Khamitov about the Bashkir language at school. Khamitov announced the abolition of compulsory study of the Bashkir language

Compulsory study of the Bashkir language will be canceled in schools in Bashkiria. The head of the republic Rustem Khamitov made it clear. The other day, he commented on Vladimir Putin's speech in Yoshkar-Ola on July 20, in which the president bluntly stated that it is unacceptable to force people to learn foreign languages. The position of the head of state and the reaction of the regional authorities caused jubilation of the parents and the murmur of the nationalists. The opinions of the parties were clarified by the correspondent of "FederalPress".

For a long time, the leadership of Bashkiria did not comment on one of the painful topics for the national region. More than two weeks have passed since Putin's speech at the Council on Interethnic Relations in Mari El, when Rustem Khamitov finally made a lengthy comment on the issue of studying the Bashkir language in schools.

“The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan once again analyzed the situation with the study of native languages \u200b\u200bin the region and saw that it was necessary to make changes to the basic educational plans of the eighth and ninth grades concerning the compulsory study of the Bashkir language as the state language,” said the head of Bashkiria.

At the same time, he refers to the need to "match" Bashkir and Russian legislation in terms of educational standards.

“The corresponding orders will be issued by the Ministry of Education. I want to say that this will in no way change the situation in terms of learning Bashkir, Tatar, Chuvash and other native languages, ”emphasizes Rustem Khamitov.

Further, the head of the region speaks of the need to unconditionally preserve and develop the language, study it in schools and universities. Encourages parents to encourage their children to learn Bashkir.
However, behind all the conciliatory rhetoric, the public considered a clear signal to abolish the compulsory study of the Bashkir language as the state language.

Language is my enemy

Back in the spring, discussions about the necessity of compulsory study of the language of the titular people flared up with renewed vigor in the republic. The reason was the decisions of the supervisory authorities. In late May, the prosecutor's office protested the violation of federal educational standards in schools in the region related to language teaching. A presentation was made to the head of the republic.

The leadership of Bashkortostan was silent even then. They understood how delicate the topic was and did not want to disturb the public once again. In June, the Executive Committee of the World Kurultai Bashkir held a meeting on the problem of language learning. The discussion turned out to be timid, on duty and resulted in a decision to correct the curriculum.

The more resolute representatives of the national elite expressed direct disagreement with the "assault on the Bashkir language."

Apparently, similar sentiments were ripening in other republics of the Volga region and reached the ears of the president, who expressed his categorical "no" at a meeting in Yoshkar-Ola.

“To study these languages \u200b\u200bis a constitutionally guaranteed right, a voluntary right. Forcing a person to learn a language that is not native to him is just as unacceptable as reducing the level and time of teaching Russian. I draw special attention to this of the heads of the regions of the Russian Federation, ”Vladimir Putin said then.

Heads between two fires

The regional leaders could not disagree with the president's decision. As in Bashkiria, in other national republics it took a long time to decide what to say to the people. Reducing language lessons in schools is fraught with at least dissatisfaction among some voters, including teachers of these languages.

Political analyst Abbas Gallyamov believes that Putin has put Rustem Khamitov in a very difficult situation, forcing him to make an obviously unpopular decision.

“Putin said an unambiguous thing: you cannot force schoolchildren to learn languages \u200b\u200bthat are not native to them. If Khamitov repeats this, the parents will be delighted, and the nationalists will be furious. Khamitov, as always, tried to get away from unambiguity: he gave out a set of good qualities, with each of which one cannot but agree with, but in the aggregate it is impossible to understand, ”the political scientist says.

According to the expert, Khamitov wants to continue to sit on two chairs at the same time, so that neither the parents of the schoolchildren are offended by him, nor the nationalists.

“In the end, of course, he will anger both those and those. Everyone is waiting for a decision from him, but he is not able to solve anything, he tries to get off with talk out of habit, ”says Abbas Gallyamov.

Bashkir public figure Azamat Galin believes that the head of Bashkiria had no choice at all. He simply has to fulfill the will of the federal center, regardless of public opinion. “I would not say that (Khamitov) was caught between two fires. The public poses no threat to him. In our country, as you know, the entire vertical is tied to one person. And if there are protests in Bashkiria, there may be some adjustments. It's hard for me to predict something. Let's wait and see, ”said Galin.

At the same time, he believes that in order to abolish the rule on compulsory study of the Bashkir language as a state language, the Constitution of Bashkortostan will have to be changed.

“We have a Constitution. And this norm is spelled out in it. This means that it will be necessary to change the Constitution. This means that someone will have to initiate it, ”Azamat Galin said.

For the sake of fairness, it must be said that many parents, indeed, did not hide their joy over the decision of the president and the head of the republic. Children will no longer be hammered in their heads, already confused by the exam, with a difficult and incomprehensible language, which is unknown when it will be useful in life, and whether it will be useful at all.

For the intelligentsia, this step was a signal of retreat in the struggle to preserve the Bashkir language, which, according to the UN definition, remains in the vulnerable category.

Rustem Khamitov tried to soften the blow, saying that now the missing Bashkir lessons in schools can be carried out in the form of an elective or evening classes. Introduce additional (voluntary!) Courses in the universities of the republic. Teach Bashkir to retirees at "universities of the third age".

“The Bashkir language was, is and will be. The study of the Bashkir language was, is and will be. The scope of the study largely depends on the decision of the parenting community. But at the same time we understand that here, in the Republic of Bashkortostan, the language must be preserved and all measures of support must be provided, ”the head of the republic concluded.

Rustem Khamitov spoke today about the study of the Bashkir language in the schools of the republic. He commented on Putin's recent statement in Yoshkar-Ola, when the president made it clear that he opposed the compulsory study of languages \u200b\u200bof national regions by children.

The head of Bashkortostan said that he supports Putin's position. The Ministry of Education will prepare the relevant documents in the near future.

“The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan once again analyzed the situation with the study of native languages \u200b\u200bin the region and saw that it was necessary to make changes to the basic educational plans of the eighth and ninth grades concerning the compulsory study of the Bashkir language as the state language. These changes will be made, including because there is a harmonization, integration of the Bashkir and Russian legislation in terms of federal state educational standards and approaches to the study of native languages, ”said Rustem Khamitov.

Apparently, this means that the mandatory study of Bashkir and other national languages \u200b\u200bin the republic will still be canceled.

At the same time, the head of the republic urged to do everything to preserve the language. He proposed to widely expand the voluntary study of Bashkir, including in the form of optional classes in schools, evening classes, additional courses in universities and "universities of the third age."

“We need to help ensure that schools have additional lessons for those who want to study their native language in depth. These classes can and should be conducted as an elective. I am sure that this form of training will be in demand, ”said Rustem Khamitov.

The head of the republic also believes that the decision to learn or not to learn their native language should be made by the parents. At the same time, he expressed the hope that the inhabitants of the region would agree that their children learn Bashkir as one of the state languages \u200b\u200bof Bashkortostan.

“You have to understand that learning your native language is primarily a parent's choice. In this case, my personal opinion: I would like the Bashkir language in our republic to be studied as the state language, so that the parents choose the Bashkir language as the state language and agree that their children study the Bashkir language here, in our republic, as the state one. I hope that understanding of the parental community in this area will, of course, be found, ”Rustem Khamitov emphasized.

He also said that during the revision of the curricula for grades 8 and 9, the reduction of hours for teachers of the Bashkir language will not be allowed. They will be able to supplement the missing lessons with extracurricular activities.

Earlier, Vladimir Putin's statement on the study of national languages \u200b\u200bcaused a heated discussion in the pedagogical and ethnic community.

The prosecutor's office found that the norm on the compulsory teaching of the Bashkir language in Bashkir schools was a violation of the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation and sent a corresponding submission to the head of the republic Rustem Khamitov. He promised to correct the imbalances by September 1. Meanwhile, the language problem arose in the region in 2010. precisely because of the decision of Khamitov to rid the Bashkir of the "artificial props" and has not yet been resolved.

The head of Bashkiria Rustem Khamitov said on the air of Echo of Moscow that by September 1, the republic's authorities would solve the problem with the study of the Bashkir language in schools. Earlier, the prosecutor's office submitted a submission to the head of the region, which stated that the universal compulsory study of the national language violates the law on education of the Russian Federation. Khamitov stressed that the Bashkir language in schools, according to local legislation, is an optional subject, and to attend it, you need the written consent of the students' parents. “Today we know that there are violations in a number of schools, that not all parents have received written consent to study the Bashkir language,” he added.

The submission of the prosecutor's office was a response to the actions of the so-called committee for the protection of the rights of Russian-speaking schoolchildren, which was organized by the parents of students of the 39th school in Ufa, who claim that their children are forced to learn Bashkir. The activists who turned to the prosecutor's office said that school directors were making such an illegal decision, since they were being pressured by the administration of the head of the republic and the regional ministry of education.

First Deputy Chairman of the public organization "Bashkort" Ruslan Gabbasov - one of those who advocate universal teaching of the Bashkir language in the schools of the republic. “The Bashkir language is considered to be disappearing. In general, the Bashkir people no longer have another place where we could preserve and develop our language, our culture, our traditions and customs. The Bashkirs have nowhere to go, we no longer have land. We are called almost fascists for the fact that we impose our language, but what is wrong if a resident of the region knows two languages, especially since Bashkir is very similar to other Turkic languages. This [knowledge of the language] is just a tribute to the people you live next to, ”Gabbasov says. The public figure considers the position in which the Bashkir language is now a half measure, in his opinion, obligatory knowledge of the language should be required from all representatives of the budgetary sphere, including doctors, police officers and politicians, and that it depends on the knowledge of the national language, as is done in Kazakhstan. career of residents of the republic.

At the same time, Gabbasov admits that the Bashkir language is not very well taught in schools and that "the Khamit Ministry of Education does not make any attempts to train teachers so that the Bashkir language is taught in an interesting, beautiful way, so that children want to learn it."

It is worth recalling that before 2010. Bashkir was compulsory for study in all schools of the republic until Rustem Khamitov headed it, who proclaimed that "the Bashkir language does not need artificial supports" and abolished the rule of its universal compulsory education. Since then, public discussion about the role of the national language in the school curriculum has not subsided.

Opponents of studying the Bashkir language, according to Gabbasov, are supported from Moscow, it is through their efforts, he believes, that the problem has moved from a cultural to a political plane. “I don't expect any clashes, but Khamitov’s policy is very alarming. This attempt to please both ours and yours does not lead to anything. But since our leader is distinguished by anti-Bashkir sentiments, and the Bashkirs do not like him very much for this, such a situation has arisen, ”the source said. The decision of the prosecutor's office, according to Gabbasov, "comes from Moscow from certain groups of people who are probing the ground for radical changes." Here he also refers to the statements of Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Valentina Matvienko on the liquidation of the national republics.

Deputy of the State Assembly of Bashkiria, member of the council of the regional national cultural autonomy of the Tatars Ramil Bignov I am convinced that the language policy in the republic should be in strict accordance with federal legislation, which, in particular, gives parents the right to choose whether or not their child will learn Bashkir or any other national language. “We shouldn't put pressure on anyone, on parental committees, on school councils. And it is impossible to violate the law from any side - this is the golden rule that will remove all questions and all accusations from any side, ”said the deputy. He believes that the prosecutor's office, which responded to the parents' request, did the right thing. At the same time, Bignov recalled that not so long ago she made a submission to the State Assembly, after which the deputies had to abolish the norm of the regional Family Code, which allows marriage at the age of 14. There is no need to look for politics in the actions of prosecutors, according to Bignov.

Note that the problem of compulsory study of the Bashkir language in the republic is acute, since there are as many Bashkirs in the republic in terms of population as there are Russians and Tatars: about 30% each. Another 10% are representatives of other ethnic groups. “And it is clear that the compulsory study of the Bashkir language in public schools causes a certain jealousy on the part of the Tatar part of the population. It has always been, is today and, unfortunately, will continue. Therefore, we need to find a common language and act only in the legislative field, ”Bignov added.

the main thing

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August 9, 2017 7:08 pm

Today, on the eve of the start of the academic year and the August teachers' council, a press conference was held with the Minister of Education of Bashkiria Gulnaz Shafikova and the head of the department for control and supervision in the field of education of the Republic of Bashkortostan Aibulat Khazhin.

The speakers spoke beautifully and confidently, and even themselves disclosed those problems that, perhaps, no one thought about. It was evident that representatives of education over the summer recovered from prosecutorial inspections, public and journalistic pressure. We have prepared our answers to all the most pressing questions. In a word, it was clear that for the new academic year, one of the youngest ministers, Gulnaz Shafikova (who possesses oratorical skills and terminology, who knows how to joke and throw a joke for self-defense) is quite ready.

Yes or no obligatory Bashkir?

At a meeting with journalists, the minister raised a lot of problematic issues, but she kept silent about the main thing that worries all residents of the republic - the compulsory study of the Bashkir language in schools.

The question was asked by our editorial staff and a large, detailed answer was received, which is not easy for a non-specialist in education to understand. So to teach or not to teach? Probably not. No, because for teaching the Bashkir language as a state language, a collegial decision must be made. And not by the head of the region or by the government of the republic, but by each individual school. That is, each educational institution in Bashkiria must decide, together with teachers, children and parents, to cancel or leave Bashkir language lessons.

To our question - why, then, in the Chechen Republic, which also relies on the Constitution of its republic and the Russian Federation, the mother tongue is obligatory, Gulnaz Shafikova replied: "I am not responsible for Chechnya."

Of course, the Bashkir minister is not obliged to be responsible for other regions. But why national languages \u200b\u200bas state languages \u200b\u200bare not brought by ministers to the federal level, why the experience of other regions is not studied, again it is not clear. Indeed, in fact, the current teachers' council should have been devoted to the problems of studying the Bashkir language as a native language and as a state language.

But, apparently, an important political issue was resolved quietly, quietly, and left to schools. And it seems like the minister has nothing to do with, they say, the decision was made by educational institutions. And the Deputy Prime Minister Salavat Sagitov too. And the head of the region Rustem Khamitov.

All summer in Ufa, they discussed the need to study the Bashkir language in schools - on the radio, on the Internet, even discussion clubs gathered, and only the Ministry of Education was silent. Shafikova explained the silence of the department by the fact that there was no time, a lot of work.

Irek Agishev, a representative of the Bashkir Center for Assistance to National Education "Aktamyr", was also at the press conference. Immediately after meeting with the minister, he published a post on Facebook.

“Questions were asked regarding the compulsory study of the state Bashkir language. She answered this question that the study of the state Bashkir will be carried out by the decision of the collegial council of the school. Then I asked a specific question about whether, in all classes of general education organizations, compulsory study of the state Bashkir language will be carried out by the decision of the collegial council of the school. I quoted to her the republican law "On Education" Article 6. Clause 2 where it is written that the Bashkir language as the state language of the republic is studied in all educational institutions located on the territory of the republic, in accordance with the federal state educational standard and other standards. In the next 2017-2018 academic year, in all general educational organizations of the country, students from grades 1 to 7 will study according to the Federal State Educational Standard. In these classes, they may not study the state Bashkir language, since the Federal State Educational Standard ignores the national component. But students in grades 8-9 will continue their education according to the old educational standard and there must be continued compulsory study of the state Bashkir language. And in the law of the Republic of Belarus "On Education" it is written that compulsory study of the state Bashkir language is carried out in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard and with other standards. The old standard does not ignore the compulsory study of the state Bashkir language. However, Minister Shafikova replied that compulsory study of the state Bashkir language will be carried out in all classes by the decision of the collegial council of the school. Such a stupid incompetent answer. Either she does not understand state standards or she was given such an instruction from above ...

Editorial photo

Teachers of the Bashkir language will not be left without a load

The Ministry of Education is already ready for mass layoffs of teachers of the Bashkir language. Therefore, Gulnaz Shafikova warned in advance:

We discussed this issue. Not a single teacher of the Bashkir language will be left without a load. We guarantee it. We will look at their specialization. Maybe they are also teachers of Russian or a foreign language. There are electives. But we have an assignment so that not a single Bashkir teacher would be left without workload.

Now let's imagine the following situation. It's no secret that in schools, teachers try to take as much workload as possible so that the salary looks more or less decent. Here at the teachers' council of some Russian school it turns out that the Bashkir teacher is out of work. The director says that the whole world needs to help out a colleague and give him a few hours of Russian or foreign.

Who will agree to this? Teachers? Parents? Hardly. After all, all these years the Bashkir teacher was a specialist in the Bashkir language.

Another question is that the teachers of the Bashkir language who have remained out of work in their school will be given a job in another educational institution where there is a vacancy.

Editorial photo.

Day of Knowledge Defender

Of course, at the press conference, journalists asked the most intriguing question - what date will the Knowledge Day be held in Ufa? The fact is that, due to the celebration of Eid al-Adha, the Ministry of Education decided that on September 2, children who study six days a week would sit at their desks, and for five-day days the recommended date is September 4. But the mayor of the capital of the republic Irek Yalalov was outraged by this decision and it is quite possible that the Day of Knowledge will traditionally take place in the city on the 1st.

What decision Ufa will make, ask Ufa, - Gulnaz Shafikova answered shortly.

And the city administration, apparently, is not going to retreat, and even decided to conduct a survey in social networks, finding out the opinion of residents, when the ceremonial lines timed to the Day of Knowledge should take place. Only people don't share the city manager's outrage. On Vkontakte, more than 60 percent of the respondents, this is more than 7000 votes for children to go to school on September 4.

School fees

Journalists were keenly interested in the issues of school fees - for school textbooks, for repairs and voluntary-compulsory collection of 5000 rubles to the "Children are our future" fund. Gulnaz Radmilovna said in this regard that all complaints are considered and the ministry should be informed about all such cases.

As for the textbooks, she assured that the provision of them in the republic is fully funded by the budget.

If the leaders do not understand, then you can talk with the parents. Such contributions are illegal. And in case of a complaint, there will be no consequences for the parents, ”explained Aibulat Khazhin, speaking about the forced contributions to the“ Children are Our Future ”fund, which he had heard a lot about.

Parents of the whole republic - unite!

Every year the republican teachers' council, in addition to solving current problems, is devoted to one topic. This year it will be held on August 11-12 and will discuss the improvement of the education system in Bashkortostan.

For the first time, there will be discussion platforms at the teachers' council, one of which will be given to parents. I must say that the Ministry of Education is increasingly working with parents. Representatives of the department, for example, invited active parents to the 1st republican parent forum.

Now these parents are uniting into a new organization, which they named neither more nor less "Advanced parents of Bashkortostan," Gulnaz Radmilovna said with a smile.

The Ministry of Education plans to create a council of parents who will act as consultants on regulatory documents that affect the rights of parents.

Whether such an unexpected and attentive attitude to parental activity is a reaction to those "advanced parents" who even manage to challenge the teaching of the Bashkir language as a state language remains a mystery.

In any case, parents are more and more interested in the quality of education and upbringing in schools, study their rights, school charter, unite and force them to reckon with them.

What educational issues concern you?

The Bashkir language is studied within the framework of the regional component of the curriculum - Minister of Education of the republic Gulnaz Shafikova said today in an interview with the leading radio station "Radio Russia Bashkortostan" Natalya Sannikova.

Its study is carried out within the framework of the federal state standard and is provided by the Constitution of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the minister noted.

The decision to study the Bashkir language as the state language, according to her, is made by the collegial council of the school. At the same time, the school decides together with the parents which language will be studied as a native language. The class can be divided into groups for learning different languages. However, this will only happen if there are at least 7 people in the group. According to Gulnaz Shafikova, the ministry understands that today the Bashkir language should be studied as a foreign language, and this requires a completely different teaching methodology.

Echo of Moscow - Ufa

Education Minister Shafikova told whether the Bashkir language will be compulsory in schools?

Today the presenter of the radio station "Radio Russia Bashkortostan" Natalia Sannikova interviewed the Minister of Education Gulnaz Shafikova. She answered the most pressing questions that worried the public this spring and summer.

The minister explained in detail how parents can teach their children their native language.

“If you, as a parent, applied to the school with a statement that you want your child to study the Bashkir language as a native, and there is a group of such people in the class, then the school will have to provide you with such conditions. If, say, in a class of 20 children, 10 write Bashkir to their native language, and 10 write to their native language, the Tatar language, the school will consider dividing the class into groups and providing conditions for teaching the native language. The parent's statement is fundamental, ”the minister explained and specified that a group cannot consist of less than seven people.

Also, 67% of children of non-Russian nationality can choose to study in their native language. These are Bashkir, Tatar, Mari, Udmurt, there is even German, Latvian, Ukrainian and other languages.

When asked about studying the Russian language as a native language, the minister answered: “We don't even consider Russian, because in all our schools Russian is taught as the state language. But if the parents write in their application that they choose Russian as their native language, and they have a subject that we talked about, chosen by them themselves, then the school will divide classes into groups where they will study one native language and another native language ".

In response to the most pressing question "Will Bashkir be studied as a state language in our schools?" Gulnaz Radmilovna said the following:

“This is an important division, and we must understand that Bashkir as a state language is studied in our country from grades 1 to 9, its study is carried out within the framework of the federal state standard and is provided by the Constitution of the Republic of Bashkortostan and our law“ On Education ”. All children from grades 1 to 9 study the Bashkir language as the state language one or two hours a week. And everything else is already at the request of the parents. But Bashkir as a state language is studied by the decision of the collegial council of the school. "

The answer of the minister is not entirely clear: is the study of the Bashkir language as the state language still mandatory or by decision of the collegial council of the school? We will find out this question.

The minister also assured that textbooks and teaching methods would be revised. This is the most "painful" question, which caused parental indignation.