What are affixes in the Tatar language. Tatar language

§ 10. Some derivational types of the Tatar language

10.1. The agglutinative nature of the Tatar language contributes to the fact that most of the affixes carry the same meaning. The same enviable constancy can be observed among the Tatar word-formation affixes. Each productive affix of the Tatar language replaces several, and sometimes more than ten, derivational means of the Russian language. This will save you a lot of time when learning Tatar if you pay proper attention to these affixes right away.

For example, more than ten derivational affixes correspond to the Tatar word-formation affix -чы / -che, which expresses the meaning of a person related to what is indicated by the producing base:

cyclist - cyclists;

glazier - pyyalachy;

carpenter - baltachs;

spoon - kasykchy, etc.

rabbit breeder - kuyanchi;

linguist - telche.

As you can see, the affix -чы / -che is attached to both native Tatar and borrowings and new words. And currently, the process of forming new words due to this affix continues:

racketeer - racketeers;

programmer - programmers.

It is necessary to pay attention to other highly productive affixes of the Tatar language that form nouns.

The affix -lik / -lek can denote a place, material, device, device, spiritual qualities of a person or the name of an association of people, depending on what is indicated in the production base:

mustache (aspen) - mustache (aspen);

kaen (birch) - kaenlyk (birch);

idәn (floor) - idәnlek (floor material);

kүz (eye) - kүzlek (glasses);

coat - overcoat (coat material);

dus (friend) - duslyk (friendship);

kart (old man) - kartlyk (old age);

decadent - decadent (decadent);

khan - khanlyk (khanate), etc.

The affix -lyk / -lek, forming nouns, is attached to adjectives and verbs. The main thing for you is to try to understand the semantic relationship between the generating stem and the derived word:

sukyr (blind) - sukyrlyk (blindness);

biek (high) - bieklek (height);

yuka (thin) - yukalyk (subtlety);

ak (white) - aklik (whiteness);

kuakly (bushy) - kuaklylyk (bushiness);

berenche (first) - berenchelek (championship);

ashau (is) - ashamlyk (product);

yagu (to burn) - yagulyk (fuel), etc.

The affix -dash / -dәsh / -tash / -tәsh always indicates a person who has the quality of joint action with someone:

avyl (village) - avyldash (fellow villager);

yash (age) - yashtәsh (peer);

course - kurstash (classmate);

әңgәmә (conversation) - әңgәmәdәsh (interlocutor), etc.

The affix -ly / -le in the formation of nouns is also very productive:

americans (American); mәskәүle (Muscovite); Perm (Perm); latviyale (Latvian); Lithuanians (Lithuanian), etc. (When forming the plural of derivatives from these adjectives, the affix -ly / -le is usually omitted: americals - americalar (Americans); mәskәүle - mәskәүlәr (Muscovites) - see lesson 8 of the Basic Course)

ike (two) - ikele (two); tugyz (nine) - tugyzly (nine), etc.

The affix -ly / -le is also active in the formation of adjectives:

yam (beauty) - yamle (beautiful); belem (knowledge) - belemle (literate); kөch (strength) - kөchle (strong); transistors (transistor); emulsion (emulsion), etc.

Our task is not to introduce you to all the word-formation affixes of the Tatar language. We want you to constantly search and find derivative words and productive affixes. This is of great importance in the study of any language, and especially agglutinative languages \u200b\u200bin which affixes are conservative (that is, they do not go out of fashion, as in Russian), are few in number and carry a huge load in the formation of new words.


Attach the appropriate affix to the word and translate:

Chy / -che: combine; balyk (fish); bakyr (copper); җinayat (crime); crane; kүmer (coal); lachyn (falcon); kuyan (hare, rabbit); museum;

Lyk / -lek: min; yuc; kats (solid); patsha (king); aksak (lame); ata (father); rector; rәis (chairman); җyly (warm);

Ly / -le: Africa; Kazan; Russia; Omsk (After the stem in –sk, a connecting vowel is added and: Omsk - omskily.); Kursk; Permian; Arkhangelsk;

Ly / -le: achu (anger); kaigy (grief); җil (wind); sөyak (bone); sөt (milk); muscle; armor; square; sagynu (longing).

10.2. Another peculiarity of the Tatar language is the presence in it of a large number of paired words, which is not entirely familiar to the Russian reader. The components of paired words can stand in both synonymous and antonymic relationships. The second component can be an echo word, which currently has no semantic meaning. These words, where you can guess the meaning of the individual components, have their own logic that you should try to understand:

khatyn-kyz (khatyn - wife; kyz - girl) - woman;

ata-ana (ata - father; ana - mother) - parents;

asau-echā (asau - to eat; echā - to drink) - food;

kөn-tөn (kөn - day; tөn - night) - always.

You have now understood for yourself the main features of the Tatar language, you just need to penetrate into its features, understand its specifics, its ways of conveying a reality common to all people, common human logic.

Simple and easy about the Tatar language

The most important thing in the Tatar language

So, what are the features of the grammar of the Tatar language? How does he differ from Russian in his rules? To do this, you can go through the list of grammatical categories (we will do this later), but now we will try to understand the logic and basic "golden" rules by examples, without which it is difficult to start learning at all.
For example, let's take three simple words: kitap, bara, yakhshi (book, goes, good).
First, understand: the rule "one word - one translation" is from the realm of fantasy. And first, let's translate them:
Kitap - book
Bara - goes; rides; continues; passes; approves; marry; an action that takes place in a certain direction, etc.
Yakhshy - good, good, good, good.
This is a short, simplified dictionary quote. We learn that nouns have no gender, otherwise they would be indicated in the dictionary. Verbs are "strong", which have many meanings and can be auxiliary and basic. Adjectives do not change by gender (there is no gender), and easily pass into adverbs.
The word forms of these words can be seen in the table:

kitap - book
kitapnyң - books belonging to a book
kitapka - to the book, to the book
kitapny - a book (I see)
kitaptan - from the book
kitapta - in the book
kitaplar - books
kitaplarnyң - books
kitaplarga - to books, to books
kitaplarny - books (I see)
kitaplardan - from books
kitaplarda - in the books
kitaby - his book
kitabym is my book
kitabyң - your book
kitabybyz is our book
kitabygyz is your book
kitaplars - their book
kitaplarum - my books
kitaplaryң - your books
kitaplarybyz - our books
kitabyң yes
the whale was published
kitaplaryң yes
chinese fish
whale fish
chinese fish
kitaplarsis issued
china fish
kitap tүgel
kitap belәn
kitap yanynda
kitap aldynda
bar ala
bar almy
bar alam
bar almyim
bar alasyң
bar almyisyң
bar alabyz
bar almyibiz
bar alasyz
bar almyisyz
bar alalar
bar almyilar
bats keel
batsim kil
barasyң kilә
ram kilmy
barasyң kilmy ...
barmakchy bula
barmakchi bulam ...
bar yazdy
bar yazdym ...
bar kүr
bar kүrmә
bar kүregez
bar kүrmәgez
andң yahshi
yakhshilar ...

I am not mocking, and I am not saying that you must repeat all this, understand, pronounce, remember. Not at all. The most commonly used word forms of three words are simply given (far from all!). Hence the conclusion: language is the most complex mechanism, but it has its own logic. Let's try together in general terms to understand the logic of the given word forms.
First, kitap is a noun. This entire series suggests that there are no prefixes in the Tatar language, no prepositions. All kitap word forms begin with the root part (morpheme). Those. the logic of the Tatar language is based on the principle: the meaning is always ahead. The nominal, semantic component is in front, and then all the grammatical explanations for this word follow. Hence - the complete absence of prefixes, prepositions. Instead, there are postfixes (I will call them suffixes) and postpositions.
Secondly, the root remains to it, as if the adjoining wagons are attached with suffixes that have grammatical meaning.
So, we come to the concept of grammatical meaning. I will not give definitions, but simply explain with an example, indicating the grammatical meanings of suffixes:

Kitaplarybyzda - kitap-lar-y-byz-da
Kitap - book (lexical meaning)
lar - plural (grammatical meaning)
y-byz - belonging (grammatical meaning)
yes - local-temporal case (grammatical meaning).

In the Tatar language, most of the suffixes can be considered unambiguous. For example, -lar, - yes. This means that by taking any unfamiliar Tatar text, you can find them and 95% indicate that we are talking about the plural and place (or time). And for sure, those who added these affixes are nouns (or instead of them, pronouns).
These trailer suffixes are attached one after the other in a strict order (number - possessiveness - case). Such languages \u200b\u200bare called agglutinative (gluing) languages.
We tried to present the most common suffixes with grammatical meanings in the appendix table. This is for many who seriously begin to study the Tatar language.
The same can be said for the verb. Having carefully read the table of word forms, you can understand a certain logic: the formation of forms of the past, forms of the future. Pay attention to the translation and ask: why did the Tatars need the two past tenses? Answer: they have their own semantic features, which are not indicated in the table for brevity. For example, in the past tense:
Bar + dy - passed the examination (definite) walked (the speaker witnessed the event);
Bar + gan - the past was indefinite (the speaker was not a witness of this event).
Ul kinoga barda. - He went to the cinema (I know that for sure).
Ul kinoga bargan. - He went to the movies (but I didn't see that).

So, the golden rule number 1 - In the Tatar language there are no prefixes, prepositions, and suffixes are attached in strict sequence to the root of the word. Suffixes, unlike Russians, usually have one basic meaning.

Let's solve the problem with adjectives. The fact is that adjectives in the Tatar language do not change. They only have degrees of comparison. In addition, they easily turn into adverbs when they serve the verb: yahshi keshe is a good person; ashley yahshi - works well.
In addition, it can be seen that the adjective easily turns into a noun (substantivized) and, of course, takes all the grammatical possibilities of the Tatar noun. We did not list this in the table so as not to scare the reader.
This moment tells us that there is no gender category in the Tatar language.
Returning to nouns: what is this category of possessiveness that is not in the Russian language?
Let's start with the fact that in the Tatar language the meaning is always ahead. And, accordingly, there are no excuses. But not only: the Tatar language, in principle, can do even without possessive pronouns. And instead of saying: my book is a minem kitabym (literally: a minem kitap - but this is a stylistic mistake), you can say kitap mineke or just add –myn / m / s (ie, min - i).
Kitab-ohm is my book
Bargan-myn - I went
Barma-m - I won't go
In these examples, we see that the Tatar rule - the meaning is always ahead - already leads to the emergence of a whole category that is not in the Russian language.
Golden Rule # 2. - In the Tatar language there is no category of gender, but there is a category of possessiveness, which is a consequence of the agglutinativeness of the language.

The grammatical center of the language is the verb. The Tatar verb has a branched structure, which is not so easy to master. Despite several past and future tenses, the Tatar language has a large number of analytical verbs (i.e. verbs formed with the help of auxiliary).
They are also in Russian. You can use them when translating. But in Russian, verbs, becoming auxiliary, do not stray far from their meaning. Although, at times, universal human thinking brings its coincidences into linguistic logic. For instance:
Yaz! - write!
Yaza kүr! - Look, write! (strong urge)
The Tatar language differs from Russian precisely in that there are no specific forms in the verb and the shades of action are conveyed by a variety of analytical verbs. The logic of most of these verbs will be examined, and you will understand that it is no longer so difficult. It's just that many textbooks pay too little attention to auxiliary verbs, and this attention is on the last pages of the books.
It is known that by the end of the book (if it is not fiction with an interesting denouement) the reader relaxes. So even here the auxiliary verbs are out of luck ...
Golden Rule # 3. - Tatar grammar is concentrated mainly on the verb. This is a harmonious system and, having understood and mastered this system, everything will become clear to you.

A few words about different language teaching methods. The point is that you have to accept the methods by which people have already achieved results. Moreover, the result is fast. One of such examples is “scrolling through the dictionary” of an unfamiliar language (better - bilingual). This is, in principle, Frank's famous method.
Scrolling through the dictionary, the student begins to understand the logic of the language. He understands that nouns do not have a gender category, the infinitive of the Tatar verb ends in –рga, adjectives can often be adverbs. All this can be found in the dictionary. But it is much easier to understand the logic of the language by referring to the tables of grammatical meanings of the Tatar language. They are in this manual. Here, in a small volume, almost the entire grammar of the Tatar language is presented.
Scroll through them, and in a short time you will be able to understand the meanings of the suffixes, and, accordingly, the very structure of the Tatar language.

The above table shows the bar verb. It has several meanings, but the main one can be considered walking, moving. All meanings of this word can be understood and mastered only in context.
Now it is important to understand that the Tatar verb has a huge number of constructions that convey grammatical categories (complex forms of the past tense), modal meanings (constructions of intention, wishes) and the nature of the course of action. It is rather difficult to study all (!) Possible constructions. But you can master the basics in a fairly short period of time.
So: in the table we have given almost all synthetic forms of the bar verb. In addition to synthetic forms, there are analytical ones. There are even more of them than analytical ones.

Simple and easy about the Tatar language

Sabirov R.A.

What is grammar?

Grammar are rules. And the rules are boring. This seems to be the opinion of the majority. If we consider the emotional connotation of the word "grammar", then in general it does not have the most positive meaning. “I know Russian, but my grammar is weak,” says the dropout, meaning that his spelling is lame. orthography, which has nothing to do with grammar.

If a person is bad with grammar, then he confuses the gender of nouns, and builds words without connecting them according to the laws adopted in the language: “mine is yours, don’t understand” - a vivid example of the fact that a person does not know Russian grammar.

But the phrase “glokaya kuzdra bodlanula bokra and kurdyachit bokrёnka” (the famous example of L.V. Shcherba) is based on the rules of Russian grammar, and without understanding the meaning, one can guess where the adjective is, where the noun is and where the action is.

Let's say you studied English at school. So you know the word love. The Englishman knows him too. But he speaks this language, and you cannot. Its main and main advantage is that it can use a large number of word forms from this word, can connect it with other words, the meanings of which you also know. In other words, he knows grammar. And in order to master English, you need to master the laws-rules by which this word creates word forms and how it connects with other words to create sentences. This book is dedicated to these laws and rules, but only for learning the Tatar language.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand that grammar is the laws of the language that make it possible to construct billions of different sentences from just a thousand words. Knowledge of any language is knowledge of billions of phrases that differ in meaning, modality (the speaker's attitude to reality), intonation, etc., etc. Each word has a stylistic connotation, emotional connotation, cultural overtones. When all this is added up, an incredibly complex and variegated picture is obtained. Language is the most complex mechanism invented by human thinking. And the most "primitive" natural language (although there are none, despite the inventions of some linguists) is more complex than any mechanism, programming language and anything that the human brain has invented. Since these mechanisms and programming languages \u200b\u200bare built on the basis of the thinking language.

Grammar is the only tool that allows you to master the language. There is simply no other way. Consciously or unconsciously, but the student of the language, using it in one way or another, is forced to master grammar - the rules of the existence and functioning of the language.

For example, take the Tatar interrogative particle of the general question - we. A general question is one that can be answered with “Yes” or “No” (“Ә ye "," Yuk ").And, knowing just one word "this" - "bu", we can ask thousands of questions with Russian borrowings or even words - this will be one of the rules of the Tatar language:

Boo trams? - Is this a tram?

Boo buses? Is this a bus?

Boo computers? - Is it a computer?

Boo post office? - Is it mail?

As you can see, using three words, we can even build a dialogical speech? Is this a tram? Yes. Is this a bus? No.

For a native speaker, such schemes are brought to automatism. When studying a language, it is also necessary to bring them to automatism, to the level of their use without translation.

Many people want to learn a language in order to explore.And only a few study it in order to sit out the prescribed hours and have a crust on their hands, a certificate of this. This book is for many. And I was always outraged by the fact that most self-study guides and reference books do not immediately give a complete overview of the main features of the language being studied. The material, as if it is secret, is given out in portions - from simple to complex. It turns out a slow ascent through the material, where the teacher is afraid to acquaint the student with the secret material, and the teacher says: we will consider this later.

In this book, we have tried to remedy this situation. Despite the brevity, we have included here almost all the basic material that is simply necessary for learning the Tatar language. So:

The most important thing in the Tatar language

So, what are the features of the grammar of the Tatar language? How does he differ from Russian in his rules? To do this, you can go through the list of grammatical categories (we will do this later), but now we will try to understand the logic and basic "golden" rules by examples, without which it is difficult to start learning at all.

Let's take three simple words as an example: kitap, bar, yakhshi (book, goes, good).

First, understand: the rule "one word - one translation" is from the realm of fantasy. And first, let's translate them:

Kitap - book

Bara - goes; rides; continues; passes; approves; marry; action that takes place in a specific directionetc.

Yakhshy - good, good, good, good.

This is a short, simplified dictionary quote. We learn that nouns have no gender, otherwise they would be indicated in the dictionary. Verbs are "strong", which have many meanings and can be auxiliary and basic. Adjectives do not change by gender (there is no gender), and easily pass into adverbs.

The word forms of these words can be seen in the table:

kitap - book

kitapnyң - books, belonging book

kitapka - to the book, to the book

kitapny - book (see)

kitaptan - of books

kitapta - in the book

kitaplar - books

kitaplarny - books

kitaplarga - to books, to books

kitaplarny - books (see)

kitaplardan - from books

kitaplard - in books

kitaby - his book

kitabym - my book

kitabyң - your book

kitabybyz - our book

kitabygyz - your book

kitaplars - their book

kitaplarim - my books

kitaplaryң - your books

kitaplarybyz - our books










kitabyң yes








the whale was published

















kitaplaryң yes






chinese fish

whale fish

chinese fish

kitaplarsis issued

china fish







kitap tүgel

kitap belәn

kitap yanynda

kitap aldynda













































bar almy

bar alam

bar almyim

bar alasyң

bar almyisyң

bar alabyz

bar almyibiz

bar alasyz

bar almyisyz

bar alalar

bar almyilar

bats keel

batsim kil

barasyң kilә


ram kilmy

barasyң kilmy ...

barmakchy bula

barmakchi bulam ...

bar yazdy

bar yazdym ...

bar kүrmә

bar kүregez

bar kүrmәgez


yakhshilar ...

I am not mocking, and I am not saying that you must repeat all this, understand, pronounce, remember. Not at all. The most commonly used word forms of three words are simply given (far from all!). Hence the conclusion: language is the most complex mechanism, but it has its own logic. Let's try together in general terms to understand the logic of the given word forms.

First of all, kitap -noun. This whole series suggests that there are no prefixes, no prepositions in the Tatar language. All word forms kitapstart from the root part (morpheme). Those. the logic of the Tatar language consists in principle: meaning always ahead... The nominal, semantic component is in front, and then all the grammatical explanations for this word follow. Hence - the complete absence of prefixes, prepositions. Instead, there are postfixes (I will call them suffixes) and postpositions.

Secondly, the root remains to it, as if the adjoining wagons are attached by suffixes that have grammatical meaning.

So, we come to the concept of grammatical meaning. I will not give definitions, but simply explain with an example, indicating the grammatical meanings of suffixes:

Kitaplarybyzda - kitap-lar-y-byz-da

Kitap - book (lexical meaning)

lar - plural (grammatical meaning)

s-byz - affiliation (grammatical meaning)

yes - local-temporal case (grammatical meaning).

In the Tatar language, most of the suffixes can be considered unambiguous. For instance, - lar, - yes.This means that by taking any unfamiliar Tatar text, you can find them and 95% indicate that we are talking about the plural and place (or time). And for sure, those who added these affixes are nouns (or instead of them, pronouns).

These trailer suffixes are attached one after the other in a strict order (number - possessiveness - case). Such languages \u200b\u200bare called agglutinative (gluing) languages.

We tried to present the most common suffixes with grammatical meanings in the appendix table. This is for many who seriously begin to study the Tatar language.

The same can be said for the verb. Having carefully read the table of word forms, you can understand a certain logic: the formation of forms of the past, forms of the future. Pay attention to the translation and ask: why did the Tatars need the two past tenses? Answer: they have their own semantic features, which are not indicated in the table for brevity. For example, in the past tense:

Bar + dypassed the survey (determined)walked (the speaker witnessed the event);

Bar + ganpast undefinedwalked (the speaker was not a witness of this event).

Ul kinoga barda. - He went to the cinema (I know that for sure).

Ul kinoga bargan. -He went to the movies (but I didn't see that).

So, the golden rule number 1 - In the Tatar language there are no prefixes, prepositions, and suffixes are attached in strict sequence to the root of the word. Suffixes, unlike Russians, usually have one basic meaning.

Let's solve the problem with adjectives. The fact is that adjectives in the Tatar language do not change. They only have degrees of comparison. In addition, they easily turn into adverbs when they serve the verb: yachs cache - good man;yachs ashley - works well.

In addition, it can be seen that the adjective easily turns into a noun (substantivized) and, of course, takes all the grammatical possibilities of the Tatar noun. We did not list this in the table so as not to scare the reader.

This moment tells us that there is no gender category in the Tatar language.

Returning to nouns: what is this category of possessiveness that is not in Russian?

Let's start with the fact that in the Tatar language the meaning is always ahead. And, accordingly, there are no excuses. But not only: the Tatar language, in principle, can do even without possessive pronouns. And instead of saying: my book -minem kitabym (if a verbatim : minem kitap -but this is a stylistic error), one might say kitup minekeor just add - myn / m / s(i.e. min - i).

Kitab-ohmmy book

Bargan-myni went

Barma-mi will not go

In these examples, we see that the Tatar rule - the meaning is always ahead -already leads to the emergence of a whole category, which is not in the Russian language.

Golden Rule # 2. - In the Tatar language there is no category of gender, but there is a category of possessiveness, which is a consequence of the agglutinativeness of the language.

The grammatical center of the language is the verb. The Tatar verb has a branched structure, which is not so easy to master. Despite several past and future tenses, the Tatar language has a large number of analytical verbs (i.e., verbs formed with the help of auxiliary).

They are also in Russian. You can use them when translating. But in Russian, verbs, becoming auxiliary, do not stray far from their meaning. Although, sometimes universal human thinking brings its coincidences to linguistic logic. For instance:

Yaz! - write!

Yaza kүr! Look, write! (strong urge)

The Tatar language differs from Russian precisely in that there are no specific forms in the verb and the shades of action are conveyed by a variety of analytical verbs. The logic of most of these verbs will be examined, and you will understand that it is no longer so difficult. It's just that many textbooks pay too little attention to auxiliary verbs, and this attention is on the last pages of the books.

It is known that by the end of the book (if it is not fiction with an interesting denouement) the reader relaxes. So even here the auxiliary verbs are out of luck ...

Golden Rule # 3. - Tatar grammar is concentrated mainly on the verb. This is a harmonious system and, having understood and mastered this system, everything will become clear to you.

A few words about different teaching methods Isyku. The point is that you need to accept those methods by which people have already achieved results. Hairstylem, the result is fast. One such examplerov is "scrolling through the dictionary" of an unfamiliar language (better - bilingual). This is, in principle, Frank's famous method.

Scrolling through the dictionary, the student begins to understand the logic of the language. He understands that nouns do not have a gender category, the infinitive of the Tatar verb ends in –рga, adjectives can often be adverbs. All this can be found in the dictionary. But it is much easier to understand the logic of the language by referring to the tables of grammatical meanings of the Tatar language. They are in this manual. Here, in a small volume, almost the entire grammar of the Tatar language is presented.

Leaf through them, and in a short time you canyou can understand the meanings of suffixes, and, accordingly, the very structure of the Tatar language.

The above table shows the verb bar.It has several meanings, but the main one can be considered walking, moving. All meanings of this word can be understood and mastered only in context.

Now it is important to understand that the Tatar verb has a huge number of constructions that convey grammatical categories (complex forms of the past tense), modal meanings (constructions of intention, wishes) and the nature of the course of action. It is rather difficult to study all (!) Possible constructions. But you can master the basics in a fairly short period of time.

So: in the table we have given almost all synthetic forms of the verb bar.In addition to synthetic forms, there are analytical ones. There are even more of them than analytical ones.


We divided all words in the Tatar language into six groups: 1) word-names; 2) words replacing them; 3) words-actions, words-processes; 4) word-numbers; 5) words-signs; 6) service words.

Name words are nouns. Those. that huge number of words that denote objects, phenomena, abstract and concrete concepts of reality. But we have them only so that I am not reproached for altering the traditional academic grammar, and at the same time leaving one of the parts of speech.

But there is one important detail here. The fact is that a whole class of verbs (word-processes) are translated into Russian by nouns. These are the so-called action names. In the Tatar language, they are the initial form of the verb, from which it is easy to isolate the base that is so necessary when studying the language. Consider examples and their translation:

Baruwalking;the foundation bar

Uylau - thinking;uil base

Chygu - exit, exit process;chyk base (g)

In order to master the studied language, knowledge of words alone is, of course, not enough. It is necessary to master the rules of combining words, the formation of word forms, or, in other words, the grammar of a new language. The introductory course of this tutorial pursues exactly this goal: in the simplest and most understandable form to acquaint the Russian-speaking reader with the basic rules of Tatar grammar. I constantly relied on the reader's knowledge of Russian grammar and paid more attention to the contrasting elements of the Tatar and Russian languages.


1.1. The graphics of the Tatar language are based on the Cyrillic alphabet. This gives some advantage for the Russian reader, but on the other hand, it contributes to the appearance of errors due to the discrepancy of some letters.

The graphics of the Tatar language were based on the Arabic script for 1000 years, up to 1927. From 1927 to 1939, the Latin alphabet was used, on the basis of which the spelling rules were carefully developed. The basic principles of spelling were also used in the transition to Russian graphics. In modern Tatar writing, all letters of the Russian alphabet are used with the addition of special characters for specific Tatar phonemes: ә, ө, ү, җ, ң, һ.

Changes of two alphabets within one century could not but affect the state of the spelling of the language. The phonetic system of the Tatar language was replenished with Russian phonemes, -,. And in the spelling of the Tatar language, the principle of the graphic design of Russians and borrowings that came through the Russian language, i.e. new Russian and European words in the Tatar language are written similarly to their Russian version.


Beam - "log" and others. Of tatar language in the XIII-XIV centuries were borrowed ... Privilege to Mensky ", 1499 From tatar language in the XIII century, kumuz (... people. He tried to create easy, plain, easy to understand languagefreed from everything ...

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    10.1. The agglutinative nature of the Tatar language contributes to the fact that most of the affixes carry the same meaning. The same enviable constancy can be observed among the Tatar word-formation affixes. Each productive affix of the Tatar language replaces several, and sometimes more than ten, derivational means of the Russian language. This will save you a lot of time when learning Tatar if you pay proper attention to these affixes right away.
    For example, more than ten derivational affixes correspond to the Tatar word-formation affix -чы / -che, which expresses the meaning of a person related to what is indicated by the producing base:
    cyclist - cyclists;
    glazier - pyyalachy;
    carpenter - baltachs;
    spoon - kasykchy, etc.
    and even:
    rabbit breeder - kuyanchi;
    linguist - telche.

    As you can see, the affix -чы / -che is attached to both native Tatar and borrowings and new words. And currently, the process of forming new words due to this affix continues:
    racketeer - racketeers;
    programmer - programmers.
    It is necessary to pay attention to other highly productive affixes of the Tatar language that form nouns.

    The affix -lik / -lek can denote a place, material, device, device, spiritual qualities of a person or the name of an association of people, depending on what is indicated in the production base:
    mustache (aspen) - mustache (aspen);
    kaen (birch) - kaenlyk (birch);
    idәn (floor) - idәnlek (floor material);
    kүz (eye) - kүzlek (glasses);
    coat - overcoat (coat material);
    dus (friend) - duslyk (friendship);
    kart (old man) - kartlyk (old age);
    decadent - decadent (decadent);
    khan - khanlyk (khanate), etc.

    The affix -lyk / -lek, forming nouns, is attached to adjectives and verbs. The main thing for you is to try to understand the semantic relationship between the generating stem and the derived word:
    sukyr (blind) - sukyrlyk (blindness);
    biek (high) - bieklek (height);
    yuka (thin) - yukalyk (subtlety);
    ak (white) - aklik (whiteness);
    kuakly (bushy) - kuaklylyk (bushiness);
    berenche (first) - berenchelek (championship);
    ashau (is) - ashamlyk (product);
    yagu (to burn) - yagulyk (fuel), etc.

    The affix -dash / -dәsh / -tash / -tәsh always indicates a person who has the quality of joint action with someone:
    avyl (village) - avyldash (fellow villager);
    yash (age) - yashtәsh (peer);
    course - kurstash (classmate);
    әңgәmә (conversation) - әңgәmәdәsh (interlocutor), etc.

    The affix -ly / -le in the formation of nouns is also very productive:
    americans (American); mәskәүle (Muscovite); Perm (Perm); latviyale (Latvian); Lithuanians (Lithuanian), etc.
    ike (two) - ikele (two); tugyz (nine) - tugyzly (nine), etc.

    The affix -ly / -le is also active in the formation of adjectives:
    yam (beauty) - yamle (beautiful); belem (knowledge) - belemle (literate); kөch (strength) - kөchle (strong); transistors (transistor); emulsion (emulsion), etc.

    Our task is not to introduce you to all the word-formation affixes of the Tatar language. We want you to constantly search and find derivative words and productive affixes. This is of great importance in the study of any language, and especially agglutinative languages \u200b\u200bin which affixes are conservative (that is, they do not go out of fashion, as in Russian), are few in number and carry a huge load in the formation of new words.

    Attach the appropriate affix to the word and translate:
    -chy / -che: harvester; balyk (fish); bakyr (copper); җinayat (crime); crane; kүmer (coal); lachyn (falcon); kuyan (hare, rabbit); museum;
    -lik / -lek: min; yuc; kats (solid); patsha (king); aksak (lame); ata (father); rector; rәis (chairman); җyly (warm);
    -ly / -le: Africa; Kazan; Russia; Omsk; Kursk; Permian; Arkhangelsk;
    -ly / -le: achu (anger); kaigy (grief); җil (wind); sөyak (bone); sөt (milk); muscle; armor; square; sagynu (longing).

    10.2. Another peculiarity of the Tatar language is the presence in it of a large number of paired words, which is not entirely familiar to the Russian reader. The components of paired words can stand in both synonymous and antonymic relationships. The second component can be an echo word, which currently has no semantic meaning. These words, where you can guess the meaning of the individual components, have their own logic that you should try to understand:
    khatyn-kyz (khatyn - wife; kyz - girl) - woman;
    ata-ana (ata - father; ana - mother) - parents;
    asau-echā (asau - to eat; echā - to drink) - food;
    kөn-tөn (kөn - day; tөn - night) - always.

    You have now understood for yourself the main features of the Tatar language, you just need to penetrate into its features, understand its specifics, its ways of conveying a reality common to all people, common human logic.