The effect of two moon on August 27. Two moon in the sky at the end of August: truth and fiction

For several years now, there are rumors in scientific circles that on August 27, 2016 the two moon will be clearly visible. And the thing is that at night on August 27, Mars approaches the ground for a record-close distance, as a result of which its visible size will become a similar size of the moon.

True, we do not advise you so much to admire this news. For those who expect that on August 27, two moon will be seen in huge sizes, as in the picture, we are forced to report that this phenomenon occurs a little different way. So, Mars will not shine as much as the moon, which means that on August 27, two moon are a small point (Mars) on the background of the moon, since the brightness of the red planet will be 10 thousand weaker brightness of the full moon.

Where does such an increased interest in the question, when will two moon in 2016? The fact is that in 2003 a large number of people around the world by mail received a notice that on August 27, a red planet, when considering it without special equipment, it would seem larger than the full moon.

It is important that the distance from the Earth to the Moon is almost 384 thousand kilometers, which is seven times more than the distance noted by the distance to Mars, which should be August 27. The minimum distance from Earth to Mars is the so-called great confrontation - at least 50 million kilometers, which is thousands of times the distance specified in the mailing list.

It is known that once every two years Mars reaches the orbit points, which is called "confrontation". This means that the Red Planet is opposite the Sun, and if you look from the ground that Mars is opposed to the sun. And this event always causes an unprecedented excitement. Therefore, the two moon in the sky on August 27, 2016 are eager to see millions of people around the world.

We are waiting for two moon in the sky 2016 photo from cosmic phenomena lovers. Wait for new messages on this topic, but for now we recommend reading up-to-date information about.

We remind you that more interesting facts You can read about events and extraordinary people in our special section. "

Russians and this year wish to see the "two moon" in the sky - the phenomenon that could be observed in 2003. But, as Metro told Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, the Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Astrometsis and Star Astronomy of the Pulkovo Observatory Maxim Khovrichev, neither on May 27, 2016, nor on August 27, "two mones" will not appear in the sky.

"These rumors appeared most likely due to the fact that the following facts were mixed," explains Metro the interlocutor. "Traditionally, every year on August 27 we promise Mars the size of the moon. This is happening for the following reason. Often people suggest that all phenomena are repeated annually. That is, the same location of heavenly luminaries should be repeated every year. This is not the case. And the myth about the "two moon" in the sky has been around for many years. In 2003 there was a great confrontation of Mars. This phenomenon occurred on August 27. Someone from Journalists, translating foreign text, did not consider that the distances are written not as well as we. In the foreign article, the discharges are separated in a foreign article, and we have a whole part of the fractional. Instead of 58 Millaoov kilometers, 58 thousand kilometers before Marsa. And "competent "The journalist, recalculating, was surprised that the planet would seem three times more than the moon. And therefore everyone was invited to watch" two moon "on August 27. And so every year - first they write everything, and then this hearing persistently debunk t, but it is stubbornly repeated. It's like meme on the Internet that everything lives and lives decades. "

And "August 27" became "on May 27," most likely because on May 22 there was a confrontation of Mars, not great, and in front of him. The great confrontation of Mars will be in 2018, when this object in the night sky will be brighter. But on May 30, it will be the minimum distance to Mars, about 75 million km. That is, the planet can be observed as a bright star.

As the expert summed up, most likely the confrontation between Mars 2003 "swinging" for the current one. It is possible that such things are consciously created to "entertain the public."

"There is a lot of information on the Internet now, and there is not enough experience," Maxim Hovrchiev notes. "But try to see something interesting."

According to the senior Researcher, the planetarium, and without the "attracted facts", now there is something to rejoice: Mars passes with Saturn in a pair. If you find a locality free of buildings, or climb the roof of a high-rise building, then this phenomenon will be seen in St. Petersburg.

"I remember, it was observed in the planetarium. This phenomenon was literally the spire level of Petropavlovka. From the planetarium to Petropavlovka - literally 600 meters. And so - this whole week is a lot of interesting day observations. Here we recently watched the spot in the sun almost with Neptune. Gorgeous spectacle! With the help of black glass it could consider anyone. "

Russians and this year wish to see the "two moon" in the sky - the phenomenon that could be observed in 2003. But, as Metro told Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, the Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Astrometsis and Star Astronomy of the Pulkovo Observatory Maxim Khovrichev, neither on May 27, 2016, nor on August 27, "two mones" will not appear in the sky.

"These rumors appeared most likely due to the fact that the following facts were mixed," explains Metro the interlocutor. "Traditionally, every year on August 27 we promise Mars the size of the moon. This is happening for the following reason. Often people suggest that all phenomena are repeated annually. That is, the same location of heavenly luminaries should be repeated every year. This is not the case. And the myth about the "two moon" in the sky has been around for many years. In 2003 there was a great confrontation of Mars. This phenomenon occurred on August 27. Someone from Journalists, translating foreign text, did not consider that the distances are written not as well as we. In the foreign article, the discharges are separated in a foreign article, and we have a whole part of the fractional. Instead of 58 Millaoov kilometers, 58 thousand kilometers before Marsa. And "competent "The journalist, recalculating, was surprised that the planet would seem three times more than the moon. And therefore everyone was invited to watch" two moon "on August 27. And so every year - first they write everything, and then this hearing persistently debunk t, but it is stubbornly repeated. It's like meme on the Internet that everything lives and lives decades. "

And "August 27" became "on May 27," most likely because on May 22 there was a confrontation of Mars, not great, and in front of him. The great confrontation of Mars will be in 2018, when this object in the night sky will be brighter. But on May 30, it will be the minimum distance to Mars, about 75 million km. That is, the planet can be observed as a bright star.

As the expert summed up, most likely the confrontation between Mars 2003 "swinging" for the current one. It is possible that such things are consciously created to "entertain the public."

"There is a lot of information on the Internet now, and there is not enough experience," Maxim Hovrchiev notes. "But try to see something interesting."

According to the senior Researcher, the planetarium, and without the "attracted facts", now there is something to rejoice: Mars passes with Saturn in a pair. If you find a locality free of buildings, or climb the roof of a high-rise building, then this phenomenon will be seen in St. Petersburg.

"I remember, it was observed in the planetarium. This phenomenon was literally the spire level of Petropavlovka. From the planetarium to Petropavlovka - literally 600 meters. And so - this whole week is a lot of interesting day observations. Here we recently watched the spot in the sun almost with Neptune. Gorgeous spectacle! With the help of black glass it could consider anyone. "

Astronomical events are always beautiful, but not always we can see them. Will two moon wait for us in the sky on August 27, 2016 - Astrologers will tell.

This month, we have already told you about such an astronomical phenomenon, as a periodic starfall of Perside. Perceids are absolutely real and observed every year. Comet fragments fall to Earth with a huge speed, acquiring incredible brightness. As for the two moons in the sky, this phenomenon, although very expected, can be disputed even at the level of the theory.

Opinion of Astronomers about the Luna

Anomalia on August 27 had a place in 2003, when Mars approached Earth for a record 50 million kilometers. He was very well visible, but even to the tenth of the size of the moon he was far away. In 2016, on August 27, Mars will be observed as a star, a little more bright than usual. It will fly at a distance of 70 million kilometers from our planet.

Now we destroy this myth about the two mions for you once and forever. Everyone remembers from school what diameter is - at the moon it is 3400 km, and Mars has almost 6800. Talking simple language, Moon is exactly two times less than Mars. The distance to the moon is about 400,000 kilometers. It is easy to guess that in order for Mars to be the size of the Moon from the point of view of the observer from the Earth, he needs to be twice the next. Mars is 175 times further. He can't be more than a star, for a person from the earth's surface, because the distance is incredibly huge. Yes, this is a rather unpleasant fact for those who dreamed of seeing an amazing spectacle, but physics and astronomy are stronger than the desires of people.

Astrological forecast on August 27

In the approach by August 27 and directly on this day, when Mars is closest to us, astrologists celebrate some anomalies and changes in the nature of people. Mars is a male beginning. Under the influence of the energy of Mars, a person becomes more sharp, rude and energetic. You can get acquainted with the thinnests of the energy of the Red Planet in a separate article.

People risk more often when Mars is approaching the ground. Directly on August 27 it is worth avoiding gambling, adventure and any dangers. The more careful you will, the better for you and for others. Of course, the thrust for fast ride will be higher, along with the desire to experience the risk, for example, from a parachute jump. The latter, by the way, will be safer than risky actions in everyday life. Astrologers advise to be more inactive with sharp objects, more slowly ride a car or motorcycle, and also do not walk in the evening in dangerous places, because the level of crime grows under the influence of Mars.

Many wars started because of Mars. Armed conflicts are also not rare at the end of August. August 27 is worth the fear of everything that can harm you. Find the strength to be more tolerant and calm to get rid of yourself from unnecessary risks. All excess energy that wishes to break out, should be redirected to exercise. If you do not play sports, you can either start, or just get out this day for a long walk or visit your country area. In short, to release steam.

It is not only about August 27, but also about a couple of days before and then after that day. The 27 numbers need to be maximum caution, and in adjacent days just be a little calmer.

Astrologers also recommend to take into account the behavior of the Moon during the approach of Mars. Read our. Perhaps the moon will help you overcome the destructive influence of Mars, but there is a risk that it will only strengthen it, so be very attentive to the forecast of astrolories about the moon. Good luck to you in affairs, and do not forget to press buttons and

16.08.2016 05:12

It is impossible to resist the influence of the retrograde Jupiter - it is only possible to use the prospects that have opened and consider everything ...

Two moon in the sky on August 27, 2016. True or fiction? \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d According to a number of sources, at night on August 27, Mars approaches the land on a record-close distance, so its visible size will become a similar size of the moon.

Already within a few years, it is rumored by all the world that it is August 27, a rather unusual phenomenon can be noticed annually in the sky, these are two moon. The two moon in fact scientists have denied this statement and do not advise watching the 27 numbers in the night sky in anticipation of miracles. Mars will not shine as well as the moon, and everything you see on this night in the sky is a small point on the background of the moon, since the brightness of the red planet will be in 10 thousand weaker brightness of the full moon. Martian mystification took place in 2003, when a huge number of people around the world, through e-mail, was notified that the twenty-seventh of August is a red planet, when considering it without special equipment, it will seem larger than the full moon. At the same time, we note that the distance from the ground to the Moon is almost 384 thousand kilometers, which is seven times more than the distance noted to Mars, which should be August 27. The minimum distance from Earth to Mars is the so-called great confrontation - at least 50 million kilometers, which is thousands of times the distance specified in the mailing list. Once every two years, Mars reaches the orbit point, which is called "confrontation". At that moment, the Red Planet is located in the sky directly opposite the Sun, that is, from the point of view of the earth observer, Mars is opposed to the sun.

In April 2014, the distance between Mars and Earth became minimal over the past six years (from December 2007) and amounted to 92 million kilometers. Approximately the same than our planets come close to May 22, 2016. The next rapprochement will occur in 2018 and then Mars approach Earth by 57 million kilometers. Can Mars look more than the moon? No, he can not. If Mars had approached the distance sufficient for a similar event, his gravity would produce a catastrophic effect. The diameter of Mars is two times larger than the diameter of the moon. So, to have the same visible size, it should be at a distance of twice the ground than the moon. Having nine times a big mass, he would act on the ground with its gravity, roughly twice as much as the moon.

Sunset on Mars on May 19, 2005. A snapshot of the Marshode "Spirit", which was in the crater Gusev. Photo: / Nasa How does the distance between Mars and Earth change? The distance between Earth and Mars is constantly changing. Planets are located at the minimum distance from each other when the land is between the Sun and Mars. At such a period, the distance between the planets ranges from 55 to 100 million km. The maximum value of the distance reaches when the sun is between the earth and Mars. In this case, the planet is located in the most remote points of its orbits and the distance between them is approximately 400 million km. If Mars and the Earth come closer to the distance less than 60 million km, then such confrontations are called great. They happen every 15 or 17 years. The last "great" confrontation happened on August 27, 2003, and the following is expected on July 27, 2018. These days, Mars will suit the Earth for 58 million km. * Mars - Fourth Planet from the Sun. The planet in antiquity was called in honor of the Ancient Roman God of war for a bloody-red color. Mars makes turn around the Sun for 687 days, the period of rotation around the axis - 24 hours 37 minutes.