What is on Venus. Mercury, Venus and how to observe them

By following some kind of search, we could find life based on a completely different chemical composition (no carbon and / or water). BOO. Jones, British astrophysicist

Venus is one of the most mysterious planets in our solar system. Astrophysical research in recent decades has enriched our understanding of nature with many interesting facts. In 1995, the first exoplanet was found - a planet that revolves around one of the stars in our Galaxy. Today, more than seven hundred such exoplanets are known (see Science and Life, No. 12, 2006). Almost all of them revolve in very low orbits, but if the luminosity of a star is low, the temperature on the planet can lie in the range of 650-900 K (377-627 ° C). Such conditions are absolutely unacceptable for the only protein form of life we \u200b\u200bknow. But is it really the only one in the Universe, and the denial of other possible types of it is "earthly chauvinism"?

It is unlikely that it will be possible to investigate even the nearest exoplanets using automatic spacecraft in the current century. It is quite possible, however, that the answer can be found very close, on our closest neighbor in the solar system - Venus. The temperature of the planet's surface (735 K, or 462 ° C), the huge pressure (87-90 atm) of its gas shell with a density of 65 kg / m³, consisting mainly of carbon dioxide (96.5%), nitrogen (3.5%) and traces of oxygen (less than 2 · 10-5%), are close to the physical conditions on many exoplanets of a special class. Recently, television images (panoramas) of the surface of Venus obtained thirty years ago and more have been re-examined and processed. They found several objects ranging in size from a decimeter to half a meter, which changed their shape, position in the frame, appeared in some images and disappeared in others. And on a number of panoramas, precipitation was clearly observed, which fell and melted on the planet's surface.

In January, the Astronomical Herald - Research of the Solar System published the article "Venus as a natural laboratory for the search for life in high temperatures: on the events on the planet on March 1, 1982". She did not leave indifferent readers, and opinions were divided - from extreme interest to angry disapproval, coming mainly from overseas. Both in the then published and in this article it is not stated that an unknown hitherto unknown extraterrestrial life form was found on Venus, but only described the phenomena that may be its signs. But, as one of the two main authors of the television experiment on the Venera apparatus, Yu.M. Hectin, “We don't like the interpretation of the results obtained as signs of life on the planet. However, we cannot find another explanation for what we see in the panoramas of the surface of Venus. "

Perhaps it is appropriate to recall the aphorism that new ideas usually go through three stages: 1. What nonsense! 2. There is something in this ... 3. Well, who does not know this!

Venus devices, their video cameras and the first greetings from Venus

The first panoramas of the surface of Venus were transmitted to Earth by Venera-9 and Venera-10 as early as 1975. Images were obtained using two optomechanical cameras with photomultipliers installed on each apparatus (CCD matrices then existed only as an idea).

Photo 1. Surface of Venus at the landing site of the Venera-9 spacecraft (1975). Physical conditions on Venus: atmosphere CO2 96.5%, N2 3.5%, O2 less than 2 · 10-5; temperature - 735 K (462 ° C), pressure 92 MPa (approximately 90 atm). Daylight illumination from 400 lux to 11 klx. The meteorology of Venus is determined by sulfur compounds (SO2, SO3, H2SO4).

The pupils of the cameras were located at a height of 90 cm from the surface, on both sides of the apparatus. The swinging mirror of each camera gradually rotated and created a panorama of 177 ° in width, in a strip from horizon to horizon (3.3 km on level ground), and the upper border of the image was two meters from the device. The resolution of the cameras made it possible to clearly see the millimeter surface details near and objects about 10 meters in size near the horizon. The cameras were inside the vehicle and filmed the surrounding landscape through a sealed quartz window. The device gradually warmed up, but its designers firmly promised half an hour of work. The processed fragment of the panorama "Venus-9" is shown in photo 1. That is how a man would see the planet on an expedition to Venus.

In 1982, the Venera-13 and Venera-14 vehicles were equipped with more advanced cameras with light filters. The images were twice as sharp and consisted of 1000 vertical lines of 211 pixels, each 11 arc minutes in size. The video signal, as before, was transmitted to the orbital part of the spacecraft, an artificial satellite of Venus, which relayed the data back to Earth in real time. During the operation of the camera, 33 panoramas or their fragments were transmitted, which allows tracing the development of some interesting phenomena on the planet.

It is impossible to convey the scale of the technical difficulties that the camera developers had to overcome. Suffice it to say that for the past 37 years, the experiment has never been repeated. The team of developers was led by Doctor of Technical Sciences A.S. Selivanov, who managed to gather a group of talented scientists and engineers. We will only mention here the current Chief Designer of Space Devices OJSC "Space Systems", Candidate of Technical Sciences Yu.M. Gektin, his colleagues - candidate of physical and mathematical sciences A.S. Panfilova, M.K. Naraev, V.P. Chemodanova. The first images from the surface of the Moon and from the orbit of Mars were also transmitted by their instruments.

On the very first panorama ("Venera-9", 1975), the attention of several groups of experimenters was attracted by a symmetrical object of a complex structure, about 40 centimeters in size, resembling a sitting bird with an elongated tail. Geologists have cautiously called it "a strange rock with a rod-like projection and a lumpy surface." The "stone" was discussed in the final collection of articles "First panoramas of the surface of Venus" (editor MV Keldysh) and in the weighty volume of the international edition "VENUS". I was interested in it on October 22, 1975, as soon as the tape with the panorama crawled out of the bulky phototelegraph in the Yevpatoria Center for Long-Range Space Communication.

Unfortunately, in the future all my attempts to interest my colleagues at the Space Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the administration of the Institute in this strange object were in vain. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe impossibility of the existence of life at high temperatures proved to be an insurmountable barrier to any discussion. Still, a year before the publication of the collection of M. V. Keldysh, in 1978, the book “Planets rediscovered” was published, which contained an image of “a strange stone”. The commentary on the photograph was: “The details of the object are symmetrical about the longitudinal axis. Lack of clarity hides its contours, but ... with some imagination, you can see the fantastic inhabitant of Venus. On the right side of the photo ... you can see an outlandish object about 30 cm in size. Its entire surface is covered with strange growths, and in their position you can see some kind of symmetry. To the left of the object there is a long, straight white process, under which a deep shadow is visible, repeating its shape. The white tail is very similar to a straight tail. On the opposite side, the object ends in a large, white, rounded projection, similar to the head. The whole object rests on a short, thick "paw". The image resolution is not enough to clearly distinguish all the details of the mysterious object ... Did Venus-9 really go down next to a living inhabitant of the planet? This is very difficult to believe. In addition, in the eight minutes that had elapsed before the return of the camera lens to the subject, it did not change its position at all. This is strange for a living creature (if it has not been damaged by the edge of the apparatus, from which it is separated by centimeters). Most likely, we see a stone of an unusual shape, like a volcanic bomb ... With a tail. "

The sarcasm of the final phrase - "with a tail" - showed that opponents had not convinced the author of the physical impossibility of life on Venus. The same publication says: “Let us imagine, however, that in some of the space experiments on the surface of Venus a living creature would still be found ... The history of science shows that as soon as a new experimental fact appears, theorists, as a rule, quickly find an explanation. One can even predict what the explanation would be. Highly heat-resistant organic compounds have been synthesized, in which the energy of π-electron bonds is used (one of the types of covalent bonds, the "socialization" of the valence electrons of two atoms of a molecule. - Ed.). Such polymers are capable of withstanding temperatures up to 1000 ° C and more. Amazingly, some terrestrial bacteria use π-electron bonds in their metabolism, but not to increase heat resistance, but to bind atmospheric nitrogen (which inevitably requires a huge bond energy, reaching 10 eV or more). As you can see, nature has created "blanks" for models of Venusian living cells even on Earth. "

The author returned to this topic in the books "Planeten" and "The Parade of Planets". But in his strictly scientific monograph "Planet Venus" the hypothesis of life on the planet is not mentioned, since the question of the energy sources necessary for life in a non-oxidizing atmosphere remained (and continues to remain) unclear.

New missions. 1982 year

Photo 2. The apparatus "Venera-13" in laboratory tests in 1981. In the center you can see the TV camera window, covered with a lid.

Let's leave the "strange stone" for a while. The next successful flights to the planet with the transmission of images from its surface were the missions "Venus-13" and "Venera-14" in 1982. The team of the Research and Production Association named after S.A. Lavochkin created amazing devices, which were then called AMS.

With each new mission to Venus, they became more and more sophisticated, capable of withstanding enormous pressures and temperatures. The device "Venera-13" (photo 2), equipped with two television cameras and other devices, landed in the equatorial zone of the planet.

Thanks to effective thermal protection, the temperature inside the devices rose rather slowly, their systems managed to transfer a lot of scientific data, high-definition panoramic images, including color ones, and with a low level of various interference. The transmission of each panorama took 13 minutes. The descent vehicle "Venera-13" on March 1, 1982 worked for a record long time. He would have continued to transmit more, but at the 127th minute, it was unclear who ordered to stop receiving data from him and why. A command was sent from Earth to turn off the receiver on the orbiter, although the descent vehicle continued to send signals ... Was it taking care of the orbiter so that its batteries would not run out, or something else, but didn't the descent vehicle have priority?

If we proceed from all the transmitted information, including that which until recently was considered corrupted by noise, the duration of the successful operation of Venera-13 on the surface exceeded two hours. The images published in print were created by combining color separations and black-and-white panoramas (photo 3). With a low noise level, three images were sufficient for this.

Photo 3. Panorama of the surface of Venus at the landing site of the Venera-13 spacecraft. In the center - the landing buffer of the device with turbulator teeth, which ensures a smooth landing, above - the discarded white semi-cylindrical cover of the television camera window. Its diameter is 20 cm, height is 16 cm. The distance between the teeth is 5 cm.

The excess of information made it possible to restore the picture where for a short time the apparatus passed from the surface images to the transmission of the results of other scientific measurements. The published panoramas went around the world, were reprinted many times, then interest in them gradually began to fade; even experts came to the conclusion that the job had already been done ...

What we managed to see on the surface of Venus

The new image analysis proved to be quite time consuming. It is often asked why they waited for more than thirty years. No, we didn't. The old data was accessed over and over again as the processing tools improved and, moreover, improved observation and understanding of extraterrestrial objects. Promising results were obtained already in 2003-2006, and the most significant findings were made in the past and the year before, and the work has not yet been completed. For research, we used a sequence of primary images obtained for a sufficiently long time of the apparatus operation. They could try to detect any differences, understand what caused them (for example, the wind), detect objects that are different in appearance from natural surface details, note phenomena that escaped attention then, more than thirty years ago. The processing used the simplest and most "linear" methods - adjusting brightness, contrast, blurring or sharpening. Any other means - retouching, correcting or using any version of Photoshop - were completely excluded.

The most interesting are the images transmitted by the Venera-13 spacecraft on March 1, 1982. In the course of a new analysis of images of the surface of Venus, several objects were found that had the features noted above. For convenience, they were assigned conventional names, which, of course, do not reflect their real essence.

Photo 4. The lower part of a large object "disk", 0.34 m in diameter, is visible on the right at the upper border of the image.

A strange "disc" that changes its shape. The "disc" is regular, seemingly round, about 30 cm in diameter, and resembles a large shell. In the fragment of the panorama in photo 4, only its lower half is visible, and the upper one is cut off by the frame border.

The position of the "disk" in subsequent shots slightly changes due to a slight shift of the scanning camera when the machine is warming up. In photo 4, an elongated structure resembling a panicle adjoins the “disk”. Photo 5 shows sequential images of the “disk” (arrow a) and the surface near it, and in the lower part of the frames the approximate moment of passage of the scanner field along the “disk” is indicated.

In the first two frames (32nd and 72nd minutes), the appearance of the "disc" and "panicle" hardly changed, but at the end of the 72nd minute, a short arc appeared in its lower part. On the third frame (86th minute), the arc became several times longer, and the “disk” began to divide into parts.

At the 93rd minute (frame 4), the “disk” disappeared, and instead of it a symmetrical light object of about the same size appeared, formed by numerous V-shaped folds - “chevrons” oriented approximately along the “panicle”. From the bottom of the “chevrons” »Numerous large arcs have separated, similar to the arc in the third frame. They covered the entire surface adjacent to the telephotometer cover (white semi-cylinder on the surface). In contrast to the "broom", a shadow is visible under the "chevrons", which indicates their volume.

Photo 5. Changes in the position and shape of the objects "disk" (arrow a) and "chevrons" (arrow b). The approximate moment when the scanner passes the image of the "disk" is indicated at the bottom of the frames.

After 26 minutes, on the last frame (119th minute), the "disc" and "whisk" have fully recovered and are clearly visible. The chevrons and arcs disappeared as they appeared, possibly moving beyond the border of the image. Thus, five frames of photo 5 demonstrate the full cycle of changes in the shape of the "disk" and the probable connection of the "chevrons" with it and with arcs.

"Black flap" at the meter of the mechanical properties of the soil. On the Venera-13 apparatus, among other instruments, there was a device for measuring the strength of the soil in the form of a folding truss 60 cm long. After landing the apparatus, the latch holding the truss was released, and under the action of the spring the truss was lowered to the ground. The measuring cone (stamp) at its end, the kinetic energy of which was known, went deep into the soil. The mechanical strength of the soil was estimated from the depth of its immersion.

Photo 6. An unknown object "black flap" appeared in the first 13 minutes after landing, wrapped around a conical measuring hammer, which partially went into the ground. The details of the mechanism shine through the black object. Subsequent images (taken from 27 to 50 minutes after planting) show a clean hammer surface with no black flap.

One of the mission's tasks was to measure small constituents of the atmosphere and soil. Therefore, any separation from the apparatus of any particles, films, products of destruction or combustion during descent into the atmosphere and landing was absolutely excluded; during ground tests, special attention was paid to these requirements. However, in the very first image, obtained in the interval of 0-13 minutes after landing, it is clearly seen that an unknown thin object stretched upwards was wrapped around the measuring cone, along its entire height - a "black flap" about six centimeters in height (photo 6) ... In the following panoramas, taken 27 and 36 minutes later, this "black patch" is absent. It cannot be a defect in the photograph: clearer images show that some details of the truss are projected onto the "flap", while others partially shine through it. A second object of this type was found on the other side of the apparatus, under the discarded cover of the television camera. It seems that their appearance has something to do with the destruction of the soil by the measuring cone or the lander. This assumption indirectly confirms the observation of another similar object that appeared in the field of view of cameras later.

The star of the screen is the scorpion. This most interesting object appeared at about 90 minutes, along with a semicircle adjacent to it on the right (photo 7). First of all, attention to him was attracted, of course, by his strange appearance. Immediately, the assumption arose that this was some kind of detail that had separated from the apparatus that began to collapse. But then the apparatus would quickly go out of order due to the catastrophic overheating of its devices in a sealed compartment, where the hot atmosphere would immediately penetrate under the influence of gigantic pressure. However, Venera 13 continued to operate normally for another hour, and therefore the object did not belong to it. According to the technical documentation, all external operations - resetting the covers of sensors and television cameras, drilling the ground, working with the measuring cone - ended half an hour after landing. Nothing else was separated from the apparatus. The scorpion is absent in the following photographs.

Photo 7. The object "scorpion" appeared in the image approximately 90 minutes after the aircraft landed. It is absent in the following images.

In photo 7, the brightness and contrast have been adjusted, the clarity and sharpness of the original image has been increased. The scorpion is about 17 centimeters long and has a complex structure that resembles terrestrial insects or arachnids. Its shape cannot be the result of a random combination of dark, gray and light points. The image of the "scorpion" consists of 940 points, and in the panorama there are 2.08 × 105. The probability of the formation of such a structure due to a random combination of points is vanishingly small: less than 10-100. In other words, the possibility of an accidental appearance of a "scorpion" is excluded. In addition, it casts a distinctly audible shadow, and therefore it is a real object and not an artifact. A simple combination of dots cannot cast a shadow.

The late appearance of the "scorpion" in the frame can be explained, for example, by the processes that took place during the landing of the apparatus. The vertical speed of the vehicle was 7.6 m / s, and the lateral speed was approximately equal to the wind speed (0.3-0.5 m / s). The impact on the ground occurred with a reverse acceleration of 50g of Venus. The device destroyed the soil to a depth of about 5 cm and threw it to the side of the lateral movement, filling the surface. To confirm this assumption, the place of appearance of the "scorpion" was studied in all panoramas (photo 8) and we saw interesting details.

Photo 8. Consecutive images of the soil area thrown out during landing towards the side of the vehicle. The approximate scan minutes of the corresponding area are shown.

In the first image (7th minute), a shallow groove with a length of about 10 cm is visible on the discarded soil.In the second image (20th minute), the sides of the groove have risen, and its length has increased to about 15 cm. In the third (59th minute) the regular "scorpion" structure became visible in the groove. Finally, at the 93rd minute, the "scorpion" completely got out of the 1–2 cm thick layer of soil that covered it. At the 119th minute, it disappeared from the frame and is absent from subsequent images (photo 9).

Photo 9. "Scorpion" (1) appeared in the panorama taken from the 87th to the 100th minute. It is absent in the images taken before the 87th and after the 113th minute. Low-contrast object 2, together with a clumpy light environment, is also present only in the 87-100th minute panorama. On frames 87-100 and 113-126 minutes to the left, in a group of stones, a new object K with a changing shape has appeared. He is not on frames 53-66 and 79-87 minutes. The central part of the image shows the result of image processing and the dimensions of the "scorpion".

The wind was primarily considered as a possible reason for the movement of the "scorpion". Since the density of the Venusian atmosphere at the surface is ρ \u003d 65 kg / m³, the dynamic effect of the wind is 8 times higher than on Earth. The wind speed v was measured in many experiments: by the Doppler shift of the frequency of the transmitted signal; on the movement of dust and on acoustic noise in the microphone on board - and estimated in the range from 0.3 to 0.48 m / s. Even at its maximum value, the velocity pressure of the wind ρv² on the lateral surface area of \u200b\u200bthe "scorpion" creates a pressure of about 0.08 N, which could hardly move the object.

Another probable reason for the disappearance of the "scorpion" may be that it moved. As you move away from the camera, the image resolution deteriorated, and at three to four meters it would become indistinguishable from stones. At least, at this distance, it had to move away in 26 minutes - the time of the next return of the scanner to the same lines in the panorama.

Due to the tilt of the camera axis, image distortions occur (photo 3). But near the camera, they are small and do not require correction. Another possible cause of distortion is the movement of the object during scanning. It took 780 s to shoot the entire panorama, and 32 s to shoot the image with the "scorpion". When the object was displaced, for example, an apparent lengthening or contraction of its size could occur, but, as will be shown, the fauna of Venus must be very slow.

Analysis of the behavior of objects found on the panoramas of Venus suggests that at least some of them have signs of living beings. Taking into account this hypothesis, one can try to explain why in the first hour of the descent vehicle's operation no strange objects, except for the "black flap", were observed, and the "scorpion" appeared only an hour and a half after the landing of the spacecraft.

A strong impact during landing caused the destruction of the soil and its ejection towards the side of the vehicle. After landing, the device made a loud noise for about half an hour. The igniters fired off the covers of television cameras and scientific instruments, the drilling rig was working, the rod with a measuring hammer was released. "Inhabitants" of the planet, if they were there, left the dangerous area. But from the side of the ejection of soil, they did not have time to leave and were covered with it. The fact that the "scorpion" about an hour and a half got out from under a centimeter blockage, speaks of its low physical capabilities. A huge success of the experiment was the coincidence of the scanning time of the panorama with the appearance of the "scorpion" and its proximity to the television camera, which made it possible to see both the details of the development of the described events and its appearance, although the image clarity leaves much to be desired. The scanning cameras of the Venera-13 and Venera-14 spacecraft were designed to take panoramas of the surroundings of their landing sites and obtain a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe planet's surface. But the experimenters were lucky - they managed to find out much more.

The Venera-14 spacecraft also landed in the equatorial zone of the planet, at a distance of about 700 km from Venera-13. At first, the analysis of the panoramas shot by Venus-14 did not reveal any special objects. But a more detailed search yielded interesting results that are now being studied. And we will recall the first panoramas of Venus taken in 1975.

Missions "Venera-9" and "Venera-10"

The results of the 1982 missions do not exhaust all available observational data. Almost seven years earlier, the less perfect Venera-9 and Venera-10 vehicles landed on the surface of Venus (October 22 and 25, 1975). Then, on December 21 and 25, 1978, the landing of the Venera-11 and Venera-12 took place. All devices also had optical-mechanical scanning cameras, one on each side of the device. Unfortunately, on the Venera-9 and Venera-10 satellites, only one chamber was opened, the covers of the second did not separate, although the cameras worked normally, and the covers of all of the Venera-11 and Venera-12 satellites did not separate. scanning cameras.

Compared to the Venera-13 and Venera-14 cameras, the resolution on the Venera-9 and Venera-10 panoramas was almost two times lower, the angular resolution (single pixel) was 21 arc minutes, and the scan line duration was 3 , 5 seconds. The shape of the spectral characteristic roughly corresponded to human vision. The Venera-9 panorama covered 174 ° in 29.3 minutes of filming with simultaneous transmission. Venera-9 and Venera-10 worked for 50 minutes and 44.5 minutes, respectively. The real-time image was relayed to the Earth through the highly directional antenna of the orbiter. The noise level in the received images was low, but due to the limited resolution, the quality of the original panoramas, even after complex processing, left much to be desired.

Photo 10. Panorama transmitted on October 22, 1975 by the Venera-9 apparatus from the surface of the planet.

A photo. 11. Corner left part of the panorama in photo 10, where the slope of a distant hill is visible.

Photo 12. The image of the "strange stone" object (in an oval) becomes more elongated when the geometry of the Venera-9 panorama is corrected. The central field, bounded by slanted lines, corresponds to the right side of Photo 10.

At the same time, the images (especially the panorama of Venera-9, which is especially rich in details) were subjected to additional, very time-consuming processing by modern means, after which they became much clearer (lower part of photo 10 and photo 11) and are quite comparable with panoramas of Venera-13 and "Venus-14". As already noted, retouching and image additions were completely excluded.

The device "Venera-9" sank to the slope of the hill and stood at an angle of almost 10 ° to the horizon. On the additionally processed left side of the panorama, the distant slope of the next hill is clearly visible (photo 11). Venera-10 landed on a flat surface at a distance of 1600 km from Venera-9.

An analysis of the Venera-9 panorama revealed many interesting details. Let's go back to the image of the "strange stone" first. It was so “strange” that this part of the picture was even included on the cover of the edition “The first panoramas of the surface of Venus”.

Owl object

In 2003-2006, the image quality of the "strange stone" was noticeably improved. As we studied objects in panoramas, image processing also improved. Similarly to the conventional names suggested above, the "strange stone" was named "owl" for its shape. Photo 12 shows an improved result based on the corrected image geometry. The detail of the object increased, but still remained insufficient for definite conclusions. The image is based on the far right side of Photo 10. The appearance of a uniformly light sky can be deceiving, as subtle spots are visible in the original image. If we assume that here, as in photo 11, the slope of another hill is visible, then it is poorly distinguishable and should be much further away. It was necessary to significantly improve the resolution of the details of the original image.

Photo 13. The complex symmetrical shape and other features of the “strange stone” object (arrow) distinguish it against the background of the rocky surface of the planet at the landing point of “Venus-9”. The dimensions of the object are about half a meter. The inset shows the object with corrected geometry.

The processed fragment of photo 10 is shown in photo 13, where the "owl" is marked with an arrow and surrounded by a white oval. It has a regular shape, pronounced longitudinal symmetry, and it is difficult to interpret it as a "strange stone" or "volcanic bomb with a tail." The position of the details of the "lumpy surface" reveals a certain radiality going from the right side, from the "head". The "head" itself has a lighter shade and a complex symmetrical structure with large curly, also symmetrical dark spots and, possibly, with some kind of projection on top. In general, the structure of the massive "head" is difficult to understand. It is possible that some small stones, coincidentally coinciding in shades with the "head", appear to be part of it. Correcting the geometry slightly lengthens the object, making it "slender" (photo 13, inset). The straight light “tail” is about 16 cm long, and the whole object, together with the “tail”, reaches half a meter at a height of at least 25 cm. The shadow under its body, which is slightly raised above the surface, completely repeats the contours of all its parts. Thus, the dimensions of the "owl" are quite large, which made it possible to obtain a sufficiently detailed image even with the limited resolution that the camera possessed, and, of course, due to the close location of the object. The question is pertinent: if in photo 13 we see not an inhabitant of Venus, then what is it? The apparent complex and highly ordered morphology of the object makes it difficult to find other assumptions.

If in the case of the "scorpion" ("Venus-13") there was some noise in the panorama, which was eliminated by the well-known techniques, then in the panorama of "Venus-9" (photo 10) there are practically no noise and do not affect the image.

Let's go back to the original panorama, the details of which are visible quite clearly. The image with the corrected geometry and the highest resolution is shown in Photo 14. There is another element here that requires the attention of the reader.

Damaged "owl"

Photo 14. The highest resolution was obtained when processing the Venera-9 panorama with the corrected geometry.

During the first discussions of the results of "Venus-13" one of the main questions was: how on Venus could nature do without water, which is absolutely necessary for the earth's biosphere? The critical temperature for water (when its vapor and liquid are in equilibrium and have indistinguishable physical properties) on Earth is 374 ° C, and under Venus's conditions - about 320 ° C. The temperature at the planet's surface is about 460 ° C, so the metabolism of organisms on Venus (if any) must be structured somehow differently, without water. The question of alternative fluids for life under Venus conditions has already been considered in a number of scientific works, and chemists are familiar with such media. Perhaps such a liquid is present in Photo 14.

Photo 15. Fragment of the panorama - photographic plan. A dark trail extends from the landing buffer, which, apparently, left behind an organism wounded by the apparatus. The trail is formed by some liquid substance of unknown nature (there can be no liquid water on Venus). The object (about 20 cm in size) managed to crawl 35 cm away in less than six minutes. The photomap is convenient in that it allows you to compare and measure the real sizes of objects.

From the place on the torus of the Venera-9 landing buffer, marked with an asterisk in photo 14, a dark trail stretches to the left along the surface of the stone. Then it comes off the stone, expands and ends at a light object, similar to the "owl" discussed above, but half the size, about 20 cm. There are no other similar traces in the image. One can guess about the origin of the trail, which begins directly at the landing buffer of the vehicle: the object was partially crushed by the buffer and, crawling away, left a dark trail of liquid substance released from its damaged tissues (photo 15). For terrestrial animals, such a trail would be called bloody. (Thus, the first victim of "Earth aggression" on Venus dates back to October 22, 1975.) Until the sixth minute of scanning, when the object appeared in the image, it managed to crawl about 35 cm. Knowing the time and distance, one can establish that its speed was at least 6 cm / min. In photo 15, between the large stones where the injured object is located, you can distinguish its shape and other features.

A dark trail indicates that such objects, even if damaged, are capable of moving at a speed of at least 6 cm / min in case of serious danger. If the "scorpion", which has already been mentioned, between the 93rd and 119th minutes really moved at a distance of at least one meter, beyond the camera's line of sight, then its speed was at least 4 cm / min. At the same time, comparing photo 14 with other fragments of images transmitted by Venus-9 in seven minutes, it is clear that the “owl” in photo 13 has not moved. Some objects found in other panoramas (which are not considered here) also remained motionless. It is most likely that such "slowness" is caused by their limited energy reserves (a "scorpion", for example, spent an hour and a half on a simple operation of its own rescue) and slow movements of the Venusian fauna are normal for it. Note that the power-to-weight ratio of the terrestrial fauna is very high, which is facilitated by the abundance of flora for nutrition and an oxidizing atmosphere.

In this regard, one should return to the object "owl" in photo 13. The ordered structure of its "lumpy surface" resembles small folded wings, and the "owl" rests on a "paw" that looks like a bird. The density of Venus's atmosphere at the surface level is 65 kg · m³. Any kind of fast movement in such a dense environment is difficult, but the flight would require very small wings, a little more fish fins, and insignificant energy consumption. However, there is not enough evidence to claim that the object is feathered, and whether the inhabitants of Venus fly is still unknown. But they seem to be attracted by some meteorological phenomena.

"Snowfall" on Venus

Until now, nothing was known about atmospheric precipitation on the planet's surface, except for the assumption of the possible formation and fallout of aerosols high in the Maxwell Mountains from pyrite, lead sulfide or other compounds. In the last panoramas of Venus-13, there are many white dots covering a significant part of them. Points were considered noise, loss of information. For example, when a signal transmitted in the negative from one point in the image is lost, a white point appears in its place. Each such point is a pixel, either lost due to a malfunction of the heated equipment, or lost with a brief loss of radio communication between the descent vehicle and the orbital repeater. When processing a panorama in 2011, the white points were replaced by the average values \u200b\u200bof the adjacent pixels. The image has become sharper, but many small white specks remain. They consisted of several pixels and were more likely not interference, but something real. Even in unprocessed images, it can be seen that for some reason the dots are almost absent on the black case of the device in the frame, and the image itself and the moment of the appearance of the interference are in no way connected. Unfortunately, things turned out to be more complicated. In the grouped images below, interference occurs against a nearby dark background. Moreover, they are rare, but still found on telemetric inserts, when the broadcast of the panorama was periodically replaced for eight seconds by the transmission of data from other scientific devices. Therefore, both precipitation and electromagnetic interference are visible in the panoramas. The latter is confirmed by the fact that the application of the operation of a slight "blur" dramatically improves the image, eliminating precisely point noise. But the origin of the electrical interference remains unknown.

Photo 16. Chronological sequence of images with meteorological phenomena. The time indicated on the panoramas is counted from the beginning of the scanning of the upper image. First, the entire first clean surface was covered with white specks, then, over the next half hour, the area of \u200b\u200bprecipitation decreased by at least half, and the soil under the "melted" mass acquired a dark shade, like the earth's soil moistened with melted snow.

Comparing these facts, we can conclude that the noise was partly taken by meteorological phenomena - precipitation resembling earth's snow, and their phase transitions (melting and evaporation) on the planet's surface and on the apparatus itself. Photo 16 shows four such sequential panoramas. The precipitation occurred, apparently, in short intense gusts, after which the area of \u200b\u200bprecipitation decreased by at least half over the next half hour, and the ground under the "melted" mass darkened, like moist earth soil. Since the surface temperature at the landing point is set (733 K), and the thermodynamic properties of the atmosphere are known, the main conclusion of the observation is that there are very strict restrictions on the nature of the precipitated solid or liquid substance. Of course, the composition of the "snow" at a temperature of 460 ° C is a big mystery. However, there are probably very few substances that have a critical pT point (when they exist simultaneously in three phases) in a narrow temperature range near 460 ° C and at a pressure of 9 MPa, and among them are aniline and naphthalene. The described meteorological phenomena occurred after the 60th or 70th minute. At the same time, the "scorpion" appeared and some other interesting phenomena arose that have yet to be described. The conclusion involuntarily suggests itself that the Venusian life expects precipitation, like rain in the desert, or, conversely, avoids them.

The possibility of living in conditions similar to moderately high temperatures (733 K) and the carbon dioxide atmosphere of Venus has been considered more than once in the scientific literature. The authors came to the conclusion that its presence on Venus, for example in microbiological forms, is not excluded. They also considered life that could evolve under slowly changing conditions from the early stages of the planet's history (with closer to terrestrial conditions) to modern ones. The temperature range near the planet's surface (725-755 K, depending on the relief), of course, is absolutely unacceptable for terrestrial life forms, but if you think about it - thermodynamically it is no worse than terrestrial conditions. Yes, the media and active chemical agents are unknown to us, but no one was looking for them. Chemical reactions at high temperatures are very active; the source materials on Venus are not much different from those on Earth. Anaerobic organisms are known in abundance. Photosynthesis in a number of protozoa is based on a reaction when hydrogen sulfide H2S, rather than water, is the electron donor. In many species of autotrophic prokaryotes living underground, chemosynthesis is used instead of photosynthesis, for example, 4H2 + CO2 → CH4 + H2O. There are no physical prohibitions on life at high temperatures, except, of course, "earthly chauvinism." Of course, photosynthesis at high temperatures and in a non-oxidizing environment should, apparently, rely on completely different, unknown biophysical mechanisms.

But what sources of energy could, in principle, be used by life in the Venusian atmosphere, where sulfur compounds, and not water, play the main role in meteorology? The detected objects are quite large, they are not microorganisms. It is most natural to assume that they, like terrestrial ones, exist at the expense of vegetation. Although the direct rays of the Sun, due to the thick cloud layer, usually do not reach the planet's surface, there is enough light for photosynthesis. On Earth, scattered illumination of 0.5-7 kilolux is quite enough for photosynthesis even in the depths of dense tropical forests, and on Venus it lies within 0.4-9 kilolux. But if this article gives some idea of \u200b\u200bthe possible fauna of Venus, then it is impossible to judge the flora of the planet from the available data. It seems that some of its signs can be found in other panoramas.

Regardless of the specific biophysical mechanism acting on the surface of Venus, at temperatures of the incident T1 and outgoing T2 radiation, the thermodynamic efficiency of the process (efficiency ν \u003d (T1 - T2) / T1) should be slightly lower than that of the Earth, since T2 \u003d 290 K for the Earth and T2 \u003d 735 K for Venus. In addition, due to the strong absorption of the blue-violet part of the spectrum in the atmosphere, the maximum of solar radiation on Venus is shifted to the green-orange region and, according to Wien's law, corresponds to a lower effective temperature T1 \u003d 4900 K (for Earth, T1 \u003d 5770 K). In this respect, Mars has the most favorable conditions for life.

Conclusion on the mysteries of Venus

In connection with the interest in the possible habitability of a certain class of exoplanets with a moderately high surface temperature, the results of television studies of the surface of Venus, carried out in the missions Venera 9 in 1975 and Venera 13 in 1982, were re-examined. The planet Venus was considered a natural high-temperature laboratory. Along with the previously published images, panoramas that had not previously been included in the main processing were studied. They show appearing, changing or disappearing objects of noticeable size, from decimeter to half a meter, the accidental appearance of the images of which cannot be explained. Possible evidence was found that some of the objects found with a complex regular structure were partially covered with soil thrown out during the landing of the vehicle and were slowly released from it.

An interesting question is: what sources of energy could life use in the high-temperature, non-oxidizing atmosphere of the planet? It is assumed that, like the Earth, the source of existence of the hypothetical fauna of Venus should be its hypothetical flora, which carries out photosynthesis of a special type, and some of its samples can be found in other panoramas.

Venus's television cameras were not designed to capture possible Venus inhabitants. A special mission to search for life on Venus should be significantly more complex.

This is the second part of 12 Space.com series "Life on Other Planets: What Would It Be Like?"

With a dehydrated, reddish-orange landscape and a surface hot enough to melt lead, Venus is like the hell of our solar system.

It is now beyond our technological capabilities to prepare an acceptable basis for life on Venus, but this is what life would be like if we could still live there ...

Venus is often perceived as our Earth's twin sister because the size and composition of the two planets is the same. That is why NASA, ESA, Soviet astronautics and others have sent numerous spacecraft since the 1960s to explore the second planet from the Sun.

In the early 1990s, NASA's Magellan spacecraft entered an elongated polar orbit around Venus. With the help of radar, he managed to map 98% of the planet's surface (it was not possible to see the entire surface due to its thick clouds). After that, Venus was forgotten until 2005, when EKA launched its Venus Express spacecraft to study the planet's atmosphere.

"The surface of Venus is very different from other planets in our solar system," said Venus Express project supervisor Hokan Svedhem. Radar images from Magellan have shown that Venus's surface is adorned with mountains, craters, thousands of volcanoes, some of which are much larger than Earth's, lava channels up to 5 kilometers long, ring-like structures called crowns, and a strange, deformed landscape called mosaics. ...

However, Venus has plains that cover 2/3 of the planet. These plains would perhaps be the best place to break down the main base for life.

Walking Venus would not be a pleasant experience. The planet's surface is completely dry because the planet suffers from a runaway greenhouse effect. Thus, its wide atmosphere is filled with heat-trapping carbon dioxide, which keeps the planet at a constant temperature of about 465 degrees Celsius.

Venus's gravity is nearly 91% of the Earth, so you could jump a little higher and objects appear a little lighter than on Earth. “You probably wouldn't have noticed the difference in gravity, but what you would have noticed is the dense atmosphere,” said Svedhem. “The air is so thick that if you tried to move your hands quickly, you would feel resistance. It would be like you are in the water. "

Likewise, it would be difficult to miss a change in atmospheric pressure. On Earth, at sea level, air presses against our bodies with a force of 14.5 psi, or 1 bar, while the pressure on the surface of Venus is 92 bar. To experience such pressure on Earth, you need to descend into the ocean to a depth of 914 meters.

Venus revolves around the Sun for 225 Earth days, and 243 Earth days revolves around its axis. “But the time from one noon to the next is 117 Earth days, because Venus rotates in the opposite direction,” said Swedham. This reverse rotation means that the sun rises in the west and sets in the east.

“On Earth, we see blue skies, the sky on Venus always appears reddish-orange, due to the ability of carbon dioxide molecules to scatter sunlight. You would not see the sun as a separate object in this sky, rather a yellowish hue behind dense clouds, and the night sky would be starless black, ”said Svedhem.

High in Venus's atmosphere, winds reach speeds of 400 km / h - faster than tornadoes and hurricane winds on Earth. But on the planet's surface the wind speed is only 3 km / h. Although there are lightning strikes on the planet, blinding flashes never reach the surface. In addition, the very high temperature prevents any showers from touching the land of Venus.

Unlike Earth, there are no earthquakes on Venus, its tectonic plates are not active enough and do not remove heat from the surface. The heat stands at a critical level for millions of years, and then is suddenly released from some mechanism, large-scale volcanic activity, which changes the surface of the planet.

But if you decide to complain to friends that lava destroyed your yard, do not expect a quick response. Your message will go to the Earth for a few minutes, at the moment when the planets are at the shortest distance from each other. When Venus is on the other side of the Sun from Earth, your message will take almost 15 minutes to get home.

Life on Planet Venus exists on the Ethereal Plane - magical cities, emerald parks, silver rivers and lilac seas, huge buildings in the form of cylinders, balls, cones and tori are connected by bridges and tubes, like a web of cobwebs. Some elliptical houses float above the city like giant balloons.

High-speed elevators with people and food slide to them through transparent tubes. Some pentahedral pyramids are crowned with onion domes. As far as transportation is concerned, the Hathors use air vehicles to transport between one and forty residents. The city glows, shimmers with all 144 colors of the rainbow. Ships and vessels on Venus exist in the most fantastic shapes and configurations, or rather, they are not ships, but the floating houses of the inhabitants of Venus.

Description of Venusians: Eight intelligent civilizations, several races, flourish on Venus. The most advanced of these is the Hathors. Outwardly, the ethereal inhabitants of Venus from the Hathor race are similar to earthlings, only much taller: their height is 5-6 meters for men, women are slightly shorter, 4-5 meters tall. The Hathors are amazingly beautiful in Soul and body, there are no deformities among them, they all have the bodies of gods and goddesses, they have angelic beauty, radiating virtue and love, communication is carried out through telepathy.

Particularly prominent among the Hathors are large blue eyes, which are much larger and more expressive than those of earthlings. In addition, there is another significant difference - these are ears. The Hathors' ears are a much finer and more important organ than ours. Outwardly, the ears are large and vaguely resemble the spread fins of fish. The fact is that in the world of the Hathors, sound plays an important role, hence their developed ears, which pick up a much wider range of sound vibrations.

They also have a highly developed sound-producing system of the larynx. With sound (mantra), they build houses, carry heavy things, heal diseases, control vehicles (especially aircraft). The Hathors can chant and chant a mantra continuously for 1.5-2 hours. At the same time, they do not need to take breaks for inhalation, because the Hathors inhale simultaneously with the production of sounds.

Music is widely developed on Venus. On Venus, music is one of the techniques for developing the soul. The population of the Hathors is replenished by the Souls who have completed the course of study on our Planet Earth.

Venus is densely populated, as the average Hathor has a lifespan of 25,000 years. Venusians never show signs of aging and malaise, they do not turn gray, do not wrinkle or get tired. In addition, they can easily change their appearance. As such, the Hathor concept of death does not exist. When Hathor reaches the age of 25 thousand years, he simply takes his body with him and passes with it into the fifth dimension, flies with it to any astral Planet of his choice, but most often to the Sirius system. Of course, there are those among the Venusians who do not have time to complete all the lessons of the Planet in the allotted 25 thousand years.

Such people of Venus "heal" in one body for more than this period. The "oldies" are looked at with compassion and compassion, similar to the way people on Earth look at the sick or disabled of the mind. However, no one forcibly urges or “pulls up” the "oldies" - freedom of choice is valued here above all. But more often the Hathors "leave" Venus earlier or choose an interesting and difficult mission - for example, incarnation among the Kumars on Earth.

Children are the most valuable to the Hathors. They are born in about the same way as on Earth, only much more attention and care is paid to their upbringing. Each child stays in a public school from 5 to 25 years old, receiving basic spiritual knowledge, which, as they grow up, they begin to put into practice.

The land of the Hathors is governed by the Council of Light of Venus. It includes 13 prominent priests - 6 men and 6 women. The thirteenth, permanent member of the Council is the High Priest. In case of equality of votes, He makes the final decision. According to the Law, staff rotation in the Council takes place on a regular basis. New candidates for the Council are selected according to their level of spiritual progress, inner qualities, wisdom and knowledge. The final decision rests with the High Priest. In fact, the democratic system of policies of Ancient Greece is a pale tracing of the electoral system of Venus, and it was brought to Earth by the Kumars.

By the way, Venus is a kind of space portal, reception, "purgatory" of the Solar System, and everyone who arrives here from other civilizations, worlds and dimensions must pass through this Planet. This is the way it should be according to the laws of the Cosmos and our Universe.

They are also called the Venusians. Almost 0.5% of the current population of the Earth are descendants of those who "entered" from Venus. Although these creatures come from the solar system, many are space travelers who only occasionally incarnate on Venus or Earth. Venus is the planet of a special initiation introduced by the Confederation to prepare souls for higher spiritual truths when they are between earthly incarnations.

Many Souls often travel to Venus between incarnations. Venus is a sixth density world, a world of incredible beauty and artistic achievement. Due to the high vibration, it is invisible to the eye of third and fourth density. Venus is considered the planet of love, named after the goddess of great beauty.

Imagine the most beautiful sunset. Imagine living in a world where the sky always shines with bliss. The colors of yellow, gold, orange, pink and red dazzle the eye. The majestic temples spiral into the sky. The vast gardens are teeming with exotic plant life. Everywhere flows radiant streams of liquid light that feeds all life forms.

Glittering crystal palaces and golden temples await initiates who come to study the secrets of the universe. These images are remembered by few, on Earth they can be seen only on the canvases of artists who are seeing. And everywhere music sounds, coming from a place above time and space, a place long forgotten by Souls tied to the Earth, a place where love reigns. It pervades everything, permanently eliminating division.

Venus is the center of training of gods and goddesses and the apotheosis of life in this solar system.

Venus is a staging area for creatures from across the galaxy. Here they are initiated into spiritual teachings; and many earthly Souls chose Venus as their first life after Ascension. Until you develop into fifth density, you cannot directly see this paradise. For third density, Venus is a hot, poisonous emaciated earth, and this discourages those who would try to take the shortcut to Heaven.

The key to Venus is love. And it’s love that will take you there. Many Venusians (in terrestrial bodies) gaze for a long time at the brightest star in the evening or morning sky and wonder where these strange feelings come from. Perhaps you have a long-lost love on Venus.

As you may have guessed, Venusians are tall, slender, feminine, and godlike creatures. They have shiny golden hair and a slender build. They have learned to materialize in third density using holographic projection and have done so many times. They often incarnate or "enter". Their ship is shaped like a metallic plate, although ships can appear in different colors of the rainbow. They know how to travel in time, and many of them came here from the future.

Venusians appeared many times during the atomic bomb tests in the 1940s and 1950s, communicating with George Adamski, George Van Tessel, and others. Although these people (now deceased) were heavily discredited by the "whistleblowers", they left behind a lot of documentation, photographs, and white papers available if you know where to look.

In January 2013, a sensation spread around the world. A Soviet probe in the 70s and 80s captured something on Venus that could be called signs of living organisms. Chief Researcher at the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Leonid Ksanfomality believes that there is life on Venus.

It would seem that what is new can be seen in 2013 on the planet, direct surface studies of which ceased back in the 1980s, when the last spacecraft Venera, Vega and Pioneer Venus visited it, and with there have been no more missions since then.

The results obtained with the help of television cameras have long been studied and entered into textbooks, and photographs have traveled all over the world. But out of 40 panoramas (or their fragments), only the first were studied. And have you really studied it so thoroughly? Leonid Ksanfomalitygives an unequivocal answer to this question: "no". The pictures taken by Venusian spacecraft conceal many previously unnoticed strange objects that may indicate that there is life on Venus.

This proposal itself, at first glance, sounds absurd. The conditions on the "morning star" are not just unsuitable for terrestrial life forms, they are incompatible with terrestrial life. The atmosphere of Venus is made up almost entirely of carbon dioxide, and the clouds are made up of small droplets of sulfuric acid.

The surface temperature is 460 ° C, and the pressure is 92 times higher than on our planet. Numerous electrical discharges have been detected in the unusual atmosphere of Venus. In many places, the surface contains traces of solidified lava. The yellowish sky and the disk of the Sun, difficult to distinguish through the constantly hanging high clouds, complete the picture of this hell. A typical Venusian landscape is a hot stone or loose surface, sometimes mountains and rarely volcanoes.

Why are the conditions on the planet closest to us and similar in characteristics to our planet so different from those on Earth? There was a time, as scientists suggest, when Venus and Earth were very similar. Venus belongs to the terrestrial planets. She is often called the "sister of the Earth". It is assumed that billions of years ago, Venus could have oceans like ours. But later the evolutionary paths of the planets diverged sharply, and almost all the water (on Earth necessary for life) was lost.

Nevertheless, many scientists, including Leonid Ksanfomality, ask the question: "Is life on all the planets of the vast Universe based on the same principles?" Relatively recently, it was discovered that the lithosphere of the Earth to a depth of tens of kilometers is inhabited by microorganisms, for the metabolism of many of which oxygen is a poison.

And if life on Earth is based on carbon compounds and water, then why can't it be based on other biochemical processes on other planets? This does not contradict the principles of physics. Liquid water cannot exist on Venus; there it instantly evaporates. But scientists know chemical compounds and even liquids that can exist at Venusian temperatures. And although water serves as the basis for life on earth, why in other conditions it cannot be some other medium?

Leonid Ksanfomality does not make any categorical statements. While it is impossible to prove that the objects he saw on Venus are really alive, it is impossible to touch them. But the opposite is also impossible to assert, because no one finds mistakes in the numerous scientific articles published by him, and the arguments of the critics so far boil down to the dictum: "This cannot be, because it can never be."

One part of the scientific community is skeptical about the studies, findings and hypotheses of Xanfomality, while the other is quite serious, even if it contradicts the established scientific paradigm.

One thing is certain: further research on Venus is urgently needed. Only sending a new specialized apparatus to Venus will help answer the question of whether there really is life on it. Meanwhile, the Center for the creation of spacecraft NPO them. Lavochkin, a new spacecraft, Venera-D, is currently being designed, the launch of which is supposedly scheduled for 2018.

A logical question arises: why, over the past 30-38 years, specialists and scientists, both in Russia and abroad, who have studied photographs from Venus, have not seen the very signs of life that Leonid Ksanfomality considered? Leonid Vasilyevich himself explains this by two factors: firstly, they studied only the first few pictures, which were not noisy.

This was enough to report the victory of Soviet science. The rest, sometimes due to their inferior quality, no one even tried to investigate. Second, over thirty years, vast experience has been gained in understanding space data, and the means of image processing have improved significantly. It became possible to reduce the noise on unsuccessful Venus images.

Leonid Ksanfomality was not too lazy to conduct new research and revise the previous ones, because he saw the first supposed inhabitant of Venus back in the 1970s. But then it was not taken seriously, since there were very few good pictures and clearly not enough to draw any conclusions. But the scientist did not back down from his idea.

For more than thirty years, he occasionally returned to the processing of space television images and, as he gained experience, discovered new signs of possible forms of life on this planet. Now the entire world scientific community is puzzled by this question.

Now let's move on to the main thing. Let's try, following Leonid Ksanfomality, to see the very signs of life on the Venusian photographs. Draw your own conclusions.

So this strange object was conventionally named by Leonid Ksanfomality. The pictures were taken at intervals of 13 minutes each. Until 93 minutes, the scorpion was not in the pictures, at 93 minutes it appeared, and after 117 minutes it also mysteriously disappeared. After it, a distinguishable groove remained in the ground.

In the image you can see that the object is somewhat reminiscent of our insects with legs and antennae. Its length is 17 cm. The scientist assumes that the object was covered with a small layer of soil as a result of the impact of the apparatus on the surface of the planet, from under which he had to get out for an hour and a half!

Hence, Leonid Ksanfomality draws an important conclusion: if there are living beings on Venus, then they are very weak and live in a very slow world. This is likely due to the physical conditions of Venus and the metabolism of hypothetical beings. The hypothesis that the object was blown into the field of the lens by the wind was tested and rejected. The wind strength was clearly insufficient for this.

In any case, the object really resembles a large insect, whether it crawled into the field of a television camera by itself or was brought in by the wind.


Leonid Ksanfomality finds no explanation for this phenomenon. In the photo on the left, at the end of the lattice girder, a black object of an obscure shape is clearly visible. It is visible only in the first photo and envelops the hammer to measure the strength of the soil. There is no black "flap" in the subsequent photographs ... What could it be? An unknown gas released from destroyed soil, which condensed on a hammer?


Here we see an object of an outlandish form, which clearly stands out for its outlines against the surrounding background. The strange symmetrically located growths covering its surface are clearly visible, and an elongated process that looks like a real tail. A clear shadow is visible under the process. On the opposite side there is a ledge that looks like a head. The total length of the "strange stone" is half a meter. The object resembles a seated bird.


These potential living inhabitants of Venus have been spotted in several images taken by different vehicles at a distance of more than 4000 km. They stand out against the background of the rest of the stone landscape and are similar in shape and characteristics to each other.

Look closely and you will see an oblong object 20-25 cm long, raised above the surface by 1-2 cm. A strip runs across the object, and if desired, you can see a tail at one end, and something that looks like a antennae at the other. No signs of movement of objects were recorded.


These objects seem to resemble some kind of soft furry creatures that are unlike the surrounding stones with sharp edges. The object rests on some limbs, its height is 25 cm. In the photo we see it from above. On the left, traces follow the "bear cub". The speed of movement of the object was no more than a millimeter per second. Approximately the same value was obtained for other objects, the movement of which was noticed.


They resemble an earthly fish, on the "head" you can see something like a corolla. The length was about 12 cm, no movements were observed. These objects got their name from stone tablets on which the ancient inhabitants of the Babylonian kingdom carved the moments of the appearance of Venus in the sky.


The diameter of the object is 8 cm, and it is raised above the surface by 3 cm. Processing of nine successive panoramas, in which this object is present, gives an image of a kind of tent with radial stripes and a permanent dark spot in the center. Leonid Ksanfomality concludes: the object is very similar to an earthly mushroom.

Newest finds, information about which has not yet been published. The snake has a dark spotted cellular surface with regularly spaced spots, like in terrestrial reptiles. Leonid Ksanfomality believes that this inhabitant of Venus looks like a coiled snake, the length of which is about 40 cm.

The subject does not creep, but changes its position in a series of sequential shots at a speed of about 2 mm per second. Not far from the "snake" there is another object 5-6 cm in size, which resembles a small dove sitting.

Since the information on the object is quite fresh, his photo is currently in the process of being published in a scientific journal, so while Leonid Ksanfomality is not showing it to anyone.

Venus is the goddess of love, arts and luxury. In ancient Greece, she was called Aphrodite and believed that she was born from sea foam. In Eastern astrology, she is revered as one of the most beneficial planets, but among other things, she is considered a teacher of demons.

It depends on the position of Venus how much a person's life will be filled with happiness and love. And also, as far as he himself will be able to give this love, he will become an outstanding art worker or, under the influence of the struck Venus, a slave to his own whims and laziness.

What benefits can a person receive from a correct attitude to this energy? How is weak or afflicted Venus affected, and how do you improve your relationship with this aspect of Divinity? We read about this and many other things later in this article ...

Strong Venus

Venus is exalted, that is, to be in full strength in the sign of Jupiter - Pisces, and she is also strong in her own houses - Taurus and Libra. Receives dik bala (guiding force) in the 4th house (that is, in this house it is stronger than in all the others).

People with strong Venus are often the spoils of fate, in their lives there is almost always a lot of happiness and love. Such people, more than anyone else, are inclined to see the bright, positive aspects of life, which, however, in its negative aspects is fraught with some frivolity and laziness.

Venusians are susceptible to beauty, they have a refined taste and are most often attracted to some kind of art. Depending on the position of Venus, such a person may be endowed with some kind of creative talent. But even if this is not so, and their fate is destined to become boring techies, they will still strive for the sublimely beautiful. And in the end they will become, if not brilliant creators, then at least ardent connoisseurs of someone's creativity.

Until a strong Venus is worked through, a person will take the luck bestowed by her as something self-evident. From which he can seem spoiled or pampered. To work through this aspect, you need to learn to control your frivolity and laziness yourself to become a source of grace for others.

Beneficial Venus

Venus is a natural benefactor except when she rules bad houses, gets bad aspects or connections. By the way, Venus is one of the few planets that does not deteriorate at all in bad houses, although the houses ruled by it in such cases are weakened.

The main signs of beneficent Venus are popularity, attractiveness, gentleness, good nature, and conformity. In unprocessed cases, all this may manifest itself as an inability to identify oneself with society, and then it becomes unclear - do I think so, or was it imposed on me from the outside?

A well-developed strong and beneficent Venus gives artistic or artistic talents, diplomacy and the ability to gently manage people.

Weak Venus

The sign of the fall of Venus - Virgo, this Mercury sign is distinguished by pragmatism, accuracy and attention to detail, and this is least of all like sensual and emotional Venus.

Most often, a weak Venus gives difficulties in social contacts, a predominance of logic, pragmatism and a tendency to put the aesthetic side of life in last place. Such people are of little interest in romance and relationships with people in general, they are unlikely to ever be visited by that same great and pure love. And the statement about the need for close relationships and creating a family in general will cause slight bewilderment, they say - why?

In a word, such personalities are least of all inclined to be touched by children, fluffy kittens and other things, as they consider unimportant tinsel. Their thinking is more practical, their eyes are cold-blooded, and their way of life is calmly measured. They are not in the habit of being admired or carried away, and they are unlikely to find themselves an interesting occupation in the field of art.

Lack of inclination towards conformism and feeling like an outsider among people can lead to conflict and isolation. On the other hand, all this frees a person from spending energy on outbursts of emotions, almost never such a person will be offended, hate or jealous. He will never be attracted by vulgarity, pornography or eroticism, he is characterized by restraint and a rare natural chastity.

Venus Struck

Most of all, Venus will spoil a person's life if it is strong and is in conjunction with any pest, for example, Rahu, or, moreover, rules bad houses.

If a person with a weak Venus is a hermit with little interest in the affairs of society, then a person with a struck Venus is a rebel. And this can manifest itself in a wide variety of perversions, from a catchy, shocking hippie-style appearance, for example, to a variety of variations of eccentric behavior. From what such people often receive the stigma of individuals with a difficult character.

Emotions, feelings and love play an important role in the life of these individuals and more often than not they cannot cope with them. Love comes suddenly, events develop violently and just as quickly everything dies down, as if there was nothing. Here are scenes of jealousy, and passionate declarations of love, as well as other passions with further development into tragedy or tragicomedy. Don Juanism is generally characteristic of such people, and not only in relations with people.

Artists with a Venus affliction may suffer from prolonged periods of creative constipation, followed by the occasional stormy arrival of a horde of muses. From what the expression "torment of creativity" has a completely literal meaning for them. That is why it is the struck Venus that is the "culprit" of the perverse art and the addiction of many creators to intoxication.

Such Venus pushes lovers of mysticism into black magic and all sorts of obscurantism. Love spells, the desire to manipulate others and tantra in its worst manifestations are inventions of people with just such a Venus.

Nevertheless, most often these are bright personalities with an extraordinary and rich biography. Often wealthy charismatic favorites of the public, however, oddly enough, it brings them little pleasure.

Propitiation of Venus

1. Qualities that strengthen and harmonize Venus:

· The ability to love, in every sense of the word.

· Has the ability to create beauty, good taste, designer vein, a sense of rhythm.

· Inclined make your partner happy.

· Sensitivity, refinement and sensitivity.

· Kindness, gentleness and compassion.

· Creativity and imagination.

· Chastity, marital fidelity and rejection of anything vulgar such as pornography, erotica, provocative clothes, etc.

· A subtle sense of humor and charisma.

· Selflessness.

· For women - to develop feminine qualities, for men - to learn to respect the feminine energy in oneself and the environment.

2. Actions that strengthen Venus will be especially effective if done on Fridays, since on this day the energy of Venus is especially strong. So:

· Creative pursuits and hobbies, arts-related activities, development of the right hemisphere.

· Donation or service to women and cows.

· Decorate your home, your belongings and your body.

· Study of stories about Parashuram.

· Refusal of black magic.

3. Venus Strengthening Clothing:

· Beautiful, decorated clothes, mostly pink, pastel, white.

· Transparent and translucent clothing, but it should not be provocative, otherwise the energy of Venus will enter into ignorance.

· Strong and durable.