Studying the features of the intellectual activity of the elderly. Labor activity in the elderly and senile age Social situation of people of elderly and senile age

Ryzhachkov Anatoly Alexandrovich11/12/2019

Pension care is not only an end of professional activity, but also a change in the human life. To this event should be prepared in advance. Retired, you can be satisfied with your life or, on the contrary, regret that you have to leave work.

No matter when retirement is retired (at 50, 60 or 70 years), farewell to work may threaten complications. Pension stress is accompanied by reluctance to participate in public life, a decrease in interest in other people and often leads to a decrease in intellectual activity. The feeling of own closerness and the lack of accurate routine can provoke a dignity of self-esteem, a bad mood or closure. "Care of yourself", in turn, often leads to egocentrism, "looping" on memories. A person begins to listen hard to himself, his body.

The active optimist makes it easier to change the changes associated with the pension and will again gain life equilibrium. The desire to work is the main need of a healthy person.

Work helps the development of many human abilities, makes it necessary others, gives meaning of life. The Great Philosopher of the 18th century Voltaire on the ninth dozen of life believed that the older the man becomes, the more he needs to work, because it is better to die than elderly drag in life (it means to live!).

Having achieved retirement age, it is important to continue to work, but in accordance with the state of health. Elderly people should not be performed by severe physical work, which Aristotle also said that she dries the body and leads to premature old age. It can be said that moderate work is a healthy stress, and non-promotional work due to its volume, content, or, on the contrary, due to the fact that it does not use all the possibilities of a person - this is an unhealthy stress.

After 65-70 years should not strive to work, which requires greater attention or rapid decision-making. Well, if you can walk to work, spending no more than 15-25 minutes.

If the pensioner does not work anywhere, he still needs to take himself. It is useful to make a list of cases on a day, even if you perform all LIE succeed.

Hope physical work has a beneficial effect on the state of the body. Many older people are happy to work on the nursery. While working in the garden, the following recommendations must be followed.

  • It is impossible to work with poor well-being. As soon as an elderly person, working, felt no matter: he got sick or a sense of ailment appeared - he must immediately stop working and arrange a break.
  • It is not recommended to work at hot time. It is best to work in the garden to 11 am and after 17 pm.
  • On the head there should always be a headdress, and not a constraintful clothing from well ventilated fabrics (cotton or flax) should close the body as much as possible.
  • Not long to be in one position, especially in the inclined position. It is possible to use to work with landings of various benches.
  • It is necessary to make long interruptions in work and always have a medicine-recommended medicine for emergency care.
  • Never work at an altitude without insurance.
  • It is undesirable to be in the garden alone long, because with a sharp deterioration of well-being, there will be no help.

In connection with the heavy economic situation in the country, many people who have retired are forced to seek an additional source of income, since the pension accrued by him is most often not enough. In addition, lonely pensioners at work communicate with their colleagues. This has a positive impact on them, while maintaining social ties.

Active labor life on pensions will not only replenish the pensioner budget, but also (with a reasonable load) to strengthen its health. It must be remembered that all long-livers worked until the last days of life, remaining in sound reason and having good physical data to deep old age.

Pogodina A.B, Gazimov A.H. Basics of gerontology and geriatria: studies. - Rostov N / D: Phoenix, 2007. - P. 51-53.

More slow process of aging, or vice versa, the best preservation of thinking abilities contributes to the subjective feeling of "slow motion old age" In any case, they note that the point of trying to preserve youth as long as possible - although ... that it has already been shown that women are more susceptible to age stereotypes and much more severe men experience the approach old age. However, in the work of the SAFER and colleagues, the strong difference in the results demonstrated by different floors did not find it. ...

https: //www.Syt/journal/124351

The newspaper published an article on the basis of which it can be concluded that negative thoughts about the coming old age Cannot harm health. The newspaper leads to the excerpts of scientific articles of scientists who are engaged in this ... According to 2007, she watched 440 adult volunteers. 25% of those who were afraid old age In the youth, there were more heart attacks, strokes and heart attacks. For those who belonged to old age Quietly, without unnecessary emotions, these diseases were observed much less often. According to researchers, ...

https: //www.Syt/journal/124864.

Abrams. If you take common values, then the age of you can call the age of 35 years. BUT old age comes in 58 years. Scientists also identified an interesting trend: the warmer and south of the country, the earlier there, ... as it seems to people, ends with youth and begins old age. Of course, the current age of respondents also influenced the answers. For example, those who for 80 believed that youth continues and ...

https: //www.Sype/journal/124920.

Souls, for this you need to be at a fairly high level of spirituality. How to establish communication with lead? Try to learn at first feel the presence master in your life. Try learn to notice the signs that he shows to you. Understand that nothing ... like you or do not like it, but we are faced, we are attached to the conversation, we are investing thoughts. All this is a job leads. But we have the right to choose: we decide to keep acquaintance or not, we decide to continue the conversation or not, we ...

https: //www.Syt/journal/144594.

What orders in a nurse
Maybe in old age ridge break.
Aged old, nonsense,
Will be gravity to raise.

At each age, its own is charm,
Although what to hide - the days of the Nativity of Bodray.
Bodies and soul lives in them freshness,
Easier everything ...

https: //www.Sype/poetry/1106773.

Very often K. old age We are beginning to overcome not only numerous aids, but also the problem of loneliness is exacerbated. Well, if you have grandchildren. In them, you find the meaning and continuation of life. But how...

The central characteristic of the social situation of development in old age is related to the change of public position, with retirement and removal from active participation in productive work. The existing and negative nature of the "cultural standards" of old age and the uncertainty of social expectations for an elderly person in the family does not allow to consider the social situation of the life of an elderly person as a full development situation. Retired, a person faces the need for an important, difficult and absolutely independent choice in solving the question: "How to be old?" The active, creative approach of the person himself is put forward to the forefront. The transformation of the social situation of life in a development situation is currently the individual personal task of each elderly person.

Preparation for retirement, considered as the development of readiness for changing the social position, is the necessary moment of mental development in old age, as the focus on schooling in five-six-year-old or as career guidance, professional self-determination in adolescence.

Solving the universal problem "Accommodation / experiences", the choice of aging strategy is not considered narrowly, as a kind of simultaneous action, it is stretched, maybe for years the process associated with overcoming several personal crises. On the threshold of old age, a person decides for himself a question: to try to keep old, as well as create new social ties or go to life in a circle of interests of loved ones and their own problems, i.e. Go to life as a whole individual. This choice defines a particular adaptation strategy - saving

ourselves as personalities and preserve yourself as an individual. In accordance with this choice and, accordingly, the adaptation strategy The leading activities in old age can be directed or to preserve the personality of a person (maintaining and developing its social relationships), either on withdrawal, individualization and "survival" of it as an individual against the background of a gradual extinction of psycho-physiological functions . Both variants of aging obey the laws of adaptation, but provide various quality of life and

even its duration. The adaptation strategy "by type of closed contour" manifests itself in the overall decline in interests and claims to the outside world, egocentrism, reducing emotional control, in the desire to hide, in a sense of inferiority, irritability, which over time is replaced by indifference to others. Approximately such a model of aging is spoken by describing "passive aging", the behavior of the type of "egoistic stagnation", a loss of social interest. The alternative is to maintain and develop diverse connections with society. In this case, the leading activities in old age can be structuring and transferring life experience.

An options for adequate age species of socially significant activities may be the continuation of professional activities, writing memoirs, teaching and mentoring, upbringing grandchildren, students, social activities. In 1999 (in the international year of an elderly person in Moscow), the exhibition of five artists of Russia took place in the Gallery of the Naive Art of the Dar. There were presented works of the best, officially recognized so-called "naive artists": Alexander Suvorov, Pavel Leonova, Vasily Grigorieva, Maikova's love, Elena Volkovka. Each of them began to write either revealed as an artist in old age. For example, Maikova's love for the first time took a brush in the hands of 79 years. And their paintings, bright, truly "picturesque", - the manifestation of the need for "pure" art, the manifestation of wisdom and individuality, a special deep inner world, which was held in the souls of very ordinary people. This is the ideal of creative activity in old age, the high sample of the completeness of life and wholeness, which is not available to everyone, but to which it should strive. Preserving itself as a personality assumes the opportunity to work very much, to have versatile interests, try to be the necessary close people, feel "involvement in life." And even - with the harsh circumstances: very old, the patient, a woman chained to bed rejoices, which can be beneficial to loved ones: "After all, you have a whole day at work, an apartment is unattended, and here at least I look at home." A.G. The leader believes that the special "internal work" on the adoption of his life path, to rethinking it in the conditions of impossibility of real significant lifests and performs the function of leading activity in old age.

N.S. The burst offered to allocate the specifics of self-determination and activity at different stages of old age:

I. Elderly, pre-retirement age - 55-60 years (before retirement) - this is primarily an expectation, and at best - preparation for the pension. In general, the period is characterized by:

Waiting for a pension: for someone, the pension is perceived as an opportunity "to start resting", for someone - as the cessation of active labor life and an ambiguity, what to do with your experience and even a considerable remaining energy;

The main contacts are still more production in nature, when, on the one hand, colleagues can expect that this person leaves up from work (and the person himself feels), and on the other hand, a person does not want to let go and he himself secretly hopes that the pension himself It will come later than for many of his peers;

Relations with relatives, when, on the one hand, a person can still in a considerable degree to provide his family, including grandchildren (and in this sense he is "useful" and "interesting"), and on the other hand, the premonition of his ambulance "unnecessaryness", When he stops making a lot and will receive his "miserable pension";

The desire to raise, prepare a "decent replacement" at work;

2. Leading:

The desire to "catch" to do what has not yet managed (especially in a professional plan), as well as the desire to leave about themselves "good memory" at work;

The desire to transfer their experience to students and followers;

With the appearance of grandchildren, people of prenets for age are "breaking" between work, where they want to realize themselves as much as possible, and the upbringing of their grandchildren who are no less important for them (this is also the continuation of their kind);

By the end of the pre-preimage period (especially if the probability of leaving this work is very high), the desire to choose a retirement lesson, somehow plan your further life.

P. The retirement period (the first years after retirement) is primarily the development of a new social role, a new status. In general, this period is characterized as follows:

1. Social development situation:

Old contacts (with work colleagues) at first are still preserved, but in the future become increasingly pronounced;

Mostly contacts with close people and relatives (respectively, on the part of relatives requires special tacticality and attention to still "inexperienced" pensioners);

Friends gradually appear - pensioners or even other, younger people (depending on what the pensioner will be engaged and with whom he will have to communicate. For example, public retirees immediately find new areas of activity and quickly seize new "business" contacts. );

Typically, relatives and loved ones tend to ensure that the pensioner, "whom and so much time" is more engaged in raising his grandchildren, so communication with children and grandchildren is also the most important characteristic of the social situation of pensioners.

2. Leading:

First of all, it is a "search yourself" in a new capacity, it is a test of its forces in a variety of activities (in the education of grandchildren, in the household, in the hobby, in new relations, in social activities, etc.) is self-determination by the method "Samples and errors"; In fact, a pensioner is a lot of time, and he can afford it (however, all this happens against the background of the feeling that everything decreases with every day and decreases ... ");

For part of the pensioners, the first time on pensions is a continuation of work in its main profession (especially when such an employee receives a pension and basic salary together); In this case, a working pensioner significantly increases a sense of self;

An increasingly increasing desire to "teach" or even "shame" people of younger age;

III. The period of old age (a few years after retirement and until the moment of serious health deterioration), when a person has already mastered a new social status for himself, is characterized by approximately following:

1. Social situation:

Communication mainly with the same elders;

Communication with members of their family, who either exploit the old old time, or simply "go" him;

Some pensioners find new contacts in public activities (or even in continuing professional activities);

For part of pensioners, the value of the relationship with other people is changing. For example, some authors note that many previously close to the older communication gradually "lose their former intimacy and become more generalized."

2. Leading:

Leisure hobby (often pensioners change one passion after another, which somewhat refutes the idea of \u200b\u200btheir "rigidity"; they still continue to look for themselves, look for meanings in different activities ...). The main problem of such a search is "disproportion" of all these activities compared with the previous ("real") work;

The desire for all sorts of ways to confirm your self-esteem, according to the principle: "While I am at least something useful for others, I have existed and demanding respect for himself";

For part of old people during this period (even when health is still quite good and there is no reason to "say goodbye to life")

the leading activities may be prepared for death, which is expressed in the admission to religion, in frequent walking in the cemetery, in conversations with loved ones about the "testament".

IV. Loading in the conditions of a sharp deterioration of health status differs significantly from old age without special health problems. Therefore, it makes sense to allocate

features of this option of old age.

1. Social situation:

Mostly - communication with relatives and loved ones, as well as with doctors and neighbors in the Chamber (if the elder is inpatient treatment);

Also, it is neighbors on the ward in the nursing homes (mostly elders are transmitted to such houses when they need special care).

Unfortunately, in many homes such care is actually worse than at home.

2. Leading:

Treatment, the desire to somehow struggle with diseases;

The desire to comprehend your life. Very often, this is a desire to embellish your life, a person is "clinging" for all the best, which was (and what was not) in his life. In this state, a person wants to leave behind something very good, meaningful, worthy of it and to prove to himself and others: "I lived not in vain." Or repent of something unworthy.

V. Loading with relatively good health (approximately 75 - 80 years and older) can be characterized by:

1. Social situation:

Communication with close and native people who are beginning to be proud that the real long-liver lives in their family. To some extent, this pride is selfish: relatives believe that there are good heredity in their family and that they will also live for a long time. In this sense, the long-liver is a symbol of future long life for other family members;

A healthy long-liver may have new friends and acquaintances;

Since the long-lived is a rare phenomenon, then a variety of people are striving to communicate with such an older, including representatives of the media. Therefore, the circle of friends from the long-liver may even expand somewhat.

2. Leading:

It largely depends on the inclinations of this person, but in any case it is quite active life (sometimes even with excesses characteristic of a healthy mature person). Probably, not only the prescriptions of the doctor are probably important to preserve health, but the very feeling of their health (or "sense of life").

Similar information.

The central characteristic of the social situation of development in old age is related to the change of public position, with retirement and removal from active participation in productive work. The existing and negative nature of the "cultural standards" of old age and the uncertainty of social expectations for an elderly person in the family does not allow to consider the social situation of the life of an elderly person as a full development situation. Retired, a person faces the need for an important, difficult and absolutely independent choice in solving the question: "How to be old?" The active, creative approach of the person himself is put forward to the forefront. The transformation of the social situation of life in a development situation is currently the individual personal task of each elderly person.

Preparation for retirement, considered as the development of readiness for changing the social position, is the necessary moment of mental development in old age, as the focus on schooling in five-six-year-old or as career guidance, professional self-determination in adolescence.

Solving the universal problem "Accommodation / experiences", the choice of aging strategy is not considered narrowly, as a kind of simultaneous action, it is stretched, maybe for years the process associated with overcoming several personal crises. On the threshold of old age, a person decides for himself a question: to try to keep old, as well as create new social ties or go to life in a circle of interests of loved ones and their own problems, i.e. Go to life as a whole individual. This choice defines a particular adaptation strategy - saving

ourselves as personalities and preserve yourself as an individual. In accordance with this choice and, accordingly, the adaptation strategy The leading activities in old age can be directed or to preserve the personality of a person (maintaining and developing its social relationships), either on withdrawal, individualization and "survival" of it as an individual against the background of a gradual extinction of psycho-physiological functions . Both variants of aging obey the laws of adaptation, but provide various quality of life and

even its duration. The adaptation strategy "by type of closed contour" manifests itself in the overall decline in interests and claims to the outside world, egocentrism, reducing emotional control, in the desire to hide, in a sense of inferiority, irritability, which over time is replaced by indifference to others. Approximately such a model of aging is spoken by describing "passive aging", the behavior of the type of "egoistic stagnation", a loss of social interest. The alternative is to maintain and develop diverse connections with society. In this case, the leading activities in old age can be structuring and transferring life experience.

An options for adequate age species of socially significant activities may be the continuation of professional activities, writing memoirs, teaching and mentoring, upbringing grandchildren, students, social activities. In 1999 (in the international year of an elderly person in Moscow), the exhibition of five artists of Russia took place in the Gallery of the Naive Art of the Dar. There were presented works of the best, officially recognized so-called "naive artists": Alexander Suvorov, Pavel Leonova, Vasily Grigorieva, Maikova's love, Elena Volkovka. Each of them began to write either revealed as an artist in old age. For example, Maikova's love for the first time took a brush in the hands of 79 years. And their paintings, bright, truly "picturesque", - the manifestation of the need for "pure" art, the manifestation of wisdom and individuality, a special deep inner world, which was held in the souls of very ordinary people. This is the ideal of creative activity in old age, the high sample of the completeness of life and wholeness, which is not available to everyone, but to which it should strive. Preserving itself as a personality assumes the opportunity to work very much, to have versatile interests, try to be the necessary close people, feel "involvement in life." And even - with the harsh circumstances: very old, the patient, a woman chained to bed rejoices, which can be beneficial to loved ones: "After all, you have a whole day at work, an apartment is unattended, and here at least I look at home." A.G. The leader believes that the special "internal work" on the adoption of his life path, to rethinking it in the conditions of impossibility of real significant lifests and performs the function of leading activity in old age.

N.S. The burst offered to allocate the specifics of self-determination and activity at different stages of old age:

I. Elderly, pre-retirement age - 55-60 years (before retirement) - this is primarily an expectation, and at best - preparation for the pension. In general, the period is characterized by:

Waiting for a pension: for someone, the pension is perceived as an opportunity "to start resting", for someone - as the cessation of active labor life and an ambiguity, what to do with your experience and even a considerable remaining energy;

The main contacts are still more production in nature, when, on the one hand, colleagues can expect that this person leaves up from work (and the person himself feels), and on the other hand, a person does not want to let go and he himself secretly hopes that the pension himself It will come later than for many of his peers;

Relations with relatives, when, on the one hand, a person can still in a considerable degree to provide his family, including grandchildren (and in this sense he is "useful" and "interesting"), and on the other hand, the premonition of his ambulance "unnecessaryness", When he stops making a lot and will receive his "miserable pension";

The desire to raise, prepare a "decent replacement" at work;

2. Leading:

The desire to "catch" to do what has not yet managed (especially in a professional plan), as well as the desire to leave about themselves "good memory" at work;

The desire to transfer their experience to students and followers;

With the appearance of grandchildren, people of prenets for age are "breaking" between work, where they want to realize themselves as much as possible, and the upbringing of their grandchildren who are no less important for them (this is also the continuation of their kind);

By the end of the pre-preimage period (especially if the probability of leaving this work is very high), the desire to choose a retirement lesson, somehow plan your further life.

P. The retirement period (the first years after retirement) is primarily the development of a new social role, a new status. In general, this period is characterized as follows:

1. Social development situation:

Old contacts (with work colleagues) at first are still preserved, but in the future become increasingly pronounced;

Mostly contacts with close people and relatives (respectively, on the part of relatives requires special tacticality and attention to still "inexperienced" pensioners);

Friends gradually appear - pensioners or even other, younger people (depending on what the pensioner will be engaged and with whom he will have to communicate. For example, public retirees immediately find new areas of activity and quickly seize new "business" contacts. );

Typically, relatives and loved ones tend to ensure that the pensioner, "whom and so much time" is more engaged in raising his grandchildren, so communication with children and grandchildren is also the most important characteristic of the social situation of pensioners.

2. Leading:

First of all, it is a "search yourself" in a new capacity, it is a test of its forces in a variety of activities (in the education of grandchildren, in the household, in the hobby, in new relations, in social activities, etc.) is self-determination by the method "Samples and errors"; In fact, a pensioner is a lot of time, and he can afford it (however, all this happens against the background of the feeling that everything decreases with every day and decreases ... ");

For part of the pensioners, the first time on pensions is a continuation of work in its main profession (especially when such an employee receives a pension and basic salary together); In this case, a working pensioner significantly increases a sense of self;

An increasingly increasing desire to "teach" or even "shame" people of younger age;

III. The period of old age (a few years after retirement and until the moment of serious health deterioration), when a person has already mastered a new social status for himself, is characterized by approximately following:

1. Social situation:

Communication mainly with the same elders;

Communication with members of their family, who either exploit the old old time, or simply "go" him;

Some pensioners find new contacts in public activities (or even in continuing professional activities);

For part of pensioners, the value of the relationship with other people is changing. For example, some authors note that many previously close to the older communication gradually "lose their former intimacy and become more generalized."

2. Leading:

Leisure hobby (often pensioners change one passion after another, which somewhat refutes the idea of \u200b\u200btheir "rigidity"; they still continue to look for themselves, look for meanings in different activities ...). The main problem of such a search is "disproportion" of all these activities compared with the previous ("real") work;

The desire for all sorts of ways to confirm your self-esteem, according to the principle: "While I am at least something useful for others, I have existed and demanding respect for himself";

For part of old people during this period (even when health is still quite good and there is no reason to "say goodbye to life")

the leading activities may be prepared for death, which is expressed in the admission to religion, in frequent walking in the cemetery, in conversations with loved ones about the "testament".

IV. Loading in the conditions of a sharp deterioration of health status differs significantly from old age without special health problems. Therefore, it makes sense to allocate

features of this option of old age.

1. Social situation:

Mostly - communication with relatives and loved ones, as well as with doctors and neighbors in the Chamber (if the elder is inpatient treatment);

Also, it is neighbors on the ward in the nursing homes (mostly elders are transmitted to such houses when they need special care).

Unfortunately, in many homes such care is actually worse than at home.

2. Leading:

Treatment, the desire to somehow struggle with diseases;

The desire to comprehend your life. Very often, this is a desire to embellish your life, a person is "clinging" for all the best, which was (and what was not) in his life. In this state, a person wants to leave behind something very good, meaningful, worthy of it and to prove to himself and others: "I lived not in vain." Or repent of something unworthy.

V. Loading with relatively good health (approximately 75 - 80 years and older) can be characterized by:

1. Social situation:

Communication with close and native people who are beginning to be proud that the real long-liver lives in their family. To some extent, this pride is selfish: relatives believe that there are good heredity in their family and that they will also live for a long time. In this sense, the long-liver is a symbol of future long life for other family members;

A healthy long-liver may have new friends and acquaintances;

Since the long-lived is a rare phenomenon, then a variety of people are striving to communicate with such an older, including representatives of the media. Therefore, the circle of friends from the long-liver may even expand somewhat.

2. Leading:

It largely depends on the inclinations of this person, but in any case it is quite active life (sometimes even with excesses characteristic of a healthy mature person). Probably, not only the prescriptions of the doctor are probably important to preserve health, but the very feeling of their health (or "sense of life").

"There are many examples of remarkably gifted elders who seem to refute the law of senile decline and even devastating diseases of the disease. Dizraeli He said that old age was Nevada to many people. They retained the ability of the mind and feeling until the last day of their lives. Plato Died with a cane for a letter in the hands of eighty-one. Caton studied Greek after the sixty years, according to other instructions even eighty years, in order to read Greek playwrights in the original; Cicero I composed my fine "Treatise about old age" of sixty-three years, a year before his violent death. Galilee She finished his "dialogues about the movement" of seventy two years. He was busy with his student Torricelli The continuation of this work when he died at the seventy-eighth year. The minds of these people grew, expanded and deepened over the years. "The bad thing is wine," said Lord Jeffrey, which is a blood from time to time. "

Among the elderly who have studied new languages \u200b\u200bto replenish their education or for entertainment, we see Dr. Johnson and James Watt. They wanted to make sure whether their mental abilities were joined over the years. Johnson studied the Dutch of the seventy one year, and the WATT German is seventy five. Both of them were captured by these languages \u200b\u200bquite and made sure that their abilities were not at all suffered from time to time. Thomas Scott has begun to study the Jewish language of the fifty-six years, and Goette It was sixty-four years old when he began to engage in eastern literature. He died eighty-three years old, retaining all the freshness of thinking and imagination to the end.

Lord Kdenum in old years, leaving the post of Lord Chancellor, learned in Spanish to read the novels in this language, after they have already been re-reading English, French and Italian novelists. Alexander von Humboldt Posted by the last page of his "cosmos" on the ninety year and died a month after his end. Aged Leopold background Rank continued to work on eight hours a day before the ninety-first year of life, and his last essays almost never inferior.

One writer said that after forty years, the brain is not able to perceive new impressions; However, the elderly scientists, far-speaking this age, can console the fact that Dr. Priwley up to forty years not He was familiar with chemistry. In a letter to Sir, at the sixty-eighth year, Dr. Priwley says: "Although I am an old experimenter, but almost to forty years not He produced a single experience over the air, and then began for it without prior acquaintance with chemistry. " Oxygen was opened to them for forty-first year, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, fluorinist-hydrogen, chloride and other gases in subsequent years. Dr. Thomson spoke about him: "No one was taken for chemistry under more unfavorable conditions than Dr. R-p attached, but only a few occupied in this science a more outstanding place or have made a greater number of new and important factors into her."

Most great astronomers lived to deep old age with their entire abilities. Labor was for them the Divine Comforter in old age. They were racks in all trials and hard in hope. We mentioned Galileewhich dictated his last work, having done blind and stray. Gevelius with hobby observed the heavenly bodies up to seventy six years, and Copernicus up to seventy. Newton Posted by a new preface to his "principia" at eighty-three years. Flemstide, Galya, Bradley, Misklaine and Herschel They lived all to old age. And Ms. Somerville, the author of the "Sky Mechanism" presented his last work "Molecular and Microscopic Science" in the old age of eighty years. When the fence noted that in the subsequent parts of his "history of astronomy" there are too many amendments related to the content of the preceding parts, the veteran of science objected: "My answer will be very brief: I began to write this essay at sixty-three years; Now I am seventy-two to me, and if I postponed the printing of my book until it had to add and cross out, she would never have appeared in the light. "

Great state people and judges mostly differed in longevity. Hence it is clear that most promotes longevity live interest in the surrounding life. Sullen and indifferent people disappear, and active lives live long. Exercise of all abilities is necessary for health; This is equally applicable to both old and young people. The idleness leads to the weakening of muscles, heart and brain and to the rapid depletion of mental forces. Dr. Lorda, the famous physiologist from Montpellier, argued that the wilment is not a life, but the mental began to in the old age autumn color of the green foliage of life. "Invalid," he says, "as if the mind weakens when the life force moved for his climax. The mind acquires more strength in the first half of that period, which we call old age. Therefore, it is impossible to determine which period of life the ability of judgment comes in decline. "

Lords Eldon, Bruem, Lindgrest and Palmerston were equally great both in old age and in his youth. Eldon died eighty-six years old, and his striking mental abilities changed him only shortly before his death. Bruem, apparently, fought for a long time with old age and death, until finally in the ninety-year-old year he lost her great, managing strength. Lindglass in the evening of that day when he went to the ninetieth year, said in the ward of Lords an incomparable clarity, insight and persuasiveness, proving that the sunset of his mighty mind was completely clouded. However, he lived two more years, keeping the clarity of the mind and ease of thinking to the end. Palmerston at the beginning of his political career was one of the youngest representatives of the House of Commons and he stayed to the end of the same cheerful, kipuchim, unfaded hero of the parliamentary debate and was a typical statesman. He always or triumphed, or fought; Labor seemed to excite, strengthened and maintained its vital energy. He stayed the first minister longer than all others in this century, excluding Lord Liverpool, and in addition retained his amazing popularity to death. People believed in its stability, truthfulness, honesty and patriotism; He also died first Minister in 1865, eighty years ago.

Judicial administrators were almost the same as their longevity, as well as legislators. Sir Eduard Kok fell from the horse to the eighty first of the first year, and hit the sharp crushed stone, and the horse fell on him. However, after that he lived for more than a year. The last days of his life were devoted to the preparation for the press of his numerous works on the law. Sir Matthew Gel abandoned the chairmanship in the court of the royal bench at sixty-seven years. Mansfield died eighty-nine years old, keeping to the end of clarity and the power of the mind. Lords Stowell, Garvik, Kedden and Campbell lived to deep old age. Some of the judges performed their duties for so long that they even initiated this displeasure between young members of the judicial department. LEFRUA fixed the position of Lord and Judge in the court of Irish bench until the ninetieth year. "

Samuel Smilets, writings in 2 volumes. Life and work, or characteristics of great people, Volume 2, M., Terra, 1997, p. 159-162.