Where can you study to be a pharmacist. Distance education for pharmacists


Pharmacist training can take several forms: full-time and part-time. Each of them has its own pros and cons.

You can get a pharmacist education by correspondence at a college or higher education institution. Let's find out what kind of education to prefer and where you can get training as a pharmacist by correspondence.

Part-time education of a pharmacist

To enter the correspondence department, a pharmacist may already have a secondary specialized education, anyone who already has a job, but wants to continue their education, can. The essence of such an educational program is as follows: a student attends classes during his free time from work, i.e. if the work schedule is in shifts, then it is quite realistic to implement. A synonym is evening education. This is how it differs from the fully correspondence education of pharmacists, when students appear at the faculty only during the crediting week and session, while at work they receive paid study leave.

This type of educational activity has its advantages:

  • you can combine study with work, earn your work experience and earn your living (this is especially true for those who do not have relatives, or who have low-income families and are unable to help a student);
  • no need to attend all lectures and practical classes, the student chooses the time for training for himself. The fact that working students will be treated condescendingly during tests or sessions is still a big question, it all depends on the specific teacher (for some, even a student's apparent pregnancy is not a reason not to fail her on the exam if she does not know the material on the subject);
  • the level of expenses during training decreases, while the student is quite capable of paying for his own studies;
  • while studying and working, you can practically try all the knowledge you gain, thus gaining invaluable experience, which is impossible to get when you are engaged only in theory.

What are the disadvantages of a correspondence course for pharmacists?

Don't just think about the pros. Distance learning of pharmacists also has disadvantages:

  • a smaller volume of the studied material draws a smaller volume of knowledge, therefore, they will not be as deep and complete as in full-time education. And if the student does not work in his specialty, then the level of knowledge obtained may generally be superficial;
  • not all employers accept a distance learning diploma, as a rule, preference is given to a full-time educational program;
  • training always takes place on a commercial basis, with the exception of part-time.

As a pharmacist, full-time and distance learning will be preferable for those who already have a diploma of secondary specialized education.

Where are pharmacists trained by correspondence?

For the pharmacist correspondence course Moscow provides for this several higher educational institutions, as well as secondary specialized ones.

If you want to get skills in this specialty quickly and painlessly, then you can go to a pharmaceutical college. They are taken there after the end of the ninth or eleventh grade, part-time education is possible. After graduating from college, the student receives a certificate as a pharmacist and can easily get a job at a pharmacy.

Where are they taught to be a pharmacist by correspondence? Of course, in a higher educational institution, where you can enter both after the eleventh grade, and after graduating from the college of pharmacy. Higher pharmaceutical education is provided by chemical-pharmaceutical academies or pharmaceutical faculties of medical institutes or universities. After graduation, you can get the specialty of a pharmacist, which opens up broader prospects in terms of work.

Learning to be a pharmacist by correspondence requires a longer time than full-time education, but not by much. If we talk about the university, then it will be 5.5 years, instead of five in full-time education.

For admission to the part-time form, you also need to take entrance exams (Russian, chemistry, biology, and in some institutes and physics). The package of documents that are submitted to the admissions office must include a school certificate, a policy of compulsory medical insurance, a certificate from a polyclinic about the possibility of training, a passport, photographs, a certificate from the place of work. The entrance examinations begin in the month of July, after the end of the school exams. And admission to the faculty takes place in the second half of August, when everyone who wishes has already passed the entrance exams.

At the present time, distance education is not something bad or substandard. But unlike the full-time form of study, when daily classes, lectures and seminars discipline the student, in the part-time form of study, self-discipline should be well developed. To come home after work, there was enough willpower to sit down at the textbooks, and not study them on the last night before the test or exam. And not everyone can do it, alas.

Pharmacist (from Latin provisor - caring in advance, procurement, Greek pharmakeutes - preparing medicines.) is a highly qualified pharmacist who has the right to independent pharmaceutical work (manufacture of medicines) and to manage a pharmacy. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in chemistry and biology (see choosing a profession by interest in school subjects).

The rank of a pharmacist corresponds to the level of qualification of a doctor.

Pharmacist graduated from college or technical school (secondary vocational education) can work assistant pharmacist: make some forms of drugs, dispense drugs and run a pharmacy in the absence of a specialist with a higher education.

Features of the profession

The most common name for a pharmacist or his assistant is a pharmacist. However, the pharmacy does not cover the whole variety of this profession.

Pharmacy is a complex of scientific and practical disciplines engaged in the development of medicines, the search for natural sources of medicinal substances, research of these substances, issues of storage, manufacturing, dispensing and marketing.

Pharmacy relies on data from pharmacology, a biomedical science that studies medicinal substances and their effect on the body.

A pharmacist must have a higher pharmaceutical education, as well as a certificate in one of the specializations:

  • management and economics of pharmacy;
  • pharmaceutical technology and pharmaceutical chemistry;
  • pharmacognosy (the pharmaceutical science of medicinal products obtained from medicinal plant and animal raw materials).

A graduate of the Faculty of Pharmacy, who does not have a certificate, can engage in pharmacy only under the supervision of qualified pharmacists. To obtain a certificate, training in postgraduate professional education programs, an internship are required.

The organization of the wholesale trade in medicines, the control of the work of pharmacies is carried out by a pharmacist specializing in management and economics. He can also, with the help of chemical analysis, check the quality of some medicines, raw materials received at the pharmacy or at the pharmacy warehouse. A pharmacist specializing in technology and chemistry can independently manufacture medicines. He is guided by the recipe that the doctor prescribed to the patient: he takes the required amount of medicines and excipients specified in the recipe, grinds the components or dissolves them in water (or alcohol), mixes, combines with a base (for example, ointment). The finished medicine is packaged in separate doses, prepares documents and a label.

Pharmacognosts are engaged in the organization and analysis of medicinal plants and animal raw materials (for example, snake and bee venom, placenta, etc.).

Medicines safety specialist

Pharmacy is different from pharmaceuticals. Than?

Pharmaceuticals is an applied discipline dedicated to the production process. In other words, this is the industrial direction of pharmacy. The traditional method of pharmacy is the manual preparation of medicines (in a pharmacy or laboratory at a medical institution). Pharmaceuticals are their mass (industrial) production.

Personal skill in mass production is not as important as in manual work. The industry uses the most unified technologies.

If you examine the contents of two ampoules of the same medicine, but released in the factory in different months or even years, then you can make sure that they do not differ from each other. The point is in the invariability of the technological process.


Pharmacists work in pharmacies and research institutes (development of new drugs), in pharmaceutical factories, in the procurement departments of factories (collection and processing of medicinal plants), in pharmacy warehouses and in analytical laboratories of regulatory authorities. And also in organizations engaged in the wholesale of medical products.

Possible positions: pharmacist of a pharmacy or pharmacy warehouse, researcher, developer, organizer of raw materials procurement, analyst of the quality of drugs and raw materials, licensing and certification specialist, sales manager, marketing specialist of the pharmaceutical market, etc.

Pharmacist salary

Salary for 03/23/2020

Russia 21500-55000 ₽

Moscow 40,000—90,000 ₽

Training for a Pharmacist (pharmacist)

The Medical University of Innovation and Development (MUID) provides services for professional retraining and advanced training (certification cycle) on the basis of higher or secondary medical education in the direction in the format of part-time education using distance technologies. Graduates of the courses are issued certificates, diplomas, certificates.

Knowledge of Latin is obligatory.

Working in the pharmaceutical industry requires knowledge of modern pharmaceutical equipment, principles of clean zones, global GMP standards and the basics of biotechnological production.

To organize a pharmacy, production, wholesale trade in medicines, it is not necessary to know all the intricacies of the technological process, but it is absolutely necessary to know the market conditions for medical products, have knowledge of marketing, understand the legal laws regulating the trade and production of drugs, and be able to draw up contracts and agreements. When working with foreign partners, knowledge of a foreign language is required.

Pharmacist or Pharmacologist? Or a pharmacist? How is it correct? Or maybe these are different concepts? In this article, we will understand the unity and differences of these specialties. And also we will analyze in detail who this is - a pharmacologist. Consider the field of activity of a specialist, features of his education, responsibilities and much more.

Who is it?

Let's start with the definition. A pharmacologist is a medical specialist: a scientist engaged in theoretical research, drug development, formulation and dosage. Consider another popular question. Who is the clinical pharmacologist? This is the name of a specialist who conducts his practice in a medical institution, helping his patients to fight diseases and pathologies.

The field of activity is pharmacology. This is the name of the science of medicines, their areas of application, properties and effects (main and secondary) on the human body. It has many subsections and categories: pharmacology, neuropharmacology, pharmacogenetics, psychopharmacology, pharmacogenomics, etc.

So you and I have decided who this is - a pharmacologist. Let us now establish the key differences between him and the clinical specialist, pharmacist and pharmacist.

Pharmacologist: two areas of activity

We continue to analyze the specialty. The profession of a pharmacologist means a specialist with a higher medical education. He is directly involved in scientific development, conducting experiments and research, experiments, testing of drugs and drugs being developed. It is the pharmacologist who creates new medicines, draws up instructions for their use - the required dosage, treatment regimen, indications, contraindications, etc.

What about a clinical pharmacologist? This is a practicing physician with a higher medical education. The place of his activity is clinics, polyclinics. The main task of this specialist is to help other health care workers find the right drug for the treatment of patients. The second function is to advise patients directly on the properties and dosage of medications.

Let us move from a pharmacologist to related professions.


This is a specialist who also has a higher pharmacological education. The training of pharmacists is carried out on the basis of two types of universities - medical and pharmaceutical.

What is his field of activity? The pharmacist has the right to manage a pharmacy, as well as to conduct independent pharmaceutical activities. His competence extends to the assessment of medicines, the assignment of the cost to medicines. It is pharmacists who issue licenses to pharmacies.

Let's note an important point. A pharmacist, unlike a clinical pharmacologist, is not a doctor. He does not have the right to carry out medical activities, advise clients of a pharmacy about the use of certain drugs.


What is the difference between a pharmacist and a clinical pharmacologist? This specialist has not a higher, but a secondary medical education. It is the lowest level among all the listed specialties. In addition, applicants who do not have a medical education at all are allowed to work in pharmacy stores and kiosks.

The pharmacist is obliged to navigate the range of medicines available at the pharmacy. He must also be able to select an analogue of the required medication for the client, to manufacture the medication according to the doctor's prescription.

Similarly to a pharmacist, pharmacists have no right to carry out medical activities. And also I can not advise clients about the reception, dosage of medicines.

Pharmacological education

A pharmacologist is a medical worker who has a higher professional education in his field. The training course for such specialists is divided into two stages:

The main tasks of a specialist in the workplace

The main work functions of a pharmacologist are as follows:

  • Analysis, accounting, systematization of medicines available to a medical institution.
  • Consulting patients and visitors of the clinic who are not undergoing treatment in it. Recommendations for conservative therapy of narrow specialization, with complications and side effects caused by taking medications.
  • Help fellow physicians develop the most effective and safest drug regimen.

Job responsibilities of a specialist

Now the reader will not get confused in the listed related, but in many ways different professions. We pass to the job description of the pharmacologist. First of all, we note the important features of his activities:

Basic Pharmacology Skills

One of the important conditions for hiring a consultant pharmacologist is not only a higher medical education in their specialty, but also the possession of basic skills that characterize any doctor. This is the following:

  • Providing first emergency medical aid.
  • Methods for examining internal systems and organs.
  • Methods for relieving pain in patients.
  • Assessment of the interaction of various drugs with each other.
  • Intensive care skills.
  • Rendering resuscitation assistance in the conditions of natural and man-made disasters, road traffic accidents, mass casualties of citizens.

Place of work of a specialist

The range of medical institutions where pharmacologists in Russia can work is wide. These are polyclinics and family medicine centers, private clinics and public hospitals. The role of these specialists in recent institutions is especially important. Unfortunately, Russian hospitals are not always fully provided with a drug base. It is the pharmacologist who can raise the issue of the need to purchase certain types of medicines.

In a hospital or polyclinic, a specialist must keep a record of all drugs under his jurisdiction, analyze the statistics of their use, as well as the effectiveness of their use. Often, his job responsibilities include making a fundamental decision - which pharmaceutical companies should cooperate with, where to buy drugs.

As we have already said, a pharmacologist in a medical institution can also advise patients about the use of certain medications. But with a caveat - his recommendations should be only within the framework of the course of conservative therapy planned by the attending physician.

Interaction with colleagues and patients

Working as a pharmacologist is indirectly involved in the treatment of patients. His colleagues (attending physicians) establish a diagnosis, develop a therapeutic course. The pharmacologist helps to prescribe the correct dosage of drugs, to clarify the direction of the activity of the active ingredients. He can advise on the compatibility of drugs, side effects from their use, the duration of the course, etc. His job description will also include patient consultation.

Specialists of a wide variety of profiles, from psychiatrists to surgeons, turn to a pharmacologist in a hospital setting. The same can be said for patients. People suffering from a variety of diseases and pathologies come to a specialist for consultation. Hence we can conclude that the field of activity of a specialist is unusually wide.

Area of \u200b\u200badvisory activities

Let's take a closer look at what diseases or pathologies a pharmacologist can give an effective recommendation for. These are dysfunctions and diseases:

In what cases do they turn to a specialist?

Any patient can get a consultation with a clinical pharmacologist. At the same time, he does not have to undergo treatment under the supervision of a doctor of a medical institution. Of course, it is easier for a pharmacologist to work with those patients who have a referral from a doctor, a prescription with prescribed medications. In this case, a specialist can adjust the dosage, choose an analogue of the medication.

However, a pharmacologist has no right to draw up a conservative treatment regimen! Therefore, for those undergoing treatment on their own, he only talks about the effect of certain drugs, their dosage. From here, it is best to contact a pharmacologist after diagnosing a disease, prescribing a treatment regimen.

Before visiting a specialist, it is also not necessary to take tests or undergo other research procedures. The pharmacologist also does not send for diagnosis. It should be understood that a specialist not only cannot prescribe treatment, but also does not bear any responsibility for consultations that are not within his competence.

A pharmacologist is an interesting and responsible specialty, the "elder brother" of a pharmacist and pharmacist. A specialist can work both in a scientific, experimental institution (work on new drugs, treatment regimens, conduct relevant research and experiments), and in a medical organization (advise patients and doctors within the prescribed drug treatment regimen).

Duties of the pharmacist:

  • quality control of medicines;
  • admission to implementation;
  • sometimes customer service is at the first table.

In private pharmacies, a person with a higher pharmaceutical education can perform several functions. This is due to the savings of the pharmacy owner of funds for salary payments.

It is not the responsibility of a pharmacist to recommend medicines for purchase. He can advise clients on the properties of drugs and side effects, the availability of a particular drug. The prescription and recommendations are given by the attending physician.

The pharmacist has the right to run his own business, he can manage the pharmacy on his own. In this case, you must have a certificate.

What gives a correspondence pharmaceutical education

Higher pharmaceutical education gives the right to work as a manager of a pharmacy. His responsibilities may also include serving visitors and displaying goods.

In addition to special subjects, a pharmacist at a university studies ways to promote goods, the laws of a market economy. This justifies itself in the work, since, in addition to the standard set of drugs, new items often appear that require introduction on the market. In medical and pharmaceutical holdings, there are also pharmacists who are involved in the verification and advertising of drugs. There is not enough secondary education for such work, and the employer is interested in first-class specialists with higher education.

The profession of a pharmacist is very promising:

  • an increase in the number of diseases among the population and, at the same time, the need for medicines;
  • the pharmaceutical industry is the richest industry in the world;
  • new pharmacies are constantly opening, a lot of work;
  • opportunity for career growth;
  • good financial support of the profession.

Learning this profession by correspondence allows you to simultaneously work in your specialty and gain experience. The more work experience, the higher the qualifications. The term of study at the correspondence department is only six months longer than at full-time.

In addition to a pharmacy, a pharmacist or pharmacist can work in a drug manufacturing factory. Another activity is analytical work. It involves studying the demand for drugs in the region and ordering the appropriate amount of drugs.

The basic subject of pharmacists is chemistry, both organic and inorganic. And everything connected with it: formulas, processes, transformation and interaction of substances.

Pharmacist training in Russia

You can graduate from a university in absentia with a specialization in “Pharmacist”, courses of pharmacists, if you have a diploma of secondary medical education. Educational institutions accept students for the second higher, distance and correspondence education.

In Russia, you can enter any medical university in which there are two types of specialty: distance learning and part-time. Diplomas do not differ - after distance learning, the graduate receives a document confirming the completion of the correspondence department.

There are academies or universities that specialize exclusively in the training of pharmacists. This is the Perm and Pyatigorsk academies. There are forums and websites of these educational institutions on the Internet, where you can get all the information of interest. Moscow universities provide many opportunities for part-time students. Given the difficult financial situation and the need to work on the job, Moscow universities facilitate the submission of documents to applicants. This can be done on the Pharmacists' Distance Learning website.

Pharmacist training abroad

In foreign universities, it is also possible to obtain a specialty of a pharmacist by correspondence. But this requires knowledge of a foreign language. Moscow universities that cooperate with foreign educational institutions offer programs and internships for Russian students. Such possibilities should be clarified before admission. Studying abroad will be more expensive and will require more energy and attention from the student to the learning process.

What you need to enter the correspondence department

Persons who have a secondary specialized education in the specialty of a pharmacist are given a diploma to the admissions office. When applying for a remote form, personal presence when submitting documents may not be required.

  1. How much does the tuition cost and does the price change from year to year due to inflation?
  2. Do I need to come to the session or can I submit my academic debt over the Internet?
  3. Is it possible to graduate early and how will this affect the tuition fees?
  4. How often do you keep in touch with teachers and is there an individual curator?
  5. Is there access to foreign universities and what needs to be done to enter there?
  6. Does the university help to find employment for its graduates?

If the applicant does not have a secondary specialized education, then a certificate and USE results are required.

There are budget places and paid education. The competition for free distance education of pharmacists is very large - up to 10 people per place. It is much easier to enter the correspondence faculty.

Distance learning courses for pharmacists

Anyone who has a diploma from a medical college or university can obtain additional pharmaceutical education. After completing the courses, one can acquire a specialty as a drug retailer or sports pharmacist.

Apply to Top Distance Learning Institutions

If you decide to study to be a specialist in the pharmaceutical industry, then you need to know that you can get the profession of a pharmacist by graduating from college or school. But for the sake of a pharmacist diploma, you will have to graduate from a higher educational institution. The difference is that the pharmacist has the right, immediately after graduation, to occupy leadership positions, for example, to be the head of a pharmacy. A pharmacist will be able to conduct independent pharmaceutical work, including managing a pharmacy, only if he has more than 3 years of work experience.

Currently, one college and several universities conduct training in the specialty "Pharmacy" in Moscow. We have prepared an overview of the conditions for admission in 2016 to each of them.

The Moscow State Educational Complex offers a diploma in the specialty "Pharmacy", accepting documents from graduates of the 9th and 11th grades. In the educational complex there is an opportunity to undergo training for a period of 1 year in full-time and part-time form (in case you already have a medical education, the educational complex rereads most of the subjects). As a result of the training, graduates receive a state diploma of secondary vocational education and a specialist certificate. Tuition fees in 2016/2017 will amount to 70,000 rubles per year for those who apply before June 1. For the rest, the cost will be increased to 100,000 rubles per year.

A number of Moscow universities also offer training in pharmaceuticals. For example, there is a Faculty of Pharmacy. Currently, it trains specialists in higher education programs in the following areas: Pharmacy, Biotechnology, Medical Biological Physics, Medical Biological Chemistry, Bioengineering and Bioinformatics. The admission plan for the specialty "Pharmacy" is 200 people for full-time education for a period of 5 years. Graduates are awarded the qualification "Pharmacist". The cost of training for the first year is 210,000 rubles.

In the direction of "Pharmacy" provided 15 budget and 120 paid places. Full-time education takes 5 years. The annual payment is 179,200 rubles for the 2016/2017 academic year. In 2016, electronic submission of documents is envisaged.

If you decide to go to study as a pharmacist, you need to know: upon admission to the specialty "Pharmacy", applicants undergo mandatory preliminary medical examinations (examinations).

The learning process at any university is associated with the need for several types of practice. Each time the student has to draw up a report that must meet a number of requirements.

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