What is most important in a person? What is most important in a person.

There are many different qualities in the soul of each person: kindness, openness, constraint or, conversely, relaxedness, honesty, understanding and respect for other people, a willingness to come to their aid, but only these qualities are distributed in us in different ways, someone predominates one thing, someone else is missing. The most important qualities in a person for me are honesty and willingness to help other people. You may ask me, but why did I put honesty first? I can give the answer by giving a specific and truthful example from personal experience.
In third grade, I didn't like mathematics at all. I didn't like to subtract, multiply, divide, although in this subject I had a good four. Then we were asked to read any story for extracurricular reading. At home we had Lev Davydychev's book "The Life of Ivan Semyonov". It was this book that I decided to read. It tells about a second grader and a second year student Ivan Semyonov, who did not like to study and did everything not to go to school. He did not receive grades higher than three, did not do his homework and often skipped lessons. The book by Lev Davydychev interested me so much that mathematics became my most unloved subject, and I decided to take an example from the hero of the book, that is, skip lessons. As I remember now, it was the end of February. The weather outside was quite cold, and the lessons lasted for about four and a half hours. Naturally, I simply could not stand so much time outside in the cold, and therefore I came home as if after the third lesson, telling my sister and parents that there were no more lessons. This went on for probably five days. In the end, my parents found out that I did not go to school, and because of this, they forced me to do all the math assignments that I missed, learn all the lessons, and as a punishment I did not go with them to the circus. Now, having become smarter, I adhere to the following rule: "Everything secret becomes clear," and from this it follows that there is simply no point in lying, since the deception will sooner or later be revealed.
Another important quality in a person is the willingness to help other people. But let's imagine that this quality has disappeared from all people in the world. What will happen then? An old woman who slipped on the street will not be able to get up, a girl who has lost her keys on the road will never find them. No man can do without the help of his neighbor. Even I quite recently, leaving the store, did not notice the descending step, slipped and fell unsuccessfully, beating off my palm and wrist. But, luckily for me, there was a kind man next to me, who handed my bag, which had flown to the side, and helped me to get up.
Thus, the most important thing in a person, I consider honesty and help to neighbors, people you don't know. After all, a person in society, in my opinion, cannot do without these qualities.

Since ancient times, philosophy has been trying to answer the question of what is most important in a person. At different times, there were different theories about the role of man in the world, about his purpose and the highest goal of existence. However, none of them is an axiom, and for each individual the answer to the question posed will sound differently.

What is the most important thing in a person's life?

This question lies in the field of individual philosophy. There are no global goals of human life in the world that would suit each person and would not change in the process of life. The difficulty is that each person, depending on his upbringing, environment and other factors, forms his own system of values. It is important for someone to have a family, for someone a job, for someone a hearty dinner.

With age, these values \u200b\u200bcan transform and change. And what seemed to you the most important in life at school or student age is no longer so relevant in adult life. If during the period of youthful maximalism we were ready to fight for our innocence and did not perceive criticism in our address, then as we grow up we realize that philanthropy and loyalty to others come to the fore.

Thus, everyone must answer the question for himself. For this we have been given the ability to think.

Thinking about what qualities in people do you value most, you will understand whether your environment and you yourself meet the requirements, what needs to be done in order for your expectations from life to coincide with reality.

Variety of values

It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of what is most important for a person. Each individual has his own view on this issue. This is due to the fact that we exist in a large global world.

For all of humanity, in a global sense, there are such important values \u200b\u200bas:

  1. Thrift;
  2. Charity;
  3. Peacefulness.

These qualities enable us to preserve the planet and the environment for future generations. However, if we look at peoples more closely, it becomes clear that the division into smaller nations and races makes us different from each other in aspirations and values.

Some went through the process of evolution, fighting for new lands, through conquests and numerous military campaigns, not imagining another life. And for them the most important qualities in the tribesman were:

  • Courage;
  • Courage;
  • Force;
  • Aggression.

And others have historically led a peaceful lifestyle and in this case were valued:

  1. Kindness;
  2. Mutual assistance.

This is largely due to the historical events that took place with certain peoples. So the Slavs were never belligerent, only the best qualities were always present in their upbringing. However, the historical implantation of someone else's will and the desire of the people to free themselves from oppression did their job, and such features appeared in the character of the peace-loving population as:

  • Disobedience;
  • Justice;
  • Patriotism.

The main qualities of a person

In addition to physiological differences, a person as an intelligent creature is distinguished by a number of qualities that are inherent only to him:

  • Politeness and sociability allow a person to exist in society and at the same time feel comfortable;
  • Kind attitude towards people and the world around them is respectful from other people;
  • Honesty and decency most valued in a person... Only people with such qualities are pleasant to deal with. They, as a rule, develop warm and friendly relations in teams, as well as strong families;
  • Modesty makes a reasonable person even more respected;
  • Courage gives him the opportunity not to stand still and constantly improve;
  • Humanity allows you to be loyal to the diversity of the surrounding world and accept it as it is.

These qualities allow a modern person to live with dignity in a civilized society, develop, grow up the career ladder, earn authority among others, be calm and confident in himself and his actions.

Ability to think

Human nature is such that he does not have tremendous strength, high speed or any natural tools for protection, however, the greatest gift of nature can be considered the most complex interweaving of nerve endings and various fibers - this is our brain. He is capable of:

  1. To training;
  2. To thinking;
  3. Thanks to him, we are able to feel various emotions;
  4. Experience a variety of feelings for others.

Thanks to mental activity, a person is able to:

  • Conquer the environment;
  • Defend against the enemy;
  • Create more favorable living conditions for yourself;
  • Assess your behavior and much more.

The gift of nature must be developed. Scientists have proven that we use only 20 percent of our brain. This means that there is still a very great potential hidden in us.

What is the main difference between animals and humans?

Visually, humans are very different from animals:

  1. He walks straight, which frees his hands to work;
  2. There is practically no wool on it. Although few hair follicles remain, the hair is much thinner and smaller than that of the animal;
  3. Developed brain;
  4. Movable palms;
  5. The specific structure of the language that allows us to speak.

However, the main difference between us is presence of reason... It is he who allows people to:

  • Change the environment, not adapt to it;
  • Create cultural values;
  • To live in society and be guided in the process of life not only by instincts, but also by social norms;
  • Perform many different actions, unlike animals, whose habits are limited by their species;
  • Lead a focused lifestyle;
  • Experience emotions and compassion for others.

Philosophy, psychology, religion have been studying the place and role of man in the world since ancient times. Until now, there are no other creatures known on this spectrum that could experience feelings of love, respect, or form and defend their point of view.

None of the studies of the human structure have called it fit for performing a certain type of activity and existence in certain conditions. Man is universal, he never stops at what has been achieved and always strives for more.

Thus, trying to answer and find out what is most important in a person, we understand that this is purely individual for everyone. Ideas about important qualities are developed in the process of life and depend on many of its factors.

One thing is important - having honestly answered this question, think about whether you yourself correspond to your ideas about the ideal.

Video about the main qualities of people

In this video, Dmitry Moskovtsev will tell you what qualities are valued above all in a person, how to use your mind correctly:

What is most important in a person? I was always amazed by people, especially those who were next to me, especially in childhood, when they did something, talked to someone, told me something, taught me, punished, shouted, squeezed, hurried somewhere, dragged, bought something ... and they always talked, talked a lot, talked often and always practically the same thing. I looked at it all from the side and was surprised. It's like in a movie, when you just sit in an armchair and movie frames flash on the monitor in front of you. I never understood people, I always sat and silently memorized conversations, I was always amazed at how hypocritical, arrogant and stupid a person can be, naturally then I did not know these words, but over time everything changed, and even now it’s better not to pick up. It was always so strange for me to feel among a group of people (I always felt somehow special, not like others), because they are the same as me exactly, almost to the smallest detail, but why then no one ever listens to me, and I can repeat their words, say the same thing, why? Just because I'm younger .. What nonsense, a person can be a fool at forty, and at the same time at ten can realize all its difficulties, values. Our society is unable to understand this, and it is amazing. What is the main thing in a person ... hmmm ... -soul! But who is looking at her now .. Our society has depreciated, it is just a pile of bodies that did not understand and do not understand anything. Our society, our government, our so-called "Liberal Intellectuals" does nothing to protect the rights of the Russian people. Money, fashion, the media - all this is in the service of upstarts who are not aware of what is happening, torn between the already gone here and the mythical there, bringing chaos that penetrates into all spheres of life. It is customary to agree with our society, equalize on its position, write down and learn quotes that fly out of these filthy mouths. For them, a promise is a word, and a word is rubbish. Everything is imposed on us. We were taught to live “correctly” without asking us if we want to, those who disagree are called immoral, ridiculed and simply spread rot. In such conditions, families are destroyed, individualism flourishes, solidarity is sent into exile. Our true values \u200b\u200bgo to rags, men and women each acquire their own weapons, unleashing a personal civil war, leading for the symbolic right to possess this mediocre world. And all this is called evolution, and those who protest are trying to isolate, calling it nostalgic retrogrades. Yes., Naturally, it is better for them to keep up with the times. ... leading youth to ruin. We dance a waltz tour with our time, not knowing who runs the orchestra, spinning like puppets. We rant about our culture when everything is brought to us on airplanes: artificial firs, chickens and even snow! We are looking for all possible forms of sovereignty and are increasingly dependent. We want to open ourselves to the world, but the world only gives us tour operators, tax-free hotels and piles of drugs. And the more we replenish our gold reserves at the expense of European funds, the more we fight among ourselves, just to pass the time or create the illusion of resistance, the illusion of happiness. We strike ... A brutal political game for a penny mandate that no statesman will take seriously. Intellectual fights are extremely showy, because they are not based on any reality. Hatred and envy gnaw our hearts at those who, by chance, won the lottery and achieved success. Our life does not understand a worn-out rag, which is furiously pulled in different directions and torn into small victories confetti. The only thing we have left is only a few people who realize this and 21 grams of love. Loss in this, a society in which there is no love, no truth, no national self-knowledge, is doomed to collective suicide. It is enough to look at the adepts of the sixth of death, who obediently follow their Guru, endowed with the power to accompany them to the other world! What makes us different from them? We have convinced ourselves that true life is possible only there, in the distance, in the metropolis, that nothing is worthy of love on this continent, we boldly rush to the “Great Dream” which day after day begins to resemble a cemetery. We have killed solidarity, we have killed sociability, we have severed our connection with the earth, with space, with time. , we killed love ... We have forgotten how to apologize and excuse. Even if you wanted to put to the words of a loved one, a sad “I'm sorry”, directed rather to the past than to the future. You would like to say that despite all the painful scars, for you, he, your beloved, will forever remain extraordinary, proudly standing on the quay of life. You would have wanted to say a lot, but you couldn't. Words that come too late cannot be considered a given duty. Words that come too early are just empty words. Well, what is the main thing .. In our life, alas, everything is not as good as it seems. From an early age, the "personality" must study the seamy side of human morals, get acquainted with the darkest thoughts, face deceit, cowardice, pride and other baseness that is hidden in this bag of bones called "man". It is also necessary to communicate with people of a big, brilliant mind, with characters, solid as steel, possessing amazing strength that does not recognize either faith or law. You need to understand that everything is based on strength and the one who has no strength is forced to suffer or invent his own invented strength. And what do we know about our subconscious, whose will we are so forced to follow, about this blueprint, hidden in the depths of our soul? Forces beyond my understanding and control are constantly making themselves felt and unmistakably controlling me and events. Some will call it the will of the Lord, but it may also be a simple human desire for growth, a desire to plunge into chaos in order to find greater perfection there. Yes, there is a place in life for harshness, fear, and injustice, but coming into this world is a privilege that only a select few deserve, but few people are able to fully realize this, as well as the fact that the body is just a shell .. the soul is what is important, but it also needs to be educated ..