Where to get a veterinary education. Veterinarian

We all have our own wishes for future work. Someone from childhood is drawn to sports, someone is better at school essays, still others understand mathematics better than anyone else, and someone loves animals and wants to help them. With age, the understanding of work changes, people are looking for something that helps them earn more, become more successful than others, and realize their other desires, mostly material ones. This is how generations of economists and lawyers are born. But someone from childhood retained a desire to help someone and love for the world around him.

Of course, now it is not as rosy as it seemed in childhood, but it still warms someone's soul. But in order to educate oneself, a higher education is necessary. And the better the quality, the better both for the specialist himself and for his future patients. Here the veterinary academy is engaged in the cultivation of such specialists. Read about this educational institution further.

Academy of Veterinary Medicine

This educational institution is one of the oldest in Moscow. It has been operating since 1919, being one of the main universities that form specialists vital for the state in the field of agriculture and animal husbandry, as well as research on diseases and problems of the animal world. All these aspects are directly related to the health of the population and the quality of its nutrition.

Faculties and departments

This institution of higher education has a well-formed divisional structure. At its disposal, the Veterinary Academy has four faculties of different directions. Among them: the first - the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; the second - zootechnology and agribusiness; the third - Faculty of Veterinary and Biology; and last, fourth - commodity research and expertise of raw materials of animal origin. Graduates of the first department become professionals in the treatment of various animals and birds, including domestic, agricultural, decorative and exotic ones.

The Veterinary Academy will teach the graduates of the second department to regulate agricultural production, control the livestock population, develop feeding regimes and improve performance on a livestock farm.

Graduates of the third department will subsequently study new diseases and viruses in the animal world, their threats to humans and the manufacture of antiviral drugs. The Veterinary Academy from the fourth department graduates professionals who are able to conduct an examination of food products for the level of quality and safety.

Education parameters

Scriabin Academy is a veterinary academy that graduates students with higher specialized education. It is possible to enter a bachelor's degree, and then continue studying in a master's degree. The academy has a college for ninth grade graduates (cynological). Specialists with secondary specialized education leave it. The bachelor's degree does not provide for a duration of 4 years. Correspondence lasts five and six years, it is not provided in all areas.

Specialties of the Veterinary Academy

The Skryabin Academy, a veterinary academy, graduates professionals in the following specialties: Biology, Biotechnology, Foodstuffs of animal origin, Veterinary and sanitary examination, Animal science, Commodity science, Cynology. All these specialties are provided for both bachelor's and master's degrees, except for Cynology. It is taught only at the cynological college. Veterinary medicine is taught as a specialist, the duration of full-time training is five years. For other specialties - four years in bachelor's degree and two years in magistracy.

Part-time education provides specialties: bachelor's degree - "Veterinary and sanitary examination" (four years), specialty - "Veterinary medicine" (five years), master's degree - "Biology", "Biotechnology", "Food of animal origin", " Veterinary and sanitary examination "," Zootechnia "(two years). By correspondence course, you can get the specialty of Animal Science, Commodity Science (five years) and Veterinary Medicine (six years). Training in Cynology at the full-time department is 3 years 6 months, at part-time and part-time for three years. All specialties are accredited by the state until May 31, 2019.


As a state accredited educational institution, the Moscow Veterinary Academy pays scholarships and other types of material support to its students. Scholarships are divided into several types: RF and special state governments of the RF; scholarships awarded by the state for graduate students; academic scholarships awarded for good and excellent performance in a semester; social scholarships assigned by the state for children from poor families and orphans; personal scholarships; scholarships for special merit and achievement to or on behalf of the Academy at various events.


The Moscow Academy of Veterinary Medicine has six hostels for nonresident students. Their total capacity is 2750 seats. The rooms are fully furnished with soft and hard furniture, the furnishings are one hundred percent in accordance with the regulations. In order to settle in a hostel, it is necessary in the prescribed manner to notify the dean's office in writing about such a need. This should be done as early as possible, before the start of the school year.

Employment of students

The Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine has a distinctive quality from all other educational institutions. The fact is that almost the entire composition of students after graduation and passing all subjects, practices and exams is employed on behalf of the academy in various cooperating enterprises and organizations. This approach makes life much easier for graduates. Since, due to the lack of experience, young specialists are not always happy to be hired, precious time is lost, during which one could collect the necessary practical knowledge and fully develop in the field of their specialization. And with this approach, the experience necessary for further career advancement is acquired in those companies where the academy itself arranged for graduate students.

What you need for admission

If you are applying for a bachelor's degree on the basis of 11 grades, you must pass the exam in three disciplines: biology, mathematics and Russian. Specialization and the like, related to the research of food products, "Food of animal origin" instead of the USE in biology requires a result in chemistry. Applicants on the basis of secondary vocational education are tested either using the Unified State Exam or internal optional tests. Applicants to the master's program pass exams in specialized subjects and internal tests. The Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology also accepts for the second higher education either with the results of the Unified State Exam, or according to internal testing. The following categories of citizens have the right to enter without tests:

  • pupils who won in the final stages of various kinds of Olympiads, who received prizes in competitions in subjects organized by the Ministry of Education, pupils and students who actively manifest themselves in the field of knowledge and research, holders of various certificates and awards for achievements in culture and education;
  • winners of the Olympic Games, masters of sports and candidates who won prizes of honor, winners of sports competitions in Europe and the world, champions and winners in championships of various categories, participants in the Paralympic Games, winners and champions in sports included in the list of Olympic competitions.

Tuition fees and quotas

Quotas for budgetary education are allocated for no more than half of the enrolled students. The rest will pay for their tuition themselves. But even on commercial education, housing in a hostel will be given to nonresident students for free. Depending on the specialty, full-time students will pay from 75 to 130 thousand per year. By correspondence from 40 to 60 thousand per year. Enrollment of disabled people and orphans on a budgetary basis is envisaged.

Who to work after the veterinary academy

This profession is not very popular among modern students. And, by the way, it's unfair. In recent years, the government has been actively developing and developing the agricultural sector of the economy, attracting young people to the countryside, who are able to raise stagnant enterprises to their feet. Huge amounts of budgetary funds are poured into new jobs, the provision of housing for free use to those urban specialists who agree to devote their labor to the countryside. But work for graduates with a diploma, which was given by Moscow), is located in large cities and in megacities.

The fact is that someone has to carry out various kinds of expertise, audit of organizations involved in the supply and preparation of food products. All these functions are performed by the graduates of the Veterinary Academy. And look how many beloved pets live in the houses, which also someone must treat. We care so much about our animals, grow up to them with our soul and do not want to let go of ourselves ahead of time that we do not leave a huge layer of specialists without work. All epidemiological problems associated with transferred animal viruses and bacteria are also work for specialists in this profile.

Pre-university training, postgraduate study and doctoral studies

A serious educational institution must prepare serious students and serious personnel. It is possible that the graduate does not want to stay in one place on the ladder of his knowledge of the topic. Many people see the meaning of life in discovering and exploring new things, and then passing on their knowledge to the next generations of students. For others, the status of a professor of science, a doctor is just a necessary tick for a calm sigh of the soul. Regardless of the reasons, there should be an opportunity for further development.

The Veterinary Academy receives reviews about its pupils, perhaps, from all over the country. These people may not have immediately come to a thirst for discovery and help others. It is likely that they, like everyone else, started with pre-university training, and then they somehow started spinning. But the fact remains that a strong Academy brings up a strong generation of professional specialists in its not the easiest branch of economy, science and production.

Vet - a veterinary medicine specialist who treats and prevents diseases of agricultural, domestic or exotic animals and birds. His work functions also include operating, medical and cosmetic procedures, vaccinations, childbirth, consultations for owners of sick pets, monitoring animal hygiene and animal welfare at enterprises, as well as veterinary and sanitary control over the quality of livestock products.

Personal qualities:

  • Love all animals and want to help them
  • Have the necessary knowledge about physiology, pharmaceuticals, methods of treatment and diagnosis of diseases
  • Have intellectual, logical ability and good memory
  • Be responsible and considerate
  • Show quick reaction and psychological stability
  • Have golden hands (for operating doctors)

Where to study to be a veterinarian:

To become a veterinarian, you need to get a higher education in the appropriate profile: veterinary medicine or veterinary and sanitary examination. After graduating from college or technical school, you can only count on the position of a paramedic.

All faculties of veterinary medicine offer universal training without a specific specialization. The disciplines studied include biology, anatomy, physiology, pharmaceuticals and animal husbandry. An important aspect of training - training is usually focused on working with agricultural livestock, additional courses and electives may be required to work with pets. Students of this direction undergo compulsory practice during their studies, and upon graduation from higher education they receive the right to engage in medical practice. This right will be given to you:

  • (metro Petrovsko-Razumovskaya)
  • (M. Vykhino)
  • (M. Belyaevo)

Broader specialization:

  • - Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Biotechnology
    (m. University)

Pros and cons of professions:

Career, places of employment:

Although a higher education in this profile does not imply an internship, the graduate will still have to complete postgraduate practice as an assistant veterinarian. Only with this condition will he be admitted to certification and he himself will become a full-fledged doctor. A postgraduate diploma, internships, participation in medical seminars and lectures are also useful for improving professional qualifications.

Specialists in veterinary medicine or veterinary and sanitary examination will be required at all enterprises and in all organizations where animals are involved in the work:

  • in veterinary clinics, pharmacies, pet shops
  • on farms
  • in laboratories and research institutes
  • at agricultural enterprises (meat processing plants, poultry farms)
  • in nurseries
  • in zoos
  • in the circus
  • at sanitary epidemiological stations or food control stations
  • in service dog clubs
  • at stud farms, hippodromes
  • in feed companies

Those who have chosen the profession of a veterinarian should be realistic about their future earnings. A beginner veterinarian receives no more than 25-30 thousand rubles, a specialist with experience - about 40-50 thousand rubles, and a professional of the highest level - 70-80 thousand rubles.

Veterinary surgeon performs surgical interventions, treating wild, domestic and farm animals. He not only performs operations, but also deals with rehabilitation, prevention of the development and spread of diseases, routine vaccination. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in chemistry and biology (see choosing a profession by interest in school subjects).

Short description

More than 75% of Russians have pets, a large number of cattle, poultry and other species of animals live on farms and in villages. Therefore, the veterinary surgeon has been provided with work for many years, which makes this specialty highly paid and prestigious. Surgeon veterinarians are often involved not only in medical practice, but also in social activities, working with animals affected by cruelty. They operate on stray dogs, look for a new home for kittens and do other equally important work.

But the main field of activity is radical treatment, the doctor performs the following types of operations:

  • sterilization and castration;
  • removal of malignant and benign formations;
  • cesarean section;
  • resection and others.

The type of surgical intervention depends on the area of \u200b\u200bactivity, because doctors working within the city more often deal with pets, specialists working in villages treat cattle, rabbits, goats, etc.

The work is difficult, because the doctor is often forced to stay late at work, he regularly encounters force majeure, is forced to make instant decisions on which the life of his four-legged patient depends. The animal cannot tell about what and where it hurts, so the veterinarian must be an excellent diagnostician, otherwise his efforts will not be crowned with success. These specialists perform the same therapeutic manipulations as doctors who work with humans.

Features of the profession

For radical treatment of animals, a higher education is necessary, after which the student must undergo retraining courses, having mastered the direction of "Surgery". The specialization is narrow, strict requirements are put forward to the doctor, because he must love animals, not be afraid of the sight of blood, not suffer from tremors and other problems that may interfere with the performance of surgery.

Responsibilities depend on the field of activity of the veterinarian, because he can be an oncologist, gastroenterologist, gynecologist, etc. Surgical veterinary medicine is a demanded and very popular direction, students choose it due to the fact that surgical treatment of animals is paid very well. The duties of a veterinary surgeon include the following work:

  • early diagnosis of diseases;
  • drawing up a treatment plan, carrying out palliative, diagnostic and radical surgical interventions;
  • reception, work with social projects aimed at improving the quality of life of stray animals;
  • advice to help pet owners take proper care, feeding, walking and treatment;
  • performance of veterinary and sanitary examination;
  • therapeutic treatment and emergency care.

Over the past few decades, universities that train veterinarians-surgeons have been more focused on the agricultural sector. Today, the situation has changed, as a veterinarian with a higher education can receive additional specialization in courses or undergo an internship, studying on the spot, in order to effectively treat pets and decorative animals.

The first requirement is love for animals, because a doctor must be able to find a "common language" with them. He should be favored by the owners of pets, having the following positive character traits:

  • fast reaction;
  • observation;
  • logical thinking;
  • calmness;
  • concentration;
  • composure;
  • sociability;
  • cleanliness;
  • excellent memory.

The veterinarian surgeon must have excellent motor skills, good vision is important, the absence of problems with the musculoskeletal system, because most of the working time has to be spent on his feet.

Veterinary surgeon training

An applicant can go to college after grade 9 to master the specialty "Veterinary Medicine". Without higher education, he will not be allowed to operate, therefore, after college or school, it is necessary to submit documents to an agricultural university or the Academy of Veterinary Medicine, the program "Veterinary Medicine" is also available in multidisciplinary universities. The applicant will have to take an exam in biology and the Russian language, the third exam to choose from. It can be mathematics, chemistry, or physics.

After receiving a diploma, a veterinarian is obliged to improve his qualifications, he can get education on courses at a postgraduate school. Even while visiting the university, it is recommended to find a place as an assistant in a private or public veterinary clinic, because graduates without experience in the labor market are not highly valued.

School of postgraduate education named after professor V.N. Mitina

A full-fledged refresher course for veterinarians with specialized completed education. The duration is 14 days, the program is divided into 20 topics, after acquiring knowledge, the student must pass the test and receive a certificate. The cost of the course is 50 thousand rubles, the school is located in Moscow, a hostel is provided for nonresident students (10 thousand rubles for accommodation).

Colleges of Veterinary Surgeons

  1. MarSU. Mari Agricultural College.
  2. Volokolamsk Agricultural College "Kholmogorka".
  3. Sergiev Posad Agricultural College.
  4. Amur Agrarian College.
  5. Krasnogvardeisky Agricultural College.
  6. Perm agroindustrial technical school.
  7. Agrarian and Economic College of the Dagestan State Agrarian University named after M.M. Dzhambulatov.
  8. Velikie Luki State Agricultural Academy.
  9. Agricultural College "Bogoroditsky" named after I. A. Stebut.
  10. Ryazan State Agrotechnological University. P.A.Kostycheva.

Moscow 60000-80000 ₽

Professional knowledge

  1. Anatomy and physiology of animals.
  2. Diseases of animals (clinical picture, symptoms).
  3. Various diagnostic methods: blood and urine OKA, biochemical blood test, X-ray, ultrasound examination, endoscopy and others.
  4. Rules for performing surgical interventions: working with tools, equipment, anesthesia and others.
  5. Asepsis and antiseptics.
  6. Rules for the vaccination of animals.
  7. Conservative treatment methods.
  8. Working with veterinary documentation.

Studying veterinarian by correspondence? Why not. Only not everyone will be hired. Where to study veterinary medicine by correspondence and what are the conditions for admission? Let's find out now.

Becoming a veterinarian is a dream of many since childhood. It's so great to help animals, like the fabulous doctor Aibolit. But not everyone has the opportunity to study full-time. Many have to work and combine work and study. Is it possible for a veterinarian to take part-time training “on the job”?

After all, it is quite effective to immediately find a simple unskilled job in a veterinary clinic or at some agricultural enterprise, for example, at a stable. And choose a correspondence course for a veterinarian and, at the same time, master the wisdom of animal anatomy and physiology, test theoretical knowledge in practice. A specialist with a higher education and work experience is much more appreciated in the labor market than just a graduate with a diploma or an assistant paramedic without education.

Conditions for teaching veterinary medicine by correspondence

But it should be borne in mind that not everyone will be accepted to study as a veterinarian in absentia. The rules are strict here. Nevertheless, this profession is connected with the responsibility for the lives of our smaller brothers and the veterinarian, although not a "human" doctor, is still a doctor.

Only specialists with a paramedic qualification are accepted for training in veterinary medicine in absentia, that is, who graduated from college with a degree in Veterinary Medicine and have a specialization in Veterinary Paramedic. Even specialists with a related specialty, for example, a livestock technician or a nurse, are enrolled only in the evening or full-time department, in which case you will have to take entrance exams on a general basis, but the matching subjects will be re-read to you. Work experience is also not taken into account, even if you have a wealth of practical experience, but you do not have the qualifications of a paramedic to study for a veterinarian in absentia, you will not be accepted, only full-time or part-time (evening) training will have to be chosen.

Where to get training for a veterinarian by correspondence?

Unfortunately, there are no veterinary colleges in Moscow, the nearest secondary specialized educational institutions are in Kolomna, Volokolamsk and Sergiev Posad. Therefore, if you live in Moscow and are thinking about where to study for a veterinarian by correspondence - at a college or university, it makes sense to choose a veterinary university in order to immediately receive an academic education suitable for working as a veterinarian. In this case, you will need the USE results in the subjects: Russian language, mathematics and biology (profiling).

Conditions for admission to the correspondence veterinary department

For admission and further education to a veterinarian by correspondence, an applicant, as a rule, takes an internal examination of the university. For those who have graduated from secondary schools, it is carried out in the form of an interview in a specialized direction.

Such an exam is taken by applicants with a secondary specialized education at the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after V.I. K.I. Skryabin. training in the correspondence department lasts a year longer than in full-time, for veterinarians it is 6 years.

At the faculties of Veterinary medicine, distance learning is available in every veterinary university, especially since there are not so many such universities. The aforementioned KI Skryabin Moscow State Academy of Fine Arts has a faculty of correspondence, part-time (evening) and distance education with the department of Veterinary Medicine. Unfortunately, veterinary training on it is conducted only on a contract basis, but the cost is calculated individually. On average, it is about 100,000 rubles per year. The university accepts not only citizens of the Russian Federation, but also citizens of the neighboring countries. Applications are accepted from June 19 to October 30, 2015.

Training in veterinary medicine can be done by correspondence at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. The requirements for applicants there are, in general, the same as in the Academy. K.I.Skryabin. Education at the correspondence department is carried out only on a contract basis, at the moment its cost is about 120,000 rubles. You can apply for correspondence courses throughout the year. And also a diploma of secondary special education is required. Many people distinguish RUDN University from other options for admission, because there you can study in a foreign language and receive an additional certificate to the diploma, which allows you to practice in some countries abroad.

At the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev is not taught in absentia to be a veterinarian, here you can only learn to be a zootechnician. The academy has a veterinary clinic where students can practice under the supervision and guidance of experienced doctors and a budget full-time and part-time department.

In general, these are the only options for getting a veterinarian training by correspondence. Since it is clear that extramural medicine is something unrealistic. Learning to treat in absentia to a veterinarian is completely impossible without medical education. Therefore, you need to understand that if you want to study by correspondence, you need to: 1. have a specialized secondary veterinary education, 2. be prepared for the fact that you will have to study on a contract basis. Also, you will have to combine extramural studies with work in your specialty. If you have all this, including the willingness to work hard, you can prepare documents for admission and immediately submit them to the chosen university.

In veterinary and agricultural colleges, graduates of grades 9 and 11 can receive the profession of a veterinarian, animal technician, dog handler, and breeder. In our review - veterinary, agricultural and cynological colleges in Moscow and the Moscow region.

There are no veterinary colleges in Moscow - such a problem is faced by 9th grade graduates who have chosen the profession of a veterinarian. After grade 11, you can enter the Veterinary Academy. Scriabin, what should the graduates of the ninth do? Particularly motivated high school students who are not embarrassed by territorial difficulties enter colleges in the Moscow region - there are such colleges in Kolomna, Elektrostal, Sergiev Posad, Volokolamsk. Each of them has a hostel, which allows you not to waste time on the road from Moscow every day. For those who want to become a cynologist, there are two educational institutions in Moscow - a cynological college at the Academy. Scriabin and College No. 38.

The future will study animal anatomy, the basics of microbiology and zootechnics, methods of diagnosing and treating diseases. They are preparing to work with farm animals and domestic animals, upon completion of training they receive the qualification "Veterinary paramedic". A number of programs for the modernization of agriculture, for import substitution are currently operating in the Moscow region, new agricultural enterprises are opening, all of them are interested in college graduates - veterinary paramedics and livestock specialists. Another way of employment is the reception and treatment of pets in veterinary clinics.

They are engaged in breeding, rearing and professional training of all breeds of dogs. The college curriculum focuses on each of these modules. Students study "Methods of keeping dogs and caring for them", "Technique and methods of breeding dogs", "Basics of training", "Methods of training dogs by breed and type of service." Practical work with dogs takes a quarter of the study time. Many college applicants see secondary vocational education as the first step to higher veterinary. After college, you can continue your studies at the Academy. Scriabin, RSAU-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after Timiryazev in the specialties "Veterinary Medicine" (including specialization in cynology), "Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise", "Animal Science".

Cynological College of the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I. Scriabin

The college invites graduates of the 9th and 11th grade to the specialty "Cynology". Training on the program is only paid, the cost is 70 thousand rubles per year. There is also an extramural program for applicants after grade 11 (40,000 rubles per year). Practical training with dogs plays an important role in training in the specialty. The college does not oblige students to buy a dog: to provide every student with the opportunity to practice with animals, the college partners with several kennels and shelters, where students take a dog and work with it on the spot. Among the partners of the educational institution are the canine centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Russian school for the training of guide dogs. Students practice grooming skills in animal salons. In their free time, many work part-time in an animal hotel, with which the college also maintains partnerships. College graduates can continue their studies at the academy and receive higher education on an abbreviated program. On March 14 and April 18, the college will host open days where you can find out all the details about the 2015 recruitment.

Moscow College of Urban Planning and Service No. 38

60 students study at the canine department of the college, but in fact there are 120 of them - each student has a dog, which together with him goes through several years of training and continues to work in the future. Students bring up a dog, prepare it for work in various services - in the economy, sports and hunting, in security services, in search and rescue operations. College graduates and their four-legged companions are awaited at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, for this, students undergo an additional course of training in hand-to-hand combat and shooting. In the customs service, graduates contribute to the detection of contraband, explosives, drugs, in the Ministry of Emergencies, they work to rescue people after fires, explosions and collapses of buildings. During training, you can choose one of the specializations - a dog handler, trainer, handler (preparation of dogs for exhibitions), nutritionist (development of food programs for dogs), as well as get additional qualifications of a breeder, groomer. Contrary to popular belief, there are many women among dog handlers - and in college, boys and girls who decide to study this specialty are approximately equal. There are budgetary places for 9th grade graduates, 11th grade graduates study only for a fee.

Kolomna Agrarian College

Graduates of the 9th grade enter the college of the specialty "Veterinary Medicine" through a competition of certificates, in 2014 2 applicants applied for each of the 52 budget places. After grade 11, you can only study for a fee, the cost is 96.7 thousand rubles per year. In addition to basic courses in animal anatomy and physiology, veterinary pharmacology, students study the legal aspects of the work of a veterinarian, information technology in veterinary medicine, in particular, the Andiag veterinary accounting program. Practical classes are held in the college's own veterinary clinic "Cat and Dog". In parallel to training in the main specialty, at the department of additional education of the college, you can take courses on grooming, dog training. Among the college's partners are veterinary clinics Aibolit-S, Doctor Tail and Svoy Doctor, agricultural companies Egoryevskaya Poultry Farm, Rassvet Podmoskovya, Russmoloko, Agroindustrial Complex Shatursky and Nepetsino. These organizations invite graduates to vacancies of a veterinary paramedic, a veterinary nurse, a livestock technician. The college cooperates with Moscow universities, where graduates can continue their studies - RSAU-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after Timiryazev, Moscow State Academy of Medical Sciences Scriabin, Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University. The cost of living in a college dormitory is from 500 rubles per month.

Electrostal College of Industry Technologies

The technical school has 25 budget-funded places for future veterinarians, applicants are accepted after grade 9 based on the results of the certificate competition, in 2014 the entrance competition was 2 people per place. Since 2007, a veterinary training clinic has been operating here, where students are trained in the specialty "veterinary paramedic of small animals, with the basics of animal husbandry." The program is built on a modular basis - the theoretical and practical parts of the training are combined. In practical classes, students themselves organize the reception and registration of pet owners with their pets, learn to take anamnesis, conduct a dialogue and give advice, make a preliminary diagnosis and learn to independently select treatment methods. The training course includes excursions to museums, a zoo, a hippodrome and private stables, a dog nursery, as well as educational creative projects, the publication of the newspaper "Veterinary", industrial practice at enterprises of the Moscow region. Graduates of the technical school work in small agricultural enterprises, farms and veterinary clinics.

Volokolamsk Agricultural College "Kholmogorka"

The technical school trains veterinarians and dog handlers. On the specialty "Veterinary Medicine" there are budgetary places for both graduates of the 9th grade and for the graduates of the 11th grade, in "Cynology" you can only study for a fee. The technical school pays special attention to cooperation with employers. Here they train veterinarians for basic enterprises - the Moscow Zoo, the Moscow Stud No. 1, the Avangard agricultural holding, and the Bely Klyk-M veterinary clinic. Graduates-cynologists work in various divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as in private breeding nurseries. In the course of training, students get acquainted with new technologies of agricultural production, go on excursions to the best farms, veterinary clinics, zoo nurseries of the Volokolamsk region. At the technical school, you can take additional courses and get the qualifications of a dog breeder, horse breeder, poultry breeder, and commercial hunter. College graduates have the opportunity to get higher education on an abbreviated program at the Moscow Academy. Scriabin (in person) and at the Volokolamsk branch of the Russian State Agrarian University (in absentia). The best graduates with honors are admitted to these programs through interviews. The cost of living in the dormitory of the technical school is 300 rubles per month.

All-Russian Agrarian College of Distance Education

Despite the correspondence status of the college, which is located in Sergiev Posad, training in the specialty "Veterinary" is full-time. For applicants after grade 9, there are two training programs for veterinarians - basic and advanced level, in the second case, the training lasts for a year more (5 years), the graduate is awarded the qualification "senior veterinary paramedic". The basic level course assumes the graduate's readiness to work with agricultural and domestic animals. Veterinarians who have completed an advanced course also know methods of diagnosing and treating exotic animals, and have the managerial skills necessary to open a small business for the provision of veterinary services. The college includes the Aibolit veterinary clinic, where students practice all the necessary manipulations. The college maintains partnerships with reputable companies in the Sergiev-Posad region, including Zagorsky Broiler, Zabolotye-Agro, Ptitsegrad, RusMoloko, and the Zarya agricultural company. Students from Moscow can live in a hostel with a gym, a recreation room, and Internet access.

Ramenskiy road-building technical school

The branch of the college in the village of Igumnovo is the only educational institution in the Moscow region where you can get the rare specialty “Horse rider trainer” (bereiter). This program was opened here in 2005 in cooperation with the Rosplemkonzavod association, which unites Russian stud farms, and the Equestrian Federation of the Moscow Region. The college accepts graduates of the 11th grade based on the results of interviews and viewing the skills of horse training, the training period is 10 months, the cost is 5 thousand rubles per month. Students, in addition to general education, study the basics of anatomy, physiology, feeding, training and testing of horses, horse breeding and horse breeding. Lectures and workshops are conducted by teachers of the Academy. Timiryazev, Academy. Skryabin, All-Russian Research Institute of Horse Breeding, as well as famous Russian athletes and coaches. An important part of the curriculum is the daily practical training in equestrian sports. Show jumping and dressage trainings under the guidance of coaches - masters of sports - are held at the equestrian club "Moskovia", located next to the college. Students are provided with a hostel and three meals a day.