Was civilization to us. Could there be another developed civilization to us on earth? What remains in the shade ...

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The whole history of the world is represented by large accomplishments and great dates, and it all began not so much. So, the nearest ancestors of a person - Australopitek - survived not one million years of evolution, mastering agriculture, hunting, gathering and passing to inventing all new tools. And only when all the stages of development were passed, the series of civilization was passed. This stage was characterized by local wars and intersubs, the development of religion, architecture and social classes. One civilization came to shift another.

In general, the term "civilization" occurs from the Latin language and means "civil" or "state". The epoch, in which ancient civilization existed, is not one thousand years old, and many medieval scientists even use this term to separate the civilized society from primitive. If we talk about the signs characteristic of civilization, they are quite a lot due to the fact that every historian sees them from a subjective point of view.

Over the past few billion years, the world map has undergone significant changes. According to geologists, initially on the planet there was a single continent who wore the name of Pangea and was in the middle of a huge ocean. Later, this continent broke up into several separate formations: Laurelasia, which included modern North America, Central and North Asia, Europe, and the Gondwan, which included Africa, South America, India, Antarctica, Australia. The Mediterranean Sea flew between these continents, which was called Tetris at that time. For many centuries, these two continents threw forests, which later were destroyed due to sharp climatic changes. Later, under the influence of glaciers and underground pressure caused by changes in the magnetic field of the planet, huge plates of the cortex began to crack and separate apart from each other until the modern form has reached.

Ancient people were confident that the very first earthly civilization appeared in the extreme north, and this happened many years before he was covered with eternal ice. Here was the so-called kingdom of gods. According to the Chinese, the emperor of this kingdom received power from the Dragon's God, who was in the heavenly Northern Pole and was the personification of the King of Cosmos. The ancient Egyptians worshiped some shining beings that stood behind Osiris and focused the Great Pyramid on the brightest star of the Constellation of the Dragon Tuban, which in those years was a polar star. There is a legend that the "Mahabharat" and "Vedas" contains astronomical data that can be understood only if there is on the North Pole.

In the memory of Eskimos, the shining spirits of the North are preserved. In the Indians, SIU has preserved stories about the North Isle, the cradles of the ancestors, which was absorbed by the waters. And even in the modern world, Santa Claus, according to legend, lives in the North Pole.

In addition, researchers of abnormal phenomena, in particular, UFOs, note that these objects are usually appearing in the north. Perhaps they pass through some passages in planetary radiation belts, or are sent to the underground civilization of the agarta, which exists on multi-kilometer depth.

Scientists are confident that in the ancient times of the North Pole, which were then tropics, extremely attracted residents of space, as it was the most real cradle of humanity, idyllic edem.

The second Great Ancient Civilization is a fabulous hyperborea. It was a salaring continent, over which the sun did not come. It was in Hyperbore that Apollo was periodically visited on his winged chariot. According to ancient testimonies, the hyperborers were very high, had light skin and hair, blue eyes. Thus, it can be assumed that they were a kind of perfect norrive type. According to legends, the hyperborers were cosmic aliens who colonized this part of the planet. Polar region, which, as mentioned above, was tropical. And the choice of aliens fell on it only because she very much resembled their own planet. It was the hyperborers that later became the progenitors of the human race.

In the legends of many nations, information is preserved about the terrible cataclysm, which led to the emptying of beautiful northern land. Legends suggest that the sun has changed the course of his movement, and the moon or a comet that fell to the ground, shifted the planet axis. Thus, one of the ages of the Earth was completed. And in the legends of Hindus and Maya, it is information that a nuclear war has occurred between the magicians of Lemuria and the gods of Hyperbores, shook the entire planet, which caused the climatic changes and the onset of the ice age.

Sacks of hyperboreans Scythians have erected mysterious mengir their ancestors. And the Divine kings taught people to art and sciences, as people could not live on Earth, which turned into a piece of ice.

New civilization appeared on the continent, which is known as Lemuria. She was located to Himalayas north to Antarctica and Australia south. The first population of Lemuria consisted of gigantic hermaphrodites. For several millions of years of development, they turned into women and men and decreased in growth from 365 to 215 centimeters. Lemurians were very reminded by the external appearance of the red-walled Indians, even though their skin was a bluish shade. The forehead was given forward, and in the middle of him - there was a large bump, reminding the walnut (the so-called third eye, which testified to the developed mental strength).

According to the ancient legends, teachers who arrived from Venus were transmitted to dedicated to the residents of Lemuria, cosmic secrets, which subsequently formed the secret knowledge of the East. Already after many centuries, men became like the gods, acquired the color of the rising sun, and women became graceful and bright, developed female intuition, which has many times higher than scientific logic. Marriage was considered as sacred bonds, sex - as spiritual communication, and the divorces were not at all.

Death was considered a transition to a higher world, so the lemurians could die when they wanted. Legends say they did it often, because the world in which they dwells was imperfect, devastated by natural cataclysms. Ultimately, after the next eruption of the volcano, their continent split in half and disappeared in the ocean depths. It is likely that the part of the Lemurians returned to other planets with the knowledge gained, which became unavailable to earthlings.

Lemurians erected enormous cities, from underground lava and marble, they made divine sculptures in their own way and likeness and worshiped them. The houses of the residents of Lemuria were high, had a rectangular shape and a wide protruding roof, which gave a lot of shadows. Temples and palaces were huge, they were built of durable white stone. By the way, they did not completely collapsed over time and until now they can still be seen in Asia and America.

This people had a lot of silver and gold, but the precious metals were not used for coin chasing, and exclusively in decorative purposes. Diamonds were very widely widespread, therefore they were appreciated not higher than ordinary glass. Most of all, brightly colored rare feathers were valued among Lemurries.

The lemuri scientists were engaged in studying the Radionics based on space and solar energy, and brought heat and light into the dwellings.

But soon the civilization began to destroy itself. Strength and great knowledge gave rise to excessive pride. Black and white magicians struggled with each other until they destroyed civilization.

In some legends of the peoples of Asia, data is preserved that space ships flew from Venus and Mars to save the elected. Meanwhile, the continent was split and went deep into the sea waters. After him, only the peaks of the mountains remained, which are currently a series of Pacific Islands (Malekules, Caroline Islands, Easter Island).

The remains of civilization were hidden under the guidance of Manu in the Western tip of Lemuria. From there, they presumably could get to the Atlantis, which only appeared from the ocean depths. Some lemurries moved to America, China and India, where they revived the culture of their deceased country.

Note that the considered civilizations are the most majestic and significant. For many thousands of years, they had a great influence on the culture of mankind. Later, civilizations appeared, better for earthlings. This is Olmeki, who invented the calendar and hieroglyphs, created a trade and communications networks. This is the Mayan civilization, which, according to modern standards, was the most primitive civilization of the Stone Age, but which, nevertheless, built dozens of wonderful cities, the basis of which constitutes the pyramids committed on sophistication and beauty. In addition, Maya invented hieroglyphic writing and a sunny calendar, able to predict moon and solar eclipses. This and Aztec, which in just two centuries passed a difficult path from the nomadic tribe to the terrible rulers of a large area. This is the civilizations of South America (Chavin, Parakas, Naska, Matching, Chimu, Inki, Machu-Piccue). This is the well-known Atlantis, Celts, Scythians, Phoenicians, Hitty. Each of these civilizations had a great influence on the development of humanity. But this, as they say, is already another story ...

Modern scientists lead a lively dispute regarding the role and influence of extraterrestrial civilizations on the development of mankind. Some argue that such hypotheses are devoid of scientific justification and strange phenomena can be explained from the point of view of meteorology, geology, as well as secret weapons tests. Others lead convincing arguments of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, which are observed for the development of terrestrial civilization.

What remains in the shade ...

The greatest attention is paid to inexplicable celestial phenomena, the fact of which is difficult to prove quite difficult. At the same time, many materials of video and photography, captured unidentified flying objects for calibration, turn out to be fakes. It turns out that 100 percent evidence of the UFO existence and not. After all, eyewitness evidence can be false, as well as filming materials.

The contrast of the hype around the strange flying objects is to conceal the material facts that indicate the existence on the Earth of highly developed civilizations several million years ago.

The first fact that makes thinking - melted minerals. They are found in deepening, similar to crater, formed after the fall of the meteorite. This is a completely logical explanation, if not one "but". Found minerals could turn into a glass, just shock at the temperature that the nuclear explosion gives. Confirmation of this assumption is the remnants of radioactive isotopes in the primer of crater and the absence of comet materials in them or asteroids.

This means that several million years ago, nuclear weapons were tested on the planet or was used in the collisions of unknown civilizations. It means that the appearance of a person on the planet dominated highly developed creatures.

Another confirmation of this hypothesis are underwater cities found near the Japanese Okinawa archipelago. These are cyclopic buildings from huge marble boulders. According to scientists, the most modern, powerful technique, which a person has, does not allow to build such buildings.

Such conclusions mean only one thing - these cities were erected by those who were much advanced in their development modern humanity. Are these aliens who tried to master the Earth? But, then why did they disappear without a trace or chosen to observe the development of humanity from above, without interfering in his case?

An more believable version of the fact that there was a powerful, highly developed civilization on Earth. At a certain point, it reached the peak of its development and began a conflict with the use of heavy-duty weapons, which led to her death. At the same time, a person is the heir of these mythical creatures. The rulers are hidden by such a truth from the alignment, as it is easy to carry out an analogy between the hypothesis about the "Titans" civilization and modern trends in human development.

The conclusion is not comfortable - our civilization is steadily moving towards the peak of technological relics, which will inevitably lead to death. Therefore, it is much easier to develop the topic of third-party observers - aliens and UFOs.

The evidence contained in the ancient epic

The mythology of many nations tells about the existence of strange creatures. This is most brightly expressed in the Indian Ancient Epos. Mahabharata or "Great Tale of the descendants of Bharata" talks about the confrontation between the two royal dynasties by Pandava and Kauravami. And everything would be nothing, but they use a weapon against each other with an incredible devastating force. The description of his action is very like an atomic bomb explosion. The question is born, from where the author Mahabharata Mudrena Vyas could take such information that suspiciously describe the achievement of the critical mass of the atom?

Another interesting fact is ancient Greek myths where the gods appear in the guise of people. But at the same time they have supernatural possibilities. At the same time, not all the gods live on Olympus. For example, Hephaesto Kuket Armor in the Underground Workshop, Aid there guards the kingdom of the dead, Poseidon controls the seas. This means that developed creatures lived not only in the sky, but also in the depths of the earth's crust, the depths of the ocean.

Similar examples can be found in the legends of each people. There are only the names of the gods and the circumstances of their appearance, otherwise all the same. Heavy duty creatures that have an inexplicable force capable of burning huge territories. Isn't it like a description of modern armaments samples that can turn the city in the scorched desert in a few minutes!

Finally, the most famous fact is the mysterious Atlantis. According to legend, it was flooded as a result of a large-scale cataclysm. But what, in addition to heavy duty weapons, could be destroyed by the developed Atlanta, could they not withstand the usual flood? This is a rhetorical question.

All of the above facts are proof of the existence on Earth of life long before the emergence of a person. Perhaps the current civilization is already 10 or 15 in the account and people are waiting for the same fate as the predecessors - complete destruction. Then the new round of development of life on the planet will begin. And so it will continue until the concept of harmonious development will be found without racing arms and deadly viruses, which are developed in secret laboratories.

Why are the truth hide?

The theory of life cycles on the planet Earth is not considered seriously and frankly moves to the background. She prefer to Darwin's teachings, not fully explaining and reflecting the short stage of human development. And the hypothesis about the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, which secretly manage humanity, follow it or investigate. But why is it going on?

There are two reasons to reject or hide the existence of dozens over developed civilizations until a person appears:

First, it contradicts the concept of exclusivity, where people act as a crown of development and creation;

Secondly, the possibility of awareness that it is necessary to radically change the existing way to not finish also sadly as predecessors.

It is possible that the point of no return by mankind is already passed and it is just thoroughly hidden.

The original is taken by W. irnella. in

Otherwise, how can it be explained that there are a large number of artifacts in the world, the origin of which is impossible to explain from the point of view of the usual theory of human origin.

Judge for yourself.

Figures from Ecuador

Figures are very reminiscent of astronauts found in Ecuador, their age over 2000 years.

Nepal Stone Plate

Loladoff plate is called a stone dish whose age exceeds 12 thousand years. This artifact was found in Nepal. Images and clear lines, knocked on the surface of this flat stone, many researchers came across the idea of \u200b\u200bhis extraterrestrial origin. After all, could the same ancient people so skillfully process the stone? In addition, the "plate" depicted a creature, very reminiscent of aliens in its known image.

Trilobite shoe

"... On our land, archaeologists have discovered the oncely living being called trilobit. It existed 600-260 million years ago, after which I died out. The American scientist found the fossil of the trilobite, on which the trace of the human leg is visible, and with a clear fingerprint of the shoe. Does this do not make historians the subject of a joke? Based on the evolutionary theory of Darwin, how could a person exist 260 million years ago? "

Stones Iki.

"A stone is kept in the Museum of the State University of State University, which carved the figure of a person. The study showed that it was carved 30 thousand years ago. But this figure in clothes, in a hat and shoes holds a telescope in his hands and watches the heavenly body. Like 30 thousand years ago, people knew how to weave? How could people be in clothes for now? It is completely incomprehensible that he holds a telescope in his hands and watches the heavenly body. So he has even certain astronomical knowledge. For us, it's long known that European Galilee invented a telescope of only 300 years ago. Who invented this telescope 30 thousand years ago? "
Excerpt from the book "Falun Dafa".

Jade discs: puzzle for archaeologists

In ancient China, approximately 5000 BC, large stone discs from jade were put into the graves of local nobility. Their appointment, as well as the method of manufacture, still remains a mystery for scientists, because nephritis is a very durable stone.

Disk Sabu: Estimulated Mystery of Egyptian civilization.

The mystical ancient artifact, on assumptions, part of an unknown mechanism, found the Egyptologist Walter Brian in 1936 during the inspection of the Mastaba Sabab's tombs, who lived at about 3100 - 3000 BC. The burial is located next to the village of Sakkara.

The artifact is the correct round thin-walled stone plate made from meta-aemith (metasite in western terminology), with three thin curved to the center of the edges and a small cylindrical sleeve in the middle. In the locations of the Petals of the edge to the center, the circle of the disk continues with a thin rim of the circular section near a centimeter in diameter. The diameter is approximately 70cm, the form of the circle is not ideal. This plate causes a number of questions as an incomprehensible purpose of a similar subject, and about the method with which it has been manufactured, since there is no analogues.

It is possible that five thousand years ago at the disk Sab had some kind of important role. However, at the moment, scientists cannot accurately determine its purpose and complex structure. The question remains open.

Vase with age of 600 million years

The report on the extremely unusual find was published in the scientific journal in 1852. It was about 12 cm talked about 12 cm high, two halves of which were discovered after an explosion on one of the quarries. This vase with clear images of colors was inside a rock, age of 600 million years.

Corrugated spheres

Over the past few decades, mines in South Africa dug out mysterious metal balls. The diameter of these balls of unknown origin is approximately inch (2.54 cm.), And some of them are engraved with three parallel lines passing along the axis of the subject. Two types of balls were found: one consists of a solid bluish metal with white spots, while others are empty from the inside and filled with a white spongy substance. Interestingly, the stone in which they were discovered belong to the Precambrian period and dates back to 2.8 billion years! Who and for what made these areas - remains a mystery.

Fossil giant. Atlant.

A 12-foot petrified giant was found in 1895 during mining in the English city of Antrim. Giant photos are taken from the British magazine Strend for December 1895. Its height is 12 feet 2 inches (3.7 m.), Chest girth - 6 feet 6 inches (2 m.), Hand length - 4 feet 6 inches (1.4 m.). It is noteworthy that on his right hand 6 fingers.

Six fingers in their arms and legs resemble people mentioned in the Bible (2nd Book Samuel): "There was still a battle in Gefa; And there was one convergeous man there, who had six fingers on his hands and on his legs, only twenty-four. "

Femoral giant bone.

In the late 1950s, during road construction in the south-east of Turkey, a number of burials with gigantic residues were excavated in the Valley of Euphrat. In two, femured bones of about 120 centimeters long were discovered. Joe Taylor, director of the fossil museum in Krosbiton (Texas, USA), conducted a reconstruction. The winner of the femoral bone of this size had a growth of about 14-16 feet (about 5 meters) and the size of the foot is 20-22 inches (almost half meter!). When walking the fingers of his hands were above the ground at an altitude of 6 feet.

Huge footprint.

This footprint was found near Glen Rose in Texas in the Palaxy River. The length of the imprint is 35.5 cm, and the width is almost 18 cm. Paleontologists say that the imprint of female. The study showed that a person who left such an imprint was about three meters.

Giants from Nevada.

There is an Indian legend of 12-foot (3.6 m.) The red-haired giants, which lived in the Nevada region. It refers to the American Indians who kill the giants in the cave. With the excavations of Guano, a huge jaw was found. The photo compares two jaws: found and normal human.

In 1931, two skeletons were found at the bottom of the lake. One was 8 feet (2.4 m) in height, and the other is a little less than 10 feet (approx. 3 m.).

Stones Iki. Horseman on dinosaur.

Figurine from the collection of Voldemara Julsruda. Horseman on dinosaur.

1944 G. Akambaro - 300 km north of Mexico City.

Aluminum wedge from Ayud.

In 1974, on the banks of the River Marosh, which is located next to the city of Ayud in Transylvania, was found aluminum wedge covered with a thick layer of oxide. It is noteworthy that he was found among the remains of the Mastodont, which is 20 thousand years old. They usually find aluminum with impurities of other metals, but the wedge was made of pure aluminum.

This finding it is impossible to find an explanation, as Aluminum was opened only in 1808, and in industrial quantities began to be carried out only in 1885. Wedge is still on the study in some secret place.

Map of Piri Ris

This card, re-found in the Turkish Museum in 1929, is a mystery not only because of its amazing accuracy, but also due to the fact that it is depicted.

Gazelle painted on the skins, a map of Fii flight is the only preserved part of the greater card. It was compiled in the 1500s, according to the inscription on the map itself, from other three-year-old cards. But as possible, if the map shows:

South America, exactly located on Africa
-Caspad coasts of North Africa and Europe, and the east coast of Brazil
-Sema-amazing - partially visible continent far to the south, where, as we know, is Antarctica, although it was not open until 1820. Even more mysterious is that it is depicted in detail and without ice, although this continental array was covered with ice for a minimum of six thousand years.

Today, this artifact is also unavailable for public viewing.

Ancient springs, screws and metal.

They are similar to items that can be found in the box for defective parts in any workshop.

Obviously, these artifacts were made by someone. However, this set of springs, loops, spirals and other metal objects was found in layers of sedimentary rocks, which one hundred thousand years! At that time, the foundry shops were not particularly common.

Thousands of these things are some of the size of one thousandth inch! - The gold kits in the Ural Mountains of Russia in the 1990s were discovered. Dugged at a depth of 3 to 40 feet, in the layers of land belonging to the upper Pleistocene period, these mysterious items could be created approximately 20-100 thousand years ago.

Can they be proof of the existence of a long-lost, but developed civilization?

Trail from shoes for granite.

This trail on fossils was discovered in a coal layer in Fisher's canyon, Nevada. According to calculations, the age of this coal - 15 million years!

And so that you do not think that this is a fossil of some animal, the form of which resembles the sole of a modern boot, the study of the trail under the microscope revealed clearly notable traces of the double line of the seam around the perimeter of the form. The trail of about the 13th size, and the right side of the heel seems more worn than the left.
How did the imprint of modern shoes 15 million years ago found himself on a substance that later became coal?

Mysterious finds of Elias Sotomayhor: Ancient Globe.

The major treasure of the ancient artifacts managed to discover the expedition, led by Elias Sotomayor in 1984. In the Ecuadorian Mountainside of La Mana, in the tunnel at a depth of over ninety meters, 300 products made of stone were discovered.

In Tunnel La Mana, one of the oldest globes on Earth is also found, also stone. On a far from an ideal ball, for the manufacture of which, perhaps, the master just regretted the effort, but rounded, Valun is inflicted from school times the images of continents.

But if many of the outlines of continents differ little from modern, then from the coast of Southeast Asia towards America, the planet looks completely different. The huge masses of the Earth are depicted where only the boundless sea is splashing.

Caribbean Islands and Peninsula Florida are generally absent. Just below the equator in the Pacific Ocean there is a giant island, approximately equal in size to modern Madagascar. Modern Japan is part of a giant mainland who goes to the shores of America and far extending to the south. It remains to add that the find in La Mana, apparently, is an oldest world map.

Ancient jade set for 12 persons.

No less interesting and other finds of Sotomayhor. In particular, "service" was found from thirteen bowls. Twelve of them have an ideal equal volume, and the thirteenth is much more. If you fill 12 small cups with liquid to the edges, and then merge them into a large, then it will be filled with accurate to the edges. All bowls are made of jade. The purity of their processing makes it assume the presence of the ancient technology of processing stone, similar to a modern lathe.

While the finds made by Sotomihor, cause more questions than they give answers. But they once again confirm the thesis that our information about the history of land and humanity is still very far from excellence.

Ancient civilizations always excited the minds of scientists, treasures and lovers of historical puzzles. Suchmers, Egyptians or Romans left many evidence of their existence, but they were not the first on the planet. In addition to legends about their flourishing and fall, white spots remained in history, which still failed to fill out.

All these civilizations at one time were outstanding and largely exceeded not only their era, but also modern achievements. But, for various reasons, they disappeared from the face of the Earth, losing their greatness and power. It is not only about those empires that exactly flourished on the planet, as well as about cultures that could have existed. For example, the well-known Atlantis has not yet been found, but could she even exist?

The editorial office of Inplanet was a list of oldest civilizations, whose legacy still causes hot spores from historians. We present to your attention 12 of the greatest empires that left behind many mysteries!

1 Continent Lemuria / 4 million years ago

The origins of all the oldest civilizations originate from the myth about the mysterious mainland Lemuria, who went under the water a lot of millions of years ago. Its existence was repeatedly mentioned in the myths of different peoples and philosophical works. They talked about the highly developed race of human-like monkeys who had an excellent education and developed architecture. According to legends, he was in the Indian Ocean and the main proof of its existence is the island of Madagascar, inhabited by lemuras.

2 Hyperbore / up to 11540 BC.

The mysterious land of Hyperborea has been exciting the minds of scientists and researchers who want to find at least some evidence of its existence. So, at the moment there is an opinion that the hyperboroe was located in the Arctic and was inhabited by the ancestors of Slavs. Then the continent was not covered with ice, and bloomed and fragrant. And this, by the way, perhaps, scientists have established that 30-15000 years BC In the Arctic there was a favorable climate.

It is worth noting that attempts to find hyperborem have practiced a lot of time, for example, Germany and the USSR during the Second World War sent an expedition to search for a lost country. But it was not possible to establish whether the country really existed, which became the ancestor of Slavs.

3 Civilization of ARAE / 13000 years BC

This civilization refers to the discharge of the mythical, despite the fact that there are a lot of buildings proving the existence of peoples on the Islands of Micronesia, Polynesia and Easter. In New Caledonia, ancient cement statues were found, the age of which dated 10950 BC.

According to legends, the ARAE civilization, or the kingdom of the Sun, was formed in the Pacific Ocean after the disappearance of the continent of Lemuria. Among the indigenous people of these islands still have legends about the ancestors capable of flying through the air.

4 Civilization of the desert Gobi / about 10,000 years BC

Another mysterious civilization, about the existence of which disputes are being conducted. Now the Gobi Desert is the most unclosed place on the planet, arid and destructive. However, there is an opinion that a lot of thousands of years ago there was a white island, which stood on the same level with Atlantis. She was called the country of Agarti, the underground city, Shambala and the Earth Hsi Wang Mu.

In those years, the desert was a sea, and the White Island rose on them with a green oasis. Scientists confirmed that this was true, but the date confuses - the sea from the Gobi desert disappeared 40 million years ago. There could be a settlement of the wise men at this time, or later, not scientifically proven.

5 Atlantis / 9500 years BC

This mythical state is perhaps the most famous worldwide. There is no accurate evidence that there really existed the island, who went under water along with highly developed civilization. But still navigators, historians and adventure lovers are looking for an underwater city filled with the treasures of ancient Atlantis.

The main proof of the existence of Atlantis is the works of Plato, who described the war of this island with Athens, as a result of which the Atlanta just went under the water along with the island. There are many theories and myths about this civilization and even whole scientific trends.

6 Ancient China / 8500 years BC - our days

Chinese civilization is recognized as one of the oldest in the world. Scientists believe that the first of its primitives appeared 8,000 years ago BC. Written sources fix the presence of the state called China another 3,500 years ago. On this, the archaeologists discover the pots of pots in China by age 17-18000 BC. The ancient and rich history of China showed that this state, many millennia managed by dynasties, was one of the most developed and strongest in the world.

7 Civilization of Osiris / up to 4000 AD.

Since officially, this civilization cannot be considered existing, one can only guess the dates of its heyday. According to legends, the masons were the progenitors of the Egyptian civilization and, accordingly, lived in the Mediterranean basin until their appearance.

Of course, all guesses about this civilization are based on unreliable facts, for example, that the Osreen civilization died due to the fact that the death of Atlantis provoked the flooding of the Mediterranean basin. There is no accurate evidence of these events, so you can only consider the mass of flooded cities at the bottom of the Mediterranean, as confirmation of civilization that has left underway.

8 Ancient Egypt / 4000 BC - VI-VII centuries. AD

Ancient Egyptian civilization existed about 40 centuries and reached his heyday in the middle of this temporary segment. To study this cult, there is a separate science of Egyptology, which deals with the studies of the diverse history of this empire.

Ancient Egypt had everything necessary for development and prosperity - fertile land in the valley of the River Nile, religion, a state management system and the army. Despite the fact that the ancient Egypt fell and was absorbed by the Roman Empire, so far on the planet there are traces of this powerful civilization - a huge Sphinx, ancient pyramids and a lot of historical artifacts.

9 Sumerians and Babylon / 3300 years BC - 1000 years BC.

For a long time, Sumerian civilization was attributed to the title of the first in the world. Suchmers were the first to be engaged in craft, agriculture, pottery and construction. In 2300 BC, this territory was captured by Babylonians, who headed by Babylon became the cultural and political center of the ancient world. Both of these civilizations are the strongest states of the ancient Mesopotamia.

10 Ancient Greece / 3000 years BC - I century BC.

This ancient state was called Elesty and was considered one of the strongest in the ancient world. Greece was called the Romans, who captured Elladu in the first century to our era. For three thousand years of existence, the Greek empire left behind a rich history, a lot of architectural monuments and many literary masterpieces, popular so far. What are the myths of ancient Greece only!

11 Maya / 2000 BC. - XVI century AD.

Legends about the power and greatness of this amazing civilization still walk and pushing people in search of ancient treasures. In addition to indiscreked wealth, Indians Maya possessed unique knowledge in astronomy, which allowed them to develop an accurate calendar. They also had amazing knowledge in construction, thanks to which their devastated cities are still included in the UNESCO Heritage List.

This highly developed civilization had developed medicine, agriculture, water supply systems and rich culture. Unfortunately, in the Middle Ages, this empire began to fade, and with the arrival of conquistadors and disappeared at all.

12 Ancient Rome / 753 BC - V c. AD

The Ancient Roman Empire was one of the most powerful in the history of the ancient world. She left behind a bright mark in history, enslaved many small states and won the mass of bloody wars. Ancient Rome had his mythology, a powerful army, a management system and was at the time of his heyday the center of civilization.

The Roman Empire presented the world a rich cultural heritage and history, which still excites the minds of scientists. Like all the ancient empire, she faded because of exorbitant ambitions and plans to conquer the whole world.

All these ancient civilizations left behind a huge cultural heritage and a lot of riddles that have yet to solve. Whether mankind will be able to find out, there were some empire or not, time will show. In the meantime, we can only be content with guess and existing facts.

Adam Frank (Adam Frank)

Let's look at the evidence available.

Gavin Schmitda (Gavin Schmidt) left five minutes to enter me into the case.

Schmitd - Director of the Institute of Space Research NASA nameddard (which is also called GISS (GISS)), a scientific institution of world-class climatological research. Once last year I came to GIS with an unusual proposal. As an astrophysicist, I began to study global warming from a "astobiological point of view." That is, I tried to find out if any civilization appears on any planet, its own activities own climate change. I arrived in GISS that day in the hope of getting what knowledge of climatology and perhaps find companions for this work. That's how I found myself in the Gavin office.

When I enthusiastically talked about my research plan, Gavin interrupted me.

"Wait a second," he said, "where did you come from that we are the only civilization that ever existed on our planet?"

It took me a few seconds to raise a falling jaw from Paul. Of course, I walked to the Gavin office ready to roll the eyes at the mention of "exo civilizations". But civilizations, which he asked, could exist a lot of millions of years ago. Sitting here and looking at the inner eyes into a huge evolutionary telescope for the past land, I felt something like temporary dizziness. "Yes," I muttered, "Is it possible that the industrial civilization has already existed in the past?" Industrial civilization has already existed here? "

We no longer returned to the question of other civilizations. But from this first conversation, a new study began, which we recently published in the International Journal of AstrobioGyology). And although none of us understand this at that moment, but the deep question of Gavin opened the window not only in the past of the Earth, but also in our own future.

We used to represent extinct civilizations in the form of sunken statues and underground ruins. This kind of artifacts remaining good from past human societies, if you are interested in time frame only several thousand years. But as soon as you wander the time ago by hundreds of millions of years, everything becomes much more difficult.

When it comes to direct evidence of the existence of industrial civilizations - such as cities, plants and roads - geological trails are traced at no further than the so-called quaternary period, which began 2.6 million years ago. For example, the oldest area of \u200b\u200bthe ancient earth surface is in the Negev desert. She is "just" 1.8 million years. The sections of the more ancient surface of the Earth can usually be detected in the context, for example, where there is something like a rock cliff or where the breed is developed. If you want to deepen much further than the quantine period, you will find that everything has turned into dust and mixed.

And if we go so far, there will be no speech about human civilizations. A reasonable man appeared on the planet no earlier than 300 thousand years ago or like that. This means that our problem concerns other species, so Gavin called her "Silurian hypothesis", in honor of one of the episodes of the old series "Doctor Who", where there were reasonable reptiles.

So, can researchers find clear evidence that some ancient species created existed relatively long-lasting industrial civilization long before ours? For example, perhaps some early mammal for the Paleocene Epoch (about 60 million years) back quickly developed and formed civilization. Of course there are fossils. But the fossil remains of life is always small, and they are very vary depending on the time and habitat of living beings. Therefore, to skip the industrial civilization that existed only 100 thousand years can be very simple, and meanwhile, it is 500 times longer than our own civilization has existed.

Considering that all direct evidence through many millions of years has been digging in the summer, what evidence still can I find it now? It will be best to answer this question, understanding, and that we will leave after you, if the human civilization collapses at this stage of development.

Now, when our industrial civilization has become a truly global, the collective activities of mankind leaves behind various traces that scientists will be able to discover in the future, after 100 million years. The active use of fertilizers, for example, allows you to feed seven billion people, but also means that the nitrogen reserves of the planet are redirected to the production of food. Future researchers should see it according to nitrogen characteristics declared in sedimentary rocks of our era. The same applies to our neatoly greed to rare-earth elements used in electronic gadgets. Now much more of their atoms are on the surface of the Earth, than it would be without us. They can also be found in future sediments. We also produce so actively and use synthetic steroids that they can be found in geological layers after 10 million years.

Then all this plastic. Studies have shown that an increasing amount of plastic and polyethylene "marine garbage" is postponed on the seabed everywhere from coastal areas to deep-water depressions and even in the Arctic. The wind, the sun and waves smear large items from this material, and fill the seas with microscopic plastic particles, which can settle on the seabed, forming a steady geological layer.

A big question, however, how long all these traces of our civilization will continue. In the course of our research, we found that each of them has a chance to form future deposits. According to the irony of fate, however, the most promising marker of the existence of humanity as an advanced civilization can be the products of its activity that the most and threatens him.

When we burn fossil fuel, we produce carbon, which was once part of living fabrics, back to the atmosphere. One of the three types of this ancient carbon, one of the isotopes of this element is exhausted. The more fossil fuel we burn, the more shifts the balance of these isotopes. Atmospheric scientists call it the effect of the SUSSE, and the change in the isotopic carbon ratio due to the burning of fossil fuels to be easily traced during the last century. The temperature increase also leaves isotopic signals. These changes will be apparent for any scientist future, who will analyze the rendered layers of the rock of our era. Along with this indicators, anthropocene geological layers may also reflect short rinks of nitrogen concentrations, contain plastic nanoparticles and even synthetic steroids. So if all these traces of our civilization remain in the future, maybe the same "signals" in rock now, too, are just waiting to tell us about the long-lasting civilization?

56 million years ago, Earth survived Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM). During Petm, the average temperature on the planet rose to 15 degrees Fahrenheit higher than that at which we live today. It was the world almost without ice, and the usual summer temperature on the poles reached almost 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Looking at the isotopic data of Petm periods, scientists see that both carbon, and oxygen behave exactly how, according to our expectations, they will behave in the geological layers of anthropocene. There are other events in the history of the Earth, similar to Petm, who carry traces similar to those that will remain from our anthropocene. This includes an event that happened several million years after Petm, which formed eocene deposits of mysterious origin, and large-scale events in the chalk period, as a result of which the ocean remained without oxygen for many millennia (or even longer).

Is all this evidence of the existence of previous non-human-like industrial civilization? Almost probably no. Although there are evidence that Petm was caused by massive emissions in the air of fossil carbon, the time framework for which all this happened is important. Isotopic bursts during Petm occurred for several hundred thousand years. Anthropocecene in the history of the Earth makes such a special speed with which we throw fossil carbon into the atmosphere. There were geological periods when the concentration of CO 2 on Earth was as high or even higher than today. But never for many billion years of years of the history of our planet so many fossil carbon was not thrown into the atmosphere so fast. Therefore, isotopic bursts that we see in geological profiles may not be insufficient to confirm the Silurian hypothesis.