How does last name translate. What is First Name and Last Name? How to correctly indicate the first and last name

Installing a program or registering on a foreign site often requires filling out a form, where there are such columns as Last Name and First Name. Despite the fact that today the English language is quite common, many users of the Internet or programs often have difficulties or doubts. The information below will help you avoid mistakes during registration.

When registering on sites, books, filling out questionnaires, you must specify information about the user, personal and / or contact information. The first thing to write is the first and last name - "First Name" and "Last Name". The word "Name" is familiar to many, it translates as "name". The words First and Last are misleading. Not everyone knows where to write the surname, and where the name is.

So, we explain: Name is a name, Last Name is a surname, in English it is also indicated by the words Surname or Family Name. By the way, in addition to the first and last name, some Americans also have a second name or patronymic - Middle Name, given at birth (often this is generally any word you like). For example, John Lennon's full name is John Winston Lennon, where Winston is the middle name. This is, of course, information for general development, for registration to use Internet resources, such details are not required.

Thus, in the First Name field we write our name, and in the Last Name or Surname translation we write our last name. It looks like this:

First Name: Ana (Ann)

Last Name: Simonova

So we figured it out, everything turns out to be not so difficult.

Other points in filling out the questionnaires

The need to fill out some form for registration on the site or a questionnaire arises not only when working on the Internet. At the airports of some countries, upon arrival, they are also allowed to fill out a card. The information that needs to be entered in both the first and second cases is approximately the same. You can translate incomprehensible or unfamiliar words from English into Russian using an online translator. But sometimes this is not possible, so watch and remember!

Account Information - what does account information mean:

* Login or username: an account name or username - maybe even a fictitious one.

* Password: a password consisting of letters and numbers (you must remember or write it down);

* Re-Password: -repeat password is required here;

* Email address: email address;

* Re-Email address: repeat e-mail;

Member / User Information - Personal information about the user

* First Name: First Name

* Middle Name: Middle name

* Last Name: Last name

sometimes instead of the above three columns there is one Full Name / Your Name: I.O.F.

* Age: age;

* Date of birth: date of birth;

* Gender: Male / Female - gender: male / female;

* Address: street / house / apartment

* City / Town: city / town

* ZIP / Postal Code: postal code

* Country: Country of residence

Phone #: - phone number with country code, area code.

On various resources, some form elements may be missing. Marks in the form of an asterisk, highlighting in red or bold means that the columns must be filled in.

If you know English, then it is impossible to confuse First Name and Last Name and other words found in questionnaires, registration forms and various documents. Therefore, learn English, discover more opportunities for yourself!

There have been lively discussions among Russian speakers for a long time about the so-called "thousand shades of name" in English. It would seem that everything is simple: name, surname and patronymic - all that is needed for a successful acquaintance. However, the English language, as always, breaks Russian-speaking stereotypes and heads: they have first name, and last name, and middle name, and surname, and given name, and Christian name, and family name, and all this together is generally a complex name. So the first time you don't figure out how to introduce yourself.

They will probably ask him at the first meeting. In English, first name is, literally translated, "first name", that is, just a name - the one that people usually use, a personal name given at birth. He is often asked when registering on English-language resources, when filling out documents in English and when making purchases on the Internet through American and English payment systems.

In everyday life, you can quite hear the following remarks:

  • My first name is Daniel, but my friends call me Danny, and so you can. - My name is Daniel, but my friends call me Danny, and you can too.
  • What is your first name, sir? Can I use it for us to communicate less formal? - What's your name, sir? May I refer to you by your first name to change to a less formal tone?
  • I would like to change my first name because I don "t really like to be called Cristine, I feel more like Janette. - I would like to change my name because I don’t really like it when people call me Cristina ; I feel more like Janette.

If during registration it is required to indicate the first name, Russian speakers can safely indicate their name.

Last name, unlike first name, is, paradoxically, not quite a name. That is, of course, if translated literally, this phrase means "the last name". However, if the translation into Russian gave some clue to the meaning of the phrase first name, then for the last name it only confuses the Russian-speaking person. In fact, everything is simple: last name is the last name.

  • My last name is Brown, and I "m very proud of it, because the Browns always used to be talanted and honest! - My last name is Brown, and I am very proud of it, because Browns have always been famous for talent and honesty!
  • I used to be known as Mary Smith, but now I married Robert Fisher and changed my last name. People call me Mary Fisher now. - I was known as Mary Smith, but I married Robert Fisher and changed my last name. They call me Mary Fisher now.

If, when registering or filling out documents, it is required to indicate the last name, we are definitely talking about the surname.

Middle name

In modern English, there is no such thing as a middle name. If the first name is the first name, then the middle name is the middle one, which often confuses Russian speakers. In fact, many Americans, British, Australians, and others in English-speaking countries have middle names. For instance:

  • Joanne Kathleen Rowling is the author of the Harry James Potter series.
  • John Winston Lennon is one of the founders of The Beatles.
  • John Christopher "Johny" Depp is a famous actor.

The middle name is often not fully specified in official documents. It is replaced by the initial: Joan K. Rawlin. "


With this English term, everything is extremely simple: it literally means what the Russian-speaking people call their surname. Despite the fact that this word seems simpler than the strange last name, it is used much less often.

Another version of how you can call the surname in English. Of course, there are slight differences here. For example, in the example already given above, in which a girl changes her last name from Smith to Fisher, her family name - her family name - will remain Smith, and surname will change.

Translated into Russian - almost the same as first name. This is the "given name", that is, the name that was given to a person at birth. Of course, they may be different. For instance:

  • My given name is John, but I changed it two years ago, so now my first name "s James." I was given the name "John" at birth, but I changed it two years ago; now my name is James.

In official documents and when registering on sites, the term given name is not used, but in colloquial speech or in literature it may well occur.

Literally translated - "Christian name", that is, the name that was given to a person at baptism. It rarely differs from the first name and is naturally absent from representatives of another religion.

Complex name

A complex or full name in English includes first, middle, and last name. Sometimes a person may have no middle name, or there may be several of them (remember at least the famous joke about the full name of Pablo Picasso, which includes at least a dozen complex middle names).

Despite the fact that this naming system in English seems incredibly illogical and complex, with the appropriate desire to understand it, it will not be difficult at all.

First Name - the field where you need to write the first name, that is, only the first name, not the last name, not the middle name. The field can be somewhere when registering, for example, you need to fill out a document, when making a purchase on Aliexpress, delivery.

In general, when you make out something, then you need to fill out a paper or electronic document, and there may be a First Name field.

Once again - in the First Name field, we just write the name and that's it. Not a surname.

And then what to write in Last Name? And here it is already necessary to write the surname. If you translate literally Last Name, then there will be something like the last name - this is the last name. Although I agree that all this is a little incomprehensible ..

First Name and Last Name - translation into Russian:

Family Name can also be used instead of Last Name:

You can also come across such a field as Surname last name - what is this? As I understand it, if it is written that way, then this also means the surname. In general, everyone can get confused in this ..

What is the correct name and surname?

But that's not all the difficulty you may face. Look, now you already understand where you need to write the first name and where the last name is. But how do you write? The fact is that you may be asked to write not in Russian letters, but in English.

You may think - well, what's so difficult, I'll write in English letters. But no, wait, the point is that there is something like ... in general, there is some official transliteration. In general, there are some rules, I do not know, but it is important to indicate the correct name and surname, even if in English letters.

Look, my name is Dmitry Sharikov, and so I found a website on the Internet where there is an official transliteration from Russian into English (even according to some GOST), and there I wrote my name and press the Transliterate button (the word is just uzhs):

And here's the result:

That is, you see, it seems simple - but there are still some rules, some kind of GOST standard ..

The site on which I did all this - you can easily find it in Yandex, I won't write it, otherwise it will be like an advertisement. There are other sites, but I found this one, it was in the first place and seemed to be good)

Examples of First Name and Last Name fields - fill in carefully!

Middle Name - what does it mean?

But there is also such as Middle Name - what is it? But this is interesting, I didn't even know, but .. in some countries they give another name. That is, a person can have two names! And for the second name, the Middle Name field was invented.

And here is the translation into Russian Middle Name:

If you do not have the name of the second one, then you do not need to fill in the Middle Name. Also, where you fill in, there may be a check mark next to the Middle Name, it can activate or deactivate the field.

Middle Name field

So, here's some more important information about the Middle Name. Many write a middle name here, while the field is intended for a middle name (this is common in the west). But in fact, Middle Name and patronymic are different things. And it seems like .. how .. in the Middle Name you need to write what is written in the passport, if you have one. In general, here's a hint on this topic:

Note to you:

  1. Carefully fill in the fields, write correctly, if necessary in English letters, then use some popular service for translating Russian words into transliteration.
  2. If you are filling out a document in some office or institution, then ask there next to how and what to fill out. It is better to ask than to be rejected for one wrong letter, especially when it is bank documents.

That's all. Good luck and may you succeed.


More meanings of the word and the translation of LAST NAME from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries.
What is and translation of LAST NAME from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for LAST NAME in dictionaries.

  • LAST NAME - apelyido
    English-Visayan vocabulary
  • LAST NAME - noun Date: 1897 surname 2
    Explanatory Dictionary of English - Merriam Webster
  • LAST NAME - noun: surname 2a - contrasted with first name
  • LAST NAME - surname (def. 1). [1895-1900]
  • LAST NAME - family name, surname
    Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language - Edited by bed
  • LAST NAME - Date: 1897: surname 2
  • LAST NAME - Function: noun Date: 1897: SURNAME 2
    Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary
  • LAST NAME - ■ noun a person "s surname.
    Concise Oxford English vocab
  • LAST NAME - n (1897): surname 2.
  • LAST NAME - noun your family name —compare surname
  • LAST NAME - ˈlast name BrE AmE noun especially American English a surname
  • LAST NAME - surname
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • LAST NAME - Surname
    American English-Russian Dictionary
  • LAST NAME - surname
    English-Russian-English Dictionary of General Vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
  • LAST NAME - surname
    Tiger English-Russian dictionary
  • LAST NAME - surname
    New Comprehensive English-Russian Dictionary - Apresyan, Mednikova
  • LAST NAME - surname
    Large new English-Russian dictionary
  • LAST NAME - surname
    English-Russian Dictionary of General Vocabulary
  • LAST NAME - surname
    English-Russian Dictionary of General Vocabulary
  • LAST NAME - surname
    English-Russian dictionary on computers
  • LAST NAME - surname.
    English-Russian Sociological Encyclopedic Dictionary
  • LAST NAME - surname
    English-Russian Dictionary of English Idioms
  • LAST NAME - surname
    English-Russian idiom dictionary
  • LAST NAME - surname
    Computer English-Russian dictionary
  • LAST NAME - surname
    New Comprehensive English-Russian Dictionary
  • NAME - I. ˈnām noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English nama; akin to Old High German & Gothic ...
    Webster "s New International English Dictionary
  • LAST
    Webster "s New International English Dictionary
  • NAME - - namer, n. / naym /, n. , v. , named, naming, adj. n. 1.a word or a ...
    Random House Webster "s Unabridged English Dictionary
  • LAST - last 1 / last, lahst /, adj. a superl. of late with later as compar. 1. occurring or coming after all ...
    Random House Webster "s Unabridged English Dictionary
  • NAME - I. ˈnām noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English nama; akin to Old High German namo name, Latin nomen, Greek ...
    Merriam-Webster "s Collegiate English vocabulary
  • LAST - I. ˈlast verb Etymology: Middle English, from Old English lǣstan to last, follow; akin to Old English lāst footprint Date:…
    Merriam-Webster "s Collegiate English vocabulary
  • LAST - adj in conclusion; finally. 2.last noun the burden of a ship; a cargo. 3.last adj supreme; highest in ...
    Webster English vocab
  • LAST - vb vi (bef. 12c) 1: to continue ...
    Merriam-Webster English vocab
  • NAME - a word or group of words used to refer to an individual entity (real or imaginary). A name singles out ...
    Britannica English vocabulary
  • LAST - last, Last BrE AmE lɑːst § læst AmE læst ▷ lasted ˈlɑːst ɪd § ˈlæst-, -əd AmE ˈlæst əd ▷ ...
    Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary
  • LAST - I. * last / lɑːst; NAmE læst / determiner, adverb, noun, verb —see also last (II) ■ determiner ...
    Oxford Advanced Learner "s English Dictionary
  • NAME - / neɪm; NAmE / noun, verb ■ noun 1. a word or words that a particular person, animal, place ...
    Oxford Advanced Learner "s English Dictionary
  • NAME - I. name 1 S1 W1 / neɪm / BrE AmE noun [Word Family: verb: name, rename; ...
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • LAST - I. last 1 S1 W1 / lɑːst $ læst / BrE AmE determiner, adjective 1. most recent or nearest to ...
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • NAME - n. & v. --n. 1 a the word by which an individual person, animal, place, or thing is known, spoken ...
  • LAST - adj., Adv., & N. --adj. 1 after all others; coming at or belonging to the end. 2 a most recent; ...
    Basic English Conversational Dictionary
  • NAME - n. & v. n. 1 a the word by which an individual person, animal, place, or thing is known, spoken ...
  • LAST - adj., Adv., & N. adj. 1 after all others; coming at or belonging to the end. 2 a most recent; ...
    Concise Oxford English Dictionary
  • NAME - n. & v. --n. 1.a the word by which an individual person, animal, place, or thing is known, spoken ...
    Oxford English vocab
  • LAST - 1.adj., Adv., & N. --adj. 1.after all others; coming at or belonging to the end. 2 a most ...
    Oxford English vocab
  • NAME - (names, naming, named) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. The name ...
  • LAST - (lasts, lasting, lasted) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use ...
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner "s English Dictionary
  • NAME - I. noun COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES a brand name ▪ The use of tobacco brand names in sponsoring sports has ...
  • LAST - I. determiner COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES a final / last attempt ▪ They made one final attempt to make their marriage work. ...
    Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
  • LAST - Synonyms and related words: Z, abide, advance, aforegoing, after, aftermost, apodosis, at last, at length, at long last, at ...
    Moby Thesaurus English vocabulary
    Slang English vocab
  • NAME - I. noun 1 word / words sb / sth is known by ADJECTIVE ▪ Christian (BrE), first, given (esp. AmE ...
    Oxford Collocations English Dictionary