Where to study to be a train driver in Belarus. How locksmiths and athletes are retraining to become subway drivers

Railroad college students are sometimes confused with pilots. The correspondent of the agency “Minsk-Novosti” learned why it is so and how the training of future assistants of the driver goes.

Now Aleksey Butrimovich, a sophomore of the Minsk State Vocational and Technical College of Railway Transport named after E.P. Yushkevich, is doing an internship. While as a locksmith for the repair of rolling stock. In the future, there is a prospect of becoming an assistant driver of an electric locomotive or diesel locomotive. True, in Europe the driver no longer has an assistant. Including in the neighboring country Lithuania. Last year, at a meeting of the college administration with the leadership of the Belarusian Railways, this issue was discussed. Most likely, there will be transformations. The college is ready to train drivers as well - there is modern equipment and the necessary simulators. All students can now learn how to operate a train either as part of the curriculum, or in an association of interests.

Alexey, for example, learned. But he has not yet applied his knowledge in practice, and he will be the right hand of the driver in his third year.

The educational institution does not experience a shortage of applicants. The most popular specialties among children are the driver's assistant and the train conductor. It is clear that the prospect of traveling around the country and abroad excites young blood. It has been noticed that romantic natures go to college. But at the same time, they bring educational documents with a high GPA to the selection committee. So, last year, among future assistants to the driver, a passing score (training on the basis of 9 classes. - Approx. ed.) was 7.59! A solid indicator for conductors is 7.

But the work is not easy. Imagination draws a picture: you meet passengers in a beautiful form, together with them you go on a long journey. But in fact, the carriage must be removed, the mattresses must be worn, and a common language with all kinds of people must be found ...

- Passenger trains of the Minsk wagon section are the best in the CIS, - Alexey is sure.

Of course, an enthusiastic student may seem to be giving an exaggerated assessment of the work of our railroad workers. However, the director of the college Vladimir Rusak, a person who not only knows from and to the Belarusian railway, but also often travels on the trains of neighboring countries, confirms this assessment:

- How are Muscovites? The wagons are cleaned by a special outfitting team at the beginning and end of the train. And our guides monitor the cleanliness of the cars along the entire route.

- How can an assistant become a machinist?

- You need to work as an assistant for at least a year and a half, then take courses at the training center of the Belarusian Railways, pass the exam.

- Are there any health restrictions?

- And very serious! Almost like the astronauts. In recent years, there has been a disappointing tendency: at the stage of the admission campaign we screen out 4-5 study groups for health reasons - almost half of the enrollment. To enter the driver's assistant, you need to undergo an ECG, ultrasound of the heart, abdominal cavity and other medical examinations. Vision is only one unit for both eyes ...

The main character of our story, Alexey Butrimovich, came to the meeting in a beautiful blue uniform. Says she's a college calling card. The requirements in the institution for the appearance are the same; teachers also go to work in uniform. The jacket has gilded buttons and shoulder straps. The latter can be used to determine the "rank" of the student: if there is a mark, it means the headman or his assistant. Another distinctive sign is the Belarusian Railways stripe. It depicts a wheelset with wings. The winged symbol often misleads the uninformed - the guys are confused with the pilots.

- Wings for me are flight. I answer everyone as a joke: our locomotives do not run, they fly, - Alexey laughs.

He takes us on an excursion to the study room. Leads to the simulator - an analogue of the driver's control panel.

- Entering here, I understood that this work would require great responsibility, - says the guy, sitting down in the driver's chair. - You go at the beginning of the line-up, and hundreds of people follow you ...

The simulator not only teaches you how to operate an electric locomotive, but also helps to work out various difficult situations: driving at night, in rain, snow or fog. Alexei and I are going on a virtual tour of the Minsk - Baranovichi section. Before us is a large screen that displays real landscapes outside the cockpit window.

- It's not a problem to accelerate. The most difficult thing is to stop the train in time, because its braking distance is on average one kilometer, - says Alexey.

We "drive" at a speed of 35 km / h. The monitor displays the permissible - 65 km / h.

- If you exceed it, the brakes are automatically applied. The train will be completely stopped. The same will happen if the driver does not confirm his vigilance, - says the young man.

From time to time, a red triangle lights up on the control panel while driving, and a sharp signal sounds in the cab. After that, within 7 seconds, the driver must react - press the vigilance button. This is how the system checks if he is asleep. The triangle lights up more often when the train approaches a station or approaches a red traffic light. At such crucial moments, the assistant driver does not even sit down.

What do the guys experience when they first enter the driver's cab, and not into the carriage as a passenger?

Dmitry Sturlis, Deputy Director for Industrial Training of the College:

- I remember how it was with me. I came to practice - got on a diesel locomotive. It's scary, because before I saw the car only in a stationary state. And then the driver starts the engine, and the earth seems to leave from under his feet. It seemed that they flew as if on wings, and not on the rails went. And whatever the driver said, he did it instantly.

In April, the students from the college Evgeniy Gritsuk and Ruslan Telenkov went to Vilnius to participate in the international competition of students' professional skills in the competence “Locomotive driver”. The tasks were not easy, especially the practical part - driving a locomotive on a simulator, but the guys did it and won 1st place!

Not far off is the Day of the Railwayman, which is traditionally celebrated on the first Sunday in August. On the eve of the professional holiday, the locomotive driver, who has more than 30 years of experience behind him, told the Belnews correspondent about his work.

Train driver is one of the most difficult professions. It requires not only physical strength, absolute health, but also stress resistance. In addition to constant examinations, night flights, medical commissions, train drivers often witness death on the tracks.

The work of a machinist has always been appreciated and well paid, says Vladimir Ivanov * from Gomel. In the 90s, his family did not even notice the difficulties that many faced. Now the man is retired. In the last pay slip, which he received five years ago, the salary was about 12 million non-denominated rubles - not bad money, given the average income of Belarusians.

Now my colleagues, experienced machinists, receive about 2 thousand, - Vladimir Pavlovich declares.

Of course, the salary of drivers depends on many factors: length of service, qualifications, bonuses, number of trips, etc. As our interlocutor noted, no one complained about earnings.

Even during training, each driver is prepared for something that is not so easy to put up with. Unfortunately, accidents on the railway are not uncommon. Vladimir Pavlovich did not name how often he had to see with his own eyes how a heavy train was running over a still living person.

Many ... One person is already a lot ... My heart ached for everyone. You can't get used to this. People die on the tracks, mainly due to their carelessness.

People ignore warning signs, safety rules, which causes the tragedy. That is why it is so important to stay away from the paths, because this is not a place for walking, says Vladimir.

Drunk people fell under the train. For example, a man walked, sat on the tracks and fell asleep. Neither signals nor emergency braking helped save him - it was cut in half. Also, with headphones, young people do not hear the sounds of an approaching train. It's not a car. It is almost impossible to stop in time.

Vladimir noted that the stopping distance of a train depends on many factors: speed, weather conditions, distance to the obstacle, etc.

Incredible in the memory of the case, as two women died out of their own imprudence. I rush at high speed, and at the turn I see two friends standing on the tracks, chatting. When they heard the signal, it was already late ... When I got out of the cockpit, I saw a terrible picture ...

The driver is obliged to provide the victim with first aid. If necessary, load a person on the train, take him to the nearest station, where an ambulance will be waiting for him.

Also, the incident must be reported to the dispatcher. The police officers will investigate the incident. Investigators will inspect the train, the scene of the incident.

This is truly a truly masculine job. I have always been proud that we have such a responsibility. In my youth, I was surprised that I was doing what I loved, and I also get money for it.

Hooliganism also happens on the railroad. Schoolchildren can play a trick so that the locomotive driver gets more work. For example, they will put a bunch of stones on the rails.

Becoming a train driver is not easy. Vladimir, like all newcomers, worked as an assistant for 7 years before he was entrusted with managing the squad. To go for a promotion, it is important to get the appropriate education, skills, do your job well. Only after this will the question of how soon the assistant will be transferred to the machinists will be decided.

To increase the level of wages, you can increase the class of the driver. Initially, everyone gets the fourth (conditionally), then they pass exams for the third and higher. First class machinists are considered real professionals, because they have passed all the tests.

According to Vladimir, the training does not end there. They are constantly undergoing certification to confirm their qualifications.

We always prepared carefully, learned theory from books, recalled what we knew in practice. Now all this is handed over on computers, and at one time we pulled tickets, like at school, -tells Vladimir Pavlovich.

The duties of the driver include not only running the train, but also a number of other equally important tasks. For example, receiving and servicing a train, checking for faults. An employee must not only be able to operate a locomotive, but also carry out minor engineering work, carry out maintenance of the train. If he overlooks even a little thing, then it can turn into a big problem.

If the driver overlooked somewhere, then they can be punished for this: they can deprive them of the bonus, or they can even be transferred to assistants. It all depends on the situation and the marriage that the employee allowed. Everything is carefully monitored by instructors, - explains the interlocutor.

In addition to a thorough knowledge of the rules of traffic on the railway, the ability to exercise patience in the most stressful situations, every driver and assistant must be absolutely healthy. Those who have vision problems, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the nervous system, musculoskeletal system simply cannot be allowed to work.

Constantly passed a strict medical commission. If an employee had any sores, then he was transferred to easier work, in accordance with the diagnosis. There were those who were sent to the locksmith, - recalls the driver.

To always be in shape, Vladimir led a completely healthy lifestyle. Smoking and alcohol were out of the question.

It even gave me an incentive to keep track of my form. I understand that now. When there is no motivation, then you don't really want to go in for sports. I trained at the stadium, tempered and ate right. When I retired, I relaxed a bit.

Vladimir Ivanov does not regret that he passed the thorny path to his childhood dream - to become a train driver. Despite the difficulties, the railway guaranteed high income, long vacations, and various supports: vouchers to a sanatorium, tickets to entertainment events, bonuses and other payments.

I did not see any drawbacks in the work. Every profession has them. I just took it for granted, that's all. For those who are going to become a machinist, I can wish good luck. The main thing is to take into account the features, whether they are suitable for a specific person or not.

* hero name changed for ethical reasons

Some, imagining themselves in the role of a railway employee, do not fully know what actually surrounds the everyday life of such a specialist. But if the desire to master one of the railway professions does not fade away, then the Minsk State Vocational and Technical College of Railway Transport named after E.P. Yushkevich is the only educational institution in Minsk that trains future railway specialists.
The director of the college will tell you in detail about the peculiarities of professions, aspects of training and the necessary professional qualities Rusak Vladimir Nikolaevich.

- Vladimir Nikolaevich, what professions can you master in the College of Railway Transport?

- After joining us, the guys master the following professions.

Vocational education level (based on 9 grades)

  • , qualification “assistant locomotive driver; electric locomotive driver assistant; repairman of rolling stock ";
  • "Operation and repair of traction rolling stock of railway transport", qualification “operator of a flaw detection trolley; track fitter ";

Vocational education level (based on 11 grades)

  • "Operation and repair of traction rolling stock of railway transport", qualification "electrician for maintenance and repair of alarm, centralization, blocking devices";
  • "Operation and repair of railway rolling stock", qualification “train electrician; repairman for rolling stock (car repair) ";
  • "Service of transportation by rail", qualification “conductor of a passenger carriage; ticket cashier ".

Level of secondary specialized education (based on vocational education)

  • (specialization "Technical operation and repair of wagons and refrigerated rolling stock"), qualification "electrical technician" (full-time (on a budgetary basis) and part-time (on a paid basis) forms of education);
  • "Technical operation and repair of rolling stock of railway transport" (specialization "Technical operation and repair of traction rolling stock"), qualification "Electromechanical technician" (part-time (on a paid basis) form of education);
  • "Railway track and track facilities" (specialization "Railway track and track facilities", qualification "technician" (part-time (on a paid basis) form of education).

Enrollment of applicants for college studies is carried out on the basis of the marks indicated in the educational document. Other nuances of admission (availability of necessary medical certificates and other documents, conditions for obtaining vocational education, etc.) should be found out in advance at the college admissions office.

- Explain the peculiarities of work of representatives of each of the listed professions.

Driver assistant - this is the second person in the train cab after the driver himself. Alone, he physically cannot perform all the duties of managing the train, therefore, an assistant driver helps him to follow the correct operation of the locomotive, the readings of traffic lights, signals, signal signs and signs. An assistant driver must thoroughly know the rules of technical operation of railways, instructions for signaling, train movement and shunting work on railways, and much more.

Locksmiths for the repair of rolling stock Are workers who repair locomotives and railway wagons. They determine the quality of parts, eliminate assembly defects. During the repair, locksmith work is performed, faulty parts are changed, and assembled and repaired units are adjusted and tested.

Flaw detection trolley operators, track fitters (railroad workers) are workers who ensure the safety of transportation. They are engaged in the construction of new railways, as well as the repair and maintenance of existing railways. Their main task is safe movement, which in case of malfunctions must be restored as quickly as possible. In their work, the railroad workers use a whole range of equipment: from a sledgehammer and scrap to an autonomous power plant and a flaw detector.

Passenger carriage conductors monitor the safety and ensure the correct operation of the internal and external equipment of the passenger train. They embark and disembark passengers, serve them along the route of the train. Also conductors keep train documentation. They need to be able to properly act in emergency situations.

Ticket cashiers work at the ticket offices of railway stations. It is they who issue and sell travel tickets and documents. In addition to professional knowledge, cashiers need to know the psychology and ethics of business relations.

Electricians for the maintenance and repair of alarm devices, centralization, blocking ensure trouble-free operation and safe operation of the listed devices on the railways, as well as carry out their maintenance and repair. Also, their responsibilities include the implementation of maintenance, repair, installation and adjustment of traffic lights, route and light indicators of electric switches and control locks, turnouts, cable networks for electrical interlocking of automatic blocking devices, automatic train signaling.

Train electrician is the first and irreplaceable assistant to the head of the train and conductors of passenger cars. Together with the members of the train crew, he exercises technical supervision over the serviceable maintenance of cars, the normal operation of equipment. If equipment malfunctions are detected, the electromechanic is obliged to identify the cause and take measures to eliminate it.

Electromechanical technicians work in locomotive depots of the railway, at storage depots and locomotive equipment points, in track distances, power supply, recovery trains, as well as at other transport and industrial enterprises.

Technique carry out economic activities for the maintenance and repair of railway tracks and other devices and structures of the track facilities of railway transport.

Industrial training lesson (driver assistants)

- How is the training of college students organized?

- In the College of Railway Transport, a block of theoretical studies alternates with practical training, which is conducted by masters of industrial training. In the first year, students study theory for four days, and one day is devoted to industrial training, which is organized in the equipped workshops of the college. In the second half of the year, the number of "theoretical" days is reduced to three, and the days of industrial training are increased to two.

Students in a chemistry lesson

In the second year, the alternation is organized monthly. After the second year, according to their qualifications, students undergo practical training at the enterprises of the Minsk branch of the Belarusian railway, where they consolidate their skills.

Industrial training lesson (conductors)

- Do the students have the opportunity to listen to practitioners working on the railway during theoretical classes?

- Of course, such training is permanent. To keep our finger on the pulse, we constantly cooperate and communicate with employees of the railway. From time to time, representatives of the railway are invited to our college and talk about the innovations that are being introduced into the workflow.

- How is the College of Railway Transport being improved?

- We are successfully developing intellectually. For college students, our teachers independently create textbooks, teaching aids and their electronic versions, training simulators of various types. By the way, some of them participate in republican competitions and, as a rule, take prizes among other textbooks.

We also create educational films that are used in the learning process.

- In what educational institutions can graduates of the College of Railway Transport continue their education?

- Qualified specialists for the Belarusian railway are trained by the Belarusian State University of Transport. Many of our graduates continue their studies there and successfully move up the career ladder.

Now we have signed a cooperation agreement with the Minsk State Higher Radio Engineering College, which allows our students mastering technical professions to study in absentia in a number of specialties of the radio engineering college for a shorter period of study.

- What will happen to the guys who want to go to the college of railway transport?

- A lot of advantages await our applicants. Firstly, such an interesting and fascinating element as the railway awaits them. Secondly, every graduate is guaranteed a first job. Third, as far as we know, railway workers receive decent wages.

- Vladimir Nikolaevich, what qualities will help the applicant realize himself in the railway profession?

- The most important thing is organization and discipline, because on the railroad any profession is connected with ensuring safety. It is on these qualities that the success of the professional activity of the future specialist depends.


If we add up all the kilometers that the 2nd class driver Igor Khmelinko dashed off on the train, we will probably get more than one revolution around the globe. For more than 30 years, he has been carrying passengers around the country: wherever there are rails, sleepers and a contact network. The jacket has the “Honorary Railroad Worker” badge - the highest award in the profession. Igor Khmelinko was delegated for the first time to the V meeting of drivers, which opened today in Mogilev and brought together representatives of 17 locomotive depots.

In the village of Mrai, Borisov district, where Igor Gennadievich was born, there was only a bus service, so he hadn’t dreamed of working on the railway since childhood, he wanted to be a crane operator. The boy's fate was decided by his uncle, who often came to visit from Minsk, where he worked as an electric train driver. He studied for six months at the courses for assistant drivers at the Gomel Dortech School. He served in the army. Well, after that, from January 1988 to the present day, - in the Minsk motor car depot. And he does not represent himself in another profession.

- Do you remember the first trip?

- Of course. Driver's assistant. Then I had only theory and six backup trips under my belt. I also remember my first driver - Vladimir Moiseevich Khvaley. I watched his work, learned from experience.

It would seem that difficult? Move the controller up (it's like a gearbox in a car) - the train picks up speed, down - it slows down. And yet Igor Gennadievich does not hide: his shirt was all wet with excitement:

- Stopping on time is more difficult than accelerating. For example, if you brake earlier, the last cars may remain behind the platform. And how do people get out? And you need to be very careful between stations. Especially if there are crossings. It is not even the hour which Schumacher decides to slip in front of the train. Or a person will run across to an unidentified place,- for a moment, my interlocutor falls silent. In his practice, there were cases that are hard to remember.

To deserve the shoulder straps of the 2nd class driver, he repeatedly underwent advanced training. Graduated from the Moscow College of Railway Transport, studied at special courses at the Baranovichi Training Center. In total, out of 31 years of work experience, 24 worked on the Riga electric trains, and the last 7 - on the new series of EPs of the "Stadler" company. Was it easy to go from the usual 120 km per hour to 140 and even 160?

- When the Swiss electric trains ran in, and accelerated to 178. Instead of people, they loaded sandbags into wagons. We checked the driving performance of new electric trains in order to certify them. At first, there were few who wanted to change to them. I also hesitated. A lot of electronics, touch screens ... And we are people of the 80s. But nothing, mastered. And now our Stadlers are the kings of the track!

Igor Gennadievich is pleased to invite you to his workplace - at the right wing of the EPR: comfortable, comfortable, with air conditioning and an air cushion seat. There are 4 monitors in front of your eyes, which displays all the information about the trip. He says that sometimes he feels like a pilot of a spaceship. And to the question, what is the most difficult thing in the work, he answers right away: weather conditions. Especially autumn fogs. When you fly in the "Stadler" and do not see what lies ahead: a man, an elk or a tractor at the crossing ... For example, a few years ago there was a case in the Brest direction. I rode a 5-car EPR in one person, that is, without an assistant (by the way, only 9 more out of 400 colleagues in the depot have such a permit). Fanipol has a curved section of the road. A woman is sitting on the rail. Low signal, then high volume. Emergency braking. She rises and leaves. The driver continues his way ... And already behind Stolbtsy, before moving, he notices a truck. Reasoning: a truck driver is a disciplined driver. And he continues to move ...

- It was very scary here: both for the passengers (this electric train was always loaded to capacity) and for itself. Emergency braking again ... At a speed of 140 Stadler has a stopping distance of 700 meters. So I stopped literally 100 meters from the crossing when the truck just had time to pass it. It happens, and you travel for a year, you never use an emergency, and then twice in one flight. So our instructor then advised me to go to church and light a candle upon arrival at the terminal in Brest.

If the driver works in one person, says Igor Gennadievich, the working time is no more than 8 hours (not counting the time between flights during discontinuous trips), with an assistant - no more than 10. Then, at least 16 hours to rest at home. This means that the chart is always floating. It can take over the shift at any time of the day ... But there are also pluses. You can retire 5 years earlier than usual (with a continuous work experience of at least 12.5 years). Vacation - 41 days. There is a surcharge for harmful conditions. After all, they work under voltage: over the head 25 - 27 thousand volts.

And the shift begins with the mandatory passage of a medical examination and checking the technical condition of the train - brakes, wheels, the entire running gear. If any question arises, there is a rapid response group - highly qualified specialists who come and fix all the problems.

- What if it gets bad on the road?

- I have a special bracelet on my hand, if it loses contact with the security system, a red light comes on ... If I don't press a certain button in time, the brakes will automatically work and the train will stop.

Son Yuri followed in his father's footsteps. For a year now, he has been working as an assistant driver at the same depot. The father judges severely. When they first put them together on a trip, I was dissatisfied with the work of the younger. A serious conversation took place at home. And on the next joint flight to Gomel, the partner made me happy. Now Khmelinko is sure that he will not be ashamed in front of other machinists for his work. He also told his wife Raisa about this, with whom, by the way, the railway also connected. We met at a disco in a railway hostel, where the future machinist lived then. It turned out that her father was also a car inspector, and both sisters' husbands worked on the railway ... Destiny!

What problems will Igor Gennadievich talk about at the rally?

- If there were problems, we would not fly 140 - 160 km per hour, - replies with pride. - My favorite direction is Brest. On the one hand, there are fewer curved sections of the track where there is a speed limit. On the other hand, it gets warmer earlier in the spring, you go, and here the gardens are already blooming. But now I often go to Gomel - after this section was fully electrified, the travel time is the same 3 hours. Both the contact network is good, and the railroad track. I will pay attention to improving the technical condition of the rolling stock, as well as increasing the prestige of the work of one-man drivers, the possibility of increasing the continuous working time - this will help optimize our work schedule for the schedule of electric trains.

Igor Gennadievich lists the main qualities for a person of his profession: punctuality, poise, composure, attentiveness, quick reaction, a sense of responsibility ... I wonder if the turnover of personnel among train drivers is big?

- No. For most, this is a lifelong profession.

“I remember three pilots came to us. One worked a couple of months - spat. He said: "It's easier to fly than to drive your trains," and returned to the airfield. " The Minsk metro regularly conducts courses in the profession of "electric train driver". The profession is highly paid, and therefore there is no end to those who wish. We learned how future drivers are selected and trained.

The competition for the courses is tough. Of a hundred applicants, only 30 pass the selection. Some are eliminated at the interview, the second at the medical board.

The driver's health should be like that of an astronaut. Vision "one", pressure 120/80, pulse no higher than 86 beats per minute. Age - up to 40 years - lists the criteria Evgeniy Talaka, head of the Mogilevskaya depot, on the basis of which training takes place.

Preference is given to candidates with a technical background. Those who wish to manage the squad will also have a computer test - for logic, attentiveness, perseverance.

Currently there are 17 people in the group: all guys. Three of them have already been expelled - for academic failure.

It's hard for you.

How else? You want to drive safely.

The courses last eight and a half months, four and a half months - theory (part of the classes are held at the Minsk State Vocational and Technical College of Railway Transport named after Yushkevich), a week and a half - locksmith practice and then train practice. Students practice management skills on a simulator that completely repeats the original train cabin.

Want to try?

I sit down in the driver's chair. On the computer screen there is a tunnel of the second metro line, on the panel there are many switches: for opening doors, informing passengers. “The next metro station is Tractor Plant,” a familiar voice announces. I move from my place. The maximum permitted train speed is 80 kilometers per hour. They say that real drivers only look at the road, because their hands already remember where which switches are. But I do not take my eyes off the panel and only at the prompt of the instructor I manage to orient myself. Or rather, I don't have time - I pass the station and stop the virtual train farther than necessary.

A gross mistake. This is disrespect for passengers, - notes Evgeny Toloka.

In case of an emergency, the driver is given a maximum of five minutes to set the train in motion. This - in theory, in reality will be a minute or two. On the simulator, they work out what to do if there is a malfunction of the equipment or a passenger rushes under the wheels. The drivers who are already working regularly train (the so-called emergency games) what to do in case of a malfunction on the rolling stock. Those who did not cope, in 10 days will be retaken. He showed a bad result again - goodbye.

A little about the working conditions. The driver's salary is higher than the national average. The shift lasts no more than seven hours. You drive for an hour and a half or two, rest for half an hour. For this, there are separate rooms in the metro - with a TV set and billiards. And after a working day, the drivers themselves wash their train.

To spend the night between shifts, employees stay in service apartments. They are located near the metro stations "Kamennaya Gorka", "Mogilevskaya", "Frunzenskaya", "Tractor plant", "Pushkinskaya".

There are attendants in the apartments. It has already been made up, the pillow is whipped, but now there is no soup, - the head of the depot jokes. - In the morning, employees are woken up, they are brewed with tea.

Representatives of different professions are going to be retrained as drivers. Militiamen, border guards, security guards, electricians ... Metro workers often want to retrain. For example, Pavel Korchagin until now worked as a mechanic at the Mogilevskaya depot. But being a train driver, he says, is a childhood dream.

Trains are interesting to me. I used to watch them drive, now I will drive. The work is, of course, responsible, but also prestigious. The driver has decent wages, - the guy says.

Pavel is an engineer of radio electronics by education, graduated from BSUIR. She notes that if you have experience of working in the metro, it is a little easier to study, but the courses are difficult. "A lot of information. You need to know the composition well - mechanical, electrical equipment, controls. There are many rules and instructions that we must learn by heart. "

The guy says that they will have five exams, then two months of running-in and a test to obtain a license. During the eight months that the courses last, the metro keeps Pavel's average earnings.

Nikolay Kolenik, 28, has nothing to do with technology. He played football professionally, played for various clubs.

Why did you leave the sport? Age, permanent trauma. I reconsidered my prospects and decided to find something permanent for myself. The football career was undulating, but I wanted stability.

I heard that the players have good earnings.

Not in Belarus, - Nikolay smiles.

He looked through vacancies, but nothing hooked. I tried to become a travel agent - I realized that it was not his. I paid attention to the profession of a driver for a long time and, after consulting with my wife, decided that it was necessary to act. It was not easy for a graduate of BSUFK and a trainer by profession.

Electrics, mechanics, pneumatics - all objects are heavy. If you miss something, you can't do the job.

While the guy is studying, the employment service pays him a scholarship.

A difficult year. We are fighting, - Nikolay smiles. - We save, we had to give up a lot. A big load on the shoulders of a wife who works. Plus you have to spend what you put in the piggy bank.

Sales manager Denis Kozhernovich learned about the courses through an advertisement in the metro. He admits that he was interested in good earnings. And the profession is worthy and interesting. And since the guy no longer wanted to be a manager ("there is a lot of competition, it is difficult to sell something"), he decided to master a new specialty. Denis studied to be a locksmith in college, worked for some time in a tire service - his technical knowledge just came in handy. My health is also in order: I used to do kickboxing.

Evgeny Toloka encourages the cadets: most of them will ride on trains of the new generation. In the meantime, until November, studies: for the drivers who carry thousands of passengers per day and, one might say, are responsible for the image of the capital, the requirements are high.


Photo by Sergey Nikonovich