How to understand by a separate clarifying circumstance. What is a detached clarifying circumstance

The two sections of the science of language — syntax and punctuation — are always studied together. Simple comma assignments, such as the required comma before A and BUT, are usually straightforward. But to isolate the minor ones, you need to know the basics of syntax.

Minor members under a number of conditions can be distinguished from two sides and circumstance.

The circumstance in the sentence answers the questions of adverbs, since it denotes a sign of action or, much less often, not only an adverb, but also any independent one can act as a circumstance.

The isolation of circumstances, expressed or by a single gerunds, although it has its own subtleties, is easily assimilated by schoolchildren. The presence of an adverb in a sentence is a kind of signal for setting a comma.

A clarifying circumstance is another matter. Examples of this kind are more difficult to find: they are not so obvious.

What is a clarifying circumstance?

Clarifying members, as is already clear from the term itself, clarify the information contained in the sentence:

    All childhood friends, (who specifically?) Especially Mikhail, are very dear to me.

    Dark (what specifically?) Almost jet-black eyes stood out on his pale face.

    A little girl ran into the room, (which one exactly?) No older than our son.

The refinement is always separated by a dash.

A separate clarifying circumstance in most cases specifies the time and place of action.

If we have before us a clarifying circumstance of time, then the proposal, in addition to it, should contain generalized information about when the action is performed:

    We left late in the evening (when exactly?) At eleven o'clock.

    At the end of August (when exactly?) On the twenty-fifth, my only brother was born.

The specifying circumstance of the place details, narrows down the information about where the event described in the sentence occurs:

    Andrei lives very close to us, (where exactly?) Within a five-minute walk.

    Ahead, (where exactly?) In the very center of the road, we noticed a huge foundation pit.

Often specified geographical names and addresses:

    Last summer we returned from another city (where exactly?) From Vladivostok.

    My friend moved to the Oktyabrsky district of the city of Samara, (where exactly?) To Michurin street.

Less common is the clarifying circumstance of the course of action:

    The soldiers tried to speak as quietly as possible, (how specifically?) Almost in a whisper.

    Perepyolkin listened to me attentively, (how specifically?) With some special respect.

Clarifying circumstances with other meanings are also distinguished.

For the correct placement of punctuation marks, it is important to understand the context of the sentence:

    Artists performed on the square in the center of the city. (The square is located in the central part of the city)

    Artists performed on the square in the center of the city. (The artists perform in a square located exactly in the center of the city).

Intonation is a hint in isolating the qualifying members of the sentence. But it is not worth focusing only on semantic pauses in the speech stream, it is better to pay attention to the syntactic role of the structure and choose a question for it.

§one. Isolation. General concept

Segregation - a way of semantic highlighting or clarification. Only minor members of the proposal are isolated. Typically, isolations allow you to present information in more detail and draw attention to it. Compared to ordinary, non-segregated members, the peg-off sentences are more independent.

Segregations are different. There are separate definitions, circumstances and additions. The main members of the proposal are not isolated. Examples:

  1. Separate definition: A boy who fell asleep in an uncomfortable position right on a suitcase shuddered.
  2. An isolated circumstance: Sasha was sitting on the windowsill, fidgeting in place and dangling his legs.
  3. Standalone addition: I didn't hear anything except the ticking of the alarm clock.

Definitions and circumstances are most often isolated. The isolated members of the sentence are distinguished in oral speech intonation, and in writing - punctuation.

§2. Separate definitions

Separate definitions are divided into:

  • agreed
  • uncoordinated

The child, asleep in my arms, suddenly woke up.

(agreed stand-alone definition, expressed by participial turnover)

Lyoshka, in an old jacket, was no different from the village children.

(inconsistent standalone definition)

Agreed definition

An agreed stand-alone definition is expressed:

  • participle phrase: The child who was sleeping in my arms woke up.
  • two or more adjectives or participles: The child, well-fed and content, fell asleep quickly.


A single consensus definition is also possible if the word being defined is a pronoun, for example:

He, well-fed, quickly fell asleep.

Inconsistent definition

An inconsistent isolated definition is most often expressed in nominal phrases and refers to pronouns or proper nouns. Examples:

How did you, with your mind, not understand her intention?

Olga, in her wedding dress, was unusually beautiful.

An inconsistent stand-alone definition is possible both in the position after and in the position before the word being defined.
If the inconsistent definition refers to the defined word, expressed by a common noun, then it is isolated only in the position after it:

The guy in the baseball cap was looking around all the time.

Definition structure

The structure of the definition can be different. Differ:

  • single definition: agitated girl;
  • two or three single definitions: girl, excited and happy;
  • a common definition expressed by the phrase: a girl, agitated by the news, ...

1. Single definitions are isolated regardless of the position relative to the defined word, only if the defined word is expressed by a pronoun:

She, agitated, could not sleep.

(single stand-alone definition after the definite word expressed by a pronoun)

Excited, she could not sleep.

(single stand-alone definition before the defined word, pronounced pronoun)

2. Two or three single definitions are isolated if they appear after the word being defined, expressed by a noun:

The girl, excited and happy, could not sleep for a long time.

If the defined word is expressed by a pronoun, then isolation is possible in a position before the defined member:

Excited and happy, she could not sleep for a long time.

(isolation of several single definitions before the defined word - pronoun)

3. A common definition, expressed by a phrase, is isolated if it refers to the word being defined, expressed by a noun, and comes after it:

The girl, agitated by the news, could not sleep for a long time.

(a separate definition, expressed by a participle, comes after the defined word expressed by a noun)

If the word being defined is expressed by a pronoun, then a common definition can be in a position both after and before the word being defined:

Alarmed by the news, she could not sleep for a long time.

She, agitated by the news, could not sleep for a long time.

Separate definitions with additional adverbial meaning

The definitions preceding the defined word are separated if they have additional adverbial meanings.
These can be both widespread and single definitions, standing immediately before the noun being defined, if they have additional adverbial meaning (causal, conditional, concessive, etc.). In such cases, the attributive phrase is easily replaced by the subordinate clause of the reason with the union because, a subordinate clause of a condition with a union if aclause of assignment with the union although.
To check the existence of an adverbial meaning, you can use the replacement of a qualifying phrase with a turnover with the word being: if such a replacement is possible, then the definition is isolated. For instance:

Severely ill, the mother could not go to work.

(additional value of reason)

Even when she was ill, the mother went to work.

(additional value of the assignment)

Thus, various factors are important for pegging:

1) what, what part of speech the defined word is expressed,
2) what is the structure of the definition,
3) how the definition is expressed,
4) whether it expresses additional circumstantial meanings.

§3. Standalone applications

application - this is a special type of definition expressed by a noun in the same case as the noun or pronoun that it defines: jumping dragonfly, beauty maiden... The application can be:

1) single: Bear, fidget, tortured everyone;

2) common: Teddy bear, a terrible fidget, tortured everyone.

An application, both single and widespread, is isolated if it refers to the defined word expressed by a pronoun, regardless of the position: both before and after the defined word:

He, an excellent doctor, helped me a lot.

An excellent doctor, he helped me a lot.

A common application is isolated if it appears after the defined word expressed by a noun:

My brother, an excellent doctor, heals our whole family.

A single uncirculated application is isolated if the word being defined is a noun with explanatory words:

He saw his son, a baby, and immediately smiled.

Any application is isolated if it appears after a proper name:

Bear, the son of a neighbor, a desperate tomboy.

An application, expressed by a proper name, is isolated if it serves to clarify or clarify:

And the neighbor's son, Mishka, a desperate tomboy, started a fire in the attic.

The application is isolated in a position before the defined word - a proper name, if at the same time an additional adverbial meaning is expressed.

An architect from God, Gaudi, could not have conceived an ordinary cathedral.

(why? for what reason?)

App with union asseparates if the shade of the cause is expressed:

On the first day, as a beginner, everything turned out worse for me than for others.


Single appendices after the word being defined, which are not highlighted during pronunciation intonationally, are not isolated, since merge with it:

In the darkness of the entrance, I did not recognize Mishka-neighbor.


Standalone applications can be punctuated not with a comma, but with a dash, which is placed if the application is especially emphasized by voice and highlighted with a pause.

Soon New Year - a favorite holiday for children.

§four. Standalone add-ons

The additions expressed by nouns with prepositions are separated: except, other than, over, excluding, including, excluding, instead of, along with.Include-exclude or override values \u200b\u200bare passed to them. For instance:

No one, except Ivan, knew the answer to the teacher's question.

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§6. Separation of comparative turnovers

Comparative turnovers are distinguished:

1) with unions: as, as if, exactly, as if, what, than, rather than and others, if they matter:

  • comparisons: The rain poured, as if from a sieve.
  • assimilations: Her teeth were like pearls.

2) with the union as well:

Masha, like everyone else, prepared well for the exam.

Comparative turnovers are not isolated, if a:

1.are phraseological in nature:

Stuck like a bath leaf. It was raining like a bucket.

2.the circumstances of the course of action matter (the comparative turnover answers the question as?, often it can be replaced with an adverb or a noun in the T.p .:

We walk in a circle.

(We walk (as?) as in a circle... You can replace noun. in T.p .: circle)

3) turnover with the union as expresses the meaning "as":

It's not about qualifications: I don't like him as a person.

4) turnover with as part of the composite nominal predicate or is closely related to the predicate in meaning:

The garden was like a forest.

He wrote about feelings as something very important to him.

§7. Separate qualifying members of the proposal

Clarifying terms refer to the word being specified and answers the same question, for example: where exactly? when exactly? Who exactly? which one? and others. Most often, the clarification is transmitted by isolated circumstances of place and time, but there may be other cases. Clarifying terms can refer to an addition, a definition, or the main members of a proposal. Clarifying terms stand out, standing out in oral speech intonationally, and in writing - with commas, brackets or dashes. Example:

We sat up late into the night.

Below, in the valley in front of us, a stream was rustling.

The qualifying term usually stands after the qualifying term. They are connected intonationally.

Clarifying terms can be introduced into a complicated sentence:

1) using unions: that is, namely:

I am preparing for the task of the exam C1, that is, to the essay.

2) also words: especially, even in particular, mainly, eg:

It was clean and beautiful throughout, especially in the living room.

Test of strength

Find out how you understood the contents of this chapter.

Final test

  1. Is it true that isolation is a way of semantic separation or refinement?

  2. Is it true that only the minor members of the proposal stand apart?

  3. What can be the stand-alone definitions?

    • common and uncommon
    • agreed and inconsistent
  4. Are isolated definitions always expressed in participle?

  5. In what case are the definitions in front of the defined word isolated?

    • if additional circumstance is expressed
    • if additional circumstance is not expressed
  6. Is it correct to think that an application is a special kind of definition expressed by a noun in the same case as the noun or pronoun that it defines?

  7. What prepositions are used in prepositional-case combinations, which are separate additions?

    • oh, in, on, to, before, behind, under, over, before
    • except, other than, over, excluding, including, excluding, instead of, along with
  8. Is it necessary to separate the adverbs and adverbs?

  9. Is it necessary to isolate the circumstances with the preposition despite?

  10. In contact with

    Separated (separated by commas, less often - dashes) words and phrases that clarify the meaning of the previous words (clarification is a transition from a broader concept to a narrower one). Most often, circumstances and definitions are specified.

    1. Clarifying circumstances of the place: There, below, skinny moss, gray shrub(P.); Below, in the shadows, the Danube was rustling (Tyutch.); Ilya Ilyich studied atVerkhleve, five versts from Oblomovka,at the local manager of the German Stolz(Hound.); Directly opposite the cordon, on the other side, everything was empty (L.T.); In the suburbs, near the slaughterhouses, dogs howled (Ch.); Some away from the goose, on the mattress, there was a white cat (Ch.); Up, over the tops of oak trees,where the depth of the sky was exactly blue, clouds were gathering(Boon.); Across the river in the rosy skythe evening star shone brightly(M.G.); In Crimea, in Miskhor, i made an amazing discovery last summer(Kupr.); On the farm, three versts from the village of Straw,the scouts left their horses and went on foot(F.); About ten paces from the tunnel entrance, right by the highway, there was a lonely house(N.O.); Near, in the direction of the village of Olginskaya,the sounds of gunfire rolled as usual(First); On right, at the foot of the hills,a large field spread(Chuck.); The road forks and no one knows where to gofurther - straight or left.

    Often, the specifying circumstances of the place line up, form a chain: Ahead, far away, on the other side of the misty sea,there were jutting wooded hills(L. T.); Around on the left bank, half a mile from the water, at a distance of seven or eight miles from one another,the villages are located(L. T.); Suddenly at the bend of the river ahead, under the dark mountains,a light flashed (Cor.); Six steps from Chelkash, on the sidewalk, on the pavement,leaning back against the nightstand, there was a young guy(M.G.); In a vast lowland, to the right, to the very ridge,turned away and lost in the dull gray distance, could see the forest(F.); Even here, across the lake, per kilometer,along with the hot air, there was a rumble and crackling(Hyde.); Right, near the barn, right in the snow,undressed (Sh.).

    Depending on the meaning, the same words may or may not be considered as a clarifying circumstance. Wed:

    Up ahead on the roadcrowded people (i.e. in front of the road). - Ahead, on the road, there were crowds of people (that is, the road itself was in front);

    Far away in the woods ax blows rang out(the listener is in the forest). - Far away, in the forest, ax blows rang out(the listener is outside the forest);

    Children settled downin the clearing between the bushes(the clearing is surrounded by bushes, but there are none on the clearing itself). - Children settled in a clearingbetween the bushes (the bushes are located in the clearing itself). -

    Clarifying circumstances include the names of districts, regions, etc., indicating the location of settlements, villages, etc., as well as indications in addresses: In the village of Uvarovka,Petrovsky district, Kaluga region,a harvest festival took place; Settlement Novye Gorki,Shchelkovsky district, Moscow region,located near the Bolshevo station; Moscow, Plyushchikha street, 38, apt. 2.

    But: School number 4 Taldomsky district of the Moscow region -non-segregated inconsistent definition.

    Usually the qualifying term of the sentence limits the scope of the concept expressed by the qualifying term of the sentence: Below, under the iron networkair roads, in the dust and dirt of the pavements,the children are silently messing around(MG) - clarifying terms are located in descending gradation, that is, the subsequent one clarifies the meaning of the previous one. But there are times when the specifying term, according to the concept it expresses, is wider than the specified one: I was lying on the bed, in an unfamiliar roomand felt great weakness(P.); I've heard these storiesunder Ackerman, in Bessarabia, on the seashore(M.G.).

    2. Clarifying circumstances of the time: I woke up late, at five o'clock in the afternoon(Ax.); we went and wandered for a long time,until evening (T.); At noon, in clear, sunny weather,nothing can be imagined more sad than this ruin(T.); It was deepin the fall, on a cold and gloomy day(Ven.); Once, before the evening, the nogay driver with a whip pointed out from behind the clouds to the mountains(L. T.); Now, after floods, it was a river of six fathoms(Ch.); All night long, until cock's dawnmeril Chapaev map(Tuyere.); Now, in late autumn, when I live in Moscow, the box is there alone in empty unheated rooms(Paust.); In the summer, in the evening dawns, the steppe golden eagle flies to the top of the mound(Sh.).

    If, in the presence of two circumstances of time, the second of them does not serve to limit the concept expressed by the first, then it is not qualifying and a comma is not put between the circumstances: The meeting of the department will be heldtomorrow at six o'clock in the evening(cf .: 3 tomorrow, at six o'clock in the evening,a meeting of the department will be held).

    3. Clarifying circumstances of the course of action: He shook his curls andself-confident, almost defiant, looked up at the sky(T.); And he cared about his soulsolidly, lordly, and did good deeds not simply, but with importance(Ch.); He is naive, childish, wiped his eyes with his fingers(L. T.); Quietly, with fear , she said something strange to him(M.G.); She is mischievous, girlish, looked up at him(Fed.); On twisted haystacksadly, like an orphan, perched a crow(F.); The women made a noise all at once, in one voice without giving Davydov even a word to say(Sh.); The only way, among the grass, flowers,wheat, and our river Vorsha could begin(Sol.); He was careful to pink gloss on the cheeks, shaved (Ant.); Like this, walking, the issue cannot be resolved.

    4. Clarifying definitions with the meaning of color, size, age, etc.: One more, last, saying - and my chronicle is over(P.); Coy-where lookedfemale, mostly old lady,heads (T.); Their accompanied by a small plump man withphlegmatic, almost asleepface (T.); Only narrow three hundred fathoms,a strip of fertile land is the possession of the Cossacks(L. T.); Pierre, from early morning already pulled inawkward, made him narrow,noble uniform, was in the halls(L. T.); After going through some kind of empty, without inhabitants, village, the squadron climbed the mountain again(L. T.); Humpbacked stonebreaker straightened his mustache and beardwhite, plated, hands (M.G.); A dark red rose in the distance the color of raw meat,factory building (M.G.); On a man stepped out on the platform of the class carblack - buttoned to the collar- gymnast (A. T.); A minute later, three fighters, one after another, climbed intobluish, as if pearlescent,air (Cat.); The guards walked at full height, in a wide chain, inmotley - raspberry, purple, green- clover field (Cat); High, on the mast, the lantern helped Gleb to see itgray, unshaven, with depressions on the cheeks,face (Leon.); She looked with fear at her grandfather's handsin brown, clay colorsenile freckles(Sh.); He saw on a white hat a mound not far awaylight yellow, with a fiery tint,fox (Sh.); The boat was moving all the timein black almost ink-colored,shadows (Sim.); I didn't blind my eyes alreadywhite, with the reflections of the sunset,snow; In the distance, at the Nikolsky gate, could be seenhigh - trumpet - sable boyar's hat(A. T.); AND they are so freshclean, spotless,on the ground, so they lay like that?(Fed.); A young girl, about seventeen, entered (Kupr.); On tanned from a yellow tan neck were goingthick, in the finger, folds (Lead.); Thick, guards cloth,the pants didn’t fit either the artisan's or the laborer’s(Cat.); Gavrik examined the little grammar-school student from all sides.long, toe-length overcoat (Cat.); On tiptoe went into the room, undressed, hung carefullyfestive, with stripes, wide trousers (Sh.); From under the cool wolf warehouse,balding forehead, he glanced around the room(Sh.); In the neighboring ones, without doors, in the stained bright rooms, footsteps rattled as they approached(Pan.); It was a village outside the citynaked, without a tree, without a bush,low place (Pan.); He was a young man of short stature, with an inconspicuous mustache, insimple, striped, shirt with elastic bands on the sleeves(Sol.); A special one arises, technical order,pause; The passenger entered fromoriginal, under crocodile skin,suitcase; Each of these phenomena hastheir, inherent only to him,features; With her, still not brilliant,health should take more care of yourself.

    Clarifying definitions can specify the general meaning of pronouns this, that, such, each, one(in the sense of a pronoun), etc.: I wanted to distinguish myself before that,dear to me,human (M.G.); Then Dasha was surprised by the "homegrown" of allthis, so sensationaldaring (A. T.); These, not always firm and slender,poetic lines were written by a hand, solid as steel(Sim.); Those have long been established between them,purely formal,a relationship that is so common between two relatives(M.G.); Chichikov was a little puzzledsuch a somewhat harsh definition (G.); To each, to come and come,they had to find and indicate a place to sleep(Ch.); No one, no sleigh, no human, no animal,there was no trace(L. T.); Something happened so unusual in the worldthat everything that is old, familiar seemed to hesitate in its power over life(Fed.).

    But if the attributive, after the demonstrative pronoun, is closely adjacent to it and does not have the meaning of clarification, then. it is not separated by a comma from this pronoun: These newly builthouses are already fully occupied[cm. § eighteen ].

    Clarifying definitions can be joined through subordinate unions: Irresistible, although quiet, power carried me away(T.); Actual, even if not completely new,the topic deserves attention; Sacrifice the past for the sake ofalone, albeit dear, he did not dare to meet; It should be noted that thisinteresting, because it has not yet been developed by anyone,the topic was chosen by the young researcher.

    But if the definition attached by the subordinate union is homogeneous in relation to the previous definition and does not have the character of clarification (semantic and intonational), then a comma is not put after it: Before us is setdifficult, but interestingtask [see § 12, item 6]. The distinction between these cases depends on the will of the writer.

    Notes: 1. Classical writers sometimes distinguished with commas as a clarifying definition the participial turnover after the homogeneous adjective definition. For example, I.S.Turgenev: He arranged a big, covered with a canvas, bathhouse; A hundred steps from the mill waslittle , open from all sides, canopy; Of the special i didn't notice at first, the stables brought out Peacock.Currently, such punctuation is rare [see. § ten \u200b\u200b].

    2. The words give a clarifying character to the statement or rather, more precisely, otherwise, ratheretc. However, the members of the sentence following them are not isolated, since the indicated words that have the meaning of introductory ( more precisely, or rather, otherwiseare equivalent in meaning to phrases more precisely, or rather, in other words), themselves are highlighted with commas: His kindness, or rather , his generosity touched me- the predicate is consistent with the nearest preceding word, from which it cannot be separated by a comma; More recently, more precisely , an article of similar content was published in the last issue of the journal; Arctic fox, aka polar fox, prized for its fur(here differently in the meaning of 'that is'; but: The boy needs to be stopped in timeotherwise he will do this- here it acts differently in the function of an adversary union); Should be supplemented,rather , to clarify the data provided in the report.

    A combination of words can act as a clarifier, moreover: It would be foolishmoreover , it is madness to miss such an occasion; He deeply respected his friend,moreover - admired him.

    3. Possible clarification without introductory words: Plants were saved - watered.

    Consider two suggestions:

    Clarification: In the morning, exactly at eight o'clock, the whole society gathered for tea ... (Turgenev);

    Explanation: Fedor received an A, that is, the highest mark.

    In the first example, the expression EXACTLY AT EIGHT HOURS is used to concretize, clarify the meaning of the word MORNING. Such turns are called clarifying. In the second example, the turnover THAT IS THE HIGHEST ESTIMATE serves to clarify the meaning of the word FIVE. Such phrases are usually called explanatory.

    Please note that the qualifying members of the sentence must always appear after the word being specified. If in a sentence a word with a more specific meaning comes before a word with a broader meaning, then there are no qualifying terms in this sentence. Compare the two examples below.

    New tenants have appeared on the third floor in our house.

    New tenants have appeared in our house, on the third floor.

    Sometimes a whole chain of clarifications can be built behind one member of a sentence. Consider a sentence from the novel by I. S. Turgenev, in which three circumstances consistently clarify each other.

    In Nikolskoye, in the garden, in the shade of a tall ash tree, Katya and Arkady were sitting on a sod bench. (Turgenev).

    Explanatory members of the sentence also always appear after the explained word and are separated by commas. Errors in isolating the explanatory members of a sentence are rare, since explanations are always attached to the main word with the help of special conjunctions that is, OR, and also with the help of words EXACTLY, AND EXACTLY, which are easy to remember. Consider the examples below.

    Rostovs until September 1, i.e until the eve of the enemy's entry into Moscow, remained in the city(Tolstoy).

    Not far away from us, namely in the village of Petrov, unfortunate facts occur (Chekhov).

    An exercise

      On the same day_ but already in the evening_ at seven o'clock_ Raskolnikov approached his mother and sister's apartment ... (Dostoevsky).

      There_ in the very corner_ below_ in one place the wallpaper that had lagged behind the wall was torn ... (Dostoevsky).

      Anna Sergeevna came to the city very rarely, mostly on business, and even then for a short time (Turgenev).

      Half an hour later Nikolai Petrovich went to the garden_ to his favorite arbor (Turgenev).

      To the left_ in the outbuilding_ could be seen here and there open windows ... (Dostoevsky).

      In the middle of the forest_ on a cleared and developed glade_ stood the estate of Khorya (Turgenev).

      He was sitting near the smithy_ on the slope above the river_ above the reach_ opposite the water mill (Bunin).

      In the distance_ closer to the grove_ axes knocked dully (Turgenev).

      Aristophanes was surprisingly lucky - of his forty comedies, eleven entirely survived, that is, more than a quarter of everything written_, while only one tenth was selected from the dramas of the most popular in antiquity Euripides (later nine more plays were accidentally added to it), Aeschylus - about one twelfth, and Sophocles is one seventeenth (Yarkho).

      Once in the spring_ at the hour of an unprecedentedly hot sunset_ in Moscow_ at the Patriarch's Ponds_ two citizens appeared (Bulgakov).

      True, this still could not be positively and definitively said, but indeed recently _the whole last year_ her poor head was too exhausted not to be damaged at least in part (Dostoevsky).

      In 1717_ November 12_, the engine, which was in a secluded room, was set in motion ... (Perelman).

      On the table_ under the lamp_ was a torn piece of an old, crumpled newspaper (Nabokov).

      We meet every day at the well_ on the boulevard ... (Leromontov).

      “I sprayed it! Thought Chervyakov. - Not my boss_ a stranger, but still embarrassing. We must apologize ”(Chekhov).

      And again, as before, he suddenly wanted to go somewhere far away: there_ to Stolz, with Olga, and in the village, in the fields, in the groves, he wanted to retire in his office and immerse himself in work ... (Goncharov).

      He was remarkable in that he always, even in very good weather, went out in galoshes and with an umbrella, and certainly in a warm coat with cotton wool (Chekhov).

      On the Neva_ from St. Isaac's Bridge to the Academy of Arts_ quiet fuss: corpses are lowered into narrow ice holes (Tynyanov).

      Subsequently_ during his southern exile_ Pushkin met with Maria Raevskaya more than once in Kamenka, and in Kiev, and in Odessa, and, possibly, in Chisinau ... (Veresaev).

      August 12, 18 .. year_ exactly on the third day after my birthday, on which I was ten years old and on which I received such wonderful gifts_ at seven o'clock in the morning_ Karl Ivanovich woke me up by hitting my head with a sugar paper cracker on a stick fly (Tolstoy).

      Due to poor road conditions and numerous accidents, the federal highway Moscow-Minsk was recognized as the most dangerous, and its most emergency section was from the 16th to the 84th km._ that is, from the city of Odintsovo to the turn to Ruza: it was here that 49 % of all accidents on the highway.

      In Gorokhovaya street_ in one of the big houses_ of the population of which there would be a whole district town, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov (Goncharov) was lying in bed_ in his apartment in the morning.

    Clarifying members of a sentence occupy a special place in the grammar of the Russian language because of their role in the sentence, as well as due to the fact that they are isolated using punctuation marks. So, the rules for isolating a clarifying circumstance must be remembered by every literate person.

    A separate clarifying circumstance: meaning and emphasis in writing

    As a rule, the circumstances of time and place are clarifying - they also relate to the circumstance, revealing its meaning, complementing and concretizing. It is necessary to understand that when clarifying from a broader concept, they move to a narrower one. The easiest way to clarify this is using examples of a separate clarifying circumstance.

    In a sentence “I heard their stories in Greece, on Athos” circumstances of the place "On Athos" specifies where in Greece the story was heard. At the same time in the proposal "After work, at seven o'clock, I went to the store" the circumstance of the place specifies exactly what time the narrator had in mind when he says that it was late.

    The circumstances of the course of action can also be clarifying, but still much less often and usually we are talking about complicated terms of the sentence. For example: “During the April rains, the river overflowed completely like spring, stormy and noisy”. In this sentence, the homogeneous circumstances of the course of action clarify the "spring-like" circumstance.

    Thus, clarifying circumstances have three meanings - place, time and mode of action. Circumstances with other meanings cannot act as a qualifying member of the sentence.

    To understand whether a given member of the sentence should be isolated, it is very important to determine this value, because if the author categorizes the circumstance, then it will not be isolated.

    How clarifying circumstances are isolated

    It all depends on the place that this member of the proposal occupies in its structure. If a clarifying circumstance is at the end of a sentence, then it is isolated with a single comma, which is placed in front of it. If it is located in the middle, then it will separate from both sides. At the beginning of a sentence, a qualifying circumstance cannot be placed because of its function.

    What have we learned?

    A clarifying circumstance is a member of a sentence that refers to another circumstance, the meaning of which it complements and clarifies. There are three types of such clarifying members of the sentence - in this kind most often the circumstances of place and time appear, less often the mode of action. They are separated by one comma if the member of the sentence is located at the end, or by two if it is in the middle. Circumstances with other meanings, except for the three above, cannot act as specifying members of the proposal.