Ege and Oge entail massive violations of the rights of teachers. Corruption and Internet interfere with honest examinations Do they go to toilets during exam

The most important people on Unified State Exam - these are, of course, those who pass it, - uSE participants... They are required to arrive without delay at PPE with passport, hand over all gadgets accompanying or leave it in a room for storing personal belongings, and then follow the instructions of the organizers. Of course, highly desirable well prepare for the exam, including psychologically. However, if a graduate has studied open bank of exam tasks, he has nothing to fear. Please note that if you are late, you will be admitted to the exam, but the time for completing the exam paper will not be extended for a second.

On entrance to the PPE of the USE participants meets the responsible organizer outside the audiencetogether with head of PPE... Please note that the staff of the school where the PPE, including its director, cannot be pPE leadersnor by the organizers at the exam... Otherwise it violation of the procedure for holding the exam... The job responsibilities organizers outside the audience and pPE leaders, as well as police representatives, personal search is not included participants of the exam... This means that students may be asked to hand over their communications equipment if they are found, but they have no right not only to search, but even to ask them to turn out their pockets or open their jackets. You will not be admitted to the exam only if refusal to hand over electronic devices or reference materials by issuing a waiver with the appropriate act.

Unfortunately, when I was my escort, I happened to observe the ugly scene of the search of children by the director of the school where the exam was taking place. She patted them, probed the linings, reached into the pockets, while I was struck by the submissiveness with which the boys and girls obeyed her. When I asked on what basis she was doing this, and said that no one would touch the children from our school, she was taken aback. The police officer immediately pretended that it was terribly important for her to see something tiny at the other end of the corridor, and sEC representative quietly and instantly disappeared from sight. Don't be afraid to stand up for your rights. If something like this happens to you, I recommend that you tell your parents so that they immediately call uSE hotline in the region... After my call, the searches stopped. True, I am more accompanying were not appointed, but that's a completely different story.

Audience organizers - the most important people for participants of the exam: they are the ones who ensure that the exam procedure is followed. The organizers cannot be teachers of the subject to be passed, as well as teaching staff of the school in which PPE... They give it out Kim and pack Unified State Exam Answer Forms, read out instruction for the participant of the exam, draw up on the board sample registration fields of the registration form for the USE participant, remind you of the end time of the exam.

After distribution Kimthe organizers are not allowed to walk around the auditorium, take out examination materials and drafts from it, make any notes and answer questions from examinees, including those concerning the exam procedure. They are forbidden to have with them not only means of communication and photo or video filming, but even fiction.

Public observers - these are people who want to personally control the course of the exam or consideration appeals of disagreement with the results of the exam... To do this, they submit an application in the prescribed form and are accredited. Public observers can freely move around PPE, check the premises PPEand also be present in the classroom during the exam. In this case, they are forbidden to walk around the audience, to come into contact with participants of the exam and organizersas well as distract them in any way. Of course, they shouldn't have any gadgets with them either.

Floor attendants appointed from among the support staff of the school. In duties floor attendants includes an escort to the toilet and, if necessary, to the first-aid post, while going to the toilet and check what is busy there uSE participant, they are not eligible. Sometimes this is done under the pretext that there may be cribs in the toilet. In this case, I recommend that you answer that you can put something in the toilet only with the guidance of the headmaster of the school where PPE, and that you will certainly tell about such an assumption by the USE hotline.

Technicians and such an important person as member of the GECState Examination Commission... It has the responsibility to monitor compliance with order of the exam and take from uSE participants an appeal for violation of this order... You need to know that after going beyond PPE this kind of appeal will not be accepted.

The most important thing is that they are prescribed for all adults during the exam -

Apparently, the final certification of schoolchildren in the new format - the single and main state exams (USE and OGE) - has taken root and every year finds an increasing number of supporters. The content of the exams is improving, teachers and children for the most part are now devoid of those fears that accompanied the USE initially, the positive results of the reform to ensure transparent and equal conditions for graduates when entering higher educational institutions are obvious. However, the problems associated with the involvement of teachers in the organization of examinations are still hushed up. Although our ears were buzzing about "living by the law," in this case, it seems, the state proceeds from the concepts and, first of all, about the diligence and conscientiousness of the Russian teacher, which are very convenient for covering up state carelessness and shamelessness.

Let's start with the fact that the involvement of teachers at the final exams as a watchdog in classrooms and corridors has nothing to do with their functionality. Since on the day of the exam, teachers of this subject and these students cannot be at the reception center (PPE), most often primary school teachers are involved in the exam and OGE. Why on earth should primary school teachers read instructions, watch out for the absence of mobile phones and cheat sheets, escort graduates to the toilet, sit blankly for hours under CCTV cameras, etc.? There is only one explanation - they do not need to pay extra. Indeed, for greater objectivity, it would be necessary to create special audiences outside of schools, to recruit organizers from among outsiders, but this would entail significant costs. Why, when this role on a voluntary-compulsory basis can be shouldered by school teachers?

And no one is interested in the fact that the last week of May is an academic week, that on the days of examinations, schools that are examination points are forced to cancel classes, and teachers recruited for the Unified State Exam-OGE lose lessons every time. From the point of view of the layman - just think, the trouble is, the children will go out earlier for the holidays. It seems to be a trifle. But from the position of Rosobrnadzor, an unlearned lesson or two is a failure to comply with the educational standard, a gross violation that threatens an educational institution with serious sanctions. Therefore, schools are forced to be sophisticated in some way, to conduct classes in the second shift, teachers - to condense the material, ascribe lessons that did not take place in reality. In any case - to sacrifice their main tasks of teaching and raising children. For example, for the sake of the duties of an accompanying person, who brings graduates to the EET, and is obliged to be in a separate room throughout the exam, or even just in the corridor, languishing with idleness.

In the discussions of recent years, questions have been repeatedly raised about the quality of control and measuring materials; means of avoiding violations that could lead to a distortion of the objectivity of the results; psychological preparation of schoolchildren for exams, etc., and never once - about the attitude towards the teacher, who provides the USE free of charge. No, of course, there are Jesuit rules for remunerating this labor under a separate contract, you can use them, but then in the time sheet at the main place of work, the person will not be given the actually worked day, and he will lose much more than he gains.

But let us return to the question of the attitude towards the teacher. As a leader at the exam, organizer in the audience, on duty in the corridor, he arrives at 8.00. The exam starts at 10 and sometimes lasts more than 4 hours (taking into account the time for instruction). The organizers and the leader then wrap up the materials and complete the various forms. As a result - seven hours. According to existing requirements, there should not be any outsiders in the PPE, all unused premises are sealed, including school canteens. Thus, people spend the whole working day without lunch, which is a violation of Article 108 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. No one, including the Minister of Education, is able to explain why the procedure for holding the exam is above the Labor Code and the physiological needs of a person.

Communicating with each other on the teacher's portal, colleagues write: "Many have diseases in which you need to eat more than once a day. My friend sat on the exam and got an exacerbation of the ulcer", "I sit on exams 2 times a week in the corridor. In my pocket. small cookies, a bottle of water on the windowsill. While no one sees, we refresh ourselves. Mockery of people. Try not to let workers go for lunch at the factory! The trade union will not even put in a word for us ... "," Even sandwiches and tea are prohibited here for some reason "," I was the organizer this year once. By the end of the whole process, I started to feel sick and shaken from hunger. Only water was allowed with me. You can't leave the audience "," As a result of an intensive week with endless USE and USE intensively on Saturday and Sunday healed the stomach ... ". The administration demanded medical certificates from diabetic patients. A teacher from Moscow published a document from the city department with permission to bring food in transparent plastic containers, which was perceived by users as the apogee of mercy.

Another point is related to the arrival at the PPE, because it is often located in a different settlement. It would be interesting to know how much money has been allocated in the budgets to reimburse teachers for travel expenses. I can assume that in the Kirov region - zero. I am trying to remember in which year of the "fat decade" the practice of paying teachers the expenses associated with business trips (to meetings of methodological associations, events, conferences, USE-OGE) was stopped. Probably, with the first increase in wages - apparently, the financiers decided, where else to put that kind of money ?! To force someone else to fulfill their duties and still not pay for the fare - and someone else says that we have ineffective management?

"Well, is that possible?" - I seek sympathy from a friend. "You yourself taught them to treat yourself that way," he cuts off. Yes, we are not French, we do not go out in thousands for months of strikes defending our labor rights. We are submissive and diligent. Additional workload, lunch, travel - like such trifles, because children are the main thing. But isn't it from such trifles that a lesson is formed, the knowledge and skills on which turn out to be the strongest in our graduates, including "hundred-point students"?

Schools will take into account the extracurricular achievements of applicants - "for example, creative, in sports, and so on, which is collectively called a student's portfolio, which will be used to calculate the average grade," - explained his idea in early June, RF Minister of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov. The average score of the certificate is also planned to be added to the USE scores. The rules for admission to universities can be changed as early as September, while this issue is still being discussed.

2. Conduct the exam online

First it will be possible to hand over computer science, and then other subjects, ”Dmitry Livanov said on June 20. According to Yevgeny Semchenko, head of the education quality assessment department of Rosobrnadzor, an experiment to introduce computer testing will be introduced next summer. All assignments will be delivered online to the graduate.

3. Increase the number of required exams

"I think it is abnormal the system when children take only two compulsory USEs, many children simply stop studying other subjects," said Vyacheslav Nikonov, head of the State Duma's Education Committee on June 20. According to the deputy, there is no unnecessary knowledge - “knowledge of geography is also needed in mathematics”. Earlier, the chairman of the Federation Council, Valentina Matvienko, also suggested that at least the Unified State Exam in the history of Russia be mandatory, now the Federation Council members plan to apply this idea to the Ministry of Education.

4. Increase the number of options for tasks and create an open bank

122 participants The Unified State Exam in Moscow was removed from exams after they found mobile phones. All had their results canceled

“The number of basic USE options for each region should be at least 30-40; to create more options, it will be necessary to increase the bank of USE tasks. This can be done in one year, if this case does not remain a monopoly of the federal commissions, but will be held on a competitive basis, "Tamara Eidelman, a history teacher from gymnasium No. 1567, said at a round table on the USE on June 20. So far, according to Evgeny Semchenko from Rosobrnadzor, it is planned to create an open bank of USE assignments in various subjects, and not just in mathematics.

5. Forbid students to go to the toilet during the exam

0.76% graduates (or 5000 people) in the country passed the Unified State Exam for two grades in two compulsory exams at once - in Russian and mathematics

Modern graduates were catastrophically spoiled by the "toilet question", one of the teachers noted at the same round table: "They can go out once, twice, three - we have no right not to let them out." It is necessary to compare the USE not with the former school exams, but with the university exams - where it was possible to leave, but it is no longer possible to return, Isaac Kalina agreed. “If a person has an illness - let him write a statement, pass the exam in a sparing mode. The longest exam is 3 hours 55 minutes, you can tolerate it, ”the head of the department is sure.

6. Cancel the results for all if you wrote off one

3500 people in Russia completed task C on the exam in mathematics (the most difficult)

Rosobrnadzor plans to annul the USE results for all schoolchildren in a particular classroom if at least one of them violates the rules of delivery. So far, only the organizers seem to be connected by "mutual responsibility": when it was discovered in the 29th school of the Western District of Moscow this year that a mathematics teacher from the 1488th school was helping his students on the exam, it was not only her who had to write a letter of resignation, but and the directors of both institutions.

7. Do not count works that are 100% identical to the keys

14 regions this year they spoke in favor of the complete abolition of the exam

According to teachers, often on the exam one has to deal with works that match the keys word for word. At the same time, as noted in Rosobrnadzor, in a foreign language, when citing more than 30%, the result of completing tasks is assessed as zero. Now, according to Semchenko, the federal institute is preparing the same changes in other subjects. This year, "in some regions, up to several hundred works on individual subjects are being prepared to be evaluated at zero points, because they coincided with articles on Wikipedia," the head of the department clarified.

8. Prohibit the reduction of points on appeals

“Yes, this is not a mistake, but we will find you two other mistakes and lower your grade” - this is the attitude that graduates often face on appeals, ”said Nadezhda Shapiro, a teacher of Russian language and literature at gymnasium No. 67. Task C, according to her, is not checked at all, or checked arbitrarily. “The setting of all people to appeal is to explain to the child that he is to blame. A girl comes to me in tears, she says, she was told: you can’t use the expression “with fire in your eyes” because it’s “corneal burn” or write “a thought came to mind” - does a thought have legs? ” - Shapiro said. As the director of gymnasium No. 45 Mikhail Shneider noted, teachers are often not allowed to appeal, although, according to Isaac Kalina, they have every right to be present there.

True, only the teachers themselves are making this proposal so far. The Ministry of Education and Science did not raise this issue.

9. Refuse the USE when assessing the effectiveness of schools

“It is obvious to us that honesty or dishonesty in the USE is a reason to think about trust in the regional leadership of the education system,” Dmitry Livanov said. The Moscow Department of Education, however, does not intend to give up such an assessment yet - moreover, as its head Isaac Kalina said at a round table, next year this will be taken into account when schools are included in the list of the best rated by the department.

10. Attract more observers

The number of examination sites in Moscow this year has decreased by one and a half times - from 500 to 300, but the number of observers has more than doubled - from 2,500 to almost 6,000 thousand. This was announced at a round table by the head of the state supervision and control department of the Moscow Department of Education Sergei Gorbun. According to him, there were from 3 to 12 observers in and out of the classroom for each exam. If last year only seven administrative violations were revealed, this year 25 of them were discovered. More than a hundred (122 students) were removed from exams for using mobile phones and cheat sheets. At the same time, as the chairman of the parental expert advisory council at the department, Lyudmila Myasnikova, noted, there are still not enough observers at the exam.

I have dreamed of seeing with my own eyes how the Unified State Exam or the OGE is conducted. The motive is simple: next year, the daughter will go to ninth grade, and the Internet and various media are literally swelling with terrible stories about how children are being pressed for testing. You understand, the mother's heart is compressed, it is worth presenting your baby (yes, yes, baby - you think that soon he will be higher than me) under the yoke of harsh guards. Naturally, I wanted to find out if testing is as terrible as it is painted. It didn't work: as a journalist, I was always ordered to enter the school tests. According to the rules, the maximum that is allowed for a media representative is to see the envelopes with tests being opened. After that - dosvidos, everybody out! However, now - lo and behold! - lucky. At my daughter's school, they began to recruit observers for the exams, and I immediately proposed my candidacy. To those who undertake to shame me for cheating, I will say right away: everything is fair with us. Initially she did not hide her belonging to the writing fraternity, but when she went for testing, she left at home both a voice recorder, a camera, and even journalistic crusts. So you can consider this text not so much as an article by an SG-26 correspondent, but as the impressions of an average woman in Zheleznogorsk from her final exams. So I'm a public observer.

Under supervisioncameras

It would seem, what can be so difficult in the work of an observer? I came at the appointed hour at the appointed place, served the allotted time, making sure that none of the children and teachers would violate anything - that's all for a short time. Aha, figurines! It turned out that being among those present for testing is even more difficult than becoming an observer, for example, in elections to the local Council of Deputies. At the parliamentary vote, everything is simple - I presented a piece of paper that was given to you five minutes before the polling stations began to work, and you are already at your post: watch how much you fit. And in order to get to the exam in school, you need to undergo special training - only realizing the seriousness of what is happening, you can get a certificate.

For this very briefing we were gathered in advance in the assembly hall of one of the city schools. There were a lot of people: the responsible mothers, tired after work (there could be count of men on the fingers), diligently listened to what was allowed and not allowed to do during testing. By the way, the rules turned out to be more than enough: after about ten minutes from the beginning of the meeting, I managed to forget almost everything I said, except perhaps the postulate about the ban on bags and cell phones, and the words that graduates will be checked at the entrance with a metal detector. and broadcast what is happening during the exam live. Hearing this, the women in the next row began to lament:

Every year it is getting harder and harder, soon they will strip the kids naked and check if there are any inappropriate records on the body!

Fortunately, this year it did not come to such strictness. Yes, and I never saw a check with a metal detector: these were intended only for eleventh graders, but I had to be on duty at the GIA. Or, as they are now called - the main state exams, that is, the OGE.


And so, "that very day has come." Observers were told to show up at the PES school (exam site) by 9 am - half an hour before ninth graders. And although I get to the porch even earlier, I still have to fight my way through the crowd of shivering teenagers. In contrast to my dull countenance, there is exceptional joy on their faces. This, you know, with hysteria, from the series: we don't care! Here and there - bursts of laughter and a hail of jokes - about everything, from the civilian costumes of comrades to the rooms of the auditoriums. It seems, show your finger - and they will laugh until they drop. The kind mother inside me wants to hug everyone and give me valerian to drink from the heart, but the public observer shuts up her pitiful whining and makes her proudly stomp to the door.

At school, there is no particular relaxation either. Excitement, it seems, can be cut with a knife: while waiting for the launch of teenagers, teachers check if everything is ready for testing. All audiences, except for those where the exams will take place, are sealed, a medical office works, in the corridors there are tables for accompanying persons. I was escorted to a separate room - the place where the observers were stationed, I dropped the forbidden bag with the phone there and went to meet the ninth graders.

With a handleat the ready

Pens, passports and calculators in transparent files are all that teenagers are allowed to carry with them today. An extended list, by the way, is that my subjects are taking chemotherapy, that's why they were allowed to take non-programmable "cars" with them. However, given the primitiveness of gadgets, this will not help them much, only that they will not have to count in a column.

The guys are checked already three times: the first time the children have to show documents at the entrance to the school, the second time they demand passports in front of the stairs leading to the PPE, the third time they certify their identity, entering the classes. Then the children sit at their desks and ... just wait. According to the rules, students must first be instructed, but they must start at the same time - that’s a slightly prolonged pause.

Teachers are worried: “Can't you imagine, we are as nervous as children. Just not to mix up the names! " And the attendants in a whisper recall the exams of the past.

See how strict everything is? And in some places children still manage to carry cheat sheets, - one of the teachers tells me. - A friend from another school told me: after the exam I went to the toilet, and there was a whole scattering of this stuff: it was finely printed. Now it is not a problem to replicate such, the technique is more and more complicated every year. So the rules in the ministry are tightening ...

Wrong gender

Her whispering is interrupted by the teacher's choir from the classrooms: teachers simultaneously begin to read the rules in different classrooms and, bogged down in stereo
the effect of their voices, I, together with nine-graders, delve into the terribly adult words: "violations", "responsibility", "appeal". The explanation of how to fill out the forms generally plunges me into panic: yes, I would stick at least a dozen mistakes in these cells, where can children cope with, and even in a state of nervous tension?

Don't worry, my teacher told me earlier. - The kids handed over samples, so they are not the first time. Fill in.

Indeed, only two out of a hundred students enter the wrong numbers in the exam form code. But, contrary to my expectations, no one punishes them for their mistake: the teachers simply offer to cross out the "left" designations and write new ones on top.

Just think, they made a mistake in the code, - says one of those present. - At one of the last exams, the guy wrote down a female instead of a male - yes, there was an embarrassment. And anyone can put one instead of a four, especially if he is worried.

To the toiletunder escort

The organizational moments are over, the students are starting to work. I wander from office to office and it seems to me that I hear the schoolboys sniffing and creaking with their hands. There is no longer any place for fear or hysteria - everyone is busy with their own business.

From time to time, one of the adolescents asks for a drink or to the toilet. And here the accompanying people come into the "game". According to the rules, children cannot hang out around the school alone, so they have to go out of need in the company of an adult. Fortunately, adolescents still have the right to privacy, so they go into the bathroom alone. But you have to drink under supervision: from pre-prepared bottles of water. All this slightly resembles a convoy, however, the world has never seen such benevolent escorts. They smile encouragingly to their young companions, broadcasting the positive with all their appearance: "You will succeed."

We must pay tribute to the teachers: despite the general nervousness and scrupulous adherence to the rules, during the exam, none of the teachers raises their voices, does not make sudden movements, does not put pressure on the children. These gentleness and attentiveness (as far as possible) neutralize the severity of the schedule prescribed by the Ministry of Education. So some of the examinees even say thank you to the "guards" for the joint walk along the corridor, sympathy and silent moral support.

No spurs

"The first swallows" begin to leave the audience within forty minutes after the start of testing. The clock is ticking, the examination center is gradually emptying, and now we again hear bursts of laughter from the school porch: teenagers are "allowed", now they are vying to share their impressions of their experiences. Some, of course, sit until the last, but no longer than expected: testing ends clearly at 12.20, so those who are late have to put a stop in the works and hand over the forms to the organizers.

For the sake of interest, I look into the toilets, but I don’t find the promised scattering of cheat sheets: it’s clean here, no inappropriate "evidence". It seems that this time they decided everything themselves.

The school is emptying, and teachers can finally breathe easy: everything went smoothly. And I exhale with them, convinced that I shouldn't worry so much about my daughter. Yes, of course, exams are difficult, and the admission rules are tightened every year. But now I know for sure: no matter how sophisticated the Ministry of Education is, coming up with new measures to test the strength of schoolchildren, our teachers will do everything to provide children with the most comfortable atmosphere without breaking the rules. And this, believe me, is worth a lot.

Today politicians, officials and teachers in the State Duma discussed what was going on with the unified state examination at school. They agreed on two points: the level of the USE should not be a criterion for the effectiveness of governors, and the disgrace with the appearance of answers on the Internet should be eliminated by law.

For the rest, each of the participants in the discussion at the Open Tribune, chaired by Sergei Naryshkin, also had a personal list of pros and cons of the current USE procedure. Opening the meeting, the speaker of the State Duma acknowledged the insufficient legal regulation of this topic, noting that even in the law on education, the USE is only mentioned, so there is a wide field for adjustments ahead. "The main thing is that this form of knowledge testing should be objective and provide equal opportunities for education," Naryshkin said.

"The role of a filter for those who have been idle for eleven years, but were admitted to the final certification, which the traditional exam could not have previously been performed, is fulfilled by the Unified State Exam," says Isaak Kalina, head of the Moscow Education Department. And for creatively thinking students there is an opportunity, he believes, to participate in the Olympiads. Kalina, like the rest of the officials, was in no hurry to discuss the situation with the leaks of responses to the Internet, but spoke out against "being drawn into the arms race": "In general, all tasks should be open, but the options should be unknown to anyone, I am sure that we can create a system when tasks come to the student by random selection. " And he proposes to fight cheating by forbidding to go to the toilet: a healthy schoolchild can endure for three hours and fifty-five minutes, and for the rest it is possible to organize surrender taking into account medical indications. Vice-speaker Lyudmila Shvetsova immediately reacted to the “toilet” question: “We have quite a few children with enuresis, and now imagine - which of them is recognized in the eleventh grade? Only those who will buy a certificate in advance”.

Six months ago, I asked if it was possible to cancel the use of the USE results as a criterion for evaluating governors, I was told that it was possible, but nothing was done and now there is a socialist competition between the regions, ”Evgeny Yamburg, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, gloomily said.

He recalled that schools, in turn, receive municipal assignments, and "the salary fund for teachers depends on the level of passing the exam," so that "political will is needed to stop this." Yamburg also supported the creation of independent centers for passing the exam, and also proposed introducing the possibility of retaking the exam - and then all these teenage suicides would not occur.

Passing the exam

“Yes, there was such an unpleasant innovation this year, the leakage of several tasks, not all, but some of the regions where they were sent by e-mail,” admitted Deputy Minister of Education and Science Igor Remorenko, “in addition to the leak, there were still many tasks on the Internet. which were passed off as real by scammers. " These neat formulations greatly impressed Dmitry Gushchin, a mathematics teacher from the St. Petersburg gymnasium, who recalled in a telegraphic style: a video with a theft technique appeared on the Web back in February, and assignments began to appear on May 20 and on May 26 appeared in all subjects, “these options were on sale, and kits cost several thousand rubles, "and then all this began to be posted on social networks. The social network VKontakte was forced to block more than two thousand groups (although it is not obliged to do this - there is no legislative norm). "Legislative responsibility for the fact that someone divulged the USE results is zero," Gushchin was indignant at the "legal imbalance."

Politicians were generally negative. The first deputy chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Ivan Melnikov, has always been an opponent of the USE and the only small plus of this system he sees only in the opportunity for applicants from the regions to get into central universities - but corruption interferes here. Melnikov proposed introducing the voluntariness of passing the unified state exam, abandoning tests, offering a choice between an essay and an oral exam: "Next year the USE will not be canceled, but it will not be the same as before." The leader of Fair Russia, Sergei Mironov, supported these proposals, although he does not know any advantages in the USE at all: "Wouldn't it be cheaper for us not to improve this system, but to gradually eliminate it?"

“We just removed corruption from universities in schools, and it became total and all-embracing,” Mikhail Degtyarev from the LDPR joined the critics.

The Unified State Exam had supporters, for example, the deputy director of the Tver gymnasium, Lyudmila Drovosekova, admitted that more of her students began to enter Moscow and St. Petersburg universities. She was supported by the Minister of Education of the Kaluga Region, Alexander Anikeev, adding that the governor does not call him on the carpet for the results of the exam, because they need objectivity in the region. The media were also accused of a negative attitude towards the USE. For example, FOM project director Larisa Pautova believes that the press is brainwashing and creating myths. Surprisingly, according to the FOM poll this year, 51% of respondents consider the introduction of the USE to be wrong - this is the power of the media. The invited guests recommended the politicians to conduct a parliamentary investigation into the results of the leaking into the Network. "The spread of opinions among politicians is significant, but teachers or executive officials who answer themselves - there is already a wide range of opinions," concluded Naryshkin. "The potential of the Unified State Exam is far from being exhausted, there are mistakes and they need to be corrected."