Genealogy-history of development. Generation Painting: Generation XXII of Infantry General Barclay de Tolly

123/106. Ivan Irodionovich (Rodionovich).

He died in 1771 (Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. p. 26).

Captain of the Troitsk Dragoon Regiment (RGADA. F. 286. Op. 1. D. 875. L. 798); in 1768 - major (Kusov V.S. Lands of the Moscow province in the 18th century. T. 2. M., 2004. S. 65); retired - Major Seconds (RGADA. F. 286. Op. 1. D. 875. L. 798);

In 1760, he owned 22 souls of peasants in the Mozhaisky district of the Moscow province (RGADA. F. 286. Op. 1. D. 875. L. 797). In 1768, together with Lieutenant Grigory and Warrant Officer Dmitry Denisovich Stogovs, he owned the village of Zolotilovo, Kolotsky Camp, Mozhaisky District, Moscow Province, and in it arable land - 30 dessiatines, forests (wood groves, and sometimes drill) - 80 dessiatines, hay, mowing - 37 dessiatines village - 3 dessiatines, roads - 2 dessiatines 155 fathoms, rivers and swamps - 5 dessiatines 2387 fathoms, in total - 158 dessiatines 137 fathoms, and 6 souls of peasants (Kusov V.S.Lands of the Moscow province in the 18th century. T. 2. M ., 2004.S. 65).

Up .: Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. S. 26; V.I. Chernopyatov - 1.L. 2; V.I. Chernopyatov - 2.L. 1; Ikonnikov N.F. V. X1. P. 47; Schakhovskoy D.M. R. 22.

J .: Daria Ievlevna N. (Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. p. 26).

124/107. Prokofy Savich.

Mentioned in the generational painting, submitted on May 22, 1686 to the Chamber of Genealogical Affairs (RGADA. F. 286. Op. 18. D. 64. Sheet 2).

125/111. Vasilisa Matveevna.

In 1707 she was not married (Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. p. 26).

Up .: Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. S. 26; Ikonnikov N.F. V. X1. P. 47; Schakhovskoy D.M. R. 22.

126/112. Afanasy Petrovich.

From 07/31/1730 - ensign; from 02.12.1731 - lieutenant; from 14.09.1736 - captain (Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. p. 26).

09/14/1713 together with brothers Ivan (no. 128/112), Mikhail (no. 127/112) and Gregory (no. 129/112) inherited 476 quarters of the land, "and in two, on the same," from the father's estate "for shaft "in the village of Troitskoye, Aksakovo identity of the Simbirsky district (Sivers A.A.S. 91). 04/29/1725 from the Kazan and Astrakhan provincial chancelleries on his petition, given to him with his brothers

Up .: Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. S. 26; Ikonnikov N.F. V. X1. P. 47; Schakhovskoy D.M. R. 22.

127/112. Mikhail Petrovich.

From 02.12.1731 - lieutenant (Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. p. 26).

09/14/1713, together with brothers Athanasius (No. 126/112), Ivan (No. 128/112) and Gregory (No. 129/112) inherited 476 quarters of the land, "and in two after that", from the father's estate "for shaft "in the village of Troitskoye, Aksakovo identity of the Simbirsky district (Sivers A.A.S. 91). 04/29/1725 from the Kazan and Astrakhan provincial chanceries, according to his petition, he and his brothers were given an inscription on the ownership of land and for the payment of capitation money for the peasants, written on them according to the new revision in the village of Troitskoye, Aksakovo, the identity of the Simbirsk district, which the land and the peasants were written and rejected for him in 1713 (Sivers A.A. S. 91). Bought from Andrei Ivanovich Aksakov (No. 102/74) 35 quarters of open land in Simbirsk district (Sivers A.A. S. 91).

Up .: Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. S. 26; Ikonnikov N.F. V. X1. P. 47 (mistakenly named Nikolai); Schakhovskoy D.M. R. 22.

128/112.Ivan Petrovich.

He died in 1753 (Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. p. 26). In the reference book of Prince A.B. Lobanov-Rostovsky, it is indicated that he died in 1756 (Lobanov-Rostovsky AB, Prince. Russian genealogical book. 2nd ed. T. 1. SPb., 1895. P. 39).

The skipper of the sea fleet (Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. p. 26).

09/14/1713, together with brothers Athanasius (No. 126/112), Mikhail (No. 127/112) and Gregory (No. 129/112), inherited 476 quarters of the land, "and in two after that", from the father's estate "for shaft "in the village of Troitskoye, Aksakovo identity of the Simbirsky district (Sivers AA, p. 91). 04/29/1725 from the Kazan and Astrakhan provincial chanceries, according to his petition, he and his brothers were given an inscription on the ownership of land and for the payment of capitation money for the peasants, written on them according to the new revision in the village of Troitskoye, Aksakovo, the identity of the Simbirsky district, which the land and the peasants were written and rejected for him in 1713 (Sivers A.A. S. 91).

Up .: Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. S. 26; Ikonnikov N.F. V. X1. P. 47.

Zh .: Elizaveta Mikhailovna Beketova.

She died in 1750 (Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. p. 26).

Daughter of Mikhail Tarasovich Beketov and his wife N. Nikitichna, born Chirkova (Lobanov-Rostovsky AB, Prince Russian genealogical book. 2nd ed. T. 1. St. Petersburg, 1895. P. 39).

129/112. Grigory Petrovich.

In 1725 - corporal of the Astrakhan dragoon regiment (Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. p. 26).

09/14/1713, together with brothers Athanasius (No. 126/112), Ivan (No. 128/112) and Mikhail (No. 127/112) inherited 476 quarters of the land, "and in two after that", from the father's estate "for shaft "in the village of Troitskoye, Aksakovo identity of the Simbirsky district (Sivers A.A.S. 91). 04/29/1725 from the Kazan and Astrakhan provincial chanceries, according to his petition, he and his brothers were given an inscription on the ownership of land and for the payment of capitation money for the peasants, written on them according to the new revision in the village of Troitskoye, Aksakovo, the identity of the Simbirsk district, which the land and the peasants were written and rejected for him in 1713 (Sivers A.A. S. 91).

Up .: Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. S. 26; Ikonnikov N.F. V. X1. P. 47 - 48; Schakhovskoy D.M. R. 22.

130/112. Ekaterina Petrovna.

She died after her husband (Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. p. 26, 364).

Up .: Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. S. 26; Ikonnikov N.F. V. X1. P. 48; Schakhovskoy D.M. R. 22.

M .: Egor Petrovich Karamzin.

Born in 1663 (Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. S. 363 - 364). In a generational painting compiled by N.F. Ikonnikov, it is indicated that he was born in 1669 (Ikonnikov N.F. V. X1. P. 48).

He died earlier in 1763 (Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. S. 363 - 364). In a generational painting compiled by N.F. Ikonnikov, it is indicated that he died in 1731 (Ikonnikov N.F. V. X1. P. 48).

The son of a solicitor, a Nizhny Novgorod landowner Pyotr Vasilievich Karamzin and his wife Anna Vasilievna, born Surovtseva (Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. p. 26, 363 - 364).

Colonel (Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. p. 26, 363 - 364).

In 1704, his uncle Ivan Vasilyevich Surovtsov ceded to him the village of Karamzinka, Simbirsk district (Ikonnikov N.F. V. X1. P. 48). In 1733, he owned lands in the Nizhny Novgorod and Simbirsk districts (Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. p. 26, 363 - 364).

The grandfather of the historian N.M. Karamzin (See: Gudkova Z.I. Karamzin, Aksakov, Pushkin and Lermontov // Belskie Prostory. 2001. No. 2. P. 163 - 167).

131/114. Stepan Andreyanovich.

Born around 1782 on 13.10.1825 - 43 years old (RGIA. F. 1343.Op. 16, file 752, sheet 102v .; GARO. F. 98.Op. 10, file. 4, sheet 28v .; Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V.T. I. S. 26; Ikonnikov NFV X1. P. 48). In the generational painting, compiled by I. Zh. Ryndin, it is indicated that he was born in 1778 (Ryndin I.Zh. Issue 1. P. 51).

Died on 15.11.1841 (Saitov V.I., Modzalevsky B.L.] Moscow necropolis. T. I. M., 1907. P. 14).

He was buried at the Pyatnitskoe cemetery in Moscow ([Saitov V.I., Modzalevsky B.L.] Moscow necropolis. T. I. M., 1907. P. 14).

He entered the service as a ensign in the Moscow garrison regiment; harness-ensign; ensign (08/03/1799); dismissed for civil service with the rank of second lieutenant (09.22.1801); entered the quarterly overseer in the staff of the Tula city police; appointed as a private bailiff in excess of the kit; renamed from an army second lieutenant to a provincial secretary (12/31/1820); transferred by a private bailiff to the Ryazan city police (03.11.1823); collegiate secretary (12/31/1823); transferred by a private bailiff to the Tula city police (25.05.1825) (RGIA.F. 1343.Op. 16.D. 752.L. 102v. - 103; GARO.F. 98.Op. 10.D.4.L . 28v. - 29; Ryndin I.Zh. Issue 1. P. 51); at the time of death - collegiate secretary

Received the Royal favor for diligent service (1823) (GARO. F. 98. Op. 10.D.4. Sheet 28 rev. - 29; RGIA. F. 1343. Op. 16, D. 752. Sheet 102 rev. . - 103; Ryndin I.Zh. Issue 1.P. 51).

In 1825 he owned 6 souls of peasants in the village of Shelukhovo in the Spassky district of the Ryazan province; 36 souls of peasants in the village of Savinki, Mikhailovsky district, Ryazan province; 18 souls of peasants in the village of Shemitovo, Venevsky uyezd, Tula province, in total - 60 souls of peasants (RGIA, F. 1343, op. 16, file 752, sheet 102 ob .; GARO. F. 98. op. 10, file 4 . L. 28v.). 06/03/1839 sold to the noble maiden Cleopatra Dmitrievna Yankova 3.5 acres of arable land in the Belolipsky field in the village of Shemitovo, Venevsky district of the Tula province for 550 rubles in bank notes (Moscow Senate announcement. 1839. 30 Sept. No. 78. P. 38). He owned 10 souls of peasants in the village of Shelukhovo, Spassky district, Ryazan province; 36 souls of peasants in the village of Savenki (Savkin) of the Mikhailovsky district of the Ryazan province; 10 souls of peasants in the village of Shematovo, Venevsky uyezd, Tula province (GARO. F. 98. Op. 10. D. 4. L. 14v .; Ryndin I.Zh. Issue 1. P. 51). At the time of his death, he owned 27 souls of male peasants in the village of Savinki, Mikhailovsky district, Tula province, and 11 souls of male peasants in the village of Shimetova, Venevsky district, Tula province (Moscow Senate announcements. 1843. Feb. 6, No. 11. P. 18).

By the definition of the Ryazan noble deputy assembly of 22.11.1796, it was included in the VI part of the noble genealogy of the book of the Ryazan province (GARO. F. 98. Op. 10. D. 4. L. 12 - 12 rev.). By the definition of the Tula noble deputy assembly of 1822, he was included in the VI part of the noble genealogy of the Tula province book (Sollogub N.M. S. 6).

Up .: Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. S. 26; Ikonnikov N.F. V. X1. P. 48; Schakhovskoy D.M. R. 22; Ryndin I. Zh. Issue 1, p. 51.

Zh .: (between 1796 and 1805) Anna Stepanovna N. (RGIA. F. 1343. Op. 16, D. 752. Sheet 103; Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. S . 26; Sollogub N.M. S. 6). In the generational painting, compiled by I. Zh. Ryndin, it is indicated that according to other sources her name was Anastasia Stepanovna (Ryndin I.Zh. Issue 1. P. 51).

Daughter of a Moscow merchant (GARO. F. 98. Op. 10. D. 4. Sheet 15; RGIA. F. 1343. Op. 16. D. 752. L. 103; Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. P. 26; Sollogub N. M. S. 6).

132/118. Maria Vasilievna.

Born on August 19, 1825 (CIAM. F. 4. Op. 8, D. 15. L. 8 - 8 rev .; Op. 14. D. 14. L. 10; Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V. V. T. I. P. 26; Ryndin I. Zh. Issue 1. P. 52) in Klin, in the house of priest Ioann Petrov, where the parents lived (CIAM. F. 4. Op. 8. D. 15. L. 8 - 8v .; Op.14.D.14.L. 10)

Baptized on 08/20/1825 in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Klin. Receiver: Princess Varvara Alexandrovna Volkonskaya (TsIAM. F. 4. Op. 14. D. 14. L. 10).

By the definition of the Moscow noble deputy assembly of 18.02.1832, together with his father (No. 118 / 95a), brothers Sergei (No. 133/118) and Nikolai (No. 134/118) and sister Ekaterina (No. 135/118), it was included in the VI part noble genealogy of the book of the Moscow province, but the Temporary presence of Heraldia did not approve this decision and, by decree No. 2556 dated 01.08.1847, included it in the II part (TsIAM. F. 4. Op. 8. D. 15. L. 10-10 rev. ., 17 - 17 rev.).

133/118. Sergey Vasilevich.

Born on March 24, 1828 (CIAM. F. 4. Op. 8. D. 15. L. 8v .; Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. S. 26; Ryndin I.Zh . Issue 1. P. 51). In a generational painting compiled by N.F. Ikonnikov, the erroneous date is indicated on June 24, 1826 (Ikonnikov N.F. V. X1. P. 48),

Baptized on March 29, 1828 in the parish of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Zavidova, Klin district, Moscow province. Receiver: Prince Sergei Alexandrovich Volkonsky (TsIAM. F. 4. Op. 14. D. 14. L. 10).

He died on July 18, 1885 (information from the tombstone).

He was buried in front of the altar of the Trinity Church in the village of Zavidovo, Klin district, Moscow province; the tombstone has survived, the inscription on it "Lord, receive my spirit in peace."

He was brought up in a private educational institution (RGVIA. F. 395. Op. 53. D. 1318. L. 8v.).

He entered the service as a cadet with three months of service as a private in the Belevsky Jaeger (later infantry) regiment (01.10.1846); ensign (12/19/1848) with transfer to the Black Sea reserve line battalion; approved by the battalion adjutant (13.04.1850); transferred back to the Belevsky regiment (09/10/1852); second lieutenant (07/06/1853); lieutenant (03/17/1854); sent to the reserve division of the 6th infantry (later army) corps (10.07.1854); sent to the 8th reserve battalion of the Ryazhsky infantry regiment to command a company (21.10.1854); appointed company commander (10/22/1854); removed from office and appointed to correct the position of regimental treasurer of the Consolidated Reserve Belevsky Infantry Regiment (01.08.1855); sent to the front (05/28/1856); in connection with the disbandment of the reserve troops, he was shut down for staffing the 12th Infantry Division (11.12.1856); assigned on assignment to the Dnieper Infantry Regiment (01/10/1857); transferred to this regiment (05.24.1857); dismissed from service on 10.12.1858 without being awarded the rank for delay in sick leave in 1856, but later it turned out that it turned out due to the fact that, while on vacation, he filed a letter of resignation, as a result of which she was recognized respectful; staff-captain (03/30/1862) (TsIAM. F. 4.Op. 8, D. 15, sheet 28 - 28 rev .; RGVIA. F. 395, Op. 53, file 1318, sheet 3 - 8 , eleven); in 1869 - 1872 - Member of the Noble Guardianship of the Klinsky District of the Moscow Province (Moscow nobility. Lists of those who served in the elections, 1782 - 1910. M., 1910. S. 112); in 1871 - the world mediator of the Klin district (Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. p. 26); titular advisor (28.11.1878, with seniority from 01.12.1877) (CIAM. F. 4. Op. 8. D. 15. L. 78); at the time of death - collegiate assessor (information from the tombstone).

Awards: a bronze medal on the St. George ribbon in memory of the war of 1853 - 1856. (CIAM. F. 4. Op. 8, D. 15, L. 28).

In 1854 he took part in hostilities in Asian Turkey (CIAM. F. 4. Op. 8. D. 15. L. 28 - 29).

In 1861 and 1871, inseparably with his brother Nikolai (No. 134/118), he owned 57 souls of male peasants in the family estate in the village of Ryabinki, Klinsky district, Moscow province (RGVIA. F. 395. Op. 53. D. 1318. L 8v .; CIAM.F. 4.Op. 8, D. 15, L. 47v.).

By the definition of the Moscow noble deputy assembly of 18.02.1832, together with his father (No. 118 / 95a), brother Nikolai (No. 134/118) and sisters Maria (No. 132/118) and Catherine (No. 135/118), it was included in the VI part genealogy of the book of the Moscow province, but the Temporary presence of Heraldia did not approve this decision and by decree No. 2556 dated 01.08.1847 included it in the II part (CIAM. F. 4. Op. 8. D. 15. L. 10 - 10 rev. , 17 - 17 rev.).

Up .: Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. S. 26; V.I. Chernopyatov - 1.L. 2; V.I. Chernopyatov - 2.L. 2v .; Ikonnikov N.F. V. X1. P. 48; Schakhovskoy D.M. R. 23; Ryndin I. Zh. Issue 1, p. 51.

Zh.: (From 25.01.1863, wedding in Uspenskaya, that in Gonchary, church of Moscow) Kapitolina Vasilievna Nekrasova (TsIAM. F. 4. Op. 8. D. 15. L. 40).

Born 08.08.1839 (CIAM. F. 4. Op. 10. D. 1448. Sheet 3).

She died on July 29, 1888 (Information from the tombstone).

She was buried opposite the altar of the Trinity Church in the village of Zavidovo, Klin district, Moscow province; the headstone has been preserved.

Daughter of the clerk of the Moscow office of the State Bank (01.01.1864), court adviser (04.07.1866) Vasily Grigorievich Nekrasov (c. 1808 - after August 1866) and his first wife N. (TsIAM. F. 4. Op. 8. D. 15.L. 26b, 40; Op.10.D. 1448. L. 1, 16v., 29).

134/118. Nikolay Vasilievich.

Born on November 24, 1829 (CIAM. F. 4. Op. 8. D. 15. L. 8v .; Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. p. 26).

Twin of Sister Catherine (No. 135/118).

Baptized on November 25, 1829 in the parish of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Zavidova, Klin district, Moscow province. Recipients: Prince Andrei Alexandrovich Volkonsky and Princess Varvara Alexandrovna Volkonskaya (TsIAM. F. 4. Op. 8. D. 15. L. 9; Op. 14. D. 14. L.10).

He died on 18.01.1902 from pneumonia (GACO. F. 33. Op. 4. D. 532. L. 159v. - 160).

He was buried on 21.01.1902 at the Pyatnitskoye cemetery in Kaluga (GAKO. F. 33. Op. 4.D. 532. L. 159v. - 160).

He entered the First Moscow Cadet Corps (08/04/1842) as a cadet, graduated in 1846 (RGVIA. F. 395. Op. 43. D. 143. Sheet 4 rev.).

He entered service as a cadet in the Ryazan Infantry Regiment (25.07.1846); ensign (08.21.1846); harness-ensign (04/06/1849); warrant officer (10/25/1851); second lieutenant (07/06/1853); lieutenant (06/14/1854); regimental quartermaster (03/04/1855); sent to the front (04/13/1857); staff captain (12/16/1857); approved by the company commander (05/10/1858); consisted of a set and was in Kaluga to manage the warehouse and archives left by the regiment (November 24, 1854); dismissed from service as a captain with a uniform on 11/07/1862; admitted to the correction of the position of the commander of the Kaluga prison No. 10 half company of the civil department (06/23/1864); approved in office by the previous rank of staff captain (14.12.1864); dismissed from service with the rank of captain on 03/31/1866; determined to correct the post of forester in the Kaluga province (12/25/1868); appointed to the Maloyaroslavets forestry (02/04/1869); renamed to collegiate secretaries (11/18/1870); relocated by the forester of the 2nd Kozelsky forestry (01/29/1871) (TsIAM. F. 4. Op. 8, D. 15, L. 47 ob. - 48; RGVIA. F. 395. Op. 43. D. 143. L 4v .; Op.54.D. 1098.L. 23 - 33; GAKO.F. 6.Op. 1.D. 291. Sheet 53 - 53v.); titular counselor (October 1871, with seniority from 12/25/1868); forester of the 3rd category of the Kaluga province (12/15/1872); collegiate assessor (12/21/1873, with seniority from 12/25/1871); court counselor (08/05/1876, with seniority from 12/25/1875); transferred to the forester of the Kostroma province (01/17/1880); transferred as a forester to the Yaroslavl province (09.09.1883); assigned to the Forestry Department (20.07.1884); dismissed from service on 05.03.1885 (GAKO. F. 6. Op. 1. D. 291. L. 53 rev. - 54).

Awards: light bronze medal on the St. George ribbon in memory of the war of 1853-1856; a silver medal for the conquest of Chechnya and Dagestan in 1857, 1858 and 1859; Monarch's benevolence “for special diligence in service and distinction in matters against the enemy” in Asian Turkey (05.06.1857) (CIAM. F. 4. Op. 8. D. 15. L. 47v. - 48).

He took part in campaigns against Hungary (1849), Turkey (1855), was on the Caucasian-Turkish front in the Crimean War, fought against the highlanders in 1857 (TsIAM. F. 4. Op. 8. D. 15 . L. 48).

He owned 600 dessiatines of land and 57 souls of temporarily liable male peasants in the family estate in the village of Ryabinki, Klinsky district of the Moscow province (RGVIA. F. 395. Op. 53. D. 1318. L. 8v .; TsIAM. F. 4. Op. 8, D. 15, L. 47 rev.).

By the definition of the Moscow noble deputy assembly of 18.02.1832, together with his father (No. 118 / 95a), brother Sergei (No. 133/118) and sisters Maria (No. 132/118) and Catherine (No. 135/118) included in the VI part genealogy of the book of the Moscow province, but the Temporary presence of Heraldia did not approve this decision and by decree No. 2556 dated 01.08.1847 included it in the II part (CIAM. F. 4. Op. 8. D. 15. L. 10 - 10 rev. , 17 - 17 rev.).

Up .: Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. S. 26; V.I. Chernopyatov - 1.L. 2; V.I. Chernopyatov - 2.L. 2v .; Mazarakiy N.N. P. 50; Ikonnikov N.F. V. X1. P. 48; Schakhovskoy D.M. R. 23; Ryndin I. Zh. Issue 1.P. 51 - 52; Naumov O.N., Kuleshov A.S. P. 26.

Zh .: (no later than 1860) Yulia Vladimirovna Voeikova.

Born around 1840 in 1851 - 12 years (GAKO. F. 33. Op. 2. D. 1322. L. 237).

She died after 1917 (information of M.M. Aksakov).

Daughter of the lieutenant, later collegiate secretary Vladimir Aleksandrovich Voeikov (died before 1851) and his wife Varvara Vasilievna, born N. (Yelchaninov IN Materials for the genealogy of the Yaroslavl nobility. T. 2. Yaroslavl, 1913).

In 1878 she was accused of torturing her son Vasily (No. 167/134), the case was considered by the Kaluga District Court (GAKO. F. 6. Op. 3. D. 1044. L. 1 - 20).

In 1860 she inherited from her father the village of Antipovo in the Kozelsk district of the Kaluga province (GAKO. F. 30. Op. 8. D. 1268. L. 4v.). In 1914, she owned 152 dessiatines of the ancestral land in the Kozelsk district of the Kaluga province and an acquired house in Kaluga (TsIAM. F. 4. Op. 8. D. 15. L. 146 rev .; GAKO. F. 6. Op. 1. D. 291. Sheet 1 ob.).

By the definition of the Kaluga noble deputy assembly in 1843, it was included in the VI part of the noble genealogy of the Kaluga province (GAKO. F. 66. Op. 2. D. 1873. L. 2).

Characteristic: “Beautiful in her youth, Yulia Vladimirovna, according to rumors, had a very tough disposition and kept her husband in subjection. Her children were divided into loved ones and unloved ones. The favorites were Sergei Nikolaevich and Olga Nikolaevna. The unloved, among the six, were subjected to all kinds of "oppression", up to expulsion from home. But all this happened long before my appearance in Kaluga, and I found in the person of Yulia Vladimirovna a very pleasant old woman who blessed us with a specially ordered icon of our saints "(Aksakova (Sivers) TA Family Chronicle. Book 1. Moscow, 2005 . Pp. 239 - 240).

135/118. Ekaterina Vasilievna.

Born on November 24, 1829 (CIAM. F. 4. Op. 8. D. 15. L. 8 rev .; Op. 14. D. 14. L. 10; Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. p. 26).

Twin brother Nikolay (no. 134/118).

Baptized on November 25, 1829 in the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Zavidova, Klin district, Moscow province. Recipients: Prince Andrei Alexandrovich Volkonsky and Princess Varvara Alexandrovna Volkonskaya (TsIAM. F. 4. Op. 8. D. 15. L. 9; Op. 14. D. 14. L. 10).

She died on 07.11.1837 (CIAM. F. 4. Op. 14. D. 14. L. 8 - 8 rev.).

By the definition of the Moscow noble deputy assembly of 18.02.1832, together with his father (No. 118 / 95a), brothers Nikolai (No. 134/118), Sergei (No. 134/118) and sister Maria (No. 132/118), it was included in the VI part noble genealogy of the book of the Moscow province, but the Temporary presence of Heraldia did not approve this decision and, by decree No. 2556 of 08/01/1847, included it in part II (CIAM. F. 4. Op. 8. D. 15. L. 10-10 rev. ., 17 - 17 rev.).

Up .: Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. S. 26; V.I. Chernopyatov - 1.L. 2; V.I. Chernopyatov - 2.L. 2v .; Ikonnikov N.F. V. X1. P. 48; Schakhovskoy D.M. R. 23; Ryndin I. Zh. Issue 1.P. 52.

136/120. Alexey Stepanovich.

Born on 12.02.1799 in the village of Ryabinki, Klinsky district, Moscow province (TsIAM. F. 4. Op. 14. D. 15. L. 9).

He was baptized in the parish of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Zavidova, Klin district, Moscow province. Receivers: court counselor Nikolai Semenovich Astafiev and the widow of the ensign Maria Matveevna Chikina (TsIAM. F. 4. Op. 14. D. 15. L. 9).

He died earlier than 1838 (Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. p. 26).

Ensign (Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. p. 26); served in the Life Guards Jaeger Regiment (Chernopyatov V.I. - 1. L. 2); in 1829 - 1830 - Assessor of the Nizhne-Zemstvo court of the Klin district (Moscow nobility. Lists of those who served in the elections, 1782 - 1910. M., 1910. S. 117).

He owned 6 souls of peasants, sold 120 acres of ancestral land to a neighbor on the estate, Lieutenant Colonel von Brunov for 3000 rubles, having drawn up, at the request of the buyer, a loan letter for 15,000 rubles, which after the death of Alexei Stepanovich Aksakov was presented for payment. Vasily Nikolayevich Aksakov (No. 118 / 95a) tried to protest against von Brunnov's fraudulent actions and applied to the district court with a request to impose a ban on the purchased land. The property has been described. After A.Kh. Benckendorff created a special commission headed by Baron Pritwitz, which dealt with the case (RGVIA. F. 395. Op. 273. D. 187. L. 1).

By the definition of the Moscow noble deputy assembly of 03/15/1826, he was included in the VI part of the noble genealogy of the Moscow province book (CIAM. F. 4. Op. 8. D. 15. L. 32).

Up .: Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. S. 26; V.I. Chernopyatov - 1.L. 3; V.I. Chernopyatov - 2.L. 2v .; Ikonnikov N.F. V. X1. P. 48; Schakhovskoy D.M. R. 22; Ryndin I. Zh. Issue 1, p. 51.

Zh .: Olga Afanasyevna Postnikova.

Born 06.05.1808 (Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. S. 26.). In the generational painting, compiled by I. Zh. Ryndin, it is indicated that she was born on 06.09.1808 (Ryndin I.Zh. Issue 1. P. 51).

In the second marriage to Nikolai Vasilievich Kuvshinov (Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. p. 26).

137 / 121a. Nikolai Nikolaevich.

Born on 26.01.1811 in the house of the titular counselor Semyon Ivanovich Yagodkin in Moscow (CIAM. F. 4. Op. 14. D. 13. L. 14).

Baptized on 02/01/1811 in the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos of Joy of All Who Sorrow in Moscow. Receivers: court counselor Pavel Ivanovich Arseniev and his daughter, maiden Anna Pavlovna Arsenyeva (CIAM. F. 4. Op. 14. D. 13. L. 14).

Died 09.06.1841 (RGIA. F. 1343. Op. 16, D. 752, L. 147 ob. - 148; 154 ob.) From consumption (GATO. F. 39. Op. 2. D. 21. L. 70). In the generational murals compiled by V.V. Rummel, N.F. Ikonnikov and I. Zh. Ryndin, erroneously indicated that he died on 10.06.1841 (Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. S. 26; Ikonnikov NFV X1. P. 48; Ryndin I. Zh. Issue 1. P . 52). The service in the Mitrofanovskaya cemetery church in St. Petersburg (GATO. F. 39. Op. 2. D. 21. L. 70; death certificate).

Buried at the Gentelevsky (?) City cemetery (GATO. F. 39. Op. 2. D. 21. L. 70).

He entered service as a non-commissioned officer in the Petrovsky infantry regiment (06/19/1829); ensign (07/29/1829); harness-ensign (06.06.1830); warrant officer (12/22/1832); battalion adjutant (06/28/1833); second lieutenant (03/18/1835); dismissed from service for domestic reasons to be assigned to state affairs on November 10, 1835; assigned to the St. Petersburg customs (12/26/1835); appointed by the wagstempelmeister to the Moscow customs (03/06/1836); moved to the same position in the St. Petersburg customs (03/13/1836); renamed into provincial secretaries (03/26/1836); dismissed from customs on 05/25/1838; identified in the Commissariat Department (18.01.1841) (RGIA. F. 1343. Op. 16. D. 752. L. 147 - 148; summary: Ibid. L. 154v .; GATO.F. 39. Op. 2.D. 21.L. 63 - 64).

In 1841, he owned 1000 souls of peasants and family estates in the Moscow, Tula and Ryazan provinces (RGIA. F. 1343. Op. 16. D. 752. L. 147 rev.).

By the definition of the Tula noble parliamentary assembly of 16.02.1825, together with his father (No. 121/100), mother and brother Peter (No. 138 / 121b), he was included in the IV part of the noble genealogy of the book of the Tula province, but by the decree of Heraldia No. 19016 dated 18.10.1845 moved to the VI part (CIAM. F. 4. Op. 14. D. 13. L. 20 - 23).

Up .: Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. S. 26; V.I. Chernopyatov - 2.L. 1; Ikonnikov N.F. V. X1. P. 48; Schakhovskoy D.M. R. 23; Ryndin I. Zh. Issue 1.P. 52.

J .: Alexandra Filippovna N.

She died on 09.01.1876 (Saitov V.I. Petersburg necropolis.Vol. IV.SPb., 1913. S. 173).

She was buried together with Nikolai Nikolaevich Aksakov (No. 170/137) and Pyotr Afanasyevich Stogov at the Mitrofanovskoye cemetery in St. Petersburg (Saitov V.I. Petersburg necropolis. Vol. IV. St. Petersburg, 1913, p. 173).

In the generational painting, compiled by V.V. Rummel, it is indicated that in the second marriage she was behind the actual state councilor Peter Afanasyevich Stogov (died 03/04/1883), the third marriage was not indicated (Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. S. 26; Saitov V.I. Petersburg necropolis.Vol. IV.SPb., 1913.P. 173; Ryndin I.Zh. Issue 1.P. 52). According to archival sources, P.A. Stogov was her third husband (GATO. F. 39. Op. 2. D. 21. L. 72v.). In the generational painting, compiled by N.M. Sollogub, it is indicated that in 1859 she was married to the collegiate councilor Stogov (Sollogub N.M. S. 6).

On 30.01.1859, by a separate act, she received from the inheritance of her father-in-law, Nikolai Ivanovich Aksakov (No. 121/100), the indicated part by the decision of the Governing Senate dated 14.02.1856 (GATO. F. 39. Op. 2. D. 21. L . 72 v.). In 1868, she owned 4500 dessiatines of land and 80 souls of peasants in the Vetluzhsky district of the Kostroma province (RGIA. F. 1343. Op. 16, D. 752, L. 150, 154 rev .; GATO. F. 39. Op. 2. D. 21.L. 66 ob.). After the death of Nikolai Nikolaevich, Aksakov received the indicated part of his real estate, for which she contributed money to the Moscow Board of Trustees. By the decree of the Government Senate of February 28, 1856 and the subsequent decision of the Kostroma Chamber of Civil Court, she was released from payment of state debts incurred by her father-in-law on her second husband, Nikolai Nikolaevich Aksakov (Moscow Senate Announcements. 1858, January 25. No. 8. S. eleven).

138 / 121b. Petr Nikolaevich.

Born on 03.02.1820 in the house of the collegiate assessor Nikolai Ivanovich Pavlov in Moscow (CIAM. F. 4. Op. 14. D. 13. L. 15).

Baptized 02/12/1820 in the Church of Fyodor the Studite, near the Nikitsky Gate, in Moscow. Receiver: young brother Nikolai Nikolaevich Aksakov (No. 137 / 121a) (CIAM. F. 4. Op. 14. D. 13. L. 15).

Died on 10/30/1880, 60 years old (Chernopyatov V.I. The nobility of the Tula province. Vol. 7 (16): Necropolis. 2nd ed., Revised and enlarged. M., 2005. S. 6). In generational murals compiled by V.V. Rummel and I. Zh. Ryndin, it is indicated that he died earlier than 1882 (Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. S. 26 - 27; Ryndin I.Zh. Issue 1. P. 52).

He was buried in the cemetery of the village of Veprey, Aleksinsky district of the Tula province (Chernopyatov V.I.

He was brought up in the parents' house (CIAM. F. 4. Op. 14. D. 12. L. 1 ob.; D. 13. L. 24. ob. - 25; RGIA. F. 1343. Op. 16. D. 752 . L. 129v. - 130).

He entered the service as a scribe of the first category in the Kaluga noble deputy assembly (12.11.1842); collegiate registrar (11/12/1843); provincial secretary (05/23/1848); Deputy of the nobility from the Aleksinsky district of the Tula province (16.12.1849; re-elected on 16.12.1852 for 3 years) (TsIAM. F. 4.Op. 14. D. 12. L. 1 rev .; D. 13. L. 24 ob. - 25; RGIA.F. 1343.Op. 16, D. 752. L. 129 - 130); in 1850 - 1855 - Deputy of the nobility from the Aleksinsky district (Chernopyatov V.I. The nobility of the Tula province. T. 1 (10). M., 1908. S. 12); chairman of the Aleksin district zemstvo council (Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. p. 26).

In 1846 he received a dowry for his wife - 100 souls of male peasants in the village of Petrov, Serpukhov district, Moscow province (TsIAM. F. 4. Op. 14. D. 13. L. 3, 27). On January 30, 1859, by a separate act with his nephew Nikolai Nikolayevich Aksakov (No. 170/137) and after the allocation of the specified part to his brother's ex-wife Alexandra Filippovna Stogova, he received from his father's inheritance the village of Satino, the village of Yudinka and the village of Lytkina, Aleksinsky district, Tula province, the village of Khrushchevka in Bogoroditsk uyezd of the same province, the village of Yegoryevskoe Horosheye, also repairs of Kruglitsa, the villages of Darovatku, Levino and Zaitsevo, which was Sergiev repairs, the Vetluzhsky district of the Kostroma province, the village of Mzhakino and Morozovka of the Spassky district of the Ryazan province, the village of Pogorevlovka of the same province and Ryazhiravin; all these lands, except for the estate in the Ryazhsky district, were pledged in the Moscow Board of Trustees for 71,639 rubles in silver and on them - the debts of Nikolai Ivanovich Aksakov (No. 121/100) and the legal costs of the widow Praskovya Petrovna Aksakova - 57142 rubles 88 kopecks in silver (GATO F. 39.Op. 2.D. 21.L. 72 - 72v.). In 1860, he owned 7796.22 dessiatines of land and 121 souls of male peasants and courtyard people in the village of Yegoryevskoye with the villages of the Vetluzhsky district of the Kostroma province (Appendices to the Proceedings of the Editorial Commission for drawing up regulations on peasants emerging from serfdom. Information about landlord estates. T. 4. SPb., 1860. Sect. 1. S. 18 - 19) and 2119.84 dessiatines of land and 277 souls of males and courtyard people in the village of Yudinka, the village of Lytkino and the village of Sotino of the Aleksinsky district of the Tula province (Appendices to Proceedings An editorial commission for drawing up regulations on peasants emerging from serfdom.Information on landowners' estates.Vol. 4. St. Petersburg, 1860. Section 5. S. 6-7).

By the definition of the Tula noble parliamentary assembly dated 02.16.1825, together with his father (No. 121/100), mother and brother Nikolai (No. 137 / 121a), he was included in the IV part of the noble genealogy of the book of the Tula province, but by the decree of Heraldia No. 19016 dated October 18, 1845 moved to the VI part (CIAM. F. 4. Op. 14. D. 13. L. 20 - 23). By the definition of the Moscow noble deputies' assembly of 20.12.1855, he was numbered with his wife and included in the VI part of the noble genealogy of the Moscow province; the definition was approved by the decree of the Governing Senate for the Department of Heraldry No. 3154 dated 05.17.1856 (CIAM. F. 4. Op. 14. D. 13. L. 30 - 34 rev., 39 - 39 rev.).

Pack. Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. S. 26 - 27; Sollogub N.M. P. 6; V.I. Chernopyatov - 2.L. 1; Ikonnikov N.F. V. X1. P. 48; Schakhovskoy D.M. R. 23; Ryndin I. Zh. Issue 1.P. 52.

Zh.: (, Wedding ceremony in the church of Staraya Sitnya village, Serpukhov district, Moscow province) Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Ulyanina (Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. S. 27; Ryndin I.Zh. Issue 1. P. 52).

She died in 1906 (Sheremetyevsky V.V. Russian provincial necropolis. T. I. M., 1914. P. 14).

She was buried in the village of Chashnikovo, Zubtsovsky district, Tver province (Sheremetyevsky V.V., Russian provincial necropolis. T. I. M., 1914, p. 14).

Daughter of the second lieutenant, Lukoyanovsky district marshal of the nobility Alexander Vasilyevich Ulyanin (1781, Nizhny Novgorod - 1856, Moscow) and his wife Ekaterina Fyodorovna, born de Bosobr (died in 1862) (message from Yu.A. Ulyanin).

Received a dowry - 100 souls of male peasants in the village of Petrov, Serpukhov district, Moscow province (TsIAM. F. 4. Op. 14. D. 13. L. 3, 27). 14.08.1847 A.V. Ulyanin gave his daughter the village of Petrovo in the Serpukhov district of the Moscow province, in which, according to the 8th revision (1833), there were 83 souls of male peasants of peasants and courtyards, 410 acres of land; the estate is estimated at 12,450 rubles in silver (Moscow Senate announcements. 1847. October 25. No. 86, pp. 26 - 27. No. 32142). In 1855 she owned 86 souls of peasants in the Moscow province (RGIA. F. 1343, op. 16, file 752, sheet 129 rev .; TsIAM. F. 4. Op. 14, file 13, sheet 24 rev. .).

By the definition of the Moscow noble deputy assembly of 20.12.1855, she was assigned to the Aksakov family together with her husband and included in the VI part of the noble genealogy of the Moscow province; the definition was approved by the decree of the Governing Senate for the Department of Heraldry No. 3154 dated 05.17.1856 (CIAM. F. 4. Op. 14. D. 13. L. 30 - 34 rev., 39 - 39 rev.).

In the reference books of N.F. Ikonnikov and D.M. Shakhovskoy is included in the list of persons not included in the generational painting (Ikonnikov N.F. V. X1. P. 56; Schakhovskoy D.M. P. 31).

139/122. Ivan Alekseevich.

Born around 1752 in 1785 - 33 years (RGVIA. F. 489. Op. 1.D. 7087. Part 1. L. 266v. - 267).

He died after August 1801 (GARO. F. 98. Op. 10. D. 4. L. 79).

He entered the service as a private in the Chernigov Infantry Regiment (05/02/1764); corporal (05/10/1764); ensign (06/08/1764); Sergeant (06.24.1764); ensign (01/01/1769); second lieutenant assigned to the Chernigov Musketeer Regiment; lieutenant (01/01/1774); captain (22.09.1779) (RGVIA.F. 489.Op. 1.D. 7087. Part 1.L. 266v. - 267; GARO.F. 98.Op. 10.D. 4.L. 69 - 70); Major Seconds with a transfer to the Moscow Grenadier Regiment (07/14/1788); transferred to the Yekaterinoslav Grenadier Regiment (04/22/1792); Prime Major (06/28/1792); dismissed from service 09/29/1797 (GARO. F. 98. Op. 10. D. 4. L. 69 - 70; 80 rev .; Ryndin I.Zh. Issue 1. P. 52); Colonel (Ikonnikov N.F. V. X1. P. 49, with reference to the information of V.S.Arseniev).

He took part in the Russian-Turkish war of 1768 - 1774. In 1769 he took part in the campaign to Turkey, in 1770 - in the capture of Bender, in 1771 - in the Crimea during the capture of the city of Arabat and during the attack on the fortress Atashan (Tashan) and Irbit (RGVIA. F. 489. Op. 1.D. 7087.P. 1.L. 266v. - 267). In 1773 he was in Poland; in 1774 - beyond the Danube in pursuit of the Turks to Kozlitsy, and then to the city of Shumla, where he was with repeated repulse of enemy sorties; from 1777 to 1788 - in Poland. From 1788 - in Turkey during the siege and capture of Khotin; 07.09. 1789 was in a battle near the Samche tract during the defeat of the Turks; 09/12/1789 - in pursuit to the city of Izmail; 11/02/1789 - during the capture of Bender; in 1790 and 1791 - in Moldova, with the conclusion of peace with Turkey - in Poland from 08/05/1792, where on 07/07/1792, in the battle at Gorodishchi, he was wounded in the right hand by grape-shot, for which he was promoted to prime-majors. In 1793 he was at the capture of Kamenets-Podolsky. From 27.06.1794 to 14.07.1794 he was in pursuit of the "Polish rebels" (GARO. F. 98. Op. 10, D. 4. L. 69 - 69 rev .; Ryndin I.Zh. Issue. 1.P. 52).

Reward: Order of St. George IV degree (11/26/1794) (GARO. F. 98. Op. 10. D. 4. L. 80; Military order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George. Name lists 1769 - 1920: Biobibliographic reference. M. , 2004.S. 197).

He owned 25 souls of male peasants in the Yaroslavl province (GARO. F. 98. Op. 10. D. 4. L. 69; Ryndin I.Zh. Issue 1. P. 52). After the death of his brother Grigory Alekseevich Aksakov (No. 141/122), he inherited the estate in the village. Rogu (?) Ryazhskaya district of Ryazan province (GARO. F. 98. Op. 10. D. 4. L. 68).

By the definition of the Ryazan noble deputy assembly of 09.01.1803, he was included in the VI part of the noble genealogy of the Ryazan province (GARO. F. 98. Op. 10. D. 4. L. 84 - 87).

140/122. Egor Alekseevich.

Up.: Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. S. 27; Ikonnikov N.F. V. X1. P. 49; Schakhovskoy D.M. R. 23; Ryndin I. Zh. Issue 1.P. 52.

141/122. Grigory Alekseevich.

He died earlier on 06.03.1800 (GARO. F. 98. Op. 10. D. 4. L. 68).

He entered the service as a corporal in 1760; company quartermaster (1760); sergeant (1761); ensign (1762); second lieutenant (1766); lieutenant (1769); captain (1770); left from service with the awarding of the rank of Major Seconds (11/25/1775); identified by petition to state affairs (16.02.1776); appointed as an assessor to the Novgorod chamber of the civil court (03.16.1778); dismissed in 1779 (RGADA. F. 286. Op. 1. D. 631. L. 640); at the time of death - seconds-major (GARO. F. 98. Op. 10. D. 4. L. 68; Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. S. 27; Ikonnikov NFV X1. P . 48; Ryndin I.Zh. Issue 1.P. 52).

He took part in the Russian-Turkish war of 1768 - 1774, was in the battles near Bazardzhik, near Perekop and Kafa, was wounded; in 1772 - 1773 participated in hostilities on the territory of Poland (RGADA. F. 286. Op. 1. D. 631. L. 640).

At the time of his death, he owned an estate in the village. Rog (?) Ryazhskaya district of Ryazan province, inherited by his brother Ivan Alekseevich Aksakov (No. 139/122) (GARO. F. 98. Op. 10. D. 4. L. 68).

Up .: Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. S. 27; Ikonnikov N.F. V. X1. P. 48; Schakhovskoy D.M. R. 23; Ryndin I. Zh. Issue 1.P. 52.

142/122. Maxim Alekseevich.

Up .: Rummel V.V., Golubtsov V.V. T. I. S. 27; Ikonnikov N.F. V. X1. P. 49; Schakhovskoy D.M. R. 23; Ryndin I. Zh. Issue 1.P. 52.

genus Y R A S O V s

“... Signs and Symbols
rule the world - and
not a word or a law ... "
/ Chinese philosopher Kofucius
(about 551-479 BC) /

The dictum, expressed by the most ancient philosophers of our planet, directly relates to the biography of our ancient, noble family. Using the information of historical disciplines: heraldry, numezmatics, fragistics and, of course, genealogy, I dare to analyze the ancestry of my surname and connected by various ties, primarily the marriage relations of our ancestors. Big and small figures of the YURASOV family made a worthy contribution to the formation of the NOBLE ANCIENT Russian family. Over the 250-year history of the Russian surname, a new science of anthroponymy was born, which helps to explain many facts in history, geography, ethnography. After the baptism of Rus in 988, each person received a baptismal name from a priest, which corresponded to the names of the saints. Looking at the first lists, we will not find Slavic names there. Greek, Hebrew, and Latin names prevail in the vocabularies of clergymen.
Traditionally, every Slavic family, in addition to the official one, i.e. The fixed (recorded) baptismal name was given one more - the baptismal, or worldly, name which later became known as a nickname. Nicknames in Russia ceased to exist thanks to the transformations of Peter I. The Church recognized pagan names, began to widely use diminutive forms of Old Slavic names, which distinguished a person from a multitude of people with the same baptismal names, so Gregory turned into Yuri, Yegor, and from that a whole bush of surnames went.
This historical and monographic study is devoted to the history of the creation of the Surname, its owners. Collected material since 1972. to 2009 allows you to draw bold conclusions and assumptions that will interest many scientists and ordinary bearers of the most ancient surname, ... which has its own individual destiny, going back to the distant past, tells about the origin and meaning of a personal name in the pre-Christian era. The distinctive, bright family dynasty of the YURASOVs occupies a leading place in local, national historiography. The habit of looking deep into the past with ideological blinders on our eyes, the fear of a bold, non-standard approach to fait accompli deprive us of many interesting knowledge about the past. Revealing old works of local lore, digging through the dusty archival boxes, you see a dazzling list of names and surnames that are rooted in our fertile land. But each of them contributed to the spiritual treasury of Russia, albeit small, but its own, non-borrowed contribution. Who from our great dynasty left a bright mark and further narration will go.
ROD is a kindred community of people on the paternal side. All members of the genus have one common ancestor, and a unique generic DNA fragment transmitted only through the male line. Genus is an objective natural phenomenon. It exists, regardless of the members' awareness of their community, and the presence of contacts between them.
The ancient Russian noble noble family of the YURASOVs is proved by many documents:

FIRST branch - entered in the VI part of the genealogy book of the Penza province originates from Juras and his son Tikhon, see: "List of noble families included in the genealogy book of the Penza province by January 1, 1908."
In a generational painting dated February 5, 1908. compiled by the chamberlain Alexander Alexandrovich Sivers, documents are given “... in the summer of 7189 July on the 18th day they beat the great Tsar and Grand Duke Fyodor Alekseevich all the Great and Small and White Russia autocrat ... census books ... extract in the order of the Kazan Palace ... 7150g. it was written after Ivan for Rodionov's son Yurasov ... arable land of 150 people ... and at the end of 300 kopecks and behind him there is a home on the small river Sara ... "
In the census book for 1710, Prince V. Meshchersky, by order of Peter I, conducted the first registration census of the city of Tobolsk (part 43: sheet 769), where as a clerk, i.e. the most educated person was a foot hereditary Cossack YURAS, I will cite a part of the filed document: “... (l. 788ob.) From Potapova Street Onokhovskaya Street to the right of the courtyard: The courtyard of the ancient equestrian Cossack Semyon Fedorov's son Nashivoshnikov said to himself 45 years old his wife Anna Mineeva 40 years old daughter children Andrey 8 Mikhailo 3 years old daughter Marfa 12 Natalya 2 years old mother widow Fedor Pankratyeva daughter 70 years
<…> And instead of Semyon Nashivoshnikov, the foot Cossack Ivan Juras put his hand
(fol. 789) Yard of the purchased second regiment of the foot Cossack son Alfer Kuzmin<сына> The nickname Cherepanov said to himself 55 years old his wife Domna Mikitina daughter 45 years old son Stefan 30 years old his wife Irina Gavrilova daughter 25 years old son Ivan year daughter Daria 2 years old Olfer's worthless son Alexei 14 years old daughter Agafya 16 years old
And instead of Alfer Cherepanov, the foot Cossack Ivan Juras put his hand<…>
(L. 789ob.) The yard of the purchased foot Cossack Ivan Vasilyev's son Yurasov said to himself 55 years old his wife Anna Timofeeva 40 years old daughter Vasilisa 16 years old<…> Ivan Juras put his hand "
From this document it follows that Iavn Vasilievich Yurasov was born in 1655, his wife Anna Timofeevna was fifteen years younger than her betrothed, i.e. from 1670, they were married in 1694. a daughter was born who was named the beautiful name of Vasilis ... The second important conclusion must be made that before the baptism of Yang (and the name Ivan was abbreviated as Yang) bore the pagan nickname of his father, the Cossack YURAS.
The SECOND branch comes from the steward Timofei Yurasov, he has been known since the second half of the 16th century, entered in the VI part of the genealogy book of the Oryol province. Which in October 1857, in accordance with the information of the TsGIA, f. 1181, op. 1.d. 143, 1872, ll. 17-20 "the landowner Yurasov had 69 auditing souls of the estate" and TsGIA. f. 1284. op. 234, d. 809, 1847; d. 894, 1849, since 1846, the transfer of serfs to obligated ones was projected by only 6 landowners, of whom three (Pototsky, Pototskaya and Yurasov) achieved the approval of contracts in 1847, and the requests of the rest were rejected by the government;
The THIRD separate branch from the steward Timofey Yurasov is included in the VI part of the genealogy book of the Tula province1. The coat of arms of this last kind is included in the VI part of the General Armorial of the All-Russian Empire;
The FOURTH branch is included in the noble genealogy book of the Kazan province 1785-1917. The main details of the database include information on heads of genera and their descendants, presented. In the presented version of the database, the surnames, names and patronymics of heads of clans and their descendants are entered. With its help, you can find out if there is information on the genus you are interested in in the National Archives of the Republic of Tatarstan.
under number 1516 the Yurasovs are indicated: Pavel Nikiforovich, Nikolai Pavlovich, Ivan Pavlovich ... ie. the whole branch is listed, passed from father to son.
THE FIFTH branch "... there are several more noble families of the Yurasovs, of a later origin2 living in their estates and family estates ..." of the Simbirsk province. The proof is the certificates from the Votchinsky Department, there is reliable information that in 1774. The Alatyr provincial chancellery compiled a statement about the nobles, clerks and persons of other estates killed by the detachment of Emelyan Pugachev in the Alatyr district: Vedomosti, how many from the time of his stay in the city of Alator and in the Alatorsky district, the well-known state villain and enemy Pugachev by the crowd of robbers in the city Alatorsk district of nobles, their wives, children and people of different ranks were killed, and with what deaths, and in what years.
Saransk district was stabbed in the village of Sasunovka:
landlords Major Nikifor Ivanov son Yurasov, 60 years old
Ensign Semyon Yurasov, 50 years old, his wife Tatyana Moiseeva's daughter.
SIXTH branch most of the surname YURASOV belongs to the bourgeoisie of the Moscow province. The bourgeoisie (translated from Polish, the singular number is mieszczanin - city dweller), an estate in pre-revolutionary Russia, which included various categories of urban dwellers (artisans, small homeowners, merchants, one-family houses, etc.). The townspeople paid a poll tax, carried recruiting duties, and were restricted in freedom of movement. The class belonging to the middle class was hereditary. The rich bourgeoisie passed into the merchant class, the ruined merchants became the bourgeoisie. They also became part of the peasants who had freed themselves from serfdom.

The bourgeoisie of each city, settlement or town formed a special bourgeois society, which was governed by the bourgeois headman and his assistants. In 1811. in Russia there were 949.9 thousand townspeople (35.1% of the urban population); in 1897. - 7449.3 thousand (44.3%). As a result of the reforms of the 60s. XIX century many of them gained access to public service or became members of the "liberal professions". The bourgeoisie, as a class, remained in Russia until the Great October 1917. socialist revolution.
THE SEVENTH BRANCH THE MOST DREVNYA comes from the Ryazan province. In the XIV - XVII centuries. The townspeople of the southern and western Russian regions, which were part of Lithuania and Poland, from the 17th century were called petty bourgeois. - residents of Smolensk cities. According to the provincial reform of 1775. the townspeople were the townspeople with a capital of less than 500 rubles. This is the earliest mention of the surname in the "Scribe book of the Ryazan Territory" volume 1. issue. 1st and 2nd. the landowner YURASOV Vaska is indicated who had an estate in 1553 see: published under the editorship of. V. Storozheva. Ryazan, 1997
The estate of the YURASOVs was located in the village. DOMACHI Bigildinskaya (Surkovskaya) volost, Dankovskiy district; and in the village of ZABELIN in the Pogostinsky volost of the Ryazhsky district, see: Alphabetical list of landowners of the Ryazan province with their villages according to the collections of statistical information 1882-88, compiled by M.B. Olenev, 2006
The EIGHTH branch comes from the hereditary Cossacks of the Voronezh province.
YURAS Blum was a clerk for a regiment of Cossacks who resettled in 1651. from the Ukrainian lands, a distinctive feature among people who knew little about the letter was his great authority, which allowed him to gather a whole settlement of his equal around him, here he founded a settlement later called YURASOVKA.
The proof is the information from the Votchinsky Department, heraldic images on shields from European sources dated as early as 1323.
The NINTH branch comes from the hereditary nobles of the Saratov province. see: Alphabetical list of noblemen included in the Genealogical book of the Saratov province.
The TENTH branch comes from the hereditary nobles of the Samara province. see: Alphabetical list of noblemen included in the Genealogical book of the Samara province.
It should be noted that many of the names of the YURASOVs occupied the highest ranks in the provinces of the Russian Empire. They were included in the "List of the highest ranks of the provinces of the Russian Empire" for the period 1708-1917. prepared by the Department of General Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 1902. Included were governors, vice-governors, senior military officials, chiefs of city administrations.
The Russian Empire was divided into classes: noblemen1, merchants2, landowners3, landowners4, bourgeois5, peasants7. Among the above-mentioned strata of the population were also clergy6, that is, church officials. In the cities, they did not play a special role, but in the countryside they occupied a significant position. The villages and villages were mainly inhabited by peasants, a large number of whom were illiterate. And as soon as they went for advice to the priest, he seemed to be independent between the master and the peasant. Therefore, the church was of great importance in the state. The priests in the provinces were considered very educated people, they not only conducted services, but also engaged in education.
The Russian word "FAMILY" means: family, family, family name. In ancient times, when surnames did not yet exist, they were replaced by names and nicknames. Three centuries ago, in Russia, the male population could be listed in revision, census documents, the composition of the naming consisted of five or more or less regularly repeating components:
1. "the given name at baptism" i.e. peasant name,
2. "indication by name with fathers and nicknames", individual, own nickname, or personal name,
4. "indication of origin from any locality", later called the place of birth,
5. "belonging to any people" later it was called NATIONALITY,
6. "indication of classes" i.e. profession or position.
This is how most Russian surnames were formed. The division of words of any language into proper and common nouns is one of the main divisions of vocabulary. Common nouns denote indefinite objects. Surnames are proper names, which means that they have no direct connection with the words from which they at one time originated. Surnames easily incorporate words that are common in each separate era in the history of the state's development, but develop according to the laws of the native language. However, studying the bibliography of the creation and use of surnames, one has to state: according to the scientific work of B.O. Unbegauna "Russian surnames" are not included in the list of the 100 most popular Russian surnames - YURASOV. The reason for this is not computer analysis of search engines, which indicates the frequency of narration of the phrase YURASOV \u003d 1234, but the middle name, which has grown into a nickname. I will demonstrate this statement with arguments: the middle name was given not only by parents, but also by neighbors, godparents (i.e. witnesses of the sacrament of baptism).
The baptismal name was obligatory and numerically limited, the number of other names was almost limitless. In the analysis of the aggregate, more names were assigned by profession: Juras II - a position in the stable order, when he served in the guardsmen of Ivan the Terrible, or in appearance, Juras Molchun. Quite often, but not necessarily the word "son" was attributed. It was possible to call a son by his father's name using suffixes –vich: Tikhonovich, Nikolaevich, Aleksandrovich, etc. This type of patronymic was widespread in the Novgorod Republic during the period of feudal independence in 1475-1510. Surnames, along with personal names, patronymics, nicknames, pseudonyms, belong to a group of proper names called anthroponyms. The anthroponym is taken from the Greek language "antropos" is translated as MAN, and "onyma" is translated as NAME. Anthroponyms are studied by a separate branch of onomastics. ANTHROPONYMICS, the science of proper names.
In Russian, the surname is used in the meaning of FAMILY name, i.e. passed down from the older generation to the younger. The combination "vich" with the name of the father, combined with the name of the son, began to be called the patronymic. It is necessary to take into account in the Moscow state during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, patronymics with –vich indicated belonging to the upper class. Only boyars and okolnichi had the right to write with vich, tk. this rule served as a kind of award from the king. The merchant Stroganov was the first to receive such an award for serious merits in 1582.
In 1680. there was a special instruction to inscribe in the tsarist letters of all high-ranking officials and stuffy clerks with "vich". Peter I issued a decree: "... if someone writes a Duma nobleman's wife without" vich ", and in those people the great sovereigns instructed them to rule for indifference ..." represent to the court as offenders ... From the above we testify: “the word surname itself is from the Latin word“ by origin ”, in Russia it was used in the meaning of family. In the 17-18th century. there was a word nickname: it also meant a surname. Since the 19th century. the word surname in Russian acquired its second meaning, which later became the main one and corresponds to the encyclopedic interpretation: hereditary family naming added to a personal name. "
Proceeding to the history of the life of the Yurasov family, I wanted to express thoughts about the origin of this surname:
1. An interesting version of the origin of the word "YURAS" is connected with the myth of the Gods of the lower sphere of the Baltic pantheon. The ancestors of the modern Balts, apparently, to the north-east of Europe at the turn of the III-II millennium BC. were introduced by the broad movement of the Indo-European people, which created the archaeological culture of "Corded Ware and Battle Axes". Subsequently, the lands of the Balts did not experience such epochal invasions from outside, and this serves as a very serious basis for considering the culture of Corded Ware as the basis for the later formation of the Baltic community of the continent.
2. The closeness of the Baltic language group with Sanskrit is surprising. This is due to the fact that it was the first half of the 2nd millennium BC. turned out to be the most significant era in the simultaneous formation of the Proto-Balts and the Vedic Indo-Aryans as independent cultural and linguistic communities of the Indo-European world of the continent. In simpler terms, the Proto-Balts and Proto-Indoarias left the plain of the center of the continent with a small time interval, and this predetermined the later closest proximity of the two cultures, separated in space by a huge distance.
3. The linguistic and mythological parallels that exist primarily between the worlds of the Balts and the Slavs, as well as the Germans, in addition to common Indo-European roots, are also explained by the fact that the creators of the “Corded Ware and Battle Axes” culture were the layers that, to one degree or another, turned out to be involved in the formation of the proto-Germanic and proto-Slavic worlds of the center and north of Europe. This, in addition to evidence of material culture, is indicated by the geography of the spread of the archaeological culture of Corded Ware and Battle Axes.
4. Description of the pantheon of the gods of the Baltic peoples, recreation of the pagan pantheon of the Balts, reflected in the image of the World Tree. Shvintorog is a Lithuanian prince of the 12th century who inherited the reign of Father Utenus. Before his death, Shvintorog asked his son Skirmont to burn the body on the cape, at the confluence of the Vilna River into the Viliya. Shvinthorog was burned with weapons, with a horse, hunting dogs, a falcon and a beloved servant. Bear and lynx claws were thrown into the fire, so that on the day of the judgment Shvintorog could climb the mountain where the god sits. Since the day of the funeral pyre, this valley is called Shvintorog. Skyrmont ordered to cut down the forest in the valley and with the priests began to sacrifice domestic animals to the gods.
5. Similarly to the above-described legend, the pagan god “Juras mate” existed among the Latvians and was considered the spirit of the sea. Perhaps, it was from this version that the Polish male name “Juras” originated for the first time in Polish sources in 1627, and later the surname YURASOV. Although the LIST of the guardsmen of Ivan the Terrible is known from 1573, where the surname YURASOV is mentioned four times. The reliability of these conclusions must be documented. For now, one more version:
6. RUSSIAN CLAN. Clan is a Gaelic word meaning clan. Among the Scots and many other peoples who are careful about their roots, the clan has always been recognized by its members. The meaning of the surname YURASov originates at the time of the adoption of Christianity, when recording in the registers of births it was indicated that they came from the area of \u200b\u200bMount Jura, which is located in Switzerland.
According to encyclopedic data: Jura \u003d Jura, mountains in Switzerland and France. Stretch between the Savoy Alps and the Black Forest for 250 km, up to 1718 m high (Nezh). They consist of parallel ridges, composed mainly of Jurassic limestones and marls; developed karst. In the southeast, towards the Swiss Plateau, they are cut off by a ledge up to 1000m high; to the northwest, where plateau-like karst surfaces are common (the Jura plateau), they descend in steps. On the slopes there are beech forests, higher (up to 1300-1400m) there are spruce and fir forests; on the peaks there are meadows.
It should be noted: unlike other peoples, Russian society has completely lost its ancestral traditions, the memory of ancestors is extremely short, ties with relatives are lost, as a rule, already in the second generation.
In connection with this state of affairs, it was decided to separate in the Russian language, initially identical in meaning, the words clan and clan. The Russian clan is a clan whose members are aware of their community, have a common investigated family tree, and maintain contact with each other. A group of blood relatives descending from a common ancestor in the male line. All members of the clan have the same generic DNA fragment \u003d Y chromosome, passed from father to children.
Every Russian clan is a clan, but not every Russian clan is a clan.
According to the data of 2003, the family tree "Russian nobility" consists of 7900 surnames, which store news for 58219 people, the YURASOV family includes 2.
RUSSIAN ACCESSORY OF THE CLAN (KIND). A Russian clan is recognized as having an ethnically Russian ancestor. The nationality of the ancestor's descendants does not have any meaning for the national identification of the genus. The nationality of the genus and the nationality of a person have a different nature of origin. A related community that has a founder - a person who gave his family his own nickname as a surname. This statement testifies to the revolutionary conclusion: All namesakes are related to each other.
Based on the facts below, the studied theoretical material can be safely concluded: THE FAMILY clan of the YURASOVs originates from the banks of the Lithuanian river Jura. This statement logically follows from a historical fact: in 1572 from the birth of Christ, November 20, the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation Maximilian II sent a proposal to Ivan IV to partition the Commonwealth, the essence of the historical document is as follows: Poland - to Austria, Lithuania to the Moscow kingdom.
T.O. in Russia, the Yura River appeared, flowing in the Koven province and Prussia - the right tributary of the Neman, originates at the border of the Telshevsky and Rossiensky counties, flows southward along the Koven province about 125 versts, then enters Prussia, where it flows into the Neman somewhat east of the city of Tilsit ... Length up to 140 versts, width 10 fathoms, depth 7 feet. The main purpose of the river is rafting of timber to Prussia. In modern conditions: Jura, a river in the Lithuanian SSR, right tributary of the river. Nemunas. Length 177 km, basin area 3990 km2. It originates from the Samogit Upland.

"The Noble Calendar" is a reference genealogical publication that aims to reflect the current state of the Russian nobility. At the same time, the editorial board proceeds from the premise that the modern Russian nobility is a set of persons who are legal descendants in the male line of those persons who, during the Russian Empire, were officially recognized by the Noble Deputy Assemblies or the Heraldry Department and approved by decrees of the Governing Senate in hereditary nobility. These last conditions are absolutely mandatory for the placement of murals of one kind or another in the "Noble Calendar". For the clans of the German-Baltic knighthood of the Ostsee provinces and the chivalry of the Grand Duchy of Finland, the basis for placing their murals in the "Noble Calendar" is the very fact of their immatriculation (entering into matrices) in Courland, Livonia, Estonia, Fr. Ezel and the Grand Duchy of Finland.

The generational painting is preceded by a small introductory note, which provides information about the origin of the genus and its ancestor, as well as the most general characteristics and a link to the most complete previous publication (if any). This is followed by data on the recognition of the members of the clan in the rights of the Russian hereditary nobility, on the entry into the noble genealogy book (or immatriculation for the Baltic and Finnish knightly families) and on the approval of the nobility by the decision of the Governing Senate of the Russian Empire, indicating the date and number of the decree. Here are links to archival files and documents from family archives (copies of which are kept in the archives of the "Noble Calendar").

Images of noble family coats of arms are shown in the traditional abbreviated version - in the form of shields and crowns of dignity in cases with titled families. The drawing is accompanied by information about the Highest award for a diploma or approval, about being included in the "General Heraldry of Noble Clans of the All-Russian Empire" or "Heraldry of Noble Clans of the Kingdom of Poland", as well as a brief heraldic description. For the coats of arms of the Baltic knightly families, references are given to German heraldic editions, for the Polish coats of arms - their names.

Heraldic literature (and abbreviations of titles in the edition):
The general coat of arms of the noble families of the All-Russian Empire, begun in 1797. Parts I - X. SPb., 1830-1840 (O.G., Roman numeral - part, Arabic - sheet number).
The coat of arms of the noble families of the Kingdom of Poland. Parts I-II. Warsaw, 1853 (G. Ts.P.).
Lukomsky V.K., Troinitsky S.N. Coats of arms of the third part of the Coat of arms of the noble families of the Kingdom of Poland. SPb., 1910 (Coats of arms of the III part).
Lukomskiy V.K., Modzalevskiy V.L. Little Russian coat of arms. SPb., 1914; reprint: Kiev, 1993 (M.G.).
Klingspor C. A., von. Baltisches Wappenbuch. Stockholm, 1882 (Klingspor).
Siebmacher J. Johann Siebmachers großes und allgemeines Wappenbuch ... Band A. B. I-VII. Nurnberg, 1854-1961 (Neuer Siebmacher).
Glasenapp P., von. Baltisches Wappenbuch. Alling, 1980 (Glasenapp).
Niesiecki K. Herbarz polski ... T. I-X. Lipsk, 1839-1846 (Niesiecki).

The task of the heraldic information given in the "Noble Calendar" is not only to fix the coats of arms, but also to trace - as far as possible - specific ways of their formation. In view of the fact that only a part of the noble family coats of arms in the Russian Empire underwent the procedure of the Highest approval and inclusion in the official heraldry books, and the possession of such was recognized by the Law as an inalienable right of the Russian nobility, we consider it possible (and partly necessary) to bring also unapproved, that is, not presented on Highest approval, coats of arms.

The introductory note about the genus ends with a list of references (not sources), in which readers could get more extensive information about the genus or its members.

This is followed by the main block of information about direct ancestors, the closest and currently living generations of the noble family, drawn up in a generational painting, the recording system of which we borrowed from the leading European genealogical reference books:

If the genealogy of the represented surname was published earlier, then the edition and the exact place of the ancestor of the line in the genealogy are indicated, and information about his ancestors is not provided. If there were no previous publications (or these are little available, or do not correspond to the modern level), then a direct ascending line is given from the ancestor of the line to the first documented representative of the genus. In cases where information about two or more lineages of the genus is presented simultaneously, straight ascending lines are given from the ancestors of the lines to their connection and further to the ancestor. Information about non-noble ancestors of the clan is given in a short form and, not otherwise, in a note.

  • father
    • a son
      • grandson
        • great-grandson
          • great-great-grandson
            • great-great-grandson
              • great-great-great-grandson
                • great-great-great-great-grandson
      • granddaughter
      • grandson
        • great-grandson
        • great granddaughter
    • a son
      • grandson
        • great-grandson
          • great-great-grandson
        • great granddaughter

Lineage information is given separately in the order of their genealogical seniority. A certain set of information is given about each person of the clan: place and full date of birth, if necessary, place and full date of baptism; place and full date of death; burial place; main positions and places of service, highest rank (in parentheses, dates of appointment, production or resignation); for the post-revolutionary period - profession, main places of work and position; titles and awards. This is followed by information about the marriage: place and full date of its conclusion, name, patronymic, surname of the spouse, place and full date of his (her) birth and death; full names of parents, years of their life, mother's maiden name; profession, position, awards of the spouse.

All additional information about consanguinity, about descendants on female lines, the transfer of a noble surname to non-noble descendants, etc., which has no legal relation to this noble family, is given in the notes. In some cases, information about persons of the clan (in the first generations) who were not approved in the hereditary nobility, but who had the right to do so, are given in the main text in italics.

The "mournful pages" of each notebook report in chronological order about the death (date and place) of Russian hereditary noblemen during the time following the publication of the previous notebook. Provides brief information about the deceased and their burial places.

At present, the editorial board is not able to place on the pages of the "Noble Calendar" the postal addresses of representatives of the noble families whose genealogies are published. The editors undertake the obligation to accurately and rigorously transmit the correspondence to its destination.

The editorial board of the "Noble Calendar" accepts the generational murals of the living Russian noble families, prepared for publication, and also provides consulting and technical assistance in drawing up murals in accordance with the publication's requirements.

The publication of generational murals (with the exception of the placement of photographs and colored coats of arms) does not require costs from members of noble families or authors of genealogies. The editorial board does not put forward any ideological, organizational, national and regional restrictions either in relation to the authors or in relation to the heroes of the publication. The only conditions for the former are the quality of the generational painting and completeness of materials, for the latter, legal belonging to the Russian hereditary nobility.

Editorial office mailing address:
Russia, 195256, St. Petersburg, P.O. Box 105, A. A. Shumkov.

IN addition to Family tree it is desirable to arrange and Generation painting in artistic form. Here you will see an example of how to independently design your generation painting. This page is about - How to arrange a generational painting yourself.


P roundabout painting (pedigree)- a document in which, in the form of a list of people broken down into generations (hence the name), information about someone's descendants (descending painting) or someone's ancestors (ascending painting; occurs much less often descending) are presented. Unlike genealogical tables, in which kinship is displayed graphically (using brackets, lines, horizontal or vertical alignment, etc.), in generational paintings information about kinship is transmitted through the numbering system of generations and individuals.
Source: Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

R odlivogo painting is a numbered list of all members of the genus, with information about each of them starting on a new line. The numbering for ascending genealogy was developed back in the 17th century. Spanish genealogist J. de Sosa and in the XIX century. improved by the German scientist Stefan Kekule von Stradonitz. The principle of numbering according to the Sosa-Stradonitsa system is as follows: the person whose genealogy is established (Probant) receives, regardless of gender, number 1; his father gets number 2, mother - number 3, paternal grandfather - number 4, paternal grandmother - number 5, maternal grandfather - number 6, maternal grandmother - number 7, etc. Men in this system are always designated even numbers, women - odd.

H Moderation Sosa - Stradonitsa is convenient in that it makes it easy to determine the nature of the relationship of any persons included in the list: the father's number is always equal to the doubled child's number, and the mother's number is equal to the doubled child's number plus one (husband's number plus one). For example, number 20 corresponds to a man - the man's father under # 10 and the woman's grandfather under # 5. And number 21 is a woman, the man's mother under # 10 (21 \u003d 10 x 2+ 1) and the woman's grandmother under # 5.

Have The goodness of these calculations is due to the fact that the number of a predetermined person, with immersion in the past, grows exponentially. It is much more difficult to make "speaking" numbering in descending genealogy, because the number of descendants of a certain person does not obey any mathematical pattern.

R Russian genealogists of the XIX - early XX century. they used a rather simple numbering system (in what follows we will call it "traditional"): they designated generations in descending genealogy with Roman numerals, and representatives of the genus - with Arabic numerals (by gross numbering); the father's number was indicated opposite the name of each person. In these murals, drawn up along the male line, women were usually not assigned separate numbers.

B A more complex numbering system for descending ancestry was developed in the twentieth century. French scientists. Jacques d'Aboville proposed to start counting anew in each generation (in order of seniority); at the same time, the number of his father is added to the individual number of a person: as a result, each line of the list opens with a series of numbers, separated by a slash and containing information about all ancestors along the straight line of this representative of the genus. So, if the ancestor receives number 1, then his children in the order of seniority are designated as 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, etc., grandchildren from his eldest son (or daughter) - 1/1/1, 1 / 1/2, 1/1/3, etc., grandchildren from his second son (or daughter) - 1/2/1, 1/2/2, 1/2/3, etc. numbers, separated by lines, shows how many generations separates a given person from the ancestor. The coincidence of several numbers in two persons included in the painting indicates the degree of kinship between them: for example, the coincidence of two numbers in the III generation (three digits in the IV generation, four in the V, etc.) indicates brothers and sisters ; for cousins \u200b\u200b/ sisters - one number less. As a general rule, the more numbers match, the closer the degree of relationship. This system also makes it possible to distinguish between offspring from different marriages: for this, letters of the alphabet (a, b, c ...) are used. For example, the children of the ancestor from the first marriage will be written as 1a / 1, 1a / 2, 1a / 3 ..., from the second marriage - 1b / 1, 16/2, 1b / 3 ... and so on.

FROM There is also a combined version of numbering, which combines elements of the d'Aboville and Sosa-Stradonitsa systems. It differs from the technique described above in that it makes it possible to additionally distinguish between men and women in the painting using, respectively, even and odd numbers. The essence of this numbering system (Sosa - Stradonitsa - Aboville) is as follows: the ancestor and eldest sons in each marriage are designated by the number O, and all other men in the family are assigned even numbers (2, 4, 6 ...); women get odd numbers (1, 3, 5 ...). Thus, the eldest son of the ancestor from the first marriage is designated as Oa / O, his second son from the same marriage is Oa / 2, the eldest daughter from the second marriage is Ob / 1, the second daughter of the ancestor from the third marriage is Oa / 3, etc. etc.

IN in recent decades, elements of the "French system" of numbering have also been used by Russian genealogists; at the same time, some of the principles of the traditional system, which were used by Prince P.V. Dolgoruky and Prince A.B. Lobanov-Rostovsky. As a result, the numbering system, which is now widespread in domestic genealogy, has the following form: all persons included in the list receive individual serial numbers (according to gross numbering), however, in accordance with the Aboville principle, the numbers of all ancestors are added to these numbers. Distinguishing between men and women using even and odd numbers is practically not used in our country.

R the strengthened version of the Aboville system was used, for example, by V. B. Kobrin (in the variant he proposed, the individual number of a person is on the left, and the numbers of his ancestors are on the right; the numbers are separated not by a slash, but by a dash; generations are indicated by Roman numerals).

3. Research on the genealogy of the nobility

o Akinshin A.N., Lasunsky O.G. Voronezh Nobility in Persons and Fates: Historical and Genealogical Essays with the Appendix of a List of Noble Clans of the Voronezh Province. Voronezh, 1994.

Essays on the history of the famous families of the Voronezh region: Venevitinovs, Chertkovs, Marina, Parenago, etc. List of noble families of the Voronezh province.

o Arseniev V.S. The family of the noblemen Arsenyevs 1389-1901. Tula, 1903.

History and genealogy of one of the famous noble families.

o Barsukov A.P. Review of sources and literature of Russian genealogy (about PN Petrov's book "The History of the Clans of the Russian Nobility") / Read at a meeting of Ist.-Filol. Dept. Imp. Academy of Sciences. Dec 9 1886 St. Petersburg., 1887.

Source study analysis of Velvet, Degree, Discharge and Boyar books, private genealogical paintings, etc. Genealogical paintings of a number of noble families.

o Barsukov A.P. The Sheremetev family. Book. 1-8. SPb., 1881-1904.

Monographic research about the Sheremetev family.

o Velvet book: A genealogical book of princes and noblemen of Russia and abroad ... which is known as the Velvet Book. Ch. 1-2. M., 1787.

Edition by N.I. Novikov's Genealogy book, created by decree of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich, based on the text of the Sovereign's Genealogy of 1682. Printed not according to the original stored in the Heraldia, but according to the "most authentic lists" - according to G.F. Miller. The velvet book includes genealogies of the Grand Dukes of Russia, appanage princes, "who were on the inheritance and went from the Grand Dukes" (Chernigov, Ryazan, Tver, Suzdal, Rostov, Smolensk, Yaroslavl), Astrakhan kings and princes of the Crimean, Tatar, Lithuanian and dr.

o Baumgarten N.A. Pedigree excerpts. M., 1907.

The genealogies of the paintings of the Rurikovichs: the princes of Chernigov from 1204 to 1283 and the Monomashichs from 1113 to 1182.

o Baumgarten N.A. Pedigree excerpts. M., 1908-1912.

Research on the genealogy of the princes of Galitsky and Vladimir with the attachment of their genealogical tables. Information about the origin of the clans of the princes Bolokhovsky, Vishnevetsky, Voronetsky, Zbarazhsky, etc.

o Baumgarten N.A. Ancestors of the heir to Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich. M., 1914.

Pedigree tables on the paternal and maternal lines for the 17th-20th centuries: on the paternal side from Peter I, on the maternal side - from Friedrich-Wilhelm I.

o Baumgarten N.A. To the origin of the princes Vyazemsky. M., 1915.

Research on the family of the princes Vyazemsky with the attachment of genealogical tables.

o Bobrinsky A.A. Noble families included in the General coat of arms of the All-Russian Empire. T. 1-2. SPb., 1890.

Brief information on the history of the noble families of Russia, included in the Armorial of the All-Russian Empire. Biographical information is reported in chronological order from 575 to 1855. Author index.

o Bogdanovich E.V. Family of princes Baryatinsky. SPb., 1898.

Research on the history of one of the princely families - Rurikovich.

o Bochkov V.N. "Legends" about the departure of noble families // Archeographic Yearbook for 1969, M., 1971. pp. 73-93.

The work analyzes legends about the departure of the ancestors of noble families. The origin of these legends, their sources and evolution are being investigated.

o Brandenburg N.E. The clan of the princes of Mosalsky (XIV-XIX centuries). SPb., 1892.

The history of one of the branches of the house of the princes of Rurikovich. Generational painting and chronicle of the princes of Mosalsky, acts and documents on the history of the family. Portraits of representatives of the genus and images of the coat of arms.

o Bulychev A.A. The descendants of the "husband is honest" Ratshi: the genealogy of the noblemen Kamensky, Kuritsyn and Volkov-Kuritsyn M., 1994.

The origin and genealogy of noble families are investigated on the basis of the documents of the RGADA.

o Bychkova M.E. Genealogical books of the XVI-XVII centuries as a historical source. M., 1975.

Source study analysis of about 130 lists of genealogical books - an important source on the genealogy of the ruling stratum of Russia in the late Middle Ages.

o Bychkova M.E. The composition of the class of feudal lords in Russia in the 16th century: historical and genealogical research. M., 1986.

Investigation of the structure of the upper class of Russia, both of the princely and boyar families, and the lower strata of the royal court ("boyar children").

o Vasilchikov A.A. The Razumovsky family. I. Counts Alexey and Kirill Grigorievich. M., 1868.

Historical and biographical sketch of the Razumovsky family, including letters and documents from family and state archives.

o Vasilchikov A.A. The Razumovsky family. T. 1-5. SPb., 1880-1894.

Using documents from the state and family archives of the book. A.K. Razumovsky, Count A.S. Uvarov, princes N.V. Repnin, S.M. Vorontsov and others, the author creates the history of a family that belonged to the second era of the temporary workers. Published documents that served as sources for the monograph.

o Veselovsky S.B. Studies in the history of the landlord service class. M., 1969.

The book pays attention to the issues of genealogy of ancient clans; Based on the analysis of sources, essays on the history of 28 boyar families of the 16th-17th centuries are presented. A separate section is devoted to the history of the Moscow boyars.

o Veselovsky S.B ... The genus and ancestors of A.S. Pushkin in history. M., 1990.

Study of the history of the Pushkin family until the end of the 17th century. Schematic painting of the surnames of the Ratshi clan and generational painting of A.S. Pushkin. The work was republished in the book: Genus and ancestors of A.S. Pushkin. M., 1995.

o P.P. von Winkler Genealogy of the Russian nobility. SPb., 1895.

Kaznakov noblemen. Nobles and Counts of Putyatin. Generational painting of the noble family of the Kaznakovs (in the old days the Koznakovs were painted) from the 2nd half. XV century until the end of the 19th century. with a description and images of the coat of arms of the Putyatin family and family.

o Background Winkler P.P. The Kolokoltsev nobles. SPb., 1892.

Generational painting of the senior, middle and junior branches of the Kolokoltsov noble family with a description and image of the genealogical coat of arms from the end of the 15th century. until the beginning of the 19th century.

o Vlasyev G.A. Rurik's offspring. T. 1.P. 1-3. SPb., 1906; T. 2.Pg., 1918.

Brief list of 22 tribes of Rurik's descendants. The content of the work consists of detailed generational murals of princely families. Name index, genealogical tables of genera.

o Voitovich L.V. Genealogy of the Rurik dynasty. Kiev, 1990.

Genealogical tables and explanatory text for all the main dynasties of the House of Rurik, up to the ancestors of individual princely and noble families. The second edition of the book contains the genealogical tables of the Gediminids.

o Volkov N.E. The court of Russian emperors in its past and present. Part 1-4. SPb., 1900.

Brief biographical information about persons holding court titles since 1727.

o Volkonskaya E.G. Family of princes Volkonsky / Materials collected and processed by the book. E.G. Volkonskaya. SPb., 1900.

Pedigree painting from Rurik to the grandchildren of St. Prince Mikhail Vsevolodovich of Chernigov (13 tribes); pedigree list from the book. Mikhail Vsevolodovich Chernigovsky until 1900, as well as biographical information about all representatives of the family. The appendix contains notes about the Volkonsk family. M.M. Shcherbatova, G.F. Miller, M.G. Spiridov and some documents on the history of the genus. Indexes of personal names and geographic.

o Vsevolzhsky A.N. The Vsevolzhsky family. Simferopol, 1866.

Study of one of the ancient families of the Rurikovich.

o Golitsyn N.N. Family of princes Golitsyn. SPb., 1892.

Detailed pedigree list with biographical information about the representatives of the clan. Review of sources; photos of representatives of the genus. Author index.

o Golitsyn M.M. Materials for the history of the family of princes Prozorovsky. M., 1899.

The history of one of the princely families of Rurikovich.

o Golovin N. Pedigree list of the descendants of the Grand Duke Rurik. M., 1851.

Generation painting of 22 tribes of Rurik's descendants. Author index.

o Golubtsov N. The Lomonosov family and its offspring // Lomonosov collection. Arkhangelsk, 1911.

The article examines the genealogy of M.V. Lomonosov and his relatives, including through the Golovins.

o A.A. Grigorov From the history of the Kostroma nobility. Kostroma, 1993.

A collection of selected works of the Kostroma ethnographer devoted to the history and genealogy of a number of noble families of the Kostroma province.

o Noble clans of the Russian Empire. T. 1.SPb., 1993. T. 2-4. M., 1994-1998.

Four volumes are devoted to the genealogy of the princely families of the Russian Empire. Pedigree tables and information about the most significant representatives of the genera.

o Demidov P.A. Pedigree of the Demidov family, their charitable activities and medals in memory of their family. Zhitomir, 1910.

Detailed generational painting of the Demidov family from the 16th century, biography of the family members. Genealogical table, from which the connection between the Demidov family and the Lopukhin family is visible and the transfer of the title of this surname to the Demidovs. Description of the appearance of medals in honor of the Demidov family. Author index.

o Dmitrievs-Mamonovs A.I. and V.A. Dmitrievs-Mamonovs. SPb., 1911.

The history of one of the most ancient noble and county families - Rurikovich. Detailed generational painting of the family with biographical information. Portraits of the Dmitriev-Mamonovs.

o Dolgorukov P.V. Russian pedigree collection: In 4 books. SPb., 1840-1841.

Generational paintings of the princely, boyar and count families of the Russian Empire. Author index.

o Dolgorukov P.V. Russian genealogy book. T. 1-4. SPb., 1854-1857.

Generational paintings of families of princely, county, baronial families bearing foreign titles; noble families - Rurik, noble families included in the Velvet Book, and noble families that existed before 1600, with a description of their coats of arms. Untitled branches of these surnames are indicated. Author index.

o Dolgoruky F. Dolgorukiy, Dolgorukov and Dolgorukiy-Argutinskiy. T. 1-2. SPb., 1913.

A detailed sketch of the history of the Dolgorukov family with a generational painting of the family and a description of the coat of arms. Index and source list.