How to translate fear. Fear translation and transcription, pronunciation, phrases and sentences


fear (fɪə)


1) fear, fear;

for fear (of smth.) out of fear (smth.);

for fear of exposure for fear of exposure;

in fear of one "s life in fear for his life;

without fear or favor impartially

2) fear; possibility, likelihood ( smth. unwanted);

no fear inf. hardly; hardly


1) to be afraid, to be afraid;

never fear do not be afraid;

I fear me mouth. I'm afraid

2) be afraid; expect ( smth. unwanted)

English-Russian dictionary V.K. Müller

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+ FEAR translation - New Comprehensive English-Russian Dictionary under the general guidance of Acad. Yu.D. Apresyan




1. (fıə) n

1.fear, dread

needless ~ s - unnecessary fears

in ~ - in fear, with fear; in alarm

to be in ~ - to be afraid; to worry

in ~ and trembling - with fear and trembling

for ~ - out of fear, out of fear

she daren "t enter for ~ of the dog - she does not dare to enter, being afraid of the dog

in / for / ~ of one "s life - in fear for your life

the ~ of death was upon him - he was possessed by the fear of death

to put smb. in ~, to put ~ in smb. "s heart - to put smb. in fear.

2. apprehension

there is not the slightest ~ of rain today - there is no fear that it will rain today

I had a ~ that you had missed the train - I was afraid that you missed the train

shut the window for ~ of rain - close the window, no matter how it rains / in case of rain /

they are in daily ~ of dismissal - they face dismissal every day

no ~ - colloquialof course not; in no case; no need to fear

you will not fail me. - No ~ - you won't let me down. - No, don't worry

3.awe, awe

to put the ~ of God into smb. - to make smb. fearful, to deal with smb.; ≅ keep god at bay

without ~ or favor - impartially, objectively

2. (fıə) v

1. to be afraid; to be scared

she ~ ed for the boy when she saw him at the top of the tree - she was scared for the boy when she saw that he climbed a tree

never ~ - colloquialdo not be afraid ( wed also2}

2.1) fear, expect ( smth. unwanted)

to ~ the worst - expect the worst

you shall know, never ~ - they will inform you, do not worry ( wed also1}

I ~ the guests are late - I'm afraid the guests will be late

two are ~ ed drowned - there is reason to fear that two drowned

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  1. to be afraid (scared, scared)
  2. fear (fear)
  3. expect


  1. fear (fear, fear, horror, fright)
  2. probability (possibility)

Multiple number: fears.


  1. terrible

Verb forms


fear of death
fear of death

natural fear
natural fear

constant fear
constant fear

animal fear
animal horror

sickly fear
painful fright

fear punishment
fear punishment

fear of pursuit
fear chase

feared man
scary man


I fear that he may be late for the train.
I'm afraid he might miss the train.

The people fear war.
People are afraid of war.

You have nothing to fear anymore.
You have nothing to fear anymore.

Fear crept into my heart and settled there.
Fear penetrated into my heart and settled in it.

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
The law is not written for fools.

The foxes that have been exposed to radiation in Chernobyl for twenty-nine years no longer fear humans and are willing to eat from their hands.
Chernobyl foxes, having been exposed to radioactive radiation for 29 years, have ceased to be afraid of people and willingly take food from their hands.

Do not fear the heavens and the earth, but be afraid of hearing a person from Wenzhou speak in their local tongue.
Don't be afraid of heaven and earth, be afraid to hear someone from Wenzhou speaking the local dialect.

Savages fear the appearance of a fierce wild beast.
Primitive man was frightened by the sight of a ferocious wild beast.

She won "t take an airplane for fear of a crash.
She did not fly planes for fear of disaster.

Sauron wants every hobbit to fear him.
Sauron wants every hobbit to be afraid of him.

His fears vanished.
His fears vanished.

A burnt child fears the fire.
Burnt children are afraid of fire.

He fears his own shadow.
He himself is afraid of his shadow.

He who is bitten by a snake fears even the rope.
Burnt in milk, they blow on the water.

One who longs for death is miserable, but more miserable is he who fears it.
Those who wish themselves death are unhappy, but even more unhappy are those who are afraid of death.

It is feared that radiation will spread across every region of Japan, starting with Tokyo.
There is a danger of the spread of radioactive substances to all regions of Japan, starting with Tokyo.

We feared the worst.
We feared the worst.

She said she feared that he might fail.
She said she was afraid to fail.

I feared the worst.
I feared the worst.

The boy feared the dark.
The boy was afraid of the dark.

Napoleon bonaparte feared black cats.
Napoleon Bonaparte was afraid of black cats.


fear, apprehension, fear, horror, fright
(dread, apprehension, horror, fright)
fear of punishment - fear of punishment
worst fear - worst fear
fear of violence - fear of violence
sudden fear - unexpected horror
probability, possibility
fear, fear, fear, fear, fear
(dread, beware, frighten)
fear death - to be afraid of death
seriously fear - seriously fear

to chase all fear - discard all fear
to conquer fear - overcome fear
devoid of fear - fearless
to draw back in fear / horror - recoil in fear, horror
to expose one "s fear - to show your fear
to fear greatly / very much - to be very afraid
to fear for - to be afraid for
more than half dead with fear - slightly alive from fear
to inspire smb. with fear - fill smb. a sense of fear
insusceptible to fear - devoid of fear, not knowing fear
Examples of

I fear the results of the final exams

I am worried about the results of my final exams.

Women feared to go out at night.

Women were afraid to go out at night.

Police fear that there may be further terrorist attacks.

The police fear that there may be other attacks.

His wife seemed depressed, and he feared for his children.

His wife seemed depressed and he feared for his children.

There "s no fear of revolt now.

No fear of rebellion now.

As a leader, he was distrusted and even feared.

As a leader, he was distrusted and even feared.

Fearing violence, the group asked for police protection.

Fearing violence, the group requested police protection.

Fear, n. r a coming suddenly upon, fear, danger; akin to D. vaar, OHG. f [\u003d a] ra danger, G. gefahr, Icel. f [\u003d a] r harm, mischief, plague, and to E. fare, peril. See (Fare).] 1. A painful emotion or passion excited by……

Fear - Fear, v. t. rd); p. pr. & vb. n. (Fearing).] Ran to terrify. See (Fear), n.] 1. To feel a painful apprehension of; to be afraid of; to consider or expect with ... ... The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

fear - / fear /, n. 1.a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid. 2.a specific instance of or propensity for such a feeling: an abnormal fear of ... ... Universalium

fear - n. 1.a feeling of anxiety and agitation caused by the presence or nearness of danger, evil, pain, etc .; timidity; dread; terror; fright;…… English World dictionary

fear - n 1 Fear, dread, fright, alarm, dismay, consternation, panic, terror, horror, trepidation denote the distressing or disordering agitation which overcomes one in the anticipation or in the presence of danger. Fear is the most general term; like…… New Dictionary of Synonyms

fear - fear ful; fear ful·ly; fear ful ness; fear less fear less ly; fear less ness fear some fear; fear · er; fear some ly; fear some ness … English syllables

Fear X - is a 2003 psychological thriller directed by Nicolas Winding Refn.Infobox Film name \u003d Fear X caption \u003d The Past Can Never Be Rewound director \u003d Nicolas Winding Refn producer \u003d writer \u003d Hubert Selby Jr. Nicolas Winding Refn starring \u003d John…… Wikipedia

FEAR - (engl. Angst) steht für: Fear (Band), eine Punkband Fear - Wenn Liebe Angst macht, ein Film MTV Fear, eine Reality Show aus dem Jahr 2000 FEAR, ein Computerspiel Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (Film), ein Film Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas,…… Deutsch Wikipedia

Fear - Fear, Emptiness, Despair Fear, Emptiness, Despair Studio album Napalm Death Release date ... Wikipedia

fear - NOUN 1) an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm. 2) the likelihood of something unwelcome happening. VERB 1) be afraid of. 2) (fear for) be anxious about. 3) archaic regard (God) with reverence and awe ... English terms dictionary

Fear X - Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Fear X Título Fear X Ficha técnica Dirección Nicolas Winding Refn Guión Hubert Selby Jr. Nicolas Winding Refn Música… Wikipedia Español


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