Digitall_Angell Chronicles of Astral Travels. Chronicles of Mental Travel Chronicles of Astral Travels Digital Angel Year

.: Mental Travel Chronicles

Recently, many state not only the decline of energy, but also the loss of interests, friends, finance. Is this connected with your personal zero? You decide.

Q: What is reset?
A: Karma, well, the rest too.
Q: How does this manifest? A person can reset and at the same time not to realize it?
A: Revision of the value system, reserves pofigism, according to internal perception, someone is reset to health. Habits disappear, sharply. A large process, like a huge crystal and a lot of faces, and gradually these faces leave you unnecessary.
This process has been launched quite a long time, and gradually leads to clearance. Globally, yes, this is zeroing the karma, exit from this system is vicious, but for this system has been joining a lot in ordinary life, it is imposed and it also begins to unleash what is not always good from a normal point of view. In the global divorce, this is very favorable for evolution.
Operator's comment: Zakma zeroing occurs not in the form of debt write-off, as it can be imagined. It is rather the provision of memory and tools to the souls that decided to part with Karma. If you wish to deal with karma, anyone can find it today to do.

Calling karma occurs with the help of standard tools - forgiveness, awareness. In addition, one person can work karma for the entire genus or for a whole group of souls. You can also work for karma for a whole country, if you have enough personal resource. Therefore, in some cases, the process looks like zeroing, but there is no freebie in the global sense. If someone has been debised with someone, it means that either VS took steps through another branch of incarnation, or someone from the genus removed destructive generic programs, or some planetary scale removed the whole karmic layer. I remember Dr. Hugh Lin, treating severe mental illness. Did he reset someone else's karma? Rather, I found somewhere deep into myself similar motifs and worked on myself.
On a kind of zeroing karma, they count on those who wait for the Messiah, which will put on all their problems. Nevertheless, there are no freebies.

Q: Regarding Finance, many people write that everything that concerns earnings collapses. What's happening?
O: Tied to zeroing karma plus the canal restructuring. It will work quickly quickly, the main thing to reach zero. Everyone individually, those who wrote, there and karmic are, plus it is resetting on a global scale on the territory. For example, in Russia, global zeroings goes, the economic bubble is no longer supported by resetting. Of course, everything is more difficult, the process in Russia is not described in one zero. There are global zero cycles of different orders, and a person when he gets into the zone where the zero is going, he comes to fail if it is not ready to avoid such places. For example, Chelyabinsk, there is some kind of strong zero zone in this area, partly associated with the events of 2013.

Q: How long is this zeroing last?
A: Perhaps due to the end of the year will be completed. I see a funnel until October. By the way, it is impossible to completely reset the person, everything happens in stages. Complete one-time zeroing spends the colossal energy reserves, respectively, the more energy, the more you can reset. In this case, there is no clear algorithm, the main thing is to go to zero on the union.

There are different zeros: first, very strong systemic zero, which controls different zones of life. Especially financial, of course. People in the bulk programmed do not have anything. The more money makes money, the more spent on the same things. Just buy more expensive clothes, drive on a more expensive wheelbarrow and go to more expensive restaurants. These meaningless actions are made in order to go out in zero and stimulate themselves to go further to work. For example, in countries with a small pension, a person gets financial zero at the end of their life. As if the life cycle is completed, naked, naked, and its last energy is tightened into the zero funnel.
Secondly, there are natural conversion cycles when the circle of Dao is closed, and death goes into birth. This can be compared with zero.

A similar one day was shown to the memory of the body in vision: a shaman who pulls such a focus energy, zeroing the world, if something globally went wrong. In the picture, he formed a ring (zero) and stretched through it the whole world, squeezing and embraced it. If the world changed due to external infection, she did not pass through the ring. As if rebooting the world.

Of course, to accomplish this, a special state of consciousness, a super-severe concentration of intent and a lot of accumulated energy. Because you need to fall out of the measurement and at the same time remain in it. Moreover, such a shaman practically does not have any contacts with society, it is a qualitatively different creature. The ceremony is carried out in a strictly defined time when several space circles are converged at one point (maybe in mind the trajectory of the planets).

Thirdly, person's personal cycles. Periodically, before a new important life stage, I dream dream with a similar motive: I remove some kind of coat and break into the window or door. Sometimes I break with someone. In the upper clothes will not turn out. That is, it is logical to assume that there are stages in life when it's time to reset the old one. Not all of them are zeroing in the full sense.

Zeroing is a more global phenomenon. This is a complete dropping of an old body, an old matrix. Before a large vibration jump, some people need zeroing, otherwise the vibrating jump is impossible - the old will pull back, there will be a small vibration shift, but nothing more.
Zeroing exists at different levels: man, city, people, country, world, planet, galaxy, etc. Even dancing deities are periodically reset.

To carry out high-quality zeroing, it is necessary that several zeroings come together and lined up as a parade of the planets. Then the zeroing at different levels brings the greatest resonance and gives rise to the strongest vibration leap, because at the moment of zeroing the energy is concentrated at one point, and from this point you can form a very strong concentrated intention. It is very important to form the right intention if you are in the zero. If you whine and suffer, there is a risk that the universe will perceive exactly how your intention is. Since in such periods just want to whine and suffer, it is necessary to concentrate by the power of the will, and allow themselves to suffer into the days defined for that - while you are in the recession zone.

The zeroing has three stages: a decline, actually zero and height. Zero serves as a kind of border between life and death.
At the stage of recession, the person is more and more environmental energy, so you can use it and give it to what you do not need. Death will try to pick a bigger in any case, so you can give something voluntarily. For example, who have learned destructive programs. Forming the intention at the stage of recession is not recommended.
The stage of zero should become the stage of limiting concentration and tranquility. Ideal will be crystallically pure state.

Stage of growth - right to her need to launch the intention for the nearest (and remote) future, and from the very beginning, still from the state of zero. The discharge of the future depends not only on the person, but also from how many levels of zero came up at this moment. Before important public events, mass zeroing is possible. But if, say, there is a mass poverty, this is not a natural zeroing for a vibratory jump, but rather this owner cuts his herd with a systemic zero. Just with mass impoverishment, vibration descents and a mass rollback in an animal state occur.

On the matrix level, the zeroing is not just a movement along the neighboring cells, but teleportation into long-range cells, with which there was no more contamination.

Full zeroing to once and for all for all life, it is impossible. At least, unlikely. Because there is always a deep layer, inaccessible to perception here and now. Therefore, zeroing occurs by layers. Zero can be compared with the very essence of the main crystal. To reach it, you need to remove all the other shells. Naturally, not all at once, otherwise it will not be here.

If you learn how to control the energy and zero cycles, you can manage the reality more efficiently.


This session was held on Friday on January 25 with a former Scientologist, who wanted to learn some details from the life of Ron Hubbard. In connection with the recent publication of the post "Architects of Change", we were crushed much further outlined. The result is below, but I ask you to notice that this is just one of the versions and requires a multifaceted verification. It is also important to note that the ward did not read posts about architects before the session. Publish to collect your specific questions on the material for future sessions.

Is it possible to argue that in 1956 there was an astral battle that Hubbard (LRH) and his associates lost?

Yes, there was a battle in astral space and LRH and the associates, as it were, the consciousness lost,

And who is the battle?

He has a personal enemy, essence, but LRH was weaker, and this essence owns the Earth, and LRH lost this battle. Essence, bad, dark.

Who is he, describe

Oton old man with a demonic face, lean, rigorous, unhealthy, it used to be strong, now there is no.

When did he pass the position?

ON 80s

Was it right to understand that now the earth is owned by 3 groups?

O- he entered them, but now everything is strongly weakened. He was over the planet, then descended on the planet, just such a game, he is not so bad. I found it strong, as he weakened, I do not know. Over the planet, he sat thousands of years. But I can confuse. Now he is a not-serious opponent.

(LRH started a small battle with a specific essence, at the level of the planet. He found an opponent of his level and wanted to fight him, but he did not succeed. He wanted to gain warriors, but now I do not see him, he is not a valid player. For him, it is There was a defeat and, having lost the case he started, he lost energy.)

2. Earth -Tyurma? How everything is arranged.

Whether I understand that the statement that some losers come to the ground - incorrectly

Oh, it is incorrect.

Is it right that the earth is prison?

Ohland prison, for various reasons for different people. This is the wrong word, it is just very difficult conditions.

In school?

Oh, it is not a school, it can not be a school, but there is no exit in prison, and here it's just a wrong game that has lost meaning, because the players on this planet have no choice. The conditions of the game turned out to be hopeless for players on this planet, it is impossible to get out of it. This is a dead-end branch, a mistake, all piled on the planet, but did not give a chance to get out. The universe is a game, in the game there are rules when you can act in some situations. It did not work on Earth. The meaning is that the conditions get out of this game are unattainable.


We are deprived of all opportunities to get out of this game. I look at the current point on the planet. There is no chance at all.

What is the chance maybe?

There is no freedom to change the conditions of existence.

There is no effect of thought on matter?

Oh yeah. Nothing can be changed. Everything is so rigidly organized, strictly, a nightmare, it is impossible in any way. More precisely theoretically, there is a way out, All in the field of energy. There must be groups of people united by the energy sign. It may still be the opportunity manifested itself. If you look earlier, everyone was energetically tied, there were no groups of people who would like to get out. (It's not entirely clear here)

How to get out?

Something to change something. All on the network, like flies are glued and wings are trimmed.

Who is controlling the network, why it is impossible to disable it?

Oh, someone comes out, this battle won, this is his decision, this is not our decision level. All this happened in deception. Not all people were shoved here by force, someone was lured by deception. A bunch of people in their own will came without any idea why they came here.

How is it? After all, many have come to help?

Oh, this is later. And initially came because they did not understand the rules of the game. He who lured, he also went down to the ground and lost energy. (This is the first approximation) I do not see any transition, unless it is not necessary that the game failed and everything must be removed. From above. Flys in the bank remained, can't get out, and then if you change the game, you can give them to get out like amnesty. ( It is very sad ). Who fell, does not understand anything at all, and those who understand someone a little, they are so insignificant that it does not change anything. Who makes a decision, I don't know, it seems to be decided not to lie completely, but somehow release. But the whole project is a failure, it is understandable. He was the dark that everyone won, he just played, he had rivals among bright, and everyone was pushing here. The dark became boring, he left to play down, and the curator became clear that everyone should be pulled out.

And why it is impossible to just turn off the light?

O- impossible. With awareness, everyone is bad, they will disappear, they do not understand anything. They need to be engaged, scorify at different places to return awareness.

There was information that the grid is some kind of activated by the number of January 18-19, I do not remember exactly.

What means that the transition will not be?

No, as it seems to me, will be pulled out to the rehabilitation and the rehabilitation, for us it will be wonderful, wildly wondering, because now a full nightmare. Nobody understands anything. So little people who understand a little bit, the level of the lowest. And all these, ships are all attempts to revive, reanimate slightly.

This is the essence of the experiment, complete amnesia.

Oh no, there is not so easy. No need to tell about the experiment. Here everything is not so kind. People are not that they say "I want to experience," here everything is deceived, they did not know what they agree. This was such a game, it was necessary to bring a bunch of people from the game, and with the words "it will be interesting there, here you can't do it, and there you will do everything you want." And everything, like fools, stretched here, curious all sorts (adventurers) And they were fluttered all. And now, because They are immortal, they should be returned to the game, you need to pull them out. Why were the energy people needed, it is not clear, but probably for some reason needed.

They say that in the higher worlds there is a dispute that the earth is withdrawing herself as a productive platform of evolution, there is no progress and need to turn the shop.

Oh is a playground, where all the losers, it must be folded. If you leave someone, it would be very cruel. Here everyone suffered a lot of suffering, it's all unfair. Games should initially be interesting.

Worth instead, they became cruel?

ABOUT- And those who allowed to exert here anything, they themselves were very fallen (Also not very clear). All beautiful words about freedom of will are camouflage, it is an excuse that the game allowed to go too far. Those who started this game, death did not pass, they do not understand. In general, I do not understand how it was possible to create from all this food chain and eat each other and persuade animals that this is their role - to be eaten and persuade people to devour and destroy each other. This is the wrong game, sadistic.

Who came up with it?

A very high level, and they are not smarter than us, because they did not understand at all what they do.

Do you mean death?

Oh, when we created the 3-4E measurement. I do not understand the meaning of. Yes, they lowered the vibrations to the maximum permissible level, they became curious and they did not understand anything at all. But they play these games for so long, which is strange why they still do not understand anything.

B- Because they themselves did not embodibly?

Yes, of course, even nearby were not stood. Below the 7th level did not go down, but no, above everything is higher.

What are these entities similar to what area do you see them in?

Glowing balls, they are bored. They live infinitely they need to have fun . (Maybe they got a task?)

And they generate reality and populate them?

Oh, they do all this, but somehow looks like our universe failed. I do not know the size of our universe.

In the one, we came. The whole universe here in the Red Zone, I understand correctly

Oh no, 3d is our game zone. There is strange, in the whole universe. A lot of lies, goals disagree with the means, the explanations do not correspond to anything, absurd of absurdity, deception on deception. We are not the only one who failed our planet. Some kind of not that game, the game of cats with the mouse, and no one has free will, not only with us, but also on other planets too. All are regulated, only in different conditions, someone is easier, someone is sick.

Well, there is no full freedom of will, there is relative freedom of will.

No, this universe is so arranged.

What problems began initially?

There are such laws that limit, at different levels, different restrictions.

A lot of restrictions, deception, actually decline in energy occurs due to the fact that you remove the choice and you can only go there (in a certain place ). You are told: "You are very wonderful essence, you can live very interesting, that's just for you there is a wonderful game of 3d, you can see, then you will tell us." All act in very harsh conditions and the game goes on lower. In this game, there is no exit in this universe, only to a decrease.

Well, hello, I climbed, went out of this universe.

Oh no, you did not move there, you are still here. You could see, please, but you have entertained here. And this universe goes ( hand gesture over spiral down).

Well, somehow all this will end, somewhere they will shook us.

Let's see the beginning of this universe - a big explosion. What exactly happened? Did we exhaled? This is called Brass Breathing.

Yes, that's the way it was good. What created this universe was very interesting. She was different than everything.

What was it different?

Oh, it is felt like joy, I do not know how others, I feel it like joy. What a wonderful creation launched!

In this first sigh-exhaler?

Oh no.

Where is it already doing it repeatedly? It turns out and shrinks back from infinity to the point? And we are now in exhale?

Oh exhaling.

Is it possible to argue that in the near future will inhale?

Ohoretically, yes, but for some reason it seems that it has not been so possible that it can be destroyed somehow simple - once, click. I did not even understand why she failed. Let me think. She was created (organized) Entities not very big mind, with disabilities (and experience) who did not know, generally speaking, that of it will turn out, her not the Lord himself created.

As there are this meant Logos?

Oh, if Her Lord God created, she remained joyful and bright, and she is a curve and wrong. They even thought over her at the level of physics.

And what wrong did they come up with?

Oh, it was made on Avos, toy. (No specifics, some sensations ). She has no logic of development,this is key .

Is it possible to argue that in this universe are agents from the Creator, who sent them to explore the situation, assess the situation and make a decision, is it worth removing this universe or give it to develop further?

Oh, it seems to me yes. But here there is a little different. They are sorry for them. We are at the very bottom, and there is an idea somehow fix it, pull us out. Because complete annihilation is cruel, unfair. Someone did the wrong universe, and we are like extreme, we have already been affected, so there should not be the abyss. In this universe, some incorrect physical characteristics.

Who will change now?

I do not know, it was created wrong.

But you can change it from the inside? Correct code?

Oh, I do not understand this, I do not see. I do not see the opportunity to fix something.

Look, the universe consists of atoms, as if pixels, you can reprogram. You just give another impulse, another wave, another frequency, and you can do it. Do you mean the physical universe, because there are parallel lands, times, or do you mean our current moment?

Oh, if you have a bigger look ... no, it concerns only 3D.

But we are not three-dimensional everywhere, we are more difficult.

It means the wrong one who created the universe is three-dimensional. Our 3D level is incorrect, but above can not say.

In this, it turns out, not the whole universe, but only 3D part of its erroneous?

The error is explicit in 3d. Above, I do not know how they all rinsed there, it cannot be correct. 3D is the development of measurements. It is very not necessary to blow up, because I only watched 3d, as we sit in a dead end, and if you look at other dimensions, it is high, then you can reformat 3D, only I do not know how.

Well, we already do it already.

Oh unreal. From our point of view. You know, there's anyway there is any terrible fundamental error.

What is the case?

Forgive me, forgive me that I criticized you, something with these dimensions. I seem to see what they mean, they declared, at some level, where? ... what information came. Remember when we released the following souls, 100 million years ago, here are them, i.e. We put in obviously losing circumstances. Those who are initially lived very well, and those that were released 100 million years ago, they were limited to something, and the development went down somehow down . (Extensive). You know, it is already starting to get out things from Scientology, although everything is very logical. True, in Scientology, I did not reach any breath, but here our group of shower - we were weaker and we were not sent there (? Here?). The game is absolutely ill-conceived, i.e. we ran up at the same level, then we created tinnitus-sublevels, while it was not meaningless. And those who created us, there are beautifully live. ( I understand that with logic is tugged, I swear herself, so this information is completely behind the brackets - to limit the possibilities. Discussing creation, and even more so its shortcomings are very arrogant).

In try to get out of the universe, climb upstairs to the local logos, ask permission to go upstairs, see what's next.

Well, what I see is the energies that are transfusing with different colors. By permission, I get into the universe energies.

Is there central whirlwind there?

Oh, everything is moving there, it is not clear and not necessary to understand it.

Well, okay. It began with the discussion of the Earth - Prison, then why we are told that she not jail?

Oh, it's not quite a prison, it is the end point in which everyone is confused, there is no place below. We also say: "Get out, what are you sitting there?" You know, if the flies to tear off the wings and say: "Fly, what are you sitting here?" That's it like that. What you are all stuck, you are all low, low, unfasteless, get out of one who bothers you. They do not want to understand us at all, but they can not, because they are with completely different features. They are encouraged by us: "Come on, guys, bones and fly, we admire you ..." You see, those who tell us, they are the winners over us, because it was we turned out to be shaking here, but they are there. And I generally do not see there a big warm feeling.

Well, what about eternal love, the light of the Creator, etc.

The level of us is not at all.

And here we have, it's they?

Oh, they are also very low. Maybe they are in something bright, friendly friend love, and we are for them as ants, insects brainless . (Maybe I'm not right and everything is wrong?)

You see when a person wins, not even at all honestly, he tries to forget the rules for which he won, and therefore now they are white and fluffy, and we sit in the dark and how to blame themselves.

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Recording: digitall_Angell Chronicles of Astral Travel
Published February 1, 2013 at 22:34 and is in |
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As a preface. To write this text of his author-compiler inspired a number of events that occurred at the end of June 2013 on the popular "Esoteric" platform of the Russian Internet "Chronicles of Astral Travels", (Digitall_Angell's blog).

Stained (Slogan) Blog: "Astral exploration and metacking. A new look at the history, "others", and the opportunities of the matrix. "

I also can be attributed to such wishes and looking for, so when I once stumbled upon this resource on the endless Internet expanses, he caused my interest, like many other visitors. I remained for a long time only by the passive viewer reader on this site, with something agreed with something. And only on June 20, 2013, I wrote my ownfirst comment Within one of those. But what happened then it turned out, you can learn from the following text.

On the Internet, much of what remains hidden in the depths of not attentive eyes, like that of that iceberg or a quiet pool. We are talking about to include awareness and try to dig deeper, including the limits of the person, even your own. And this particular situation and resource itself is just a good reason in order to try hidden open.

In addition, this site itself ("Chronicles of Astral Travels") is indicative as a typical cut of the current thin defold on Earth.

Several pre-comments:

  • I recommend first to watch the themes themselves (and comments on them), which are discussed, and then read a dialogue analysis on their occasion, carefully comparing with its primary perception. After that, once again, read the topic and comments. So you can notice and feel a lot of new things.

  • I apologize in advance for spelling and punctuation, since fragments from a living personal correspondence are given.

  • Well, in general, this is the dialogue of two living people, the exchange of views, an attempt to comprehend. Try to catch the though stream itself, do not bind to specific words, phrases, judgments.

STEP 1. By events in the topic "On the reboot, silence the word" (from 06/20/2013)

"Elvira Tavanova": And in your battle with gray on Da Real crickets was? And by the way how is your thin body after these graters?fenbaihu. There is really really for the breakdown of thought, I have noticed it for a long time, and after the comment, I felt well on my skin. I wanted to open the matrix there later, but it was time to run to work, and there the social networks are blocked. In general, drove.

"Elvira Tavanova":i looked at my way out on the forum Da and his reaction later and the reaction of the forum? What thoughts and conclusions?

After June 21, I see / Feel that, in general, something has changed a bit on the DA resource, almost imperceptibly, but there is, although they are suused again the same topics and continue to throw the comments and feed these "custodians." In general, the taste of another appeared, the taste of a new dimension in all this communication. Although I do not see someone clearly this dimension to implement, but here it is rather as the appearance of the possibility itself, and there was no more than this possibility itself. Such an image arose a little funny - as if the "creature trembling" suddenly, for the first time for her life, the lightning slipped the thought-insight into the head that she had "right". The next moment "the creature" returned to his "trembling" state, but something with her still happened in that moment such fundamental, and in general it was no longer what was previously and its being too.

"Elvira Tavanova":yes, but the most interesting thing is that Da bypassed my question for a kilometer, although I tried to set it as close as possible to his dimension. The previous roller about glowing eyes he was absorbed, and the question simply ignored. How do you understand that?

Question from the topic: by the way, the question is yes: At one time, Sri Chinmi said that in each century, 2-3 fogorealized people are embodied on Earth, for supervising and adjusting spiritual evolution on Earth. In the 20th century before the transition was a special tension and we saw more than 3 (Aurobyndo, Sai Baba, Hydakhan Baba, Chinma) on the scene. Before the transition itself, the last two Avatar were gone: Chinma and Sai Baba. Now on the stage of anyone. So the question is: after the transition, humanity is supposed to transferred to a new level and no longer needs curators? Or are they now behind the scenes? Or has changed the status of the psychosphere of the Earth? How to understand this?

Here, having been vaccinated from the above correspondence and slightly enjoyed in the topic, it is possible more freely and not bother to look at how the discussion was unfolded in this topic. It is possible to independently compare the energyfon of the dialogues of this topic with discussions in other DA topics. Maybe even earn distribution And you can independently make some significant conclusions for yourself.

All worlds and universes exist at one point. The time vector applied to the real point gives an illusory line. Points on the line we call the one-dimensional world. Two versions of the time attached to our mind to one point form the illusion of the plane, two-dimensional world. Three times of time form an unreal three-dimensional world. The physical world is just the fantasy of your highest "I".

This implies:

  1. Not a person is born in the world, and the worlds are born in man.
  2. Each creature has its own time and its space.
  3. We are all mothers, fathers, sons and daughters of each other at the same time.
  4. By changing yourself, you change the whole world.

All people have the highest "I" one. This is God. The creator separated himself from himself so that he could love and know himself. A person needs to see God in himself and communicate with him without intermediaries. Any mediator, whether it is a church or a teacher, is distinguished by information. You can realize God in yourself not through the blind faith, but through knowledge. Vera is lazy. Easily do nothing and just believe. And to go check the information, find out how it works, why it is so arranged "and after doing it yourself is very hard. This requires a huge power of will. Will is, when all the desires subordinate to one, merged into one big desire. Only their own experience makes information knowledge, and man is the Creator.

O. - Continuing to separate himself from the world, you will go nearby, but only in your efforts will go to another cocoon game. Train on simple things, know complex. If you eat a sandwich, become a sandwicher), become a process of food, so involved as much as you can afford to be it. Just let. We comprehend that there are no governing process, more than you are. You are accustomed to watching yourself and run from the surveillance process, and being inside yourself, this is also an error - the matter in the great balance of the Trinity. You are fighting with other cards, as with players, without understanding or incompletely realizing that there is a player on this field, and you are fighting with your reflections as with other cards. You come to the game of the game of more conscious players, like a figure, pawn or map and see your reflections nearby, and think that you are fighting for the possession of great forces and knowledge. But this is not the case.

It is enough to see it, to see yourself as a map - this is the first step, see your reflection as another map on the field - this is the second step, see yourself as a process - this is the third step, see all the game field and everything that is done as the moment of attracting your consciousness . Everything is available to observation, look, sitting on a chair or window sill, smoking a cigarette and jogging sandwiches. All fractally, everything is like. What is the war here, tell me?

You are fighting with a cigarette, you are fighting with smoke, you are fighting with war! And go in a circle, why do you tell me? Is it so hard ... If you are already accustomed to compare and see, and you can see your reflections in what is happening, is it really so difficult to become this and find a victory, first of all over yourself, on yourself old and weak - over the old form of their thinking and consciousness.

Play like children. Be a game of the game, it is very seed (why is the tickle - tickle is joy? This laughter) is nice. Involvement in Genesis by the process itself, this is a very exciting game, much higher levels of players, understand it. When you go out above and there are no obstacles in this, the speed of awareness is now such that all portals are open, so you just wish it, it is so easy and just that you will be stunned, feeling it for the first time, and repeating time, you will all Expand and expand more. But know that all processes should occur symmetrically, thus expanding their awareness - do not forget to sometimes walk the processes by balancing.

Also, as you extend consciousness, realizing your mirrors in the outside world and realizing the process of interaction, as part of your consciousness and directing the vector of action, also do not forget to walk inside yourself, in the inner worlds, for everything is fractal and like. And it will provide you with additional balancing so that you do not fall riding a bike or ice skating so that you do not lose balance - go to the inner worlds, do not be afraid of yourself and remove the masks and prohibitions imposed by other, more conscious players, to implement certain conditions of the game And the experience in which we agreed to participate coming to this embodiment. If you want to hear, listen. If you want to see, see. But see "quietly" because the vision and hearing process itself is similar to the exit from the body and occupy a different position at the point of its assembly.

Head to leave his consciousness, merging with the consciousness of that creature that got into the field of your interaction. With one of the points of view of the matrix imposed by the programs, it looks like an invasion and attack, perhaps and so too, but understand - expanding you, let's get enough that everything is one and we are all one, absolutely we are all one. One not only in the static position of rest and knowledge of AZ EMS, but at the moment of the direction of the direction of the application vector.

There is a great teaching in this to be a creator and creation at the same time. Create yourself and your body from the inside and outside and your consciousness - just like you go to the sports halls and do. If you fail to quickly and effectively achieve the desired result, ask teachers and coaches, and be prepared that coaches and gym and teachers of different levels of game vibrations will be offered, and do not accept it as an attack, but accept it with gratitude as any experience Creation, who prepares you for the exit - the wish to get out of the cocoon of illusions and dreams.

You yourself have achieved this level that you can already and know it - to create cocoons of illusions and programs for other less conscious players and more affected by the outside. In this, your right, in this your power and no one can be convicted of this, there is no concept of sin and guilt in the sense in which you used to impose it in books and other sources - for everything is one, one single consciousness descending on the steps of creation and Playing in various forms of games, and creative other levels of the game for knowing yourself.

Often the question is about Why many leave the earthly plan at such an early age, when nothing foreshadows deaths or accidents, why is an early death occurs - change the dimension of the soul?

In recent colleagues sessions, they discovered a mechanism responsible for this process.

Interesting causes and details of how this mechanism is launchedWhat can lead to its launch and how it can be reversed if desired.

Part 1. "Meanwhile," thin "was entertained in full."

In the session they saw that I had no usual structure and even just forms, there is nothing: neither crystals, no contours bodies, nor Aura, nor even colors. The leading session was a bit "surprised" an unusual picture. Such a picture did not see any me, nor they.

Instead of familiar fields, structures and bodies, I looked like a broken hologram with a lot of fragments rotating, like a garbage vortex on the garbage, some old pieces, scraps of newspapers and other residues of thin bodies circled in a circle and did not see anything in common, or holistic .

My consciousness then in the session immediately fell and was at the level of V. As I remember, complete serenity, evenness, acceptance (direct correlation with the states of the carcass in physics). I was asked: "What are you doing there?" I replied: "I flew away. And I feel good here. Calmly and beautiful. There is tired and already like everything is done. I do not want to be back. "

After this phrase and another pairs of leading issues it became clear that the matter is not a joke. Namely it turned out that launched a certain transition program from life further.

They became closely dealing with this issue. Investigated fragments of thin bodies. At the time of the inspection, they appeared in the form of separate disparate energy structures - needle unrelated energies as the northern lights, at a fairly large distance from the usual center - the place where my crystal shone - the spark of the Creator.

You just think about it! She was not!

At the same time, I had a smooth and calm, even blissful and pleasant. Then the answer came exactly what the souls and energy of those who are on the way of transition or exit from this embodiment may look like that.

Level of these energies - This is the level of V.. What I was staying there and allowed us to explore this question without serious consequences and describe this experience.

Next, they found a crystal, very small, who mercated as a pearl, he was approximately under the spark (under the solar plexus). This pearl is very slow and clearly flickering whites-purple, like a semaphore in front of unregulated ZH.D. Moving in the fog. And this flicker inspired the first emotions of fear and horror on me. I first saw that it was reported to my seconds in the transit lobby, which is a period of time H., after which, everything, is "full hello."

The view of the pearl ash-gray, through which the flickering some program made himself quickly prompted us what to do ...

Began to convulously search for how the intelligence agencies on a mined object that do not know when it takes off, as this light bulb is turned off, they began to understand later, as it appeared actively and activated. But this is a separate story.

I will say here briefly, that everyone was successfully turned off, removed, cleaned, cut off all activation programs, returned it to a true place in a true state and now she is the true part of me always with me.

Beautiful, light pearl, which does not burn, does not shine, and does not flicker any color (it is its condition "normal" in the active phase of incarnation, the active state actively activates the program "utilization" of the body in this embodiment, or at best, the transition program Further).

Part 2. A little prehistory: "Tushkina weekdays".

Long before the session in life and in physics, everything began with the fact that I got into some kind of kneading events - an incessant series of cross-checks and lessons, which I apparently not 100% (or slowly passed).

Such an unexpected battle test Whether the last examination of the final common maturity and willingness to move along the ladder of evolution on the next serious life stage (which all rapidly passed in the last six months of life "Cases" are learned deeply and for a long time). This test was serious, as usual with serious "credits of trust" after his passage.

My life snapped to me in this period Both quarrels and disassembly, and even the next "zero" passed almost with all its attributes and with a change in work and the complete devastation of the budget in full nolik. I do not get used to understand such events correctly, - I smiled silently with the words of myself: " well, this time, in addition to good smile, you will not rain anything from me, all there are only lessons. Gather and go on!»

I woke up in the morning in one of the days of my examination "session" and I understand that From this morning, for some reason, everything is not so. Well, I just see and understand everything is not as usual. View removed, some "from the side." Smooth reactions, practically indifferent to everything. Imcorrusive tolerance and acceptance of all at all levels. And most importantly, the detachment and the desire to climb and not see anyone.

I just did not want anyone to nor say nor seek, neither to deal with even the usual and necessary affairs. And even relatives and loved ones, this wave and fate also covered. And it is very good that I always have the full awareness and permanent analysis option - I really ask myself any questions: " who is so smart here? », « who is profitable? », « are these thoughts and desires? », « do you really need it? », « do you mean what is happening? "And so on ... This chip, as a superstructure of a system of own security, saved me once, but this time it only warned, but I did not pay due attention to the alarm inside. And then it turned out, I really didn't pay attention to ...

Part 3. "Pearl rules." Care program or early death.

But back to the session.

It turned out that there are crystals that can activate such a program. More precisely, the crystals that are responsible for such a transition. Transition between worlds and incarnations. In the normal normal case, the crystal is very well protected and in most stages is hidden and closed even from the body owner. Multi-level access to it:

First level - " I see that it is».
Second - " for reading».
The third - " on editing».
Fourth - " on the full change of the program and formatting» (for very advanced entities).

In the usual state, it is not available and is not even visible in the structure. It becomes visible for several reasons:

- fully implemented the program for embodiment, or definitely it has already been done to be;
- the level of development of the soul implies in combination with the point above the ability to smoothly control the transition to the next embodiment;
- the strong suffering and torment of the souls that were not recorded in the program of incarnation;
- third-party intervention, magical intervention from the outside, program failure;

In my case, I encountered the latest option to "great happiness. And it is very good that in this mournful transition procedure there are verification events at the level of VS - the obligatory visit to the Cabinet of the "Chief Doctor" (VS) to obtain a visa of the latter on the decidering application. If I did not stand so long in line in this office, it is not known how the whole story is over. It is the time of checking on the authenticity of the activation program of this crystal and the quarantine of my energy residues and my souls allowed me to assess the situation and cancel this program with the help of experienced colleagues.

The activation of the crystal program is provided in the implementation of all mandatory tasks for the embodiment and including, subject to this rule, at the request of the subject. Thus, under certain circumstances, it is possible to even ecoly and quite gently choose the care scenario. But this is the topic of individual research.

There is another factor of "development, intersections and branches" of life path. With serious transitions from one reality branch to another, when activating abilities, serious degradation, when refusing problems for the embodiment and with mass passage of lessons, the transition crystal can be "highlighted" and remind themselves under certain circumstances. This is due to the number of lessons passed and developed between them. At every intersection in the program level, the choice is a choice - go further or not. By default, the embodiment continues, but you can stop it at this intersection, return to another branch, or even cancel. Some individuals can activate this program by the power of their own intention when performing certain conditions described above.

But sometimes there are also alien viruses that launch the activation of the transition program in this crystal. In my case, it was a coincidence of several factors:

The third-party impact is not quite a simple person in order to disassemble me and "to have fun." I fully admit that the transition crystal was randomly at the same time;
common weakened state against the background of a large number of tests passed;
New features from which they often lead to any ways;

In my case, the connection of the fog virus and "fuel oil" was direct with the activation of the program. Such a virus is looking for weak points, holes, swinging them and activates and turns everything around into an abnormal state. This, including the imposition of a virus on the program of passing the lessons of the subject or group, and it turned out that with a weak general field and the protection took off everything. And our favorite crystal threw too.

The penetration of the virus occurred on a strongly weakened "body", after a variety of works and practices, both in common and private order, when almost all shields were omitted and I simply did not expect any trick. It happened also because the carrier of this virus is consciously consciously, or not (this is no longer so important) was the person who we all trusted very much (a good saying is remembered again: "Trust, but check !!!"). I personally could not think that this could "fly" from the person with whom I communicate long ago, and it was all right with him before ...

Now I am "missing" this moment again and I understand that the prompts were the protection system, although weakened, but worked - I just did not listen to it properly. Hence only one conclusion - full awareness and complete confidence in your feelings and checking all doubts, even the most unexpected(It is better to discuss everything with colleagues and check out once again, even seemingly strange to them than to skip such a blow).

Symptoms of the start of the transition on a thin plan (as it looked from the first person):

The human aura becomes needle northern radiance without a structure and without a spark, a lot of a lot of needles and fragments. Possible holograms of bodies rotating in the funnel. More observation. Upstairs, I completely shifted and the flows are already more in the hell, much better connection with him than before, and brighter paints. Full serenity, calm and the most interesting thing that I did not want to go back there at all. Apathy? Similar to what you were deceived and detained, and you have already done everything for a long time and you can go further. Loaded in a mines for a couple of hundred years. I showed mercy and trusted some deceivers.

The needle structure of bodies pulsed and accompanied by different diameters and sizes. Very scattered and cold beautiful. Fully lost a spark and soul. Naked ice unconscious. And earlier this was still defragmentation in the form of garbage and fragments and funnels around Saturn, only Saturn is not. As if a strange tornado just begins, having belongged to the scraps of garbage and newspapers. Thus, my "body" looked like this. Full disassemble and shamelessness.

The role of JV on this issue is a quarantine time and checking on the authenticity of the running program. Hell can adjust this program but not always. When you activate such a program on a thin plan, you almost always perceive from the point of view of the virtual absolute (very much from above) - smoothly and calmly. Full serenity. Then, when passing all checks of the program "Upstairs" on authenticity, the necessary events in physics are activated.

In fact, it is a smooth transition, separated by stages, you smoothly leave physics, cease adequately to feel everything. The inlay awareness flows out of the physical body, significance disappears, dynamism, pulse, reactions slow down, touch, smell and hearing are fitted, the life cycle slows down, the apathy is turned on, you can fall out of awareness for all days. In physics and in the event, there was a sense of emotional tranquility, but anxiety head and analysis, a feeling of sharp and fast "intersections", which just put on the way. Everything is somehow rude and not according to the script, quickly, as in resuscitation. Waiting for an alarming away from the mind and it is not clear what. At such moments you understand that it is possible to implement the program of complete disposal in minutes from dozens of different ways ... But at the same time there was no fear. Cool-blooded proud silence with a smirk or smile. In my case, this smile still said that I had done and at least realized that it was with me (thank heaven!). Of course, thanks to my reliable satellites on the stars!

Part 4. "Which managed to avoid, or selection of the transition program events."

For example, oncology is the most typical example of activation of the transition program, often even by the will of the soul itself and man. Only sometimes the souls ask themselves the activation programs unconsciously. I managed to avoid the implementation of the events in the transition program, but I managed to feel the beginning of the selection of events.

It was not very harmonious and natural for cheerful and bright active life Indifference What happens to me. Full fearlessness and the inner feeling that already "probably it's time that much, if not all, is already done here." Convey this feeling exactly words here is very hard, but now, from afar, I understand how strong it was a program and her ILLUSION In my mind. She worked as a strong and pleasant drug. According to the action, it looks like an injection of morphine, when they did not guess with the mass before the operation with local anesthesia.

So, if all the checks at JV and over were passed, then the event number of the transition is included - from an accident to cheerful and fast-auction fatal disease.

And that's it. On this, the work of the crystal and its programs is completed.

Part 5. "In the Logbook of the Researcher."

What I want to say at the end, because there are great magicians and very advanced comrades, to activate the transition program, falling on Castaneda to the abyss from the cliff, will not be difficult. It seems to me this is a very interesting topic for further research. And the knowledge that was revealed to me is that we can accurately manage the transition programs and implement them systematically and environmentally friendly and others.

Good everyone's health!

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