The Golden Key Education Center. Such different night schools Problems of night schools

Evening school is an opportunity to make up for a gap in education, take up your mind, think about prospects, combining the educational process with work. Such educational institutions are of particular importance in the domestic education system.

Specificity of activity

The evening general education school occupies an intermediate position between the regular day education institutions and additional education. Information about the accessibility of education sounds from television screens. In real life, depending on various factors, some high school students are forced to leave the walls of their native school, looking for a way to make money.

Evening school is a chance to acquire an education, without which it is difficult to count on career advancement. Every citizen at any age has the opportunity to receive a complete secondary education. Then a graduate of such an institution can continue his studies at a higher educational institution.

Evening schools are not only a way to close missing gaps in education, but also an excellent opportunity to think about the near future, combining education with work.

Who can attend night school

During the existence of the Soviet Union, such educational institutions were in demand among working youth who were far from school age. Currently, the situation has changed radically. Now the pupils of the evening school are teenagers from disadvantaged families who are unable to study in regular educational institutions. About a third of the students are young people who have left school age who work in various companies. Of course, we are not talking about the fact that every high school student has the right to drop out of high school and replace it with evening education. According to the legislation in force in the Russian Federation, only adolescents who have received permission from the Commission on Minors' Affairs have the right to transfer to such an educational institution.

Who else can an evening school "shelter"? After it, the guys can work on a contract basis in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces, because without secondary education, this is impossible.

Also, the students of the evening school are athletes who, due to constant travel to competitions, cannot cope with the program of an ordinary general education school.

Night school problems

Evening school in Moscow is a common phenomenon these days. These educational institutions have a lot of problems caused by the reform of the domestic educational system. Here are some of them:

  • financing the material, technical, methodological part, as well as the state on the residual principle;
  • lack of special training programs;
  • understated teacher status.

Among other educational institutions, due to the minimum funding, it is the evening school that remains without high-quality cosmetic repairs, teaching materials. The city does not always allocate material resources to solve such a problem.

Difficulties also appear with the staffing of the staff of such an educational institution. There is a lack of methodologists, social educators, psychologists, educators.

An evening school is a special version of educational organizations that must use special teaching aids. Due to insufficient funding, teachers are forced to independently redesign standard curricula, adjusting them to the number of hours allocated in evening schools.

Specificity of training

According to the educational standards that are established in the Russian Federation, the duration of education in evening schools is three years. The increase in the period of study is a forced measure, since classes in these educational institutions do not take place every day, moreover, the number of classes is significantly less than in day schools.

Based on the name of this educational institution, it can be understood that classes are held in the evenings. Most of the evening schools are open from 4 pm to 8 pm. Students can select for themselves an individual schedule of attending classes, having previously agreed with the teaching staff that they will do some of the lessons on their own, without attending evening school.

Day form

Currently, there are evening schools that offer full-time education. Lessons in such educational institutions begin at 9 am and end at 15-16 hours. With this form, students attend school four times a week. The main contingent is adolescents from disadvantaged families who were unable to study in ordinary general education schools. Teachers are quite loyal to such students, use a differentiated approach in their professional activities.

Among the distinctive features of modern evening schools, one can also distinguish the uneven-age composition of the class. A person of respectable age and a teenager can be accommodated here at the same desk.

Existence prospects

Over the past several years in our country there has been an active discussion of the issue concerning the existence of evening schools. Some experts are convinced that such educational institutions are not needed in modern society. Proponents of this idea argue their point of view by the fact that today secondary education can be obtained both in a regular school and remotely. But the results of numerous statistical studies indicate that recently the demand of the population for this form of education has grown significantly. Many modern people want to receive secondary education without interrupting their work, and they have 10-15 years of work experience.

Reasons for the demand for evening schools

Where does such a number of citizens come from who want to receive secondary education within the walls of evening schools? According to UNESCO, more than a million illiterate children and adolescents live in Russia today. Instead of studying at their desks, they lead a vagrant lifestyle.

Among the reasons for the demand for the evening form of training, experts also highlight the optimization process, which involves the closure of small educational institutions. Not all children have the opportunity to travel to other settlements to continue their studies, therefore, it is often evening school that remains the only way not only to get an education, but also to become a full-fledged member of society.


Considering the demand for evening schools among adolescents and working youth, the question of their closure has now been suspended. Despite the complex and different age group, these educational institutions hold not only training sessions, but also a variety of activities.

Evening schools allow you not only to fill the missing gap in your own education, but also finally to take up your mind and think about prospects for the future, combining study with work. In other words, such educational institutions play a special role in the Russian education system, occupying an intermediate niche between a regular school and organizations of additional education.

We are assured that modern school education accessible to almost everyone. However, quite often, due to life circumstances, some high school students are forced to leave the walls of the educational institution and look for work. Quite often, the reason for premature graduation is conscription into the army, which is why many young people believe that their education, and therefore a successful career in the future, can be "put to death". After all, we all know that without a diploma, it is almost impossible to take off on the career ladder and material well-being.

However, not everything is as bleak as it might seem at first glance. Thanks to the institute of the evening school existing in Russia, every citizen of our country can at any age receive a complete secondary education (even if he graduated from 8-9 grades several years ago), and, accordingly, continue his studies at the university.

Note that evening schools allow not only to fill the missing gap in their own education, but also finally to take up the mind and think about the prospects for the future, combining training with work. In other words, such educational institutions play a special role in the Russian education system, occupying an intermediate niche between a regular school and organizations of additional education.

Who goes to night school?

During the Soviet era, evening schools were intended mainly for working youth who were not of school age. Today, the bulk of students in such educational institutions are adolescents from a disadvantaged environment, who, due to their age, should have studied in a regular school. And only a third of the students are working young people over school age.

But this does not mean that every high school student can drop out of high school and go to evening form of study... According to the current legislation, after the ninth grade, a teenager can be transferred to night school only with the permission of the Commission on Juvenile Affairs.

If we talk about the "adult" category of students, then most often contract servicemen enter the evening school, who, due to the lack of secondary education, cannot renew their contract, and athletes who, due to frequent competitions, were unable to complete secondary education on time.

Problems of the modern evening school

It's not a secret for anyone that the Russian education system is currently in a rather critical state, and is just beginning its path towards global reform. However, evening schools found themselves in the most sad situation, as evidenced by a number of problems, which include:

  • financing on a residual basis - and this applies to both the material, technical and methodological part, and financing of staff units. As a result, the evening school cannot make timely repairs, provide students with educational materials and staff with all the necessary specialists (psychologist, social educator, methodologist, educator, etc.);
  • lack of specialized curriculum for evening schools - as a rule, the teachers of each evening school independently "rework" the teaching materials of the ordinary school, adjusting the secondary school curriculum for the number of hours that are assigned to these educational institutions;
  • alienation of evening school teachers from the status of a school teacher - because of this problem, many teachers face great difficulties in applying for a seniority pension and do not receive an additional payment for classroom leadership.

Features of training in an evening school

According to the regulations, training in evening school is three years old. The increased duration of education is a forced measure, since classes in most of these schools are not held daily, while the number of teaching hours is noticeably less than in a regular secondary school.

As can be understood from the name of the educational institution, classes are held in the evenings (as a rule, from 16-00 to 20-30). Moreover, the student can switch to an individual training schedule, having agreed with the teacher that he will skip some of the lessons and complete tasks at home.

There are evening schools offering daytime education (yes, yes, no matter how strange it sounds). In such educational institutions, classes begin at 9 am and end at 15-16 hours. True, you only need to study four days a week. At the same time, taking into account the specifics of the contingent (adolescents from disadvantaged families who experience difficulties in studying and in communicating with others), teachers are loyal to their students, practicing a differentiated approach.

Evening school: to be or not to be?

It is not the first year that the need for evening schools has been actively discussed in Russia. Many experts are sure that modern society does not need them, since get secondary education today it is possible remotely and in a regular school. However, statistics indicate the opposite: in recent years, the demand for this type of education has been steadily growing - many people strive to get secondary education on the job, after a 10-year, or even 30-year break in their studies.

Why are there so many people who want to study at night school? According to UNESCO, today there are more than a million absolutely illiterate children and adolescents living in our country (and this is only official statistics, in fact there are many more such children) who, instead of going to school, wander, beg, steal, etc. Are all potential evening school students. In addition, small schools are closed annually in Russia (most often in small villages), whose former students are unable to travel to study in a neighboring settlement and remain illiterate.

We emphasize that for this category of people, evening school is the only opportunity not only to achieve success in life, but also to become a full-fledged member of society. Therefore, it is too early to seriously consider the question of liquidating the institution of evening school in our country. Fortunately, Russian statesmen understand this and are doing everything possible to create (or rather, restore) a legal basis for night school activities, which are not even mentioned in the current edition of the Law "On Education".

The classic free state EVENING SCHOOL will help you get the missing education from the 6th grade. You yourself will choose a convenient training schedule: full-time, part-time or part-time education.

The main task of the school:

ensuring equal opportunities for the realization of the constitutional right to education for all citizens of Russia, in accordance with their interests and inclinations, regardless of material wealth, place of residence, regardless of educational, national, age qualifications and physical ailments. The school implements this task on the basis of versatility, multifunctionality, flexibility of forms and working hours. The school should become the guarantor of the accessibility and true democracy of education for ALL, but especially for those who, for various reasons, cannot study in a regular school, provide an opportunity to study for everyone of any age, both working and not working, in a convenient form and in convenient time. The school must, by means of education, contribute to the social protection and psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation of school students. The school should become an effective Center for the socialization of students' personality.

School basics:

  • recognition of the right to education at any age as one of the most important fundamental human rights;
  • orientation of education to universal human values \u200b\u200band ideals of humanism;
  • promoting the harmonization of the interests of the personality of students and society as a whole;
  • ensuring the availability of quality education and awareness for every citizen;
  • taking into account the specifics of the educational needs of various categories of evening school students
  • the formation of an integral system of universal knowledge, abilities, skills, as well as experience of independent activity and personal responsibility of students, that is, key competencies that determine the modern quality of educational content.

    Upbringing, as a top priority in education, is an organic component of pedagogical activity, integrated into the overall process of learning and development.

    The most important tasks of upbringing are the formation of civic responsibility and legal identity, spirituality and culture, initiative, independence, tolerance, the ability to successfully socialize in society and actively adapt to the labor market in schoolchildren.

Who are the students of the school today:

    Adult students with long breaks in their studies, working, and therefore forced to receive education in the evening. This category of students includes people who graduated from the 9th grade of secondary school, who work and understand that no further career growth is possible without complete secondary education. Housewives caring for children and pregnant women also fall into this category.

    Servicemen undergoing compulsory military service in the Dzerzhinsky Division, as well as conscripts and contract soldiers transferred to the reserve, incl. and from hot spots. The motivation of these students is very different, from gaining knowledge and continuing education in universities to just getting a document on education.

    Young people who graduated from vocational schools without secondary education, as well as expelled from colleges and schools for various reasons. The school has an agreement with colleges SPO "College of Automation and Radioelectronics" No. 27 and GOU SPO Technological College No. 28 on the transfer of students expelled from there directly to our school.

    Migrants and emigrants receiving education in the framework of the Moscow government's program "School of the Russian language". Under this program, official migrants and emigrants arriving in the country receive an intensive course of teaching the Russian language for 1 academic year for the possibility of further education in state educational institutions. Upon graduation from the School of the Russian Language, they become students of the ethnocultural class of our school. At present, refugees from Afghanistan are studying in the ethno-cultural class of the school.

    Teenagers, for various reasons, are not able to continue their education in the mainstream school. Among the reasons for the impossibility of continuing education in a mass school, the following prevail:

    • The desire to quickly finish high school (after all, adolescents choose an external form of education)
    • Conflicts with students or teachers at the school where they studied before
    • A difficult financial situation in the family, forcing the teenager to either go to work and combine work and study in the evening, or in parallel with secondary education in an evening school to receive a professional education

      The so-called "difficult" adolescents, whom mass day schools try to get rid of either because of their deviant behavior or because of the lag in their studies.

    People with physical disabilities, disabled people, including military personnel, undergoing treatment after wounds received in hot spots at the Burdenko hospital

    Persons under investigation in the remand prison of SIZO No. 6. These are girls and young women, highly motivated to study, since bitterly realized the mistakes they made. It is schoolwork, regular and serious, that helps them not to lose themselves as a person.

The times of "Big Change" and "Spring on Zarechnaya Street" are not over

In this prokopyevsk school, classes are three times a week. High school students do not have diaries, many are already mothers and fathers themselves. If such students skip school, it means that they were not released from work. The younger class is troubled teenagers who have been kicked out of mainstream schools. Our reporter dropped by in the evening to find out how much everything has changed since the "Big Change" and "Spring on Zarechnaya Street."

English lesson at evening school in Prokopyevsk


The only evening in Prokopyevsk works on the basis of the former 41st school. Since 2013, the school has become a part of the Electrical Engineering Technical School, but we will call it in the old manner. There seems to be not one, but two evening schools. Senior pupils (pupils of 10-12 grades) are adults, responsible and socialized. And in the 9th grade, schoolchildren are sent by the inspection for minors. Graduates of the local ninth grade, as a rule, continue their education in other educational institutions. It is extremely rare to enter here in the tenth.

The ninth-grader Antonina (the name has been changed for ethical reasons) has been in the evening since October, before that she went to a regular school. She is dressed in a country style, wrapped in a downy shawl and resembles the girl depicted on the Alenka chocolate bar, only older and bigger. Gives the impression of being open, trusting and non-conflicting.

- Why were you transferred here?

- For hooliganism.

- What exactly did you do?

- I made a mistake. The windows were breaking at the school.

- You seem calm.

- They said there all the time: “Tonka that! Tonka it! Tonka has messed up again ... ”. And I decided: "If you say so, here's to you - get it!"

- There is no such thing?

- No. Here the teachers are different.

According to today's teachers, Antonina, if she was once uncontrollable, now behaves differently. True, I recently ran away from the last lesson, I had to call Tony's grandmother. I don’t ask the corresponding question, but it’s clear that the girl either doesn’t have parents, or they don’t care about the fate of her daughter.

The very first evening school in Prokopyevsk was opened in 1933 and was located in Artem Lane. Since the end of the 90s, this school began to cooperate with the 41st school. The school recruited, among other things, groups of two-year students who received only a profession, but not a certificate of secondary education. Many studied in parallel in the evening. To make life easier for such students, they decided to conduct lessons within the walls of the 41st. Now the school in Artyom Lane is gone. Eight years ago, she completely "moved" to the school, where both students mastering the profession and, separately, students of the evening school study. Former teachers of the "evening" now work at the school: they teach both in groups of students and in the classes of the evening school.

I am talking with just such a teacher. She asked not to be named.

“Look,” she explains. - Pupil N. - it is not necessary for his surname to flash. Committed a crime - one, two. I missed a lot of classes in a regular school. In the end, the question was raised there. He says: "I will not go to you!" Came to us - and now one of the best in the class. He tries. Then he wants to go to college or technical school.

As the teacher said, N. “stole metal from somewhere”. She believes that the guy has improved. And very worried about him.

- I spoke with the investigator. There will be a trial. I hope they will give it conditionally.

- And if you do end up in a colony?

- There is also a school there. Finish my studies. I have children who sit in the colony and call me from there.

All pupils are called children here, even over-aged (a couple of years ago a forty-three-year-old man studied at this school). As for the calls from the colony, the teacher recalls a ninth-grader who got married and left the evening. She gave birth to two. I couldn't get a job without education. She traded in drugs to feed herself. After all, she graduated from the nine-year school, but behind the barbed wire. The former student, freed, is unlikely to come to the senior classes of the evening, but she will still break up with a criminal past, the teacher is sure.

How successful are those who are sent by the juvenile affairs inspection in the evening to socialize? The teachers found it difficult to answer. Some difficult teenagers do not care about the direction: to steal and rob, a certificate is not required. And teachers sometimes hear: “Your student is in jail!”, But this criminal has never been to the evening school. Those who go to classes tend to take their minds. For them, the evening is a chance to change their lives, and they try not to miss this chance.

“You know, I recently met a man on the street,” says the same teacher. - He greeted: "Remember, I studied with you?" Tolya! He graduated from our ninth grade. Says: “I'm in Moscow. Graduated from medical school. I work as a nurse in a military unit. " For Tolya, everything turned out as he dreamed. I'm so happy for him!

The ninth graders I saw do not look like criminals. Quite adequate and polite, though not too sociable. I think that many could stay in ordinary schools, from which they exclude - so that the indicators do not spoil - not only novice criminals, but also petty hooligans and truants. And pregnant schoolgirls leave in the evening.

- Do you treat such young mothers normally?

- Of course, this is life. For an ordinary school, this is something non-standard, and here adults also learn. They don't look askance at us, - says the teacher.

Careerists and technicians

In the Prokopyevsk evening, those who at one time completed only five classes studied. But there are very few of them left in the city, the corresponding class cannot be completed, and they go to the Novokuznetsk evening school to catch up. And in Prokopyevskaya today the youngest grade is ninth. And there are more and more ninth graders. In ordinary schools, after the ninth, only two OGE were taken, now - five. Accordingly, the number of those who did not pass increased. Those who fail the exam are often transferred to the evening. Olga Terentyeva, a teacher of Russian and literature at an evening school and class teacher for 12 grades, spoke about this.

According to the law "On Education", basic education is compulsory (up to grade 9 inclusive). However, many employers interpret the law differently and send those who do not have an "average complete", that is, eleven grades, to study in the evening. Olga Sergeevna explains that many high school evening students entered this school under threat of dismissal from their jobs. Others need the USE for admission to a university. In general, in the evening, everything is very heterogeneous. Adults. Almost all high school students work. Everyone has their own background, life experience and their own motives to finish the eleventh (more precisely, the twelfth - the program has been extended here).

Several years ago, Olga Sergeevna had a student who worked as a driver and said that he was not going to turn the steering wheel and swallow dust all his life, but wanted to sit in an office in a leadership position, wearing a white shirt and a fashionable jacket. He achieved his goal.

However, in adulthood, school textbooks are taken up not only by careerists, but also by those who can really sympathize with.

- Nurses are learning. Sellers who do not want to sell beer, but want to move somewhere further. Technics. Yesterday a student said: “How long can I scrub floors and clean toilets ?! When I had to, I didn’t study, and now I’m sitting in class and don’t understand anything. ” But she tries, - says Olga Terentyeva.

And in the evening, a girl studied, who at the same time graduated from the Prokopyevsky College of Music. I wanted to properly prepare for the Unified State Exam in order to enter a university. Now she is a vocalist in one of the Moscow theaters.

Olga Sergeevna generally has a positive attitude towards the USE. Evening graduates take it in the general stream, together with students from ordinary schools. They no longer have to expect that the teachers they know will regret it. And the cunning ones - there are, of course, some - understand that now they cannot buy a certificate: it is easy to check on the electronic database whether the holder of the "crusts" of the exam.

Olga Terentyeva at the lesson

But, according to Olga Terentyeva, it's better to study on time. Once upon a time, the programs of evening and ordinary schools coincided, the same number of hours was allocated for each subject. Now classes are three days a week. In form - lessons, but in essence - consultations. You need to master a lot of material on your own. Throughout the year, students take several tests in all subjects. Failures in the exam and exam are not common, but they do happen. Some high school students, who seem to have come with a desire to study, still drop out of evening school.

As the teachers said, last year one student had to leave her studies because the boss did not want to revise her work schedule. It's probably easier to manage the uneducated.

"The best crusts in the city"

Today, about 40 ninth-graders and 30 high-school students are studying in Prokopyevskaya evening.

A few minutes before the start of the first lesson in the senior class, I manage to have a very short conversation with thirty-five-year-old Svetlana.

- I forgot everything absolutely! - she admits. - But here teachers explain more clearly, chew everything. It's even funny that I didn't understand these topics at the time.

After evening school, Svetlana is going to a medical college. She has a son in the ninth, a daughter in the sixth. It helps them to do their homework, and the children appreciated how much their mother's erudition had increased.

A tenth grader, Evgeny Shabaev, works as a repairman at a mine. At one time he received a profession at school # 12, but not a certificate of secondary education. In the evening he came by himself, at work he was not forced. Works: day, night, two days at home. Sometimes I manage to go to classes all three times a week, sometimes only once. The teachers say that Shabaev is doing well.

- We have the best "crusts" in the city - the rights to BelAZ or a bulldozer. They teach in Gostekhnadzor, there is no need for eleven classes, - says Evgeny.

- Why then went to the evening?

- It will come in handy. I want to study while there is time and opportunity.

Julia is Evgenia's classmate. He goes to classes from the village of Mikhailovka. There are six hundred residents and only nine years old, after graduating from which, the girl took courses as a manicure master. Now he works in this specialty. After a two-year break, I decided to return to school - now in the evening.

- Very convenient schedule: only three days a week. Therefore, it is possible to combine with work. - says Julia.

- Does the employer let you go to study?

- I work for myself.

- They ask strictly, teach seriously?

- More serious than at the school where I studied before.

Mikhailovka belongs to the Prokopyevsky district, but much closer to Kiselevsk - only fifteen minutes away. The Prokopyevsk teachers explained that, as far as they know, not a single evening school remained in Kiselevsk. And the Department of Education of Kiselevsk confirmed that there is no more evening in this city.

We add that there is only one evening school left for the entire Prokopyevsky district - on the basis of an agricultural college in the village of Shkolny. They called there. The leaders of the college say that one evening is not enough for an entire district; residents of not all villages and townships can regularly travel to Shkolny.