Art features "Song about Oleg" Pushkin.








This is hidden thin and bitter irony: the prediction of the wrap is coming true one way or another.









Mullery "and others), comparisons (" Coffin softening ... as a black ribbon "), personification (" crap dagger "," buckets circular, rushing, hissing ", etc.).

















To dive into the world of the described era, the vocabulary, which Pushkin uses: "Now", "Lucky", "Volkhiva", "Vladyka", "Gate", "Chapter", "Neighners", "Sword", "Soiling", "






Song of the meaning of Oleg: How now the prophetic Oleg is selected to dismiss unreasonable cherazaras;

His, in the Tsareghad armor, the prince on the field rides on the right horse. The prince quietly on the skull of the horse came and brought: "Sleep, a friend is lonely!





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Often, the motif of mysticism, mystery, rock is traced in such works.



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Pushkin has this specificity, lines alternate with 3 and 4 footsteps, that is, really the poet used the Baladskaya stanza.



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  • {!LANG-731066fb1b60bcb49ba72db06dcdb962!}






Another major topic that is asked in the "songs about Oleg" Pushkin (the genre is defined as a ballad) - the relationship of the poet and power.




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The winsted poems of Pushkin served as a reason for the decree of Alexander I to send the poet to the south reference.















Consider what is in the semantic level "Song about Oleg."








