Changing gravity. Artificial gravity and how to create it

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If you already have an account on the official 1xbet website, then there is no need to create a new one for the mirror. It is enough to enter your old data that is relevant for the main site.

I don't know where I came from, where I am going, or even who I am.

E. Schrödinger

In a number of works, an interesting effect was noted, which consisted in a change in the weight of objects in the presence of rotating masses. The change in weight occurred along the axis of rotation of the mass. In the works of N. Kozyrev, a change in the weight of a rotating gyroscope was observed. Moreover, depending on the direction of rotation of the gyroscope rotor, there was either a decrease or an increase in the weight of the gyroscope itself. In the work of E. Podkletnov, a decrease in the weight of an object located above a superconducting rotating disk, which was in a magnetic field, was observed. In the work of V. Roshchin and S. Godin, the weight of a massive rotating disk made of magnetic material, which itself was the source of the magnetic field, decreased.

One common factor in these experiments is the presence of a rotating mass.

Rotation is inherent in all objects of our Universe, from the microcosm to the macrocosm. Elementary particles have their own mechanical moment - spin, all planets, stars, galaxies also rotate around their axis. In other words, the rotation of any material object around its axis is its inherent property. A natural question arises: what is the reason for this rotation?

If the hypothesis of the chronofield and its effect on space is correct, then it can be assumed that the expansion of space occurs due to its rotation under the influence of the chronofield. That is, the chronofield in our three-dimensional world expands space, from the subspace region to the superspace region, unwinding it according to a strictly defined relationship.

As already noted, in the presence of gravitational mass, the energy of the chronofield decreases, space expands more slowly, which leads to the appearance of gravity. With the distance from the gravitational mass, the energy of the chronofield increases, the rate of expansion of space increases, and the gravitational effect decreases. If in any area near the gravitational mass in any way increase or decrease the rate of expansion of space, this will lead to a change in the weight of objects located in this area.

It is likely that experiments with rotating masses caused such a change in the rate of expansion of space. Space somehow interacts with the rotating mass. With a sufficiently high rotation speed of a massive object, it is possible to increase or decrease the rate of expansion of space and, accordingly, change the weight of objects located along the axis of rotation.

The author made an attempt to verify the experimentally stated assumption. An aircraft gyroscope was taken as the rotating mass. The scheme of the experiment corresponded to the experiment of E. Podkletnov. Weights made of materials of different density were balanced on an analytical balance with a measurement accuracy of 0.05 mg. The weight of the cargo was 10 grams. A gyroscope was placed under the weighing pan with a weight, which rotated at a fairly high speed. The frequency of the gyroscope supply current was 400 Hz. Gyroscopes of different masses with different moments of inertia were used. The maximum weight of the gyroscope rotor reached 1200 g. The gyroscopes were rotated both clockwise and counterclockwise.

Long-term experiments from the second half of March to August 2002 did not give positive results. Sometimes slight deviations in weight were observed within one division. They could be attributed to errors arising from vibrations or other, any external influences. However, the nature of these deviations was unambiguous. When the gyroscope was rotated counterclockwise, a decrease in weight was observed, and clockwise - an increase.

During the experiment, the position of the gyroscope and the direction of its axis were changed at different angles to the horizon. But this did not give any results.
In his work N. Kozyrev noted that the change in the weight of the gyroscope could be detected in late autumn and winter, and even in this case the readings changed during the day. Obviously, this is due to the position of the Earth relative to the Sun. N. Kozyrev conducted his experiments at the Pulkovo Observatory, which is located about 60 ° north latitude. In the winter season, the position of the Earth relative to the Sun is such that the direction of gravity at this latitude is almost perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic (7 °) in the daytime. Those. the axis of rotation of the gyroscope was practically parallel to the axis of the plane of the ecliptic. In the summer, to get the result, the experiment had to be tried at night. Perhaps the same reason did not allow to repeat the experiment of E. Podkletnov in other laboratories.

At the latitude of Zhitomir (about 50 ° north latitude), where the author's experiments were carried out, the angle between the direction of gravity and the perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic is almost 63 ° in summer. Perhaps for this reason, only minor deviations were observed. But it is also possible that the effect was also exerted on the balancing weights. In this case, the difference in weight manifested itself due to the different distances from the weighed and balancing weights to the gyroscope.
The following mechanism of weight change can be imagined. The rotation of gravitational masses and other objects and systems in the Universe occurs under the influence of the chronofield. But rotation occurs around some one axis, the position of which in space depends on some factors that are still unknown to us. Accordingly, in the presence of such rotating objects, the expansion of space under the influence of the chronofield acquires a directional character. That is, in the direction of the axis of rotation of the system, the expansion of space will occur faster than in any other direction.

Space can be thought of as a quantum gas that fills everything even inside the atomic nucleus.. (my approx. - I’ll say more simply - the mentioned quantum gas is the ether) There is an interaction between space and material objects inside which it is located, which can be enhanced by external factors, for example, in the presence of a magnetic field. If the rotating mass is located in the plane of rotation of the gravitational system and rotates in the same direction at a sufficiently high speed, then space along the axis of rotation will expand faster due to the interaction of space and the rotating mass. When the directions of action of gravity and expansion of space coincide, the weight of objects will decrease. With the opposite rotation, the expansion of space will slow down, resulting in increased weight.

In cases where the directions of gravity and space expansion do not coincide, the resulting force changes insignificantly and is difficult to register.
The rotating mass will change the strength of the gravitational field in a particular place. In the formula for the gravitational field strength g \u003d (G · M) / R2, the gravitational constant G and the Earth's mass M cannot change. Consequently, the value of R changes - the distance from the center of the Earth to the object being weighed. Due to the additional expansion of the space, this value increases by ΔR. That is, the load, as it were, rises above the surface of the Earth by this value, which leads to a change in the strength of the gravitational field g "\u003d (G · M) / (R + ΔR) 2.

If the expansion of space slows down, the value of ΔR will be subtracted from R, which will lead to an increase in weight.

Experiments with weight change in the presence of a rotating mass do not allow for high measurement accuracy. It is possible that the speed of rotation of the gyroscope is not sufficient for a noticeable change in weight, since the additional expansion of space is not very significant. If such experiments are carried out with a quantum clock, then a higher measurement accuracy can be achieved by comparing the readings of two clocks. In the area where space is expanding faster, the chronofield intensity increases, and the watch will have a rapid pace and vice versa.

Sources of information:
1) Kozyrev N.A. On the possibility of experimental investigation of the properties of time. // Time in Science and Philosophy. Praga, 1971. P. 111 ... 132.

In the late 1990s, physicists, to their horror, discovered that the expansion of the universe was not slowing down, but accelerating. Nothing in the "standard model of cosmology" could explain this, and so a new term was invented to describe what drives acceleration: dark energy.

We have no idea what "dark energy" is, but if it exists, it should account for about 70% of the energy of the entire Universe. And it would be unheard of to ask for an additional component of such a plan to be added to the standard cosmological model. So another explanation is that we are using the wrong equations - the wrong theories of gravity - to explain the rate at which the universe is expanding. Perhaps if we described them with different equations, we wouldn't have to cram in this huge amount of additional energy.

Alternative gravity could solve the dark energy problem. General relativity is our best description of gravity so far, and has been well tested on a small scale; on Earth and in the solar system, we see absolutely no deviations from it. But when we go over the very long distances involved in cosmology, it seems that we need improvement. This includes changing the length of the scale by 16 orders of magnitude (ten thousand trillion times more). It would be astounding if one theory could cover this huge range of scales, and so changing the theory of gravity doesn't seem like such a crazy idea.

One of the real problems with making theories of gravity is that you need to be sure that your theory will make sense on a very large cosmological scale, without predicting things that are ludicrous for the solar system, like the spiral descent of the moon to Earth. Alas, these forecasts are little analyzed. Cosmologists tend to focus on cosmological properties and don't even always check if their theory allows stars and black holes to exist stably. Because if not, you will have to give it up right away.

Over the past ten years, hundreds of researchers have tried all kinds of ways to change gravity. Part of the problem is that there are so many theories that it would take forever to test each one individually. Tessa Baker of Oxford University has done a lot of work trying to come up with a unified description of these theories. If you can reduce them all to a single mathematical formalism, all you have to do is check one thing and you will know what that means for all the other theories.

“In the process of making this map, we found that many theories look very different at first, but mathematically, they all move in the same direction. This led me to believe that people are stuck with one method of thinking when they develop these gravitational theories, and there is still room for reversal.

Not long ago, I moved on to developing ways to test math - by limiting it to the data. For example, we can use gravitational lensing. If you take a massive object like a galaxy cluster, the light from the objects behind it will be bent by the cluster's gravity. If you change the theory of gravity, you change the percentage of curvature. We usually skip every bit of data we get in our hands to constrain that box and test what works.

At this particular point in time, the data we have is not good enough to differentiate between different gravity models. Therefore, we make a lot of predictions for the next generation of astrophysical experiments in order to find out what methods of testing theories of gravity will be useful in the future. "

I don't know where I came from, where I am going, or even who I am.

E. Schrödinger

In a number of works, an interesting effect was noted, which consisted in a change in the weight of objects in the presence of rotating masses. The change in weight occurred along the axis of rotation of the mass. In the works of N. Kozyrev, a change in the weight of a rotating gyroscope was observed. Moreover, depending on the direction of rotation of the gyroscope rotor, there was either a decrease or an increase in the weight of the gyroscope itself. In the work of E. Podkletnov, a decrease in the weight of an object located above a superconducting rotating disk, which was in a magnetic field, was observed. In the work of V. Roshchin and S. Godin, the weight of a massive rotating disk made of magnetic material, which itself was the source of the magnetic field, decreased.

One common factor in these experiments is the presence of a rotating mass.

Rotation is inherent in all objects of our Universe, from the microcosm to the macrocosm. Elementary particles have their own mechanical moment - spin, all planets, stars, galaxies also rotate around their axis. In other words, the rotation of any material object around its axis is its inherent property. A natural question arises: what is the reason for this rotation?

If the hypothesis of the chronofield and its effect on space is correct, then it can be assumed that the expansion of space occurs due to its rotation under the influence of the chronofield. That is, the chronofield in our three-dimensional world expands space, from the subspace region to the superspace region, unwinding it according to a strictly defined relationship.

As already noted, in the presence of gravitational mass, the energy of the chronofield decreases, space expands more slowly, which leads to the appearance of gravity. With the distance from the gravitational mass, the energy of the chronofield increases, the rate of expansion of space increases, and the gravitational effect decreases. If in any area near the gravitational mass in any way increase or decrease the rate of expansion of space, this will lead to a change in the weight of objects located in this area.

It is likely that experiments with rotating masses caused such a change in the rate of expansion of space. Space somehow interacts with the rotating mass. With a sufficiently high rotation speed of a massive object, it is possible to increase or decrease the rate of expansion of space and, accordingly, change the weight of objects located along the axis of rotation.

The author made an attempt to verify the experimentally stated assumption. An aircraft gyroscope was taken as the rotating mass. The scheme of the experiment corresponded to the experiment of E. Podkletnov. Weights made of materials of different density were balanced on an analytical balance with a measurement accuracy of 0.05 mg. The weight of the cargo was 10 grams. A gyroscope was placed under the weighing pan with a weight, which rotated at a fairly high speed. The frequency of the gyroscope supply current was 400 Hz. Gyroscopes of different masses with different moments of inertia were used. The maximum weight of the gyroscope rotor reached 1200 g. The gyroscopes were rotated both clockwise and counterclockwise.

Long-term experiments from the second half of March to August 2002 did not give positive results. Sometimes slight deviations in weight were observed within one division. They could be attributed to errors arising from vibrations or other, any external influences. However, the nature of these deviations was unambiguous. When the gyroscope was rotated counterclockwise, a decrease in weight was observed, and clockwise - an increase.

During the experiment, the position of the gyroscope and the direction of its axis were changed at different angles to the horizon. But this did not give any results.

In his work N. Kozyrev noted that the change in the weight of the gyroscope could be detected in late autumn and winter, and even in this case the readings changed during the day. Obviously, this is due to the position of the Earth relative to the Sun. N. Kozyrev conducted his experiments at the Pulkovo Observatory, which is located about 60 ° north latitude. In the winter season, the position of the Earth relative to the Sun is such that the direction of gravity at this latitude is almost perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic (7 °) in the daytime. Those. the axis of rotation of the gyroscope was practically parallel to the axis of the plane of the ecliptic. In the summer, to get the result, the experiment had to be tried at night. Perhaps the same reason did not allow to repeat the experiment of E. Podkletnov in other laboratories.

At the latitude of Zhitomir (about 50 ° north latitude), where the author's experiments were carried out, the angle between the direction of gravity and the perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic is almost 63 ° in summer. Perhaps for this reason, only minor deviations were observed. But it is also possible that the effect was also exerted on the balancing weights. In this case, the difference in weight manifested itself due to the different distances from the weighed and balancing weights to the gyroscope.

The following mechanism of weight change can be imagined. The rotation of gravitational masses and other objects and systems in the Universe occurs under the influence of the chronofield. But rotation occurs around some one axis, the position of which in space depends on some factors that are still unknown to us. Accordingly, in the presence of such rotating objects, the expansion of space under the influence of the chronofield acquires a directional character. That is, in the direction of the axis of rotation of the system, the expansion of space will occur faster than in any other direction.

Space can be thought of as a quantum gas that fills everything even inside the atomic nucleus. There is an interaction between space and material objects inside which it is located, which can be enhanced by external factors, for example, in the presence of a magnetic field. If the rotating mass is located in the plane of rotation of the gravitational system and rotates in the same direction at a sufficiently high speed, then space along the axis of rotation will expand faster due to the interaction of space and the rotating mass. When the directions of action of gravity and expansion of space coincide, the weight of objects will decrease. With the opposite rotation, the expansion of space will slow down, resulting in increased weight.

In cases where the directions of gravity and space expansion do not coincide, the resulting force changes insignificantly and is difficult to register.

The rotating mass will change the strength of the gravitational field in a particular place. In the formula for the strength of the gravitational field g = (G· M) / R 2 gravitational constant G and the mass of the earth M cannot change. Consequently, the quantity R - the distance from the center of the Earth to the item to be weighed. Due to the additional expansion of space, this value increases by Δ R... That is, the load, as it were, rises above the Earth's surface by this value, which leads to a change in the strength of the gravitational field g " = (G· M) / (R + Δ R) 2 .

In the case of slowing down the expansion of space, the quantity R will be subtracted from R, which will lead to weight gain.

Experiments with weight change in the presence of a rotating mass do not allow for high measurement accuracy. It is possible that the speed of rotation of the gyroscope is not sufficient for a noticeable change in weight, since the additional expansion of space is not very significant. If such experiments are carried out with a quantum clock, then a higher measurement accuracy can be achieved by comparing the readings of two clocks. In the area where space is expanding faster, the chronofield intensity increases, and the watch will have a rapid pace and vice versa.

Sources of information:

  1. Kozyrev N.A. On the possibility of experimental investigation of the properties of time. // Time in Science and Philosophy. Praga, 1971. P. 111 ... 132.
  2. Roshchin V.V., Godin S.M. Experimental study of nonlinear effects in a dynamic magnetic system. , 2001.
  3. Yumashev V.E.

Even a person who is not interested in space has ever seen a movie about space travel or read about such things in books. In almost all such works, people walk on the ship, sleep normally, and have no problems with eating. This means that these - fictional - ships have artificial gravity. Most viewers perceive it as something completely natural, but this is not at all the case.

Artificial gravity

This is the name of the change (in any direction) of the usual gravity for us by using various methods. And this is done not only in fantastic works, but also in very real earthly situations, most often for experiments.

In theory, creating artificial gravity doesn't look that difficult. For example, it can be recreated with the help of inertia, more precisely, the need for this force did not arise yesterday - it happened immediately, as soon as a person began to dream of long space flights. The creation of artificial gravity in space will make it possible to avoid many problems that arise during a prolonged stay in zero gravity. The muscles of the astronauts weaken, the bones become weaker. Traveling in these conditions for months can cause some muscle atrophy.

Thus, today the creation of artificial gravity is a task of paramount importance, without this skill it is simply impossible.


Even those who know physics only at the level of the school curriculum understand that gravity is one of the fundamental laws of our world: all bodies interact with each other, experiencing mutual attraction / repulsion. The larger the body, the higher its gravity.

For our reality, the Earth is a very massive object. That is why, without exception, all the bodies around her are attracted.

For us, this means which is usually measured in g, equal to 9.8 meters per square second. This means that if we did not have support under our feet, we would fall at a speed that increases by 9.8 meters every second.

Thus, only thanks to gravity we are able to stand, fall, eat and drink normally, understand where the top is, where the bottom is. If attraction disappears, we will find ourselves in zero gravity.

Astronauts are especially familiar with this phenomenon, who find themselves in space in a state of soaring - free fall.

In theory, scientists know how to create artificial gravity. There are several techniques.

Large mass

The most logical option is to make it so large that artificial gravity appears on it. One can feel comfortable on the ship, since orientation in space will not be lost.

Unfortunately, this method is unrealistic with modern technology development. To build such an object requires too many resources. Plus, it will take an incredible amount of energy to lift it.


It would seem that if you want to reach g, equal to the earth, you just need to give the ship a flat (platform-like) shape, and make it move perpendicular to the plane with the required acceleration. In this way, artificial gravity will be obtained, and - ideal.

However, in reality, everything is much more complicated.

The first thing to consider is the fuel issue. In order for the station to constantly accelerate, it is necessary to have an uninterruptible power supply. Even if an engine suddenly appears that does not eject matter, the law of conservation of energy will remain in force.

The second problem lies in the very idea of \u200b\u200bconstant acceleration. According to our knowledge and physical laws, it is impossible to accelerate to infinity.

In addition, such vehicles are not suitable for research missions, since they must constantly accelerate - fly. He will not be able to stop to study the planet, he will not even be able to fly slowly around it - he has to accelerate.

Thus, it becomes clear that such artificial gravity is not yet available to us.


Everyone knows how the rotation of the carousel affects the body. Therefore, an artificial gravity device based on this principle seems to be the most realistic.

Everything that is in the diameter of the carousel tends to fall out of it at a speed approximately equal to the speed of rotation. It turns out that the bodies are acted upon by a force directed along the radius of the rotating object. This is very similar to gravity.

So, you need a ship that has a cylindrical shape. At the same time, it must rotate around its axis. By the way, artificial gravity on a spaceship, created on this principle, is often demonstrated in science fiction films.

A barrel-shaped ship, rotating around the longitudinal axis, creates a centrifugal force, the direction of which corresponds to the radius of the object. To calculate the resulting acceleration, you need to divide the force by the mass.

In this formula, the calculation result is acceleration, the first variable is the nodal speed (measured in radians per second), the second is the radius.

According to this, in order to obtain the usual g, it is necessary to correctly combine the radius of space transport.

A similar problem is highlighted in films such as "Intersolach", "Babylon 5", "2001: A Space Odyssey" and the like. In all these cases, artificial gravity is close to the Earth's acceleration of gravity.

As good as the idea is, it is difficult to implement.

Carousel problems

The most obvious problem is covered in A Space Odyssey. The radius of the "space carrier" is about 8 meters. In order to get an acceleration of 9.8, the rotation must occur at a speed of about 10.5 revolutions every minute.

At the indicated values, the "Coriolis effect" appears, which consists in the fact that at different distances from the floor, different forces act. It directly depends on the angular velocity.

It turns out that artificial gravity in space will be created, but too fast rotation of the body will lead to problems with the inner ear. This, in turn, causes imbalance, problems with the vestibular apparatus and other - similar - difficulties.

The emergence of this obstacle suggests that such a model is extremely unsuccessful.

You can try to go from the opposite, as they did in the novel "The World-Ring". Here the ship is made in the form of a ring, the radius of which is close to the radius of our orbit (about 150 million km). At this size, the speed of its rotation is sufficient to ignore the Coriolis effect.

It can be assumed that the problem has been solved, but this is not at all the case. The fact is that a complete revolution of this structure around its axis takes 9 days. This suggests that the loads will be too heavy. In order for the structure to withstand them, a very strong material is needed, which we do not have available today. In addition, the problem is the amount of material and the construction process itself.

In games of a similar theme, as in the movie "Babylon 5", these problems are somehow solved: the rotation speed is sufficient, the Coriolis effect is not significant, hypothetically it is possible to create such a ship.

However, even such worlds have a drawback. His name is moment of impulse.

The ship, rotating around its axis, turns into a huge gyroscope. As you know, it is extremely difficult to force the gyroscope to deviate from the axis due to it is important that its number does not leave the system. This means that it will be very difficult to set the direction for this object. However, this problem can be solved.

Solution to the problem

Artificial gravity on the space station becomes available when the O'Neill cylinder comes to the rescue. To create this structure, identical cylindrical ships are needed, which are connected along an axis. They should rotate in different directions. The result of such an assembly is zero angular momentum, so there should be no difficulty in giving the ship the required direction.

If it is possible to make a ship with a radius of about 500 meters, then it will work exactly as it should. At the same time, artificial gravity in space will be quite comfortable and suitable for long flights on ships or research stations.

Space Engineers

How to create artificial gravity is known to the creators of the game. However, in this fantastic world, gravity is not a mutual attraction of bodies, but a linear force designed to accelerate objects in a given direction. The attraction is not absolute here, it changes when the source is redirected.

Artificial gravity on the space station is created using a special generator. It is uniform and equidirectional in the range of the generator. So, in the real world, if you hit the ship with the generator, you would be pulled to the hull. However, in the game, the hero will fall until he leaves the perimeter of the device.

Today, artificial gravity in space created by such a device is not available to humanity. However, even the gray-haired developers do not stop dreaming about it.

Spherical generator

This is a more realistic hardware option. When installed, gravity is directed towards the generator. This makes it possible to create a station, the gravity of which will be equal to the planetary one.


Today, artificial gravity on Earth is found in various devices. They are based, for the most part, on inertia, since this force is felt by us similarly to gravitational influence - the body does not distinguish which cause causes acceleration. As an example: a person ascending in an elevator experiences the effect of inertia. Through the eyes of a physicist, lifting the elevator adds the acceleration of the car to the acceleration of free fall. When the cabin returns to measured movement, the “gain” in weight disappears, returning the usual sensations.

Scientists have long been interested in artificial gravity. The centrifuge is used most often for this purpose. This method is suitable not only for spacecraft, but also for ground stations, in which it is required to study the effect of gravity on the human body.

Study on Earth, apply in ...

Although the study of gravity began from space, it is a very earthly science. Even today, achievements in this area have found their application, for example, in medicine. Knowing if it is possible to create artificial gravity on the planet, you can use it to treat problems with the motor apparatus or the nervous system. Moreover, this force is studied primarily on Earth. This enables astronauts to conduct experiments while remaining under the close scrutiny of doctors. Artificial gravity in space is another matter, there are no people who can help astronauts in case of an unforeseen situation.

Bearing in mind complete weightlessness, one cannot take into account a satellite in near-earth orbit. These objects, albeit to a small extent, are affected by gravity. The force of gravity generated in such cases is called microgravity. Real gravity is experienced only in a vehicle flying at a constant speed in open space. However, the human body does not feel this difference.

You can experience weightlessness during a long jump (before the canopy opens) or during a parabolic descent of the aircraft. Such experiments are often performed in the USA, but in an airplane this feeling lasts only 40 seconds - this is too short for a full study.

Back in 1973, the USSR knew whether it was possible to create artificial gravity. And they not only created it, but also changed it in some way. A striking example of artificially reducing gravity is dry diving, immersion. To achieve the desired effect, it is required to lay a dense film on the surface of the water. The person is placed on top of it. Under the weight of the body, the body is submerged under the water, only the head remains at the top. This model demonstrates the low-gravity supportlessness that is characteristic of the ocean.

There is no need to go into space to feel the effect of the opposite force of weightlessness - hypergravity. During takeoff and landing of a spacecraft, overload in a centrifuge can not only be felt, but also studied.

Gravity Healing

Gravitational physics studies, among other things, the effect of weightlessness on the human body, seeking to minimize the consequences. However, a large number of achievements of this science can be useful to ordinary inhabitants of the planet.

Doctors pin great hopes on studies of the behavior of muscle enzymes in myopathy. This is a serious illness leading to early death.

With active physical activity, a large amount of the enzyme creatinophosphokinase enters the blood of a healthy person. The reason for this phenomenon is unclear, perhaps the load acts on the cell membrane in such a way that it “leaks out”. Patients with myopathy get the same effect without exertion. Observations of astronauts show that in zero gravity, the flow of active enzyme into the blood is significantly reduced. This finding suggests that the use of immersion will reduce the negative impact of factors leading to myopathy. At the moment, experiments are being carried out on animals.

Some diseases are already being treated using data obtained from the study of gravity, including artificial. For example, cerebral palsy, strokes, Parkinson's are treated by using exercise suits. Research on the positive effect of the support - pneumatic shoe - has been practically completed.

Are we going to Mars?

The latest achievements of the astronauts give hope for the reality of the project. There is experience of medical support for a person during a long stay away from the Earth. Research flights to the Moon, the force of gravity on which is 6 times less than our own, have also brought a lot of benefit. Now astronauts and scientists are setting themselves a new goal - Mars.

Before getting in line for a ticket to the Red Planet, you should know what the body expects already at the first stage of work - on the way. On average, the road to a desert planet will take a year and a half - about 500 days. On the way, you will have to rely only on your own strength, there is simply nowhere to wait for help.

Many factors will undermine the strength: stress, radiation, lack of a magnetic field. The most important test for the body is a change in gravity. During the journey, a person will "get acquainted" with several levels of gravity. First of all, these are overloads during takeoff. Then - weightlessness during the flight. After that - hypogravity at the destination, since the force of gravity on Mars is less than 40% of the Earth's.

How do you cope with the negative effects of weightlessness on a long flight? It is hoped that developments in artificial gravity will help resolve this issue in the near future. Experiments on rats traveling to Cosmos-936 show that this technique does not solve all problems.

The OS experience has shown that much more benefit to the body can be brought by the use of training complexes, which are able to determine the necessary load for each astronaut individually.

So far, it is believed that not only explorers will fly to Mars, but also tourists who want to establish a colony on the Red Planet. For them, at least for the first time, the sensations of being in zero gravity will outweigh all the arguments of doctors about the dangers of a long stay in such conditions. However, in a few weeks they will need help too, which is why it is so important to be able to find a way to create artificial gravity on the spacecraft.


What conclusions can be drawn about the creation of artificial gravity in space?

Of all the options currently being considered, a rotating structure looks the most realistic. However, with the current understanding of physical laws, this is impossible, since a ship is not a hollow cylinder. There are overlaps inside it that prevent the implementation of ideas.

In addition, the radius of the ship must be so large that the Coriolis effect does not have a significant impact.

To control something like this, you need the aforementioned O'Neill cylinder, which will enable you to control the ship. In this case, the chances of using such a design for interplanetary flights with a comfortable level of gravity for the team are increased.

Before mankind manages to make its dreams come true, I would like to see in fantastic works a little more realism and even greater knowledge of the laws of physics.