How to deal with stress constructively. How to deal with stress at work? How to deal with stress

Often due to the stress in which a person is, psychosomatic illnesses begin to manifest.

How to deal with stress?

Diseases from stress are manifested in the form of headaches, exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease, gastrointestinal disorders.

Cardiovascular pathologies make themselves felt. It is very important to take care of yourself in time and take the right measures.

How to get out of stress correctly so that there are minimal consequences for health, but for the psyche it could become the event that later will make you stronger, more confident in yourself.

The first thing to do is to get out of the information flow. Turn off radio, news, phone. It is advisable to just walk in the park.

Be sure to translate violent emotions into bodily work - this is the second main rule for working with. Otherwise, the flurry of emotional energy that was released inside begins to destroy your body.

The released hormone adrenaline very quickly enters the bloodstream. the main function of adrenaline is to make the body survive. Including physical activity so that adrenaline can be destroyed.

For this, it is given for the body to perform motor activity.

The next criterion, which says that the body needs help, is blood acidification. This has negative consequences for the cardiovascular system.

Warm water can help blood circulation. It is warm, because closer to hot water alkalizes our blood. Unlike cold water, which quickly acidifies it.

It is impossible to feel what kind of environment in the body, so you just need to take it on faith and drink as much warm water as possible.

The next very important point is to realize the reality of your situation .. Do you have food so as not to die of hunger, is there water and are there conditions for you to be warm.

If all of this is there, admit to yourself that physical survival is not a threat. just be aware of it.

Our body definitely needs to feel protected in this situation. When a situation occurs that is stressful, you always want someone to support, lean against.

Even just crying on someone's shoulder - it already helps. This suggests that our body needs to feel protected, which is why the best way that exists.

Wrap yourself up in a warm blanket, if possible, with your head. Lie down to curl up. So that the back of the head and upper back (this is the area between the shoulder blades in a person is a very calming zone) rested against something.

The feet should also feel supported. At the same time, internally realize and feel the bodily state that this posture carries - security for a while.

If during stress there is a contraction of the muscles, then relaxation occurs in this position.
And the last rule of how to deal with stress is the rule of three Ps.

Eat, sleep and talk.
Eating is a survival instinct. Sleep - during sleep, the psyche is unloaded, powerful processes of recovery of the body take place. It is especially important for women to talk.

However, if the stress is protracted and you realize that you cannot cope with the stress yourself, seek help from those who can provide it.

Dear readers of the blog "Bless you" watch the video in which you will learn how to relieve stress

Stress has become so firmly entrenched in our lives that it is difficult to imagine how we used to live without this concept. Stress, according to psychologists, can be both beneficial and harmful. The danger is stress stress, which causes a negative reaction of the body to various factors. We will continue to talk about how to deal with such a state.

Stress can arise for various reasons: due to separation from a loved one, as a result of troubles at work, during training before exams. How to deal with it?

How to get out of stress after a breakup

How to deal with stress after a divorce or breakup with someone you loved and continue to love? Of course, this is a really difficult test, which is quite difficult to cope with. But there are still ways to get out of such stress.

Most of the stress after divorce lasts for about two months. Your task is to survive this period. The human psyche is arranged in such a way that he cannot constantly suffer and experience. The adage: "time heals" in this case is more relevant than ever. The mood, after a certain period, will change for the better. And you might even be able to communicate on a friendly note with your ex.

To cope with stress, do not be alone with your problems, do not withdraw into yourself.

Share your experiences with loved ones - it will become easier. Immerse yourself in work - it is a panacea for any problem. Sports, proper nutrition, meditation and a sober look into the future, of course, happy, will also help cope with stress. Many more good moments will happen in your life, and there will still appear that person who will appreciate and love you.

How to deal with stress at work

How to deal with stress at work? There are a few basic rules to help you cope with professional stress:

  1. It is necessary to adhere to the principles of time management and keep all affairs under control. To do this, you can start a weekly, and Sun.
  2. Never take on an overwhelming load. Do only those responsibilities that are within your power.
  3. Do not in any way conflict with the team. Do not raise your voice to the leadership, negativity is inappropriate here.
  4. Get enough sleep, eat right, exercise in your free time. Learn to disconnect from work and get good rest.
  5. Not sure how to deal with stress at work, try to look at the situation from a different angle. If you have problems in the workplace, push them to the background. Approach everything from an optimistic point of view, and then no stress will affect you.
  6. Have a new job and don't know how to deal with stress? Just wait and everything will work out. Usually, it is always difficult at a new workplace, but all this is temporary.

Let the work always bring you only satisfaction and the question of how to relieve stress in the workplace does not become on the agenda. Keep everything under control and you will always be on top.

How to deal with exam stress

How to cope with the stress of the exam, which a huge number of pupils and students are exposed to? Usually, this situation is aggravated by the fact that the person who is to test their knowledge is worried and anxious. This reduces his attentiveness and can negatively affect the results.

There are several easy ways to deal with exam stress. Among them:

  • Self-training, which allows a person to create a suitable mood. All statements during auto-training should be formulated in the affirmative form, without the particle "not". For example, instead of the phrase: "I am not afraid," it would be more correct to use: "I am calm and confident in myself."
  • Relaxation. There are two types of relaxation exercises - muscle and breathing. Muscle relaxation is performed as follows. Place your hands on your knees and close your eyes, focus on your hands, feel their warmth and softness. Relax your hands gradually until they become heavy. When doing breathing relaxation, you should count. To do this, you also need to close your eyes and inhale on the fourth count, and exhale on the eighth.
  • Visualization. This exercise is performed with your eyes closed. It is necessary to present an image that would symbolize a state of confidence. After that, you can draw it.

Be sure to follow the advice above. They will help you cope with any stressful situations in life and come out of them as a winner.

Stress can negatively affect the body, so first you need to calm down and accept the situation. To realize that this has already happened and it is impossible to change the past. But it is quite possible to influence the future. After the emotions have passed, you can start looking for the right option to resolve the excess.

Stress negatively affects the body

Psychophysiological stress in the family

Coping with family stress:

  • Switch your attention to your family. Talk to your mom or dad, go to the cinema, theater with them. Just take a walk around the city and talk on abstract topics, remember your childhood. Look around and notice the pleasant little things: beautiful flowers, nice weather, sun. Feel the presence of a loved one nearby. The stress will recede and it will be easier to cope with it.
  • Arrange an unexpected holiday for your child. Take him to the circus or zoo. Invite his friends over. Cook them something tasty. Get involved with them in the game, draw, collect the designer. Invite your child to update his room, decorate it with new accessories that he himself chooses. In the process of communicating with children, you will receive many positive emotions that will block emotional stress.
  • Take a pen and paper and describe your problem. Write everything that worries you at the moment in detail: the situation and the reason, your emotions. Remember, this is not a piece of art, but a negative energy outlet. Feelings and words that for some reason cannot be said aloud will be taken over by paper. Don't worry about the form in which it is written. After you finish your work and place the paper covered with writing on the table, imagine that the problem has moved from the body to the paper. Now it must be destroyed. Burn the leaf or tear it into small pieces and discard. This psychological method will definitely help you get through a stressful situation.
  • Go about your daily activities. Household monotonous work will greatly help out during periods of emotional stress. Make a plan for the week or the day, do a general cleaning or a large wash, do an audit in your kitchen, garage or workshop. While working, imagine that everything bad goes out of life along with the garbage. This makes trouble much easier.
  • Be tolerant of family members. Try to ignore their flaws. If you feel like speaking, first count to ten and take deep breaths in and out. This breathing practice is very calming.
  • It is necessary to analyze the problem. Try to understand why this stressful situation happened, what is the cause of the contention. It is possible that the issue can be resolved peacefully: ask each other for forgiveness for intemperance. This position will help you understand exactly how to deal with stress and build relationships.

Be sure to believe that everything will end well. Thoughts are material.

Quiet, pleasant music and a warm bath will help you to relax. Light a candle and watch the flame for a while. Fire and water perfectly restore mental and physical strength.

How to deal with stress after losing a loved one

After the loss of a loved one, it is better not to be alone. Dealing with grief on your own will be more difficult, so do not refuse the help of loved ones. Take mild sedatives such as valerian or motherwort.

Let go of feelings, cry. Talk to family and friends. Remember the bright moments of communication with the departed. Think that such losses are inevitable, but life goes on. And remember - time must pass for the pain of loss to subside.

It will be much easier if you connect with those who have experienced the same grief. This will give strength to survive the tribulation period.

Loneliness is not an option after losing a loved one

How to learn to deal with stress

Here are some tips to help you cope with stress:

  • Look at the situation from the other side. You do not need to constantly mentally replay the events that caused stress in your head, the situation can worsen. Try to “dress” the circumstances on someone you know, look at the situation from the outside, and then give advice on how to resolve it. The faster you do this, the better.
  • In some cases, you shouldn't share your grief with everyone. It won't get rid of it. It’s personal pain, and you’ll have to decide how to handle the stress yourself. Learn to put a smile on your face and feign no problem. After all, when talking about stressful circumstances, you again experience negative emotions.
  • Concentrate on the positives. Finding yourself in a tense relationship with a person who caused negative emotions, draw the conclusion: a close, trusting relationship with him is no longer possible. This will make you think, and next time you will be more selective in your choice of friends.
  • Don't get used to being alone. Don't sit within four walls. Change your image, buy a new thing, dye your hair, meet new people, then there won't be enough time for stress.
  • Do the things that you put off until later. Browse through old favorite photos. Such an activity will help to immerse yourself in the past and evoke positive emotions. And throw away or put away items that remind you of what you have recently experienced.
  • Share with your loved one. Share the grief with your friend, "cry into her vest." Maybe she can tell you how to cope with stress. It is more difficult for the stronger sex. They were taught from childhood: men don't cry. The release of negative energy can be given by playing sports. Fatigue will allow the body to switch.
  • It's good if you have a furry friend at home. When an animal is nearby, stress is much easier to withstand. Four-legged assistants always accurately guess the mood and help to survive a difficult moment, even just being nearby. It is worth considering and purchasing a pet.
  • Do not forget that life also consists of pleasant events. Celebrate good moments: recognition of merit; receiving a gift that you have dreamed of for a long time; unexpected meeting with old friends.
  • Take time off or vacation. A change of scenery is beneficial and well distracted from current problems.

Vacation is a great stress reliever

Watch your diet. Eat more vitamins and limit unhealthy foods, especially salt. Too much of it affects the adrenal glands, which can increase the release of stress hormones.

Sleep off. Sleep is good for restoring strength and helps to cope with stress.

Go in for sports, yoga, or take longer to walk outdoors. People who lead an active lifestyle are better adapted to stressful situations. In addition, sport teaches a person to breathe correctly. This is the best sedative.

If the process is delayed, contact a specialist for help. In severe cases, the doctor will prescribe sedatives.

Anger, envy, resentment will bring nothing but illness. They destroy body and soul. Believe in the good and remember, a bright streak in life will definitely come.

Are you sure you're stressed?

Specific actions

And if in a friend during the day thoughts again decide to visit you, just repeat everything from the beginning.

Specific actions


Did you know that according to statistics, the life expectancy of women is higher than that of men? And all because. That women regularly throw out emotions through tears. The rules of modern society prohibit men from such manifestations of feelings, and in vain.

Each of us sooner or later gets into stressful situations, but not everyone knows how to cope with stress.

Any problematic situation can become the cause of stress - dismissal, failure in personal life, injury. And as the people say, "Trouble does not come alone." And life is not limited to one problem. How to properly survive a series of such events?

If you do not take action, then stress can develop into depression and then, in especially severe cases, you cannot do without professionals and medicines.

You need to collect all the will into a fist and adequately survive stress until it turns into a real swamp of hopelessness.

Are you sure you're stressed?

Before you deal with stress, you need to make sure that you have it. Let's move on to its symptoms.

The former will be more likely to cause stress - prolonged exposure to an irritant.

Shock reaction to what happened. It manifests itself in increased heart rate, sudden sweating, and brain shutdown.

It may well be that the awareness of the situation came to you long after what happened. This is quite normal - in severe stressful situations, the body turns off the brain so as not to incur large losses.

A stressed person is disturbed by anxiety. It can be both unreasonable and arise from the slightest problems. You didn’t answer politely at the cashier in the supermarket and made a whole scandal out of it? Think about your state of mind.

Stress is evidenced not only by the decline in vital activity, but also by its rise. In conditions that threaten vital capacity, the body mobilizes resources, which is aimed at preserving life by any means. Pay attention to your condition. If you are more energized than ever, able to work without fatigue for hours on end.

Expect a breakdown during the rise. It will come abruptly, without warning. Remember that stress in a decline will be much more difficult than in a recovery.

These conditions have similar symptoms and causes, but it is quite easy to distinguish between them.

Depression is a chronic illness accompanied by clinical symptoms in the flesh prior to chemical changes in the brain. The state of despair becomes normal and does not leave the patient for a single second.

Stress, unlike depression, is temporary. It can even last for several days. Its appearance is accompanied by such health problems as increased blood pressure, headaches. Stress can turn into depression. Stress or depression

Modern classification distinguishes two forms of stress - positive stress and negative. In the first form, a large release of serotonin is produced, which causes increased vigor and energy. The second has opposite symptoms and has a negative effect on human immunity.

Another significant difference is that stress can go away without outside help, but depression, especially in its extreme manifestations, can reach extremes without intervention.

Resilience to stress is essential. If it is at the proper level, then you have nothing to fear. With an unstable nervous system and low stress tolerance, any symptoms of stress should be addressed immediately so as not to push things to the extreme. Find out: how to get rid of self-doubt.

The following comparisons will help you better distinguish between stress and depression:

Stress is nothing more than a reaction of the body, depression is a mental illness;

Depression weakens a person, reduces his vitality. Stress in moderation is beneficial.

Anything that lasts more than a week can be safely called depression.

Stress is easy to get rid of, but depression often requires professional and even medication;

In most cases, stress is accompanied by an increase in energy, and depression is accompanied by a breakdown.

Specific actions

Accept the situation and it will calm you down. Agree that nothing can be returned back. What happened, unfortunately or fortunately, is unchanged. All further actions must proceed from the present and the future.

Surely you have had situations when, under the influence of emotions from the shock you just experienced, you took actions that you later regretted. Why repeat the same mistakes? You can correct the situation only by real actions, the choice of which will be successful only in a person with a calm heart and sound mind.

Abstract yourself. Use a little imagination - it happened not to you, but to someone else. You are nothing more than an observer. This means that your emotional experiences should be at a minimum. Keep working, but act like a robot - complete your tasks with absolutely nothing to worry about.

Learn to switch yourself. Usually stress in the morning prepares a series of thoughts for us that create an atmosphere for the whole day. Come up with a ritual that is mandatory and drives all negativity out of you. For example, you can clap your hands and say, "Bad thoughts don't belong here, but I'll get down to business." And be sure to smile at the end of this event.

And if in a friend during the day thoughts again decide to visit you, just repeat everything from the beginning.

Complain less. This position has two sides. On the one hand, when you talk about a problem, speak out, it becomes easier. But on the other hand, the more you talk about the problem, the more often you return to it, relive it again.

Decide for yourself that you are doing well. Answer any questions about your life only positively. The main thing is to believe that everything is really good.

Learn to find positive moments in everything, the only way you can survive stress. This is especially true of the stress caused by the breakup.

In love dramas, people make two main mistakes: the first is trying to get the soul mate back. Before taking action, consider whether you need to resurrect something that has already "died." Will the effort be worth it? It is best to let everything take its course, and then life will put everything in its place.

The second - "My life is over without this person." But in fact, you know that life went on as usual, and will continue to do so. Please note that the singing of birds outside the window does not stop depending on whether this person is in your life or not.

Specific actions

See breakup as a self-development opportunity. Just imagine how much free time you now have and how much you can realize. Direct yourself and all your energy to work, study, new hobbies. Do you have a dream for which there was no time? Here's a great opportunity to make it happen!

Consider the past relationship as an experience, based on which you will build further communication with the opposite sex.

Be in society. Give yourself the best look and head to crowded places - parks, shopping centers. Observe people, find positive moments in the crowd and concentrate on them. Whether it's a laughing child, a kissing couple, or a funny young man. The main thing is to get a charge of good emotions.

Don't forget to smile! It is in creating a smile that muscles take part. Which are responsible for a good mood and a favorable vitality.

Salvation is a routine. Oddly enough, but everyday homework can be an excellent helper. Write yourself a plan for the day, increasing the load every day.

General cleaning is a good therapy. Imagine that with all the trash and garbage that you take out of the house, you throw out all the negativity from yourself. Also, it is very important to remove as far as possible all things that in one way or another remind of the events that happened.

Praise yourself when finished. “I'm a big / big fellow. Now my house is clean and tidy, everything has its place. " As in the house. In the same way, in the mind, everything should be arranged on the shelves.

Cry. Did you know that according to statistics, the life expectancy of women is higher than that of men? And all because. That women regularly throw out emotions through tears. The rules of modern society prohibit men from such manifestations of feelings, and in vain.

Pets. Animals can easily help cope with stress. Pets, such as cats and dogs, sense that something is happening to the owner and show their support by whining, meowing, or even pawing at you.

If you still do not have a pet and you have decided on such a crucial step, then do not hesitate to go to the nursery for homeless animals. When you save a little life from death, it will be grateful and devoted to you until the very end.

Think after the incident all the way associated with the event. Where exactly did you make a mistake? Think about what happened before and during the misstep. Maybe it was worth paying attention to them? Analyze everything that happens from start to finish. This will help you avoid this in the future. Find out: how to get yourself out of depression.

Exercises to help you cope with stress

Charge up with emotions from strangers. Set yourself the task of greeting 10 random passers-by with a smile or in ordinary words. As soon as you get an answer, you will immediately understand why to do this.

Your favorite hobbies will help you survive the bad. Do what you enjoy doing. Charge yourself with positive emotions that will push out negativity. Set aside time in your daily routine that you will only spend on what you want to do.

Learn to breathe properly. Breathing is the foundation of life. Enriching your brain with oxygen will help you survive any event.

Get some rest. Relax your muscles, especially your facial ones.

Allow yourself to think in any direction, develop any thoughts. No matter how ridiculous they may seem at first glance. And the most interesting thing that is born in the head can be written down.

Free yourself. This can be done by getting rid of the clothes. The feeling of nakedness gives freedom. You can, for example, do this before bed. Take off your clothes, take a deep breath, feel how easy and good you are. With such sensations and sleep will be stronger.

Imagination can also help you overcome stress. Imagine that everything that happens is just a dream. A little more and it will end. It is useful to periodically break away from reality, but do not flirt or lose touch with reality.

Make gifts. Get a couple of dozen knickknacks and present them to people you like. This procedure will only charge you with the positive.

Watch your mood - channel it in a positive direction every moment of life.

Remember that everything depends only on you and your desire.

Each of us sooner or later gets into stressful situations, but not everyone knows how to deal with stress.

Cause of stress any problematic situation can become - dismissal, failure in personal life, injury. And as the people say, "Trouble does not come alone." And life is not limited to one problem. How to properly survive a series of such events?

If you do not take action, then stress can develop into depression and then, in especially severe cases, you cannot do without professionals and medicines.

It is necessary to collect all the will into a fist and adequately survive stress until it turns into a real swamp of hopelessness.

Are you sure you're stressed?

Before you deal with stress, you need to make sure that you have it. Let's move on to its symptoms.

  1. The former will be more likely to cause stress - prolonged exposure to an irritant.
  2. Shock reaction to what happened. It manifests itself in increased heart rate, sudden sweating, and brain shutdown.
  3. It may well be that the awareness of the situation came to you long after what happened. This is quite normal - in severe stressful situations, the body turns off the brain so as not to incur large losses.
  4. A stressed person is disturbed by anxiety. It can be both unreasonable and arise from the slightest problems. You didn’t answer politely at the cashier in the supermarket and made a whole scandal out of it? Think about your state of mind.
  5. Stress is evidenced not only by the decline in vital activity, but also by its rise. In conditions that threaten vital capacity, the body mobilizes resources, which is aimed at preserving life by any means. Pay attention to your condition. If you are more energized than ever, able to work without fatigue for hours on end.
  6. Expect a breakdown during the rise. It will come abruptly, without warning. Remember that stress in a decline will be much more difficult than in a recovery.

These conditions have similar symptoms and causes, but it is quite easy to distinguish between them.

Depression is a chronic illness accompanied by clinical symptoms in the flesh prior to chemical changes in the brain. The state of despair becomes normal and does not leave the patient for a single second.

Stress, unlike depression, is temporary. It can even last for several days. Its appearance is accompanied by such health problems as increased blood pressure, headaches. Stress can turn into depression.

Modern classification distinguishes two forms of stress - positive stress and negative. In the first form, a large release of serotonin is produced, which causes increased vigor and energy. The second has opposite symptoms and has a negative effect on human immunity.

Another significant difference is that stress can go away without outside help, but depression, especially in its extreme manifestations, can reach extremes without intervention.

The following comparisons will help you better distinguish between stress and depression:

  • Stress is nothing more than a reaction of the body, depression is a mental illness;
  • Depression weakens a person, reduces his vitality. Stress in moderation is beneficial.
  • Anything that lasts more than a week can be safely called depression.
  • Stress is easy to get rid of, but depression often requires professional and even medication;
  • In most cases, stress is accompanied by an increase in energy, and depression is accompanied by a breakdown.

Specific actions

  1. Accept the situation and it will calm you down.... Agree that nothing can be returned back. What happened, unfortunately or fortunately, is unchanged. All further actions must proceed from

Our expert is a leading researcher at the Research Institute of Neurology of the Research Center of the First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenova, Doctor of Medicine Elena Akarachkova.

Attention, alarm!

Many people are used to thinking that only negative emotions make us feel stressed. However, it is not. Stress is the body's response to any external or internal change. The cause of stress can be banal lack of sleep, hunger, changes in atmospheric pressure, excessive physical activity, illness, and even too much joy. When faced with any of these factors, the body needs to respond appropriately, to adapt the work of all internal organs and systems to the situation, to force them to act differently from usual. Under stress, the work of the cardiovascular system changes, blood pressure rises, heart rate accelerates, blood vessels narrow, intestinal tone changes. Sometimes all these changes pass without a trace, but sometimes stress can cause serious illness: bronchial asthma, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, stomach and intestinal ulcers, and even malignant tumors. Since stress affects every cell in our body, it is not always possible to guess which organ will be more vulnerable. However, it is within our power to prevent the negative consequences of stress.

Three steps

When faced with any stressor, a person goes through three stages.

The first is the anxiety response; the body mobilizes all its resources to deal with the situation. At this moment, the brain decides which structures of our body should work more intensively, which organs, on the contrary, need to reduce activity.

Then comes the stage of resistance: a person adapts to the situation and the body is able to work in an "emergency" mode for quite a long time. And when the stressful situation is resolved, the stage of exhaustion inevitably sets in - the time when it is necessary to rest and replenish resources. If all three stages are completed correctly, stress will not bring any harm to the body. On the contrary, it will become a kind of training that will prepare a person to face the next non-standard situation.

However, if the body, not having time to recover, is faced with new stress, this can lead to health problems - a person simply does not have enough strength to withstand the stress. Therefore, do not forget about preventive measures that can increase stress resistance and protect against a number of diseases.

Watch your diet

An improperly formulated diet is additional stress for the body. Therefore, make sure that your menu contains enough vitamins and trace elements, exclude or at least limit harmful foods. This is especially true for table salt. Too much salt alters the function of the adrenal glands, the organs responsible for the production of adrenaline and cortisol, the so-called stress hormones. If the adrenal glands are not working properly, excess amounts of these hormones enter the bloodstream. And they, in turn, negatively affect all organs and systems.

Another ally of stress is alcohol. The fact is that each glass of alcohol increases the load on the liver. As a result, the brain does not receive the necessary nutrients, but it receives toxins in abundance. And he is no longer able to give the necessary commands to the internal organs. It is no coincidence that all fans of alcoholic drinks have approximately the same reaction to stress - they are irritable, fussy, unable to make adequate decisions. All this is the result of the action of alcohol.

You should not lean on too fatty fried foods. She, like alcohol, makes the liver work with increased stress.

Sleep at least 6 hours

Sleep is essential for the body to recuperate. If rest is not enough, then the response to stress will be inadequate.

In addition, lack of sleep in combination with stress can cause heart attacks, strokes, and thrombosis. But keep in mind that sleeping too long is also unhealthy. The connection between the occurrence of senile dementia, Alzheimer's disease and other vascular diseases and sleep more than 10 hours a day has been scientifically proven.

Most people need 6-8 hours of sleep, but the need for sleep depends on age and individual characteristics. Finding out how much time you need to recover is not difficult at all. Go to bed around 10-11 pm (by the way, in order not to break the correct biorhythms, you need to go to bed no later than 12 at night) and sleep until the morning, not turning on the alarm clock. If you woke up in a good mood, with a feeling of cheerfulness, then you slept enough. Just don't lie in bed after waking up. You may be able to fall asleep again, but such a dream will bring nothing but a feeling of weakness.

Various gadgets will also help control sleep. Special smart bracelets can measure your heart rate, determine sleep stages depending on your body movements. Such a bracelet, synchronized with an application in a mobile phone or computer, will not only calculate the number of hours you need to rest, but will also wake you up at the right time. After all, the state of health depends on which stage of sleep, deep or superficial, you wake up. The fact is, waking up during deep sleep is stressful in itself!

Go in for sports

Physical education is like a miniature stress. The body first mobilizes, then adjusts, and finally rests. That is, it goes through all the same stages as during stress. Therefore, people who lead an active lifestyle, go in for sports, are more adapted to face an unusual situation.

In addition, during training, a person begins to breathe deeply and correctly. And breathing exercises are one of the best sedatives. When inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly, carbon dioxide is produced, which has an anti-anxiety effect.

Control emotions

Negative information flow, family conflicts, troubles at work - all these can cause emotional stress. It is impossible and unnecessary to protect oneself from public life by locking oneself within four walls. However, it is important that at the time of emotional stress, a person can receive support from relatives, friends, or have the opportunity to consult a psychologist.

When to see a doctor?

It happens that, despite all the efforts, stress still becomes chronic. Then you cannot do without the intervention of a specialist.

The very first sign that the body is not coping with stress is sleep disturbance. Later, symptoms such as headache, pain in muscles, back, joints, blurred vision, dizziness, feeling short of breath, palpitations, irritability, tearfulness, increased sweating may appear. Sometimes chronic stress manifests itself in the form of a bear sickness or a strong urge to urinate. Sometimes these disorders take such forms that the person is simply afraid to leave the house. It happens that a rise in temperature to 37.2 -37.5 becomes a sign of chronic stress. This happens especially often if the stress was preceded by an illness.

If these symptoms appear, do not delay seeking medical attention. To which one depends on the specific complaints.

However, if your doctor prescribes sedatives for you, be sure to follow his instructions. But it's important to remember that this treatment is a temporary crutch that helps a person adapt and learn how to properly respond to stress. During those six or twelve months during which, as a rule, treatment lasts, the patient needs to undergo physical and psychological adaptation. Otherwise, after drug withdrawal, the symptoms of chronic stress will again make themselves felt.

Who is the most at risk


Hormonal changes in the body are stressful in themselves. Therefore, additional emotional stress affects the body especially strongly.


Women suffering from premenstrual syndrome and in a state of menopause. PMS, as a rule, is a consequence of endocrine disorders, and menopause is associated with changes in hormonal levels.


People who drink alcohol and smokers. Alcohol disrupts the brain and makes it difficult to properly respond to stress. And nicotine, getting into the body, narrows blood vessels, increases the heart rate. As a result, under stress, the cardiovascular system of smokers is overloaded.

The elderly

Due to poor blood supply to the brain, older people cannot adequately perceive many events. Therefore, any event, even an insignificant one, causes them emotional stress.

Letting go of the problem

What if problems roll in one after another and you feel that stress is not releasing you?

Our expert - family psychologist, art therapist, business coach Olga Zavodilina.


Sit down, relax, and listen to your body.

Try to understand where tension is hiding in your body. Negative emotions that are not allowed to escape leave a feeling of physical stiffness.

Once you've found where the stress is hiding, try to imagine it. What does it look like? What colour is he? Now that the problem has taken shape, we need to get rid of it.

Imagine that you are holding a balloon. Inflate it, as if breathing out negative emotions into it. The ball gets bigger and bigger, and when it is full, release it into the sky. Imagine that he is flying further and further from you. You can take a real balloon and, inflating it, imagine how the stress you feel passes into the toy. After that, release the ball, throw it away from you along with negative emotions.

Now listen to yourself again. The tension has left you, which means that somewhere in the body there is a space free from these sensations. You need to understand where it formed. Imagine how this space is filled with a feeling of lightness and tranquility. Imagine what these feelings are like, imagine their shades. The more detailed you imagine the positive feelings, the longer they will stay with you!

Intimate talk

Another good way to relax is to paint or sculpt your stress out of plasticine. Take a pen or pencil in your left hand and try to portray your negative emotions on paper. You need to draw with your left hand (if you are right-handed). The fact is that when we sketch with a working hand, the images come out familiar, somewhat formulaic. And your task is not to portray a beautiful picture, but to separate yourself from stress, so the drawing should be intuitive. Now that the picture lies next to you, it becomes clear that you are living apart from your stress. Here it is, on paper, not inside your body. And you are clearly more than your stress, which means that he does not control you, but you. Talk to your drawing or to the shape you sculpted. What are your negative emotions screaming about? Are they saying that you are tired? Or haven't you been doing what you love for a long time? That the routine has stuck you, that you want to get out of your usual circle of responsibilities and go on a trip? So make concessions to yourself! Take a break in the middle of the working day, get out to an exhibition or visit, go to work on a new road, because every walk is a little journey. Each of these small steps will help you overcome stress.