What is appeal. Examples of using words in speech

Please tell me to whom the words of Jesus Christ are addressed: “Jesus says to him: if I want him to abide until I come, what do you [until that]? you follow me ”(John 21:22). And how does the Orthodox Church interpret them? Thanks.

The priest Afanasy Gumerov, a resident of the Sretensky Monastery, answers:

The Risen Lord, having appeared to His disciples, entrusts the Apostle Peter with shepherding over them ( feed my lambs) and predicts martyrdom on the cross ( stretch out your hands). But Peter, seeing John walking after him and moved by love for him (it was a great honor to glorify the Son of Man with his sufferings), asks Lord! and what is he?: will he go this way. Jesus Christ tells him that you shouldn't think about it: you follow me. To Peter's question, He answers: as far as John is concerned, if he had survived until my second coming, then this does not apply to you. You must follow the indicated path. Further, John himself, the author of this story, says that the words of the Teacher were given brothers, those. disciples, reason to think that John will not die. The Evangelist John writes that Jesus did not say that will not die.However, it does not directly refute this possibility.

The history of the apostolic age fully confirms the fulfillment of the prophecy about St. Petre. The oldest ecclesiastical tradition, preserved by the writers of the 2nd century, testifies that the ap. Peter was crucified under the imp. Nero. Ap. John lived to a ripe old age. According to the holy martyr Hippolytus of Rome, Irenaeus of Lyons and Eusebius Pamphilus, the holy apostle and evangelist John the Theologian died under the emperor Trajan (98 - 117). According to the Alexandrian Chronicle of St. Apostle John the Theologian died in the 72nd year after the ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, being 100 years and 7 months old. All these testimonies by death mean the departure from earthly life. The circumstances surrounding this departure are rather mysterious. The apostle with 7 disciples left Ephesus and, reaching a certain place, ordered them to sit down. Then he left them and began to pray. Then he told them to dig a cruciform grave. “Take the earth, my mother, and cover me with it,” he told his disciples. They fulfilled and with great lamentation returned to Ephesus. When the Christians living in the city learned about this, they came and dug up the grave, but the body of the apostle was not found there.

Blessed. Theophylact interprets this passage in the Gospel as follows. “Some understand this: Peter, hearing that he would die for Christ, said: What about John? will he not die too? Christ did not reject this, for everyone who was born will die, but said: if I want him to abide, that is, to live until the end of the world, and then he became a martyr for Me. Henceforth, they say that he is alive, but will be killed by the Antichrist when, together with Elijah, he begins to preach Christ. If his coffin is pointed out, what before? he entered into him alive, and then was reposed like Enoch and Elijah. So, the evangelist refutes the false opinion of those who thought that this disciple would not die, but would be immortal: for it is a sheer lie so that man should be immortal. Although Enoch and Elijah did not die, they are mortal. So he, although not dead, will die. Therefore, the understanding of the word: will not "die" in the sense that it will be immortal is false. Others assert that he died, but the words: "if I want him to abide" are understood as we have explained above. We have expressed all our opinions so that for the curious, none would be unknown. In our opinion, the words: "so that he may remain until I come", it is better to understand not about life, but about separation from Peter, as the glorious and golden-tongued John understood it "(Interpretation of the Gospel of John).

remember which of the heroes asks these questions from Pushkin, rewrite the sentences, underline the question words

1. O field, field, who covered you with dead bones?
2. "" What do I see? What is it? How! "- and the spirit in him took up ...
3.How dare you, man, argue with me, with me, the noblewoman of the pillar?
4. What are you, guests, bargaining for and where are you sailing now?

1) Please provide an incorrect statement:

A) Address - words or combinations of words that name the person to whom they are addressing with speech.
B) Appeals can be widespread and non-widespread.
C) In the proposal, appeals can be the main members.
D) The address can appear in any part of the proposal.

2) Find sentences with an appeal (no punctuation marks):
A) My beloved waved her handkerchief at the gate.
B) I will return to you Russia.
Q) Where does the Motherland begin?
D) My life is still theca!
E) My friend greets his guests with a smile.
E) Favorite city can sleep well.
G) Quench my thirst with a drop of dew.

3) Indicate sentences with uncommon appeal (punctuation marks are not placed)
A) My friends, our union is wonderful
B) Comrade believe you will win
C) Leaving the camp go to the bus
D) Do you remember Alyosha of the Smolensk road?
D) Hello my dears!
E) Hello, beautiful Volga!
G) How good you are about the night sea!

Task 115.

Test ... for yourself!
Read the text, complete the assignments,
answer the questions.
Does nature speak to us?
Do you think the grass of the forest and the clouds speak to us?
Ancient man, for your information, would not hesitate to answer (would)
Yes! Nature speaks to a person warns the scare ... t 'or encourages ... t. The sun winks in a friendly way from (behind) the clouds, sending4 1 ray of light. 5 Thunder covers ... the (not) obedient to the will of the gods.
Today (however) most people believe ... that the language of nature is different from the conversation between people. You know that our conversations are always addressed to someone. Nature (same) (not) (to) whom (does not) address. The clouds are not going to warn us about the thunderstorm, the trees about the wind.
So it turns out that nature informs, and does not "lead conversations."
By L. Fedorenko
Assignments and Questions
1) Write down the text: solve the spelling problems in words, put the missing punctuation marks in the sentence of the 1st and 2nd paragraphs.

2) Do the specified word and sentence analyzes.

3) What type is the text? Prove (make an outline of the text; ck example in task 37 (4).

4) Underline in the text the phrases with the help of which the author “makes” the read * interlocutor.

When addressing someone, we name our addressee. This word, as we call it, is called an appeal in Russian. Sometimes it is expressed in several words, between which punctuation marks or conjunctions are placed. Also, often in a sentence, a phrase acts as an appeal. Examples: " Mother, I love you. Mom and Dad, you are the most dear people to me. Dear Mom, I love you".

What words is the appeal expressed

Expressing emotions

Feelings of joy and sadness, rage and admiration, affection and anger can express conversion. Examples show how emotion can be conveyed not only by intonation, but also by means of suffixes, definitions, applications: " Nadenka, don't leave us! Do not think, pathetic fanfarethat scared me. Nightingale, my lighthow sweet you sing! "

Vocative sentences. Common references

Calls can be very similar to so-called vocal sentences. These sentences contain a semantic connotation. But it has no appeal. Examples of a vocal sentence and a sentence with an appeal: "Ivan! - she said with despair. / We need to talk, Ivan ".

In the first case, we are dealing with a vocal sentence, which contains a semantic coloring of supplication, despair, hope. In the second case, it is just an appeal.

Examples of sentences in which this speech component is common demonstrate how verbose and detailed the address can be: " The young maiden that loosened her braids and parted her lips for a love song, you will dream me. You, who spoke of glory and freedom, who forgot all their promises, don't expect mercy. "

In colloquial speech, common appeals are dismembered in the sentence: "Where, nice, you go, man?"

Address and speech styles

In literary and colloquial speech, "Do not torment me, you, sadness-longing! Where are you taking me track stitches?"

The use of particle constructs is quite common for calls. about... If this particle is used with a pronoun, it is usually accompanied by a definitive subordinate clause: " Oh you, who recently answered me with a grin, have your eyes dropped? "

Particle handling and are more common in colloquial speech: " Masha, and Masha, where is our porridge? "

Place of reference in the sentence

The address can be at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of a sentence: " Andreywhat happened to you yesterday? / What's the matter, Andreywhat happened yesterday? / What happened to you yesterday Andrey?"

Appeals may not be included in sentences, but used independently: " Nikita Andreevich! Well, why aren't you coming? "

Punctuation marks when addressing

The address, in whatever part of the sentence it may be, is always separated by commas. If it is taken out of the structure and is independent, then most often an exclamation mark is placed after it. Here are some examples of a sentence with an address separated by punctuation marks.

  • If the reference is used at the beginning of a sentence, then a comma is placed after it: " Dear Natalia Nikolaevna, sing to us! "
  • If the appeal is located inside a sentence, it separates from both sides: "I recognize you, sweet, by gait ".
  • If the address is placed at the end of the sentence, then we put a comma in front of it, and after it the sign that the intonation requires - a dot, ellipsis, exclamation mark or question mark: "What did you eat for dinner, children?"

And here are examples in which the appeal is outside the sentence: " Sergey Vitalievich! Urgently to the operating room! / Sweet Motherland! How often have I remembered you in a foreign land! "

If handling is used with a particle about, then the punctuation mark is not put between it and the address: " Oh sweet garden, I breathe in the scent of your flowers again! "

Rhetorical appeal

Usually appeals are used in dialogues. In poetic, they participate in the stylistic coloring of the message. One of these stylistically significant is rhetorical appeal. We see an example in the famous poem of M. Yu. Lermontov "Death of a poet": "You, the greedy crowd standing at the throne, Freedom, Genius and Glory executioners!" (This, incidentally, is a sample of a common address.)

The peculiarity of a rhetorical address is that it, like a rhetorical question, does not require an answer or response. It simply enhances the expressive message of speech.

To whom are the words of Jesus Christ addressed: "... if I want him to abide until I come, what is to you"?

priest Afanasy Gumerov, inhabitant of the Sretensky monastery

The Risen Lord, having appeared to His disciples, entrusts the Apostle Peter with shepherding over them ( feed my lambs) and predicts martyrdom on the cross ( stretch out your hands). But Peter, seeing John walking after him and moved by love for him (it was a great honor to glorify the Son of Man with his sufferings), asks Lord! and what is he?: will he go this way. Jesus Christ tells him that you should not think about it: you follow Me. To Peter's question, He answers: as far as John is concerned, if he had survived until my second coming, then this does not apply to you. You must follow the indicated path. Further, John himself, the author of this story, says that the words of the Teacher gave the brothers, that is, the disciples, a reason to think that John would not die. The evangelist John writes that Jesus did not say that he would not die. However, it does not directly refute this possibility.

The history of the apostolic age fully confirms the fulfillment of the prophecy about St. Petre. The oldest ecclesiastical tradition, preserved by the writers of the 2nd century, testifies that the ap. Peter was crucified under the imp. Nero. Ap. John lived to a ripe old age. According to the holy martyr Hippolytus of Rome, Irenaeus of Lyons and Eusebius Pamphilus, the holy apostle and evangelist John the Theologian died under the emperor Trajan (98 - 117). According to the Alexandrian Chronicle of St. Apostle John the Theologian died in the 72nd year after the ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, being 100 years and 7 months old. All these testimonies by death mean the departure from earthly life. The circumstances surrounding this departure are rather mysterious. The apostle with 7 disciples left Ephesus and, reaching a certain place, ordered them to sit down. Then he left them and began to pray. Then he told them to dig a cruciform grave. “Take the earth, my mother, and cover me with it,” he told his disciples. They fulfilled and with great lamentation returned to Ephesus. When the Christians living in the city learned about this, they came and dug up the grave, but the body of the apostle was not found there.

Blessed. Theophylact interprets this passage in the Gospel as follows. “Some understand this: Peter, hearing that he would die for Christ, said: What about John? will he not die too? Christ did not reject this, for everyone who was born will die, but said: if I want him to abide, that is, to live until the end of the world, and then he became a martyr for Me. Henceforth, they say that he is alive, but will be killed by the Antichrist when, together with Elijah, he begins to preach Christ. If his coffin is pointed out, what before? he entered into him alive, and then was reposed like Enoch and Elijah. So, the evangelist refutes the false opinion of those who thought that this disciple would not die, but would be immortal: for it is a sheer lie so that man should be immortal. Although Enoch and Elijah did not die, they are mortal. So he, although not dead, will die. Therefore, the understanding of the word: will not "die" in the sense that it will be immortal is false. Others claim that he died, but the words: “if I want him to abide” are understood as we have explained above. We have expressed all our opinions so that for the curious, none would be unknown. In our opinion, the words: “so that he abide until I come” is better understood not about life, but about separation from Peter, as the glorious and golden-tongued John understood this ”(Interpretation of the Gospel of John).