynamically, undergoes constant changes. In old textbooks, you are elementary not to meet many of these topics that have become relevant only recently and have appeared due to the active development of technologies.

In the modern world, many of the ardent supporters of progress are generally avoiding printed publications, preferring to them e-books. For such people, when learning English, online courses will be an excellent alternative to standard textbooks. However, among the studies English there are those who are more convenient to work with printed benefits where you can make your notes. Such a student, in addition to textbooks, it is also worth paying attention to adapted fiction. Books in the original help enrich the vocabulary and expand the horizons. And study English in terms of literature with the famously swirling plot is much more exciting than on textbooks with dry rules.

Step 2. Selection of time and place for classes

English language can be learned independently only with total discipline. This is the case where the systemicity needs to achieve a good result. First, decide on the place for classes. If you are afraid that households will interfere with the process, then you can try to engage in the office after the end of the working day. Ideally, English needs to be given for 20-30 minutes daily. If it is hard for you, you can do at least 2-3 times a week. But in this case, the duration of the lesson should be at least an hour.

Step 3. Communication with carriers and English-speaking people

Anyone, studying English, sooner or later faces a psychological barrier. Many who are studying foreign, probably noticed that when it comes to communicating with the carrier, no matter how we were savings in vocabulary and grammar, a real stupor arises. A speaking starts to forget the words, worry and, as a result, cannot build an elementary phrase. You can get rid of this psychological barrier through communication. Ask possessing the languages \u200b\u200baround others as possible to talk to you in English. Very helpful to make friends among the carriers. Daily chat correspondence and social networks with familiar from the United States or the UK will help expand the vocabulary and adapt to colloquial speech. Those who want to learn to speak freely, it is also worth trying to find expature of the English-speaking country in Russia. Such a person can offer a kind of barter. He will help you with English, and you are with Russian.

Step 4. Useful habits

If you break your head over the question, how to quickly learn English yourself, then you will have to be patient and develop some useful habits. In addition to regular classes, you need to learn how to practice speaking skills. Take yourself by the rule every day to learn 10-15 new words. Some helps signs with drawings. When learn new words, do not forget to work out their pronunciation. It is useful to listen to podcasts in English while traveling to the subway or car. Audio recording can be found, for example, on our website. Most podcasts here are accompanied by synchronous subtitles in Russian and English. You can choose audio, guided by your own interests and levels.

Angle-speaking radio stations help to get used to English speech. In order for the process of studying foreign to be easier, make a language part of your leisure and rest. Try to watch your favorite TV series and American movies in English. Do you know why in some small European countries in people in general, the high level of English? Because Hollywood films and television series do not duplicate, but are shown with subtitles. Constantly hearing from the screen the original speech, people quickly master English.

How to learn English on movies and serials?

Films and TV series in English help develop a foreign speech on a rumor from the student skill. After all, it is no secret that even the ideal reading skills and good knowledge of grammar do not guarantee the fact that you can come to maintain the conversation by the British or the Americans. It is believed that a person who is not accustomed to English speech assisters a very tiny percentage of information reported orally. Even possessing an excellent lexical reserve, the student snatching only individual words from the flow of speech. Films and TV shows without translation or subtitles are helped to solve this problem.

Series on domestic and everyday topics allow you to feel a live speech of New York, London, Los Angeles. Starting to watch such a show, you will immediately understand why many Americans and the British consider our English too book.

To learn English yourself, you will succeed, subject to frequent viewing of programs and television shows released in the United States or the UK. First, it is recommended to watch TV series with Russian subtitles. After you can already go to English subtitles or to refuse them at all. At first, viewing programs and movies in English will seem complex. But absolutely not necessarily every time an unfamiliar word is found, climb into the dictionary. Learn to guess the magnitude of the phrase, focusing on what is happening on the screen.

Still doubt that viewing the video in the original language is not difficult? In this case, try to "make money" video complishes on our website. The essence of this method is simple. First you need to see any video from the catalog (it may be an excerpt from the movie or a music clip). For convenience, visual materials are accompanied by subtitles. Next, words blended in chaotic order must be compiled in the video phrase in English. Video addictions in light gaming form help to develop a habit of hearing foreign speech and understand unfamiliar words, focusing on the context.

How can I learn English on the Internet?

The Internet today is the chief assistant to those who do not know how to quickly learn English. The pronunciation of each new word is recommended to check online dictionaries. YouTube will also be useful, where, depending on its interests, you can subscribe to various English-speaking channels.

To be able to learn English, regardless of location, install training mobile applications. And do not forget about Skype, where you will always find both teachers who give online lessons of a foreign language and simply interlocutors.

Learn English yourself, or organization of personal time

Of course, many of us worries the question of how to learn English without the help of a tutor. Independent study of foreign requires self-discipline and consciousness. You do not need to look for your non-execution for the teacher of excuses every time. Fool yourself, inventing the reasons why you could not learn new words or work at the right time, it is completely unprofitable and meaningless. Try creating some daily norms for yourself. For example, 10 new words for memorization, 10 pages of the book in English or viewing one short series of the American series. At first, you most likely have to force yourself to perform these norms. But gradually daily english classes will be in a habit, and every new achievement will motivate for further steps. If you do not approach English to the nuddy cramp and the form of the theory, and switch to live communication, watching interesting programs, reading books, online tests and simulators to memorize words, then English will easily become part of your daily life and a fascinating hobby.

English sometimes scares students who want to study it.

The thing is that it is overflowing with all different contradictions, strange rules and a kind of pronunciation. All these features make it interesting, but at the same time difficult for beginners to study it, and not only for them! In this article, we offer you some useful advice for students studying English, as a foreign language (EFL Students). Below will be discussed how to speed up the process of studying this is not a lung language.

Independent study

"Act alone" when studying a foreign language is very difficult, it requires a special gain and organizability itself, as for the conversational part, so it will also be difficult to master it independently. We hope that the list of tips listed below will facilitate the study process for you.

  1. Do not be afraid to spend money on good training literature.

In addition to the main training manual, you will need a good dictionary for transfers, and Ideally used to acquire a guide dedicated to the grammar of the English language. You will also need a laptop, notebook or notepad for notes. Purchase such stationery, which will like you, it will make a learning language more funny!

  1. Buy audioCD orDVD. disks

Audio CD and DVDs are actually very useful tools to work pronunciation, they give you an indispensable practice that you do not get learning the language without them. They also give you the opportunity to work out the pronunciation of words yourself.

  1. Find someone to communicate in Skype in English

Try to find the English speaker, which will be ready to spend some time to talk to you on Skype. This will give you valuable experience in conversational English, and will also serve as excellent motivation for further study.

Studying English in the official situation

Learning English in an independent way - is a wonderful way to master it. But in order to achieve real progress and maintain a high level motivation clearly, it is recommended to attend specialized courses for the studies of a foreign language. This will give you a structured program that you need to stick and make you keep up with learning, as well as will provide you with additional motivation, thanks to communication with other people. Make sure the course you have chosen is officially recognized, for example British COUNCIL. and English. Uk. .

  1. Visit summer courses

For a deeper immersion in the linguistic environment, there is nothing better than visiting the summer school. Being immersed in a learning environment with other students who want to learn the language just like you, you will quickly do progress.

  1. Visit evening courses

If the summer school rate is not a suitable option for you or you just want additional activities weekly, an excellent option for you will be evening courses. They will serve as an excellent addition to the main (daily) learning, and will also give you the opportunity to gain experience from other students and will not allow you to retreat from the structured language learning plan.

  1. Try distance learning or learning through the Internet

There are many courses of remote study and training Internet programs designed to help you learn English. They usually cost cheaper, but there is a risk of remaining the same cut off from the main program, as with independent training. If you want to use this language learning option, you should find an English-speaking interlocutor to communicate in Skype to practice spoken English.

  1. Take advantage of the services of a personal tutor in English

Another option is to hire a private tutor, you can use this service, doing a teacher personally or via Skype. This gives you the advantage of individual training, but the minus of this learning is, the fact that, again, the bulk of the work will be assigned to you.

Study of the vocabulary of the dictionary

One of the most difficult tasks in the study of the new language is the study of its vocabulary. There is a huge number of new words in English, which must be learned. It is extremely important to work on this systematically, otherwise you will not be able to cope with this aspect.

Decide where you will store a list of all words with the translation you studied. Each time you hear a new word, add it to your list, use it when you read, and also try to memorize these words by heart.

  1. Try explore everything variations the words

When you run into a new word, find it in the dictionary and try to get acquainted with all its variations. So you can get four or five new words at the price of one! For example, a word tidy It has the following variations untidy”, “ tidily.”, “ tidier”, tidiest. and tidy up.”.

  1. Mouset order

Buy a folder folder and use separators, in order to consistently group your notes, for example, one part for grammar, one for the dictionary, one for marking markers, etc. If there is order in your records, you will be much easier to deal with what you have in your head!

  1. Check each other

Meet friends and check each other on knowing the words you drawn up in dictionaries. To make this process more fascinating, turn it into a competition, who will call the greatest number of words correctly. Competitive classes motivate you better.

To get the most out of your learning, it is very important to have a reasonable approach to everyday classes. Here are some tips to help you learn more efficiently.

  1. Detach the time to occupy at home every day

Be authoritarian in your approach to learning English, and devote a certain amount of time for homework every day. Stay away from all distracting factors, such as a TV, telephone, computer and dedicate all the language allocated.

  1. Find to myself partner

As mentioned earlier, it is very useful to have a friend studying English in order to practice vocabulary. But the benefits of learning a language with a partner, much more than just checking learned words. So, for example, you can practice colloquial English together, arrange each other exams, thus motivate each other.

  1. Not fear to read aloud

Initially, you will feel stupid, but your pronunciation and self-confidence will improve the rapid pace, if you read in English out loud, even when you yourself. If you doubt the correctness of the pronunciation, there are many Internet sites where you can find how correctly is pronounced or another word.

  1. Record honey pronunciation

No one likes to listen to her voice on audio record, but the way we perceive it yourself, and how it sounds on audio recordings - two different things. Therefore, writing your speech, you can detect errors in the pronunciation of those words that, while reading, it seems to us, sound right. These entries will also serve as excellent motivation, listen to them in a month and you will be amazed at how much more your progress has become!

I will converge a little from classroom classes

Some of the most important ways to study English are extracurricular methods, that is, when we speak not only about the homework. There is an unmeared number of things that can help speed up your progress, while not applying a lot of effort.

  1. Get around english-speaking friends

To be able to speak English in the dialogue mode is an excellent way to enhance self-confidence, as well as a great way to study new words and phrases. You will memorize new words and phrases, without understanding this. Moreover, you will explore the spoken speech of local Britons, which in the books you will not find.

While real English-speaking friends will help you develop your speaking English skills, it will not be superfluous to acquire virtual friends who will help improve your written English. You will learn to write about yourself, and what you do, as well as will develop reading skills when you read their answers.

  1. Suggest to work with partial employment

Try to get a job in a tourist location where you probably need knowledge of English to talk to guests, such as a guide-guided guide in the city, or work in a restaurant, popular among tourists. It will give you a useful practice in the ability to speak English, and will put you in such situations where you will not remain anything but to talk!

  1. See english a television and films

Viewing English-language television programs is a fun way to study new words and phrases, and is also an excellent assistant to study how English sounds correctly (teaches distinguishing different dialects) you can start using subtitles in your native language, and then without them. If you already feel confident, why not go to the cinema and not to see the English-speaking film? If it helps, look at the initially this film in your own language, and then it will be more clear to you, about what is speech in English.

  1. Listen english radio

The presence of radio in the background is a good way to familiarize yourself with the sounds of English. News will serve as a good start for you, especially if you know what we are talking about, it will be easier for you to compare the meaning of words.

  1. Maximum effectively use the time spent on the road

Lock the English audio course intended for MP3 -Cliers, and listen to it while traveling by bus, train or car. This will help develop pronunciation skills, as well as introduce you to useful phrases.

  1. UseGoogle in English

When you are looking for something on the Internet, try using instead of Google in your native language. It will make you find the results you are looking for in English, and the use of English will gradually become a habit for you.

  1. Decorate your Didactic Cards Room

Decorate your Didactic Cards Room containing information that you need to learn. So you will be exposed to words, phrases and grammar that you need to remember. You can place them everywhere where you are likely to see them daily: above the mirror, on the door of the cabinet, near the bed, etc.

  1. Read your favorite book in English before bedtime.

If you are serious about learning the language and want to do it in the shortest possible time, then, even time before bedtime should be used to achieve progress. Choose one of your favorite books and acquire the English version. Every night before bedtime, try to read several pages, hold the dictionary next to the bed, for words whose value you do not understand. Thus, you will not only have an advantage, because it is your favorite book, as well as the fact that English will be the last thing you think before bedtime, and while you sleep, your brain will work and save new words, phrases and grammar in your long-term and short-term memory.


We think you liked our last advice! We left the best finally!

One of the best things you can do to speed up the process of learning English is to visit the United States or another English-language country, such as Australia or New Zealand. Look at least a couple of weeks, look at all famous sights and try to be in a situation in order to talk in English with local residents or at least hear and understand them. It can occur in restaurants and bars, in English-speaking tours of famous attractions, while visiting museums and reading information about exhibits in English, as well as while visiting the cinema. Try to inspect the main part of the country and familiarize yourself with various regional dialects.

We hope that our tips are useful for you, and that they will help to study English for you more enjoyable. Sometimes, learning a language seems to be a real battle, but we are sure if you follow our advice, soon you will speak English freely and confidently

Administration What "S Up, 02/14/2018 16:21

We talk with an expert in learning English, the founder and teacher of the school of the English What "s Up, Alexander Vasilyev

- The question is probably rhetorical, but still - why now everyone wants to learn English?

Today, the need to learn English has become apparent absolutely for everyone. This year in Russia will host the World Cup, which will attract a huge number of foreigners from around the world to our country. From 2020, the Russian schools will be required in Russian schools. There are still many obvious reasons, such as self-development, the desire to pass an interview in English and get a position in the international company and others.

At the same time, the market is oversaturated so much that it is very easy to make the wrong choice and spend time and money, which we always lack so much, wasted. The number of techniques, approaches to learning, educational materials has reached incredible values.

- What is the methodology for learning English to date is the most effective?

It is very important that in the process of learning the student had the opportunity to "create", "create" something alone. This positively affects the memorization of foreign words, the ability to build phrase structures, the development of all other speech skills. For example, here you can attribute essays, projects, presentations, performances based on such presentations.

That is why in the school What "S UP we developed a system of regular projects that fulfill our students along the course. As a result, we see excellent results from all participants. Group fulfillment of such projects motivates, disciplines and makes people talk and think in English.

In addition, I would like to note the importance system approach in training. Now many English courses offer flexible schedule. We tried such a system several years ago and she showed itself extremely ineffective. Only regular classes under the control of one single teacher give results.

One of the most important criteria is choosing a teacher. Unfortunately, finding a good teacher is quite difficult. Moreover, a potential student, it seems to me to cope with this task at all is not possible. Only an experienced and practitioner expert can understand how much the teacher has sufficient qualifications and experience, can correctly explain the grammatical features of the language, put pronunciation, work with the psychological features of students, motivate and control.

Saying this, of course, I throw a huge shadow on all private tutors, whose activities cannot be controlled. Unfortunately, in our country, the presence of a diploma with good estimates does not mean anything. This belief was formed with me for all the years of work in the school What "S UP and the set of interviews with potential teachers in order to selection the most talented guys to work in our team.

- How does the selection of the curriculum in the school What "s Up?

Each student is very different and the previous experience of interaction with English has much different. Therefore, at the beginning we carry out deep testing, which consists of a lexico-grammatical test, as well as an oral interview. Then we invite to a trial lesson, which is also part of testing. For a better acquaintance with the student, we allow visit up to three lessons without payment and without concluding a contract. This helps a person understand whether to him our training system is suitable, whether he likes a group and teacher and make a final decision. We have no sales staff, we do not work aggressive marketing, loan agreements, etc.

Today we offer various programs for a wide range of students, ranging from conversational courses for travel and work to specialized programs for employees of the hotel industry, restaurants and even taxi drivers.

- Thank You Very Much for This Interview.


English has become a useful skill in the first need for a device for work, continue learning, successful self-realization in various fields. The English-language information space dictates its rules, literature and media in English generate a huge amount of information, waiting for the translation of which you simply do not have time. You either read the original sources in English, or occupy the outsider positions firmly and for a long time. Choose to you.

If you do not own English, learn it in the shortest possible time. And here the question arises: what exactly these are the most "shortest possible time." On the one hand, we understand that in a couple of weeks, we can hardly handle this task, on the other - the year of study does not seem like this "shortest possible time."

How to quickly learn English - try to tell. The standard study period of English on courses is about 2 years. And everything will depend on what level you start learning and at what level are willing to stop. Linguists and particularly fond of language issues, people claim that the language needs to be led by a lifetime. But we will talk about ordinary mortals.

In total, there are 6 English ownership levels: Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced, Proficiency. One level of English on average you can complete for 3-4 months. Therefore, if you started studying English from scratch, then up to the middle level (Intermediate) you can reach about six months. This is if you are engaged in a group with intensity 2 times a week. If you choose a more intensive program, then it is quite realistic to complete the course for 3-4 months.

English is quickly learning those to whom it is needed "on yesterday." If you are planning to enter a foreign university, moving abroad, the intensive program is your option. If you are not ready to visit English courses 4-5 times a week, you can try to quickly learn English at home. To do this, you need to surround yourself English.
Studying English quickly suggests that you are paying time learning every day. You can read books in English, watch movies with subtitles or without, learn new words using applications on a smartphone. There are many ways to learn English. Tell some of them.

Easy way to learn English - you go on, choose an intensive program, engaged from 3 days a week, do not forget about the performance of homework. This method is suitable for those who are willing to pay lessons a certain time. With such a schedule for about 2-3 months, you can master the skill of fluid communication in English from scratch. It will be impossible to say that you know English perfectly, but to communicate in standard situations, join the dialogues, to communicate at work, you can.

English Learning Plan

For each person, the plan can be individual. It is necessary to take into account the starting level of English, basic knowledge and features of the perception of information: someone better remembers information from images, someone - by ear. In addition, each person has its own goals. If you need to master, then it is better to do to the practice of oral communication, if written is worth using written speech simulators and read books in English.

If you dream to close the question of English for three months (and this period can be considered real), it is worth making a clear plan. To learn English for a month you are promised or courses on which you will have to speak English at least 5 hours a day 5 days a week, or those who do not plan to provide you with such a result in principle.

For how much English language can be learn:

  • for 2-3 months - get from Elementary to Pre-Intermediate, with a huge desire and diligence to Intermediate. I am doing at least 3 times a week for 1-2 hours, performing your homework, reading books only in English, looking TV shows, movies and podcasts in English, repeating learned words every day.
  • for 5-6 months - get from scratch to intermediate more than real. Cocking 2 times a week, performing homemade, repeating the words and visiting once a week spoken club. If you find a native speaker / and you will communicate with him regularly at least 1-2 times a week - you may end the course before.
  • for 9-12 months - Standard Plan. And even when performing this plan, it is necessary not to skip classes, repeat the words, perform homework, catch up with grammatical skills, train pronunciation. To the question "For how much you can learn English from scratch" you can answer this way: 9-12 months or 1-2 years.
  • for 1-2 years - you can reach Intermediate. It is even too long, but many students hang at the pre-intermediate - intermediate level approximately on such a time. If you do not perform homemade or not immerse yourself in English anywhere, except lessons on courses, you increase the learning time language several times.

Do you still dream to learn English for a month? We will not limit you: it is also possible. But it turns out, as a rule, only when moving abroad and the absence of any possibility of communication in the native language. If the courses cannot isolate you for a month from communicating in Russian, do not believe their promises to learn English for the month.

How to learn English for 3 months?

This period looks the most real and one of the most urgent. Let's try to make a plan and convince you that it is possible.

First month

This is a period of working with an English teacher or tutor. If you want to learn English for a supercount, you should neglect group classes and individually or paired. Why? Just because 90% of the time you will say exactly. You will not need to wait until the remaining students will be expressed (and they can be from 4 to 10).

Every day you must memorize about 30 words. And remember good. So good so that they remain, at least in passive reserve, and the phrase verbs went immediately into the active. With such an intensity after 90%, you will own the lexicon about 3000 words. This is quite enough for fluidized communication in standard situations. Although the educated native speaker can own words from 8,000 and more. There is something to strive for.

Second month

You can already communicate in English. Ideally, you can connect the native speaker or even several to the communication process. Take a rule: 3 times a week you must speak with carriers in English about 1-2 hours + to engage with the teacher + repeat the material yourself. In parallel, you need to continue to study new words and introduce them into your speech. Also read books in English for beginners. This not only replenishes your vocabulary, but also helps to memorize standard phrases, the structure of proposals.

Third Month

Actively read books in English. Detach this lesson at least an hour per day, write out and remember strangers. If you are lucky to find a carrier friend who will be ready to communicate with you in English from 3 hours a day - count you pulled a happy ticket. Every day, continue to study 30 new words per day.

Yes, English is possible to learn for 3 months. If you give him 4 hours daily.

Collected for you a selection of English courses in and. After studying 1 to 3 months, you will feel a significant difference in the level of English.

Useful resources

It is only in the books of the remark Heroes-emigrants study English in summaries of those killed during the Second World War in newspapers. And, by the way, quite successfully studied - the motivation is too strong. You can use to explore a huge amount of useful resources:

  • To memorize words: - The application for those who prefer Apple devices. You can learn new words using the interval method. Alternative - if you are not a fan of apples.
  • For spoken practice: The Mixxer - Resource for Skype Skype with Media
  • About resources for watching movies in English -
  • Read books in english - You can at the resource
  • Check and train pronunciation - You can on the channel
  • Audiobooks (and their textual options) in English Can be found on the resource. All books are divided from Elementary levels to Advanced.
We wish you success!