Biography. Biography social theory gennady vasilievich osipov


Born into the family of the Hero of Socialist Labor, Dr. sciences, professor.

He graduated from school in Moscow, after which he entered the Academy. Zhukovsky. He recalled: “I entered the Zhukovsky Academy, but as a home boy, favorite and to some extent a darling of the family, the strict discipline adopted in a military educational institution did not fit my soul ... I reoriented myself in professional preferences and entered the Institute of International Relations , although the competition was huge - 50 people per seat. "

An important stage in the development of sociology as an independent science was the preparation and publication of the first in Russia scientific textbook on sociology "The Workbook of a Sociologist", which was translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world. Academician G.V. Osipov is the author of more than 250 scientific papers on topical problems of sociology and philosophy.

Ed. G. V. Osipov created "History of Sociology in Western Europe and the USA" (1993), "Encyclopedic Sociological Dictionary" (1995), "Russian Sociological Encyclopedia" (1999), "Sociological Encyclopedic Dictionary" (2000).


  • Personalities alphabetically
  • Born in 1929
  • Born on June 27
  • Born in Ruzayevka
  • Philosophers of the USSR
  • Philosophers of Russia
  • Sociologists of Russia
  • Full members of RAS
  • Cavaliers of the Order of Honor
  • Cavaliers of the Order of Friendship (Russia)
  • Cavaliers of the Order of the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Prince Daniel of Moscow, II degree
  • MGIMO graduates
  • Doctors of Philosophy

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what "Osipov, Gennady Vasilyevich" is in other dictionaries:

    - (b. 1929) Russian scientist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991). Works on sociology and its history, methodology and methods of sociological research ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (b. 1929), sociologist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991). Works on sociology, methodology and methods of sociological research. * * * OSIPOV Gennady Vasilievich OSIPOV Gennady Vasilievich (b. 1929), Russian scientist, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991). Works on Sociology ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (p. 27.06.1928) philosopher, sociologist; Dr. Philos. Sciences, prof. Graduated from MGIMO in 1952, Ph.D. Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1955. From 1956 to 1968 he worked at the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR: Scientific Secretary of the Institute, Art. ns; from 1960 to 1968 deputy. director of the institute; in 1961 1966 head. sector of new ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    OSIPOV Gennady Vasilievich - (1929) Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Sociology, is the author of many scientific works on topical problems of philosophy and sociology. He initiated and organized the first concrete sociology in the USSR, research and the approval of sociology ... Russian Sociological Encyclopedia

    OSIPOV Gennady Vasilievich - (b. 1929) Russian sociologist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences in sociology. Director of the Institute for Social and Political Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, President of the Academy of Social Sciences of the Russian Federation. Participated in the creation (together with Academician Frantsev Yu.P.) and was the chairman of the Soviet ... Sociology: Encyclopedia

    Vasilievich (b. 1929) Russian scientist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991). Works on sociology and its history, methodology and methods of sociological research. Political Science: Dictionary Handbook. comp. Prof. Paul Sanzharevsky I.I .. 2010 ... Political science. Dictionary.

    Gennady Vasilievich Osipov (June 27, 1929, Ruzaevka, Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, USSR) Russian scientist, sociologist and philosopher, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (since 1991), Scientific Director, Director of the Institute ... ... Wikipedia

    - ... Wikipedia

    Contents 1 Known media 1.1 A 1.2 B 1.3 ... Wikipedia


  • Global models of human development. Study guide, Osipov Gennady Vasilievich, Lisichkin Vladimir Alexandrovich. The manual is devoted to global models of human development. It examines futurological models and concepts of the XX-XXI centuries, the models of "PATTERN", P. A. Sorokin, J. Forrester, D. ...

Gennady Vasilievich Osipov was born on June 27, 1929 in the city of Ruzaevka (Mordovia) in the family of the Hero of Socialist Labor, Honored Scientist, Doctor of Technical Sciences Vasily Timofeevich Osipov.

As our guest says, the story of his family is “a typical story of many families after the October Revolution. The social roots of my clans are very peculiar: on the one hand, a branch of the nobility, on the other, a branch of serfs. My mother is a noblewoman, my father's ancestors are Russian serfs. " The father of our guest began his career as a coupler of carriages, and then headed the Department of the Ryazan Railway. Vasily Timofeevich met the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in Belarus. For participation in hostilities, he was awarded the Order of the "Red Star", the Order of the Great Patriotic War, I degree. Numerous awards, including five "Orders of Lenin", the father of our guest was awarded for his services in the professional field.

As our guest recalls, after leaving school, under the influence of the then very popular romantic, patriotic books, he wanted to devote himself to conquering the sky. He entered the Zhukovsky Academy. And then he reoriented himself in professional preferences and entered the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, although the competition was huge - 50 people per place. Thus, in his university specialization, Gennady Vasilyevich is an international lawyer. Student Osipov was greatly impressed by the head of the department, Alexander Fedorovich Shishkin, a talented philosopher. Gennady Vasilievich entered the graduate school of the Institute of Philosophy of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

In graduate school under the leadership of Shishkin, he chose the topic "Criticism of the technocratic trend in modern bourgeois sociology." Ideas and some developments of the dissertation were published in the monograph "Society and Scientific and Technological Progress", which was highly appreciated by leading Russian scientists. It is interesting that our guest, Academician Osipov, did not think about his doctoral dissertation. As he recalls, at a meeting of the CPSU Central Committee, where he, as the scientific secretary of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, spoke on some issue, the venerable academician Fyodor Konstantinov, dissatisfied with the essence of my speech, said: "that you are listening to him, he is not even a doctor of sciences." Three months later, Gennady Vasilyevich successfully defended his doctoral dissertation. In 1987 he was elected a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, in 1991 - an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Gennady Vasilyevich is one of the largest humanities scientists of our time, a philosopher and sociologist with a worldwide reputation. It is with his scientific works and organizational activities in the 1960s that the formation of sociology as an important component of the social and humanitarian sciences, the development of the ability to rely on sociological conclusions in practice, are associated.
Gennady Vasilyevich began his scientific career as a sociologist at a time when sociology was practically prohibited in the party-administrative order. At best, it was identified with historical materialism and in this capacity was recognized as a philosophical science. But despite the misunderstanding of some and the hostile attitude of others, Gennady Vasilyevich at that difficult time was the first to raise the question of sociology as an independent science of society and to prove the importance of sociological knowledge.

Gennady Vasilyevich became the organizer of the first concrete sociological studies in the Soviet Union, the results of which were published in the books The Working Class and Technological Progress, Copanka 25 Years Later. In these works, the question of the study of various social groups within both the working class and the peasantry was first raised. With the participation and under the leadership of Osipov, international sociological studies of the working class and intelligentsia in the socialist countries were carried out.

The most important stage in Gennady Vasilyevich's scientific activity is the development of topical theoretical and methodological problems of sociology.
Work on the preparation and publication of textbooks on sociology was of great importance in his scientific activity. The Sociologist's Workbook, edited by Osipov, was essentially the first textbook in sociology. The book has been translated into many foreign languages. It was followed by the publication of a number of textbooks and teaching aids.
Academician Osipov explores the problems of the social and socio-political situation in the country, under his leadership and with personal participation from year to year a sociological chronicle of the country's reforming is being created.

Gennady Vasilievich is the author of over 400 scientific works and 20 monographs on topical problems of philosophy and sociology. His works have been published in more than 20 foreign languages.
Academician Osipov is widely known not only as the author of fundamental and applied research, but also as a prominent organizer of science, the initiator of the creation of two institutes - the Institute of Specific Sociological Research (now the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences) and the Institute of Socio-Political Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who has successfully headed the collective of the latter.

Together with academicians Fedoseev and Frantsev, Gennady Vasilyevich founded the Soviet Sociological Association and became its vice-president, and later president. Currently - Honorary President of the Russian Sociological Association. Twice elected as a member of the Executive Committee of the International Sociological Association.
Academician Osipov is still engaged in extensive organizational and scientific activities: he is a member of the Bureau and Deputy Head of the Section of Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology and Law of the Department of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a member of the Presidium of the Scientific Council under the Security Council of the Russian Federation. He was the organizer of the first sociological journal, which, starting in 1967, was published under the title Social Research for a number of years. Organizer of the journal "Science. Politics. Entrepreneurship ". Since 2005, the journal has been published under the name “Science. Culture. Society". One of the initiators of the Eurasia magazine.

In his interviews, Academician Osipov, addressing young scientists, reminds that if society wants to survive in the difficult conditions of the 21st century, it is doomed to engage in sociology and recognize its decisive role in the modern world.

Gennady Vasilyevich's scientific and social activities were awarded state awards. He was awarded the Order of Friendship, the Order of Honor and the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree. Awarded by the Russian Orthodox Church with the Order of Daniel of Moscow, II degree. For fundamental sociological research "Sociology and Politics", "Sociology and Social Mythmaking", "Social Mythmaking and Social Practice" the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2005 awarded Academician Gennady Vasilievich Osipov the M. M. Speransky.

Gennady Vasilievich is married and has a daughter. His wife Elena Vladimirovna is a Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, his daughter Nadezhda Gennadievna is a Doctor of Sociological Sciences.

Academician Osipov's hobbies are hunting, books, theater.

Director of ISPI RAS,
President of the Russian Academy of Social Sciences
academician of RAS
OSIPOV Gennady Vasilievich

Prominent Russian sociologist Gennady Vasilyevich Osipov was born on June 27, 1929 in the town of Ruzaevka, Mordovian ASSR. After graduating from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1952 with a degree in international lawyer, he entered the postgraduate course at the Institute of Philosophy of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1964 he defended his doctoral dissertation in philosophy. In the same year he was awarded the academic title of professor. In 1987 he was elected a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and in 1991 - a full member (academician) of the RAS.
The scientific community knows Academician G.V. Osipov as one of the authoritative scientists of our time - a philosopher and sociologist with a worldwide reputation. It was with his scientific works and organizational activities in the 60s. XX century connected with the formation of sociology as an important component of the social and humanitarian sciences, the development of the ability to rely on sociological conclusions in direct practice.
G.V. Osipov was the organizer of the first sociological research in the Soviet Union, the results of which were published in the books The Working Class and Technological Progress, Copanka 25 Years Later. An important stage in his scientific activity was the preparation and publication of the country's first scientific textbook on sociology, "The Workbook of a Sociologist", which was translated into many languages \u200b\u200band continues to be reprinted without any changes to this day.
G.V. Osipov began at a time when sociology was practically prohibited in the party-administrative order. At best, it was identified with historical materialism and in this capacity was recognized as a philosophical science. But despite the misunderstanding of some and the hostile attitude of others, G.V. At that difficult time, Osipov was the first to raise the question of sociology as an independent science of society and to prove the importance of sociological knowledge.
He made a significant contribution to the development of the methodological foundations of scientific research in the field of the socio-political situation in Russia in the new conditions, taking into account world sociological thought. G.V. Osipov is the author of over 20 monographs, including the two-volume Sociology and Social Myth-Making, Social Myth-Making and Social Practice, and a whole series of other equally relevant and significant works; co-author of the monograph "Sociology and Statehood (Achievements, Problems, Solutions)". See: Basic scientific works of academician G.V. Osipov [.doc, 79.5 KB]
G.V. Osipov is widely known not only as the author of serious theoretical research, but also as a prominent organizer of science - the initiator of the creation of two institutes - the Institute of Specific Sociological Research (now the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences) and the Institute of Socio-Political Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISPI RAS), for many years successfully head of the team of the latter, the Russian Academy of Social Sciences. In addition, together with academicians N.P. Fedoseev and Yu.N. Frantsev was the founder of the Soviet Sociological Association and became its first vice-president, and later president; currently - Honorary President of the Russian Sociological Association. Twice elected as a member of the Executive Committee of the International Sociological Association.
Academician G.V. Osipov still conducts a great deal of organizational and scientific activity: he is a member of the Bureau of the Department of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, was Deputy Academician-Secretary of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences (now - Deputy Head of the Section of Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology and Law of the UN RAS), a member Presidium of the Scientific Council under the Security Council of the Russian Federation; organized the journal "Science. Politics. Entrepreneurship ”since 2005 the magazine has been published under the name“ Science. Culture. Society ”, editor-in-chief, corresponding member RAS V.N. Ivanov); one of the initiators of the Eurasia magazine.
Has state awards: "Order of Friendship" and "Order of Honor"; awarded by the Russian Orthodox Church "Order of Daniel of Moscow" II degree. For fundamental sociological research "Sociology and Politics", "Sociology and Social Mythmaking", "Social Mythmaking and Social Practice" the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2005 awarded academician G.V. Osipov Gold Medal named after M.M. Speransky.

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Gennady Vasilievich Osipov -
eminent sociologist, political scientist and organizer
socio-political research

academician of RAS T. Oizerman

Among the higher educational institutions throughout Russia, the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO MFA of Russia) occupies a special, very prestigious place. The competitive entrance exams are so strict here that only self-confident applicants dare to apply for admission. In this respect, MGIMO can be compared with the Paris Ecole normale superieure, whose graduates were J.P. Sartre, R. Aron, L. Althusser and many other prominent people who glorified France. The entrance exams there are no less strict than those at MGIMO.
True, for the children of the country's leaders (and there were quite a few of them among the MGIMO students), the offspring of famous diplomats, it was usually much easier to enter this elite higher school. It is a different matter for young men and women who do not belong to this social environment. There could be no condescension towards them in the exams. But Gennady Osipov, an eighteen-year-old boy who was born in the town of Ruzaevka in the Mordovian Republic, although he was the son of a hero of socialist labor, did not belong to these chosen ones. This did not prevent him from striving for great things, for a profession that would become his calling. Judging by his recollections, from childhood he dreamed of becoming, at least, a diplomat, as well as a graduate of the Air Force Academy. Zhukovsky. He even harbored the confidence that it was possible to study at both universities, in one full-time, and in the other - by correspondence. But, having matured after graduation, on reflection, he decided to choose MGIMO, although he well understood that entering this university is much more difficult than entering the Air Force Academy. However, difficulties did not frighten, but seduced; it seemed shameful to be afraid of them. So, the choice fell on MGIMO. Despite all the tricky questions, and there were a lot of them, he passed the exams with excellent marks, otherwise he would not have been enrolled as a student at MGIMO. And he really was enrolled as a student, despite the fears of his parents, who warned him that this choice is fraught with defeat (defeat due to circumstances beyond his control).

] [Rtf- 839k] Authors: G.V. Osipov, S.G. Kara-Murza.
(Moscow: Book House "Librokom", 2013)
Submitted by Fb2, Rtf format: Mikhail Tuzhilin, 2014

    Chapter 1. Rational consciousness in Soviet society on the eve of the crisis.
    Chapter 2. Hypostasis.
    Chapter 3. Violation of logic: incoherence of reasoning.
    Chapter 4. Shift towards autistic consciousness.
    Chapter 5. Case study: incoherence of workers' reasoning.
    Chapter 6. Social Science in Russia.
    Chapter 7. Myth-making.
    Chapter 8. Postindustrial society as an object of hypostatization.
    Chapter 9. Degradation of "knowledge of power".
    Chapter 10. Degradation of the ability to reflect.
    Chapter 11. Knowledge of power: degradation of the function of foresight, goal-setting and design.
    Chapter 12. The crisis of the "knowledge society": ideological breakdowns.
    Chapter 13. The crisis of the scientific system of post-Soviet Russia.
    Chapter 14. Social functions of science in the transition period.
    Chapter 15. "Knowledge society" of post-Soviet Russia: the crisis of the school.
    Chapter 16. Ideas about ethnicity: the inertia of an erroneous paradigm.
    Chapter 17. The cognitive structure of understanding ethnicity in post-Soviet social science.
    Chapter 18. Constructivism in national politics: an unsuccessful start.
    Chapter 19. "Knowledge Society" and the construction of the Russian nation.
    Chapter 20. "Knowledge Society" of Russia and the transition to innovative development.
    Chapter 21. Science in the project of building a "knowledge society".

Publisher's abstract: The recovery, strengthening and rise of domestic science, education, mass culture of thinking is a condition for Russia's transition to an innovative path of development, or rather, a condition for the very existence of Russia.
At the moment, this idea has taken shape as the construction of the so-called knowledge society. In its depth and scale, this is a problem of a civilizational order. It involves changes in the entire system of life of the country and the people - the creation of a new multidimensional fabric of social relations, a new language and a new type of rationality. In this second book, an inventory of the “building material” that is actually available in Russia for the creation of a modern “knowledge society” is carried out. What should be the doctrine for the next phase of this project? We are already talking about building a new educational, scientific, innovative system, since the restoration of the former Soviet structures is impossible - the cultural and historical type of person in today's Russia has changed. It will be necessary to build a "knowledge society" from the rubble of what is left, but already in accordance with the new situation. The book examines the assembly of the structures of a new "knowledge society" based on the extraordinary challenges and threats facing Russia and new cognitive and information technologies - taking into account the lessons learned during the crisis of the past 25 years. This task is pondered and discussed by a large number of qualified and responsible people. According to the authors' conclusion, their community, which is still loose and not connected by a common methodology and organization, already constitutes the personnel backbone of the system to be built.
The book is intended for researchers, teachers and students, as well as for everyone who is considering the experience of the modern history of Russia and its future.

Russian scientist, sociologist and philosopher, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (since 1991), Scientific Supervisor - Director of the Institute for Social and Political Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISPI RAS), President of the Russian Academy of Social Sciences (RASN), member of the Bureau Department of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, President of the Eurasian International Association, member of the Scientific Council under the Security Council of the Russian Federation, President of the International Academy of Social Sciences, Honorary President of the Russian Sociological Association, Co-Chairman of the Council of Presidents of the Russian Union of Social Academies of Sciences.

Thanks to his organizational and scientific activities, sociology has become an important component of the humanities and social sciences. One of the organizers of the Soviet Sociological Association, on the basis of which he was elected vice president (in 1958). In 1959-1972 he was the president of the association.

Academician G.V. Osipov was the organizer of the first sociological research in the Soviet Union and the initiator of the creation of the first sociological journal (Social Research), published since 1967. He laid the foundations of political sociology, and made a significant contribution to the development of theoretical and methodological foundations of scientific research socio-political situation in Russia in new conditions, taking into account the world sociological thought. In the 1960s and 1970s, under the leadership and initiative of G.V. Osipov, the works of contemporary American and English sociologists were first translated into Russian.

An important stage in the development of sociology as an independent science was the preparation and publication of the first in Russia scientific manual on sociology, "The Workbook of a Sociologist", which was translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world. Academician G.V. Osipov is the author of more than 250 scientific works on topical problems of sociology and philosophy.

G.V. Osipov initiated the creation of two institutes: the Institute for Specific Sociological Research (currently the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences) and the Institute for Social and Political Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISPI RAS).

Ed. G. V. Osipov created "History of Sociology in Western Europe and the USA" (1993), "Encyclopedic Sociological Dictionary" (1995), "Russian Sociological Encyclopedia" (1999), "Sociological Encyclopedic Dictionary" (2000).
Awards and prizes