Georgian writing origin. Interesting facts about the Georgian language and writing

GEORGIAN LETTER - the original alphabet (ანბანი) serving the Georgian language (ქართული ენა), the official writing of Georgia (საქართველო). Of all the Iberian-Caucasian languages, only Georgian is ancient written. Information about the use of the Georgian script in Turkey, Iran (for the Imerkhevo and Feydan dialects of the Georgian language) and Azerbaijan (Zagatala region) are contradictory.

According to Professor Ibragim Aliroev, the first inscriptions of the 4th century BC were made in Georgian script. and 8-12 centuries. in the Vainakh languages \u200b\u200b(during excavations in Chechnya, shards with Georgian letters were found, and on the Assa River, Ingush inscriptions in Georgian letters were found).

Unlike other European alphabets, created on the basis of Greek or Latin letters, Georgian letters do not have initials, and after a period, and proper names are written with a small letter (in this, the Georgian letter gravitates towards Semitic systems, revealing a noticeable orientalism that has not been obsolete to this day time). Although there are projects to introduce the oldest Georgian handwriting as capital letters from time to time asomtavruli... There were no ligatures in the Georgian statutory letter, although ancient handwriting is characterized by ligature.

As a result of the reform, three ancient Georgian letters in the 60s. 19th century (ჲ, ჳ,շ ) were removed from the Georgian alphabet at the initiative of the educator Ilya Chavchavadze. A noticeable specificity of the sound system of the Georgian language throughout its development is the striking phonetic conservatism of the system, which preserves the sound structure of the Georgian language of the most ancient period to the present day without noticeable phonetic transformations. This explains to a large extent the fact that the Georgian writing system fully preserves the unambiguity of the correspondences between the sound units of the language and the graphic symbols of writing both in paradigmatics and syntagmatics, which is one of the main characteristics of the general alphabetical writing system during its creation and at the initial stages. its development.

1 - transcription;
2- modern Georgian letters (mkhedruli);
3 - khutsuri (nuskhuri);
4 - asomtavruli (mtavruli), or mglovani;
5 - cursive;
6 - numerical values \u200b\u200bof letters;
7 - graphonyms;
8 - ancient letters that fell out of use (they conveyed mainly the sounds of the Greek language).

The first samples of Georgian writing proper that have come down to us date back to the 5th century. and are associated with the adoption of Christianity (inscriptions in a Georgian monastery in Palestine - c. 433, Bolnisi Zion - 493-94, Mtskheta Jvari - 6-7 centuries; the most ancient manuscripts, the so-called "Hanmet »Palimpsests). This letter is very different from the "Armaz" one (the direction and shape of the letters have changed).

The issue of the genetic links of the Georgian letter (ქართული დამწერლობა) has not been finally resolved. (There are hypotheses about its relationship with the Iranian Pahlavi and Slavic Glagolitic). The most convincing assumption is that it happened under the influence of the Armenian and Greek scripts. Like them, the letters of the Georgian alphabet have graphonyms and numerical values \u200b\u200bof letters, the letters in the alphabet are arranged in a similar order. However, modern Georgian writing has a number of specific features:

a.) Conformity of the letters of the Georgian letter. In the course of its development, Georgian graphemes have significantly and repeatedly changed their shape: compare the change in the grapheme "L"

The conspicuous difference in Georgian handwriting ( mrglovani, khutsuri and mkhedruli) can be explained, firstly, by over-stylization (by the arbitrariness of scribes-calligraphers, who, in pursuit of style, are far away from the original model of letters); secondly, the versatile specialization of graphics. It is known that until recently there were special versions of Georgian writing: "anjanuri" (secret), "deabruli" (babye), etc. Georgian researcher I. Javakhishvili mentions 16 systems of Georgian secret writing. Some researchers suggest that the three main Georgian handwritings are three genetically different alphabets.

b.) Redundancy of the forms of Georgian letters. The letterforms of the Georgian letter Mkhedruli are overly complicated (even in comparison with Mrglovani). In modern writing (especially in italics), there is a tendency towards simplification of letters (the so-called Z-shaped element is especially often reduced):

c.) Multidirectional Georgian letters. The letters of the Georgian alphabet, as a rule, have little resemblance to each other and are poorly connected with each other when writing fluently. Modern Georgian writing has practically not developed a smooth, continuous italics. Efforts in this direction make Georgian italics look like a fancy ligature.

In "Kartlis Tskhovreba" (Chronicle of Georgia) the historian of the 11th century. Leonti Mroveli reports that the Georgian letter was created by the first king of the Iberian kingdom (3rd-1st centuries BC) Parnavaz, or Farnavaz (ფარნავაზ) in the 4th-3rd centuries. BC. Obviously, here we are talking about the so-called. " armaz letter», Developed on the basis of the Eastern Aramaic script. It was consonant, and the lines ran from right to left. Armaz letter was used purely for religious purposes by the priests of the cult of the god Armazi. In the end. 2 - early. 1 millennium BC On the territory of the settlement of the Georgians, tribal unions of Diaokhi, Kulkha, Saspera and the first states arose: Colchis in the 6th century. BC. and Kartli (Iberia) in the 4th century. BC.

According to one of the legends, the Georgian letter was invented by the Georgian Jalai.

In 318 St. Nina (წმინდა ნინო) found the robe of Christ in the first capital of Georgia, Mtskheta. Christianity spreads here during the reign of Mirian. Another zealous Christian, King Gorgosal (Gurgaslan) in the 5th century. conquers Mingrelia, Imeretia, Abkhazia and sends out preachers to Ossetia, Svanetia and Chechnya.

In 486-488 the Iberian (Georgian) Church was formally subordinate to the Patriarch of Antioch, in the 6th century. fell under the influence of the Armenian Monophysite Church, but already in 608-609 broke with it. in the 8th century. received autocephaly, after joining the Russian Empire in 1811 it was annexed to the Russian Orthodox Church, but from 1917 it was autocephalous again (this fact was recognized by the ROC only in 1943). Originally in the Georgian Orthodox Church (свაქართველოს მართლმადიდებელი სამოციქულო ეკლესია) the Jerusalem liturgy of St. Jacob (up to the 6th century in Greek), but from the 10-11th centuries. accepted the Byzantine liturgies of St. Basil and John Chrysostom. In 2009, acting Governor of the Sukhum-Abkhaz Diocese (ცხუმ-აფხაზეთის ეპარქია; Asny aeparchia ) Priest Vissarion Apliaa officially notified that the diocese was renamed the Abkhaz Orthodox Church. The de facto Abkhaz church has been considered autocephalous since 1993.

There are three main types of Georgian writing:

1. Mrglovani ("Round"), or asomtavruli (ასომთავრული "capital letter") - the most ancient, statutory (letters of the same size, upright) letter. "Hanmet" palimpsests are made in the letter mrglovani. It functioned in the 5-9 centuries. Some researchers suggest the participation of the Armenian educator Mesrop Mashtots in the creation of this letter (this is also said in ancient Armenian sources). At one time, attempts were made to adapt mrglovani as capital letters of modern Georgian writing.

2. Nuskhuri (ნუსხური "lowercase"), or hutsuri ("Sacred") - a more economical, semi-statutory letter with beech of different sizes. It resembles the Armenian handwriting "boloragir". It existed in the 9-11th centuries. Attested for the first time in the Sinai many chapters (864). Khutsuri is currently used by the Georgian Orthodox Church.

3. Mkhedruli (მხედრული "civilian", literally "military") combines the roundness of the mrglovani and the semi-official character of nushuri. (It is interesting to note that if the Nuskhuri letters are oriented horizontally, then the Mkhedruli letters tend to stretch vertically). Separate parts of the mkhedruli letters, as in Latin italics, either stretch upward or go downward. Known from the 10th century. By the 17th century. mkhedruli takes on a modern look. Mkhedruli penetrates into all (except cult) spheres of use and finally stabilizes. An outstanding expert in Caucasian archeology and linguist N. Ya. Marr viewed mkhedruli as a result of the development of pre-Christian writing, which underwent further changes under the influence of the khutsuri and continued to be used in the military environment and in secular circles. In the 20s. Marr put forward the so-called. "Japhetic theory", reflected in the work "The Japhetic Caucasus and the third ethnic element in the creation of Mediterranean culture." (Marr viewed the Semitic, Caucasian and Indo-European languages \u200b\u200bas different stages of the "primary language of humanity"). Currently, special periodical studies (in Russian) are devoted to issues of Georgian writing and Caucasian studies in general: "Iberian-Caucasian linguistics" (since 1946), "Yearbook of Iberian-Caucasian linguistics" (since 1974), "Questions of the structure of the Kartvelian languages" ( from 11959). The origin of Georgian paleography as a scientific discipline is associated with the name of D. Bakradze. The works of G. Tsereteli and R. Pataridze are devoted to the problem of the origin of Georgian writing.
The first literary work in the Georgian language is "The Martyrdom of Shushanik" (წამებაჲ წმიდისა შუშანიკისი დედოფლისაჲ) by Jacob Tsurtaveli, 5th c; the oldest clearly dated manuscript is "Mravaltavi", 864. One of the greatest monuments of world literature is Shota Rustaveli's poem "The Knight in the Panther's Skin", 12th century. (which was probably influenced by the Georgian national epic "Amirani"). In 1629 the first edition in the Georgian language was printed in Rome (r nigoprinting in Georgia proper, in church and secular fonts, was introduced at the beginning of the 18th century. Vakhtang VI. ), in 1819 the first periodical in the Georgian language was published - "Sakartvelos Gazeti". From the 19th century. a single literary language is developing, in which I. Chavchavadze, A. Tsereteli, Y. Gogebashvili, Vazha Pshavela, and others created their works (As early as the 18th century, Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani compiled an explanatory dictionary of the Georgian language, and Z. Shanshovani and Catholicos Anthony I wrote grammars). The Georgian Soviet Encyclopedia, the first universal encyclopedia in the Georgian language, was published in 1977-87 in 12 volumes. edited by I. Abashidze.

The Georgian language is represented by 17 dialects and corresponding sub-ethnic groups: in Western Georgia - Ajarians, Gurians, Imeretians, Lechkhums, Rachins; in the East - Kartlians, Kakhetians, Mokhevtsy, Mtiuls, Pshavs, Tushins, Khevsurs; in the South - javakhi, meskhi; Ingilians in Azerbaijan, Fereidans in Iran (descendants of Georgians resettled by Shah Abbas), Imerkheis in Turkey (part of Adjarians, Meskhians and Ingiloys are Sunni Muslims). Svans, laz and Mingrelians are considered to be related to Georgians and speak, though close, but noticeably different languages \u200b\u200b(if in Georgian the counting system is in twenties, then in Svan the counting system is decimal). Compare: 1 ( erti in Georgian,ešḥu in Svan), 4 ( otḥand wōštḥw), 10 (ati and yešd ), 100 ( asi and ašir ).

Svan language (ლუშნუ ნინ) unwritten (Georgian writing and Latin are used for linguistic purposes), however in 1864 the Svan alphabet was issued in Cyrillic:
a b c d ҕ e f g ђ h ӡ h i k ӄ lm n o p ҧ q r s t ꚋ y x x'c წ f w ѵ

It is subdivided into four dialects: Upper Bal and Lower Bal (in the Mestia region and Kodori gorge), Lashkh and Lentekh (in the Lentekh region).

The Svan language is distinguished by the presence of umlauts and long vowels, therefore, diacritics (tremma and circumflex) are widely used when writing Svan texts:

უ ̂ - w, ̈ - ü ̈ - üü , უ - uu; շ -y շ - yy; ̈ - ä , ̈ - ää , - aa; ̈ - ö, ̈ - öö, - oo; - ī; - ē.

Professor A. Gren in 1937 compiled the "Mingrelian alphabet" based on Russian graphics for megrelian language (მარგალურ ნინა). Since the 1920s. the Georgian alphabet (with a few additional letters) began to be used regularly, and several newspapers were published (Kazakhish Gazeti, Komuna, Samargalosh Tea, Narazenish Tea, Samargalosh Tutuni). The introduction of the Georgian literary language began in 1938. Only in the 1990s. several books in Mingrelian appeared (mainly dictionaries and collections of poetry). The newspaper "Gal" is currently being published in Abkhazia(«გალი») in Abkhazian, Russian and Megrelian languages.

Laz (Chan) language (ლაზური ნენა) common in Turkey. In the late 1920s and 30s. in the USSR the alphabet was used on the Latin basis (the newspaper Mchita Murutkhi was published). In Turkey, several variants of the Laz alphabet are used on the Latin basis. The Turkish Laz newspaper "Tuta Gazetesi" uses apostrophes instead of accents.

In 1937-54 the Georgian letter served abkhazian language (aҧsua byzshәa, aҧsshǝa , აფსუა ბ շ ზშ о ა) with additional letters ჲ ჶ ჳ ჵ o Ȣ շ .

ь ჲ, dә (db) დ º, џ ძ ə,ҽ ჩ ə , ҿ ჭ ə, f ჟ ə, fә ჟ º, ӡ ә ძ º, kь კ ჲ,
қь ქ ჲ,
ҟ ь ყ ჲ, tә ტ º, ҭ ә თ º, xb ხ ჲ, ҳә ჰ º, ც º, ҵ ә წ º, w შ ə, wә შ º, s ь

On December 5, 1937, the draft of the Abkhaz alphabet on a Georgian basis, drawn up by the coordination commission, was approved, after which, in his final speech, the chairman of the meeting G. Dzidzaria said: “The meeting on December 4 and 5, after being considered at 3 sessions, unanimously approved the draft of a new Abkhaz book language based on Georgian graphics. This laid the foundation for the great work of this writing, its implementation and distribution, which will begin from the moment it is approved by the relevant higher authorities. The new alphabet will contribute to the rapprochement of the two fraternal peoples and the subsequent development of a national in form and socialist culture in its content. The work of the meeting was fruitful, because along with local workers, professors from Tbilisi actively participated in it: P. Sharia, A. Shanidze, S. Janashia, A. Chikobava, V. Topuria, to whom we are very grateful.

It is interesting that in this letter, ancient Georgian letters were also used, which have long gone out of use in the Georgian letter itself. (The Cyrillic alphabet had the same archaic character when applied to the Romanian language). One letter (ჶ ) is borrowed from Russian writing and stylized in the Georgian style.

The project, approved in 1937, had one drawback, which consisted in the fact that out of the specifically labials, palatal and intense (hard) 26 consonants existing in the Abkhaz language, one part was expressed by the letters existing in the Georgian alphabet (დ, თ, ტ, ძ, ც, წ, ჯ, ჩ, ჭ, გ, ქ, კ, ყ, ჟ, შ, ღ, ხ, ჰ), for which three diacritics (14 cases) were added, taken from the international transcriptional system labialization, palatalization and expressions of softness, and for the remaining 12 specific sounds, two-letter combinations were proposed. (გუ, ძუ, კუ, ყუ, ღუ, ხუ, გჲ, ქჲ, კჲ, ყჲ, ღჲ, ხჲ). But despite the indicated drawback, according to the researcher Teimuraz Gvantseladze, in 1937 the script adopted was better than the one restored in 1954, based on Russian graphics and still operating today.

Back in the early 19th century. several liturgical books were published on ossetian (iron ævzag, ირონ S ვზაგ) using the Georgian letter Khutsuri with the addition of special graphemes. The Georgian alphabet was used for the Ossetian language in the South Ossetian Autonomous District in 1938-1954. It included all the letters of the Georgian alphabet, as well S - æ, ჶ - f, ჲ - th, շ - s, - wow.

Sample of an Ossetian Georgian woman


ირონ ადS მ S ნ ბაზზადი ყ S ზნ շ გ ჶოლქლორ-თაჳრ S ღთ S ‚ქადჯ շ თ S,

Iron adæ mæn bazzadi ky znyg folklore-tauyræ gtæ, kajytæ,


Text in modern Georgian:
ყველა ადამინი იბადება თავისუფალი და თაბასწორი თავისი
ღირსებითა და უფლებებით. მათ მინიჭებული აქვთ გონება და სინდისი
და ერთმანეთის მიმართ უმდა იქცეოდნენ ძმობის სულისკვეთებით.

Qvela adamiani ibadeba t "avisup" ali da t "anascori tavisi
ġirsebit "a da uplebebit". Mat miničebuli ak "vt" goneba da sindisi
da ert "manet" is mimart "unda ik" c "eodnen żmobis suliskvet" ebit ".

All people are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and must deal with one another in a spirit of brotherhood. (From the "Declaration of Human Rights").

Features of the language.
Among the seven cases, the accusative is absent, but there is the ergative (narrative) and transformer.

Grammatologist H. Juncker talks about a possible Greek influence on writing hutsuri and its succession (not dependent on Armenian) from the Arshakid pahlavi [strange, no similarity]. At the same time sits mkhedruli more ancient (the letters are more like aramaic), or, conversely, the italic version hutsuri... (The illustration on the left is from The Georgian Alphabet)

[In short, nothing is clear here yet, although Georgian scientists still managed to rigorously prove that mkhedruli originated from the very first Georgian letter asomtavruli (Khutsuri is his version), and I agree with them in advance].

In Armenia, it is believed that the Georgian alphabet [which?] Also developed saint Mesrop... At first glance, it sounds very plausible. But friendly Georgians do not recognize this. And they may be right. What if it was the Georgian letter that formed the basis of the Armenian one? After all, the Slavs are still arguing which alphabet Saints Cyril and Methodius invented - Cyrillic or Glagolitic?

[My opinion is that at first someone, on the basis of Greek and Aramaic, invented the verb as a Christian cryptography, and the Cyrillic alphabet was invented by the Slavic enlighteners, taking the composition of the letters of this letter as a basis, adding some, partly redundant, Greek letters - tettu, psi, xi, upsilon-izitsu]. By the way, some verbal signs resemble Georgian ones - and it is from mkhedruli ( a, b, g, d, l...).]

From the 6th century BC Georgia was a colony ionic Greeks [just?]: its western region was called Colchis, eastern - Iberia... The first Greek polis-colonies - Phasis (Poti at the mouth of the Rioni River) and Dioscuriada (Sukhumi) [aren't these two colonies two different alphabets?]. Many Greek myths are primarily about Prometheus - are similar to the Abkhaz ones. Who borrowed from whom? Herodotus mentions a colony of Egyptians who came to Colchis long before the Greeks occupied the shores of the Black Sea. And the Kolkhs themselves are described as dark-faced and curly-haired, with the Egyptian custom of circumcision, and even in Soviet times, Ethiopoids-Abkhaz lived in Abkhazia. There are different versions: Pharaoh's warriors Thutmosewho went hiking north; Roman or Ottoman slaves ... [I suggest one more: the Libyan warriors who arrived here with the Aegeans in the 13th century BC. after their defeat Ramses ("peoples of the sea" - garamants)].

In the VI-II centuries BC. e. on the territory of Colchis there was Colchis kingdom, and later it was a part of various Georgian states. At the end of the 6th - first half of the 5th centuries BC. e. The kingdom of Colchis was dependent on [and Pahlavian influence on the alphabet?]. At the end of the 4th century BC. e. ruler of the Colchis kingdom Kuji headed (together with the Kartlian king Farnavaz) movement for the creation of the Georgian state. At the end of the 2nd century BC. e. Colchis kingdom was subdued Pontic kingdom [at this time - the second borrowed alphabet?], and in the 1st century BC. e. - [hence - Latin italics of Greek letters?]. At the turn of the 1st-2nd centuries A.D. e. on the site of the disintegrated Colchis kingdom north of the mouth of the Chorokhi River arose Laz kingdom, who gradually managed to subjugate the population of Northern Colchis. (From Wikipedia)

) has been verified October 18, 2008... 5 edits require verification.
Georgian letter - an alphabetic writing used by some Kartvelian languages, primarily Georgian, but also sporadically Mingrelian, Svan and others. Read from left to right. The modern Georgian alphabet consists of 33 letters ; There are no uppercase letters in the alphabet, however, in headings and in some other cases, the whole word can be written without upper and lower offsets, as if between two parallel lines (see illustration) - this spelling is analogous to uppercase letters in other alphabets.

Historical sketch

From the early centuries, the ancient Georgian script mrglovani (asomtavruli) was used; from in. nuskhuri letter (nuskha-khutsuri, khutsuri, church); from in. mkhedruli letter (mkhedruli-heli, saero or civil). Mrglovani was distinguished by the roundness of shapes and the same size of letters, it was common until the 9-10th centuries, it was replaced by nuskhuri, which was distinguished by greater efficiency, an angular oblique outline. In the 10th century, mkhedreuli was formed from nuskhuri, with various vertical sizes and rounded shapes. Nuskhuri and Mkhedreuli have coexisted for many centuries, the former being used in church literature, and the latter in civil practice. However, in the 17th century, nuskhuri fell out of use, and the letterforms stabilized. The historical origin of the Georgian alphabet is controversial. According to the 12th century Georgian author Leonti Mroveli, the Georgian alphabet was created by King Farnavaz I in the 3rd century BC. ( some historical evidence has been found that the Georgian alphabet existed earlier than the 3rd century BC. - note. EDI) The surviving early monuments of Georgian writing date back to the 5th century. However, in the second half of the 90s of the twentieth century, in the Kakhetian village of Nekresi, located in a mountainous area 15 km from the regional center of Kvareli and 150 km from Tbilisi and known as a historical place where pagan sanctuaries were located before the adoption of Christianity, a shard was discovered. the damaged gravestone stele and other fragments, on which the inscriptions of a pagan (Masdeist, fire-worshiping) character are inscribed in the "Asomtavruli" font, dating from the 3rd century at the latest.

Georgian letters in Unicode

Letters Unicode name Latin transliteration Transcription Pronunciation
U + 10D0 an A a Ah
U + 10D1 ban B b B b
U + 10D2 gan G g G g
U + 10D3 Don D d D d
U + 10D4 en E e Uh uh
U + 10D5 wines V v In in
U + 10D6 zen Z z Z z
U + 10D7 t'an T ’t’ T 't' Aspirated "t"
U + 10D8 in I i And and
U + 10D9 can K k K k
U + 10DA las L l L l
U + 10DB man M m M m
U + 10DC bunk N n N n
U + 10DD it O o Oh oh
U + 10DE steam P p N n
U + 10DF jean Zh zh F f
U + 10E0 rae R r P p
U + 10E1 dignity S s With
U + 10E2 tar T t T t
U + 10E3 un U u U u
U + 10E4 p'ar P 'p' P 'p' "P" aspirated
U + 10E5 k'an K ’k’ K 'to' "K" aspirated
U + 10E6 an Gh gh Ғ ғ Ukrainian "g"
U + 10E7 ar Q 'q' Қ қ throat "k"
U + 10E8 tire Sh sh W w
U + 10E9 rank Ch ch H h
U + 10EA tsan Ts ts C c
U + 10EB jil Dz dz Dz dz
U + 10EC ts'il Ts ’ts’ Ts 'ts' sharp "c"
U + 10ED ch'ar Ch ’ch’ H ’h’ sharp "h"
U + 10EE khan Kh kh X x
U + 10EF jan J j J j
U + 10F0 h'ae H h X ’x’ aspiration

Georgia is a magnificent country that has preserved the pristine beauty of mountains and rivers. This is an ancient state, which is located in forward Asia and on the Black Sea coast. The geographical location of Georgia and its incredibly useful mineral waters attract millions of tourists from all over the world every year, and each of them finds here something of their own, something that makes them come back here again and again. But in order to travel around Georgia and communicate with the local population with ease, you need to know Georgian well.


Phrase in RussianTransferPronunciation
Hello! hamarjbutt
Hello! gagimarjott
Hello! Salami!
Good morning! Dila mshvidobisa!
Good evening! Sagamo mshvidobisa!
Goodnight! ghame mshvidobisa
Bye! Nahwamdis!
Goodbye! Mshvidobit!
While! Jer-jerobit!
Don't be lost! Well daikargebi!
Hope to see you soon! Imedi makvs, little shevkhvdebit!
Glad to see you! Miharia tkveni nahwa!
Welcome mobrdzanditt
Have a good trip Gza mshvidobisa

Standard phrases

Phrase in RussianTransferPronunciation
Yes Ho (polite - dia)
No Macaw
Thanks! Gmadlobt
You are welcome Arapris
sorry Bodyshi
Sorry! Mapatiet!
Sorry! Gthovt mapatiot!
I'm sorry for disturbing you! Bodish gihdit, rum hatsuhebt!
Excuse me, am I bothering you? Bodishi, health home ar gishlit?
Sorry I'm busy) Ukatsrawad, me dakavebuli var
Sorry i'm in a hurry Ukatsravad, mechkareba
Sorry to keep you waiting Mapatiet, rum halodinet
Sorry to interrupt you Mapatiet, rum saubari shegatskvetinet
Sorry, but you are wrong! Mapatiet, Magram Tkven Tsdebit
Thank you in advance! Tsinazzar gihdit madlobas!
Thanks, don't worry! Gmadlobt, well, stsuhdebit!
Thank you very much! Didi Madloba!
Thank you in advance! Tsinazzar gihdit madlobas!
I am very grateful to you (grateful)! Tkveni dzalian madlobeli var!
Thanks, don't worry! Gmadlobt, well, stsuhdebit!
You are very kind! Tkven dzalian tavaziani brdzandebit!
Thank you for help! Didi madloba dahmarebisatvis!
In no case! Aravitar shemthwevasi!
You can't! Ar Sheidzleba!
I'm against! Me cinaagmdegi var!
I disagree (agree) with you! Me ar hetankhmebit!
I don't think Ara mgonia
I do not want! Ar minda!
Unfortunately I can not. Samtsuharod, ar shemidzlia!
You are wrong! Tkven tsdebit!
I'm very glad)! Dzalian mikharia!
How are you? Rogor hart?
Thank you good Gmadlobt, kargad
Excellent! Chinebulad!
Very good! Dzalian Kargad !
Not very good! Arts tu ise kargad!
So-so! Ara Mishavs!
Poorly! Tsudad!
How are yours? Tkvenebi rogor arian?
Thanks for the old Gmadlobt, dzeleburad
What is your name? ra gquiat?
Wife tsoli
Husband kmari
Daughter kalishvili
A son vazhishvili
Mother dead
Father mama
Friend megobari
May I ask you? Sheidzleba gthovot?
I beg you very much! Dzalian gthovt!
I have to ask you! Tkventan thovna makvs!
I ask you to consider my request! Gthovt chemi thhovna haitvaliscinot
How to say it by ... Rogor ikneba es ...?
Do you speak… Laparacobt ...?
English Inglisurad
French Prangulade
German Germanulad
i do not speak Georgian mae ver kartlad
i do not understand chemtwis ar arin gasagebia
repeat please mapatiet mitharit meore jar
i need a translator me mchirdeba tarjimani
what does it mean? ras nishnavs es?
I Mae
we Chweng
You Sheng
You Tkwen
They Isini

City travel

Phrase in RussianTransferPronunciation
how to get through (drive through)? rogor shemidzlia mikhvide?
where is? garden aris?
Left Martzkhniv
Right Margin
Straight Pirdapir
Up Themot
Down Kvemot
Long away Shchors
Close Ahlos
Map Hand
post office Fasting
Museum Muzeumi
Bank Banks
Militia Police
Hospital Saavadmkhopo
Pharmacy Aptiaki
Score Mag'khazia
A restaurant Rastorani
School Chipping
Church Eklesia
Restroom Tauleti
Street Heaps
Square Moedani
Bridge Headey

At the train station

In transport

In hotel


Phrase in RussianTransferPronunciation
0 noliZeros
1 ertiErti
2 oriOri
3 samiSami
4 otxiOtkhi
5 xutiHootie
6 ekvsiEqusey
7 shvidiShvidi
8 rvaDitch
9 cxraTskhra
10 atiAti
11 tertmetiTertmeti
12 tormetiTormeti
13 cametiTsameti
14 totxmetiTotkhmeti
15 txutmetiThutmeti
16 tekvsmetiTexvmeti
17 chvidmetiChvidmeti
18 tvrametiTvrameti
19 cxrametiTskhrameti
20 ociOzi
21 ocdaertiOts-da-erti (literally means - twenty and one)
22 ocdaoriOts-da-ori (twenty and two)
30 ocdaatiOts-da-ati (twenty and ten (20 + 10 \u003d 30))
31 ocdatertmetiOts-da-tertmeti (twenty and eleven (20 + 11 \u003d 31))
32 ocdatormetiOts-da-tormeti (twenty and twelve (20 + 12 \u003d 32))
40 ormociOr-m-otsi (two twenty (2x20 \u003d 40))
41 ormocdaertiOr-m-ots-da-erti (two twenty and one (2x20 + 1 \u003d 41))
50 ormocdaatiOr-m-ots-da-ati (two twenty and ten (2x20 + 10 \u003d 50))
60 samociSam-otsi (three twenty (3x20 \u003d 60))
70 samocdaatiSam-ots-da-ati (three twenty and ten (3x20 + 10 \u003d 70))
75 samocdatxutmetiSam-ots-da-thutmeti (three twenty and fifteen (3x20 + 15 \u003d 75))
80 otxmociOth-motsi (four twenty (4x20 \u003d 80))
90 otxmocdaatiOth-moz-da-ati (four twenty and ten (4x20 + 10 \u003d 90))
100 asiAsi
120 as ociAxis ac (one hundred twenty)
121 as ocdaertiAs os-da-erti) (one hundred twenty and one (100 + 20 + 1 \u003d 121))
154 as ormocdatotxmetiAs or-m-ots-da-totkhmeti (one hundred two twenty and fourteen (100 + 2x20 + 14 \u003d 154))
200 orasiOr-asi (two hundred (2x100 \u003d 200))
291 oras otxmocdatertmetiOp-as otkh-m-ots-da-tertmeti (two hundred four twenty and eleven (2x100 + 4x20 + 11 \u003d 291))
300 samasiSam-asi (three hundred)
400 otxasiOtkh-asi
500 xutasiHut-asi
600 ekvsasiEx-asi
700 shvidasiShvidi-asi
800 rvaasiRva-asi
900 cxraasiTskhra-asi
1 000 atasiAt-asi (ten hundred (10x100 \u003d 1000))
1 001 atas ertiAt-as erti
2 000 ori atasiOri at-asi (two thousand)
3 000 sami atasiSami at-asi (three thousand)
1 000 000 milioniMilioni


Time of day and year

Phrase in RussianTransferPronunciation
What time is it now? Romely saati?
morning / morning dila / dilas
day / day dghe / dghes
evening / evening saghamo / saghamos
now ahla
today dghes
tomorrow praise
yesterday gushin
Day Dg'he
A week Queer
Month Tve
Year Tseli
Monday Orshabati
Tuesday Samshabati
Wednesday Otkhshabati
Thursday Khutshabati
Friday Paraskevi
Saturday Shabati
Sunday Queer
january ianvari
february teberwali
march marty
april april
may maisi
june chibatwe
july mkatatwe
august mariamobistve
september enkenistve
october ghinobistwe
november noembari
december deckambury
Spring Gazapkhuli
Summer Zaphuli
Fall Shemodgoma
Winter Zamtari

In the shop

Phrase in RussianTransferPronunciation
How much is it? Ra g'hirs?
What it is? Es ra aris?
I will buy it Vkhidulob
You have… Gakwt ...?
Open G'hiaa
Closed Dacetilia
Little, little Tsota
A lot of Bavry
Everything Khwala
Sugar / salt tavi / marili
Milk matsony
A fish tevzi
Meat horzi
Hen daedali
Rice asli
Lentils smallpox
Onion bolkwi
Garlic niori
Sweets sashwebeli
Fruit healy
Apples your
Grapes abechari
Strawberry martsqui
Peaches atami
Apricot cherami
Very expensive akati

In the restaurant and cafe

In order that ignorance of the language does not become an obstacle for you, on our website you can download or print an excellent Russian-Georgian phrasebook, which contains the most important topics for conversation while traveling.

Basic words are important and frequently used phrases and words that you cannot do without during your vacation in Georgia. Here you will find common phrases, answers to common questions, etc.

Numbers - translate numbers from zero to million and pronounce them correctly. This topic can come in handy on many occasions, from traveling by bus to shopping in the marketplace and in stores.

Shops and restaurants - thanks to this topic, you can find out the cost of a particular product, and the translation of many food products from Russian into Georgian.

Tourism - the phrases most often used by tourists when traveling.

How to get through - words that will help you find your way to any place of interest. All you need is just to ask a passerby citizen of the cargo in his native language.

Common areas and attractions - if you need to get to any of the municipal offices or local attractions, just open this topic and find the translation and pronunciation of the object you are interested in, after which you can ask any passer-by where this building is.

Dates and Time - translation and pronunciation of dates and times of day, in addition, thanks to this section, you can ask what time or until what time the institution you are interested in is open.