The Rolling Stones: biography, composition, history, photos. Group name translation

The Rolling Stones (translated from English - "falling stones") - an outstanding rock band from the UK. Created in 1962 in London. The story of the team begins with Mick Jagger's acquaintance with Keith Richards, even when they were junior high school students in Dartford. The next meeting of the young men took place only a few years later, by chance at the station - Keith noticed that Mick was holding records with rhythm and blues. The guys got into conversation and found out the following - both are obsessed with blues and rhythm and blues, contrary to most of their peers who were interested in rock and roll. It also turned out that both knew Dick Taylor, an art student. And so the three formed a band called Little Boy Blue and the Blue Boy.

And Brian Jones was from Cheltenham. Keeping up with a significant share of his peers, he was interested in skiffle, and later in trad. Brian masters the saxophone and clarinet, and later - the guitar, and begins to give performances at discos with local musical groups. But in 1959, Brian's girlfriend, who was still a minor, became pregnant - a scandal arose, Jones left school and went illegally to Scandinavia. There he was a street musician-guitarist all summer, thus ensuring his life. Returning home, the guy begins to take an interest in the blues and regularly visit London in order to find companions. And so, at the beginning of 1962, he meets Paul Pond and becomes a member of the Thunder Odin’s Big Secret team.

Brian soon became a session musician for the blues band Blues Incorporated, headed by Alexis Corner, who performed at one of London's entertainment venues, Ealing. There Jones, performing with this team, and saw in the spring of 1962 Mick Jagger and Keith Richards. They were greatly impressed by his game and decided to reduce their zenkomstvo with him at the same time. Soon, Mick and Keith also became session members of Blues Incorporated. Meanwhile, Brian formed a rhythm and blues band with pianist Ian Stewart. Soon Mick and Keith attended one of the rehearsals of the new band, after which they decided to perform together. When Blues Incorporated was called to play on the BBC in the middle of the summer of 1962, and he was supposed to play at the club on the same date, Alexis asked to replace his team with Mick, Keith, Brian, Dick and Ian. It was then that the band gave a concert for the first time under the name The Rolling Stones, taking their name from the title of the Muddy Waters track (1950)

In 1963, Andrew Lug Oldham became interested in the team, "bought" the guys from their manager, and immediately decided to make them a "vicious" image against the "correct" The Beatles. In his opinion, Stewart did not fit into the overall image, so he was removed from the team, however, remaining their stage worker until the end of his life (he died in 1985). Having signed an agreement with a famous label, The Rolling Stones released their premiere track "Come On", which hit the charts of Britain. Then the singles "I Wanna Be Your Man" and "Not Fade Away" were released (took the third position in the UK charts). Then the team had already managed to get scandalous notoriety in their homeland - the image of "bad" guys, created by Oldham, began to give results. And after the release of the premier album by The Rolling Stones, Great Britain plunged into real hysteria - the band's concerts often caused grandiose pogroms arranged by the fans.

In the summer of 1964, the track "Tell Me" was released, which launched a cycle of Jagger-Richards hits. Megastarity to the tandem of authors was brought by the composition “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction” of 1965. Even just a guitar riff stated that The Rolling Stones left the classic blues and found their own style. In the late 60s, Jagger, Richards and Jones had serious drug problems (among other things, expressed by arrests), which ended for Brian Jones, first with self-removal from work in a team, then with dismissal from it, and in the final with death (he drowned in your own pool). For many years, the cause of Jones' death was in question, although an accident was officially indicated. Despite this, the band continued to become more and more in demand, occupying the highest positions in the charts, collecting more and more awards, selling more and more copies of new albums. The team remains popular today.


transcription, transcription: [͵rəʋlıŋʹstəʋn]

tumbleweed (about a person)

a rolling stone gathers no moss - last who does not sit still, he will not make good

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More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for ROLLING STONE in dictionaries.

  • ROLLING STONE - noun: a person who changes his habitation, business, or pursuits with great frequency: one who leads a wandering ...
  • ROLLING STONE - n. rock that moves by turning over and over; vagabond, one who doesn "t want to settle in one place
  • ROLLING STONE - n. biweekly American magazine that covers topics related to music and entertainment
    Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language - Edited by bed
  • ROLLING STONE - ■ noun a person who is unwilling to settle for long in one place. Origin from the proverb "a ~ ...
    Concise Oxford English vocab
  • ROLLING STONE - ˌRolling ˈStone BrE AmE trademark a US magazine that mainly has articles on the people and events connected with ...
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • ROLLING STONE - Synonyms and related words: Ahasuerus, Ancient Mariner, April showers, Argonaut, Flying Dutchman, Goliard, Odysseus, Oisin, Ossian, Proteus, Ulysses, bird…
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  • ROLLING STONE - Function: noun Synonyms: ROVER, drifter, meanderer, rambler, roamer, wanderer
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  • ROLLING STONE - noun Synonyms: rover, drifter, meanderer, rambler, roamer, wanderer
    Collegiate Thesaurus English vocabulary
  • ROLLING STONE - a US rock music magazine, known especially for its interviews with famous singers and musicians. It began in 1967 in…
    Oxford Guide to British and American Culture English vocabulary
  • ROLLING STONE - a person who does not live or work in one place He is a rolling stone and I never know ...
    English Idioms vocab
  • ROLLING STONE - See a rolling stone gathers no moss
    English Idioms vocabulary
  • ROLLING STONE - tumbleweed (about a person)\u003e
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • ROLLING-STONE - Tumbleweed
    American English-Russian Dictionary
    English-Russian-English Dictionary of General Vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
  • ROLLING-STONE - tumbleweed (about a person)
    Tiger English-Russian dictionary
    Tiger English-Russian dictionary
  • ROLLING STONE - tumbleweed (about a person) ♢ a ~ gathers no moss - last. ≅ who does not sit still, he ...
    New Comprehensive English-Russian Dictionary - Apresyan, Mednikova
  • ROLLING STONE - tumbleweed (about a person) a rolling stone gathers no moss - last. who does not sit still, he is kind ...
    Large new English-Russian dictionary
  • ROLLING STONE - tumbleweed
  • ROLLING STONE - tumbleweed
    English-Russian-dictionary - Bed release
  • ROLLING-STONE - noun tumbleweed (about a person); tramp; nikchemny chelovek .. A rolling-stone gathers no moss. - Who is there ...
    English-Russian Dictionary of General Vocabulary
  • ROLLING-STONE - noun tumbleweed (about a person); tramp; nikchemny chelovek .. A rolling-stone gathers no moss. - Anyone who does not sit still will not make good.
    English-Russian Dictionary of General Vocabulary
  • ROLLING-STONE - _n. tumbleweed (about a person)
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary - 24th edition
  • ROLLING-STONE - n. tumbleweed (about a person)
    Müller's English-Russian Dictionary - bed edition
  • ROLLING-STONE - tumbleweed (about a person)
  • ROLLING STONE - tumbleweed, a tramp, roll a sausage, a road with a tablecloth.
    English-Russian additional dictionary
  • ROLLING-STONE - _n. tumbleweed (about a person)
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary
    English-Russian-English dictionary of slang, jargon, Russian names
  • ROLLING STONE - "Rolling Stone" Popular illustrated music weekly. It was originally dedicated exclusively to rock music; now publishes articles on culture and politics, interviews ...
  • ROLLING STONE - "Rolling Stone" Popular illustrated music weekly. It was originally dedicated exclusively to rock music; now publishes articles on culture and politics, ...
  • ROLLING STONE - n. tumbleweed, vagrant; worthless person v. roll with a sausage, a tablecloth road.
    English Russian slang dictionary
  • ROLLING STONE - gathers no moss "tumbleweed - the field is not overgrown with moss" - a proverb that means - that rolling is a stone (a tramp, and ...
    English-Russian slang dictionary
  • ROLLING-STONE - noun tumbleweed (about a person); tramp; worthless man A rolling-stone gathers no moss. “Anyone who does not sit still is kind ...
  • ROLLING STONE - tumbleweed (about a person)\u003e a * gathers no moss (proverb) who does not sit still, he will not make good
    New Comprehensive English-Russian Dictionary
  • STONE - I In building construction, rock cut into blocks and slabs or broken into pieces. It comes as hard as granite ...
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  • ROLLING - In technology, the main method of forming molten glass, or other substances into shapes that are small in cross-section ...
    English Dictionary Britannica
  • STONE - I. ˈstōn noun (-s; see sense 3) Etymology: Middle English stan, ston, stoon, from Old English stān; ...
    Webster "s New International English Dictionary
  • ROLLING - I. ˈrōliŋ, -lēŋ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from gerund of rollen, rolen to roll - more at ...
    Webster "s New International English Dictionary
    Webster English Dictionary
    Webster English Dictionary
  • ROLLING - (a.) Rotating on an axis, or moving along a surface by rotation; turning over and over as if on an ...
    Webster English Dictionary
  • ROLLING - (a.) Rotating on an axis, or moving along a surface by rotation; turning over and over as if ...
  • ROLLING - (a.) Moving on wheels or rollers, or as if on wheels or rollers; as, a rolling chair.
    Webster "s Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
  • ROLLING - (a.) Having gradual, rounded undulations of surface; as, a rolling country; rolling land.
    Webster "s Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
  • STONE - - stonable, stoneable, adj. - stoneless, adj. - stonelessness, n. - stonelike, adj. - stoner, ...
    Random House Webster "s Unabridged English Dictionary
  • STONE - I. ˈstōn noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English stān; akin to Old High German stein stone, Old Church Slavic ...
    Merriam-Webster "s Collegiate English vocabulary
    Webster English vocab
  • ROLLING - & · Vb.n. of roll. 2.rolling adj moving on wheels or rollers, or as if on wheels or rollers; ...
    Webster English vocab

On the list of immortals, which includes the greatest performers of all time, the Rolling Stones are the fourth, behind only the Beatles, Bob Dylan and Elvis Presley. However, in the eyes of loyal fans, the "Rolling" was and remains number one, because this is not just a musical group - now it is the era in which modern rock culture has grown.

The phenomenal popularity of hooligans

Despite their venerable age, the Rolling Stones started out as bullies from music, and never dropped their title. It is surprising that this musical phenomenon did not originate elsewhere, but in Puritan England. In the middle of the last century, when morals were still very restrained, these guys became the flagships of the sexual revolution.

It is not surprising that the Rolling Stones lead singer Mick Jagger had a reputation as almost the devil-tempter. A bully, a rebel and a real "bad boy", he infected the youth with his freethinking. Respectable mothers were in a hurry to plug the ears of their offspring, as soon as Jagger's voice or the first chords of the group's compositions were heard somewhere nearby. However, the resistance of society turned out to be absolutely useless, it was impossible to resist such a powerful charm.

One could either love them with all one's heart, or hate them with all the fervor of offended virtue. But there were no indifferent people, this completely suited all the participants. The task was accomplished - all the attention of the spectators was riveted to the troublemakers.

How the Rolling Stones appeared

On July 12, 1962, the history of the group began, which was destined to become a legend. Mick Jagger and Keith Richards were the first to meet on the basis of their favorite music, each of whom was familiar with Dick Taylor. Three people is enough for the Rolling Stones' starting lineup to be determined. Contrary to the general fashion, the guys were interested not in rock and roll, but in rhythm and blues. The trio was called Little Boy Blue and the Blue Boys, they covered some songs by Bo Diddley and Chuck Berry and performed in front of a rather modest audience.

Meanwhile, Brian Jones began his musical career with Alexis Corner's Blues Incorporated, with Mick Jagger and Keith Richards appearing from time to time. Many future stars started out as session musicians in leading bands. However, Jones wanted to create his own group, pianist Ian Stewart joined him and a little later - drummer Mick Avory.

It was Korner's busyness and popularity that opened the way for newcomers - he invited five young musicians to perform instead of Blues Incorporated, invited to the BBC, at the Marquee club. So, on July 12, 1962, it was this composition of the Rolling Stones group that entered the stage - for the first performance under this name.

Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Brian Jones, Ian Stewart and Mick Avory had no idea what fate awaited the band, but the name was binding. The Rolling Stones - as the song was called, it became the source for the name of the new group. "Rolling stones" - this means the same as our "tumbleweed", that is - vagabonds. However, a little later it turned out that even before our era there was an aphorism that reads - "A rolling stone does not grow with moss." The fate of a quiet swamp did not shine for the new team, and they never grew with moss.

Despite the fact that at first the line-up changed and changed chaotically at first, it soon stabilized. Instead of Taylor, Ivory left, in whose place Tony Chapman did not stay for long, he was replaced by Charlie Watts. Stewart also left the stage, but remained in the team and helped until the end of his days. Andrew Loog Oldham took over the Rollings, it was he who offered a defiant image, and this proposal was enthusiastically supported.

The Beatles or the Rollings?

If the Beatles represented an absolutely pure ideal of rock and roll, then the Rolling Stones became antagonists - at that time it was difficult to imagine something more “dirty” and defiantly vulgar. By and large, the notorious battle between the whale and the elephant began, both teams were insanely popular, vying for the hearts of their fans. To some extent, this confrontation has become a powerful stimulant for creativity and resulted in a kind of friendship, fairly seasoned with the spirit of competition.

The sexual revolution was sweeping across Europe, and it was the Rolling Stones that helped a lot. The biography of the musicians was filled with scandalous stories and blatant permissiveness, and the lyrics suggested not holding hands under the moon, as in the songs of the Beatles, but going to bed (obviously not to get enough sleep). The "dirty" image worked, and most of the youth riots were accompanied by enchanting recognizable rhythms and the voice of Mick Jagger.

The comparison of the Beatles and the Rollings was the hottest topic of discussion, but both groups benefited from it. They set off each other, against the background of the illustratively respectable Liverpool four "The Rolling Stones" seemed even more hooligan than it really was, and the fans were delighted. The Beatles also did not lose out, because against the background of these crazy people they seemed even more correct. Everyone got exactly what they wanted.

Debut performances and first steps

Unlike many bands that have been steadily reaching the pinnacle of recognition for an incredibly long time, the Rolling Stones have managed to break into the audience's favorite category. The very first single released took the twenty-first place in the British charts, and the first released disc literally "tore" the audience. While the record was working for popularity in Britain, the group went on a tour of the United States, recording new material along the way.

However, such an ardent love of the public was not given just like that. Even Jagger's crazy energy was sometimes lacking, it's amazing how all the band members did not fall with nervous breakdowns. However, pretty soon the insidious allies of creative people - alcohol and drugs - came to the rescue.

Flurry of popularity

Since the Rolling Stones positioned themselves as very bad boys, there was no reason for the public to be shy. This is probably another reason for its popularity, because people adore all kinds of indulgences. At concerts, the audience allowed themselves everything that could come to their hot heads. Emotions gushed over the edge, fights flared up constantly, there were massive fits of violence. It got to the point that at one of the performances, heated fans smashed the piano to smithereens, and several dozen people were hospitalized with various injuries.

As a competent leader, Oldham demanded that the group switch to their own compositions, it was impossible to stick to cover performances of the repertoire of famous bluesmen forever. The result was the undisputed hit "Tell Me", co-written by Richards and Jagger. This duet of authors turned out to be very successful. Thus, in 1966, as a result of joint work, a completely author's album Aftermath appeared.

In the photo of the Rolling Stones group of those times, no special rebellious outfits can be traced, but do not forget that now the audience is spoiled by an abundance of visual images. Post-war England was ready to be shocked by literally everything - from the length of the musicians' hair to the manner of grimacing directly into the microphone, dressing up in women's dresses or some incredible defiant costumes.

The dynamic development of the Rolling Stones

In part, the popularity was due to the fact that the viewer did not have time to get used to one style, when in the next album he received something new, but invariably recognizable. Now it was the Rolling Stones rock group: it could not be called blues, but the songs were not the standard either. It was another, Rollingian rock, now psychedelic, now rebellious. Even when the band returned to rock and roll, it still painted with new emotional shades and techniques. Compared to the earlier compositions, the new sound turned out to be deeper and heavier.

The "Rolling" managed almost impossible: to try various musical trends, but at the same time to remain bright individuals. Their compositions are recognizable literally from the first chords, the signature ones have become a kind of acoustic calling card.

Scandalous reputation: under the banner of obscenity

The eccentric lead singer of the Rolling Stones loved to shock the audience even before the fans began to chase him. His outfits, his incomprehensible manners, completely unpredictable behavior - this probably caused a feeling of communication with the abnormal. Various people wrote in their memoirs that Mick could fall very naturally on the floor for absolutely no reason, then rise as if nothing had happened. His outfits simply did not leave a chance not to notice the frontman in the crowd, and the rest of the Rolling Stones did not lag behind him. Of course, there was a lot of calculation in this - to such an extent they looked harmoniously on stage.

Scandals accompanied the group all their adult life - the already mentioned drugs, sexual orgies, reckless antics. Of course, some of the hooligan actions did not get away with even the favorites of the public - for violations of public order, Jagger was detained by police several times. However, here's what is interesting - despite the abundance of scandals, it did not come to criminal prosecution, except for the suspended sentence for drug possession, which Richards received with his girlfriend during a trip to Canada.

Since the group's inception, and throughout its history, there have always been irreconcilable moral champions who cited the Rolling Stones as an example of the absolute fall. At some point, the name of the group became almost a household name, the questionnaires of the late sixties came across the question of how the respondent would react to the fact that his daughter would connect fate with a musician from the Rolling Stones. The image of bad boys no longer needed the support of the team members, but no one was going to give up exciting adventures.

From rebels to patriarchs

The eccentricity of the Rolling Stones was perfectly manifested when the world of popular music was swept by a wave of absolute rebellion, and being "like everyone else" is no longer as cool as shocking the puritanical society of Britain. From the mid-seventies to the mid-nineties, the group existed as separate projects of the participants. Solo albums were recorded, quite successful, still shaded by the glory of the Rolling Stones. The band's history, however, did not end there, despite the gloomy predictions of music connoisseurs of varying degrees of competence.

In 1994, after some line-up changes, the joint album Voodoo Lounge was recorded, which received a Grammy award. The tour that took place after that smashed the negative predictions to smithereens - the popularity of the group jumped to unprecedented heights, the reunion of the team made millions of fans happy all over the world. The Voodoo Lounge Tour became the all-time record holder for the box office, earning over $ 400 million. If we assume that the viewer votes with a wallet, then it was an unconditional victory. However, there is no limit to perfection - the next tour broke this record, and this fact only confirmed the recognition of the audience. A little later, the group U2 was able to break this record, but fans still continue to consider their idols as winners.

Half a century and beyond

The renewed Rolling Stones entered the new millennium as the patriarch of old school rock and roll. Mick Jagger switched to an emphatically healthy lifestyle. According to his own statement, he is not going to maintain the image of the old ruin, so there is no talk of drugs anymore. Now the frontman of the legendary group shocks the elite with emphasized correct behavior. However, this did not affect the character at all - despite his more than mature age, Mick Jagger also actively jumps around the stage, infecting the generation of fans with his enthusiasm.

In 2012, the Rolling Stones Group celebrated its 50th anniversary. This is the rare case when a rock band turned out to be such a long-running project. Despite disagreements and some breaks in favor of solo projects, the rebels withstood all the blows of fate and the test of copper pipes with honor.

The name of the group really turned out to be prophetic, even though initially no sacred meaning was put into it. However, this, in part, is the Rolling Stones phenomenon: the translation of the group's name can be interpreted as you like, even literally, “Rolling stones”, even figuratively, “Roll-field” or “Tramps”. One thing is indisputable - the rolling stones cannot be stopped, they roll wherever they please, they do not grow with moss.

Symbol group: interesting facts

It is impossible for more than fifty years to purposefully confuse the minds and not expect that this will not affect in any way. The Rolling Stones is a group that creates inspiration for other creators, an impetus to creativity. If earlier, at the dawn of his career, Mick Jagger covered other people's hits, now many young bands start with cover versions of Rolling's hits.

The title "Dinosaur of Rock Music", which Mick Jagger received almost seriously from the journalistic fraternity, unexpectedly received real confirmation. A new discovery in paleontology, a prehistoric animal unknown to science until this day, was named after the soloist of the Rolling Stones. This fossil mammal was named Jaggermeryx naida - Jagger's Water Nymph.

The song "Sympathy for the Devil" was written after Mick Jagger read Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita. Inspirational associating himself with Woland, Mick put all the impressions of the novel into this song.

Keith Richards became a kind of prototype for the image of Jack Sparrow from the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" - Johnny Depp is a passionate admirer of his work. Moreover, Richards responded to Depp's request and played the role of Captain Teague, father of Captain Jack Sparrow.

In his memoirs, Keith Richards admits that Mick Jagger has always been a completely unbearable person with whom it is very difficult not to quarrel. However, Keith was not afraid to give him funny nicknames, calling Mick "Her Majesty" or "Brenda."

In 2003, the Rolling Stones soloist was officially named "Sir Mick Jagger" - the English Queen Elizabeth solemnly knighted him in all form. So Britain acquired the most scandalous and hooligan knight alive today. Jagger himself spoke with humor about his chivalry, insisting on his own imperfection and the reprehensible ability to drink traditional tea not at five in the evening, but at three in the afternoon. Rebel, so in everything!

Several songs are dedicated to Mick Jagger - Christina Aguilera from the Night Snipers group is on the list of performers.

Jigger was officially married twice, he has seven children from four different women.

Keith Richards has amassed an impressive collection of guitars. Now there are more than three thousand copies in it, the owner dreams of opening a museum.

The corporate logo of the company is a drawing by John Pasha - bright red lips with a tongue protruding between them. Now many people don't even know that this is the Rolling Stones emblem, it has become popular on its own and is used as a striking symbol for everything from T-shirt prints to stickers.

During the existence of the group, more than two hundred million records with albums have been sold. Dozens of diverse albums and many solo projects have been released.

The band members continue to gather for rehearsals and fans are looking forward to another world tour. The stones keep rolling!

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rolling stone - noun a) A person who moves around a lot and never settles down. How does it feel b) A womanizer. To be on your own See Also: a rolling stone gathers no moss ... Wiktionary

rolling stone - See a rolling stone gathers no moss ... English idioms

rolling stone - a person who does not live or work in one place He is a rolling stone and I never know where to find him ... Idioms and examples


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