Where is Magellanovo cloud. Big and Small Magellan Clouds

Short description

Large Magellanovo cloud occupies the sky of the Southern Hemisphere in the constellations of the Golden Fish and Dining Road and from the territory of Russia is never visible. BMO is approximately 10 times less than a diameter than the Milky Way and contains approximately 30 billion stars (1/20 from their number in our galaxy), while the small magtellane cloud contains only 1.5 billion stars. BMO mass is about 300 times less than the mass of our galaxy (the mass of BMO \u003d 10 10 mass of the Sun). BMO is the fourth mass of the galaxy in the local group (after Andromeda, the Milky Way and Triangle). According to F. Yu. Ziegel, a large Magellanovo cloud reminds reminding segner wheels.

In 2013, the international group of astronomers was measured the most accurate distance to BMO. It is 163 thousand light years or 49.97 (± 0.19 (statistical error) ± 1.11 (systematic error)) kiloparsk. Observations were carried out behind the eclipse double stars in the Galaxy for almost ten years. Such stars are treated very close to each other around the common center of the masses, leaving one other. At the same time, their shared shine falls. So, tracking the ripples of these stars, you can determine their masses, dimensions and distance to them. According to Wolfgang Gyren (Wolfgang Gieren, Universidad De Concepción, Chile), one of the leaders of the collective, "Astronomers have tried to accurately measure the clouds to Big Magellan for a hundred years, and it turned out to be an extremely difficult task. And now we solved this task, reaching convincing measurement accuracy of 2% " .

History of observation

The first written mention of the Great Magellan Cloud is contained in " Book of constellation fixed stars"Persian Astronoma Abdurrahman Ass-Sufi Ash-Shirazi (964 g), later known in Europe as" Azophi ".

The following documented observation was recorded in 1503-1504 for America Vespucci.

Large Magellanovo cloud is named after Fernana Magellan, who watched this galaxy in 1519 during a round-the-world travel.

Measurements conducted on the Hubble Space Telescope, announced in 2006, show that large and small magtels clouds can move too quickly to rotate around the Milky Way. In 2014, the measurements of the Hubble Space Telescope allowed to determine that BMO had a period of rotation of 250 million years.

As a result of the observations of 2018-2019, the amateur astronomers received a record in their own way (not taking into account professional astronomy) image of a large magtels clouds. The total image resolution reaches 14,400 × 14 200 points.


The most massive and bright BMO star - R136A1, located in a compact star cluster R136. This is a blue hypergigant having a mass equal to 265 Sun masses. The surface temperature of the star is more 40,000 Kelvinov, it is 8.7 million times brighter than the sun. Such superheassed stars are exceptionally rare and are formed only in very dense star clusters.

The largest star of the Galaxy - WOH G64 - is also one of the largest, famous science. Its radius is approximately 1540 Radius of the Sun.. If WOH G64 is placed in the center of the solar system, the surface will reach the Saturn orbit. The star is also surrounded by a dense dust and gas.

  • BMO shines 10 times weaker than the Milky Way, however, is the most bright companion of two dozen galaxic satellites. Due to its gravity, the BMO pulls millions of stars from the Small Magellan clouds (MMO). In the galaxy there are several thousand orange and red giants, aging stars, which are more, brighter and colder than the sun. About 5% of these stars have completely special speed characteristics: they rotate at an angle of 54 degrees to the plane of the BMO, as well as to the other side compared to the bulk of the stars. The chemical composition of the data stars is different: they correspond to the IMO percentage of iron.
  • Unlike most of the facilities of the distant cosmos, the BMO is not a separate NGC object.
  • According to published data, on one of the models, after 4 billion years, the Milky Way "will absorb" a large and small magtellane clouds, and after 5 billion years the Milky Way itself will be absorbed by Andromeda nebula. According to the calculations of scientists from the Institute of Computational Cosmology of the University of Daurus, a large Magellanovo cloud, which is now distinguished from the Milky Way, and approximately 1 billion years will unfold and will go to the center of our galaxy, where they will be merged for about 1.5 billion years. At the same time, the central supermassive black hole of our galaxy Sagittarius A * will increase in size 10 times. As a result of a collision after 2 billion years, a solar system can be pushed out of our galaxy into intergalactic space.
  • According to the calculations of scientists from the University of California in Riverside (USA), 1 billion years ago, the dwarf galaxy in Kiel, the dwarf galaxy in the constellation stove and a few more ultraslable dwarf galaxies were the satellites of the Big Magellan clouds, and not the Milky Way.


see also


  1. Pietrzyński, G; D. Graczyk; W. Gieren; I. B. Thompson; B. pilecki; A. udalski; I. Soszyński et al. An Eclipsing-Binary Distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud Accurate to Two Per CENT (English) // Nature: Journal. - 2013. - 7 MARCH (Vol. 495, no. 7439). - P. 76-79. - DOI: 10.1038 / Nature11878. - BIBCode: 2013Natur.495 ... 76p. - ARXIV: 1303.2063. - PMID 23467166.
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Magellanovy clouds

- galaxies satellites of our galaxy; Located relatively close to each other, form a gravitationally connected (double) system. For the unarmed eye look like isolated clouds of the Milky Way. For the first time, M. O. described the Pigafette, which participated in the world swimming of Magellan (1519-22). Both clouds are large (BMO) and small (MMO) - Yavl. Incorrect galaxies. Integral characteristics M. O. Dana in the table.

Integral characteristics of magtellane clouds

Center coordinates05 H 24 M -70 O00 H 51 M -73 O
Galactic latitude-33 O.-45 O.
Corner diameter8 O.2.5 o
Suitable linear size, PDA9 3
Distance, CCP50 60
Integral value M V. -17,9 M. -16,3 M.
Tilt27 O.60 O.
Average radiation speed, km / s+275 +163
Total weight,
Mass of interstellar hydrogen Hi,

On the largest telescopes in M. O., you can resolve the stars with the luminosity close to the solar; At the same time, due to the fact. Excess distance to M. O. Above their displacement The difference in visible star magnitudes of the objects in M. O. objects are equal to the difference of their abs. (For BMO, the error does not exceed 0.1 M.). Since M. O. is located on high galactic. latitudes, the absorption of light by the interstellar medium of our galaxy and the admixture of her stars little distort the picture M. O. In addition, the plane of the BMO (Fig. 1) is almost perpendicular to the beam of view, so that the visible neighborhood of objects in it means, as a rule, their spatial proximity. All this helps to study the interconnection of stars of various types, clusters and diffuse substances (in particular, high luminosity stars are visible there for no further 5-10 "from the place of its birth). M. O. Naz." Workshop of astronomical methods "(X. whisper) In particular, M. O. The dependence of the luminosity was opened for. Objects M. O. have, along with similarities, and a number of amazing differences from similar members of the Galaxy, which indicates the relationship of the structural features of galaxies with the characteristics of their population.

In M. O. there is a huge number of all kinds of ages and masses; BMO cluster catalog includes 1600 objects, and their total number is approx. 5000. About one hundred of them look like galaxies and are very close to them through the masses and the degree of stars concentration. However, the ball accumulations of the galaxy are all very old [(10-18) years], while in M. O. Along with the same old clusters there are a series of ball clusters (23 in BMO) with ages of ~ 10 7 -10 8 years. The age of clusters M. O. uniquely correlates with Him. The composition (young clusters contain relatively more heavy elements), while clusters are galactic. There is no such correlation.

The BMO also knows 120 extensive groups of young high luminosity stars (OS-Associations) associated, as a rule, with the regions of ionized hydrogen (zones of HII). In MMO, such groups are an order of magnitude less, the young stars are concentrated there in the Osn. The body and in the "wing" of MMO, stretched to the BMO, whereas in the BMO they are scattered throughout the cloud, and in the OSN. The bodies prevail the stars with age 10,8 -10 10 years. Radio astronomy. Observations in line \u003d 21 cm of neutral hydrogen (Hi) have shown that there are 52 insulated HI complex with Wed. Weighing and sizes of 300-900 PCs, and in the MMO density HI almost evenly increases to the center. The share of HI in relation to the full mass in the BMO in several. Once greater than in the galaxy, and in MMO more than an order of magnitude. Even in the youngest objects of the BMO, the content of heavy elements, apparently, is somewhat less than in the galaxy, in MMO, it is no doubt below 2-4 times. All these features of M. O. can be explained by the fact that there was no initial stormy outbreak in the Galaxy to the exhaustion of the OSN. Gas reserves and relatively rapid enrichment of its residues with heavy elements during the first billion (or hundreds of millions) of the existence of the galaxy. The presence of old ball accumulation and the type RR Lyra proves, however, that star formation began in M. O. and in the Galaxy at about the same time. The presence of a large number of young ball clusters in M. O. (there is no them in the galaxy), it may mean that their education in the SCU. The disk of the galaxy prevents a spiral density wave, K-paradium can initiate star formation in gas clouds that have not achieved high compression (see).

In each of M. O., ~ 10 3 Cefeyid is known, and the maximum in their distribution in terms of periods is shifted to small periods (compared to cefeta in the galaxy), which can also be explained by less content in the MMO stars of heavy elements. The distribution of Cefeide in the periods of unenochnaco in different parts of M. O., which, in accordance with the dependence, the age period is explained by the difference in the age of massive stars in these areas. The diameter of the regions, in the recent cefeta and clusters have close ages, is 300-900 PCs. Objects in these star complexes are obviously genetically connected with each other - they arose from one gas complex.

In several Sections M. O. Stars of type RR Lyra were studied, swing in BMOs have Wed. Star quantity 19.5 M. With a very small dispersion, which is followed by a small dispersion of their luminosities and a weak absorption of light in BMO. Dust Nebilities In BMOs Found a little (about 70), and only in some areas inside and near the giant zone HII Tarantula (30 gold fish) Absorption reaches 1-2 M.. The ratio of the mass of dust to the mass of gas in the BMO is an order of magnitude less than in the galaxy, and the low content of dust should be reflected on the features of star formation in M. O. Shells in BMO (several dozen) are noticeably larger in size with the same surface brightness that and in the galaxy, the diameters of them, like the ring zones of the NII, reach 200 PCs. There are 9 supergigant HII shells with a diameter OK. 1 PDA. In M. O. The most close relationship with the gas is shown not 0 stars, but. It is also noticed that the areas of star formation in the BMO are, as a rule, in areas with the highest Hi density gradient.

The HII zones, supergiant and planetary nebulae (the latest open 137 in BMO and 47 in the MMO) allow you to determine the center of rotation of the BMO. It is in 1 PDA from his optch. Center. The discrepancy is explained, apparently, the fact that the latter is determined by bright objects, the mass of the to-rye is not yawl. dominant. Rapid rotation and a small dispersion of velocities (about 10 km / s for young objects) indicate a high degree of fuel to the BMO (some astronomers consider the BMO with a spiral galaxy with a massive jumper and weakly pronounced spiral branches). Old ball clusters and, apparently, the stars of the type RR Lyra are also focused on the disk, and not in the Crown of BMO. The originality of the MMO kinematics and a very large superficial density of Cefeid in it can be explained by the fact that the IMO is focused on us by the end of his land. The bodies, while the BMO is seen from the direction, almost perpendicular to the plane of its disk.

A wonderful feature of BMO Yavl. The stars open in it, in the center of K-Roy there is a giant zone of HII (30 golden fish, fig. 2) by the disk. 250 PCs and mass. In the center of the zone there is a compact accumulation of stars of very high luminosity with a total mass (Fig. 3). It is yawl. The youngest of the well-known ball clusters and contains the most massive of young stars. The central object of the cluster is brighter on 2 M. other stars. Apparently, this is a compact group of hot stars, exciting the HII region. For a number of characteristics, the accumulation of 30 gold fish looks like moderately active

Galaxies and planets

Two galaxies are highlighted by the observers of the southern hemisphere of the Earth: large and small magtels clouds. These incorrect galaxies are one of the Milky Way closest to the galaxy. The recent observations of the Big Magellan clouds (left) showed that this galaxy moves around around the circumference around our galaxy. She helped scientists to determine the composition of the dark substance in our galaxy. The photo you see, covers the area in the sky of 40 degrees. From the bottom to the left of the Greater Magellanov clouds are visible a reddish nebula Tarantula. In the foreground to the right of the small Magellanov cloud is a ball cluster of 47 tucan. It looks like a bright point source. Big Magellanovo cloud is located in the constellation of golden fish, his star magnitude slightly exceeds 0. Remote from us by 170,000 light years, this galaxy is an excellent object to observe stars outside our star system. Its size is 40 thousand light years, and the mass of 15 times less than the mass of our galaxy. In this galaxy was the brightest on the luminosity of famous stars - S Golden Fish. This is an asterisk visible from us as a star 6 star magnitude, a million times brighter. And the championship just passed in 1997 to the star Pistol in the constellation Sagittarius. That is 10 times brighter. We will be engaged: the star belongs to the Milky Way. Close to the snapshot. Despite the attitude towards the wrong galaxies, a large magtellane cloud has a structure close to crossed spiral galaxies (see the previous page). In the galaxy there are all those types of stars that are known in the Milky Way. There is one of the brightest among the well-known gas pipelines - the Tarantul Nebula, the area of \u200b\u200bturbulent star formation. If you put it on the place of the Orion nebula, our galactic champion, then the objects of the moonless winter night would throw the shadow. In addition, the Large Magellanovo cloud became famous in the late eighties. It happened here the brightest outbreak observed in the new story (sorry for the pun) - SN 1987a. Despite the distance, at the maximum, the supernova reached a gloss of 2.8. Male Magellanovo cloud 3 times smaller than great and also resembles a crossed spiral galaxy. However, some astronomers directly to those include both Magellanov clouds. The visible stellar magnitude of the small cloud is 2.3. It is located in the constellation Tukanan, which is next to the Golden Fish. Prior to this galaxy, 210,000 light years. Judging by the fact that Magellanov's clouds are immersed in a common gas shell, they are in close gravitational interaction. The mentioned gas medium develops into a very dense jumper between galaxies. Apparently, both stellar systems have to "endure" an even greater gravitational effect on the part of the giant of the Milky Way. Probably, that is why they could not be more spiral. Repeat: if we talk about the wrong galaxies, then the clouds are large representatives of them. All other galaxies close to ours are small, as they say, dwarf elliptic galaxies. The most massive of these dwarfs (NGC205 and NGC221) are Andromeda nebulae satellites. From the wrong call NGC6882 and IC1613. With regard to the fact that weak dwarf galaxies at distances exceeding the remoteness of Andromeda nebula, find it difficult to find that our own galaxy closes a significant part of the areas in space from a full-fledged study, it can be assumed that There is one major galaxy, one average and a dozen three dwarfs (about 25). Such groups of galaxies are called clusters. Of course, galaxies in clusters are associated with gravity and general origin. The cluster in which the Milky Way enters is customary to call the local group (written with a capital letter). The local group includes two subsystems, each of which has one large galaxy (our and the nebula of Andromeda). Each major galaxies have several dwarf satellites. There are some number of single dwarfs that are also in gravitational union with the rest of the local group. The radius of the local group is about 3 million light years.

\u003e Large Magellanovo cloud

Large Magellanovo cloud - Dwarf galaxy and the nearest Milky Way satellite: distance, Golden Fish Constellation, Detection, Birth of Stars, Rotation.

Large Magellanovo Cloud (BMO) is a dwarf galaxy, serving a satellite for the Milky Way (one of the nearest to our planet). Removed for 163,000 light years (between constellations and) and resembles a weak nebula in the southern sphere.

Together with items in honor of Ferdinand Magellan. However, astronomers from the southern hemisphere discovered these phenomena before the world's trip to 1519. Magellan himself died during the trip, but the team left records after returning.

Location of Big Magellan Clouds

The clouds are noticeable to the naked eye, so their detection was ahead of the invention of the telescope. But it took many more centuries to accurately calculate the distance. Until 1994, it was considered the nearest galactic object until the dwarf elliptical galaxy in. But she lasted on the pedestal only until 2003, when they found a dwarf galaxy in a large ps.

Large Magellanovo cloud consists in. The most famous member is (in the northern hemisphere) observed without the use of technology. It is removed at 2.5 million light years and is approaching us for the final collision.

Star formation in a large magtel cloud

The birth of new stars is also noticeable. It was possible to capture huge gas accumulations in some sites, which prepare the conditions for the "birth".

In the Tarantula nebula, signs of activity and radiation were noticed. This showed that thousands of massive stars focused in the central part, which blown out the material and create intensive radiation with powerful winds. You can admire the galaxy stars Large Magellanovo cloud in the photo.

A young star group in a large magtel cloud is displayed in the picture.

A small zone of the formation of stars is located on the LHA 120-N 11 plot. It is located far from the plane, but this distance is enough to study "newborns". Moreover, the area is turned "face", which only simplifies observation.

Rotation of Big Magellan Clouds

A small distance from the Earth also helped learn a large magtel cloud more detailed to realize the model of behavior of other galaxies. It is worth paying attention to the rotation, which contributes to the understanding of the internal structure of disk galaxies. If we have the speed of rotation, then you can calculate the mass.

The Rotation of BMO takes 250 million years. This was found through the tracking of star movement relative to the celestial plane (for the first time this method was applied to the galaxy). If you have a similar experiment on small, you can find out how they move, and then apply this scheme and other objects in the local group.