What did 3 Reich do. What is Reich and how many were there? Historical dates of the collars of existing rees

The Third Reich is the informal name of Germany in the chronological segment from spring 1933 to May 1945. Despite such a short life, he played a significant role in the history of the last century, leaving behind a lot of still not attenuated secrets. Let's try to briefly describe the most significant stages of the state of the state at that time. Naturally, it follows from the moment Hitler came to power, remember what ideas he conquered the hearts of many Germans and poisoned their mind. But the war is not the only one that this politician distinguished himself. Under his wing, he collected many outstanding scientists and gave them the opportunity to work and invent. This decision allowed Germany to acquire the most unusual technical devices, thanks to which the country quickly recovered from terrifying destruction.

origin of name

The phrase of Drittes Reich translated from German indicates the "Third Empire". Interestingly, translated into Russian in different ways. The term "Reich" can be interpreted as a "state" and "empire", but it is closest to such a concept as "Power". But in German, he may acquire a mystical meaning. According to him, Reich is the "kingdom". The author of this concept was the German actor Arthur Möller Van Den Brooke.

First and second Reich

Third Reich ... This term is familiar with almost every person. But few people can explain why the state was called this way. Why the third one? The fact is that Wang Den Brooke understood this Word a selected power, which was thinking as a gentleman for the entire German people. According to his ideas, the first Reich is the Roman Empire of the German nation.

Her fate began in 962 and was interrupted in 1806 as a result of the defeat, which caused her Napoleon. The Second Reich was called the German Empire, created in 1871, at that time when her rules were completed after the 1918 revolution. This is the so-called Kaiser Germany. And the Third Reich, according to Van Den Brook, would give the successor to the weakened Weimar Republic and should have become an ideal holistic state. Already from him this idea took Adolf Hitler. Thus, the history of Germany, in briefly, was just stacked by Reich's replacing each other.

Short story

By the end of the 20s - early 30s. The global economy was under the rule of the global crisis that weakened, including Germany. This is due to the beginning in 1934 of the fate of the Third Reich. The political situation was extremely aggravated in the state. Then the importance of the National Socialist Workers Party increased. In the July elections of 1932, she scored 37% of the vote. But, although she surpassed other parties, it was still not enough to educate the government.

In the following elections, the result was even smaller (32%). All this year, President Hindenburg called Hitler to become a member of the government, offered him the place of Vice Chancellor. However, he agreed only to the post of Reichanzler. Only the next winter Gindenburg succumbed to these conditions. And on January 30, Adolf Hitler took the post of Reichskanzler.

In February, they were banned by the Communist Party, and with regard to her figures, severe persecution began, which were almost half of its members.

Reichstag was immediately dissolved, and the VATSAP won the victory in March elections. The newly agreed government is already at the first meeting, on March 23, approved Hitler's extreme power rights.

In July, all existing parties were banned with the exception of Nazi. Also dissolved trade unions, and instead they formed the German Labor Front. Put the beginning of the arrests and destruction of the Jews.

Hitler's popularity has constantly grew. Propaganda played a prominent role: Kaiserovskaya Germany and weak condemned, they also recovered defeat in the First World War. Also, the growth of the popularity of the Fuhrer was explained by the end of the Great Depression and noticeable economic development. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that it was during this period that the country occupied a leading position on the production of such metals as aluminum and steel.

In 1938, Austria joined Rehih, and behind it in 1939 - and Czechoslovakia. Next year, the heads of the USSR and Germany signed an aggression agreement.

Second World War and Third Reich

In September 1939, Reich soldiers entered Poland. France and Britain in response to this declared Germany war. For the next three years, Reich defeated a part of European countries. In June 1941, Germany attacked the USSR, occupying some of its lands.

At the conquered areas, the mode of intimidation was installed. It provoked the appearance of partisan detachments.

In July 1944, a coup was attempted (crashed) and failed attempted Hitler's life. The state organized partisan underground detachments.

On May 7, 1945, they concluded an act of unconditional surrender of Germany. May 9 has become a day of completion of hostilities. And on May 23, the Government of the Third Reich was arrested.

State and territorial device of the Third Reich

The head of the empire was Chancellor. The executive branch was concentrated in the hands of the government. The legislature was the imperial selection, which was elected by the people. Within Germany, the activities of only the National Socialist Workers Party were permitted.

The Third Reich was divided into fourteen lands and two cities.

The countries entered into the state as a result of expansion, and those in which the ethnic Germans lived mainly were included in it as imperial districts. They wore the name "Reichsgau". So, Austria was divided into seven such formations.

On the remaining occupied lands were organized by Rekhomissariat. In total, five such entities created, four more planned to form.

Symbols of the Third Reich

Perhaps the most famous and familiar symbol characterizing the third Reich is a red flag with a swastika, which is still forbidden in a variety of countries. By the way, she was portrayed almost on all state attributes. Interestingly, Reich's weapons, first of all the cold, was created taking into account the singularities of the uniform and national symbolism. Another attribute was the Iron Cross with expanding ends. The coat of arms revealed the image of a black eagle, whose claws were with a swastika.

"Song of the Germans"

The anthem of the Third Reich is the almost per century before the beginning of the board of Hitler's "Song Germans". The author of the text was Gofman von Fallersleben. Music wrote Josef Haydn. The anthem of the Third Reich is now the main composition of the joint Germany. Interestingly, the "Song of the Germans" today does not cause such strong negative associations, for example, as a swastika. However, this does not apply to the military marches of the Third Reich.

In any case, parts of them. So, for example, a composition written by Horst Wessel was a march of assault detachments and the anthem of the ruling party. Nowadays, it is prohibited by the criminal laws of Germany and Austria.

Third Reich - This is the unofficial name of the German state, which existed from January 1933 to May 1945. It was a nation-socialist state with a totalitarian fascist regime.
The ownership of the Third Reich extended from France in the West to the European part of the USSR in the East, from Norway in the north of Europe to Libya and Tunisia in the north of Africa.
Fascist Germany were fully occupied by France, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Poland, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Hungary, Serbia, Moldova, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Monaco, European part of modern Russia, Slovenia, Croatia, Yugoslavia, Bosnia and Herzegovina are attached as a result of Avshlus Austria.
The main satellite countries of Hitler Reich were fascist Italy and imperialist Japan.
Active participation in hostilities on the side of the Hitler Reich was accepted by Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Spain, Yugoslavia. In all of the countries listed, totalitarian regimes similar to the fascist were created.
In addition to directly occupied and included in the third Reich countries, the German troops were also in Finland, Greece, Italy, Romania and Bulgaria.
The population of the Third Reich amounted to 90 million people.
The capital of the fascism's empire was the city of Berlin.
The administrative division of the Third Reich was extremely difficult. Directly on the territory of Germany continued to exist on the Earth, but in parallel with this, new administrative and territorial units were introduced - GAU. In the occupied countries, Rekhsgau, ReikhskySariats, Protectors, Reichpostectors, Districts, Governor-General, and Military Administrations were created.
GAU (in Germany): Baden, Bayreuth, Big Berlin, Upper Silesia, Weer-EMC, Eastern Prussia, East Hanover, Württemberg-Gogenzollerne, Galleburg, Hamburg, Hesse Nassau, Dusseldorf, West Mark, Cologne Aachen, Kurghessen , Magdeburg Anhalt, Maine Franconia, Brand Brandenburg, Mecklenburg, Mosellands, Munich-Upper Bavaria, Lower Silesia, Pomerania, Saxony, Northern Westphalia, Thuringia, Franconia, Schwabia, Schleswig-Holstein, Essen, South Westphalia, South Hannover.
Reichsgau: Wintelland (in Poland), Vienna (in Austria), Upper Danube (in Austria and Slovakia), Danzig (in Poland), Salzburg (in Austria), Carinthia (in Austria and Slovenia), Nizhny Danube (in Austria and Slovakia ), Sudtenlands (in the Czech Republic), Tyrol-Forarlberg (in Austria), Styria (in Slovenia), Vallonia (in Belgium), Flanders (in Belgium),
Districts: Brussels (in Belgium), Galicia (in Ukraine), Kraku (in Poland), Lublin (in Poland), Radom (in Poland), Warshau (in Poland).
Protectors: Bohemia (in Slovakia), Prag (in the Czech Republic), Moravia-Brynn (in Slovakia and Austria), Königgraz (in Austria), Pilsen (in Austria), Brynn (in Austria), Budweys (in Austria), Iglaua ( in Austria), Merish Oshtra (in Austria).
Governor-General: Krakow (in Poland).
Reichspotectorate: Bohemia and Moravia (in the Czech Republic and Slovakia).
Reik Assariats: Netherlands (in the Netherlands), Norway (in Norway), island (in Austria), Ukraine (in Ukraine).
In addition, the leadership of the Hitler's Reich was planned to create three more ReichSomaniators: Muscovy (in Russia), the Caucasus (in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan), Turkestan (in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan), but these plans to life have not been embodied.
Military administrations were: in Belgium, France, Serbia, Denmark, Monaco, in Northern Italy, in Libya and Tunisia.
Reich's refuctions Wanted to create even a colony of a new mooring on the Antarctica coast - their territorial appetites were so insatiable.
Third Reich has a difficult story. An important role in the emergence of fascism was played by the defeat of the Kaiser Germany in the First World War and then the revengeful moods among the highest layers of the German elite. Yes, and ordinary Germans were also impossible to continually the idea that Germany should take revenge on the world for defeat in the First World War. With the emergence of these sentiments in Germany, fascism began to emerge.
Adolf Hitler skillfully played on the feelings of ordinary Germans, and above all in their feelings of resentment and humiliation, which Germany underwes after the signing of the 1918 compi world, according to the terms of which the Weimar Republic was created in Germany, the number of the army was very limited (up to 100,000) . Afraid of mad inflation and mass unemployment only seven the senses of the Germans, the people wanted to change the regime.
Taking advantage of the weakness of the ruler of Germany Feldmarshal Hindenburg and its inability to eliminate unemployment and economic problems of the country, Hitler organizes elections to Reichstag and conducts an active election campaign, promising the Golden Mountains and the elimination of unemployment (by the way, the day before the Second World War, unemployment in Germany was indeed eliminated, Each German was obliged to work for the benefit of Reiha and received a good remuneration for it).
Elections in Reichstag ended with a confident victory of national socialists headed by the future Fuhrer of Germany by Adolf Hitler. On January 30, 1933, Hitler announces the liquidation of the power of the President of Germany and proclaims himself by Reichskanzler. So the era of "brown plague" began.
One of the first moves of Hitler was the prohibition of the Communist Party. Hitler organizes a large-scale provocation - a pitch of the Reichstag. After that, the German communist Ernst Telman is arrested and sent to the concentration camp.
In July 1933, all political parties are prohibited, except Nazi.
Hitler, like Stalin, had their opponents. The head of assault detachments of Ca Ernst Rem belongs to the strong opponent of the Fuhrer. Hitler decided to eliminate all dismissal opponents.
In one of the nights, named historians "Night of the Long Knives", Ernst Rem was killed and his environment. A former companion of Hitler's guest officers in Gregor Strasser and former Reichskancler Kurt von Schleiher were also killed.
Two years after the arrival of Hitler, the unemployment in Germany was eliminated. The economy showed steady growth. The construction of high-speed autobahn throughout Germany began in total. Hitler acquired increasing popularity among ordinary Germans.
The army of fascist Germany began to increase, earned a military-industrial complex. Modern weapons began to come to the troops. It became obvious that fascist Germany is preparing for war
In 1936, Germany signed the Anti-Comintern Pact with Italy and Japan. The three of the countries applying for world domination are formed - "Hitler's axis".
1938 became a turning point for German Jews. On November 9, Jewish pogroms occurred throughout Germany, this event was called "Crystal Night". After this night, mass arrests and the destruction of Jews began. They were selected shops, business, residential buildings. The mass emigration of Jews to other countries began, primarily in the United States, Canada, to the territory of modern Israel and to the countries of South America.
A large number of Jews who did not have time to go abroad was sent to Hitler's concentration camps, where only one fate was waiting for them - death. By the beginning of 1942, the Jews were not in Germany - all the remaining Jews were destroyed.
In 1938, the Third Reich joins its first territory - he annexed Austria. Now this country has entered the Reich.
In 1939, on the eve of the beginning of World War I, all Czechoslovakia was attached to Germany.
In 1939, Germany concludes a friendship agreement with the USSR and nonsense. A few weeks after this event, the German Wehrmacht moved the Polish border (September 1, 1939) and the Second World War began.
In 1940, the German Foreign Minister Ioachim Von Ribbentrop and the Soviet People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs Vyacheslav Molotov signed an agreement on the division of spheres of influence in the occupied territories. Historians have the name of the Molotov Ribbentrop Covenant. As a result of this, the territory of Poland was divided between Germany and the USSR. Western Ukraine, Western Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Bessarabia and North Bukovina (the territory of the modern Chernivtsi region in Ukraine) included in the USSR. The Germans also got the rest of Poland and the territory of the Kaliningrad region.
In the same year, Germany concludes with Italy and Japan a three-way pact, to which Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Spain will soon join.
After the occupation of Poland, Germany attacked France and Belgium. Then, almost without a combat was taken Denmark. The same fate suffered the Netherlands. By the beginning of the war with the Soviet Union, all Europe worked on the economy of the Third Reich, with the exception of Sweden, Great Britain, Ireland, Ireland and Switzerland. However, the Swiss bankers kept Reich's gold reserves in their banks, so they can also be considered as direct accomplices of the Hitler's regime.
The only country of Western Europe, which openly opposed the Hitler's regime and was not afraid to give armed reverses - this is the United Kingdom.
In the summer of 1941, Hitler fluctuated for a long time - on which front continue to continue the war - against the USSR or against the UK. The choice fell on the Soviet state and on June 22, the Third Reich without an official declaration of war violates the Western borders of the USSR and begins to bomb Soviet cities and airfields from the air. The Great Patriotic War began.
In the occupied territories, the mass extermination of the Communists and Jews began. With the beginning of the war, the Hitler's concentration camps were crowded. In the territory of German itself, Gestapo, Gestapo departments were created in all occupied cities of the USSR and Western Europe.
The mistakes of the Stalinist leadership allowed the German Wehrmachut to come close to Moscow. However, here the Hitler's generals failed - Moscow failed to take Moscow, moreover, a counterattack began in December 1941. German troops began a retreat, the front stopped at the beginning of 1942 by about 200 km from Moscow.
In the same Germany grew an anti-fascist movement. The Red Capella group, consisting of high-ranking officers and employees of the Reich central office, transferred the Stalin's bid to secret information regarding the state of the German economy and further Hitler's plans for war. In June 1942, Harro Schulze-Bozyen was arrested - the head of the Radruists Group. He was sharpened in the Berlin Gestapo. Soon the majority of the members of the group were arrested. After three-month interrogations and torture, a court was held, which made all the participants in the group the death sentence. All members of the Red Capella were executed in December 1942 in the Berlin Prison Plecesee - just in the midst of the Stalingrad battle.
The second strike Hitler's Reich was raised after the defeat near Stalingrad. Hitler did not manage to implement a strategic design - oil fields
The North Caucasus capture he failed. After the defeat in Germany, the decline in the economy began.
After the defeat near Kursk in 1943, many generals approached by Hitler became clear that Germany would defeat in this war. At Hitler began to prepare an attempt. In the summer of 1944, after the opening of the Western Front, a bomb broke out in the Hitler's bet in Berchtesgaden. However, the Führera was lucky - he arrived at a meeting with a delay of five minutes, and he was not indoors. Many generals suspected in preparing the attempt were arrested and soon executed.
After opening the second front and disembarking of the Allied troops in Normandy, everything became clear that the defeat of the Reich is inevitable. In part, it understood it and Hitler himself, but he did not want to show his concerns to his surrounding and fanatically believed in the victory of the German nation.
In February 1945, the fighting has already been conducted in Germany. From the east, the Soviet troops came from the West - Americans, the British and French. In German Wehrmacht, there was no one to call on - Reich's mobilization resources were exhausted. Over all Germany, Nazigargenda detachments were organized, in which German adolescents included. Hytler's hopes for new weapons - FAU-1 and FAu-2 missiles, as well as the Messerschmitt-262 jet fighter - collapsed, the Americans were captured by the factories in the town of Penelund, where rockets were made and launched in the direction of Great Britain, as well as Messerschmitt Aviation Plants.
Many Hitler's party bosses managed to flush abroad until the end of the war. In the environment itself, Hitler has been split.
In May 1945, the Berlin garrison capitulate. Two days before the surrender, Hitler cums suicide in his underground bunker, before the death of Head of Reich, he appoints Admiral Denitian.
On May 8, 1945, Field Marshal Kater and Marshal Zhukov sign an act of surrenders from Germany. However, the large grouping of the German Wehrmacht continues fighting in Prague.
May 9, 1945 capitulate Prague. The Great Patriotic War ends.
On May 23, 1945, the Government of the Third Reich, headed by Dönitsa, was arrested in border with the Denmark of the German city of Flensburg. So the Third Reich ceased to exist.
This empire turned out to be the very bloody in history. Over the years of the Reich's existence on the fronts of the Second World War, in Hitler's concentration camps, 60 million people died in forced work - exactly the same people lived in Germany in early 1933! The Germans lost 27 million people in this war.
In the Hitler's concentration camps over 6 million people were killed. Only in one Auschwitz 1 million people died.
The Nuremberg Tribunal of 1946 put a point in the history of Hitler's Reich. The main war criminals were executed, some received long-term prison terms (mainly lifelong).

Das Dritte Reich - "Third Empire" - the official Nazi name of the regime of the Board that existed in Germany from January 1933 to May 1945. Hitler regarded the Nazi Board as a logical continuation of the two previous German Empires. The first Reich - the Sacred Roman Empire of the German nation - existed from 962, with the time of coronation in Rome Ottone of the Great, the second ruler from the Saxon dynasty, before his conquest of Napoleon in 1806, the second Reich was founded by Otto Bismarck in 1871 and existed until 1918 Until the end of the gogyenzoller dynasty. In 1923, German Writer-Nationalist Arthur Meller Van Den Brooke used the term "third Reich" for the name of his book. Hitler with inspiration perceived this name to designate a new empire, which, in his opinion, existers a thousand years. This name attracted him also because there was some kind of mystical connection with the Middle Ages, when the "third kingdom" was considered thousand years.

The origin of the term

German word "Reich" (it. Das Reich) It can be translated into Russian and as a state, and as an empire. The creator of the "Third Reich" concept is considered to be the German writer and translator Arthur Meller van den Brooke, who called his book released in 1923. In the representation of Meller Van den Brook, Reich is a single state that should be a common home for all Germans. According to this concept, the first Reich was the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation. It existed since 962, when Otton I Great was proclaimed by the emperor in the Cathedral of St. Peter in Rome, which was supposed to emphasize the continuity of the Roman Empire, and ceased to exist in 1806 after a number of defeats suffered by Napoleon's troops. The Second Reich was the German Empire, proclaimed in 1871 by the Board of Wilhelm I Gogenzollerne and liquidated as a result of the November 1918 revolution. The Third Reich was to be replaced by the wearage of the Weimar Republic.

Hitler adopted the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Third Reich from Meller Wang Den Brook. The writer himself personally met with Hitler and remained a low opinion about him. In 1925, Meller Wang Den Brooke committed suicide.

The Third Reich is often called "millennial Reich" (it. Tausendjähriges Reich.). This name was used after the speech of Hitler at the party congress in Nuremberg in September 1934. The "millennium Reich" Hitler echoes Christian mysticism.


The global economic crisis of 1929 became the beginning of the end of the Weimar Republic. Already in the summer of 1932, the number of unemployed reached 6 million. The political situation in the country is very radicalized. Most of the ordinary Germans wanted strong power in the country, but was afraid of communists, being impressed by the "Red Terror" and the derailization in the Soviet Union. In addition, the Germans wanted to restore national pride. Therefore, the popularity of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) has grown.

In July 1932, the National Socialists gathered 37% of the votes - most of all others combined. But this was not enough to create the government. Therefore, for November 1932, repeated elections were appointed, on which NSDAP received even less votes - 34%. During 1932, President Hindenburg has repeatedly offered Hitler to enter the government, including he suggested him to take the post of vice chancellor. But Hitler agreed only to the post of Reichskanzler, and also demanded the post of ReichSmint of internal affairs to one of the members of the NSDAP and emergency powers as the head of the government. Only at the end of January 1933, Hindenburg agreed to these conditions of Hitler.

January 30, 1933 Adolf Hitler became Reichancler. This event marked the end of the Weimar Republic and the beginning of the Third Reich.

On February 1, 1933, Reichstag was dissolved. Decree Reich Suppresident "On the protection of the German people" Of February 4, 1933, he became the basis for the prohibition of opposition newspapers and public speeches. Using the pretext of the Reichstag's arson on February 27, 1933, Hitler began mass arrests. In view of the lack of places in prisons, concentration camps were created. Researches were appointed.

In the elections in Reichstag, held on March 5, 1933, NSDAP came out the winning party. Voices filed with the communists were canceled. New Reichstag At its first meeting on March 23, the extraordinary authority of Hitler approved the extraordinary powers.

Part of the intelligentsia ran abroad. According to the law of July 14, 1933, all parties except Nazi were prohibited. However, the activists of the right-hand parties were not only not arrested, but many of them became part of the NSDAP. Trade unions were dissolved and prohibited. Instead, the German Labor Front was created, headed by one of Hitler's associates by Raket Leam. Strikes were banned, entrepreneurs were announced by the owners of enterprises. Soon the mandatory labor service was introduced.

At the end of June 1934, Hitler eliminated the highest leadership of the SA assault team led by Headquarters by Ernst Rem, who demanded the "second revolution", socialist in spirit, as well as the creation of the "People's Army". Hitler accused the SA's leadership in treason and declared the enemies of the state. During these events, the name "Night of Long Knives", there was a considerable number of people unwanted by the Nazis who did not have attitudes towards Ca and his leadership. So, former Reichancler Kurt von Schleiher and former Deputy Hitler in Gregor Strasser were killed.

Thanks to the end of the Great Depression, the destruction of every opposition and criticism, the elimination of unemployment, the propaganda, playing national feelings, and later - territorial acquisitions, Hitler increased its popularity. In addition, he achieved major success in the economy. In particular, under Hitler, Germany came to the first place in the world for the production of steel and aluminum.
In 1936, the Anti-Comintern Pact between Germany and Japan was concluded. In 1937, Italy joined him, in 1939 - Hungary and Spain.

On November 9, 1938, Jewish pogrom occurred, known as the "Crystal Night". Since that time, mass arrests and the destruction of Jews began.

In 1938, Austria was captured, in October 1938 - part of the Czech Republic, and in March 1939 - and the whole Czech Republic.

The highest administration of the third Reich before the war

Its structure was extremely confusing, and the area of \u200b\u200bcompetence of individual branches of government was not only extremely influenced, but in many cases overlap each other. This highly complicated the state leadership and, in particular, a specific managing combat operations in the future war.

The Second World War

On September 1, 1939, German troops invaded Poland. The United Kingdom and France declared war in Germany. During 1939-1941, Germany defeated Poland, Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Greece, Yugoslavia, but it was not possible to seize the UK territory. In 1941, the Nazis invaded the territory of the Soviet Union and took part of its territory.

In Germany, there was a shortage of labor. At all occupied territories, the recruitment of waged migrant workers was carried out. The Slavic territories also produced a massive hijacking to slavery to Germany. In France, a compulsory set of workers was carried out, whose position in Germany was intermediate between the position of free-controlled and slaves.

In the occupied territories, an intimidation mode was set. Immediately began the mass destruction of Jews, and in some areas - and the partial destruction of the local non-Jewish population to combat partisans. On the territory of Germany and some occupied territories grew the number of concentration camps, death camps and prison camps. In the latter, the position of Soviet, Polish, Yugoslav and French prisoners of war, there was little difference from the position of concluded concentration camps. The situation of the British, as a rule, was better.

The escalation of the conflict aroused the growth of the partisan movement in Poland, Belarus and Serbia. Gradually, the partisan war was also unfolded at the other occupied territories of the USSR and Slavic countries, as well as in Greece and France. In Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia anti-Nazi performances were less and the occupation mode - softer. Separate underground organizations also acted in Germany and Austria.

On July 20, 1944, a failed attempt of the Anti-Nazi coup with an attempion to Hitler was carried out by a group of La Wehrmacht General. This plot later received the name "Conspiracy of generals". Many officers were executed, even those who had only indirect attitudes toward the importation.

In 1944, the Germans began to feel the lack of raw materials. Aviation of the countries of the Anti-Hitler coalition bombed the city. Aviation England and the United States almost completely destroyed Hamburg and Dresden. Because of the large losses of personnel in October 1944, a folksturm was created, which was mobilized by local residents, including old people and young men. Vervolf detachments were prepared for future partisan-sabotage activities.

On May 8, 1945, an act on the unconditional surrender of Germany was signed. Soon, on May 23, the Government of the Third Reich was arrested in Flensburg.

Administrative and territorial device of the Third Reich

Liquidation of federated device

The Weimar Constitution established a federal device in Germany, the territory of the country was divided into fields (land), which had their own constitutions and authorities. Already on April 7, 1933, the Second Law "On Unification of Lands with Reich" was adopted (Him. Zweites Gesetz Zur Gleichschaltung der Länder Mit Dem Reich), which introduced the Institute of Imperial Governors in the federal lands (ReichShstatHalters, Reichsstatthalter.). The task of the governors was observing the activities of local authorities, for which they were actually provided with emergency powers (including the right of the Landtag's dissolution and the removal of the head of government - the presidential minister). Law "On the New Device of Reich" ( Gesetz über Den Neuaufbau Des Reichs) Of January 30, 1934, the sovereignty of land was liquidated, Landtagi was dissolved in all lands. Germany became a unitary state. In January 1935, imperial governors became permanent government representatives in the lands.

Reichsrat (Upper Chamber of the German Parliament, the authority of the Land Representative Office on the Weimar Constitution) was first practically completely deprived of the authority, and in February 1934 it was eliminated.

Administrative division

Administrative division of Reich and dependent territories in 1943.

During the existence of the Third Reich, German lands retained their borders, the governments of land led by the presidential ministers were preserved. However, the real administration was carried out appointed from the center with imperial governors. Prussia became the exception, where the post of the governor was not introduced: the first time the function of the imperial governor in Prussia was entrusted to Reichskanzler, and on April 10, 1933, Hitler appointed German Gering Minister of Prussian. In parallel, the regional party districts - GAU, headed by Gaulatra. Often, the same person combined the state post of imperial governor and the party of Gaulier.

The territories included in the Reich during the territorial-political expansion and populated mainly by the ethnic Germans were part of the Reich in ReichSgau status - imperial districts. Austria was divided into seven Reichsgau, Sudechdan region, Danzig region - West Prussia and Warland (Polish region with center in Poznan) were divided into seven Reichsgau. For most of the territory of the Czech Republic, the dependent state education was created by the Bohemia and Moravia Protectorate (since 1939). At the head of the Protectorate stood a playpritector appointed directly by Hitler. After the occupation of Poland on its territory was formed

Reich (with him. Das Reich) is a German word to designate a number of land, subordinate to one power. His high-wrennesenetic option matters "Something under the rule of the ruler." German writer and translator Arthur Meller Wang Den Brooke I defined this term as the "kingdom", an indivisible power, which was conceived as a gentleman for the entire German people.

In modern Russian, the term "Reich" is used in relation to Hitler's Germany, although the German Empire and the Sacred Roman Empire are also called Reich's scientific literature.

How many have been a seconds?

- Sacred Roman Empire of the German Nation

The history of the first Reich - the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation - began since the capture of Italy king Ottenton I.which in 962 proclaimed the territory of Germany of the Holy Roman Empire. The first Reich, which from 1512 began to be called the Sacred Roman Empire of the German nation, more than once in 844, it turned out to be on the verge of decay due to civil society, claims of neighboring states and confessional differences.

During the highest heyday, the empire was included: Germany, North and Central Italy, the lower lands, the Czech Republic, as well as some regions of France. From 1134, the first Reich consisted of three kingdoms: Germany, Italy and Burgundy. Since 1135, the Kingdom of the Czech Republic entered the Empire.

Photo: Commons.Wikimedia.org.

At the head of the empire, the emperor stood, the title of which was not hereditary, but was assigned to the election of the college of the Kurfurst. The power of the emperor was not absolute and limited to the highest aristocracy of Germany, and from the end of the 15th century - Reichstag, which represented the interests of the basic estates of the Empire.

The Sacred Roman Empire existed until 1806 and was eliminated during the Napoleonic Wars, when the Rhine Union was formed, and the last emperor Franz II. Habsburgrented the throne.

- German Empire

The second Reich is called the German Empire. It was created in 1871, when Germany rules Wilhelm I., and existed in 1918, until the end of the First World War. During these years, the German state has reached the highest point of its power and has become the largest colonial power. Wilhelm I I. chancellor Prussia Otto Background Bismarck They combined many German territories and created the German Reich to intercept leadership in France on the European continent. In particular, Saxony and a number of other South-German lands were included in Germany.

The German Empire ceased to exist in 1918. The second Reich took part in the First World War, which involved 38 states. Active fighting on all fronts exhausted the strength of the empire, and, despite its industrial potential, Germany could not win the opponent in the war. On October 5, 1918, the German government requested a truce. On November 9, 1918, a revolution began in Germany, as a result of which the monarchy was overthrown and Wilhelm was forced to flee into the Netherlands.

- Third Reich

The Third Reich was unofficially formed in 1933 by the founder of National Socialism Adolf Hitlerwhich revived the economic potential of the German state and launched a global military campaign that has become the Second World War. Hitler who came to power made a bet on the fact that people tired of hunger and difficult living conditions will go behind him as the leader who promised the revival of Germany and the happy life of the "True Aryans". Having come to power, he forbade all existing parties, except for the National Socialist Workers Party, dismissed trade unions, and instead they created the German Labor Front.

In 1938, Austria was joined to Rehih, and for her in 1939 - Czechoslovakia.

The Third Reich existed 12 years and ceased to exist in 1945 together with the defeat of Germany in the war.

  • The Third Reich (Drittes Reich is the Third Empire, the Third Power) - the informal name of the German State from March 24, 1933 to May 23, 1945.

    The official name of the German state from January 18, 1871 to June 26, 1943 - Deutsches Reich (German Empire). The official name from June 26, 1943 to May 23, 1945 - GroßDeutsches Reich (Great Empire). The word "Reich", denoting land, subordinate to one power, is usually translated as a "state", sometimes like "empire" or "kingdom" (depending on the context). In literature and historiography, often referred to as Nazi Germany or fascist Germany.

    Germany during this period was a totalitarian state with a one-party system and the dominant ideology (national socialism), all spheres of society were controlled by control. The Third Reich is associated with the authorities of the National Socialist German Workers Party under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, who was a permanent head of state (official title - "Führer and Reichskancler") until his death on April 30, 1945.

    The foreign policy of the Third Reich can be divided into three periods.

    The first period (1933-1936) was associated with the strengthening of the NSDAP authorities, the nation of all spheres of life in Germany and the accumulation of internal reserves to prepare for Revenge for defeat in the First World War. First of all, we are talking about the revision of the Versailles Peace Treaty in terms of the implementation of the course of Adolf Hitler to achieve military parity with leading world powers. Already on October 14, 1933, Germany announced the release from the League of Nations. In January 1935, Saar was returned as a result of Plebiscite, Saar was returned, which before that was under the Protectorator of the League of Nations, and in March, Hitler announced the rupture of the Versailles and the restoration of the universal military service, that is, the creation of the regular army of Reich - Wehrmacht, including Luftwaffe. On June 18 of the same year, the German-British Maritime Agreement was concluded. In 1936, the German army joined the demilitarized Rhine region. In the same year, in connection with the Civil War in Spain, the axis "Berlin - Rome" was created and the Anti-Comintern Pact with Japan was concluded.

    The second period falls on 1936-1939 when the leadership of Nazi Germany, without resorting to a direct military confrontation, under the pretext of the fight against the communist threat, began to introduce a power component in its foreign policy, constantly forcing international consorters to make concessions and concomplacing. In these years, the Nazi Germany was created by a bridgehead for the future war: In March 1938, Anshlus Austria was carried out, in September 1938 - March 1939, the Czech Republic (Munich Agreement 1938) and Klaipeda region were attached to Germany.

    The third period includes the second world war from attacking Poland to unconditional surrender in 1945. Unleashing the war, the leadership of the Third Reich included some of the conquered territories directly into Germany, whereas on the rest of the territories were created or planned to create a general-governor-controlled general, Reichpostectorate, Reikhsky examinations, colonies, as well as puppet states. As a result of the 1939 military campaign, a free city of Danzig and a part of Polish territories were joined, in 1941, Luxembourg was annexed (the accession of various territories continued later). The first years of World War II were very successful for Germany, by 1942, under its control, there was a majority of continental Europe (except Spain, Portugal, Switzerland and Sweden), part of the territories were occupied, part was de facto dependent publications (for example, Croatia), the exception was Bulgaria and Finland, who, being the allies of Germany, were carried out only in part of an independent policy. However, in 1943, a fracture was completed in hostilities in favor of the anti-Hitler coalition, in January 1945 the fighting was transferred to the pre-war territory of Germany. The Third Reich stopped his existence after the dissolution of the Allies of the Flensburg Ruler