Speaking exam english training. Types of questions in English

This page describes in detail the oral part of the exam in English in 2016, explains the system of its assessment and gives practical recommendations for preparing and successfully passing this test.

Since 2016, the oral part, or speaking, has become a mandatory component of the exam in English. It presents a set of four tasks: 1) reading the text, 2) asking several direct questions, 3) describing one picture, 3) comparing two pictures. Next, we will take a closer look at each type of task.

Task 1. Reading the text.

Task 1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.

Thus, according to legend, you and a friend are preparing a project. You have found interesting presentation material and would like to read it to your friend. You will have one and a half minutes to prepare for reading, after which you will have another one and a half minutes to read.

The 2016 demo offers us the following text:

The mystery of why trees don’t stop growing is still unsolved. Human beings usually stop growing sometime during their teens. Many animals reach full growth within a year. Others are fully grown in just a few years. Birds and insects also stop growing at a certain age. But trees keep growing as long as they live. Trees live, grow, and reproduce themselves by an amazing process. The thousands of leaves put forth by the tree breathe for it and manufacture its food. Its root system gathers minerals and vast quantities of water. To carry this water to the leaves, the tree is equipped with an intricate circulation system that extends upward from the millions of root hairs through the trunk and branches. The trunk holds the leaves up to the sunlight, sends them water from the roots, and gets food back from them. Then seeds are borne in flowers or cones.

This task can earn you 1 point. However, in relation to the examination of the examinations, we can competently say that the vast majority of students fail this task. It’s too difficult for those taking the exam.

To get one coveted point, you can make two blunders. A gross mistake is when one word is written, and you read it in such a way that it turns out another. For example, the word as [ez] is written - “when”, “how”, and you read it as [es] - “donkey”! Stunning the final voiced consonant is a typical mistake of most examiners in English, which often fails them.

Let's go over the proposed text and find places where gross mistakes can be made.

1. growing: the examinee can read not [grow ...], but [grau ...] 2. sometime: the examinee can add -s out of habit and read [sam times], not [samtime] 3. insect: probably a shift in stress from the first word On the second
4. certain: for some reason many people read [kyoten], not [shoten] 5. live: they often read [live] by mistake, not [liv] 6. process: often the emphasis is shifted to the second syllable, by analogy with the Russian language
7.through: this is generally a stumbling block for many examiners, who distort it as they please

The list of "dangerous" places in this text can, of course, be expanded further, but this is not our task. We just want to say that there are enough places like this to make a gross mistake more than once or twice. If there are three gross errors, then the point is not counted.

A phonetic flaw should be distinguished from a gross error. A phonetic defect is a mistake that does not distort the meaning of a word. For example, this text contains the word human, which reads correctly [humen], but many people read it [humen]. By ear, in general, it is still possible to understand this word, and it is unlikely that it will get confused with any other word, therefore such an error will be considered only a phonetic defect.

About intonation. The most important thing is not to confuse the intonation of an affirmative sentence with an exclamation or interrogative one. Otherwise, the experts evaluating this task look at the intonation very loyally.

1) In general, decide whether it is worth spending your time to even prepare for the first task, because it gives only one point, and the probability of getting this very point is very small.

2) Find texts of about the same volume (these can be excerpts of any texts) and practice for a while. You have one and a half minutes to read the text on the exam. Reduce this time during exercise.

3) Record yourself on audio. It is useful to listen to yourself from the outside, since we do not sound exactly what we think.

4) When you come to the exam and see the text, do not try to delve into its meaning. Understanding the text is outside the scope of this exercise.

5) If you made a mistake in reading a word and caught yourself on this mistake, then do not be afraid to immediately read the word again. The last option you uttered is taken into account.

6) Read the text clearly and moderately loudly so that the examiner reviewing the assignment hears every word clearly. An indistinctly pronounced word - you may be credited with an error, since the expert, in fact, should not guess what you meant there.

Task 2. Direct questions.

Work with pictures begins with the second task. The 2016 demo offers the following picture:

The task itself is formulated as follows:

Task 2. Study the advertisement.

You are considering starting breakdance lessons and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:

1) tuition fee
2) course location
3) duration of the course
4) special clothes
5) evening classes

You have 20 seconds to ask each question.

Thus, according to legend, you are going to enroll in a breakdancing school. But you have questions that you would like to find out. You have one and a half minutes to prepare. Then 20 seconds are given for each question.

The first question should be about the tuition fee, the second - the location of the school (course location), the third - the duration of the course, the fourth - special clothes, the fifth - the possibility of evening classes. ...

The most important thing for you to understand is what a direct question is. Let us explain with examples:

How much does the tuition cost?
Where is the course located?
How long will the course last?
Do I need any special clothes?
Can I visit the class in the evening?

All of the above questions are direct! And here's an indirect question:

I'd lke to know how much the tuition costs. - I would like to know how much the training costs.

Questions like this do not count. Also, questions starting with What about ... and How about ... are not counted.

Each question is worth one point. Five questions - five points. But in order to get them, it is necessary to ask direct questions (and not indirect) and avoid gross mistakes in the choice of words and pronunciation.

1) Find exercises for interrogative sentences on the Internet and work them out well.
2) Forget about What about ... and How about ...
3) Do not philosophize! Ask simple questions without "bells and whistles"

Task 3. Description of one picture.

In the third task, you are given three pictures to choose from. The 2016 demo offers the following:

The task itself is formulated as follows:

Task 3. Imagine that these are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to present to your friend.

You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12-15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:

Where and when the photo was taken
what / who is in the photo
what is happening
why you keep the photo in your album
why you decided to show the picture to your friend

You have to talk continuously, starting with: “I’ve chosen photo number ...“

According to legend, a friend comes to you, to whom you show your photo album. You choose one photo from the album and begin the story about it according to a certain plan.

We immediately focus on the volume of the statement - 12-15 sentences. Those. approximately two sentences for each point of the plan and two sentences for introduction and conclusion.

Let's see how your statement might turn out using the example of the first picture (Photo 1).

You start your story with the phrase: I’ve chosen photo number 1. This phrase is not an introduction and is not included in the scope of the statement.

Here's an introduction: To start with, I'd like to say that I have a friend. His name is Steve. He lives abroad and sometimes visits Russia with his family.

Next, you proceed to the points of the plan. The first item is where and when the photo was taken, i.e. where and when the photo was taken. You can say: I took this photo in my flat when Steve visited me last month. Frankly speaking, his visit was so unexpected. But I was over-excited to meet him at my place.

The second item is what / who is in the photo, i.e. who / what is in the photo. You continue the story: You can see Steve and his wife in the photo. Their daughter wanted to be photographed, too.

The third point is what is happening, i.e. what exactly is happening in the picture. You say: The family are sitting on the sofa, smiling and showing love for each other. They are really happy.

The third point is why you keep the photo in your album, i.e. why do you keep this photo in your album. Your answer: I keep the photo in my album to have an opportunity to show this picture to all my guests. In additiion to it, I often look at the photo to recall the nice moments when we were sitting here and talking about our life.

The fourth point is why you decided to show the picture to your friend, i.e. why did you decide to show this photo to your friend. You can give the following reason: I'm showing the picture to you because you have always wanted to see how Steve looks like.

And the conclusion: Now you know how my friend looks like. Next time I will show more pictures to you.

This task is assessed in three aspects: a) the solution of the communicative task (content), b) the organization of the utterance, and c) the language design of the utterance.

Our task is to get the maximum score in all aspects. To get the maximum score for the content (3 points), we need to reflect all aspects and keep within the volume of 12-15 sentences.

To get the maximum score for the organization (2 points), we must have an introduction and conclusion, a sequence in the disclosure of the points of the assignment, the correct means of logical connection.

To get the maximum score for language design (2 points), we must not make gross mistakes. One big mistake - forget about two points. Also, you can not count on two points if you have made three rough lexico-grammatical or phonetic mistakes. You can make two mistakes, but too much is fraught with loss of evaluation.

Now we will talk about one very important nuance, failure to adhere to which will completely ruin any even very good answer. You are not in the photo! When describing a photo, keep in mind that you are not on it, so it is not permissible to say something like “In the photo I am with my wife and daughter.” You are the one who took the photo, not the one who was photographed. If you mention at least once that you are also present in the photo, then your entire answer will receive zero points - you did not understand the task.

1. Learn the clichés that will help you organize your utterance: To start with, I’d like to say that…, First of all,…, And I’d like to add that… etc. All these cliches are the very means of logical connection that are welcomed and appreciated in the statement.

2. Don't forget the introduction and conclusion. These parts of your statement must be present.

3. Write in advance and learn a few sentences about why you keep this photo in your album, and why you decided to show it to your friend. After all, the answers to these questions are universal and suitable for any photographs.

4. Remember - you are not in the photo!

Task 4. Comparison of pictures.

In the fourth task, you need to compare two pictures, again following a certain plan. The 2016 demo shows the following pictures:

The task is formulated as follows:

Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

Give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
say what the pictures have in common
say in what way the pictures are different
say which of the activities presented in the pictures you’d prefer
explain why

You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12-15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.

You need to build your statement according to the same principles as the previous one, since the fourth task is evaluated according to the same aspects and criteria as the third. Therefore, make sure that your story has an introduction and conclusion, a clear sequential disclosure of the points of the task, a means of logical connection. And don't forget about the volume - 12-15 sentences.

Let's start the answer. We start with an introduction, which can be, for example, this: I have just found two pictures in my album.

Next, we proceed to the disclosure of the first point - give a brief description of the photos (action, location), i.e. a short description of what kind of event is captured in the photo, and where it takes place. In our case, you can do it like this: To start with, I'd like to say that you can see my sister Jane on both pictures. She is an active girl and likes doing different kinds of activities. In the first picture she is cooking dinner in the kitchen and in the second picture she is snowboarding outside.

Next, we open the second item - say what the pictures have in common, i.e. talking about what the pictures have in common. Both pictures have much in common. Firstly, you can’t see anybody else around my sister. She is alone in both photos. Secondly, my sister is smiling in each case, which means that she is doing both actions - cooking and snowboarding - with pleasure.

We move on to the next point - say in what way the pictures are different, i.e. to differences. Despite the fact that both pictures have much in common they have a number of differences. The first action takes place inside, but the second one takes place outside. In photo 1 my sister is wearing shorts and a T-shirt; in photo 2 she is dressed in warm clothes.

Next, point three - say which of the activities presented in the pictures you’d prefer, i.e. what kind of activity you would prefer. As for me, I'd better go snowboarding. And then we explain why, i.e. we reveal the last point: I’m fond of spending free time more actively. And frankly speaking, I’m not good at cooking.

And finally: If you’d like to know more about my sister, I will show some more pictures to you next time.

As we said, the fourth assignment is graded the same as the third, so go back a little and read the information on what needs to be done and how many mistakes you can make to get the maximum score.

1. Regularly carry out an exercise to compare two pictures with each other according to the described scheme. The more pictures you compare, the better you will hone your skill.

2. Do a written comparison task. This will keep you in a hurry and make your statement more thoughtful.

3. Learn clichés - nowhere without them.

So, in general terms, we told you about how you can prepare and successfully pass the oral part of the exam in English in 2016. We hope you find our information interesting. Good luck on your exam!

Task 3. Imagine that while traveling during your holidays you took some photos. Choose one photo to present to your friend.

  • when
  • what / who
  • what
  • why

I "ve chosen photo number ...

Approximate answer (photo # 1):

I "ve chosen photo number 1.

  • I took this photo last summer when I went to London during my holidays.
  • In the foreground of this photo you can see the London Eye which is the largest observation wheel in Europe. It is located on the south bank of the river Thames. There are two motor boats on the river.In the background you can see some modern buildings.
  • As you can see the day is dull and gloomy and the sky is gray with clouds.It looks like it "s going to rain what is very typical for London. But nevertheless there are always a lot of people waiting for a ride on this popular attraction. There are 32 (thirty-two) capsules on the wheel which are rotating very slowly. Ech capsule contains 25 (twenty-five) people.
  • I took this photo because it is a well-known landmark of London. From the very top of the London Eye we had a stunning view of this magnificent city. We saw the river Thames, the Houses of Parliament with its famous Big Ben, Westminster Abbey and other sites.
  • As my friend has never been to London, I decided to show him this picture and to share all my impressions of this terrific flight with him.

That "s all I wanted to say.

Approximate answer (photo number 3):

I "ve chosen photo number 3. (Be sure to start your answer with this phrase, after selecting the photo number.)

  • It is very lovely, isn "t it? I took this photo last summer when I went to Moscow to visit my relatives. It was my first trip to the capital of our country and I wanted to see as many historical places as possible.
  • In the background of this picture you can see the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed. Its tremendous domes struck my imagination. It "s unbelievable but none of them is like the others. Each dome has its own shape and color. Once I have read a legend that Ivan the Terrible blinded the architects Barma and Postnik because he didn" t want them to create another masterpiece. There is a lot of greenery in the courtyard of the Cathedral. In front of the Cathedral there is a monument to Minin and Pozharsky.
  • The Cathedral and the monument are situated in Red Square. There are always a lot of tourists from different countries who want to visit these places. But now you cannot see any visitors because it was early morning.
  • I took this photo because these sights are famous landmarks of Moscow.
  • As my friend is fond of history and often makes reports for history classes, I think, he can use this picture for his school project.

That "s all I wanted to say. (End your answer with this phrase, which will signal the end of communication.)

Approximate answer (photo number 2):

I "ve chosen photo number 2. ( Be sure to start your answer with this phrase, after selecting the photo number).

After examining the approximate answers, independently describe the photo No. 2.

As you can see from the answers given, you will need not only knowledge of the language, but, possibly, life experience. If it does not appear, which is unlikely, use your knowledge from other subjects, for example, history, geography, literature or art.

So, to summarize:

1) The time to complete this task is very limited - 1.5 minutes to prepare and 2 minutes to answer. During preparation, youWill not be the ability to make any notes and notes. Hence the conclusion - it is extremely useful to memorize the necessary clichés for fluency:

  • In the picture you can see ...
  • On the left / on the right of the picture ...
  • In the foreground of the picture ... (in the foreground)
  • In the background of the picture ... (in the background)
  • In the middle of the picture ... (in the middle)
  • At the top of the picture ... (top)
  • At the bottom of the picture ... (below)
  • Next to (next to)
  • Behind (behind)
  • Near
  • Under (under)
  • In front of (before)

Turnovers will be appropriateThere is ... / There are ... I would like to draw your attention to the fact that after the turnover in units. number must use the indefinite article"A" before countable nouns.

e. g. There is a ticket office near the Eiffel Tower.

2) Answering the plan question “whenyou took the photo ”, use Past Simple Tense. remember, thatyou were a photographer, and therefore (well, of course, if this is not a selfie) you need to describe the people in your photo (relatives, friends, acquaintances or strangers), and not yourself.

e. g. I took this photo two months ago when I went to Paris to study French.

3) Stick to the set topic of the statement. To do this, carefully read the assignment. For example: Imagine that you arepreparing a presentation about london (Russia) or Imagine that you arepreparing a school newspaper about Art.

4) Answering the plan question“What / who is in the photo”, try to describe not only appearance person, but also, presumably, his mood (sad - sad, happy - happy, serious - serious, angry - angry). Pay attention to the weather conditions in the photo (sunny - sunny, hot - hot, warm - warm, cloudy - gloomy, rainy - rainy, cold - cold, frosty - frosty day). What is the time of year (month) when you took the photo.

5) As you can see the question What is happening in the picture? stands in Present Progressive Tense, therefore, when describing events in the photo, also use verbs in the form of the present long tense, supporting your answer with the phraseAt this particular moment ... (at this very moment ...). You can also continue your story in Past Simple Tense.

6) Think over several answers to the question“Why you took this photo”: I took this photo to remember the best moments and places of my journey. / I think this picture will remind me about my new foreign friends I met during my visit to Scotland (Italy, Egypt etc) and wonderful days we spent together.

7) Remember, your description should not be too detailed, because you may not meet the allotted response time. As you prepare, write down your answers and then speak them out using the timer. Thus, you will form a sense of the time that you need to answer the task 3 of the oral part of the exam in English.

You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak not more than 2 minutes.

In your talk remember to speak about:

  • when you took the photo (when you took the photo)
  • what / who is in the photo (who / what is in the photo)
  • what is happening (what is happening in the photo)
  • why you took photo (why did you take this photo)
  • why you decided to show the picture to your friend (why did you decide to show this photo to your friend)

You have to talk continuosly, starting with:

I "ve chosen photo number ...

Sample answer (photo # 1)

I "ve chosen photo number 1.

(Be sure to start your answer with this phrase, after selecting the photo number).

  • I took this photo in one of the beautiful parks in Edinburgh when I was on my trip to Scotland two years ago. It is quite amazing, isn "t it?
  • In the foreground of the photo you can see two girlfriends spending their free time hanging around. They might study or work together. They seem to be in a good mood. They both are wearing all Scottish style suits, but the girlon the right who "s got blond hair is wearing a yellow tartan, while the girlon the left has got a black-and-white pattern.Moreover, she "s got an incredible hat which perfectly matches the rest of her clothing. The most stunning thing that caught my eye was her hair done in dreadlocks. In her right hand she is holding a black handbag made of leather.
  • In the background of the picture there are a lot of green trees with bushy (thick) crown. It was early September andit happened to be a very warm and sunny day. Butnevertheless some people put on their jackets because the weather is very changeable and unpredictable on the British Isles.The man on the right who is wearing a checked shirtmight be a tourist because he has got a blue backpack. As you can see at this particular moment the place is not overcrowded,so I think , it is great to enjoy your leisure time with your nearest and dearest in such a place.
  • I asked the girls to take their picture because I liked the style they were dressed up and I decided to show it to you because you are also keen on wearing unusual and freakish hats and maybe, the picture will give you some new ideas.
  • That is all I wanted to say

Sample answer (photo # 2):

I "ve chosen photo number 2.

(Be sure to start your answer with this phrase, after selecting the photo number).

  • I took this photo during my winter holidays when we went to the ski resort in the Caucasus. After the Winter Olympic Games 2014, Sochi attracts lots of tourists both from Russia and from around the world.
  • you can see two children: a boy and a girl. They came here from Novosibirsk. They told me that they had started to ski when they were only three years old, that "s why they look very confident on the snowy mountain slopes. The children are wearing bright ski suits made of special fabrics that protect them from cold and at the same time are very light that helps them move quickly. They also have all the necessary skiing equipment for this kind of sport such as alpine skis, plastic boots with special bindings, helmets, ski poles and goggle mounts.
  • you can see mountain peaks covered with snow and some kind of pines. You can "t see the mountains quite well from behind the clouds but it is a common phenomenon in this area.
  • At the very particular moment the children are learning a new downhill technique. And now they stopped for a while to take breath. Sometimes I saw them landing in a fall but they went to square one again and again. They didn "t give up, so I should admit that they have got strong willpower. As you can see they look very healthy and happy. I believe that it" s very useful to take up to sport from childhood. This will teach you to overcome difficulties in life, will teach you to win or to lose.
  • I took this photo because we made friends with the family from Novosibirsk and their cute kids and I want to remember the beautiful moments of my vacation.
  • I decided to show you this photo because I want you to appreciate these two young sportsmen and the beauty of the Caucasus Mountains.
  • That is all I wanted to say ... (obligatory phrase for the examiner, indicating the completion of communication)

Sample answer (photo # 3)

photo 3

I "ve chosen photo number 3.

(Be sure to start your answer with this phrase, after selecting the photo number).

  • I took this photo in London Zoo when I was on my trip to the UK a year ago. To tell the truth, I’m not very good at photography but this picture turned out to be a beautiful one.
  • In the foreground of the picture you can see a colony of pelicans.You can’t but agree with me that pelicans are large birds with very long beaks. They have a long neck and short stout legs with webbed feet. The tail is short and square. They have pale plumage with some gray feathers on the wings.
  • On the left of the picture there is a pond where the birds can swim. The zoo keeper told us a lot of interesting things about pelicans. She explained us that some species could make their nests in the trees while the others nest on the ground. It was interesting to know that they can fly but cannot dive because of their light skeleton. I also learned that pelicans live up to 25 years in the wild and up to 40 years in captivity. But the most amazing fact is that pelicans never store their food in their throat pouch contrary to popular folklore. They use it for catching fish.
  • In the background of the picture you can see a girl taking photos.At this particular moment the birds are cleaning their feathers after being fed. Guess what! We were allowed to give them some fish and it was really exciting! All in all the weather was warmish and I had a great time there.
  • I took this photo because I had never seen those birds before in real life and wanted to remember all places I had visited in London.
  • I decided to show you this photo because you are interested in photography and have got a big collection of snapshots of birds. I think, it would be great if you could add my picture to it.
  • That’s all I wanted to say. (obligatory phrase for the examiner, indicating the completion of communication)

The main mistakes that students make when completing this assignment:

  • description of three pictures instead of one;
  • incorrect interpretation of the content of the picture;
  • lack of expressing your opinion about the plot of the picture;
  • lack of colloquial cliches when describing a picture;

Assignment 4 representsmonologue-comparison two photographs or pictures.

To successfully complete this task, you need to adhere to the proposed plan:

  • give a short description of the photos (what happens in the picture, the scene)
  • tell me what these photos have in common (what theme unites them)
  • tell me how these photos differ
  • express your preference for one of the photos
  • explain why the topic of the chosen photo is close to you

Time to prepare -1.5 minutes

The duration of your response is2 minutes

Maximum score -7 points

The following tips help you write a logical description of photos or pictures:

When describing rooms or houses use a right-to-left or left-to-right trick (so called "walking tour of the house");

When describing photographs or paintings use a left-to-right, right-to-left technique, from the edges to the center, from the foreground to the back;

When describing a person use a top-down or bottom-up technique.

Task4 Variant 1

  • explain why

Answer start with introductory phrase:

I would like to compare and contrast these two photos. / I would like to point out right at the beginning that there are different ways of going in for sports. And these two photos prove that.

I should say that the common theme of these pictures is doing sports. / I think the common thing here is ... / I believe that the theme which relates these photos is ... / One thing that picture 1 and picture 2 havein common is ...

An example answer:

Let me start with the first picturewhich shows a little girl who is in the gym at the moment. The girl is going to play table tennis because she is carrying a red tennis racket in her hand. As we can see the gym is well equipped. In the middle of the gym there is a big blue table with a tennis net on it.In the background of the picture you can see some sports facilities such as flying rings, a gymstick, a rope, a hoop and others. All in all, it seems to me that the gym is quite large and light.

As for the second picture it showsa young man running in the field.It might be summer time because he is wearing a green t-shirt, black shorts and white sports shoes. Also, he is wearing a watch on his wrist for timing his heats. Though the sky is blue and the weather is warm and sunny you can see two mountain peaks covered with snowin the background of the picture.

As I "ve already mentioned both pictures are connected with doing sports. You can "t but agree with me that both - a girl and a young man look fit and healthy.

Obviously, we can see certain (some) differences. The first picture shows a little girl whose hobby is playing tennis. On the contrary, the man in the second picture is a professional sportsman as he looks very sporty and strong.Besides, the first picture shows the girl who is playing tennisindoors while the young man is going in for sportsin the open air. Moreover, table tennis is a team game and you need at least one more person to play it with. As to the track-and- field athletics, you can do iton your own.

As for me, I "d prefer to take up to table tennis because I am fond of doing sports with my best friends or relatives.Secondly , this game develops quick thinking and reaction.Finally , you can do it outdoors as well as indoors and bad weather cannot spoil the pleasure.

In conclusion, I would like to say that both pictures make me think that sport is a great way to spend your free time and, of course, it is useful for your health.

That "s all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening. / That" s where I "d like to end. (closing phrase)

There were 25 phrases in total. It is necessary to build your answer so as to keep within the time allotted for the answer (2 minutes). Recommended number of phrases:12 -15 , but not less. Remember that the opening and closing phrases are judged by experts; their absence will negatively affect your assessment.

Task 4 Variant 2

Study the photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

  • give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
  • say what the pictures have in common
  • say in what way the pictures are different
  • say which kind of the activities presented in the pictures you "d prefer
  • explain why

Answer start with introductory phrase:

I would like to point out right at the beginning that I willcompare and contrast these pictures.

I believe that the theme which relates these photos is a life style of the youth.

Let me start with the first picture that shows a group of young people who are at work now. The man on the right and a young woman in a black suit are sitting around the table while the woman in a beautiful white suit is standing at the moment. Unfortunately, I can’t see the face of their boss who is giving them some instructions. They are listening to him very attentively. It looks as if they are ready to make some notes because you can see pads (notebooks) in front of them.

As for the second picture I have the impression that the group of young people is enjoying their free time sitting on the grass. I can only guess that they might be co-students at the international language school because you can see them carrying their workbooks. They are probably having their break time now. As the weather is warm and sunny, they decided to spend it in the school yard. They all are smiling and look very happy so I think they did their test successfully.

I should say that the only similarity between picture 1 and picture 2 is that they depict young people who are practically of the same age.

One of the main differences between pictures is that in the left picture you can see two men and two women (four people) workingin the office, whereas in the right picture there are two girls and a boy who are having a rest in the open air. The most obvious difference for me between these two pictures is people’s clothes. For example, people in the first picture arewearing suits according to the dress code of their firm, while people in the right picture are wearing casual clothes such as jeans, jumpers and trainers.

As for me, I would rather go to a language school because my dream is to speak English fluently. Moreover, it would be interesting to make some new friends from abroad.

To sum it up, I would like to say that to work or to study together with smart and intelligent people is always great pleasure.

(closing phrase)

Task 4 Variant 3

Study the photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

  • give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
  • say what the pictures have in common
  • say in what way the pictures are different
  • say which kind of the activities presented in the pictures you "d prefer
  • explain why

Answer start withintroductory phrase:

I would like to compare and contrast these two photos.

I think the common thing here is classical music.

Photo 1

Let me start with the first picture which shows a young girl who is performing on the stage at the moment. She is wearing a white blouse and a dark skirt. She is playing the grand piano together with a string orchestra.In the background of the picture there is a beautiful organ ... In the foreground of the picture you can see a lot of spectators. That’s why I can say that music is not just her hobby but she is involved in it very seriously.

As for the second picture it also shows a young girl playing the piano. She looks very elegant in her black velvet dress. As you can see she is wearing glasses.In the background of the pictureyou can see a portrait of a famous composer. Unfortunately I’m not very good at classical music that’s why I don’t know his name. Under the portrait there is a basket of lovely roses, soI can only guess that it might be the anniversary of the composer.

As I have already mentioned the theme which relates both pictures is classical music ... The most obvious similarity between photo 1 and photo 2is the musical instrument the girls are playing and it is a piano.It is evident that the girls are practically of the same age.In my opinion, they might be very talented.

You can’t but agree with me that the main difference between picture 1 and picture 2 is that the girl in the first picture is performing in a big concert hall whereas the girl in the second picture is playing the piano in a small room. (It is probably the classroom in a local Art School.)Besides , the girls are wearing different items of clothes.Last but not least , in the first picture you can see a lot of audience while in the second picture we cannot see any listeners.

As for me, I would rather go to a big concert hall because I’ve always wanted to listen to the organ.

Summarizing, I may say that it is great to have a good ear for music and play a musical instrument because music always makes your life brighter. (23)

That’s where I’d like to end.(closing phrase)

Task 4 from the section Speaking at the Unified State Exam 2015 in English,use the following expressions:

Firstly - Firstly

Secondly - secondly

Thirdly - third

Moreover - more than that

It seams to me / It looks like / It might be -It seems to me / should be

I can only guess - I can guess

If I "m not mistaken - If I'm not mistaken...

I "m not sure exactly (what this is) but ... - I'm not sure exactly what it is, but ...

As for me / To my mind / In my opinion / I think / I believe / Personally -As for me / In my opinion / I think / I am sure / Personally I ...

In contrast / Unlike ... - Unlike

The most apparent / obvious difference (similarity) between photo 1 and photo 2 is ... - The most obvious difference (similarity) between photo 1 and photo 2 ...

The main difference / similarity between picture 1 and picture 2 is ... -The main difference / similarity between photo 1 and photo 2 ...

The only difference / similarity is ... -The only difference / similarity ...

To sum it up I would like to say that ... - Summing up, I want to say ...

All in all, it "s evident ... - In general, it's obvious ...

Summarizing, I may say that ... - Summing up, we can say that ...

The main mistakes that students make while completing assignment 4:

  • description of the plot of the two pictures, and not their comparison;
  • lack of highlighting common and distinctive characteristics of pictures;
  • lack of expression of attitude to pictures;
  • lack of opening and closing phrases;
  • lack of colloquial cliches when comparing pictures;
  • phonetic and lexico-grammatical errors in the answer.

Task 2

Study the advertisement.

You are considering joining the Yoga Club

1) address of the club

2) opening days

3) if they offer classes for the aged people or for the young

4) fee per week

5) morning training programs

Tips for completing the assignment:

To successfully complete this task, you must repeat the topicbuilding questions in English: all the details

The question should correspond to the task at hand.

The question should be pronounced with an intonation appropriate to the type of question being asked, for example - rising in general questions and lowering in special questions.

You can ask all five questions of the same type (for example, special questions Special questions); it will not affect your rating.

An example answer:

After a test exam in the oral part of the Unified State Exam in English, it became obvious that it was not possible to start a conditional dialogue-questioning with the phrases below !!!

Each of the five task items will appear on the computer screen in turn. You will have only 20 seconds in order to build a DIRECT QUESTION, therefore, without being distracted, proceed to the task.

1) What is the address of the yoga club? /Where is the club situated?

2) What are the opening days? / What days is the club open? / When is the club open?

3) Do you offer classes for the aged people or for the young only?

4) How much is the training program per week? /What is the training fee per week?

5) You have got morning training programs, haven "t you? / Are there any morning traning programs? /Have you got any morning programs?

Task 2

Study the advertisement.

You have 20 seconds to ask each question.

You have decided to celebrate your birthday in the restaurant and now you are calling to find out more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:

1) availability of table for 10 people for Sunday afternoon

2) if booking is free

3) kinds of meat dishes on the menu

4) variety of dessert they serve

5) place to dance

Sample answer:

1) Is a table for 10 people available for Sunday afternoon? /Can I book a table for 10 people for Sunday afternoon?

2) Is booking free? / Should I pay for reservation? / Is booking free or should I pay for reservation? / Booking is free,isn "t it?

3) What meat dishes do you have on the menu in your restaurant?

4) What do you serve for dessert? / What desserts do you serve?

5) Where can we dance? / Is htere any place to dance? / Do you have any place to dance? / You "ve got some place to dance,haven "t you?

Task 2

Study the advertisement.

You have 20 seconds to ask each question.

You are going to visit the fashion show and now you are calling to find out more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:

1) how to get there

2) if you can book tickets on-line

3) price of the tickets

4) information about the clothes

5) opportunity to buy any items of clothing

Sample answer:

1) How can I get to the college?

2) Can I book tickets on your website? /Can I book tickets on-line? / Is there any possibility to book tickets on-line? /Are the tickets available online?

3) What is the price of the tickets? /How much are the tickets? / How much do the tickets cost? / The price of the tickets is not very high,isn "t it? / The tickets are not very expensive,are they?

4) Where can I find information about the clothes on the show? / Is there any information about the clothes on your website? / I can find some information about the clothes on your website,can "t I?

5) Will I have the opportunity to buy any items of clothing after the show?

In the USE in English, task 2 asks you to read the ad and ask five direct questions based on the keywords and the proposed ad.

The format of the assignment is a conditional questioning dialogue.
Preparation time is 1.5 minutes.
Time to complete the task - 1 minute
The maximum score is 5 points.

Each of the five task items will appear on the computer screen in turn. You will have only 20 seconds to build one question.

Evaluation criteria for task 2 on the exam

The maximum number of points that can be obtained in the task is 2 - 5 points. Thus, if the task is asked to voice 5 questions, then each question is evaluated at 1 point.

The time allotted for each question is enough to have time to correct the error. That is, if the examinee asked a question and realized that he made a mistake, then he can have time to ask the same question correctly in the allotted time. Remember, one question is evaluated - the last one asked.

Common mistakes on the English exam in task 2 (USE)

  • use mainly general and specific questions;
  • use the simple present and simple future tense of the active and passive voice;
  • in this task, the most important thing is to ask the question correctly, no need to invent something and remember complex vocabulary.
  • observe intonation: a general question is pronounced with an ascending intonation, and a special one - with a descending one.
  • asking indirect questions;
  • ask several questions to the same point:
  • do not forget the outline of each type of question (do not confuse auxiliary questions, word order, etc., etc.)

Types of questions in English

The ability to ask questions is important when learning English. Accordingly, in order to complete this task for the highest score, the examinee must know all types of questions in the English language.

It is not recommended to ask a question starting with the words "Could you tell me ...", as you may mistakenly ask not a question, but say a request. For example,
Could you tell me price? Is a request (error!)
Could you tell me how many

Don't forget about intonation in interrogative sentences. The intonation should rise in general and decrease in special.

Clichés for successfully passing assignment 2 in the oral part of the exam in English

We offer several tables of the most frequently encountered questions (clichés and question templates on various topics). For yourself, you can choose the option that is most convenient for training.

Option 1. Cliché for task 2 in the "Speaking" part of the English language

31. Recommendations - recommendations.
Do you have any recommendations?

32. Services that they provide during the trip - the service they provide during the trip.
What services do you provide during the trip?

33. Tours that they have - Tours that are available.
How many tours do you have?

One of those tasks for which you need to prepare for a long time and thoroughly. Of course, it may seem to you that everything is as simple as possible, but in reality an untrained student can fall into the typical pitfalls of this part of the test.

Therefore, today I want to discuss in detail with you the plan of this assignment, for which it was invented, and also give you a couple of illustrative examples that you can rely on.

What is it and why did you come up with it?

Description of pictures is the third task in the oral part of the test. It tests your ability to quickly formulate a 2 minute monologue according to your current plan. In addition, your grammar and vocabulary level is checked, as well as your ability to speak unprepared. This task is considered one of the easiest in the oral part, especially if you put it next to.

Action plan

The primary wording of the assignment in 2017 will be as follows.

Imagine these photos are taken from your photo album. Pick one photo to share with your friend. You will start in 1.5 minutes and have to speak for no more than 2 minutes.

Now, note that you have a whole 1.5 minutes to carefully examine the pictures, make a plan for your answer, and even remember all the words that you may forget while answering. Believe me, these 1.5 minutes give you an unrealistic head start.

After this formulation, you have a small plan according to which you describe the pictures. It doesn't change, so now you can start preparing and remembering it.

  • Where and when this photo was taken.

1-2 sentences for this part will be enough.

  • Who or what is in this photo.

Here, too, you can not focus too much. 2-3 sentences will be enough.

  • What's happening on it.

The most voluminous part of the answer, where you can prove yourself. Tell everything you can about this part, but remember the timing!

  • Why do you keep this photo in your album.

Here the answers may differ for each person, but they may be based on the phrase « to recall good memories» .

  • Why are you showing this photo to your friend.

Unlike other parts of the plan, here you can just come up with a couple of ready-made proposals in advance, and in those very 1.5 minutes, just check if they fit.

Guys, if you seriously want to structure your knowledge and improve your skills for the exam 2019 under the guidance of a class teacher:

Sign up for a free introductory lesson at the EnglishDom online school. There will determine your level language proficiency, learn weak sides, will pick up most suitable teacher for you, and you can study individually through convenient online platform for a reasonable fee... Know: your chances of passing the USE with a high score will increase significantly!

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Useful phrases to help

Well - Okay. - If you don't know where to start, say this word. It will give you a head start of 1-2 seconds.

In the photo … - On the photo…

I took this picture ... when / because - I did this snapshotwhen/ because what

In the foreground / background of the picture ... - On front/ back plan pictures

At the very particular moment -IN this most moment

Samples and examples

Today I want to give you a sample, remembering which you can cope with this task without any difficulties. I will also show you examples of how best to answer this assignment.

The first thing I do is evaluate which of the photos I can speak the most, where I can use my vocabulary knowledge as effectively as possible.

  1. I have chosen the first photo. (This is the best phrase to start with. You have an extra three seconds, and the examiner will immediately understand what you are going to describe.)
  2. I took this photo when we were having a family dinner at my grandparent's house last winter. That is how we usually spend weekends during the winter time so I have at least a dozen other similar photos.
  3. In this photo you can see all my brothers and sisters, and my grandparents as well. They look happy as the dinner has already started and it is absolutely delicious. There is lots of food, the room is dimply lit and atmosphere is very cozy.
  4. As I have already mentioned, we are having dinner in this picture. What is more, we are talking, discussing some school issues and having fun. Well, it is not shown in the picture, but I had taken it a few seconds before mother brought in a delicious turkey.
  5. The reason why I keep this photo is because I really love my family and I adore such evenings. We gather together, share some school stories and enjoy ourselves. Another reason for keeping the photo is the opportunity of recollecting those memories any time I need it.
  6. I wanted to share this picture with you because as far as I know you are going to have some family weekend soon, so I would like to remind you how important and pleasant it is to keep such sweet memories.
  7. That is all I wanted to say . (Do not forget about this phrase, because with it you show the examiner that your monologue is over).

Remember, the clichés in your answer that you practice can help you a lot. So let's practice with one more example.

  1. So I want to choose photo number 2.
  2. This photo was taken last summer when I and my father went to our favorite lake to do some fishing during the weekend.
  3. In the foreground of the picture we can see me and my dad smiling as we have caught the biggest fish I have ever seen. Here I am wearing light clothes as that summer was extremely hot. In the background of the picture we can see an almost deserted beach as only local people know about this place.
  4. In this picturemy father is sitting on his knee while I am standing. We are holding the fish we caught several minutes before. The sun is shining so brightly that my father is wearing sunglasses.
  5. I decided to keep this photo so that I could remember that amazing weekend and that great experience. I can open it and remember every detail of it any time I want.
  6. So as you are choosing what to do on the forthcoming weekend, I decided to show you this picture. Maybe you will be inspired to do something like that.
  7. That is all I wanted to say.

Well, my dears, we have sorted out such an important part of the exam for any of you. Another thing I would like to add is to remind you of the importance of constant practice and being able to control time. In this part, your "timing" should work better than ever.

To develop this feeling, purchase preparation textbooks and complete assignments regularly. You will be assured of success!

And I want to remind you that there are still a lot of materials, tips and useful things ahead of us to help you without problems. Subscribe to my blog mailing list and you will not miss a single useful article.

Until next time, my dears!

Option No. 466995

When completing tasks with a short answer, write in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, word, sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be recorded without spaces or any additional characters. To complete tasks 1, 2 listen to the audio recording and write down the correct sequence of numbers. For tasks 3-9, listen to the interview and choose one of three answers. In assignment 10, map between texts A-G and headings 1-8. There is one extra heading in the task. In task 11, read the text and fill in the gaps A-F with the parts of the sentences marked with numbers 1-7. One of the parts on list 1-7 is redundant. Read the text and complete assignments 12-18. In each task, write in the answer field the number 1, 2, 3 or 4 corresponding to the answer you chose.

In assignments 19-25, transform, if necessary, the words printed in capital letters so that they correspond grammatically to the content of the texts. Write your answers without spaces, commas or other additional characters; do not copy the answer words from the browser, enter them by typing from the keyboard. When completing tasks 26-31, form words printed in capital letters from words in capital letters so that they grammatically and lexically correspond to the content of the text. Write your answers without spaces, commas or other additional characters; do not copy the answer words from the browser, enter them by typing from the keyboard. Read the text with gaps indicated by numbers 32-38. Write in the answer field the number 1, 2, 3 or 4 corresponding to the answer you chose.

If the variant is set by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to the tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of the assignments with a short answer and will be able to rate the uploaded answers to the assignments with a detailed answer. The points given by the teacher will appear in your statistics.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

You will hear 6 sayings. Match the statements of each speaker A-F with the statements in List 1-7. Use each statement identified by the corresponding number only once. There is one unnecessary statement in the assignment. You will hear the recording twice.

1. I try not to miss anything in the cinema.

2. It is possible to create the cinema atmosphere without going out.

3. Movie stars are very attractive.

4. The best moving pictures are in our heads.

5. When thinking about cinema I remember an accident.

6. Stage provides me with more exciting experiences than screen.

7. It feels good to make a dream come true.



You will hear dialogue. Determine which of the following statements A – G correspond to the content of the text (1 - True)which do not match (2 - False) and what the text does not say, that is, on the basis of the text, it is impossible to give either a positive or a negative answer (3 - Not stated)... Enter the number of your choice of answer in the table You will hear the recording twice.

Use your player to listen to the recording.

A) John is going to send a Valentine to one person.

B) Math teachers receive the most Valentines.

C) People generally buy more Christmas cards than Valentines.

D) There is a survey about selling Valentines.

E) The most typical Valentine's Day presents are flowers and sweets.

F) Mary knows about some Valentine’s Day traditions in a foreign country.

G) John considers colors when buying a bouquet.

Write down the numbers in the answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Use your player to listen to the recording.

The narrator made mistakes in his scheduling because his weekly planner

1) was written in a foreign language.

2) included a lot of additional information.

3) listed the days of the week in an unusual order.


You will hear the report twice. Choose the correct answer 1, 2 or 3.

Use your player to listen to the recording.

The planner contains the calendar that lets you know

1) many useful facts about natural phenomena.

2) how to organize your working time efficiently.

3) what places of interest are worth visiting in this season.


You will hear the report twice. Choose the correct answer 1, 2 or 3.

Use your player to listen to the recording.

The main idea of \u200b\u200b“The Book of Days” was

1) to make people loosen the stress of life.

2) to show the significance of each season.

3) to help the readers to realize their dreams.


You will hear the report twice. Choose the correct answer 1, 2 or 3.

Use your player to listen to the recording.

The project of “The Book of Days” was not finished because of a lack of


You will hear the report twice. Choose the correct answer 1, 2 or 3.

Use your player to listen to the recording.

“The Ecological Calendar” is

1) completely identical to “the Book of Days”.

2) absolutely different from “the Book of Days”.

3) partly similar to “the Book of Days”.


You will hear the report twice. Choose the correct answer 1, 2 or 3.

Use your player to listen to the recording.

According to “The Clock of the Long Now” people should

1) forget about the time.

2) expand their concept of time.

3) not care about their future.


You will hear the report twice. Choose the correct answer 1, 2 or 3.

Use your player to listen to the recording.

The narrator wants to

1) give up calendar projects.

2) make somebody else manage his project.

3) see his ideas accomplished.


Match Headings 1-8 with Texts A-G. Write your answers in the table. Use each number only once. The task has one extra heading.

1. Then play any tune

2. A brand new shore museum

3. Still moving along

4. Back from the seas

5. Not a bank but ...

6. Magic as attraction

7. A museum of popular drinks

8. One tool museum

A.The Salem Witch Museum brings you back to Salem of 1692 for a dramatic overview of the Witch Trials, including stage sets with life-size figures, lighting and a narration. There is also a possibility to go on a candlelight tour to four selected homes. The museum is open all year round and closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year "s Day. Salem is also famous for its Haunted Happenings, a 24-day Halloween festival.

B. The Discover Sea Shipwreck Museum opened its doors in 1995, and has one of the largest collections of shipwreck and recovered artifacts in the Mid-Atlantic. It contains about 10,000 artifacts from local and worldwide locations, including an intact blown-glass hourglass from a 200-year-old shipwreck, which is also the world "s deepest wooden wreck at the heart of the Bermuda Triangle.

C.The Seashore Trolley Museum is the oldest and largest electric railway museum in the world. It was founded in 1939 with one open trolley car, No. 31 from the Biddeford & Saco Railroad Company. The Seashore Trolley Museum contains over 250 transit vehicles, mostly trolleys, from the United States, Canada and abroad. Visitors can even take a trip along the Maine countryside aboard a restored early-1900s electric streetcar.

D.American Hop Museum is dedicated to the brewing industry and located in the heart of the Yakima Valley "s hop fields, which gather the best harvest for producing beer. It chronicles the American hop industry from the New England colonies to its expansion into California and the Pacific Northwest, and includes historical equipment, photos and artifacts that pay tribute to hop, the everlasting vine that is still an integral part of the brewing industry.

E. The Money Museum in Colorado Springs is America "s largest museum dedicated to numismatics (the study of collecting coins and metals). The collection contains over 250,000 items from the earliest invention of money to modern day, with items including paper money, coins, tokens , medals, and traditional money from all over the world.Highlights include the 1804 dollar, the 1913 V Nickel, the 1866 no motto series, a comprehensive collection of American gold coins, and experimental pattern coins and paper money.

F. The Kenneth G. Fiske Museum of Musical Instruments in California has one of the most diverse collections of musical instruments in the United States. This museum is home to over 1,400 American, European and ethnic instruments from the 17th-20th centuries. Selections from all parts of the world also include keyboards, brass, woodwind, stringed, percussion, mechanical and electronic instruments. Other highlights are rare pieces from the violin and viola families, reed organs and instruments from the Orient and Tibet.

G. The Hammer Museum in Alaska is the world "s first museum dedicated to hammers. The Museum provides a view of the past through the use of man" s first tool. You will find over 1500 hammers on display, ranging from ancient times to the present. The museum does not have any paid staff, and it is run by volunteers. This quaint and quirky museum is an interesting and informative stop for the whole family.


Read the text and fill in the gaps A-F with the parts of the sentences numbered 1-7. One part on list 1-7 is redundant. Enter the numbers indicating the relevant parts of the proposals in the table. Nenets culture affected by global warming

For 1,000 years the indigenous Nenets people have migrated along the 450-mile- long Yamal peninsula in northern Russia. In summer they wander northwards, taking their reindeer with them. In winter they return southwards.

But this remote region of north-west Siberia is now being affected by global warming. Traditionally the Nenets travel across the frozen River Ob in November A ______ around Nadym. These days, though, this annual winter migration is delayed. Last year the Nenets, together with many thousands of reindeer, had to wait until late December IN ______ .

“Our reindeer were hungry. There wasn’t enough food, ”Jakov Japtik, a Nenets reindeer herder, said. “The snow is melting sooner, quicker and faster than before. In spring it’s difficult for the reindeer to pull the sledges. They get tired, ”Japtik said.

Herders say that the peninsula's weather is increasingly unpredictable - with unseasonal snowstorms FROM ______, and milder longer autumns. In winter, temperatures used to go down to -50 ° C. Now they are normally around -30 ° C, according to Japtik. “Obviously we prefer -30 ° C. But the changes aren’t good for the reindeer D ______, ”he said, setting off on his sledge to round up his reindeer herd.

Even here, in one of the most remote parts of the planet, E ______. Last year the Nenets arrived at a regular summer camping spot and discovered that half of their lake had disappeared. The water had drained away after a landslide. The Nenets report other curious changes - there are fewer mosquitoes and a strange increase in flies. Scientists say there is unmistakable evidence F ______ .

1.when the ice was finally thick enough to cross

2.that the impact on Russia would be disastrous

3.the environment is under pressure

4. and in the end what is good for the reindeer is good for us

5. and set up their camps in the southern forests

6.that Yamal's ancient permafrost is melting

7.when the reindeer give birth in May


The first paragraph implies that the public school

1) was more than just an educational institution.

2) offered the best educational curriculum.

3) had developed close ties with a college.

4) preferred students talented in sports and music.

Keeping busy


Which of the following is true about the school's sports program?

1) Ability to chew gum while walking was required of all participants.

2) The sportsmen were supposed to join the school band.

3) It was run on the money collected from parents.

4) It played the most important role outside the curriculum.

Keeping busy

The public school in town served a number of purposes. Education, of course, was one. It offered a curriculum in general education, manual education, and preparatory education for college. Its music and sports programs provided entertainment to the school and its patrons. And the school served as an agency of social cohesion, bringing the community together in a common effort in which everyone took pride.

The sports program was the center of gravity of extra-curricular activities. The school fielded junior and senior varsity teams in football, basketball and track. Any young man with enough coordination to walk and chew gum at the same time could find a place on one of those teams. In addition, sports generated a need for pep rallies, cheerleaders, a band, homecoming activities, parades and floats, a homecoming queen and maids of honor, and a sports banquet. It also mobilized parents to support the activities with time and money.

There were any number of clubs a student might join. Some were related to academics, like the Latin Club, the Spanish Club, and the Science Club. Others brought together students interested in a profession, like the Future Farmers of America, the Future Homemakers of America, the Future Teachers of America, and the Pre-Med Club. Still others were focused on service. The Intra-Mural Council, made up of girls (who had been neglected in the regular sports program), organized tournaments in a variety of sports for girls. The Library Club worked to improve library holdings and equipment. The Pep Club organized homecoming activities, parades and athletic banquets.

The Student Council, including representatives from each class, was elected by the student body after a heated political campaign with banners and speeches. It represented student interests to the administration and the school board. It approved student clubs that were formed, helped resolve discipline problems, and played a role in setting codes of conduct and dress. For the most part, it was a docile body that approved the policies of the administration.

The Journalism Club published a monthly newspaper of school news and opinion. It was financed by selling ads to business men in the community.

Another group planned and published the school Yearbook, which was a pictorial record of the student body, the year's activities, sports, and achievements. The Yearbook staff sponsored a beauty contest, pictured outstanding students selected by the faculty, and a Who’s Who of popular and talented students selected by the student body.

Churches in town, of which there were many, sponsored their own activities for youth; and the community sponsored a recreation center, called Teen Town, for chaperoned Saturday night dances each week. Community and school leaders seemed determined to keep the youth of the town busy and out of trouble. In a small Southern town in the Bible Belt where very few students had access to a car, which had been voted dry and in which no alcohol was sold, they succeeded marvelously well.


The word ‘others’, in paragraph 3, refers to ...

2) school clubs.

4) professionals.

Keeping busy

The public school in town served a number of purposes. Education, of course, was one. It offered a curriculum in general education, manual education, and preparatory education for college. Its music and sports programs provided entertainment to the school and its patrons. And the school served as an agency of social cohesion, bringing the community together in a common effort in which everyone took pride.

The sports program was the center of gravity of extra-curricular activities. The school fielded junior and senior varsity teams in football, basketball and track. Any young man with enough coordination to walk and chew gum at the same time could find a place on one of those teams. In addition, sports generated a need for pep rallies, cheerleaders, a band, homecoming activities, parades and floats, a homecoming queen and maids of honor, and a sports banquet. It also mobilized parents to support the activities with time and money.

There were any number of clubs a student might join. Some were related to academics, like the Latin Club, the Spanish Club, and the Science Club. Others brought together students interested in a profession, like the Future Farmers of America, the Future Homemakers of America, the Future Teachers of America, and the Pre-Med Club. Still others were focused on service. The Intra-Mural Council, made up of girls (who had been neglected in the regular sports program), organized tournaments in a variety of sports for girls. The Library Club worked to improve library holdings and equipment. The Pep Club organized homecoming activities, parades and athletic banquets.

The Student Council, including representatives from each class, was elected by the student body after a heated political campaign with banners and speeches. It represented student interests to the administration and the school board. It approved student clubs that were formed, helped resolve discipline problems, and played a role in setting codes of conduct and dress. For the most part, it was a docile body that approved the policies of the administration.

The Journalism Club published a monthly newspaper of school news and opinion. It was financed by selling ads to business men in the community.

Another group planned and published the school Yearbook, which was a pictorial record of the student body, the year's activities, sports, and achievements. The Yearbook staff sponsored a beauty contest, pictured outstanding students selected by the faculty, and a Who’s Who of popular and talented students selected by the student body.

Churches in town, of which there were many, sponsored their own activities for youth; and the community sponsored a recreation center, called Teen Town, for chaperoned Saturday night dances each week. Community and school leaders seemed determined to keep the youth of the town busy and out of trouble. In a small Southern town in the Bible Belt where very few students had access to a car, which had been voted dry and in which no alcohol was sold, they succeeded marvelously well.


Which of the following is NOT the function of the Student Council?

1) Representation of students' interests.

2) Helping administration in discipline issues.

3) Formation of school clubs.

4) Participation in conduct code setting.

Keeping busy

The public school in town served a number of purposes. Education, of course, was one. It offered a curriculum in general education, manual education, and preparatory education for college. Its music and sports programs provided entertainment to the school and its patrons. And the school served as an agency of social cohesion, bringing the community together in a common effort in which everyone took pride.

The sports program was the center of gravity of extra-curricular activities. The school fielded junior and senior varsity teams in football, basketball and track. Any young man with enough coordination to walk and chew gum at the same time could find a place on one of those teams. In addition, sports generated a need for pep rallies, cheerleaders, a band, homecoming activities, parades and floats, a homecoming queen and maids of honor, and a sports banquet. It also mobilized parents to support the activities with time and money.

There were any number of clubs a student might join. Some were related to academics, like the Latin Club, the Spanish Club, and the Science Club. Others brought together students interested in a profession, like the Future Farmers of America, the Future Homemakers of America, the Future Teachers of America, and the Pre-Med Club. Still others were focused on service. The Intra-Mural Council, made up of girls (who had been neglected in the regular sports program), organized tournaments in a variety of sports for girls. The Library Club worked to improve library holdings and equipment. The Pep Club organized homecoming activities, parades and athletic banquets.

The Student Council, including representatives from each class, was elected by the student body after a heated political campaign with banners and speeches. It represented student interests to the administration and the school board. It approved student clubs that were formed, helped resolve discipline problems, and played a role in setting codes of conduct and dress. For the most part, it was a docile body that approved the policies of the administration.

The Journalism Club published a monthly newspaper of school news and opinion. It was financed by selling ads to business men in the community.

Another group planned and published the school Yearbook, which was a pictorial record of the student body, the year's activities, sports, and achievements. The Yearbook staff sponsored a beauty contest, pictured outstanding students selected by the faculty, and a Who’s Who of popular and talented students selected by the student body.

Churches in town, of which there were many, sponsored their own activities for youth; and the community sponsored a recreation center, called Teen Town, for chaperoned Saturday night dances each week. Community and school leaders seemed determined to keep the youth of the town busy and out of trouble. In a small Southern town in the Bible Belt where very few students had access to a car, which had been voted dry and in which no alcohol was sold, they succeeded marvelously well.


The money for the advertisements from local businessmen was used to pay for

1) the Journalism Club.

2) the publication of a monthly newspaper.

3) the publication of the school Yearbook.

4) financing the beauty contest.

Keeping busy

The public school in town served a number of purposes. Education, of course, was one. It offered a curriculum in general education, manual education, and preparatory education for college. Its music and sports programs provided entertainment to the school and its patrons. And the school served as an agency of social cohesion, bringing the community together in a common effort in which everyone took pride.

The sports program was the center of gravity of extra-curricular activities. The school fielded junior and senior varsity teams in football, basketball and track. Any young man with enough coordination to walk and chew gum at the same time could find a place on one of those teams. In addition, sports generated a need for pep rallies, cheerleaders, a band, homecoming activities, parades and floats, a homecoming queen and maids of honor, and a sports banquet. It also mobilized parents to support the activities with time and money.

There were any number of clubs a student might join. Some were related to academics, like the Latin Club, the Spanish Club, and the Science Club. Others brought together students interested in a profession, like the Future Farmers of America, the Future Homemakers of America, the Future Teachers of America, and the Pre-Med Club. Still others were focused on service. The Intra-Mural Council, made up of girls (who had been neglected in the regular sports program), organized tournaments in a variety of sports for girls. The Library Club worked to improve library holdings and equipment. The Pep Club organized homecoming activities, parades and athletic banquets.

The Student Council, including representatives from each class, was elected by the student body after a heated political campaign with banners and speeches. It represented student interests to the administration and the school board. It approved student clubs that were formed, helped resolve discipline problems, and played a role in setting codes of conduct and dress. For the most part, it was a docile body that approved the policies of the administration.

The Journalism Club published a monthly newspaper of school news and opinion. It was financed by selling ads to business men in the community.

Another group planned and published the school Yearbook, which was a pictorial record of the student body, the year's activities, sports, and achievements. The Yearbook staff sponsored a beauty contest, pictured outstanding students selected by the faculty, and a Who’s Who of popular and talented students selected by the student body.

Churches in town, of which there were many, sponsored their own activities for youth; and the community sponsored a recreation center, called Teen Town, for chaperoned Saturday night dances each week. Community and school leaders seemed determined to keep the youth of the town busy and out of trouble. In a small Southern town in the Bible Belt where very few students had access to a car, which had been voted dry and in which no alcohol was sold, they succeeded marvelously well.


Saturday night dances were sponsored by

1) the recreation center.

4) the community.

Keeping busy

The public school in town served a number of purposes. Education, of course, was one. It offered a curriculum in general education, manual education, and preparatory education for college. Its music and sports programs provided entertainment to the school and its patrons. And the school served as an agency of social cohesion, bringing the community together in a common effort in which everyone took pride.

The sports program was the center of gravity of extra-curricular activities. The school fielded junior and senior varsity teams in football, basketball and track. Any young man with enough coordination to walk and chew gum at the same time could find a place on one of those teams. In addition, sports generated a need for pep rallies, cheerleaders, a band, homecoming activities, parades and floats, a homecoming queen and maids of honor, and a sports banquet. It also mobilized parents to support the activities with time and money.

There were any number of clubs a student might join. Some were related to academics, like the Latin Club, the Spanish Club, and the Science Club. Others brought together students interested in a profession, like the Future Farmers of America, the Future Homemakers of America, the Future Teachers of America, and the Pre-Med Club. Still others were focused on service. The Intra-Mural Council, made up of girls (who had been neglected in the regular sports program), organized tournaments in a variety of sports for girls. The Library Club worked to improve library holdings and equipment. The Pep Club organized homecoming activities, parades and athletic banquets.

The Student Council, including representatives from each class, was elected by the student body after a heated political campaign with banners and speeches. It represented student interests to the administration and the school board. It approved student clubs that were formed, helped resolve discipline problems, and played a role in setting codes of conduct and dress. For the most part, it was a docile body that approved the policies of the administration.

The Journalism Club published a monthly newspaper of school news and opinion. It was financed by selling ads to business men in the community.

Another group planned and published the school Yearbook, which was a pictorial record of the student body, the year's activities, sports, and achievements. The Yearbook staff sponsored a beauty contest, pictured outstanding students selected by the faculty, and a Who’s Who of popular and talented students selected by the student body.

Churches in town, of which there were many, sponsored their own activities for youth; and the community sponsored a recreation center, called Teen Town, for chaperoned Saturday night dances each week. Community and school leaders seemed determined to keep the youth of the town busy and out of trouble. In a small Southern town in the Bible Belt where very few students had access to a car, which had been voted dry and in which no alcohol was sold, they succeeded marvelously well.


Who does the title ‘Keeping Busy’ refer to?

1) young people.

2) school council.

3) town churches.

Keeping busy

The public school in town served a number of purposes. Education, of course, was one. It offered a curriculum in general education, manual education, and preparatory education for college. Its music and sports programs provided entertainment to the school and its patrons. And the school served as an agency of social cohesion, bringing the community together in a common effort in which everyone took pride.

The sports program was the center of gravity of extra-curricular activities. The school fielded junior and senior varsity teams in football, basketball and track. Any young man with enough coordination to walk and chew gum at the same time could find a place on one of those teams. In addition, sports generated a need for pep rallies, cheerleaders, a band, homecoming activities, parades and floats, a homecoming queen and maids of honor, and a sports banquet. It also mobilized parents to support the activities with time and money.

There were any number of clubs a student might join. Some were related to academics, like the Latin Club, the Spanish Club, and the Science Club. Others brought together students interested in a profession, like the Future Farmers of America, the Future Homemakers of America, the Future Teachers of America, and the Pre-Med Club. Still others were focused on service. The Intra-Mural Council, made up of girls (who had been neglected in the regular sports program), organized tournaments in a variety of sports for girls. The Library Club worked to improve library holdings and equipment. The Pep Club organized homecoming activities, parades and athletic banquets.

The Student Council, including representatives from each class, was elected by the student body after a heated political campaign with banners and speeches. It represented student interests to the administration and the school board. It approved student clubs that were formed, helped resolve discipline problems, and played a role in setting codes of conduct and dress. For the most part, it was a docile body that approved the policies of the administration.

The Journalism Club published a monthly newspaper of school news and opinion. It was financed by selling ads to business men in the community.

Another group planned and published the school Yearbook, which was a pictorial record of the student body, the year's activities, sports, and achievements. The Yearbook staff sponsored a beauty contest, pictured outstanding students selected by the faculty, and a Who’s Who of popular and talented students selected by the student body.

Churches in town, of which there were many, sponsored their own activities for youth; and the community sponsored a recreation center, called Teen Town, for chaperoned Saturday night dances each week. Community and school leaders seemed determined to keep the youth of the town busy and out of trouble. In a small Southern town in the Bible Belt where very few students had access to a car, which had been voted dry and in which no alcohol was sold, they succeeded marvelously well.


PLAY The ‘All Blacks’

Rugby is the most popular sport in New Zealand. The country even has a Rugby Museum. The game ______ there as early as the 1860s.


Convert, if necessary, the wordGREAT so that it grammatically matches the content of the text.

The climate is continental; however, the fluctuations in temperature are ______ than in other European countries.


Convert, if necessary, the wordMAKE so that it grammatically matches the content of the text.

This structure is sensitive to vibrations in the water, ___________ by other fish.


Convert, if necessary, the wordTHEY so that it grammatically matches the content of the text. Avalanche horror

Avalanches, also known as snowslides, are not a rare occasion in the mountains. A British family had a lucky escape in the Alps when an avalanche missed _____________ by 20 meters.


Convert, if necessary, the wordNOT RUN so that it grammatically matches the content of the text.

My father was the only man who __________________ away at Bladensburg.


Convert, if necessary, the wordWARN so that it grammatically matches the content of the text.

Shortly before his death he wrote the manifesto ______ the people of the world about the danger of nuclear catastrophe.


Convert, if necessary, the wordBE so that it grammatically matches the content of the text.

"No, dear," replied her father, "it" s Mother "s Day." Immediately the boy had another question. "Oh," he said, "then __________ every other day Father" s Day? "


Convert, if necessary, the wordCONSERVE

Cyberspace communication

Nowadays most of us go to our computers to connect with friends instead of using our phones. Cyberspace relationships have become the norm for many people, even the most ____________ ones.


Convert, if necessary, the wordNATURE so that it grammatically and lexically corresponds to the content of the text.

Twelve National Parks are freely accessible to the public and were created to conserve the __________________ beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage they contain.


Form from the wordSCIENCE

A newspaper described it as a "fanciful garden, tastefully ornamented with shrubs and flowers". The garden was the setting for band concerts, fireworks and demonstrations of the latest ______ achievements.


Form from the wordREMARK a single-root word so that it grammatically and lexically corresponds to the content of the text.

These 30-minute personal audio tours give a unique “overview” of Chicago’s wonderful sights and ______ history! Sky Tours are available in English, Spanish and German.


Form from the wordAMBITION a single-root word so that it grammatically and lexically corresponds to the content of the text.

The fact is that Repin painted some of the most exciting, original and ______ paintings of his age. “Party”, “They Did Not Expect Him” and “Reply of the Zaporochian Cossacks” are just a few of his many masterpieces.


Form from the wordDIRECT a single-root word so that it grammatically and lexically corresponds to the content of the text.

Perhaps Bath and its surroundings have some greatest sights in Britain. A trip to this city or in any __________________ from it will lead you to a wonderful day.


Insert the missing word:

Helping Mother


Insert the missing word:

Helping Mother

“Liz! Remember to clean up the basement, ok? " Mrs. Parker called out. Liz, who was still lying in bed, sighed heavily and 32 ______. “All right, mom,” she answered flatly, dragging herself out of bed. She got changed and headed downstairs for breakfast. As usual, the whole family was already seated at the dining table. Liz greeted everyone and sat at a 33 ______ seat next to her elder brother Evan. “Pass me the butter, bro,” she said. “Sure,” Evan replied and passed it to her. “Thanks,” Liz said, and 34 ______ a thin layer of it onto her toast. Mrs. Parker placed an arm onto her daughter’s shoulder. “Honey, I know it’s going to be a tiring day for you, and I’d like your brother to help too. But he’s got to head back to school for a day-long band practice. ” Liz sat still and didn’t utter a 35 ______ word. She was mad that Evan had band practice and did not need to help in the 36 ______ chores. “I know what you" re thinking, Liz. But honey, we really need your help. Dad "s away on a 37 ______ trip, you know, his boss has sent him. Evan's busy with band practices, and I've got to help your grandma. You know, her health’s been poor these days * ”“ Ok, ok. Enough of it, mom. I'll clean up the basement, ”Liz said. Sometimes she wished her mother wouldn’t explain the reasons to her. Anyway, she thought to herself, it’ll be good to 38 ______ the basement a little. She hadn’t stepped into it since they moved in here a couple of months ago. “Who knows something interesting will pop out of nowhere,” she grinned.


Insert the missing word:

Helping Mother

“Liz! Remember to clean up the basement, ok? " Mrs. Parker called out. Liz, who was still lying in bed, sighed heavily and 32 ______. “All right, mom,” she answered flatly, dragging herself out of bed. She got changed and headed downstairs for breakfast. As usual, the whole family was already seated at the dining table. Liz greeted everyone and sat at a 33 ______ seat next to her elder brother Evan. “Pass me the butter, bro,” she said. “Sure,” Evan replied and passed it to her. “Thanks,” Liz said, and 34 ______ a thin layer of it onto her toast. Mrs. Parker placed an arm onto her daughter’s shoulder. “Honey, I know it’s going to be a tiring day for you, and I’d like your brother to help too. But he’s got to head back to school for a day-long band practice. ” Liz sat still and didn’t utter a 35 ______ word. She was mad that Evan had band practice and did not need to help in the 36 ______ chores. “I know what you" re thinking, Liz. But honey, we really need your help. Dad "s away on a 37 ______ trip, you know, his boss has sent him. Evan's busy with band practices, and I've got to help your grandma. You know, her health’s been poor these days * ”“ Ok, ok. Enough of it, mom. I'll clean up the basement, ”Liz said. Sometimes she wished her mother wouldn’t explain the reasons to her. Anyway, she thought to herself, it’ll be good to 38 ______ the basement a little. She hadn’t stepped into it since they moved in here a couple of months ago. “Who knows something interesting will pop out of nowhere,” she grinned.


Insert the missing word:

Helping Mother

“Liz! Remember to clean up the basement, ok? " Mrs. Parker called out. Liz, who was still lying in bed, sighed heavily and 32 ______. “All right, mom,” she answered flatly, dragging herself out of bed. She got changed and headed downstairs for breakfast. As usual, the whole family was already seated at the dining table. Liz greeted everyone and sat at a 33 ______ seat next to her elder brother Evan. “Pass me the butter, bro,” she said. “Sure,” Evan replied and passed it to her. “Thanks,” Liz said, and 34 ______ a thin layer of it onto her toast. Mrs. Parker placed an arm onto her daughter’s shoulder. “Honey, I know it’s going to be a tiring day for you, and I’d like your brother to help too. But he’s got to head back to school for a day-long band practice. ” Liz sat still and didn’t utter a 35 ______ word. She was mad that Evan had band practice and did not need to help in the 36 ______ chores. “I know what you" re thinking, Liz. But honey, we really need your help. Dad "s away on a 37 ______ trip, you know, his boss has sent him. Evan's busy with band practices, and I've got to help your grandma. You know, her health’s been poor these days * ”“ Ok, ok. Enough of it, mom. I'll clean up the basement, ”Liz said. Sometimes she wished her mother wouldn’t explain the reasons to her. Anyway, she thought to herself, it’ll be good to 38 ______ the basement a little. She hadn’t stepped into it since they moved in here a couple of months ago. “Who knows something interesting will pop out of nowhere,” she grinned.


Insert the missing word:

Helping Mother

“Liz! Remember to clean up the basement, ok? " Mrs. Parker called out. Liz, who was still lying in bed, sighed heavily and 32 ______. “All right, mom,” she answered flatly, dragging herself out of bed. She got changed and headed downstairs for breakfast. As usual, the whole family was already seated at the dining table. Liz greeted everyone and sat at a 33 ______ seat next to her elder brother Evan. “Pass me the butter, bro,” she said. “Sure,” Evan replied and passed it to her. “Thanks,” Liz said, and 34 ______ a thin layer of it onto her toast. Mrs. Parker placed an arm onto her daughter’s shoulder. “Honey, I know it’s going to be a tiring day for you, and I’d like your brother to help too. But he’s got to head back to school for a day-long band practice. ” Liz sat still and didn’t utter a 35 ______ word. She was mad that Evan had band practice and did not need to help in the 36 ______ chores. “I know what you" re thinking, Liz. But honey, we really need your help. Dad "s away on a 37 ______ trip, you know, his boss has sent him. Evan's busy with band practices, and I've got to help your grandma. You know, her health’s been poor these days * ”“ Ok, ok. Enough of it, mom. I'll clean up the basement, ”Liz said. Sometimes she wished her mother wouldn’t explain the reasons to her. Anyway, she thought to herself, it’ll be good to 38 ______ the basement a little. She hadn’t stepped into it since they moved in here a couple of months ago. “Who knows something interesting will pop out of nowhere,” she grinned.


Insert the missing word:

Helping Mother

“Liz! Remember to clean up the basement, ok? " Mrs. Parker called out. Liz, who was still lying in bed, sighed heavily and 32 ______. “All right, mom,” she answered flatly, dragging herself out of bed. She got changed and headed downstairs for breakfast. As usual, the whole family was already seated at the dining table. Liz greeted everyone and sat at a 33 ______ seat next to her elder brother Evan. “Pass me the butter, bro,” she said. “Sure,” Evan replied and passed it to her. “Thanks,” Liz said, and 34 ______ a thin layer of it onto her toast. Mrs. Parker placed an arm onto her daughter’s shoulder. “Honey, I know it’s going to be a tiring day for you, and I’d like your brother to help too. But he’s got to head back to school for a day-long band practice. ” Liz sat still and didn’t utter a 35 ______ word. She was mad that Evan had band practice and did not need to help in the 36 ______ chores. “I know what you" re thinking, Liz. But honey, we really need your help. Dad "s away on a 37 ______ trip, you know, his boss has sent him. Evan's busy with band practices, and I've got to help your grandma. You know, her health’s been poor these days * ”“ Ok, ok. Enough of it, mom. I'll clean up the basement, ”Liz said. Sometimes she wished her mother wouldn’t explain the reasons to her. Anyway, she thought to herself, it’ll be good to 38 ______ the basement a little. She hadn’t stepped into it since they moved in here a couple of months ago. “Who knows something interesting will pop out of nowhere,” she grinned.


Insert the missing word:

Helping Mother

“Liz! Remember to clean up the basement, ok? " Mrs. Parker called out. Liz, who was still lying in bed, sighed heavily and 32 ______. “All right, mom,” she answered flatly, dragging herself out of bed. She got changed and headed downstairs for breakfast. As usual, the whole family was already seated at the dining table. Liz greeted everyone and sat at a 33 ______ seat next to her elder brother Evan. “Pass me the butter, bro,” she said. “Sure,” Evan replied and passed it to her. “Thanks,” Liz said, and 34 ______ a thin layer of it onto her toast. Mrs. Parker placed an arm onto her daughter’s shoulder. “Honey, I know it’s going to be a tiring day for you, and I’d like your brother to help too. But he’s got to head back to school for a day-long band practice. ” Liz sat still and didn’t utter a 35 ______ word. She was mad that Evan had band practice and did not need to help in the 36 ______ chores. “I know what you" re thinking, Liz. But honey, we really need your help. Dad "s away on a 37 ______ trip, you know, his boss has sent him. Evan's busy with band practices, and I've got to help your grandma. You know, her health’s been poor these days * ”“ Ok, ok. Enough of it, mom. I'll clean up the basement, ”Liz said. Sometimes she wished her mother wouldn’t explain the reasons to her. Anyway, she thought to herself, it’ll be good to 38 ______ the basement a little. She hadn’t stepped into it since they moved in here a couple of months ago. “Who knows something interesting will pop out of nowhere,” she grinned.

Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.

Camels don’t store water, but fat, which is used as an energy reserve. Water is stored throughout their bodies, particularly in the bloodstream, which makes them very good at avoiding dehydration. Camels can lose 40 per cent of their body-weight before they are affected by it. When they do drink, they really go for it - up to 225 liters at a time. Here are a few quite interesting facts about camels, which have nothing to do with their humps. Before elephants acquired their reputation for long memories, the ancient Greeks believed it was camels that didn’t forget.

Camel-racing in the United Arab Emirates has started to use robot riders in place of the traditional child jockeys. The remotely operated riders were developed following a ban on the use of jockeys under sixteen years of age. The only qualifications needed to become a jockey are not to weigh much and be able to scream in terror.

You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12-15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:

Where and when the photo was taken

What / who is in the photo

What is happening

Why you keep the photo in your album

Why you decided to show the picture to your friend

You have to talk continuously, starting with: "I’ve chosen photo number ...".

The solutions for the expanded answer tasks are not automatically checked.
The next page will ask you to test them yourself.

Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

Give a brief description of the photos (action, location)

Say what the pictures have in common

Say in what way the pictures are different

Say which of the concerts presented in the pictures you’d prefer

You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12-15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.