If the sun is gone. What will happen to the Earth if the sun goes out

Let's assume that in an instant our star suddenly disappeared into nowhere. Perhaps it went out or fell into a black hole - it doesn't matter, but the only important thing is that it is no longer there. We will try to explain to you what will happen to the Earth if the Sun disappears.

One day passed. An ordinary night has fallen on Earth, only the Moon is not visible due to the fact that it no longer reflects the sun's rays from itself. Only the stars shine sadly in the darkness.

Nine days passed. The ambient temperature on Earth tends to be the same everywhere, both in Africa and at the North Pole.

Twenty days have passed. Absolutely all lakes, rivers, seas are bound by an ice crust.

Twenty-seven days have passed. At the equator -18 degrees Celsius, as well as in other parts of the globe.

Sixty-five days have passed. On Earth -50 degrees Celsius, the temperature is constantly dropping. 75% of living organisms died.

Six years have passed. Our planet is moving in the former orbit of Pluto, because with the disappearance of the Sun, the center of gravity of our solar system also disappeared, because of this, all the planets scattered in all directions.

Ten years have passed. The earth is like a big freezer. The temperature has already dropped to -125 degrees Celsius and 98% of living organisms have died.

Sixty years later, the entire planet was completely frozen with ice, the depths of the oceans froze, the Earth plunged into cryogenic sleep and plowed space without any hope of any salvation.

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The sun is the center of the solar system, and if it suddenly disappears, cold and darkness are far from the most serious problems that humanity will have to face.

After 8 minutes after the disappearance of the Sun, all the planets of the Solar System will cease to rotate in their orbits (no Sun - no gravitational attraction) and begin to move in a straight line through space until they fall into the gravitational field of another massive body.

After 10 minutes The earth will plunge into darkness. The fact is that sunlight takes nine minutes to reach our planet. Accordingly, in nine minutes we will receive the last portion of light, which was already on its way at the time of the disappearance of the Sun. At the same time, humanity will cease to see the Moon, since now it is visible due to the fact that the Sun is reflected from it. At the same time, it will be possible to see the stars, because they are sources of light for themselves.

In a few days the extinction of microorganisms will begin, most of the bacteria will die. Without the Sun, only microorganisms living in the earth's crust can survive, since they will be heated by the core of the planet.

A month later the only chance for human survival will be life in submarines, in the deepest and warmest parts of the ocean, or in a completely isolated habitat on land.

In a few weeks photosynthesis will stop, but there will be enough oxygen for some more time. All animals will die with the exception of scavengers, which will live longer by feeding on deceased individuals.

After two months the temperature on Earth will drop to -123˚С and the surface of the World Ocean will freeze. Only species that live in the deep layers of the ocean will survive. At the same time, the main water column will remain in liquid form for thousands of years, since it will be protected by an ice cover.

After a few decades only large trees will remain on the planet, which are able to exist for some time without photosynthesis.

Probably every person living on the planet earth, at least once thought about the question - what will happen if the Sun goes out?

A cup of hot coffee in the refrigerator does not cool down instantly.
In the same way, if the Sun is actually physically impossible, then the Earth, in comparison with the surrounding space, will remain hot for several million years. But this does not mean that people will not feel a certain coldness after a few days.

Brief layout of events: the disappearance of the Sun. Scenario 1:

1 day... Naturally, on the first day of life without the Sun, the Earth will look as if night has come. True, without the Moon, since now it will not be able to reflect sunlight.

Later 7 days after such a catastrophe (which simply cannot happen physically), the global temperature of the planet Earth's surface will fall below 17 degrees C. It will be simply impossible not to feel it.

Already on Day 9 the temperature across the planet will completely equalize. It will be the same at the North Pole and in Nigeria, Australia and Greenland.

Day 20.Due to the fact that there is no one to warm the planet, all water bodies (rivers, lakes, seas) will be completely covered with ice. Absolutely everything will freeze.

Day 27. The temperature even at the equator will reach - 40 C. However, as elsewhere.

Day 65. The temperature on the planet will reach - 60 C. Life on the planet has long ceased. At this temperature, it's not surprising that the upper layers of the oceans will be covered with ice. But it is thanks to the ice that the water in the depths of the oceans will not freeze for hundreds of thousands of years.

6 years... The Earth will be in the orbit of Pluto, because now, without a center of gravity, it cannot stay in orbit and will simply fly away from the solar system.

10 years... The temperature of the planet will reach - 130 C.

Famed planetary science professor David Stevesnson, who has been at Caltech for a long time, shared his views on the matter. According to him, if such a catastrophe occurs, then in a few million years the temperature of the Earth's surface will reach a stable level of - 160 degrees C, at which the heat that comes from the planet's core will be equal to the heat that it radiates into space. In the event of the "extinction" of the Sun, life on our planet will stop quickly enough, but some microorganisms will still survive. In a few weeks, more than 98% of the plants will die, as photosynthesis stops.

According to scientists, since large trees have a large supply of sucrose, they can survive for several years. Of course, people can stay in submarines in warm and deep parts of the ocean, but according to scientists, the option with an atomic and geothermal habitat would look preferable. The best place to live for people will be Iceland, where almost 90% of the population is now heating their homes using geothermal energy. According to astronomy professor Eric Blackman, humans will be able to harness volcanic heat for several hundred years.

But as you know, not only the heat that the sun emits is important for our planet. It also keeps our planet in orbit. And if suddenly the Sun evaporates (this can only happen in fantasy), then the Earth will simply fly through space and it is likely that it will soon collide with some other planet.

Of course, the sun doesn't just heat the Earth, it also keeps it in orbit. If its mass suddenly disappears, which, in principle, is impossible, then our planet will simply fly like a balloon that has been inflated to the limit and abruptly released from the hands.

Brief layout of events: the increase of the Sun as a natural evolution of the star. Scenario 2:

The sun will not die as a result of the explosion, it will change gradually until it is destroyed.
As it will be?

In about 1,100,000,000 years, the Sun will begin to change. As the hydrogen fuel in the core will be used up, combustion will occur mainly at the surface, which will cause the star to shine much brighter, and the increased radiation will have a devastating effect on our planet. The average surface temperature of the Earth will rise to about 75 degrees C.

The oceans will evaporate and the planet will become a lifeless desert. When the sun uses all of its hydrogen to create energy, it will convert it to helium, and eventually, the helium will become much larger. Helium is an unstable element, so it will begin to break down.

The core of the Sun will become even denser and hotter, the star will increase in volume by 1.5 times and become twice as bright as it is now. Over the next 700,000,000 years, it will continue to grow, and after that it will cool down a little. From the desolate surface of the Earth, the Sun will appear as a huge orange ball hanging in a hazy sky.

At the age of about 1,200,000,000 years, the Sun will lose about a quarter of its mass, and then the orbits of the planets will change: Venus will be in approximately the same orbit where the Earth is now, and the Earth itself will move even further

Eventually, the Sun will turn into a red giant, expanding about 166 times, and its corona will reach where the Earth's orbit used to be.

Mercury and Venus by this moment will already be absorbed by the star.

On Earth, mountains will melt and flow, and colossal incandescent streams and seas of lava will form.

The huge red Sun will eclipse half of the sky, the inner planets will inevitably perish, and life may arise on distant worlds. For example, the ice of Jupiter's moon Europa will melt, and Pluto will finally have enough sunlight and heat.

When the sun reaches its maximum size, its core will heat up to a temperature of 100,000,000 degrees C, and this will cause the synthesis of helium. Helium atoms will begin to disintegrate, a colossal amount of energy will be released. The sun will again begin to decrease in size, although it will never reach the original one. This will continue for the next 110,000,000 years. After that, as a result of a nuclear reaction, new elements oxygen and carbon will appear. When enough of them accumulate in the core of the Sun, it will double in size again.

Finally, a helium core will remain again, carbon and oxygen will be destroyed, but there will be enough energy to start the death itself.

The sun will steadily increase in size until there is no more helium and hydrogen left. It will become 180 times larger and thousands of times brighter than it is now. A huge amount of matter will be thrown into space, and almost half of the mass will be lost. The inner planets will by then be nothing more than a memory

The thin shell of the remaining helium surrounding the carbon-oxygen core will be unstable, and the Sun will begin to pulsate, losing more and more mass with each pulse, until only the core, a sphere about the size of the Earth, remains. It will be very hot, but it's just residual heat. The core will get colder until it cools down completely

Many people cannot even imagine what will happen if the Sun suddenly takes over and disappears. However, this question is not as stupid as it sounds. At least Albert Einstein himself was puzzled by this thought experiment. Based on his calculations, we will try to tell you what actually happens to the Earth if the Sun goes out.


Before Einstein asked the question, scientists believed that gravity changes instantly. The disappearance of the Sun would instantly scatter all eight planets across the dark depths of the galaxy. But Einstein proved that the speed of light and the speed of gravity propagate at the same time, which means that we will enjoy ordinary life for another eight minutes before we realize the disappearance of the Sun. Our planet will go out of orbit and, most likely, will begin to be attracted to some other planet of greater mass, for example, to Jupiter.

Eternal night

The sun may just go out. In this case, humanity will not be left in complete darkness. The stars will still shine, factories will work in the polar night - in constant darkness. There will be no moonlight either, since the Moon only reflects the light of the Sun. Most plants will die within a few days - but that's not what should worry us the most. The average temperature of the Earth will drop to -17 degrees Celsius in a week. By the end of the first year, a new ice age will begin. Gradually, the air will turn into a liquid nitrogen ocean, all the water will freeze, the land will freeze over.

Remnants of life

Of course, most of life on Earth will cease to exist. In less than a month, almost all plants will die. Large trees will be able to survive for several more years, as they have large reserves of nutritious sucrose. However, it will be difficult for them to do this in the face of a global decrease in temperature. Perhaps some deep-sea plants and animals, as well as microorganisms, will be able to live for quite a long time - so, formally, life on Earth will be preserved.

Human survival

What will happen to the person? Perhaps we can use volcanic heat to heat homes and for industrial purposes, like the people of Iceland. They are already heating houses there with geothermal energy. However, it is very difficult to imagine life without oxygen, which is formed during the photosynthesis of plants. It will also be difficult to live without plant food, and soon without animals. Without sunlight, the psyche of people will also seriously suffer, and without ultraviolet - the human body.

Endless journey

If the Sun not only extinguishes, but also disappears, then the Earth will leave its orbit. Unfortunately, this will not end very well for us: the slightest collision with another object will cause huge destruction. At best, if we miraculously manage to avoid collisions, the Earth may well find itself a new star and enter a new orbit. However, this will happen after a huge amount of time and humanity is unlikely to witness this unlikely event.

This is only a small part of the possible development of events in the event of the disappearance of the Sun, but even this is enough to start truly appreciate our star and be grateful to her for everything she gives us!

Probably every person living on the planet earth, at least once thought about the question - what will happen if the sun goes out? Oddly enough, our planet will remain warm for several million years in comparison with the surrounding space, but this does not mean that people will not feel a certain coldness in a few days.

According to scientists, seven days after such a catastrophe (which simply cannot happen physically), the global surface temperature of planet Earth will fall below seventeen degrees Celsius. It will be simply impossible not to feel it. But after a year, the surface temperature will drop to minus forty degrees. At this temperature, it's not surprising that the upper layers of the oceans will be covered with ice. But it is thanks to the ice that the water in the depths of the oceans will not freeze for hundreds of thousands of years.

Famed planetary science professor David Stevesnson, who has been at Caltech for a long time, shared his views on the matter. According to him, if such a catastrophe occurs, then in a few million years the temperature of the Earth's surface will reach a stable level of minus 160 degrees Celsius, at which the heat that comes from the planet's core will be equal to the heat that it radiates into space.

In the event of the “extinction” of the sun, life on our planet will stop quickly enough, but some microorganisms will still survive. In a few weeks, more than 98% of the plants will die, as photosynthesis stops. According to scientists, since large trees have a large supply of sucrose, they can survive for several years. Of course, people can stay in submarines in warm and deep parts of the ocean, but according to scientists, the option with an atomic and geothermal habitat would look preferable.

The best place to live for people will be Iceland, where almost ninety percent of the population is already heating their homes with geothermal energy. According to astronomy professor Eric Blackman, humans will be able to harness volcanic heat for several hundred years.

But as you know, not only the heat that the sun emits is important for our planet. It also keeps our planet in orbit. And if suddenly the sun evaporates (this can only happen in fantasy), then the planet Earth will simply fly through space and it is likely that it will soon collide with some other planet.

Of course, the sun doesn't just heat the Earth, it also keeps it in orbit. If its mass suddenly disappears, which, in principle, is impossible, then our planet will simply fly like a ball that has been inflated to the limit and abruptly released from the hands.