The deportation of the Crimean Tatars in 1944 for what. Deportation of Crimean Tatars

Every year since 2014, these days, hysteria begins on the occasion of the next anniversary of the deportation of the Crimean Tatars, who were deported immediately after the liberation of Crimea from the Nazi invaders in 1944. Deported for mass, i.e. practically all the people are aiding the enemy. The start of this hysteria and speculation was given personally by Vladimir Putin in 2014, it is not clear why he decided to play the card of "cruel" Stalinist deportations in relation to the allegedly innocent Crimean Tatars.

Let's try to understand this topic. The fact that the Crimean Tatars immediately met the invaders with bread, salt and prayers of blessing is a historical fact. This is evidenced by many documents, which are now diligently hiding, reaching even the history textbooks of Crimea. They hide it in order to show the cruelty and lack of motivation of the decision of the USSR leadership to expel the people - the Nazi accomplice.

The Tatars immediately took our side. They saw in us their liberators from the Bolshevik yoke, especially since we respected their religious customs. A Tatar deputation came to me bringing fruit and beautiful handmade fabrics for the Tatar liberator "Adolf Effendi".

Manstein E. Lost Victories. M. 1999.S. 238.

From the editorial of a local Crimean Tatar newspaper on April 21, 1942, entitled "Victory is yours," with congratulations on Hitler's birthday:

“Greetings to you, great messenger of God, Herr Adolf Hitler! Today, when you have crossed the fifty-third year of your life and began the fifty-fourth year, the year of victory and success, warm greetings to you from those who love you, who expected your help and saw the joy of liberation of the oppressed Tatar people of Crimea. (...) You, sir, today stand at the head of victory. The victory will be yours! "

At the same time, even before the seizure of Crimea, two divisions of the Red Army No. 320 and 321 formed from the Crimean Tatars, numbering 10 thousand people, fled by October 1941, i.e. deserted, exposing the front in front of the Germans. And after the occupation of the Crimean Tatars in all settlements, volunteer units were formed to help the German occupiers. These detachments were engaged in the protection of the camps of Soviet prisoners of war, the fight against partisans and Soviet landings, etc.

One way or another, about 20 thousand Crimean Tatars from among men directly participated on the side of the Germans. That is about 9-10% of the total population. Is it a lot or a little, based on the total pre-war number of 218 thousand people? The age and sex pyramid of the RSFSR from 1939 will help us to understand:

On it, I showed that 9-10% of the total population is approximately 20% of the total male population. Or 12 draft ages from 18 to 30 years old. That is, all the most combat-ready part of the men went into the service of the Germans. For this reason, it should be argued that only 10% passed to the Germans, i.e. little is not true. It is true that a great deal went over — practically everyone who could effectively hold a weapon.

For comparison, for all the years of the war in the Crimea, 13.8% of the population was mobilized into the Red Army. And among the Tatars, 10% went to serve the invaders. And this despite the fact that from May 1944 to May 1945, the Crimean Tatars were not mobilized into the Red Army, and the rest continued to be sent to the front while the Tatars went deep into the rear, while the whole people continued to shed blood for the liberation of the Motherland.

That is, talking about the inhumanity and harshness of deportation in these conditions is simply despicable. After all, while the Ivans were dying for another whole year in the war, the Crimean Tatars went to Central Asia, i.e. to the rear. For this reason, there is every reason to believe. that deportation under those conditions was the most humane step of all possible to save the Crimean Tatar people from physical disappearance. After all, the "accursed" Stalin could not expel anyone. It was enough to do with those who served the Nazis and deserted from the Red Army under the laws of wartime. That is, someone should be put up against the wall, and someone else should be sent to camps for 10-25 years.

Then what awaited the Crimean Tatars, when 10% of the youngest and strongest men would be removed from their families for a time or forever? Then they would surely face extinction, and in those very 20-45 years such a people would have ceased to exist in reality, and not in the fantasies of anti-Soviet liberals who equate deportation with genocide.

So it is in vain that the Crimean Tatars raise this issue every year. They do not need to speculate on this, opposing their fate to the fate of all the peoples of Russia. This is only necessary for our common enemies, who are only happy to sow discord on complex issues of history.

Evidence of the atrocities of the Crimean Tatars during the war

Crimean Tatars in vain raise the topic of their innocence during the Great Patriotic War. He who sows the wind will reap the storm in response.
Fragments from a collection of documents on Crimean Tatar collaborationism from a document of the USSR KGB referring to those events.

On May 18-20, 1944, by order from Moscow, the NKVD fighters drove almost the entire Tatar population of Crimea to railway cars and sent 70 echelons towards Uzbekistan
This forced eviction of the Tatars, whom the Soviet government accused of collaborating with the Nazis, became one of the most rapidly carried out deportations in world history.

How did Tatars live in Crimea before deportation?

After the creation of the USSR in 1922, Moscow recognized the Crimean Tatars as the indigenous population of the Crimean ASSR as part of the indigenous policy.

In the 1920s, Tatars were allowed to develop their culture. In Crimea, Crimean Tatar newspapers, magazines were published, educational institutions, museums, libraries and theaters worked.

The Crimean Tatar language, together with Russian, was the official language of the autonomy. More than 140 village councils used it.

In the 1920s-1930s, Tatars made up 25-30% of the total population of Crimea.

However, in the 1930s, Soviet policy towards the Tatars, like other nationalities of the USSR, became repressive.

Crimean Tatar State Ensemble "Khaitarma". Moscow, 1935

First, dispossession of kulaks and the expulsion of the Tatars to the north of Russia and beyond the Urals began. Then came the forced collectivization, the Holodomor of 1932-33 and the purges of the intelligentsia in 1937-1938.

This turned many Crimean Tatars against the Soviet regime.

When did the deportation take place?

The main phase of the forced resettlement took place within less than three days, starting at dawn on May 18, 1944 and ending at 16:00 on May 20.

In total, 238.5 thousand people were deported from Crimea - almost the entire Crimean Tatar population.

For this, the NKVD attracted more than 32 thousand soldiers.

What caused the deportation?

The official reason for the forced resettlement was the accusation of the entire Crimean Tatar people of high treason, "mass destruction of Soviet people" and collaboration - cooperation with the Nazi occupiers.

Such arguments were contained in the decision of the State Defense Committee on deportation, which appeared a week before the start of the evictions.

However, historians name other, unofficial reasons for the resettlement. Among them is the fact that the Crimean Tatars have historically had close ties with Turkey, which the USSR at that time viewed as a potential rival.

Spouses in the Urals, 1953

In the USSR's plans, the Crimea was a strategic springboard in case of a possible conflict with Turkey, and Stalin wanted to play it safe against possible "saboteurs and traitors", whom he considered Tatars.

This theory is supported by the fact that other Muslim ethnic groups were resettled from the Caucasian regions adjacent to Turkey: Chechens, Ingush, Karachais and Balkars.

Did the Tatars support the Nazis?

From nine to 20 thousand Crimean Tatars served in the anti-Soviet military units formed by the German authorities, writes historian Jonathan Otto Paul.

Some of them sought to defend their villages from the Soviet partisans, who, according to the Tatars themselves, often persecuted them along ethnic lines.

Other Tatars joined the German troops because they were captured by the Nazis and wanted to alleviate the difficult conditions in the POW camps in Simferopol and Nikolaev.

At the same time, 15% of the adult male Crimean Tatar population fought on the side of the Red Army. During the deportation, they were demobilized and sent to labor camps in Siberia and the Urals.

In May 1944, most of those who served in the German units retreated to Germany. Mostly wives and children who remained on the peninsula were deported.

How did the forced resettlement take place?

NKVD officers entered Tatar dwellings and announced to the owners that they were being evicted from the Crimea because of treason.

They were given 15-20 minutes to collect things. Officially, each family had the right to take with them up to 500 kg of luggage, but in reality they were allowed to take much less, and sometimes nothing at all.

Mari ASSR. Logging brigade. 1950

People were taken by trucks to railway stations. From there, almost 70 trains with tightly closed boxcars crowded with people were sent to the east.

During the move, about eight thousand people died, most of whom were children and the elderly. The most common causes of death are thirst and typhus.

Some people, unable to bear the suffering, went mad. All property left in Crimea after the Tatars was appropriated by the state.

Where were the Tatars deported to?

Most of the Tatars were sent to Uzbekistan and neighboring regions of Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. Small groups of people ended up in the Mari Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the Urals and the Kostroma Region of Russia.

What were the consequences of the deportation for the Tatars?

In the first three years after the resettlement, according to various estimates, from 20 to 46% of all deportees died of hunger, exhaustion and disease.

Among those who died in the first year, almost half are children under 16.

Malaria, yellow fever, dysentery and other illnesses spread among the deportees due to the lack of clean water, poor hygiene and lack of medical care.

Alime Ilyasova (right) with a friend, whose name is unknown. Early 1940s

The newcomers did not have natural immunity against many local ailments.

What status did they have in Uzbekistan?

The overwhelming majority of Crimean Tatars were transported to the so-called special settlements - surrounded by armed guards, checkpoints and fenced with barbed wire, the territories were more like labor camps than settlements of civilians.

The newcomers were cheap labor, they were used to work on collective farms, state farms and industrial enterprises.

In Uzbekistan, they cultivated cotton fields, worked in mines, construction sites, factories and factories. Among the hard work was the construction of the Farhad hydroelectric power station.

In 1948, Moscow recognized the Crimean Tatars as life-long settlers. Those who, without the permission of the NKVD, left their special settlement, for example, to visit relatives, were in danger of 20 years in prison. There were such cases.

Even before the deportation, propaganda incited hatred of the Crimean Tatars among local residents, stigmatizing them as traitors and enemies of the people.

According to historian Greta Lynn Ugling, the Uzbeks were told that "cyclops" and "cannibals" were coming to them, and they were advised to stay away from the newcomers.

After the deportation, some local residents felt the heads of the newcomers to check that they did not grow horns.

Later, upon learning that the Crimean Tatars were of the same faith, the Uzbeks were surprised.

The children of migrants could receive education in Russian or Uzbek, but not in Crimean Tatar.

By 1957, all publications in Crimean Tatar were banned. An article about the Crimean Tatars was removed from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.

This nationality was also banned from entering in the passport.

What has changed in Crimea without the Tatars?

After the Tatars, as well as Greeks, Bulgarians and Germans were evicted from the peninsula, in June 1945 Crimea ceased to be an autonomous republic and became a region within the RSFSR.

The southern regions of Crimea, where the Crimean Tatars used to live predominantly, became empty.

For example, according to official data, only 2,600 residents remained in the Alushta region, and 2200 in Balaklava. Subsequently, people from Ukraine and Russia began to be resettled here.

"Toponymic repressions" were carried out on the peninsula - most of the cities, villages, mountains and rivers, which had Crimean Tatar, Greek or German names, received new Russian names. The exceptions include Bakhchisarai, Dzhankoy, Ishun, Saki and Sudak.

The Soviet government destroyed Tatar monuments, burned manuscripts and books, including volumes of Lenin and Marx, translated into Crimean Tatar.

Cinemas and shops were opened in mosques.

When were the Tatars allowed to return to Crimea?

The regime of special settlements for Tatars existed until the era of Khrushchev's de-Stalinization - the second half of the 1950s. Then the Soviet government softened the living conditions for them, but did not withdraw the charges of high treason.

In the 1950s-1960s, the Tatars fought for their right to return to their historical homeland, including through demonstrations in Uzbek cities.

Osman Ibrish with his wife Alime. Settlement Kibray, Uzbekistan, 1971

In 1968, the occasion of one of these actions was Lenin's birthday. The authorities dispersed the rally.

Gradually, the Crimean Tatars managed to achieve the expansion of their rights, however, the informal, but no less strict ban on their return to Crimea was in effect until 1989.

Over the next four years, half of all Crimean Tatars who then lived in the USSR returned to the peninsula - 250 thousand people.

The return of the indigenous population to Crimea was difficult and was accompanied by land conflicts with local residents who managed to settle in the new land. Still, major confrontations were avoided.

The annexation of Crimea by Russia in March 2014 became a new challenge for the Crimean Tatars. Some of them left the peninsula due to persecution.

Others were banned by the Russian authorities themselves from entering Crimea, including the leaders of the Crimean Tatars Mustafa Dzhemilev and Refat Chubarov.

Does the deportation have signs of genocide?

Some researchers and dissidents believe that the deportation of Tatars is in line with the UN definition of genocide.

They argue that the Soviet government intended to destroy the Crimean Tatars as an ethnic group and was purposefully moving towards this goal.

In 2006, the kurultai of the Crimean Tatar people appealed to the Verkhovna Rada with a request to recognize the deportation as genocide.

Despite this, in most of the historical works and diplomatic documents, the forced resettlement of the Crimean Tatars is now called deportation, not genocide.

In the Soviet Union, the term "resettlement" was used.

Exactly 70 years ago - on May 11, 1944 - the State Committee issued a resolution on the beginning of the Stalinist deportation of the Crimean Tatars in 1944 - the eviction of the indigenous population of the Crimean peninsula to Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan ...

Among the reasons for the deportation of the Crimean Tatars from Crimea was named, among other things, their collaboration during the Second World War.

Only in the late perestroika years, this deportation was recognized as criminal and illegal.

The officially declared reason for the deportation of the Crimean Tatars in 1944 was the complicity of a part of the population of the Tatar nationality to the Germans in the period from 1941 to 1944, during the capture of Crimea by German troops.

From the Decree of the USSR State Defense Committee of May 11, 1944, it is said about the full list - treason, desertion, going over to the side of the fascist enemy, the creation of punitive detachments and participation in atrocious massacres of partisans, the mass extermination of residents, assistance in sending groups of the population into slavery to Germany , as well as other reasons for the deportation of the Crimean Tatars in 1944, carried out by the Soviet government.

Among the Crimean Tatars, 20 thousand people either belonged to police units or were in the service of the Wehrmacht.

Those collaborators who were sent to Germany before the end of the war to create the Tatar mountain-ranger regiment of the SS managed to avoid the Stalinist deportation of the Crimean Tatars from Crimea. Among the same Tatars who remained in Crimea, the main part was calculated by the NKVD officers and convicted. During the period from April to May 1944, 5000 accomplices of the German invaders of various nationalities were arrested and convicted in Crimea.

The Stalinist deportation of the Crimean Tatars from the Crimea was also subject to that part of this people who fought on the side of the USSR. In a number (not so numerous) cases (as a rule, this affected officers with military awards), the Crimean Tatars were not expelled, but they were banned from living in Crimea.

In two years (from 1945 to 1946), 8995 war veterans belonging to the Tatar people were deported. Even that part of the Tatar population that was evacuated from the Crimea to the Soviet rear (and, of course, for which it was impossible to find a single reason for the deportation of the Crimean Tatars in 1944) and could not be involved in collaborationist activities, was deported. The Crimean Tatars, who held leading posts in the Crimean regional committee of the All-Union Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Council of People's Commissars of the KASSR, were no exception. As a reason, the thesis was put forward about the need to replenish the leadership of the authorities in new places.

Carrying out the Stalinist deportation of the Crimean Tatars from the Crimea, based on the national criterion, was characteristic of political totalitarian regimes. According to some estimates, the number of deportations, when only nationality was taken as the basis, in the USSR during Stalin's rule is approaching 53.

The operation to deport the Crimean Tatars was planned and organized by the NKVD troops - a total of 32,000 employees. By May 11, 1944, all clarifications and adjustments in the lists of the Crimean Tatar population were carried out, their addresses of residence were checked. The secrecy of the operation was the highest. After the preparatory operations, the deportation procedure itself began. It lasted from May 18 to May 20, 1944.

Three people - an officer and soldiers - entered the houses early in the morning, read out the reasons for the deportation of the Crimean Tatars in 1944, gave a maximum of half an hour to get ready, then the people thrown out into the street were gathered into groups and sent to railway stations.

Those who resisted were shot right next to the houses. At the stations, about 170 people were placed in each heating car, and the trains were sent to Central Asia. The road, exhausting and arduous, lasted about two weeks.

Those who managed to take food from home could hardly hold out, the rest died of hunger and diseases caused by the transportation conditions. First of all, elderly people and children suffered and died. Those who could not bear the crossing were thrown off the train or hastily buried near the railway.

From the memoirs of eyewitnesses:

Official data sent to Stalin for the report confirmed that 183,155 Crimean Tatars were deported. Fighting Crimean Tatars were sent to labor armies, and those demobilized after the war were also deported.

During the period of deportation from 1944 to 1945, 46.2% of the Crimean Tatars died. According to the official reports of the Soviet authorities, the death toll reaches 25%, and according to some sources - 15%. The data of the OSP of the UESSR indicate that 16,052 migrants died in six months since the arrival of the trains.

The main destinations for the trains with the deportees were Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. Also, a part was sent to the Urals, the Mari Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and the Kostroma Region. The deported had to live in barracks that were practically not intended for living. Food and water were limited, conditions were virtually unbearable, causing many deaths and illnesses among those who had to leave Crimea.

Until 1957, the regime of special settlements was in force in relation to the deported, when it was forbidden to move further than 7 km from the house, and each settler was obliged to report monthly with the commandant of the settlement. Violations were punished extremely severely, up to long periods of camps, even for unauthorized absences from the neighboring settlement where relatives lived.

Stalin's death did little to change the situation of the deported Crimean Tatar population. All those repressed on ethnic grounds were conditionally divided into those who were allowed to return to the autonomy and those who were deprived of the right to return to their places of origin. The so-called policy of "rooting" the exiles in the places of forced settlement was carried out. The second group included the Crimean Tatars.

The authorities continued the line of accusing all Crimean Tatars of complicity with the German occupiers, which provided a formal basis for prohibiting the return of settlers to Crimea. Until 1974, formally and until 1989 - in fact - the Crimean Tatars could not leave their places of exile. As a result, in the 1960s, a wide mass movement arose for the return of rights and the possibility of the return of the Crimean Tatars to their historical homeland. Only in the process of "perestroika" was this return possible for the majority of the deported.

The Stalinist deportation of Crimean Tatars from Crimea affected both the mood and the demographic situation in Crimea. For a long time, the population of Crimea lived in fear of possible deportation. Added panic expectations and eviction of Bulgarians, Armenians and Greeks living in Crimea. Those areas that were inhabited by Crimean Tatars before the deportation were left empty. After their return, most of the Crimean Tatars were resettled not to their former places of residence, but to the steppe regions of Crimea, whereas before their homes were in the mountains and on the southern coast of the peninsula.

I have a neighbor. Crimean partisan. He left for the mountains in 1943, when he was 16 years old. This document will tell about him better than me.

From the stories of Grigory Vasilievich:
"In 1942, the Tatars wanted to slaughter the entire Russian population of Yalta. Then the Russians went to bow to the Germans so that they would protect them. The Germans gave the command not to touch ..."
"I do not know a single Tatar who would have been in the partisans ..."
"On May 18, I was told that I would take the Tatars to Simferopol. I would do this again today ...."
"The Tatars who took refuge in the forests after the eviction began to attack individual soldiers. The soldier would go into the bushes to take a piss, and the next day they find him - suspended by his legs, and a member in his mouth ... all the forests of the Crimea. Who was found - they shot. The conversation was short. And the sense is great ... "

In general, everything happened like this:

On the eve of the Great Patriotic War, the Crimean Tatars made up less than one fifth of the population of the peninsula. Here are the figures from the 1939 census:
Russians 558481 - 49.6%
Ukrainians 154 120 - 13.7%
Tatars 218,179 - 19.4%

Nevertheless, the Tatar minority was not in the least infringed on its rights in relation to the Russian-speaking population. Quite the opposite. The state languages \u200b\u200bof the Crimean ASSR were Russian and Tatar. The administrative division of the autonomous republic was based on the national principle. In 1930, national village councils were created: Russians - 207, Tatar - 144, German - 37, Jewish - 14, Bulgarian - 9, Greek - 8, Ukrainian - 3, Armenian and Estonian - 2. In addition, national districts were organized. ... In all schools, children of ethnic minorities were taught in their own language.

After the start of the Great Patriotic War, many Crimean Tatars were drafted into the Red Army. However, their service was short-lived. As soon as the front approached the Crimea, desertion and surrender among them became widespread. It became obvious that the Crimean Tatars were waiting for the arrival of the German army and did not want to fight. The Germans, taking advantage of the prevailing situation, threw leaflets from planes promising to “finally solve the question of their independence” - of course, in the form of a protectorate within the German Empire.

From among the Tatars who surrendered in the Ukraine and other fronts, cadres of agents were trained, who were thrown into the Crimea to strengthen anti-Soviet, defeatist and pro-fascist agitation. As a result, units of the Red Army, manned by the Crimean Tatars, turned out to be incapable of combat, and after the Germans entered the territory of the peninsula, the overwhelming majority of their personnel deserted. Here is what is said about this in the memorandum of the Deputy People's Commissar for State Security of the USSR B.Z. Kobulov and Deputy People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR I.A. Serov addressed to L.P. Beria, dated April 22, 1944:

"... All those drafted into the Red Army numbered 90 thousand people, including 20 thousand Crimean Tatars ... 20 thousand Crimean Tatars deserted in 1941 from the 51st Army during its retreat from Crimea ..." ...

That is, the desertion of the Crimean Tatars was almost universal. This is confirmed by data for individual settlements. So, in the village of Koush, out of 132 drafted into the Red Army in 1941, 120 people deserted.

Then the subservience to the invaders began.

Crimean Tatars in the auxiliary troops of the Wehrmacht. February 1942

The eloquent testimony of the German Field Marshal Erich von Manstein: “... the majority of the Tatar population of the Crimea was very friendly towards us. We even managed to form armed self-defense companies from the Tatars, whose task was to protect their villages from attacks by partisans hiding in the Yayla mountains ... The Tatars immediately took our side. They saw in us their liberators from the Bolshevik yoke, especially since we respected their religious customs. A Tatar deputation came to me, bringing fruits and beautiful handmade fabrics for the liberator of the Tatars “Adolf Effendi”.

On November 11, 1941 in Simferopol and a number of other cities and towns of Crimea, the so-called "Muslim committees" were created. The organization of these committees and their activities took place under the direct supervision of the SS. Subsequently, the leadership of the committees passed to the SD headquarters. On the basis of Muslim committees, a "Tatar committee" was created with a centralized subordination to the Crimean center in Simferopol with a widespread activity throughout the Crimea.

On January 3, 1942, the first official ceremonial meeting of the Tatar committee took place in Simferopol. He welcomed the committee and said that the Fuehrer had accepted the Tatars' offer to come up in hand to defend their homeland from the Bolsheviks. Tatars, ready to take up arms, will be enrolled in the German Wehrmacht, will be provided for everything and will receive a salary on a par with German soldiers.

After the approval of the general measures, the Tatars asked permission to end this first solemn meeting - the beginning of the struggle against the atheists - according to their custom, with prayer, and repeated the following three prayers after their mullah:
1st prayer: for the achievement of an early victory and a common goal, as well as for the health and long years of the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler.
2nd prayer: for the German people and their valiant army.
3rd prayer: for the soldiers of the German Wehrmacht who fell in battle.

Crimean Tatar legions in Crimea (1942): battalions 147-154.

Many Tatars were used as guides for punitive squads. Separate Tatar units were sent to the Kerch front and partly to the Sevastopol sector of the front, where they participated in battles against the Red Army.

Typically, local “volunteers” were used in one of the following structures:
1. Crimean Tatar formations as part of the German army.
2. Crimean Tatar punitive and security battalions of SD.
3. Office of the police and field gendarmerie.
4. Apparatus of prisons and camps SD.

A German non-commissioned officer is leading the Crimean Tatars, most likely from the "self-defense" police unit (under the jurisdiction of the Wehrmacht)

Persons of Tatar nationality who served in the punitive bodies and military units of the enemy were equipped with German uniforms and provided with weapons. Persons who distinguished themselves in their treacherous activities were appointed by the Germans to command positions.

Help from the High Command of the German Ground Forces dated March 20, 1942:
“The Tatars are in a good mood. The German authorities are treated with obedience and pride if they are recognized in the service or outside. The biggest pride for them is the right to wear German uniforms. "

A poster calling on the population to join the SS forces. Crimea, 1942

It is also necessary to provide quantitative data about the Crimean Tatars turned out to be among the partisans. On June 1, 1943, there were 262 people in the Crimean partisan detachments, of which 145 were Russians, 67 were Ukrainians and 6 were Tatars.

After the defeat of the 6th German army of Paulus at Stalingrad, the Theodosia Muslim Committee collected one million rubles among the Tatars to help the German army. Members of the Muslim committees in their work were guided by the slogan "Crimea is only for Tatars" and spread rumors about the annexation of Crimea to Turkey.
In 1943, the Turkish emissary Amil-Pasha came to Feodosia, who called on the Tatar population to support the activities of the German command.

In Berlin, the Germans created a Tatar national center, whose representatives came to Crimea in June 1943 to get acquainted with the work of Muslim committees.

Parade of the Crimean Tatar police battalion "Schuma". Crimea. Autumn 1942

In April-May 1944, the Crimean Tatar battalions fought against the Soviet troops liberating Crimea. So, on April 13, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Islam-Terek station in the east of the Crimean peninsula, three Crimean Tatar battalions operated against units of the 11th Guards Corps, losing only 800 prisoners. The 149th battalion fought stubbornly in the battles for Bakhchisarai.

The remnants of the Crimean Tatar battalions were evacuated by sea. In July 1944, in Hungary, the Tatar SS Mountain Jaeger Regiment was formed from them, soon deployed into the 1st Tatar Mountain Jaeger Brigade. A certain number of Crimean Tatars were transferred to France and included in the reserve battalion of the Volga-Tatar Legion. Others, mostly untrained youth, were enlisted in the Air Defense Support Service.

Detachment of the Tatar "self-defense". Winter 1941 - 1942 Crimea.

After the liberation of Crimea by Soviet troops, the hour of reckoning came.

"By April 25, 1944, the NKVD-NKGB and Smersh NGOs arrested 4,206 people of the anti-Soviet element, of which 430 spies were exposed. In addition, 5,155 people were detained by the NKVD rear protection troops from April 10 to 27, including 55 arrested. agents of German intelligence and counterintelligence agencies, 266 traitors to the Motherland and traitors, 363 accomplices and protégés of the enemy, as well as members of punitive detachments.

48 members of Muslim committees were arrested, including Izmailov Apas - the chairman of the Karasubazar district Muslim committee, Batalov Balat - the chairman of the Muslim committee of the Balaklava region, Ableizov Belial - the chairman of the Muslim committee of the Simeiz region, Aliyev Mussa - the chairman of the Muslim committee of the Zuy region.

A significant number of persons from the enemy's agents, henchmen and accomplices of the German fascist invaders were identified and arrested.

In the city of Sudak, the chairman of the district Muslim committee, Umerov Vekir, was arrested, who admitted that, on the instructions of the Germans, he organized a volunteer detachment from a kulak criminal element and was actively fighting against the partisans.

In 1942, during the landing of our troops near the city of Feodosia, Umerov's detachment detained 12 Red Army paratroopers and burned them alive. 30 people were arrested in the case.

In the city of Bakhchisarai, the traitor Abibulaev Jafar, who voluntarily joined the punitive battalion created by the Germans in 1942, was arrested. For his active struggle with Soviet patriots, Abibulaev was appointed commander of a punitive platoon and executed civilians suspected of being in connection with the partisans.
By a military court, Abibulaev was sentenced to death by hanging.

In the Dzhankoy region, a group of three Tatars was arrested, who, on the instructions of German intelligence in March 1942, poisoned 200 gypsies in a gas chamber.

As of May 7 this year. 5381 persons of the enemy's agents, traitors to the Motherland, accomplices of the German fascist invaders and other anti-Soviet elements were arrested.

5395 rifles, 337 machine guns, 250 submachine guns, 31 mortars and a large number of grenades and rifle cartridges were seized illegally stored by the population ...

By 1944, over 20 thousand Tatars had deserted from the units of the Red Army, who betrayed their Motherland, went into the service of the Germans and fought against the Red Army with arms in hand ...

Fighter of the Tatar "self-defense" detachment. Winter 1941 - 1942 Crimea.

Considering the treacherous actions of the Crimean Tatars against the Soviet people and proceeding from the undesirability of further residence of the Crimean Tatars on the border outskirts of the Soviet Union, the NKVD of the USSR submits for your consideration a draft decision of the State Defense Committee on the eviction of all Tatars from the territory of Crimea.
We consider it expedient to resettle the Crimean Tatars as special settlers in the regions of the Uzbek SSR for use in work in agriculture - collective farms, state farms, and in industry and construction. The question of the resettlement of the Tatars in the Uzbek SSR was agreed with the secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Uzbekistan, comrade Yusupov.

People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR L. Beria 10.05.44 ".

The next day, May 11, 1944, the State Defense Committee adopted a resolution No. 5859 on "On the Crimean Tatars":

“During the Patriotic War, many Crimean Tatars betrayed their Motherland, deserted from the Red Army units defending Crimea, and went over to the side of the enemy, joined the volunteer Tatar military units formed by the Germans that fought against the Red Army; During the occupation of Crimea by fascist German troops, participating in German punitive detachments, Crimean Tatars were especially distinguished by their brutal massacres against Soviet partisans, and also helped the German occupiers in organizing the violent hijacking of Soviet citizens into German slavery and the mass extermination of Soviet people.

The Crimean Tatars actively cooperated with the German occupation authorities, participating in the so-called “Tatar national committees” organized by the German intelligence and were widely used by the Germans for the purpose of sending spies and saboteurs into the rear of the Red Army. The “Tatar National Committees”, in which the White Guard-Tatar emigrants played the main role, with the support of the Crimean Tatars directed their activities towards the persecution and oppression of the non-Tatar population of Crimea and worked to prepare the forcible separation of Crimea from the Soviet Union with the help of the German armed forces.

Crimean Tatars in the German service. The form is Romanian. Crimea, 1943. Most likely, these are the police from the battalion "Schuma"

Considering the above, the State Defense Committee decides:

1. All Tatars to be evicted from the territory of Crimea and to settle them for permanent residence as special settlers in the regions of the Uzbek SSR. The eviction should be assigned to the NKVD of the USSR. To oblige the NKVD of the USSR (Comrade Beria) to complete the eviction of the Crimean Tatars by June 1, 1944.

2. Establish the following procedure and conditions for eviction:
a) allow the special settlers to take with them personal belongings, clothing, household equipment, dishes and food in an amount of up to 500 kilograms per family.

Remaining property, buildings, outbuildings, furniture and household land are accepted by local authorities; all productive and dairy cattle, as well as poultry, are accepted by the People's Commissariat for Meat Industry, all agricultural products - by the People's Commissariat of the USSR, horses and other draft animals - by the People's Commissariat of Agriculture of the USSR, pedigree cattle - by the People's Commissars of the USSR.

Acceptance of livestock, grain, vegetables and other types of agricultural products shall be carried out with an extract of exchange receipts for each settlement and each farm.

Instruct the NKVD of the USSR, Narkomzem, Narkommyasomolprom, Narkomsovkhozes and Narkomzag of the USSR by July 1 of this year. to submit to the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR proposals on the procedure for returning the livestock, poultry, agricultural products received from them to the special settlers on exchange receipts;

b) to organize a reception from the special settlers of the property, cattle, grain and agricultural products left by them in the places of eviction, send a commission of the Council of People's Commissars to the place.

To oblige the USSR People's Commissariat of Agriculture, the USSR People's Commissariat of Agriculture, the USSR People's Commissariat for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the USSR People's Commissariat of State Farms, to ensure the reception of livestock, grain and agricultural products from the special settlers, to send the required number of workers to Crimea;

c) oblige the NKPS to organize the transportation of special settlers from the Crimea to the Uzbek SSR by specially formed echelons according to a schedule drawn up jointly with the NKVD of the USSR. The number of echelons, loading stations and destination stations at the request of the USSR NKVD. Calculations for transportation shall be made according to the tariff for transportation of prisoners;

d) The USSR People's Commissariat for Health should be allocated for each echelon with special settlers, in terms of agreement with the USSR NKVD, one doctor and two nurses with an appropriate supply of medicines, and provide medical and sanitary services for special settlers on the way; The USSR People's Commissariat for Trade will provide all echelons with special settlers with hot meals and boiling water every day.

To organize meals for the special settlers on the way, provide the People's Commissariat of Trade with food in quantities, according to Appendix No. 1.

3. To oblige the Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Uzbekistan, Comrade Yusupov, Chairman of the SNK of the Uzbek SSR, Comrade Abdurakhmanov, and People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the Uzbek SSR, Comrade Kobulov, by June 1 of this year. to carry out the following measures for the reception and resettlement of special settlers:

a) accept and resettle within the Uzbek SSR 140-160 thousand people of special settlers - Tatars, sent by the NKVD of the USSR from the Crimean ASSR.

The resettlement of the special settlers should be carried out in state farm settlements, existing collective farms, subsidiary farms of enterprises and factory settlements for use in agriculture and industry;

b) in the areas of resettlement of special settlers, create commissions consisting of the chairman of the regional executive committee, the secretary of the regional committee and the head of the UNKVD, entrusting these commissions with all measures related to the reception and accommodation of arriving special settlers;

c) in each region of resettlement of special settlers, organize regional troikas consisting of the chairman of the regional executive committee, the secretary of the regional committee and the head of the RO of the NKVD, entrusting them with preparing for the placement and organizing the reception of arriving special settlers;

d) prepare guzhavtotransportation for the transport of special settlers, mobilizing for this transport of any enterprises and institutions;

e) ensure the provision of household plots to the arriving special settlers and provide assistance in the construction of houses with local building materials;

f) to organize in the areas of resettlement of special settlers special commandant's office of the NKVD, bearing their maintenance at the expense of the estimates of the NKVD of the USSR;

g) the Central Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the UzSSR by May 20 of this year. to submit to the NKVD of the USSR Comrade Beria a project for the resettlement of special settlers in regions and districts with an indication of the station for unloading trains.

4 To oblige the Selkhozbank to issue to the special settlers sent to the Uzbek SSR, in the places of their settlement, a loan for the construction of houses and for economic establishment of up to 5,000 rubles per family, with installments up to 7 years.

5. To oblige the People's Commissariat of the USSR to allocate flour, cereals and vegetables at the disposal of the Council of People's Commissars of the Uzbek SSR for distribution to the special settlers during June-August of this year. monthly in equal amounts, according to Appendix No. 2.

Distribution of flour, cereals and vegetables to special settlers during June-August of this year. produce free of charge, on account of the agricultural products and livestock accepted in their places of eviction.

6. To oblige the NCO to transfer within May-June of this year. to reinforce the vehicles of the NKVD troops garrisoned in the areas where special settlers are settled - in the Uzbek SSR, the Kazakh SSR and the Kirghiz SSR, Willis vehicles - 100 units and trucks - 250 units that were out of repair.

7. To oblige Glavneftesnab to allocate and dispatch by May 20, 1944 to the points at the direction of the NKVD of the USSR of 400 tons of gasoline, at the disposal of the SNK of the Uzbek SSR - 200 tons.

The supply of gasoline should be made at the expense of a uniform reduction in supplies to all other consumers.

8. To oblige the Glavsnables under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR at the expense of any resources to supply the NKPS with 75,000 wagon planks of 2.75 m each, with their delivery by May 15 of this year; transportation of NKPS boards to carry out by own means.

9. The People's Commissariat of Finance of the USSR to release the NKVD of the USSR in May of this year. 30 million rubles from the reserve fund of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR for special events.

I. Stalin, Chairman of the State Defense Committee.

Note: The norm for 1 person per month: flour - 8 kg, vegetables - 8 kg and cereals 2 kg

The operation was carried out quickly and decisively. The eviction began on May 18, 1944, and already on May 20, Deputy People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR I.A. Serov and Deputy People's Commissar for State Security of the USSR B.Z. Kobulov reported in a telegram addressed to People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR L.P. Beria:

“We hereby report that, started in accordance with your instructions on May 18 this year. the operation to evict the Crimean Tatars was completed today, May 20, at 16:00. Only 180,014 people were evicted, loaded into 67 echelons, of which 63 echelons with 173,287 people. sent to their destinations, the remaining 4 echelons will also be sent today.

In addition, the district military commissars of the Crimea mobilized 6,000 Tatars of military age, who were sent to the cities of Guryev, Rybinsk and Kuibyshev, according to the orders of the Main Department of the Red Army.

Of the 8000 people sent at your order to the trust "Moskovugol", a special contingent of 5000 people. also make up the Tatars.

Thus, 191,044 persons of Tatar nationality were removed from the Crimean ASSR.

During the eviction of the Tatars, 1137 people were arrested of anti-Soviet elements, and in total during the operation - 5989 people.
Weapons confiscated during the eviction: mortars - 10, machine guns - 173, machine guns - 192, rifles - 2650, ammunition - 46 603 pcs.

In total, during the operation, the following were seized: mortars - 49, machine guns - 622, machine guns - 724, rifles - 9888 and ammunition - 326 887 pcs.

There were no excesses during the operation. "

Of the 151,720 Crimean Tatars sent to the Uzbek SSR in May 1944, 191 people died on the way.
From the moment of deportation to October 1, 1948, 44,887 people died from among those deported from Crimea (Tatars, Bulgarians, Greeks, Armenians and others).

As for those few Crimean Tatars who really fought honestly in the Red Army or in partisan detachments, contrary to popular belief, they were not evicted. About 1,500 Crimean Tatars remain in Crimea

"Secret field police number 647
No. 875/41 Translation to His Highness Mr. Hitler!

Allow me to convey to you our heartfelt greetings and our deep gratitude for the liberation of the Crimean Tatars (Muslims), who languished under the bloodthirsty Jewish-communist yoke. We wish you a long life, success and victory for the German army throughout the world.

The Crimean Tatars are ready at your call to fight together with the German People's Army on any front. Currently, partisans, Jewish commissars, communists and commanders who did not manage to escape from Crimea are in the forests of Crimea.

For the speedy elimination of partisan groups in the Crimea, we earnestly ask you to allow us, as good experts on the roads and paths of the Crimean forests, to organize from the former "kulaks", groaning for 20 years under the yoke of Jewish-communist domination, armed detachments led by the German command ...

We assure you that in the shortest possible time the partisans in the forests of the Crimea will be destroyed to the last man.

We remain loyal to you, and again and again we wish you success in your business and a long life.

Long live His Highness, Herr Adolf Hitler!

Long live the heroic, invincible German People's Army!

The son of a manufacturer and the grandson of a former city
heads of the city of Bakhchisarai - A.M. ABLAYEV

Simferopol, Sufi 44.

Correct: Sonderführer - SCHUMANS


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There is no need to believe the current propaganda about the innocence of the Crimean Tatars. Their guilt is obvious and documented by many sources. Don't believe the wild numbers of victims of deportation. Wild because they are called from 25 to 50% of the dead. This is complete nonsense. Remember the main thing that when our grandfathers and fathers perished for the Motherland, the grandfathers and fathers of the present Crimean Tatars deserted and went over to the service of the Germans. And now the facts:

According to recently declassified data from the Special folder of the State Defense Committee (reported on May 1 under number 387 / B), during the occupation of Crimea by the Germans, Muslim committees were organized there, which “conducted on the instructions of the German intelligence agencies recruiting Tatar youth into volunteer detachments to fight the partisans and the Red Army, selected the appropriate personnel to send them to the rear of the Red Army and conducted an active pro-fascist agitation among the Tatar population in Crimea. "

In Crimea, the "Tatar National Committee" was created, which was headed by a Turkish citizen emigrant Abdureshid Dzhemil. The committee had branches in all areas of Tatar residence in the Crimea and actively cooperated with the Germans.

In 1943, the Turkish emissary Amil-Pasha came to Feodosia, who also called on the Tatar population to support the activities of the German command.

Among the specific and especially challenging data is the collection of funds to help the German army "after the defeat of the 6th German army of Paulus at Stalingrad." Thus, the Theodosia Muslim Committee collected "one million rubles" among the Tatars.

From Beria's report to the State Defense Committee No. 366 / B dated April 25, 1944 (from the same Special folder):

“The activities of the“ Tatar National Committee ”were supported by broad layers of the Tatar population, to whom the German occupation authorities provided all kinds of support: they did not drive them to work in Germany (excluding 5,000 volunteers), did not take them out to forced labor, provided tax benefits, etc. Not a single settlement with a Tatar population was destroyed. "

A special Tatar division was formed from the deserted Crimean Tatars, which took part in the battles in the Sevastopol region on the side of the Germans.

The Crimean Tatars who collaborated with the invaders actively participated in punitive actions.

One example. In the “Dzhankoy region, a group of three Tatars was arrested, who, on the instructions of the German intelligence, poisoned 200 gypsies in a gas chamber in March 1942,” “19 Tatars were arrested in Sudak - punishers who brutally dealt with captured Red Army soldiers. Of the arrested, Settarov Osman personally shot 37 Red Army soldiers, Abdureshitov Osman - 38 Red Army soldiers "(Special folder. Message number 465 / B dated May 16, 1944).

In November 1941, all "local police auxiliary forces" on the territory of the Reichskommissariat were organized into divisions of the "auxiliary police of order" (Schutzmannschaft der Ordnungspolizei or "Schuma"). In fact, the "Schuma" police consisted of the following categories:

- police of order in cities and countryside - Schutzmannschaft-Einseldienst;
- self-defense squads - Selbst-Schutz;
- police battalions to fight partisans - Schutzmannschaft-Bataillone;
- auxiliary fire police - Feuerschutzmannschaft;
- reserve auxiliary police for guarding prisoner of war camps and carrying out labor service - Hilfsschutzmannschaft.

Departments of the city and rural police were created immediately after the Germans occupied cities and large settlements of the Crimea. The main duties of its employees were to maintain order in the village and monitor the implementation of the passport regime.

The police personnel consisted mainly of three ethnic groups: Tatars, Ukrainians and Russians. Moreover, the ethnic composition varied depending on the region. So, the Tatars prevailed in the police of Alushta (chief - Chermen Seit Memet), Yalta, Sevastopol (chief - Yagya Aliev), Karasubazar and Zuya (chief - senior policeman Aliev), much less of them were in the police of Yevpatoria and Feodosia.

However, neither the city nor the rural police could independently fight the partisans, let alone destroy them. Therefore, the occupying authorities did everything to create larger armed formations that could provide relative order, at least within their own region.

One of the principles of the German occupation policy on the territory of the USSR was the creation of volunteer units, in particular, the opposition of non-Russian peoples and national minorities to the Russian people. In Crimea, this principle was reflected in the flirting of the German authorities with the Crimean Tatar population and in the creation of volunteer formations from its representatives in the form of self-defense detachments and Schuma battalions for use on the territory of the peninsula. "

This official document should be supplemented.

Soon after the return of Crimea to the native bosom of Russia, President Vladimir Putin received in the Kremlin representatives of the Crimean Tatars, who became our fellow citizens. It is very gratifying. Presumably, there was something to talk about, find out something, help, take note, etc. And shortly before that, a decree was signed on the rehabilitation of the Crimean Tatars. Here, too, there is something to think about.

First, only one who has been convicted can be rehabilitated. But there is not a single country in the world, according to the legislation of which an entire nation could be condemned. There could not be such a code in the USSR. And the Crimean Tatar people were not and could not be condemned. What happened?

The Great Patriotic War began only 23 years after the October Revolution, which in one way or another, and sometimes very unfairly, hurt many. And these people were still far from old, in quite active, often in soldier's age. Understandably their desire to take advantage of the outbreak of war in their own interests, to avenge the loss of loved ones or property, position. Thus, thousands of yesterday's Soviet citizens ended up even in the ranks of the occupiers. And it is surprising not that traitors were found among the 195 million people, but that there were so few of them.

Here is a very valuable testimony of Natalya Vladimirovna Malysheva, a scout, major of the Red Army, and much later of Mother Adriana, whose beautiful portrait in old age I saw in the workshop of Alexander Shilov: “After all, I could have gone to evacuation with my Aviation Institute (MAI) in Alma-Ata ... There is a sun, fruit. But how to leave when you understand: and here the Germans will walk the streets of Moscow ... I decided: I will not go to the evacuation, I will defend Moscow! .. I still ask myself: how was this possible? After all, there are so many repressed, so many churches destroyed. And yet my militia division is 11,000 volunteers who were in no way subject to conscription. In a week they formed! We had children of both repressed and priests. I knew two volunteers whose fathers were shot. But no one concealed evil. And these children rose above their grievances, abandoned everything and went to defend Moscow, many of whom she offended ”(Rossiyskaya Gazeta, December 24, 2009).

But traitors, of course, were found. They were people of different nationalities in our multinational country, starting with the Russians. General Vlasov created an army, although from only two combat divisions, the Germans had Ukrainian units, and Central Asian, and Kalmyk cavalry corps (KKK) ... I'm not talking about the Balts, who had lived under Soviet power for only a year before the war. The Germans treated all these national parts with contempt and distrust. Hitler did not even want to see General Vlasov, the most famous traitor. Himmler worked with him. And the Vlasov army was armed only in November 1944, when we entered German soil, and the affairs of the Germans became very bad.

Crimean Tatars could not be an exception here. Nationality, national mentality, national memory are not an invention of Stalinist propaganda, but the reality of life ... A curious and very characteristic episode once flashed on television. It seems that seven thousand Germans now live in Crimea, they have some kind of unifying organization. And in the recent days of the reunification of Crimea with Russia, a journalist went to talk to the head of this organization. The conversation was friendly, benevolent, the German said that they would all vote for Russia ... But what did we see on the TV on the wall of his office? Portrait of Angela Merkel! .. What did he see good from her? Nothing. What did she give him? Nothing. And after all, most likely, his ancestors ended up in Russia under Peter or Catherine, he is a long-time inveterate Russian German, but here you have a portrait of an angel-like Angela. There is only one national feeling and nothing else. Portraits of Hitler could not hang in the houses of the Volga Germans, but still, nevertheless, nevertheless ...

So, thinking about the Crimean Tatars, one must not forget that there was a more powerful Crimean Khanate. For centuries it has been making devastating raids on the Russian lands. That there is only one raid of Khan Devlet-Girey in May 1571. Taking advantage of the fact that the Russian troops were engaged in the Livonian War, he then, together with the Turks, reached Moscow, burned it all, except the Kremlin, thousands of Muscovites were killed, thousands were driven into slavery. The khan wanted to conquer the Muscovy. Ivan the Terrible was ready to give him Astrakhan, but that was not enough, the war continued, and only in August of the next year, near the village of Molodi, 60 miles south of Moscow, the Russians under the command of Prince M.I. Vorotynsky defeated the army of the khan and the Turks. And in 1687, 1689 there were our unsuccessful campaigns to the Crimea, which became a Turkish vassal, and only after the victory over Turkey, only in 1783 the Crimea was annexed to Russia. All these complex, difficult, bloody historical vicissitudes, which ended in their defeat, could not but leave a mark in the memory of the Crimean Tatars. The history of the conquest of the Caucasus was even fresher in the memory of the Ingush and Chechens ...

And the war began ... On November 1, 1941, the Germans captured Simferopol, on November 8 - Yalta. Here are some excerpts from German documents of that time.

“From the diary of military operations of the 11th army in the Crimea. Intelligence department.

Already during the occupation of the Crimea by the troops, the Tatars showed their friendliness to the Germans. They considered the German troops liberators from the yoke, offered their help ... They have vivid memories of brotherhood in arms in 1917-1918 ...

They increasingly offered us their help in the fight against the partisans and the Red Army. In Simferopol, Bakhchisarai, Karasubazar, etc. they prayed for the victory of German arms, for the Fuehrer, sent letters of thanks to the Fuehrer, asked to be allowed to take part in the struggle against the Bolsheviks ...

On January 20, 1942, a meeting was held in the intelligence department of the army, where it was announced that the Fuhrer had authorized the admission of volunteers from the Crimean Tatars, as well as the creation of Tatar self-defense companies to fight the partisans. Einsatzgruppen "D" creates such companies. Tatars are considered Wehrmacht employees and receive the same food and pay as low-ranking Germans. They take pride in wearing German uniforms and trying to learn German and are very proud when they can speak German.

On January 3, 1942, at 10.00, the first official meeting of the Tatar Committee began in Simferopol, dedicated to the recruitment of Tatars for the common struggle against Bolshevism. The meeting was chaired by the Einsatzgroup chief. " The meeting was opened with a welcoming speech by SS-Oberführer Ohlendorf. He said he was glad to inform the committee that his request to defend the homeland in this sacred struggle together with the Germans against Bolshevism was granted.

The present Tatars took these words with delight and applauded vigorously. The mullah of the Muslim union of Simferopol said that his religion demands to take part in this sacred struggle together with the Germans. The oldest of the Tatars, Ennan Setulla, said that he himself was ready to come out with weapons, although he was sixty years old. Chairman of the Tatar Committee Abdureshidov: “I know that the Tatars as a people (!) Are all ready to oppose the common enemy. We are honored to have received permission to fight under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, the greatest leader of the German people. We are all (!) Ready to march under the leadership of the German army. " The second chairman of the Tatar Committee, a representative of the youth Kermenchikli, said: "Every (!) Young Tatar goes into battle with the consciousness that this is a battle against the worst enemy of the German and our peoples."

After everything was agreed upon, the Tatars asked this solemn meeting and the beginning of the struggle against the infidels to end with a prayer service. The Tatars, following the mullah, repeated three prayers. The first is for achieving a quick victory in common goals and for the long life of Adolf Hitler. The second is for the German people and their valiant army. The third - for the dead German soldiers "(VIZh No. 3'1991. Pp. 91-93).

But that some unknown Oberführer Ohlendorf! Here is what the famous Field Marshal E. Manstein, whose army broke into the Crimea in September 1941, wrote in his memoirs: “The majority (!) Of the Tatar population of Crimea was very friendly towards us. We even managed to form armed companies out of the Tatars for self-defense ... The Tatars immediately took our side. They saw in us their liberators from the Bolshevik yoke ... A Tatar deputation came to me, bringing fruits and beautiful handmade fabrics for the liberator Adolf Effendi. "

Soon the newspaper Azat Crimea (Liberated Crimea) began to appear. It printed something like this:

At a meeting hosted by the Muslim Committee, Muslims expressed gratitude To the Great Fuhrer Adolf Hitler-Effendi for a free life. Then they arranged worship for the health of Hitler-effendi».

Or: " Great Hitler - the liberator of all peoples and religions! Two thousand Tatars of the village of Kokkozy and the surrounding area gathered for a prayer service in honor of the German soldiers. All Tatar people daily pray and ask Allah to grant the Germans victory over the whole world. Oh Great Leader, we speak from the bottom of our hearts, believe us! We give our word to fight the herd of Jews and Bolsheviks together with German soldiers. God bless you, our great lord Hitler, ”and so on. etc.

And in this whole picture, including such a newspaper, there is nothing surprising or exceptional. There were like-minded people of the named Tatars among the Russians. They wrote about the same thing in the Vlasov newspapers. And long before the war, the Athonite Elder Aristokles prophesied: “Wait until the Germans take up arms, for they are chosen not only as God's instrument of punishing Russia, but also as an instrument of deliverance. When you hear that the Germans are taking up arms, then the time is already close "(Great Civil War 1941-1945. M. 2002. p. 498).

But then the Germans took up arms. Journalist D. Zhukov writes in the same book: “In emigration, the overwhelming majority of priests and parishioners welcomed the start of the war, even met with enthusiasm” (p. 499, 501). Thus, Metropolitan Seraphim (Lukyanov) declared: "May the Almighty bless the great Leader of the German people who raised his sword against the enemies of God himself." He was echoed by the very liberal Archimandrite John (Shakhovskoy) in his article "The hour is near": "Until what days were desired by both Soviet and foreign Russia ... The bloody operation to overthrow the Third International is entrusted to a skilled, experienced German surgeon" ( p. 501). (The aforementioned Zhukov, the parent of the most colorless deputy prime minister of all democratic governments, since the Yeltsin era, the same truth-teller who wrote in Litgazet that Stalin flew to the Tehran conference with a cash cow, tried to use dirty slander to add haters to this horde Of the Soviet Union and Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky), the future patriarch, whose last name this Zhukov does not even know how to write correctly. He, he says, "in his sermon in the Patriarchal Council in Moscow indirectly supported the beginning of the war" (p. 499). They even beat the parents of the Deputy Prime Ministers with a candelabrum for such fabrications.

But not only the churchmen rejoiced at Hitler's attack. The Nobel laureate Ivan Bunin, who lived in France, occupied by the Germans, who seemed to be a classic of Russian literature, in the first days of the war on July 2, 1941, wrote in his diary with obvious malevolence: “True, Stalin's kingdom will soon end. Kiev will probably be taken in a week or two ”. The classic was in a hurry, in fact Kiev was captured almost three months later. True, later the classic woke up a little and was even glad when we liberated Odessa. I'm not talking about General Krasnov, who twice fought with the Germans against Soviet Russia and received the gallows in 1946. And General Denikin, who then also lived in France, and after the war drove overseas, until the end of his days hated Soviet Russia and even in 1947, shortly before his death, he sent the American President a detailed note on how to smash the Soviet Union using the experience of the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War.

As for the Russian clergy, even at this time, ardent admirers of Hitler have not died out among them. Here is what you can read in the magazine "Russian Orthodoxy" No. 4 for 2000: "The Catacomb Church has always confessed and now confesses that Hitler for True Orthodox Christians (IPH) was God's chosen leader-anointed not only in the political, but also in the spiritual-mystical sense, the good fruits of which are still tangible. Therefore, the IOC give him honor ... As during the life of the German Fuhrer St. The church offered up prayers for his health and the granting of victory over his adversaries, and after his death she prays for his immortal soul ”(Ibid .: 500). Citing these lines, Zhukov did not express his attitude to them: "We leave the readers to decide on this issue for themselves." And to help determine, for example, Archpriest Georgy Mitrofanov, who regularly arranges memorial services for General Krasnov, and Vlasov, and Solzhenitsyn, can help. Moreover, he curses the famous General A.A. Brusilov, who after the revolution took the side of the people and their Red Army, but he praises Kolchak, Yudenich and Yeltsin (Tragedy of Russia. M. 2009). As you can see, these saints in servility and groveling before the Nazis and other enemies of Russia, perhaps, even leave behind the mentioned Simferopol mullah and his Crimean Tatar associates during the war.

Meanwhile, in the above document of the reconnaissance department of the 11th German army there is also such evidence: “In the villages of the Bakhchisarai region, 565 Tatars voluntarily declared their service with us until January 22, 1942, but frequent refusals were noted during the draft. As of January 30, due to illness and other reasons, there were 176 such people, of whom 48 people simply did not appear at the recruiting offices. As a result, out of 565 volunteers, 389 people remained ”(Quoted op., P. 94). This is a very important piece of evidence. Yes, of course, not all Tatars went to serve the Germans. Moreover, the Tatars were among the partisans. So, according to the archival data of the Crimean regional party committee, in April 1944, on the eve of the liberation of Crimea, there were 2075 Russians in the partisan detachments, 391 Tatars, 356 Ukrainians, 71 Belarusians (Quoted from I. Pykhalov. Stalin's Time. M. 2001 . P.76). It is appropriate to mention here that during the war years 161 Tatars (I don't know how many of them are Crimean) became Heroes of the Soviet Union.

But, presumably, the proportion of Tatars who served with the Germans was still quite high. So, in the memorandum of the Deputy People's Commissar of State Security of the USSR B.Z. Kobulov and the Deputy People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR I.A. Serov dated April 22, 1944, the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs L.P. Beria said that in 1941, the Red Army was drafted in the Crimea about 20 thousand Tatars, and all of them deserted during the retreat of our 51 army from the Crimea and ended up in the ranks of the Germans. This is almost the entire Crimean Tatar population of draft age ”(Ibid .: 75).

Much can be judged by the memorandum of Beria, who, as the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs, led the eviction operation. He reported to Stalin on May 10, 1944. There is also such information: “The organs of the NKVD and the NKGB are carrying out in the Crimea the identification and seizure of enemy agents, traitors to the motherland. On May 7 this year 5381 such persons were arrested, weapons - 5995 rifles, 337 machine guns, 250 automatic rifles, 31 mortars, a large number of grenades and cartridges were seized.

On July 5, 1944, Beria, summing up the results, reported: “... 15,990 weapons, which were illegally stored from the population, were seized, including 724 machine guns, 716 machine guns, 5 million ammunition” (Ibid .: 84). Machine guns, as you know, are not used for hunting quail ... 716 machine guns are a great force in those conditions. And Beria had no reason to exaggerate these figures in a note to Stalin.

Yes, of course, not all Tatars collaborated with the Germans. Not everyone was evicted. For example, they did not touch those Tatars who themselves participated in partisan detachments and their families. Here you can name the family of S.S. Useinov, a partisan who was shot by the Germans. Families in which the wife is Tatar and the husband is Russian were not evicted. The Tatars who were at the front, like the pilot E.U. Chalbash and others, managed to defend their families (Ibid.).

In evaluating this entire dramatic story, a number of important circumstances must be taken into account.

First, eviction on the basis of ethnicity in wartime is not a Soviet invention. A very knowledgeable and conscientious political scientist, Professor SG Kara-Murza writes: “In 1915-1916. The tsarist government carried out a forced eviction of the Germans from the front line and even from the Azov region. In the same 1915, by order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army, over 100 thousand people were deported from the Baltic to Altai. On February 19, 1942, the most liberal President Roosevelt ordered not even deport, but imprison US citizens of Japanese origin in concentration camps. In these camps, they were forced to do hard work in the mines. But there was no threat of a Japanese invasion ”(Soviet Civilization. Book One, M. 2002. P. 608). And there were about 130 thousand people behind the barbed wire. And one cannot but compare: Japan was overseas from the United States, and Crimea was then the rear of the fighting Red Army.

Secondly, in all the episodes mentioned above, neither the Germans, nor the Balts, nor the Japanese showed dangerous hostility to their country or sympathy for its enemy, especially any assistance to him. They were sent out in advance, in order, so to speak, of a preventive military quarantine. Another thing is the Crimean Tatars. They were expelled after the liberation of Crimea, when numerous facts of their active cooperation with the invaders became reliably known.

Thirdly, because the Germans had not yet been expelled from our land, no one could say when the war would end and what other possible turns in its course were. And now, having liberated Crimea, in such conditions, leave hostile armed detachments in the rear of our army, which have more than 700 machine guns alone? It would be extremely irresponsible and dangerous. What if the Germans would return to Crimea? It was impossible to exclude this then.

Fourthly, Crimea is not just a territory, but a strategically extremely important border edge of the country, a bridgehead that should be an absolutely reliable rear of the Red Army.

Fifthly, under the conditions of war, it was simply not possible to deal with each individual suspect, with each specific fact.

Finally, if the Tatars had remained in Crimea after its liberation, this could have caused many acute, including bloody conflicts between them and the rest of the population. Lyudmila Zhukova writes in the Literaturnaya Gazeta: “Because of political correctness, it is not customary for us today to explain the reason for the deportation of an entire nation. I remember a meeting in Alushta at the end of the 70s with front-line soldiers who liberated Crimea. They said: "The deportation of the entire people saved them from the vengeance of the front-line soldiers, who were not afraid of anything at that time" (LG, May 21, 14). Yes, the deportation saved the Tatars from the wrath of the people.

How, on what conditions did the resettlement take place? By decree of the State Defense Committee of May 11, 1944, signed by Stalin, each family was allowed to take with them up to 500 kg of things - inventory, dishes, food, etc. Exchange receipts were issued for the livestock, grain, vegetables left in order to return on them all accepted at the place of settlement in Uzbekistan. To organize the reception, the four named heads of the people's commissariats were instructed to send the required number of workers to the Crimea. And for the exchange at the place of settlement of everything handed over to Uzbekistan, a special commission of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR was sent from six also named responsible officials of a number of People's Commissariats, headed by the Deputy Chairman of the SNK of the RSFSR Gritsenko. The public health addict Miterev was instructed to allocate a doctor and two nurses for each echelon "with an appropriate supply of medicines and to provide medical and sanitary services for special settlers on the way." And one more thing: “The USSR People's Commissariat for Trade (Comrade Lyubimov) will provide all trains with daily hot meals. To do this, the People's Commissariat of Trade should allocate products. "

The Tatars were not thrown out somewhere in a bare field. "The resettlement of special settlers, - said in the decree of the State Defense Committee, - to carry out in state farm settlements, collective farms, in subsidiary farms of enterprises and industrial settlements for use in agriculture and industry." In addition, the local authorities were supposed to “provide the special settlers with household plots and provide assistance in the construction of houses,” for which each family was given a loan of 5,000 rubles for seven years. Other measures were provided to help the Tatars, and 30 million rubles were allocated for all activities. I wonder what it cost the Americans to keep the Japanese behind barbed wire ...

S. Kara-Murza believes that the deportation of peoples from the Crimea and the Caucasus was a punishment on the principle of mutual responsibility, when one is responsible for everyone, and everyone is responsible for one. But it was a very strange punishment. The very same Kara-Murza testifies that in the places of the new settlement party and Komsomol organizations remained, people studied in their native language, received an education, a specialty, and later did not know any discrimination in obtaining higher education. And in the end this is also very characteristic. Our other well-known researcher Vadim Kozhinov, responding in 1993 to a certain G. Vachnadze, who stated that 50% of Chechens died during the deportation, wrote: “According to reliable census data, in 1944 there were 459 thousand Chechens and Ingush, and in 1959 there were m when they returned to their native land - 525 thousand, i.e. 14.2% more. If half of the people really died, then its number could recover in no less than half a century. So, in 1941-1944, not 50, but "only" 22% of the population of Belarus (2 million out of 9) died, and the pre-war number was able to recover only 25 years later - by 1970 "(The fate of Russia. M. 1997 . P. 168). That is, as Kara-Murza writes, “they returned to the Caucasus as a grown and strengthened people” (Quoted op. P. 609). There is no reason to believe that the situation was different with the Tatars or Kalmyks.

So was the decree on rehabilitation needed? I think that instead of the Decree, it would be necessary on behalf of the state to apologize to the Tatars for the fact that under wartime conditions it was not possible to comply with all legal norms and formalities and gratefully remember all Tatars, living and dead, who fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Let me remind you again: 161 Tartars, including the poet Musa Jalil, were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for their exploits during the war. Here they are, after much more numerous peoples, only the fourth ...

I have known many Tatars in my life. As a child, he was friends with two brothers-Tatars, whose surname and names for the prescription of time I forgot; at the front in the same company with me were the Tatars Ziyatdinov and Khabibullin; after the war he knew the wonderful poet Mikhail Lvov, who wrote in Russian; for many years I have been friends with playwright Azat Abdullin. Who else? The wife's friends are Chulpan Malysheva, the daughter of Musa Jalil, Galiya Alimova. And about none of them I can not say a single unkind word ... This is what one should write a song about for Jamala so that she sang it in Sweden for the whole of Europe.

V.S. Bushin
Original taken from