What are the stars in the constellation of the big bear. How many stars in big bear? NU and KSI Big Malar - "First Jump"

How many stars in big bear?

    Big Mesman - a large server constellation. The seven major bright stars of the constellation are the famous and famous former bucket. The constellation is a large beam to maintain 210 stars visible to the naked eye.

    In the constellation a large bears of just 7 stars.

    They are located in the form of a bucket.

    Once the constellation is a big bear called seven sages

    Seven Stars:

    1. star Benetash
    2. star Alieot.
    3. star Dubhe
    4. star Merak.
    5. fekda Star
    6. star Megren
    7. star Mitsar

    There is such a legend that the North Pole - the Arctic was called in honor of the constellation of a large bear.

    Ancient Greeks called it Arkos, incidentally the word arctic - Arctic.

    Constellation Big Beds - Very important constellation. It is easily in the sky and helps to find polar star. So everyone is important to know where and how many stars enters the constellation big bears. This is seven stars, namely: Benetas, Aliot, Dubh, Merak, Fef, Metzar.

    Dear Chela, no one can accurately and unequivocally answer your question. And the point is not only that not a single astronomer knows the exact answer, but also that the number of observed stars will depend if you express it figuratively, from the selected reference system. If you watch in a big city, for example, such as Moscow, through his dusty and polluted atmosphere, it is good if we can see the top ten, the most bright stars in this constellation. Watching the constellation somewhere on the western border of the Moscow region, an observer with acute vision will be able to see the stars to about the sixth star value (6m). And the total number of stars, which he can observe the constellation Big Malar, will be about 120. If this observer will observe the constellation, being at a point with an excellent astroclimat, for example, somewhere in Hawaii, near the Observatory Mauna Kea, at an altitude of over 4000 meters, he can see the stars up to 7m without instruments. In this case, the number of stars observed with the naked eye in the constellation a large bear will be, approximately 240-250. But a record number of stars in the constellation is a big bear can be seen in .. Palomar Sky Atlas. It registered objects to 21m. And this is not only stars of our galaxy, but also a huge number of other galaxies and their clusters. But various galaxies contain from tens of millions to hundreds of billion stars. So it is almost impossible to count all the stars located within the constellation borders, almost impossible.

    And I'm sorry, I will fix you a little. Polar is alpha small bear.

    One of the most beautiful and most recognizable constellations of the Northern Hemisphere of the sky is the constellation Big bears. In a clear night, seven main stations are distinguished brightly, but in fact the unarmed eye can be distinguished 125. In the constellation a lot of double stages. The most famous for which the visual sharpness determine Mitsar and Alkor, which means horse and rider.

    But the polar star is part of a small bear.

    Big Dipper - One of the most famous, most noteworthy and largest constellations of the sky. It is especially well observed in the northern hemisphere, as it refers to the near-olarous constellations (it can be observed all year round, especially part of the constellation - a large bucket).

    In the constellation, a large marsh has a huge number of stars.

    If we talk about the big bud (as part of the constellation), then the most noticeable naked eye 7 stars, which make up the bucket handle and directly the bucket itself. It is noteworthy that the middle star of the bucket handle - Star Mitsar is a double star (along with a less noticeable rider - star Algor. Therefore, it is worth talking about 8 stars of the big bucket. Although stars in the constellation much more really.

    In a big bear seven Stl. With its location, they resemble a large bucket with a handle.

    With that, every star in this constellation has its name:

    The three name is visible in the picture:

    • Benetash (translated from Arabic means the leader of the placker),
    • Alimate (translation is not known),
    • DUBKH (translated as bear).

    The rest have such names:

    • Merak (?) Translated as a loin,
    • Fef (?) Translated by the thigh,
    • Mentence (?) Means the beginning of the tail,
    • Mitsar (?) Translated as Kushak.
  • I remember sitting at the lesson of astronomy, the teacher told us about a particular constellation. A separate lesson was about a big naughty. Tell me where to look for where to look exactly. Separately forced the stars in the noteradka, which are located in a big bear.

    Benetash, Aliot, Duchbe, Merak, Fef, Metzar.

    These are some school times \u003d) it was interesting

    And it is good that the control on astronomy was not

    And so there is a lot of knowledge ... \u003d)

    If we talk about the stars that make up the constellation of a big bear, then they are precisely seven, you should not consider double stars for two, since they are still not divided by the eye. In the extreme case, it is possible to calculate the eighth stars of the constellation star Alcor, which can be seen next to Mitsar. In ancient times, this pair of stars was called horse and the rider and it was believed that the man who managed to see Alkor had excellent vision. If you consider stars that are located and can be observed on the area of \u200b\u200bthe constellation of a large beast, then such stars are really very much. The constellation is included in more than 200 stars, which can be seen in a simple telescope. And how many can be seen in the telescope, Gershel is scary even to imagine. But still I repeat, the constellation itself is formed only by 7 stars.

    A man with normal vision can see about a hundred stars. With the help of devices, you can see thousands of stars. The constellation also includes galaxies stars, in which many thousands of stars are also. And how many stars we just do not observe? And in the bucket seven stars, one of them is double.

Big Major - Constellation, with whom students get acquainted in grade 2, passing the "surrounding world".

For children, it is important to learn how to find a star "bucket" in the night sky, because the constellation is a guide to search for many other celestial objects.

Constellation Description Big Malar

Ursa Major (big bear) - the constellation of the Northern Hemisphere, located on 3th place in size. The common name of the celestial object is a large bucket, as a figure is formed from the seven major stars, similar to a lattice with a long handle.

On the territory of Eastern Europe and all of Russia, the object is observed throughout the year (The exception is autumn in the southern regions of Russia, when the constellation is too low above the horizon). Best visibility - at the beginning of spring.

Big Major is known to humanity from ancient times, meaningful in many cultures. The constellation is mentioned in the Bible and the story of Homer Odyssey, his description is in the writings of Ptolemy.

Ancient peoples associated a star figure with a camel, a plow, a boat, a sickle, a basket. In Germany, the constellation is called a large basket, in China - the imperial chariot, in the Netherlands - the pan, in the Arab countries - the grave of grieving.

How many stars in the constellation are a big bear? All of them are sevenAnd all of them in different countries have interesting names. Residents of Mongolia master their family gods, the Hindus - the seven wise men.

In the representation of American Indians, three stars forming the "Bucket handle" are three hunters pursuing a bear. Alpha and the beta constellation are also called "pointers", because with the help of these stars it is easy to find the polar star.

Basch Big Malar in autumn, in winter, spring, summer

At different times of the year, the position of "Major" is unequal relative to the horizon. For better orientation it is worth using the compass.

Clear spring night accumulation of stars is right above the observer. From mid-April, the "bucket" begins to move to the West. Throughout the summer, the constellation gradually goes to the north-west, descends. In the past, august days, the stars can be seen in the north, as low as possible above the horizon.

In the autumn sky, it is noticeable how the constellation slowly rises, during the winter months it can be seen on the following scheme, moving to the northeast, goes back to the spring as high as much as possible above the horizon.

To quickly find constellations should be remembered that in the summer it is located in the north-west, in the autumn - in the north, in winter - in the northeast, in the spring - right above the observer.

Depending on the time of time, the position of the star figure is changing relative to not only the celestial arch, but also its own axis. The following image indicates that in the evening in January-February, the "bucket" is located in the northeast (on the picture on the right), and its "handle" is directed down.

For the night, the constellation passes a semicircle, the morning reaches the North-West (on the picture on the left), and the "handle" rushes upwards.

In July-August, daily changes are opposite. The same opposite is celebrated in the spring and autumn months.

For the position of the constellation in the sky, the daily change is characterized, concrete for each season of the year.

Stars Big Mesmen.

Answering the question how many stars in the big bear, indicate the 7 most noticeable points. This seven forms the very "bucket", well noticeable in the night sky.

But in reality, the constellation is extensive, consists of a larger number of points. Stars of a smaller brightness form paws and face "Majer".

In the seven of the main stars, which are included in the constellation, included:

  1. Dubhe ("Bear") - Alpha Constellation, the second in the intensity of the glow. One of the two pointers to the North Pole. Red giant, located from the Earth for 125 light years.
  2. Merak. (Translated as "Runcher") - beta star, the second pointer to the North Pole. The object is distant from the ground for about 80 light years, in magnitude, slightly larger than the sun, emits a powerful flow of infrared radiation.
  3. Fekda ("Hip") - Gamma, Dwarf Star, located at a distance of a little less than 85 light years from our planet.
  4. Mentence (from the Arab "base") - Delta, Blue Dwarf, located more than 80 light years from the ground. The object was so called, because it is the basis of the long tail of the Heavenly Beast.
  5. Alieot. ("Tail") - Epsilon, the brightest point of constellation, is located on 31 points on the luminosity of objects visible on the sky (star value 1.8). White star, luminosity 108 times higher than the sun. One of the 57s used in the navigation of the celestial objects.
  6. Mitsar (from the Arab "belt") - Zeta Star, the fourth in brightness in the "bucket". The double star, there is less bright satellite - Alkor.
  7. Alcaid ("Leader") or Benetnash ("Watching") - this star, the third in terms of luminosity, the end of the "bearish tail". Blue Dwarf, distance - 100 light years from our planet.

The total number of objects in the constellation is about 125.

It should be noted three pairs of stars located on one line, which are on a short distance from each other:

  • Alula Borealis (nude constellation) and Alula Austlis (KSI);
  • Tania Borealis (Lambda) and Tanya Austlis (MJ);
  • Talitis Borealis (Yota) and Talita Austlis (Kappa).

These three couples are also called three gazelle jumps, they are located at the bottom of the star cluster on the map below.

The figure shows the location of the main seven stars and objects of Talit Group, Tania and Alula.

Legend of Big Malar

There is an ancient Greek myth, according to which you can understand why the constellation is a big bear is so called.

Callisto, the heirs of Tsar Lican, was one of the most beautiful nymph who served Artemis. He drew the gaze to the beauty. He took the appearance of Artemis and seduced the girl. The goddess got angry, noticing in the bathing that her beloved Nymph was pregnant, she was driven her. Unhappy Callisto went to the mountains where the son of Arkas gave birth.

But the misadventures of the nymphs did not stop at this. Gera, the wife of God-seducer, learned about Arkase - the extramarital son of Zeus, turned into a mission to the opposition to the Medleang. Becoming an adult, Arcasa took up hunting. One day in the mountains, he ran into a bear, but I could not even think that my mother was in front of him. The young man wanted to put in the beast arrow, but Zeus stopped him.

The main God did not allow the Son to commit a terrible act, but could not break the hero to curse. I spoke unfortunate Callisto, Zeus turned her and son in the stars and sent them to heaven. So a big bear appeared on the sky, and the son is a small bear.

How to find big bear in the sky

In the moderate belt of Russia, "Medveditsa" refers to the incomplete constellations, as it is located near the North Pole. Finding "bucket" in the sky in the evening and night is easy. It is enough to see the stellar cluster once to remember how it looks like.

Below in the photo you can see how the "bucket" may look in the night sky.

Living on the latitude of Moscow to observe the star cluster is best of all the April night. In the interval between 23 and 24 hours, the "bucket" will be in Zenith. The observer will only stay to build a figure at points.

If the window is not April, then search for "Medveditsa" follows in other zones of the sky:

  • january-February - Northeast, angle over the horizon 30 - 70 °, the figure is vertically;
  • march - East, an angle of 50 - 80 °, the figure is almost vertical;
  • may - West, 60 - 90 °, "bucket" is tilted down at 60 - 80 °;
  • june-July - North-West, elevation over the horizon 40 - 70 °, the slope of the figure is down 20 - 60 °;
  • august-September - North-West (closer to north), 20 - 50 °, figure parallel to the horizon;
  • october - North, angle 20 - 30 °, "bucket" tilted upward 10 - 30 °;
  • november-December - Northeast (closer to the north), 20 - 40 °, the figure is inclined up to 30 - 80 °.

After acquaintance with the big bear, the possibilities for the study of the starry sky are significantly expanding. The polar star is the first thing to find, knowing the location of the big "bucket." And the polar (alpha star of a small bear) is the main celestial landmark on the sides of the world.

"The constellation is a big bear is the first constellation from which you need to know the Starry sky, if you have not learned to find a big bucket, the starry sky will always be to remain scattering luminous points ..."
"Astronomy is currently not a mandatory subject at school and faculty ...

Sergey OV.

Fig. oneConstellation Big Major, Scheme

The constellation of the Big Major (Ursa Major) is the largest constellation of the northern hemisphere of the sky and the third largest corner area among all the constellations of the celestial sphere (in the sky), in addition, the big bear is the expert group of the group of constellations.
Being one of the largest on the square, a big bear directly borders for already with 8 constellations - this is the vasal, dragon, giraffe, lynx, small lion, lion, Veronica's hair and hounds of dogs.
The big marsh is a new constellation on the entire territory of Russia (more precisely, the main asterism of the constellation is a large bucket, which can serve as huge night sky hours).

Stars and contour scheme of constellation Big Malar

The constellation is a large marsh is, the most notable and recognizable constellation of our northern sky. In the constellation as seven stars, the brighter of the third star magnitude is episilon of a large bear (ε uma, 1.76 m) - Alieot., α uma - Dubhe, η uma - Benetnash, ζ uma - Mitsar, β uma - Merak. and Fekda (γ UMA) with a controversial ψ big bear Tai Jun. (Fig.2).

Sergey OV.

Fig. 2. Constellation Big Major. Names of the brightest stars. Lilac line - Asterism "Big bucket" as a symbol of a big bear

As can be seen, in Figure 2 shows the names of more than seven stars - are not added not the brightest, but important for constructing a constellation scheme (Fig. 3) Kaffa Stars (Mentence, Δ UMA), Muscide (ο UMA), Al Hood (θ uma) And the steady of Alula Borealis (ν UMA), Tania Austlicis (μ UMA), Talitis (Borealis - ι Uma, Austlis - κ UMA).
It is noteworthy that the paired stars form, which came to us from the eastern star asterism "Racing Gazelles" (Jumping gazelles, traces of gazelles, three jumps of gazelles), outline the far edge of the constellation. Asterism Jumping Gazelles You can consider bringing the cursor to Figure 3.
For the construction of a largely the same stars offered by us, the largely the same stars are used as in traditional schemes, but in our contour you can clearly imagine a polar bear:

Sergey OV.

Fig. 3. Scheme of constellation Big Major. Diagram on the stars (contour image) of a polar bear (This very successful constellation scheme was proposed by X. Reen. It was she who served for attempts to draw up their constellation schemes).
Asterisms Large bucket and jumping gazelles - Move the cursor when JavaScript enabled

Since the most ancient times, regardless of cultural and religious traditions, within the limits of this constellation, people allocated seven bright stars folding into a schematic drawing of a bucket, which is now called " asterism Big bucket" This asterism, certainly deserves a separate image (Fig. 5), since it has another characteristic group to show which additional increase is necessary - this is visually double stars Alkor and Mitsar, "Rider" and "Horse", respectively. There is a myth that, for this couple, in antiquity, vision was checked during the selection of warriors.
All, not even very bright stars included in Asterism, large buckets have their own names, and those obtained from different peoples are a chain of stars (ranging from the handle and ending with a bucket bar). All stars used to build a large bucket circuit are navigational.
With a list of more than 230 stars, a large bear can be found by calling a list:

Fig. four Asterism is a large bucket in the constellation of a big bear.
Stars asterism "Big Bucch". Asterism "Rider": Alkor and Mitsar

After the contours and the brightest stars of constellations have been studied before automatic recognition, you can proceed with the search for the constellation of a large bear directly on the starry sky.

How to find a constellation big bear

The constellation of a large bear is usually all found in its main asterism to a large bucket. It is best to have a big bucket of anyone to show, it is enough to see this configuration of stars in the sky at least once, and it will always fold before your eyes!
But what if you show a big bucket?
For the first time, the constellation of a large bear can be found as follows:

1. If you live on the latitude of Moscow, then waiting for April of the month and walking on the street at about 23 o'clock local time, you will find a big bucket right on your head, in Zenith. You can only rightly decide on the angular sizes of the bucket and mentally build it drawing on the stars.
True, at another time of the year or if you are essentially south of Moscow, no compass can no longer do ...
To determine the angular dimensions you need to know that the angular distance from Benetnash before Dubhe It is about 26 °, the angular distance between the large and index finger of the elongated hand of an adult is 16-18 °, so the large bucket on the background stretched up his hands will look like, as shown in Fig. five.

Fig. five Assessment of the corner size of a large bucket with an elongated hand.

2. What if you want to wait for the desired April too long? In this case, you need to prepare a compass and use the table offered here:

Table A.
The visible location of the Big Bucket on the latitude of Moscow at 23 o'clock local time

Month of the year Direction Angle of elevation Note
January Northeast 30 ° - 50 ° Bucket will be turned vertically to the horizon
February Northeast 40 ° - 70 ° The bucket is deployed vertically
March East 50 ° - 80 ° The bucket is deployed almost vertically
April Zenith about 90 ° Better to watch turning to the north
May West 55 ° - 90 ° Tilt of the big bucket from 80 to 60
June Northwest 40 ° - 70 ° The slope of the large bucket from 60 to 40
July Northwest 35 ° - 60 ° The slope of the large bucket from 40 to 20
August North-West 30 ° - 55 ° Bucket will be turned almost horizontally
September North-West 20 ° - 30 ° The bucket is deployed parallel to the horizon
October North 20 ° - 30 ° Tilt of large bucket up from 10 to 30
November North-North-East 15 ° - 40 ° Tilt of large bucket up from 30 to 50
December Northeast 20 ° - 40 ° Tilt big bucket up from 50 to 80

The notes indicate the location of the Big Bucket in relation to the horizon for the observer looking towards this asterism.

After you have learned to find a big bucket in the sky in front of you the possibility of knowing all the constellations of the northern part of the sky.
But the first, for which it is worth using the opportunities that have opened is to define the position of the polar star. If you have found a polar star (Alpha Small Majer), then you know the exact direction to the north and you can decide on the sides of the world.
To find the polar star you need to mentally spend a line between the stars of the bucket edge from Merak. to Dubhe And continue to the first bright star - it will be a polar star! You can test myself mentally by building a small bucket from it, as if pouring into a large (Fig. 6). Polar Staris an essential navigation star, and Merak and Dubhehelping to find it, also called pointers.

Fig. 6. How to find a polar star? - Very simple! Need to mentally spend a line through Merak. and Dubhe.

In this position, as in Figure 5, a big bear and a large bucket can be seen at the beginning of autumn closer to midnight, if you look at the starry sky, turning to the north ... I believe that the drawing does not require further explanations (otherwise, write to the forum)

History and Mythology Constellation Big Malar

Among the many myths and legends attributed to the creativity of the ancient Greeks, I most like one, who is considered the most ancient, and besides, which is logically the most sleeken, the essence of this myth is reduced to the fact that the goose of Amaltia and two bears large and two bear and Small. One day, when Zeus was already adults, Amalthea was adults and reported that the Mesmen, his feeders and the intercessors of childhood, hunters would be drove into the ambush. Zeus barely looked at the last moment, snatched his benefactors for his tails from traveling and burned to heaven, while their tails were pulled out. That is why the Heavenly Medicians have such long tails.

Claudius Ptolemy in his star catalog tries to follow the tradition and refers to the constellation a large bear star, creating a picture of the bear in the views of his time. Later, Yang Gevelius, in his Atlas "Uranography", trying to follow the descriptions of Ptolemy as closely as possible, unfortunately the original atlas was created in the projection of the "divine glance" - as if you were looking at the heavenly sphere from outside. In order for the picture to correspond to the "earthly" view of the constellation a large nice, as well as to highlight the stars, the collage offered to your attention was created:

Fig. 7. The constellation is a big bear - a collage based on the drawing in the Atlas of Yana Gevelia (only those stars that were listed by the Geveliy in Atlas). When summing up the cursor, one of the traditional constellation schemes is displayed in the drawing.

Sergey OV. (Seosnews9)

List of remarkable and visible stars constellation Big Malar

Star designation Bayer sign Direct climb Declining Star quantity Distance,
sv. year
Spectral class Star Name and Notes
Epsilon Big Mesmenε uma.12 h 54 m 01,63 C+ 55 ° 57 '35.4 "1,76 81 A0P.Alioth (Alioth); It may have a brown dwarf component
Alpha Big Mesmen.α uma.11 h 03 m 43.84 C+ 61 ° 45 '04.0 "1,81 124 F7V Comp.Dubhe (Dubhe, Dubh, Dubb, Thahr Al Dub Al Akbar, AK)
This big bearη uma.13 h 47 m 32.55 C+ 49 ° 18 '47.9 "1,85 101 B3V SB.Benetnash (Alkaid, Elkeid, Benetnasch)
Jeta big bear ζ Uma. 13 h 23 m 55.42 C+ 54 ° 55 '31.5 "2,23 78 A2V.Mitsar (Mizar, Mizat, Mirza, Mitsar, Vasistha); multiple star; Visual Double Star with Alkor
Beta big bear β uma.11 h 01 m 50.39 C+ 56 ° 22 '56.4 "2,34 79 A1V.Merak, Mirak)
Gamma Big Mesmen. γ uma.11 h 53 m 49.74 C+ 53 ° 41 '41.0 "2,41 84 A0V SB.Fad, Fad (Phad, Pheckda, Phegda, Phekha, Phukd)
Psi Big Mesmen ψ uma.11 h 09 m 39.86 C+ 44 ° 29 '54.8 "3,00 147 K1III.Tai Jun (Ta Tsun)
MJ big bear μ uma.10 h 22 m 19.80 C+ 41 ° 29 '58.0 "3,06 249 M0III SB.Tania Australis, Alkafzah Australis); Semi-state variable
Yota Big Mesmen ι Uma.08 h 59 m 12.84 C+ 48 ° 02 '32.5 "3,12 48 A7IV.Talita Borealis (Talitha Borealis, Talita Borealis, Dnoces, Alphikra Borealis); Four Star
TTET Big Mesmen θ uma.09 h 32 m 52.33 C+ 51 ° 40 '43.0 "3,17 44 F6ivAl Hood (Al Haud, Sarir, Sarir Bonet)
Delta Bolshaya Majer Δ uma.12 h 15 m 25.45 C+ 57 ° 01 '57.4 "3,32 81 A3VVAR.Kaffa, Megrez (Megrez, Kaffa)
Oomikron big bear ο Uma.08 h 30 m 16.03 C+ 60 ° 43 '06,4 "3,35 184 G4II-III
Lambda big bear λ uma.10 h 17 m 05.93 C+ 42 ° 54 '52.1 "3,45 134 A2ivTanya Borealis (Tania Borealis, Alkafzah Borealis)
ν Big Mesmen.ν uma.11 h 18 m 28.76 C+ 33 ° 05 '39.3 "3,49 421 K3III SB.Alula Borealis (Alula Borealis)
Kappa big bear κ uma.09 h 03 m 37.56 C+ 47 ° 09 '24.0 "3,57 423 A1VN.Talita Australis (Talitha Australis, Al Kaprah, Alphikra Australis)
23 big bear23 Uma.09 h 31 m 31,57 C+ 63 ° 03 '42.5 "3,65 75 F0iv
Hi big bear χ Uma.11 h 46 m 03.13 C+ 47 ° 46 '45.6 "3,69 196 K0iii.Alkafzah (Alkafzah, Alkaphrah, El Koprah)
Jesilon Big Mesmen. υ uma.09 h 50 m 59.69 C+ 59 ° 02 '20.8 "3,78 115 F0ivvariable type Δ shield
Ksi big bear a ξ uma A.11 h 18 m 11.24 C+ 31 ° 31 '50.8 "3,79 27,3 G0V.Alula Australis (ALULA AUSTRALIS); Double Star
Jeta big bear in ζ UMA B.13 h 23 m 56.40 C+ 54 ° 55 '18.0 "3,95
Algorg.13 h 25 m 13.42 C+ 54 ° 59 '16.8 "3,99 81 A5V SB.Alkor (Saidak, Suha, Arundhati); Visual double star with Mitsar
Ksi big bear in ξ Uma B.11 h 18 m 11.00 C+ 31 ° 31 '45.0 "4,41 component of the system ξ big bears
15 big bearf.09 h 08 m 52.39 C+ 51 ° 36 '17.0 "4,46 96 AM.
26 big bear 09 h 34 m 49.49 C+ 52 ° 03 '05.6 "4,47 267 A2V.
24 big beard.09 h 34 m 28.97 C+ 69 ° 49 '48.6 "4,54 106 G4III-IV
Fi big bear φ 09 h 52 m 06,36 C+ 54 ° 03 '51.4 "4,55 436 A3iv
Pic, big bear π² 08 h 40 m 12.90 C+ 64 ° 19 '40.3 "4,59 252 K2III.Muscide (Muscida); has a planet B.
83 big bear 13 h 40 m 44.29 C+ 54 ° 40 '54.0 "4,63 549 M2iiivar
Omega big bear ω 10 h 53 m 58.71 C+ 43 ° 11 '24,1 "4,66 267 A1VS.
Tau Big Mesmen τ 09 h 10 m 54.93 C+ 63 ° 30 '49.6 "4,67 122 AM.
Tau Big Bears B τ 09 h 11 m 00.60 C+ 63 ° 31 '29.0 "4,70
HD 91312. 10 h 33 m 14.00 C+ 40 ° 25 '31.9 "4,72 112 A7IV.
RO big bear ρ 09 h 02 m 32.73 C+ 67 ° 37 '46.5 "4,74 287 M3III.
55 Big Mesmen. 11 h 19 m 07.94 C+ 38 ° 11 '08.6 "4,76 183 A2V.
Sigma² Big Mesmen. σ² 09 h 10 m 23,53 C+ 67 ° 08 '03.3 "4,80 67 F7IV-V.
18 big beare.09 h 16 m 11.28 C+ 54 ° 01 '18.2 "4,80 118 A5V.
36 big bear 10 h 30 m 37.76 C+ 55 ° 58 '50.2 "4,82 42 F8V.
78 Big Mesmen. 13 h 00 m 43,59 C+ 56 ° 21 '58.8 "4,93 81 F2V.
HD 89822. 10 h 24 m 07,86 C+ 65 ° 33 '59.3 "4,94 301 A0SP ...
56 big bear 11 h 22 m 49.61 C+ 43 ° 28 '57.9 "4,99 492 G8II.
HD 92523. 10 h 43 m 04.04 C+ 69 ° 04 '34.5 "5,01 426 K3III.
46 big bear 10 h 55 m 44.46 C+ 33 ° 30 '25,2 "5,02 245 K1III.
47 big bear 10 h 59 m 28.22 C+ 40 ° 25 '48.4 "5,03 46 G0V.has two exoplans: B and C
49 big bear 11 h 00 m 50.48 C+ 39 ° 12 '43.7 "5,06 403 AM.
15 small lion 09 h 48 m 35.18 C+ 46 ° 01 '16.4 "5,08 60 G2V.
44 lyri 09 h 46 m 31,66 C+ 57 ° 07 '40.8 "5,09 556 M3III.
38 big bear 10 h 41 m 56.78 C+ 65 ° 42 '59.3 "5,12 224 K2IIVAR
44 big bear 10 h 53 m 34.52 C+ 54 ° 35 '06,5 "5,12 676 K3III.
Sigma¹ Big Mesmen. σ¹ 09 h 08 m 23,53 C+ 66 ° 52 '24.0 "5,15 498 K5III.
27 Big Mesmen. 09 h 42 m 57.24 C+ 72 ° 15 '09,7 "5,15 442 K0iii.
37 big bear 10 h 35 m 09.62 C+ 57 ° 04 '57.2 "5,16 86 F1V.
16 big bearc.09 h 14 m 20.55 C+ 61 ° 25 '24,2 "5,18 64 F9V.
HD 92787. 10 h 43 m 33.12 C+ 46 ° 12 '14.5 "5,18 116 F5III.
67 big bear 12 h 02 m 07,06 C+ 43 ° 02 '43.7 "5,22 111 A7m.
31 big bear 09 h 55 m 43.01 C+ 49 ° 49 '11.3 "5,27 223 A3III.
HD 102328. 11 h 46 m 55.61 C+ 55 ° 37 '41.8 "5,27 206 K3III.
17 big bear 09 h 15 m 49.81 C+ 56 ° 44 '29.3 "5,28 681 K5III.
57 big bear 11 h 29 m 04.16 C+ 39 ° 20 '13.0 "5,30 209 A2V.
61 big bear 11 h 41 m 03.03 C+ 34 ° 12 '09.2 "5,31 31 G8VVAR
55 Giraffe 08 h 12 m 48.79 C+ 68 ° 28 '26.6 "5,34 1062 G8II.
74 Big Mesmen. 12 h 29 m 57.40 C+ 58 ° 24 '19.9 "5,37 274 A5E ...
HD 117376. 13 h 28 m 27.18 C+ 59 ° 56 '44.5 "5,40 236 A1VN.
41 lynx 09 h 28 m 39.99 C+ 45 ° 36 '06,5 "5,41 288 K0iii-iv.has a planet B.
HD 100203. 11 h 32 m 20.76 C+ 61 ° 04 '57.9 "5,46 90 F6V.
82 Big Mesmen 13 h 39 m 30,58 c+ 52 ° 55 '15.9 "5,46 169 A3VN.
2 big bearA.08 h 34 m 36.19 C+ 65 ° 08 '43.0 "5,47 158 A2m.
HD 95212. 11 h 00 m 14.70 C+ 45 ° 31 '34.6 "5,47 881 K5III.
HD 77601. 09 h 05 m 24,11 C+ 48 ° 31 '49.3 "5,48 348 F6II-III
HD 86378. 09 h 59 m 51.72 C+ 56 ° 48 '42.8 "5,50 510 K5III.
T big bear 12 h 36 m 23.30 C+ 59 ° 29 '13.0 "5,50 variable star
70 big bear 12 h 20 m 50.83 C+ 57 ° 51 '51.4 "5,54 701 K5III.
HD 92095. 10 h 39 m 05.74 C+ 53 ° 40 '06,6 "5,55 514 K3III.
59 Big Mesmen. 11 h 38 m 20.69 C+ 43 ° 37 '31.8 "5,56 149 F2II-III
6 big bear 08 h 56 m 37.49 C+ 64 ° 36 '14.5 "5,57 308 G6III.
42 big bear 10 h 51 m 23.76 C+ 59 ° 19 '12.9 "5,57 263 K2III.
HD 104438. 12 h 01 m 39,53 c+ 36 ° 02 '32.2 "5,59 362 K0iii.
81 big bear 13 h 34 m 07,33 C+ 55 ° 20 '54.4 "5,60 277 A0V.
π¹ Large Maundyzaπ¹ 08 h 39 m 11.74 C+ 65 ° 01 '14.5 "5,63 47 G1,5vb.Muscide
HD 100615 11 h 35 m 04.90 C+ 54 ° 47 '07.4 "5,63 411 K0iii.
HD 73017. 08 h 38 m 22.26 C+ 53 ° 24 '05.7 "5,66 241 G8iv
43 big bear 10 h 51 m 11.08 C+ 56 ° 34 '56.1 "5,66 350 K2III.
73 Big Mesmen. 12 h 27 m 35.13 C+ 55 ° 42 '45.9 "5,68 439 M2III.
84 Big Mesmen. 13 h 46 m 35.68 C+ 54 ° 25 '57.7 "5,68 282 B9P EUCR.
86 Big Mesmen. 13 h 53 m 51.04 C+ 53 ° 43 '43.3 "5,70 444 A0V.
HD 87141. 10 h 04 m 36.35 C+ 53 ° 53 '30.2 "5,71 154 F5V.
HD 96813. 11 h 09 m 19.11 C+ 36 ° 18 '34.0 "5,71 379 M3,5III.
5 big bearb.08 h 53 m 22,57 C+ 61 ° 57 '44.0 "5,72 285 F2III.
HD 83489. 09 h 42 m 14.93 C+ 69 ° 14 '15.7 "5,72 479 G9III:
57 Giraffe 08 h 19 m 17.18 C+ 62 ° 30 '25.7 "5,73 470 G8III.
HD 89744. 10 h 22 m 10.66 C+ 41 ° 13 '47.5 "5,73 127 F7V.has a planet B.
47 Small Lion. 10 h 54 m 58.22 C+ 34 ° 02 '05.7 "5,73 305 G7III:
HD 99283. 11 h 25 m 57.18 C+ 55 ° 51 '01.2 "5,73 348 K0iii.
62 Big Mesmen. 11 h 41 m 34.50 C+ 31 ° 44 '45.5 "5,73 133 F4V.
HD 102713. 11 h 49 m 41,80 c+ 34 ° 55 '54.3 "5,73 227 F5iv
HD 77309. 09 h 04 m 00.40 C+ 54 ° 17 '02.0 "5,74 336 A2V.
32 big bear 10 h 18 m 02.15 C+ 65 ° 06 '30.1 "5,74 249 A8III.
HD 92354. 10 h 41 m 48.31 C+ 68 ° 26 '36.8 "5,74 586 K3III.
22 big bear 09 h 34 m 53.39 C+ 72 ° 12 '21,1 "5,77 163 F7V.
HD 80390. 09 h 21 m 43.30 C+ 56 ° 41 '57.3 "5,79 477 M4iiia.
39 big bear 10 h 43 m 43.32 C+ 57 ° 11 '57.6 "5,79 368 A0vs.
HD 106884. 12 h 17 m 29.56 C+ 53 ° 11 '29.2 "5,80 382 K6III.
71 big bear 12 h 25 m 03.22 C+ 56 ° 46 '40.3 "5,82 1190 M3III.
HD 99747. 11 h 29 m 04.70 c+ 61 ° 46 '40.0 "5,83 107 F5Vawvar
66 big bear 11 h 55 m 58.41 C+ 56 ° 35 '54.8 "5,83 315 K1III.
HD 111456. 12 h 48 m 39.34 C+ 60 ° 19 '11.6 "5,83 79 F5V.
HD 112486. 12 h 56 m 17.64 C+ 54 ° 05 '58.1 "5,84 256 A5m.
HD 85841. 09 h 58 m 22,91 C+ 72 ° 52 '46.6 "5,86 370 K3III:
HD 89343. 10 h 21 m 03.43 C+ 68 ° 44 '51.8 "5,88 410 A7VN.
HD 97989. 11 h 16 m 41.93 C+ 49 ° 28 '34.6 "5,88 421 K0iii:
HD 111270. 12 h 47 m 18.93 C+ 62 ° 46 '52.1 "5,88 206 A9V.
HD 71088. 08 h 29 m 46.29 C+ 67 ° 17 '50.7 "5,89 322 G8III.
HD 96834. 11 h 09 m 38.55 C+ 43 ° 12 '27.9 "5,89 566 M2III.
HD 73171. 08 h 39 m 17.65 C+ 52 ° 42 '42.1 "5,91 397 K1III:
HD 94132. 10 h 53 m 31.38 C+ 69 ° 51 '14.6 "5,91 142 G9iv
HD 78935. 09 h 15 m 52.75 C+ 72 ° 56 '47.3 "5,93 291 F0III.
58 big bear 11 h 30 m 31.17 C+ 43 ° 10 '23.0 "5,94 183 F4V.
HD 92839. 10 h 45 m 04.02 C+ 67 ° 24 '41.0 "5,95 1132 C5II.
HD 104075 11 h 59 m 17,54 C+ 33 ° 10 '01.3 "5,95 671 K1III.
HD 79763. 09 h 17 m 31.17 C+ 46 ° 49 '01.9 "5,96 367 A1V.
HD 83126. 09 h 39 m 27.92 C+ 67 ° 16 '20.4 "5,96 543 K5.
HD 85945. 09 h 57 m 13,57 C+ 57 ° 25 '06,1 "5,97 466 G8III.
HD 120787. 13 h 49 m 45.43 C+ 61 ° 29 '22.4 "5,97 395 G3V.
HD 95129. 10 h 59 m 32.74 C+ 36 ° 05 '35.6 "5,99 888 M2III.
HD 68951. 08 h 20 m 40.32 C+ 72 ° 24 '26.3 "6,00 948 M0iii.
HD 89319. 10 h 19 m 26.88 C+ 48 ° 23 '49.3 "6,00 141 K0.
HD 90470. 10 h 27 m 28.08 C+ 41 ° 36 '04.4 "6,00 216 A2V.
HD 89414. 10 h 20 m 31.18 C+ 54 ° 13 '00.7 "6,01 457 K3III:
51 big bear 11 h 04 m 31.28 C+ 38 ° 14 '28.9 "6,01 263 A3III-IV.
HD 98772. 11 h 22 m 51.25 C+ 64 ° 19 '49.5 "6,02 282 A3V.
76 big bear 12 h 41 m 33.95 C+ 62 ° 42 '47,16,02 581 A2iii.
HD 119765. 13 h 43 m 54,80 C+ 52 ° 03 '51.9 "6,02 345 A1V.
HD 94669. 10 h 56 m 14,51 C+ 42 ° 00 '30.2 "6,03 312 K2III.
HD 95241. 11 h 00 m 20.76 C+ 42 ° 54 '43.3 "6,03 148 F9V.
HD 90745. 10 h 30 m 26.65 C+ 64 ° 15 '28,1 "6,07 289 A7III.
HD 96707. 11 h 09 m 39.92 C+ 67 ° 12 '37.0 "6,07 355 F0sp ...
75 big bear 12 h 30 m 04.22 C+ 58 ° 46 '04.1 "6,07 428 G8III-IV.
60 big bear 11 h 33 m 33.54 C+ 46 ° 50 '03.4 "6,09 351 F5iiis
37 Lyry 09 h 20 m 43.79 C+ 51 ° 15 '56.6 "6,14 95 F3V.
HD 101013. 11 h 37 m 53.05 C+ 50 ° 37 '05.8 "6,14 461 K0P ...
HD 105043. 12 h 05 m 39.76 C+ 62 ° 55 '59.9 "6,14 373 K2III.
HD 113994. 13 h 06 m 22.86 C+ 62 ° 02 '31.1 "6,15 377 G7III.
HD 122866. 14 h 02 m 59.78 C+ 50 ° 58 '18.6 "6,16 313 A2V.
HD 83962. 09 h 44 m 36.62 C+ 64 ° 59 '02.6 "6,18 351 F3VN.
U Big Malar 10 h 15 m 07.65 C+ 59 ° 59 '07.9 "6,18 1743 M0iiivar
1 Hound Pins 12 h 14 m 43,43 C+ 53 ° 26 '04.8 "6,18 505 K0iii:
HD 74604. 08 h 48 m 49.28 C+ 66 ° 42 '29.4 "6,20 514 B8V.
HD 98499. 11 h 20 m 53.71 C+ 67 ° 06 '03,1 "6,20 439 G8.
HD 108954. 12 h 30 m 50.12 C+ 53 ° 04 '34.2 "6,20 72 F9V.
HD 73971. 08 h 43 m 00.19 C+ 46 ° 54 '03.6 "6,21 412 G8III.
HD 95057. 10 h 59 m 17,89 C+ 51 ° 52 '56.5 "6,22 681 K0.
HD 103736. 11 h 56 m 53.27 C+ 61 ° 32 '57.5 "6,22 612 G8III.
HD 80953. 09 h 25 m 44.19 C+ 63 ° 56 '27.7 "6,24 809 K2III.
HD 102942. 11 h 51 m 09,51 C+ 33 ° 22 '29.9 "6,25 205 AM.
HD 84812. 09 h 50 m 23.67 C+ 65 ° 35 '35.9 "6,27 306 A9VN.
HD 101604. 11 h 41 m 43,52 C+ 55 ° 10 '19,2 "6,28 1006 K5.
HD 119213. 13 h 40 m 21,44 C+ 57 ° 12 '27.2 "6,28 288 A4P Srcreu.
HD 85583. 09 h 55 m 03.35 C+ 61 ° 06 '58.1 "6,29 389 K0.
HD 99859. 11 h 29 m 43.66 C+ 56 ° 44 '15.6 "6,29 221 A4m.
HD 101151. 11 h 38 m 32,33 C+ 33 ° 37 '33.1 "6,29 634 K2III.
HD 101177. 11 h 38 m 45.39 C+ 45 ° 06 '30.2 "6,29 76 G0V.
HD 81025. 09 h 24 m 55.64 C+ 51 ° 34 '26.1 "6,30 432 G2III.
HD 99967. 11 h 30 m 24.83 C+ 46 ° 39 '26.9 "6,30 985 K2IIICN-1.
HD 71553. 08 h 32 m 53.27 C+ 69 ° 19 '11.9 "6,31 619 K0.
HD 87243. 10 h 05 m 10.40 C+ 52 ° 22 '16.7 "6,31 330 A5IV
HD 119124. 13 h 40 m 23.35 C+ 50 ° 31 '09.4 "6,31 82 F7.7V
35 big bear 10 h 29 m 54,43 C+ 65 ° 37 '34.7 "6,32 313 K2III:
HD 97501. 11 h 13 m 40.10 c+ 41 ° 05 '19,7 "6,33 332 K2III.
HD 99373. 11 h 26 m 25.58 C+ 33 ° 27 '02.0 "6,33 188 F6iv
HD 73131. 08 h 38 m 59.92 C+ 52 ° 55 '30.5 "6,34 581 K0.
HD 86166. 09 h 57 m 56.84 C+ 45 ° 24 '51.8 "6,34 418 K0iii.
41 big bear 10 h 46 m 22,54 c+ 57 ° 21 '57.8 "6,34 756 M1III.
68 big bear 12 h 11 m 44.89 C+ 57 ° 03 '16.0 "6,34 970 K5III.
HD 117242. 13 h 27 m 59.73 C+ 52 ° 44 '44.3 "6,34 325 F0.
HD 75487. 08 h 53 m 05.93 C+ 59 ° 03 '22,1 "6,35 201 F5IV-V.
HD 101391. 11 h 40 m 27.44 C+ 57 ° 58 '13.3 "6,35 526 B9P ...
HD 83869. 09 h 42 m 43.12 C+ 48 ° 25 '51.8 "6,36 435 A1V.
HD 90602. 10 h 28 m 36.54 C+ 45 ° 12 '44,1 "6,37 763 K0.
HD 95256. 11 h 01 m 05.73 C+ 63 ° 25 '16.4 "6,38 284 A2m.
HD 100470. 11 h 33 m 56.38 C+ 36 ° 48 '56.7 "6,38 424 K0iii.
HD 110678. 12 h 43 m 04.19 C+ 61 ° 09 '19.3 "6,39 477 K0.
HD 80461. 09 h 21 m 23,61 C+ 45 ° 22 '12.5 "6,40 713 K0.
HD 93427. 10 h 48 m 49.86 C+ 65 ° 07 '56.9 "6,40 420 A1V.
HD 97138. 11 h 12 m 10.90 C+ 68 ° 16 '18.7 "6,40 300 A3V.
HD 100030. 11 h 30 m 53.14 C+ 47 ° 55 '44.8 "6,40 328 G9iv
HD 82969. 09 h 37 m 37.52 C+ 60 ° 12 '49.5 "6,41 321 G5.
HD 95233. 11 h 00 m 25.58 C+ 51 ° 30 '07.7 "6,41 568 G9III.
HD 97334. 11 h 12 m 32.53 C+ 35 ° 48 '52.0 "6,41 71 G0V.
HD 69976. 08 h 22 m 44.06 C+ 60 ° 37 '52.5 "6,42 444 K0iii.
HD 89268. 10 h 18 m 58.77 C+ 46 ° 45 '39.1 "6,42 830 K1III.
HD 90508. 10 h 28 m 03.81 C+ 48 ° 47 '13.4 "6,42 77 G1V.
HD 93551. 10 h 49 m 28.82 C+ 63 ° 48 '36.0 "6,42 862 K0.
Star Grumbridge 11 h 52 m 55.82 C+ 37 ° 43 '58.1 "6,42 30 G8VP.
HD 103928. 11 h 58 m 07.25 C+ 32 ° 16 '26.6 "6,42 155 A9V.
{!LANG-fdd658d790074bdf132b40f2398fa444!} {!LANG-22c588663fec6ea6985d0ac3d9a5c715!}{!LANG-49f7df3e991fe800c0ff385bdd10145b!}6,43 499 {!LANG-0fc448a056251c69b20effa07e8d9ba1!}
{!LANG-d537e7d260ce883fb1a5d43f6aceb97c!} {!LANG-01ecac21090c3b64a5d27838e700e43f!}{!LANG-3dc677541db4e80fc760ae3b3bdf623b!}6,43 255 A7VN.
{!LANG-dda1b391f44f3995c88aafea206c1e20!} {!LANG-0797525942f13de83603009461dcd345!}{!LANG-52632b8757c61a282df91d9f968e506a!}6,44 1132 A2V.
{!LANG-0045ce8665446e9746dd8490a4266c23!} {!LANG-4268326910880ba9ffff8e061725c120!}{!LANG-517cf7cb98dd62e92587d710f877283d!}6,44 315 K2III.
{!LANG-592604ed4b5c823336085467ec29b207!} {!LANG-a590f184ce4dfde2ff30c125e18c8ba3!}{!LANG-a3a2c1a1434597f85eb36a6c571ad230!}6,44 734 K0.
{!LANG-56be5c6133f36523699f0eb9f0fd3ac9!} {!LANG-c2b55722ea7174f17e7d82b665a29758!}{!LANG-c9d85b8822803cb1b15ccdcb859dd316!}6,45 100 F9V.
{!LANG-f6c73f6a314914f4124c93cf8e25765e!} {!LANG-ff75d70a2d481ba2ed26ab841a7e33db!}{!LANG-90e1efffeabd0b86fc9be3cfd613a7f6!}6,45 269 A3V.
{!LANG-3f14f89b61691ab7fabc9f8bae2d1805!} {!LANG-7b270fe08f152b87f363f77a87d6f11a!}{!LANG-9623350f3895a24b2478a2c93d791c28!}6,47 360 {!LANG-a9cceae724f9272ebcafe9b0a1e131aa!}
{!LANG-c0e1363e381805cdb1f8e787c59f5379!} {!LANG-63f11ee6cf10a0babc61f14ee7ff1eee!}{!LANG-6aaef43fd547a4af5fe518b7ec26ea2a!}6,47 588 M3III.
{!LANG-f81c44f3154bcefd6ef9632714843968!} {!LANG-0c4bc9f0bf8a267d4f46f8783c6f8df5!}{!LANG-f670083ee543c3f0d065e693609b3eab!}6,47 110 F7IV-V.
{!LANG-7ff9d75db203d04204eb31208fd01242!} {!LANG-5ea42ea63dce1c15e2159f2cdf4906e0!}{!LANG-e13adcbaed1a533b1e90a3ee9756324b!}6,47 438 K0iii.
{!LANG-531f1c5f7b2b6efbf12e5048bfcf019d!} {!LANG-2c6ea8ed59cf7249d881356665db6e3d!}{!LANG-5a4c8761d738d68c538f432ec12d0840!}6,48 116 G5.
{!LANG-294013873a8f9519e9e7e33b8f2415d6!} {!LANG-3e484efcaa1477b2a9b1a39752ff5ca1!}{!LANG-328e51545e3bdc2e14c018402fd9dd25!}6,48 500 K1III.
{!LANG-7a233b389ad774d1741640d0c4892ccc!} {!LANG-58e8b375bfec750ba089e4ba89dd2870!}{!LANG-78caf1a30bb910732ed214cd1a0de38e!}6,49 584 K0.
{!LANG-ade6ae7235599915cb8347c491cd6430!} {!LANG-fd8283dd181accc42bafa874d155bd58!}{!LANG-5f3a4a4e697f5b1cf43e6a6ddbabcc92!}6,49 640 A5IV
{!LANG-09b9bac12b17e5efc6b4cb51ae7cc9d9!} {!LANG-4ce71120a510ab27485290ac078ce60e!}{!LANG-ef82fe941d5044b61b5f06a736208465!}6,49 374 {!LANG-27097ccd331bc6665b7221ca69533552!}
{!LANG-dc013019eec7996ef160c9935616a71c!} {!LANG-98e47b53037682ed0423a36a12afa018!}{!LANG-2ad9cc6fa2d362ccd484ed870f17c6aa!}6,49 1495 {!LANG-b7894abf09b128a0ab4ebc273a927c99!}
{!LANG-639f34a73e4c6efadbe5a5e323798b2b!} {!LANG-3c37783bf60d2e7e3d98b14430b2260d!}{!LANG-fc51414b456812425e00d02427dfdfbb!}6,49 33 {!LANG-0ab038d0914ce8d51798ea9c96cfc10e!}
{!LANG-3bedb443a8bd8635f2d8386e7ff10d7e!} {!LANG-2d58535377a8cb4c3a65c33e2c94ebf0!}{!LANG-90875a7f2637e53b0ad243fd8b964966!}6,50 145 {!LANG-05512787a690f6b6f9c59208d3b2868a!}
{!LANG-77afdab7552db167a883baa56a9debf2!} {!LANG-03d6c8e9fd2dc64039819135007b7a3a!}{!LANG-90829cfd8a80839b6bbdd07a755274ce!}6,50 412 {!LANG-57da475c07bc3f08226761c0dc14c03f!}
{!LANG-458e81434c4b28597c38aea7191cc0f3!} {!LANG-0d7052e6c041e73ac523cf66b053a9a9!}{!LANG-9f5976b14604a6ac87c1b03b1d7341ae!}6,50 299 A5m.
{!LANG-c5a493905474d2223bf8312356bb1003!} {!LANG-5b68c5e6aa0eccaf67eac7c3e4bed510!}{!LANG-ff0414e6d264f501e2c91ccc83e536fd!}6,50 615 A3VN.
{!LANG-df2e7b9dfac73c9749cf2e913750179a!} {!LANG-dffa046aaf0f5a5a5a2707bc485e8935!}{!LANG-f10c1f4411966925b73a3ab236c02760!}6,50 70 {!LANG-ef58a73866807647d42c5b4f8465fb89!}
{!LANG-737e00b8f5e4a44ae00b3d24e0e0fa45!} {!LANG-a315d6bfbf0f383917a303f0c98d55b6!}{!LANG-eaaf45f9d021748d39ea71f334adfc3b!}6,51 252 F2V.
{!LANG-dc81f2ed302632492b4a75a816b7308a!} {!LANG-f3b4014e686f44f71f83c1947c0e16ff!}{!LANG-44cf964ed08c4255cfdc0194fe320636!}6,54 801 A3VN.
{!LANG-4b7a081511482041f293587d4724ce07!} {!LANG-343ccae86db9c139420553b63e4edfed!}{!LANG-97de58a1bf4758b5fb99894d0932854a!}6,81 270 {!LANG-cfc1d67a74f46b80370236b8b02872c6!}
{!LANG-dc81f2ed302632492b4a75a816b7308a!} {!LANG-33fc559c973ccc48b5cc1f36ec0317c2!}{!LANG-965b6381ae790729552992233b62da58!}7,03 1025 {!LANG-d92a27f04f579c0b44928daf02364964!}
{!LANG-b11ba0fc45fd6f765daaaea47d154acd!} {!LANG-cd6e89fb8d73fe400ac2f6f98a87ea96!}{!LANG-447ddf0e5ffe640e109b09cb1b58733a!}7,03 472 AM.
{!LANG-00a3cdba9cb94b7da65f050ec2936b77!} {!LANG-a958c27da3c1c0537d697b7205ff4f5f!}{!LANG-832423d7a3cf8f0fd0be9005c72436c1!}7,11 363 {!LANG-1cb52c364bb780bb42e7cadc6dbb364a!}
{!LANG-ed892f45bffff991108484a7c23e042c!} {!LANG-cd13defa241da168f22fe4b190bf89f1!}{!LANG-1f43a3e2a739009fec1ba83bc8ad2568!}7,47 8,29 {!LANG-25ea514dfc92ad621617d5edced2d131!}{!LANG-cd2c2ac3e305b4e8f687aaf1a0ed77c7!}
{!LANG-22dfdf881f987c4fad612721d9341eab!} {!LANG-edd6b8f1640302d1e9c5977acab079f2!} 7,75 162 {!LANG-4bd57d97de7682f88b61dc341ba81a9d!}
{!LANG-e21103f2b67d78259e05fabfe566e2dd!} {!LANG-a6a2eed63f5cf3d327a002ca235c7bd7!}{!LANG-63eaa71c5194ca40fa2e0d5cababc1ce!}8,07 289 K0.has a planet B.
{!LANG-b9cca081289837cd22a760d2667e27a0!} {!LANG-641817349bbb4a7fa3e80b86f2f393a1!}{!LANG-565849078d5a39b5d0b62c31c8798266!}8,21 192 {!LANG-8a114e12d6d2c9294c41e1ce2da2de42!}{!LANG-6314ef8a8b4197a67996ee47709fb1e5!}
{!LANG-41d4407800d54e51179e28ebe3770f4b!} {!LANG-0216fd22c9aa4488d31a905a2e66c821!}{!LANG-2d9742ae7f07dcb0ba2c413b5423e789!}8,93 190 G5.has a planet B.
{!LANG-376c7d4f113500645a6cd0e97627b699!} {!LANG-edd6b8f1640302d1e9c5977acab079f2!} 9,0 510 {!LANG-3319074fd6bfc610da685c16fa1b00c4!}
{!LANG-5b21759449b67908dba1d3374c39b49a!} {!LANG-edd6b8f1640302d1e9c5977acab079f2!} 9,31 variable star
{!LANG-54dcdf00b8cc7d31cd304083b6a210c7!} {!LANG-0947d1b2024afb7687ef79b4cf857e98!}{!LANG-82266157a3a9f5c271bd76d3348704dc!}10,10 variable star
{!LANG-7d4aa0442a2ea5edfe60b4def8a7f5f0!} {!LANG-4fc37e0288956849a67f0cf8b9451d92!}{!LANG-c55b293cb79be4e9c30c8e50158d1685!}11,86 457 {!LANG-46028609922581afcfc377a820ab5684!}{!LANG-ecc6dccca697b7bc731edfd960b6b453!}
{!LANG-9e36e0e99407370313a58ae65a0566e0!} {!LANG-edd6b8f1640302d1e9c5977acab079f2!} 12,00 variable star
{!LANG-7bb6eec5c18cc510c0c28a90da0f3efa!} {!LANG-edd6b8f1640302d1e9c5977acab079f2!} 14,4 variable star


{!LANG-c987aac492a1714c5df8125638aa7b22!} {!LANG-917dbf294d068a1e2ca206737eeec2cc!}{!LANG-5d3c327a0aabea6113e32bf72bf5586c!}


Big Dipper
{!LANG-300921917fc97fb3b0540ce7340b3800!} {!LANG-cca5cc1f6ec63e5056cec7b058e51a15!}
{!LANG-bd4508a94fe08435ba5e4fa2d090c8a2!} {!LANG-c382f900f401fb05fda47a8ad864fdfe!}
{!LANG-852e5ff7415ab4cc97f5f0b21e50a081!} Big Dipper
Direct climb {!LANG-49d50cab5a826fa57426bd4ce50db3f3!}
Declining {!LANG-c3f4bcdc00c9d0e3c373ff38f1b87c30!}
{!LANG-b22dfd5d5485c3539c7da5efe8d18aaa!} {!LANG-a17e9f585b2a35840c3166faeef17069!}
{!LANG-34d9061ae9a75f2c24d4cebcfb2adab8!}< 3 m)
  • {!LANG-56a08781fdd2271ab9e944dd4a5144d8!}
  • {!LANG-e6a3e1870313a35587607d58763d325d!}
  • {!LANG-9dfebfa1a25212ada81728d6da5ed955!}
  • {!LANG-a2ae1a418a6f4117b4aa3bab0db5ba90!}
  • {!LANG-85c088eeeb60c1bab7e77e73d4744400!}
  • {!LANG-75089f662732beb1194d514d5613777a!}
  • {!LANG-879e2496cfc0aeb1a5961d2cdf1dbef9!}
  • {!LANG-6d7d095919279e74e27d90d39af3c334!}
  • {!LANG-9c0af773bc04c6955b8570638ce4facf!}
  • {!LANG-204caaa87212fa9ee0210dc75fde2736!}
  • {!LANG-39c3fd05daa9c2bb1011e89ac7b5aba0!}
  • {!LANG-2892f9e7a62cdf24f9064b53d31227b6!}
  • {!LANG-79e184410e3e065621bfba5e0818c9cb!}
  • {!LANG-4fe1cc142d304da00f8b25d02785660b!}
  • {!LANG-302a3b9fd02e7aa47c947cb3e1ba509d!}




  1. {!LANG-c97d1e8f997de7cd7372fc99ac53528a!}
  2. {!LANG-b81c697d7825f2f0b04b788e6aabf98e!}
  3. {!LANG-69020ddfc5110a84b8f29717e27165ce!}
  4. {!LANG-56aeda4528f676b1136c97f5534f85cf!}
  5. {!LANG-b81b9adc3ae7f0d3f3dcb3d1da0c4dd6!}
  6. {!LANG-d3f080dfccca3d741269c87895aefe38!}
  7. {!LANG-970acca2aa5c2bc8addd1a4ac2c40233!}

{!LANG-ba0a6e4d6e8a15faaa885b5009053b06!} {!LANG-c9bf1e5ef8fe6c6c6ff3c7c21af41a92!}{!LANG-d669de406668997fa3af072040d44396!}


{!LANG-c93154ebd652b1d21c990405a0c8e556!} Merak{!LANG-734cf4a85aa49428ece9046c9bdec432!}

{!LANG-474e87c7091603aec93c9d7aefb688a8!} Fekda{!LANG-eba50a8c534a70b5de11afdb273981ab!} {!LANG-ed5f26822ac8f4325ee778028eaff934!}{!LANG-7eae0f24e63c3aa918bc2c08a7234402!}

{!LANG-7ec249dd0a32d2117d30838f60e9411f!} {!LANG-d7317514a7442075451270a740530ed7!}{!LANG-a6e0522a281a68c99688f9221051dbc5!} {!LANG-146578d64a64fd963478d3b3d8b08ab3!}{!LANG-c441e3268fb2cddf516ff9398e380d8a!}


{!LANG-924c384b2494b067b14e50d8e9d963ca!} {!LANG-e3f2758921182f767b8e2ed3214d77ce!}{!LANG-7ed12194f6264288c69cf3afbae42b9d!} {!LANG-0051042e13b9c884751c8ba4377604c4!}{!LANG-38d8e2b092ae3e192babab774f910872!}


{!LANG-bb93dcc533980ca7bea16f70aac64dd8!} {!LANG-189af425414e70138a0892d52bcf9665!} {!LANG-aaca9a1ad3a91b90e8cc56118ccecdaa!} {!LANG-425a3e9d228952d6bf6ae19e67d8ade4!} {!LANG-09b3818041230ad790187a5fcc3a93b4!} {!LANG-07556928ae8b937fd4418d2fb8fd4a97!} {!LANG-07cbaed0b734dbe8d2b475f19b91bbdb!} {!LANG-a3af0b282a9f8b78a0b44298c9033fbb!}
Alieot. {!LANG-872b794a0f920cf15e5bec044b820bfd!} {!LANG-c759e0a68f2ec57428185ed966614079!} 1,76 {!LANG-536938a5ffa563abab435c94858a2053!} 81 108
Dubhe 11 03 43,6 +61 45 03 1,79 {!LANG-13459f4140dfdfc2c58b3fed6987883d!} 124 235 {!LANG-e29fd989a097227469c56ff5ba9e077f!}
Benetnash 13 47 32,3 +49 18 48 1,86 {!LANG-d72ab04741a9fae4173fa3da53e8a977!} 101 146
Mitsar 13 23 55,5 +54 55 31 2,27 {!LANG-d5685ca063d45460b2a2d81e7691e2f9!} 86 71 {!LANG-a6a1a2fcffd5aa43d3a07d27e8dfd16c!}
Merak. 11 01 50,4 +56 22 56 2,37 A1V. 78 55
Fekda 11 53 49,8 +53 41 41 2,44 {!LANG-c3d3d9d93bfe78bf6353e4f3bc54b9ea!} 84 59
ψ uma. 11 09 39,7 +44 29 54 3,01 K1III. 147 108
μ uma. 10 22 19,7 +41 29 58 3,05 M0iii. 249 296 {!LANG-d23700bbc5533c7a6fc2237d550cda4e!}
ι Uma. 08 59 12,4 +48 02 30 3,14 A7IV. 48 10 {!LANG-ffdde66674fad7530141587f5a0eb270!}
θ uma. 09 32 51,3 +51 40 38 3,18 F6iv 44 8




  1. {!LANG-bab8f775f639f9de097422ca7dbfe348!}
  2. {!LANG-799eadcf389f90f1cf994bfef03c0e4b!}
  3. {!LANG-df489f93ca869d51ef88163b161d5873!}






























  • {!LANG-242d7c83ac5f6a7cd7c16ea391224fe7!}{!LANG-001d1a1743a91123657e2faa9fd1ca26!}
  • {!LANG-13fff0805f67501995cd94409d875af5!}
  • {!LANG-05bfa314335e4f9592101d6d6053f91b!}
  • {!LANG-f05cc1444669743c76d736cf7bf231ed!}




Big Dipper{!LANG-47ee05f537f750fc4782fcd846bdf70c!}







{!LANG-dfb3d70a36b7d6b48d5236cccfd07ddd!} {!LANG-6b68879f4a6fd2ce1397a5d971072904!}{!LANG-bbdd6a96abf03128e528b528a53f5bba!}

  • Dubhe{!LANG-9ff4b392f79e4ef2067cce94324d0009!}
  • Merak.{!LANG-ebdd81f2027dc3ca9b5d58d6a7e1b4dc!}
  • Fekda{!LANG-0b29bda56fd67e46e995ba94c7ee5903!}
  • Mentence{!LANG-e85df649f705672aebd61f969986bec8!}
  • Alieot.{!LANG-62caaf9766ed5ede5f96202fbc25bdb3!}
  • Mitsar{!LANG-71f68d9f745e762c99082294fb17dde0!}
  • {!LANG-89059fe03c1d9ad11f4889f697030f73!} {!LANG-e15f5e4688241fdc1164dc85ca7f46d0!}{!LANG-fd57a0edd34bdfa00eb23152f8d5abfa!}


{!LANG-88b28ccfd328e8ed0c4f4d1c157b6c61!} {!LANG-b70fcae1a1d9a47d0ed5a25413a023d4!}{!LANG-d803f5d55d5762648ef73adbd005a7fc!}




{!LANG-a2a3a05636de18d22d27d9c0af8e1fd2!} {!LANG-2c91c0970a8e7e71f29f946f97459ba6!}{!LANG-264f5ccbcbff075449e90a93da45e4f0!}


{!LANG-88acb143fcffbcc178622e103725fa66!} {!LANG-ed48c313a4295b3a0a51e4b45a7c2034!}».


{!LANG-4c2d9f05bbc7a757da9a7dfdc1c2098d!} {!LANG-f68fb04f39f9578458a8c46c6c2fcc62!}{!LANG-762a8d2e48f9fde929ac70ad3f859b0b!}

  • {!LANG-e2173eec9dd2352fc5266c3fecf11473!}
  • {!LANG-3caf9c545fe87c7d0348cf2fc18c98ff!}
  • {!LANG-1e8f83b0b23470751a3a41e85b5ec2b8!}








  • {!LANG-e66b237d3c96af58ccb191db9f115196!}
  • {!LANG-ceef1b1b75ff4bfdfee200ae042f51f9!}
  • {!LANG-05524b86b9b81fa6d6fb5ae0cf1d5708!}
  • {!LANG-f7b7093d5ffa47af84db4907c26a949a!}
  • {!LANG-a4d34b70e63fb1d50b6eb117e3a85bdb!} {!LANG-3841d75ffe7dc51820e19b26d8e3a4e1!}{!LANG-1e955cbfe76889da65810c1bc4aa0653!} {!LANG-ad2ba663fa03692a8707c81f84d18ad2!}{!LANG-6112771f654497a07de630ad8102ac46!}
