Andrey turgenev - poems. Andrey Ivanovich Turgenev

We respect misfortunes in him
and unripe hopes ...

Pushkin about Batyushkov

The publishing house "New Literary Review" published a book by Andrey Zorin "The Appearance of a Hero" with the subtitle "From the History of Russian Emotional Culture in the Late 18th - Early 19th Centuries" (Moscow, 2016).

The reader, whose interests are far from studying Russian culture / literature / history of the indicated period, from the title will understand only that the book will deal with the pre-Pushkin era; phrase emotional culture requires decryption - and in the future the author will submit it.

Name hero books by the poet Andrei Ivanovich Turgenev (1781-1803) are probably not familiar to the reader. But the study of the few texts left by the early deceased Andrei Turgenev, mainly his diaries, were studied by such classics of humanitarian thought, such as Alexander Veselovsky, Yuri Lotman, Vladimir Toporov, Vadim Vatsuro.

A close study of the diaries of Andrei Turgenev, according to Zorin, makes it possible to understand how contradictory individual experiences were combined in one person in order to form a kind of cultural potential in the future. Now, Zorin believes, the question of the place of Andrei Turgenev “ in the literary process<…> can be considered mostly clarified ",and therefore in the book "It's about love and death."

Andrei Turgenev chose his death himself: he returned from a walk in wet clothes, went to bed in them and, in addition, already sick, drank cold tea. None of the contemporaries and none of the researchers found typical for that era misfortunes, which would explain his decision to die, - such as unrequited love, the threat of dishonor, etc. From the words said by Pushkin about Batyushkov, one can refer to Andrey Turgenev only unripe hopes

So, in 1803, Andrei Turgenev was young and healthy; the well-being of his family was not threatened. His father, Ivan Petrovich, was a highly educated person and a famous freemason; he translated a lot - including the most important book for Freemasons: John Mason's popular manual on moral self-improvement.

In the Masonic milieu in which Andrei Turgenev was brought up, not only was it encouraged, but even prescribed to keep a diary; Ivan Petrovich Turgenev also had such a diary, and the author was very hard on himself.

Andrei Turgenev systematically kept a diary for the last three and a half years of his life. It is possible to understand the content of the diary describing the life of a young man at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries, provided that the reader imagines the "inner landscape" where this life takes place. To this end, the analysis of Andrei Turgenev's diary entries in Zorin's book is preceded by a detailed narration about the environment to which his hero belonged (the first 200 pages of the book).

This is the courtyard and the imperial court theater, where the empress herself writes the plays and staged by the pupils of the Smolny Institute. A circle of Rosicrucians with a cult of inner and innermost; thoughtful reading and introspection; extensive correspondence and secluded walks. Young Karamzin, a longtime family friend patronized by Ivan Petrovich Turgenev, who served as director of Moscow University.

The close narrative about Andrei Turgenev's diary begins in the third chapter of the book. Andrei Ivanovich, a recent graduate of Moscow University who served “without salary” in the Archives of the Collegium of Foreign Affairs (these young people would later be called “archival youths”), decided to start writing a diary. There he intended to bring literary and theatrical impressions, as well as analyze his opinions, feelings and moods, “ without fear of anyone's criticism. "Over time, Turgenev also copied letters important to him in his diary.

This "Diary" Zorin analyzes from the point of view of the conflict of culturally defined "emotional matrices" embodied in the author's personality. So, the author of the diary would like to translate into Russian the most important texts for him personally - "Werther" and "Treachery and Love". However, for no particular reason, these tests - however, like other similar attempts - do not go beyond a few fragments and quickly fizzle out.

Turgenev's diary entries reflect most of all his emotions and dreams; he, in essence, has no plans that are in any way rooted in reality - and not at all due to the objective impossibility of their implementation.

At the same time, Andrei Ivanovich can hardly be called frivolous or superficial, but every time he turned out to be not ready either for systematic mental labors or for emotional connections that would oblige him to something or in something limited.

In his relationship with Ekaterina Fedorovna Sokovnina, who loved him, Turgenev, perhaps, would like to surrender to the power of emotions, but with horror he felt in himself cold.This coldness was all the more depressing to him that Sokovnina's feeling was no less integral and tragic than the feelings of Werther and other literary heroes he loved so clear to Turgenev ...

According to Zorin, Andrei Turgenev was a kind of "pilot release" of a man of Russian romanticism. The logic of Turgenev's mental movements, perhaps, will become more intelligible for us if we use the metaphor of Andrei Zorin, who wrote in the conclusion to the book that "Onegin, hiding in Andrei Turgenev, killed his Lensky" ...

In March 1802, Andrei Turgenev wrote:

And you, who found joy in him,
Who cherished him, loved him
And for whom he smelled fragrant in the steppe,
Say goodbye to him forever! With drooping eyes
You will stand over the place where it bloomed,
You will remember him, and maybe with tears,
But it won't bloom again for your tears
And only one sad ashes will find here.

Andrey Zorin's book "The Appearance of a Hero: From the History of Russian Emotional Culture of the Late 18th - Early 19th Centuries" was included in the long list of awards . on it Ekaterina Buz TrV-Science published in No. 205 of May 31, 2016.

Editorial staff


Poem in two parts

Part one

"The affairs of days gone by."

“The beginning is difficult,” I have heard more than once.
Yes, for someone who loves explanations.
I'm not like that, and straight my story
I start - without cooking ...
My meek pegasus staggered off with a lullaby;
Friends, I sing simple adventures ...
They happened in the distance
In a lonely county town.

Like all county towns
It is correctly positioned; recently
Built; cathedral temple on the mountain
Stands, unfinished; funny at home
Have gone astray; there is no end to the gardens
Fruit, vegetable gardens: fear is good
State places are contained,
And the main square is always empty.

In a cozy, clean house, in one
From the streets called "Green"
There lived a rather young man
Retired, bachelor, moreover, a scientist.
As usual, with a reasonable head
He was known only because the view is "tricky"
I had no pipes, I was silent,
I did not go out and did not play cards.

But there was no mystery in him.
Everyone knew his rank, his last name.
He served in Moscow for three years; later
Bored with the official ... and other gilia,
I returned to my father's desolate house.
All the rooms are filled with dust
Found (his pets long ago
Everybody died), yes old wine

In the basement, yes a dirty portrait,
Yes, there are two grandma's dresses in the pantry.
He grew up in the wild from an early age;
While he served - connections and employment
And they didn't let him remember that he wasn't
Native chest, which in the arms
He could have accepted ... she is nowhere to be found ...
But here, in a dear and empty nest,

At first it was hard for him ...
Then he fell in love with solitude
And I thought myself that I was happy ... but in spite
Reason is often a sad languor
Possessed him. He was attracted
Somewhere in the distance - while the imagination
Tired will not fold motley wings, -
And long after, silent, sad,

He sat under the window. However, he
As a person without disappointment,
Wasn't too desperate in love
And he did not cherish his suffering.
It used to start to think ... well? don't groan,
A yawn will express his dreams;
He missed not like the Byron Corsair,
And as a descendant of Tatar immigrants.

He missed - yes; maybe because
That living in the village is boring; what are the capitals
You cannot live without money; What nothing
He didn't do it all day; what's in girls
He did not find any sense ... but only
You cannot express it in any way - while within the borders
Law, order, silence
The writers must adhere.

So, he was bored; but he was young at heart,
Inexperienced, brooding like a writer
Shy and sensitive - big
An eccentric savage and somewhat dreamer.
He took care of himself reluctantly
(What will you marvel at, reader!),
Didn't put on airs or scold people
And he despised nothing, she-she.

I wanted love, not knowing myself why;
Young forces flared up in him ...
Blood boiled ... he was completely out of love
I did not expect salvation for myself, like others
Girls and students. Meanwhile
Golden moments passed -
And two years passed - two springs ...
(In spring, all people are more often in love.)

And now that time has come again
When, in the sun, sparkling merrily,
Drops fall ... when in the morning
Children run through the puddles, playing ...
When the cows are driven from the yard
And the grass turns green young,
And an important rook walks through the meadows,
And the river approaches the banks.

Russian warm May day is beautiful ...
Everything comes back to life anxiously;
Still a liquid quivering shadow
Curly birches; wind carefully
Their tops flutter; thinking is lazy,
But it is impossible to drive away a smile from your lips ...
And a fresh, white lily of the valley under the bush
Shyly obscured by a sheet.

You will ride with greens on a horse ...
The horse sighs and quietly waves its mane -
And like a leaf given to the wave
Sometimes slow, then suddenly impatient,
Thoughts rush ... In a clear height
Clouds are passing by a succession of lazy ...
Screaming swarm from the village of sparrows
Will rush ... The hare huddles under the border,

And the bell tower is long in the bushes
Whitening ... our friend is nature
He loved very much and within four walls
Couldn't stay in clear weather ...
Put on a cap - and with a stick in his hands
I walked on foot through the mud and water ...
There was only one among all the streets
"Noble" was once cobbled.

He walked pensively with his nose hanging.
Stepping delicately through the puddles,
His cop dog ran after him.
The dreamer was walking; painfully pleasant
His heart was beating - and a question to myself
He asked: why is it so incomprehensible,
He is so sad and cheerful, when suddenly alone
An acquaintance, not a servant nobleman,

I caught up with him: “Andrei Ilyich! Where to? "
“I’m walking, so; and you?" - “I walk too.
Imagine - I didn't recognize you!
I look, I look ... but who is it, my God!
I guessed it from the dog, yes!
Have you heard - the mayor? " - "What
Has it happened to him? " “Nothing with him.
He nailed his wife for that

Gusarchik - you know ... "-" Me? No!"
"Do not know? How are you not ashamed?
So nice in company, brunette.
So he liked it - others are jealous,
They sent a letter and the whole secret
And they disclosed ... By the way, we are offended
With a wife that you will never visit
You to us; but lived, I remember, always

We are in great harmony with your priest. "
"Do you have a wife?" - "Perfectly!
Good buddy, I confess! I will go
I'll tell everyone ... "-" Don't be angry in vain. "
(Well, he thought, I'm in trouble.)
“Don't be angry? No, I'm terribly angry ...
And if you want me to take you
Forgiven completely, come to us now. "

"Excuse me ... but you can't do that ..." - "No hassle!"
They went hand in hand past the idle
Bourgeois women and girls, at the gates
Sitting on benches, past different
Fences, forges, houses ... and now
Before one of the ugliest
The houses have stopped ... "Here I am
I live, - said the acquaintance, - and the judge

Lives over there, far away. In the evening
We play cards: assessor,
He, me and Gur Minyaich, four of us. "
They went in; and buddy cried
Andrey: “Hey! wife! look who's in the house
Came to me - your new adorer
(Isn't it true, or what?) ... here, sir, she,
Avdotya Pavlovna, my wife. "

Her face flushed brightly suddenly
At the sight of a stranger ... Bashfully
She sat down ... Joyful husband
Scattered ... For the chairs fearfully
She took ... Her dumb fright
Confused Andrey. He sat down silently
And inwardly he scolded himself - and, his gaze
Bending down, he stubbornly began a conversation.

But now, while the speech came between them
That people need entertainment
And that health must be protected,
Looking at her, in an instant
He noticed shiny, white shoulders
Luxurious outline, light movement
Breasts, teeth-pearls an even row
And a meek, somewhat sad look.

He noticed even along the scarlet cheeks
Two silky curls yes hands
Beautiful ... ringing voice
It was kept by captivating sounds -
Infancy is said to be fluff.
And for twenty she was ... the benefits of boredom
Who can deny? She's like ice
Protects our people from damage.

While in the innocence of your soul
Our bashful young man admires
Another's wife, we hurry about her
Report detailed, fair
Readers. (Her husband, Thaddeus
Sergeich, was absent-minded, lazy,
Gullible, wonderful person ...
Who is angry in our indifferent age?)

She grew up a sad orphan;
Was brought up at the expense of the state ...
Then I got to my deaf aunt,
She took her restless temper,
Went in a summer dress in winter -
And she poured tea ... But the marriage is legal
Freed the unfortunate: cap
She put it on herself, finally.

But she did not become a mistress. Moreover
Avdotya Pavlovna, as a schoolgirl,
She was shy of guests, cried secretly
Over a vulgar romance; often a joke
She was scared ... but the house is ok
She kept; common sense
She had a lot; her husband
She loved more than anything.

But, like a fire lurks under ash,
Under the snow, lava, under a rose leaf
A thorny thorn, under the velvet grass
A crafty snake and tears under a smile, -
So, maybe, in a young heart
Wives lurked evil dreams ...
We dedicate this turn
Lovers of classic jokes.

But still she loved her husband; Yes,
As children love - meekly, without worry,
No jealousy, no secret shame,
Without those crazy, bitter regrets
And thoughts that sometimes
To surrender ashamed, without suspicion, -
With nothing more than daring power
Passion has repeatedly denoted her.

But she was not familiar to her
Endless delight of delight,
Longing of bliss ... true; but passions
Should be afraid: the most reward
It is not worth the sacrifice, like a game - candles ...
The ferocious, exuberant crash of the waterfall
We are stunned ... In general, always
Stagnant water is more pleasant.

And if sadness in her soul somehow
I sneaked in - we are the misfortune
We will not name ... because she is worse, be
She always, always by her destiny
Satisfied ... She is sad, her chest will ache,
And the gaze will shine with a languid tear -
She will come up to the window, slightly
Sigh and look at the clouds

To the old church, to the low house
Neighbor, on high fences -
He will sit at the piano ... all around
As if slumbering ... conversations are heard
Maids; on the wall under the ceiling
The sun plays; blue curtains
Go through; puffing up all hand
Bullfinch whistles - and smells like mignonette

The whole room ... She sings - first
Some sentimental romance ...
Sadly passionate words sound;
Then she will play the funeral
The famous Beethoven march ... but two
The hour struck; waiting for the patriarchal
Dinner her; husband, loving wife,
Shouts: "The ear will get cold without you."

So her life went on; in other people's houses
She was seldom; with tears
I went to visit, I felt fear,
When with grandiloquent speeches
County dandy in a fake mustache
He approached her sideways, squinting his eyes ...
She loved her house like a marmot
Your hole - your "home", your corner.

The neighbors liked Andrey. is he
I sat with them for a long time; and disputes
Started up; in a word, he was in spirit, smart,
Nice, cheerful ... and although in patterns
The canvas seemed completely immersed
There was the mind of the mistress, - slow eyes
Her big and curious eyes
They stopped at it - and more than once.

Meanwhile, night fell. Andrey came
Ilyich home in great perplexity.
He hummed through his teeth: "The Nightingale
My, nightingale! " - and a whole hour in excitement
I walked alone in my room ...
There was not much of a warehouse in this singing -
And his dog, a very intelligent cattle,
He looked at the master with open mouth.

Alas! all people seem to be destined
Learn, as they say, "life is a burden."
We won't say anything yet ...
Let's see if time will tell us something?
When a leaf comes out - a long time ago
A seed ripened in the warmed earth ...
Dreary, dreamy laziness
Andrey took possession of this day.

From the beginning, love must
Grow quietly, as in a deep dream
The child is growing ... publicity is bad for her:
Like a young mushroom opened with a keen eye,
It will freeze, wither, it will disappear ...
Then - you can do it with a stream
Compare, with fire, and with lava, and with a thunderstorm,
And in general with all sorts of nonsense.

But the first fear and flutter of the heart, knocking
His sudden, first suffering
Pleasing and sad, like the first sound
Sad song, first wish,
When in the fire of unexpected tears and anguish
Consciousness wakes up with fright
And the whole soul is infected with longing ...
How wonderful it is, my God!

Andrey began to go to the neighbors. They are
He was caressed; small he was meek,
They are on the shoulder; from time immemorial
The Slavs are famous; to their peaceful life
He soon got used to it himself; days flew by;
He came early, swallowed them fat
Lunch, drank liquid tea, and in the evening,
While the spouse is at the card table

He fought, he sat with her for hours ...
And he spoke willingly, with conviction
And even with heat. Often he was himself
Permeated with good-natured surprise:
Who suddenly freed him? speeches
Gave sound and strength? However, by "revelation"
She did not dignify those speeches ...
The newest language was unfamiliar to her,

No - but with him suddenly a
Her soul is cheerful attention ...
Andrew became necessary to her, as a good friend,
As a brother ... He understood her dreams,
He knew how to share her leisure
And evoke the slightest desire ...
She could talk, be silent with him ...
They felt good, warm together.

And he became quiet and meek like a child
In a new thing: I enjoyed it without looking back;
Andrey did not ask himself, although
It has occasionally shy guesses
They were born ... He strangled them, he lived in jest.
So the first mysterious bribes
Combining calculation with bashfulness,
The official takes it unconsciously.

They walked a lot in the meadows
And in the grove (the husband, groaning, trudged after),
We read Pushkin in the evenings,
Played chess before dinner
Or, giving freedom to crafty tongues,
We laughed on the sly at a neighbor ...
Or sometimes Andrey told
About his entertaining service.

Then, like trickles of small rivers
By the reeds, in the sun, in the shallow
Places, or like those light circles
In the shade of thick oaks and wide lindens,
When the wind dies down and the leaves
They barely tremble on high knots, -
On the thin lips of Dunya young
Smiles ran in succession.

They laughed often ... But then
They knew how to be very sad and grieve
And ascend into the sky ... Under the window
Then they sat pensively,
We dreamed, lived, thought together
And silently shuddered and turned pale -
And quietly reigned in their hearts
The so-called "sacred fear".

It's funny to look at the round moon;
It's funny to sigh - and often, numb
From the cold, the silence of the night
"Drink, drink greedily", blissful, dumb ...
Yawn and prosaic sleep
Resist, then that with empyrean
Poetic dreams are flying ...
But who is not sinful on this side?

Yes; so many evenings were lost
For them; but what sounded in them then,
It was involuntary love, the first call ...
But what the heart was looking for in heaven
They could not find words to express, -
So close, close, close, breathed ...
Bliss is not on the air ... However, blood
Will speak when love is silent.

The forbidden fruit ripens quickly.
Andrey became sad, silent and strange
(Lovers are a very funny people!)
And the meaning of his speeches was vague ...
It is known that every transition is difficult.
Our poor friend was wounded right in the heart ...
She often quarreled with him ... She
She herself was mortally in love.

But we dare not say how many days
Weeks, years, decades of excitement
Such continue in him and in her
Could, if the case, - without a doubt,
The first friend of inexperienced people, -
I did not stop the vain languor ...
One day the husband left, and the wife
I stayed at home, as always, alone.

Dropping the work on my knees,
Crossing my arms quietly on my chest
And tilting his head a little,
She sits under the spell of boredom.
And her gaze is calm and lazy,
And the sounds on the lips have long ceased ...
And the heart will expand, then again
Doze off ... Blood plays on his cheeks.

But thoughts are not high betrayed
Her soul; on the contrary, just "nonsense"
As people say, it is full ...
With a sad smile, restless gaze,
Whom she understood yesterday
Didn't dare yet, long conversation
And those that cannot be expressed with a pen ...
A familiar step rang out under the window.

And suddenly - the devil himself will not say why -
She felt scared, scared to sobs.
She was afraid, or something, to give him
Find traces of dreams in her features
Recent ... But into the mysterious darkness
Someone else's soul we are our research
Let's not stretch. Fair sex,
The source of our blessings and our evils,

Not everyone is given in their hands, like a treasure,
Buried by a cunning witch. Silently
She jumped through the passage into the garden
She runs ... her heart beats hastily ...
But like a frightened doe, back
Comes curious, fearful,
And listens, and looks, and the arrow
Doesn't see - so, on tiptoe, slightly,

She reached her room ...
And with a light, fading smile,
All pink, to the well of doors
She bent the waist tight and flexible.
The ends of her loose curls
Swaying captivatingly on the shaky
Breasts ... under a black eyebrow a black eye
It sparkles brightly, like a living diamond ...

She looks - he walks silently.
As the trail of silent care is clearly visible
And sadness on his face! .. In love
Andrew. On pianos two or three notes
He took it casually. Weak, timid ringing
Arose and froze. Here are her works
He began to examine ... There in the coal
She left her handkerchief on the table.

And greedily suddenly Andrey clung to him
With his lips, he squeezed his hands tightly, tightly.
Movements of his head, shoulders
They exposed the power of secret torment ...
Dunyasha all trembled ... In her,
Like friendly solemn sounds
Among the plains sad and naked,
Love spoke at this moment.

Everything became clear to her. Bright light
Suddenly her mind lit up. Passionately
They love each other ... this is not
Now there are doubts ... How wonderful
Bliss to wait and believe from an early age
In love, and waiting and believing is not in vain,
And quietly, barely breathing, say to myself:
I'm happy - and I don't know what to wish for!

How fun it is to burn with such a fire!
But it's hard to waste years in vain
Live tomorrow or yesterday
And wait for happiness, as prisoners - freedom ...
As hard as they are, to dream of him
And in the unrequited beauty of nature
Search for what is not in it: another
Soul, beloved, devoted, dear.

In Dunyash, all the blood rushed to my heart,
Then to the face. It hurts so well
She suddenly felt ... the poor thing could not
Take a breath, as she would like, enough
Deep ... somehow she got there
Up to the chair ... Unwittingly sweet tears,
Suddenly gushed out of my eyes
Her ... So they cry in life only once!

She didn't remember that she never
She can't live with Andrey; that is not free
She, that obeying passion is a disaster ...
And that such a passion or fruitless,
Or criminal ... A woman is always
In love, so disinterestedly noble ...
And they betray themselves boldly, to the end,
Some simple female hearts.

Dunyasha was crying ... But here Andrey,
Hearing the light noise of her sobs,
He opened the door and with amazement to her
Approaching ... questions, exclamations
His were so tender, the sound of speeches
I breathed in such an abundance of compassion ...
Through tears, without saying anything
Dunyasha looked at him.

What was in that look, my God!
Deep, trusting tenderness,
Love and gratitude and peace
Bliss, devotion and serenity
And the meek shine of dumb gaiety,
Tiredness and bashful negligence
And languid heat, burning barely ...
It's a shame - words are not enough.

Andrey did not understand anything at all,
But he felt that his chest was ready
Burst suddenly, before
Her heart suddenly began to beat. Two or three words
With an effort he uttered ... at him
Dunyasha looked timidly, again
Thought - and now, not thinking evil,
She gave him a soft hand.

He was still afraid to believe ... But then
Suddenly he turned pale ... covered his face with his hands
And quietly bent down all mute
Delight ... Quickly, in large tears
His eyes were filled ... About what
He thought ... also to express in words
We can't ... We feel good when we are at a dead end
Descriptive language comes.

She was silent ... and he was silent himself.
ABOUT! that in this wonderful moment
To their full, sinking hearts
One gave life, one beat, -
Love is barely resolved by speeches
Trust yourself ... I need an explanation
That which is more certain and clearer
(See Shakespeare) sunbeams?

He held his sweet hand in his hands
Chilled; weak knees
Trembling, they bent under him ... and in their eyes
Shadows ran half-closed.
He was suffocating ... Meanwhile, about fear!
Thaddeus (husband) entered the empty passage ...
You know, friend readers,
Husbands always come on time.

“I'm hungry,” he said importantly, suddenly
Stepping into the room. Dunyasha at once
Disappeared; our Andrey, our poor friend
(Insidious friend!) Looked with the wrong Foblaz,
Not that Manilov; one spouse
Kept decency and even with an eye
He did not move, did not cry "oh-ho!"
As a husband, he did not notice anything.

Andrey muttered incoherent nonsense,
Yawned painfully, became somehow sideways,
I started a strange conversation
About Turkey, persecuted by evil doom,
And finally, looking up to the sky,
Gone. In deep confusion
The husband exclaimed to his friend after:
“Where are you going? Now lunch is ready. "

Andrey has no time for food. Home
He came running and threw himself on the neck
First to the mistress, old and crooked,
Then to the dumbfounded lackey ...
Then to the dog. Gladly big
He would give his hand to his villain
Now ... He was loved! he was loved!
Who could, O heavens, compare with him?

Andrew was blissful ... But soon in him
Another feeling has awakened. Strange!
He looked around thoughtfully ...
He felt so sad - unspeakably,
Deeply sad. He remembered that
That his head is more than once foggy
Flickered ... but now the storm is a disaster,
Irresistible, close, fatal

Introduced herself to him. Just yesterday
He did not understand his own desires.
With her, he was so happy ... and in the morning
Longing for dumb, unrealizable dreams
I languished ... But now - the time has passed
Bliss of unaccountable, misery
Childish ... will not come back again
Past. Andrey recognized love!

And he foresaw everything: the shame of the struggle,
Shame on deception, days of worry and boredom
The stubbornness of fate,
And the bitter yearning of separation
And fear, and everything that slaves are cursed with ...
And what is worse is worse than any flour:
The vitality of vulgarity. She is strong;
Our life has long been subdued to her.

He loved not jokingly, not without reason ... He,
In our age of sophisms, a proud age,
He was born to be a straight and kind fellow.
Nature gave him not arrogant,
But a clear mind; he respected the law
And someone else's property ... Silent,
Moved, he slowly faces
He bowed and quietly walked out onto the porch.

Andrey sat down on the shaky step.
Autumn evening brightened
Crosses and walls of white churches.
Talkative, fresh, long flutter
The tips of the branches tremble in the garden.
Spills in jets with silence
In the evening - a faint smell. Meek light
Lead color blushes the clouds.

The sun is setting. The air is wonderfully quiet
And the wind shudders like a sleepy one.
Windows of dark houses for a moment
Burned up and went out. Burdened
Sudden dew, the meadow freezes. Calmed down
The whole immense world. And fragrant
The transparent vapor rushed high ...
And the sky is waiting for the cold moon.

Here the stars flashed ... My God!
How indifferent, how dumb nature!
How painful the impetuous, alive
The soul is its legal freedom,
Its order, eternity and peace!
But often after the past year
In an agonizing painful struggle
Nature, you will envy you!

Part two

Six months have passed. Winter is dashing
Passed; the clear spring has returned,
Blue leaped among the fields
Cheerful, free wave
A young kidney has already broken through,
And the mute depth trembled ...
The healthy earth shines and breathes
And melts and glows with embryos.

And our Andrey? Outdoor change
We do not notice in his fate.
Still to the neighbor after the scene
With his wife - throughout the winter
He walked ... “The same people, the same walls.
All the same, therefore ... "That's how minds
Superficial judges for the most part ...
But we are thoughtful, fortunately.

Love is born in an instant -
And then it develops for a long time.
A crafty doubt fights her;
It grows and gets stronger, but with difficulty ...
And only then the last meaning
We will finally understand it completely,
When in ourselves we will mercilessly destroy
Stubborn selfishness ... or fall out of love.

Andrey was too young and simple-minded ...
And I did not think to stop loving and could not.
He felt that his world was broken,
And the secret heat tormented and burned him.
He was thoughtfully obedient to fate,
I am strict with myself, inexorably strict ...
He respected what he loved ... and now
People do not believe their own shrine.

At first, our acquaintances were new
Their position ... but at least sometimes
The confession was ready to break out -
It never spoke.
They seemed to give themselves their word
Forget the past ... and forever ...
And they kept their word holy, firmly
And they believed in each other proudly.

But what we have no control over to the grave:
A smile, an involuntary sigh, a dumb gaze -
They were often cheated on ... However, both
They did not take advantage of someone else's weakness;
And even suspicious malice
In their childishly honest and direct life,
I did not notice spots ... (so that a miracle
We did not find in that, we add: as long as).

Still intricate, agile
Evenings passed in conversations.
They laughed in the same unfeigned manner ...
But if the husband leaves the yard
I wanted - they resisted him stubbornly,
And they used to say: "it's time to sleep"
And less often indulged in those unclear
Dreamy impulses so dangerous

Everything is so ... but everyone took part
In everything that the other thought and desired.
And happiness did not completely forget them:
So sometimes over a thundercloud,
When angry bad weather makes a noise,
Suddenly gold will open
A piece of heaven - and a slanting beam, wide
Through the frequent rain, the distant forest will light up.

How to express their secret concern
When, for a while, a quick penalty,
They walked quietly, reluctantly to the threshold
And parted until another day?
Andrey started slowly on the road
And, bowing his head sadly,
Chagall walked so steadily, so sadly ...
And his heart then broke and ached.

But Bossuet said: “Everything earthly
Command: march! " - and a person
Master of the world, nothing living
He cannot say: stay here forever!
Through the plains to the blue sea
The waters of rivers tend to be far away ...
And life rushes, playing in the open,
To the distant, mysterious sea

Not only the coachmen, but everyone knows
That it's hard to hold back downhill.
Andrei fought conscientiously, honestly;
But time passed, it passed without stopping ...
Generosity is often inconsistent
With love ... What is there to do? And out of spite
Great intentions, like children,
We fall into spaced webs.

Andrew loved, but sacrifice himself
He was able; surrendered all - and forever.
He was proud of her purity
Her soul that knew no shame.
How? To her to bow silently with her head
Before anyone in the world? .. Never!
Find out the excitement of shameful timidity?
Humiliate yourself with feigned joy?

To bring her to the court of an idle crowd?
Forfeit the right to despise fate
And make a wife, a slave outside.
A dumb, willing slave?
Oh no! To a weakening, ailing soul,
But who gave her word to endure the fight
What do you need? Virtue and patience?
No - pride and cold contempt.

And if you are given other powers,
And your heart, greedy for passions,
Doesn't feel what is dear to the heart
Permissible joys of people, -
Live free ... until the grave
Do not accept any chains ...
The power of a calm mind
You will not even be allowed to suffer.

Andrey was not a hero ... and in vain
Suffering - for the sake of freedom - our eccentric
Wouldn't; but as an honest fellow, it's clear
He understood that it was impossible so
Them to stay; that it is dangerous to be silent;
That it is necessary to help the trouble ... but how?
About this often, for a long time, forcibly
He thought and was completely lost.

A bitter doubt seized him ...
And in the silence of agonizing nights
Sleepless - in him a sad decision
Finally ripe; he must with her
To part ... with her ... oh, new torment!
About sorrow! oh, bleak gloom! Andrews
Surrendered to a terrible, hopeless sadness,
As if before death is inevitable.

Confess everything ... without saying a word,
Leave - and in a respectful letter
Explain ... but the woman is ready
Always suspect deception ... In the mind
Unhappy guess again
Were confused, confused ... In the gloomy darkness
He wandered ... A little adventure
Suddenly resolved the difficulty

It's calm, carefree in Saratov,
A lonely landowner, without children -
Andrei's uncle - he was well; but, tight
Having eaten smoked carp,
Died. Death we all swear willingly,
And our Andrey was obliged to death
In a rounded and profitable name,
Yes, moreover, an excellent pretext

To leave ... Five or six days in an understandable longing
He spent ... Once at the table,
With incredible carelessness,
Playing feverishly with a knife
He's pretty bad news
Neighbors cooked ... and then
Abruptly, without looking at anyone,
Said, “I have to go. Uncle died. "

The spouse responded with one hum
(He ate a fat pancake); his wife
At the guest with an amazed exclamation
She looks ... She is agitated, pale ...
Suddenly stricken with misery
Her heart trembled ... But here she is
I came to my senses ... and, slowly blushing,
With fright, he silently listens to Andrey.

"Is your uncle dead?" - "Yes, sir." - "Since childhood
I knew him ... I know the whole world.
Excuse me ... Are you now about the inheritance? "
"Yes, sir." “Well, go with God - my advice.
Sorry, sorry to lose your neighborhood ...
But there is nothing to do. For a long time? " - "No…
Oh no ... I won't be long ... no ... "And the thrill
An embarrassed babbling stopped him.

Dunyasha looks at him ... Parting
He prophesies to them ... but for how many days?
Why is he going? Joy or anguish -
What, what is he hiding? Why is he with her
So cold? Why suddenly a hand
Did Andrey run over his gloomy face?
Why her torturing gaze
Did he avoid it, as if in fear of reproach?

She got angry. Before tears
Women are always angry. Slightly
Biting my lips, with gentle eyes
She squinted ... yes, the poor man
With ridicule, hints, words
I tormented the whole day until
He got out of patience ...
Dunyasha felt better for a minute.

But in the evening, when that irritation
Silence gradually replaced
Silent sadness, dull confusion,
Andrew's tired look suddenly she
I noticed ... involuntarily regret
She woke up in her soul, and, full of
Repentance, Dunyasha is silent
Walked around the room and fearfully

I sat down with him. Her gaze welcomes
Shone; the face breathed with kindness.
"Andrey, why are you going?" Noticeably
The uneven voice trembled. Head
He wilted hopelessly, unrequited,
I wanted to speak, waved my hand,
He glanced furtively at her ... turning pale ...
And Dunyasha understood Andrey's look.

She sat in silence, dying,
With closed eyes. In front of her
The whole future is gloomy, empty,
Instantly turned around ... and, with all
Gathering strength, slowly getting up,
She said in a whisper: “Andrey,
I understand you ... you are not sly ...
I am grateful to you ... you are right ... right! "

His hand, trembling, found a hand
Dunyasha ... Parting forever,
For the last time, for a bitter separation
He shook his sweet hand then.
Without transferring a changeable sound
Your longing - but fear, but shame
Without feeling, - with quick steps
He went out and suddenly burst into tears.

O sense of duty! How many delights
(Spiritual, of course) you
Is given to us in return for worries
Insignificant, vulgar earthly joy!
But due to various difficulties,
By weakness, our hero lingered,
Until it arrived, to the longing of the county nobles
Bobkovsky, sad day of departure.

Andrew in the morning in a sad alarm
All plunged; grandfather's sob,
Groaning, he moved to the very threshold,
I stuffed and locked a thick suitcase;
He kept muttering: “So much the better; thank God", -
And he stuffed his boots into his pocket ...
People are tormented and tormented by parting,
A date never makes me happy.

Then he started the boxes empty
With great noise to push; in one
Of these he found ribbons - dumb
Witnesses of the past ... Then
He went out into the garden ... and the leaves are damp
Above him they rustled sadly, the old house
As if he was grieving too, oblivion
Anticipating the imminent fall.

With a heavy heart to a kind neighbor
Andrew trudged off; but not immediately he
I came to him and did not get to dinner.
The heavy evening bell was already buzzing.
“Oh, hello! You go?" - "I'm going."
"When?" - "Tomorrow before dawn." - “Reason;
It is easier for horses; easier, your will ... "
Andrey agreed with him. Where is Dunyasha?

She was sitting in a corner. Confusion
The eyes were exposed. In the dark
She seemed pale. Fatigue
Her sad, quiet beauty
It gave expression
So touching were those eyes
Softened by recent tears
That our poor Andrei threw up his hands.

He spoke to her ... as usual
Before leaving, they say:
That nobody in the world is perfect
Not able to borrow; moreover
They rarely laughed, forcedly
And strangely, they frowned for a long time ...
Thaddeus yawned to tears very long
And, having finished, he admired importantly.

Dunyasha had a garden, but old
Russian habit. Our kindergarten
In the counties they flaunt. From the living room
Two or three steps led to the terraces.
The garden ended quite dark, long
Alley ... In the evening, and in the hot hour,
And even at night on the sand of the path
Little feet often wandered around.

That evening, above the ground, to greedy moisture,
Merry, spring thunderstorm
Has rushed noisily ... Light pleasant dream
The wave flows softly over the eyes
Everything that breathes and in the cool shade
Each new leaf has a tear
Transparent trembles, shines slyly,
And the sky dies down majestically ...

In the wake of others, backward, lazy
A cloud is rushing, light as smoke.
Somewhere in the distance will arise hastily
Indistinct noise - and, in the night air
Gripped, will disappear fearfully.
The garden smells damp ...
And on the steps are rare, large
Raindrops are still dazzling.

And all three went to the terraces ...
Here, after a few silence, husband
I announced to them that the time is not like this,
To walk, and suddenly returned
Into the living room. But the sky is blue
They smiled affectionately. Self-friend
They sat down on a bench, next to them -
Between a light house and a dark garden.

Everything is so charming: silence
Around, as if sensitively above the ground
The night has wilted and listens ...
A distant, timid star ... peace
Dumb air ... Desire
In their hearts full of grief, longing,
Love, ignited autocraticly ...
But the moon flashed voluptuously ...

And, as if awakened by the bashful,
With a slow and insinuating ray
They spoke in a sleepy speech
The tops of the lindens are drenched in rain.
Suddenly along the silent paths,
In the bushes and on the sand in front of the porch
Faint shadows leaped ... Excitement
Hiding, both look in the distance.

Oh night! oh darkness! about a secret meeting!
You step timidly, with trembling foot ...
From behind the wall, a crafty calling,
Like a light ringing, it rushes after you ...
Rough, hot breathing
In the shade of a fragrant, dormant, damp,
Your face will blow hastily ...
But they gazed into the distance in silence.

Hearts were torn ... but no eyes, no hands
They did not dare to meet ... By the moon,
Frightened by the closeness of separation
They sit in dismal silence.
Only occasionally gusty agony
They were shaken vaguely, as in a dream ...
“So tomorrow? Exactly? " - "Tomorrow". Little by little
Dunyasha got up, went to the window,

Looks: in front of a huge samovar
The husband sat down; slowly to the lips











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"The affairs of days gone by."

Yes, for someone who loves explanations.
I'm not like that, and straight my story
My meek pegasus staggered off with a lullaby;
Friends, I sing simple adventures ...
They happened in the distance
In a lonely county town.

Like all county towns
It is correctly positioned; recently
Built; cathedral temple on the mountain
Stands, unfinished; funny at home
Have gone astray; there is no end to the gardens
Fruit, vegetable gardens: fear is good
State places are contained,
And the main square is always empty.

In a cozy, clean house, in one
From the streets called "Green"
There lived a rather young man
Retired, bachelor, moreover, a scientist.
As usual, with a reasonable head
He was known only because the view is "tricky"
I had no pipes, I was silent,
I did not go out and did not play cards.

But there was no mystery in him.
Everyone knew his rank, his last name.
He served in Moscow for three years; later
Bored with the official ... and other gilia,
I returned to my father's desolate house.
All the rooms are filled with dust
Found (his pets long ago
Everybody died), yes old wine

In the basement, yes a dirty portrait,
Yes, there are two grandma's dresses in the pantry.
He grew up in the wild from an early age;
And they didn't let him remember that he wasn't
Native chest, which in the arms
He could have accepted ... she is nowhere to be found ...
But here, in a dear and empty nest,

At first it was hard for him ...
Then he fell in love with solitude
And I thought myself that I was happy ... but in spite
Possessed him. He was attracted
And long after, silent, sad,

He sat under the window. However, he
As a person without disappointment,
Wasn't too desperate in love
And he did not cherish his suffering.
It used to start to think ... well? don't groan,
A yawn will express his dreams;
He missed not like the Byron Corsair,
And as a descendant of Tatar immigrants.

That living in the village is boring; what are the capitals
You cannot live without money; What nothing
He didn't do it all day; what's in girls
He did not find any sense ... but only
Law, order, silence
The writers must adhere.

So, he was bored; but he was young at heart,
Inexperienced, brooding like a writer
An eccentric savage and somewhat dreamer.
He took care of himself reluctantly
(What will you marvel at, reader!),
Didn't put on airs or scold people
And he despised nothing, she-she.

I wanted love, not knowing myself why;
Young forces flared up in him ...
Blood boiled ... he was completely out of love
I did not expect salvation for myself, like others
Girls and students. Meanwhile
(In spring, all people are more often in love.)

And now that time has come again
When, in the sun, sparkling merrily,
Drops fall ... when in the morning
Children run through the puddles, playing ...
When the cows are driven from the yard
And the grass turns green young,
And an important rook walks through the meadows,
And the river approaches the banks.

Russian warm May day is beautiful ...
Everything comes back to life anxiously;
Still a liquid quivering shadow
Curly birches; wind carefully
But it is impossible to drive away a smile from your lips ...
And a fresh, white lily of the valley under the bush
Shyly obscured by a sheet.

You will ride with greens on a horse ...
And like a leaf given to the wave
Sometimes slow, then suddenly impatient,
Thoughts rush ... In a clear height
Clouds are passing by a succession of lazy ...
Screaming swarm from the village of sparrows
Will rush ... The hare huddles under the border,

And the bell tower is long in the bushes
Whitening ... our friend is nature
He loved very much and within four walls
Couldn't stay in clear weather ...
I walked on foot through the mud and water ...
There was only one among all the streets
"Noble" was once cobbled.

He walked pensively with his nose hanging.
Stepping delicately through the puddles,
His cop dog ran after him.
The dreamer was walking; painfully pleasant
He asked: why is it so incomprehensible,
He is so sad and cheerful, when suddenly alone
An acquaintance, not a servant nobleman,

I caught up with him: “Andrei Ilyich! Where to? "
I look, I look ... but who is it, my God!
I guessed it from the dog, yes!
He nailed his wife for that

"Do not know? How are you not ashamed?
So nice in company, brunette.
They sent a letter and the whole secret
And they disclosed ... By the way, we are offended
With a wife that you will never visit
You to us; but lived, I remember, always

We are in great harmony with your priest. "
Good buddy, I confess! I will go
“Don't be angry? No, I'm terribly angry ...
And if you want me to take you
Forgiven completely, come to us now. "

They went hand in hand past the idle
Bourgeois women and girls, at the gates
Sitting on benches, past different
Fences, forges, houses ... and now
Before one of the ugliest
The houses have stopped ... "Here I am

Lives over there, far away. In the evening
We play cards: assessor,
He, me and Gur Minyaich, four of us. "
They went in; and buddy cried
Andrey: “Hey! wife! look who's in the house
(Isn't it true, or what?) ... here, sir, she,
Avdotya Pavlovna, my wife. "

Her face flushed brightly suddenly
At the sight of a stranger ... Bashfully
She sat down ... Joyful husband
Scattered ... For the chairs fearfully
She took ... Her dumb fright
Confused Andrey. He sat down silently
Bending down, he stubbornly began a conversation.

But now, while the speech came between them
That people need entertainment
And that health must be protected,
Looking at her, in an instant
He noticed shiny, white shoulders
Luxurious outline, light movement
Breasts, teeth-pearls an even row
And a meek, somewhat sad look.

He noticed even along the scarlet cheeks
Two silky curls yes hands
Beautiful ... ringing voice
Infancy is said to be fluff.
And for twenty she was ... the benefits of boredom
Who can deny? She's like ice
Protects our people from damage.

While in the innocence of your soul
Our bashful young man admires
Another's wife, we hurry about her
Report detailed, fair
Readers. (Her husband, Thaddeus
Sergeich, was absent-minded, lazy,
Gullible, wonderful person ...
Who is angry in our indifferent age?)

She grew up a sad orphan;
Was brought up at the expense of the state ...
Then I got to my deaf aunt,
She took her restless temper,
And she poured tea ... But the marriage is legal
Freed the unfortunate: cap
She put it on herself, finally.

But she did not become a mistress. Moreover
Avdotya Pavlovna, as a schoolgirl,
She was shy of guests, cried secretly
Over a vulgar romance; often a joke
She was scared ... but the house is ok
She kept; common sense
She had a lot; her husband
She loved more than anything.

But, like a fire lurks under ash,
Under the snow, lava, under a rose leaf
A thorny thorn, under the velvet grass
So, maybe, in a young heart
Wives lurked evil dreams ...
We dedicate this turn
Lovers of classic jokes.

But still she loved her husband; Yes,
No jealousy, no secret shame,
Without those crazy, bitter regrets
And thoughts that sometimes
With nothing more than daring power
Passion has repeatedly denoted her.

But she was not familiar to her
Endless delight of delight,
Longing of bliss ... true; but passions
Should be afraid: the most reward
The ferocious, exuberant crash of the waterfall
We are stunned ... In general, always
Stagnant water is more pleasant.

And if sadness in her soul somehow
We will not name ... because she is worse, be
She always, always by her destiny
Satisfied ... She is sad, her chest will ache,
She will come up to the window, slightly
Sigh and look at the clouds

To the old church, to the low house
He will sit at the piano ... all around
As if slumbering ... conversations are heard
Maids; on the wall under the ceiling
The sun plays; blue curtains
Go through; puffing up all hand

Some sentimental romance ...
Sadly passionate words sound;
Then she will play the funeral
The famous Beethoven march ... but two
The hour struck; waiting for the patriarchal
Dinner her; husband, loving wife,
Shouts: "The ear will get cold without you."

So her life went on; in other people's houses
She was seldom; with tears
I went to visit, I felt fear,
When with grandiloquent speeches
County dandy in a fake mustache
He approached her sideways, squinting his eyes ...
She loved her house like a marmot

The neighbors liked Andrey. is he
I sat with them for a long time; and disputes
Started up; in a word, he was in spirit, smart,
Nice, cheerful ... and although in patterns
The canvas seemed completely immersed
Her big and curious eyes

Meanwhile, night fell. Andrey came
Ilyich home in great perplexity.
He hummed through his teeth: "The Nightingale
I walked alone in my room ...
And his dog, a very intelligent cattle,
He looked at the master with open mouth.

Alas! all people seem to be destined
Learn, as they say, "life is a burden."
We won't say anything yet ...
Let's see if time will tell us something?
A seed ripened in the warmed earth ...
Dreary, dreamy laziness
Andrey took possession of this day.

From the beginning, love must
Grow quietly, as in a deep dream
Like a young mushroom opened with a keen eye,
It will freeze, wither, it will disappear ...
Compare, with fire, and with lava, and with a thunderstorm,
And in general with all sorts of nonsense.

But the first fear and flutter of the heart, knocking
His sudden, first suffering
Pleasing and sad, like the first sound
Sad song, first wish,
When in the fire of unexpected tears and anguish
Consciousness wakes up with fright
And the whole soul is infected with longing ...
How wonderful it is, my God!

Andrey began to go to the neighbors. They are
He was caressed; small he was meek,
They are on the shoulder; from time immemorial
The Slavs are famous; to their peaceful life
He soon got used to it himself; days flew by;
He came early, swallowed them fat
Lunch, drank liquid tea, and in the evening,
While the spouse is at the card table

He fought, he sat with her for hours ...
And he spoke willingly, with conviction
And even with heat. Often he was himself
Who suddenly freed him? speeches
Gave sound and strength? However, by "revelation"
She did not dignify those speeches ...
The newest language was unfamiliar to her,

Her soul is cheerful attention ...
Andrew became necessary to her, as a good friend,
As a brother ... He understood her dreams,
He knew how to share her leisure
And evoke the slightest desire ...
She could talk, be silent with him ...
They felt good, warm together.

And he became quiet and meek like a child
In a new thing: I enjoyed it without looking back;
Andrey did not ask himself, although
It has occasionally shy guesses
They were born ... He strangled them, he lived in jest.
So the first mysterious bribes
Combining calculation with bashfulness,
The official takes it unconsciously.

They walked a lot in the meadows
And in the grove (the husband, groaning, trudged after),
We read Pushkin in the evenings,
Played chess before dinner
Or, giving freedom to crafty tongues,
We laughed on the sly at a neighbor ...
Or sometimes Andrey told
About his entertaining service.

Then, like trickles of small rivers
By the reeds, in the sun, in the shallow
Places, or like those light circles
In the shade of thick oaks and wide lindens,
When the wind dies down and the leaves
On the thin lips of Dunya young
Smiles ran in succession.

They laughed often ... But then
They knew how to be very sad and grieve
And ascend into the sky ... Under the window
Then they sat pensively,
We dreamed, lived, thought together
And quietly reigned in their hearts
The so-called "sacred fear".

It's funny to look at the round moon;
From the cold, the silence of the night
"Drink, drink greedily", blissful, dumb ...
Yawn and prosaic sleep
Resist, then that with empyrean
Poetic dreams are flying ...
But who is not sinful on this side?

Yes; so many evenings were lost
For them; but what sounded in them then,
It was involuntary love, the first call ...
But what the heart was looking for in heaven
So close, close, close, breathed ...
Bliss is not on the air ... However, blood
Will speak when love is silent.

The forbidden fruit ripens quickly.
Andrey became sad, silent and strange
And the meaning of his speeches was vague ...
It is known that every transition is difficult.
Our poor friend was wounded right in the heart ...
She often quarreled with him ... She
She herself was mortally in love.

But we dare not say how many days
Weeks, years, decades of excitement
Such continue in him and in her
I did not stop the vain languor ...
One day the husband left, and the wife
I stayed at home, as always, alone.

Dropping the work on my knees,
Crossing my arms quietly on my chest
And tilting his head a little,
She sits under the spell of boredom.
And her gaze is calm and lazy,
And the sounds on the lips have long ceased ...
Doze off ... Blood plays on his cheeks.

But thoughts are not high betrayed
Her soul; on the contrary, just "nonsense"
As people say, it is full ...
With a sad smile, restless gaze,
Whom she understood yesterday
Didn't dare yet, long conversation
And those that cannot be expressed with a pen ...
A familiar step rang out under the window.

She felt scared, scared to sobs.
She was afraid, or something, to give him
Find traces of dreams in her features
Recent ... But into the mysterious darkness
Someone else's soul we are our research
Let's not stretch. Fair sex,
The source of our blessings and our evils,

Not everyone is given in their hands, like a treasure,
Buried by a cunning witch. Silently
She jumped through the passage into the garden
She runs ... her heart beats hastily ...
But like a frightened doe, back
Comes curious, fearful,
And listens, and looks, and the arrow

She reached her room ...
And with a light, fading smile,
All pink, to the well of doors
She bent the waist tight and flexible.
The ends of her loose curls
Swaying captivatingly on the shaky
Breasts ... under a black eyebrow a black eye
It sparkles brightly, like a living diamond ...

As the trail of silent care is clearly visible
And sadness on his face! .. In love
Andrew. On pianos two or three notes
He took it casually. Weak, timid ringing
He began to examine ... There in the coal
She left her handkerchief on the table.

And greedily suddenly Andrey clung to him
Movements of his head, shoulders
They exposed the power of secret torment ...
Dunyasha all trembled ... In her,
Like friendly solemn sounds
Among the plains sad and naked,
Love spoke at this moment.

Everything became clear to her. Bright light
Suddenly her mind lit up. Passionately
They love each other ... this is not
Now there are doubts ... How wonderful
Bliss to wait and believe from an early age
In love, and waiting and believing is not in vain,

How fun it is to burn with such a fire!
But it's hard to waste years in vain
Live tomorrow or yesterday
As hard as they are, to dream of him
And in the unrequited beauty of nature
Search for what is not in it: another
Soul, beloved, devoted, dear.

In Dunyash, all the blood rushed to my heart,
Then to the face. It hurts so well
She suddenly felt ... the poor thing could not
Take a breath, as she would like, enough
Deep ... somehow she got there
Up to the chair ... Unwittingly sweet tears,
Suddenly gushed out of my eyes
Her ... So they cry in life only once!

She didn't remember that she never
She can't live with Andrey; that is not free
And that such a passion or fruitless,
Or criminal ... A woman is always
In love, so disinterestedly noble ...
And they betray themselves boldly, to the end,
Some simple female hearts.

Dunyasha was crying ... But here Andrey,
Hearing the light noise of her sobs,
He opened the door and with amazement to her
Approaching ... questions, exclamations
His were so tender, the sound of speeches
I breathed in such an abundance of compassion ...
Through tears, without saying anything
Dunyasha looked at him.

What was in that look, my God!
Deep, trusting tenderness,
Love and gratitude and peace
Bliss, devotion and serenity
And the meek shine of dumb gaiety,
Tiredness and bashful negligence
And languid heat, burning barely ...

Andrey did not understand anything at all,
But he felt that his chest was ready
Her heart suddenly began to beat. Two or three words
With an effort he uttered ... at him
Dunyasha looked timidly, again
She gave him a soft hand.

He was still afraid to believe ... But then
Suddenly he turned pale ... covered his face with his hands
And quietly bent down all mute
Delight ... Quickly, in large tears
His eyes were filled ... About what
He thought ... also to express in words
We can't ... We feel good when we are at a dead end
Descriptive language comes.

She was silent ... and he was silent himself.
ABOUT! that in this wonderful moment
To their full, sinking hearts
Love is barely resolved by speeches
Trust yourself ... I need an explanation
That which is more certain and clearer
(See Shakespeare) sunbeams?

He held his sweet hand in his hands
Chilled; weak knees
Trembling, they bent under him ... and in their eyes
Shadows ran half-closed.
He was suffocating ... Meanwhile, about fear!
Thaddeus (husband) entered the empty passage ...
You know, friend readers,
Husbands always come on time.

Stepping into the room. Dunyasha at once
Disappeared; our Andrey, our poor friend
(Insidious friend!) Looked with the wrong Foblaz,
Not that Manilov; one spouse
Kept decency and even with an eye
He did not move, did not cry "oh-ho!"

Andrey muttered incoherent nonsense,
Yawned painfully, became somehow sideways,
I started a strange conversation
About Turkey, persecuted by evil doom,
And finally, looking up to the sky,
Gone. In deep confusion
“Where are you going? Now lunch is ready. "

Andrey has no time for food. Home
He came running and threw himself on the neck
First to the mistress, old and crooked,
Then to the dumbfounded lackey ...
Then to the dog. Gladly big
He would give his hand to his villain
Now ... He was loved! he was loved!
Who could, O heavens, compare with him?

Andrew was blissful ... But soon in him
Another feeling has awakened. Strange!
He looked around thoughtfully ...
Deeply sad. He remembered that
That his head is more than once foggy
Flickered ... but now the storm is a disaster,
Irresistible, close, fatal

Introduced herself to him. Just yesterday
He did not understand his own desires.
With her, he was so happy ... and in the morning
Longing for dumb, unrealizable dreams
Bliss of unaccountable, misery
Childish ... will not come back again
Past. Andrey recognized love!

And he foresaw everything: the shame of the struggle,
Shame on deception, days of worry and boredom
The stubbornness of fate,
And the bitter yearning of separation
And fear, and everything that slaves are cursed with ...
The vitality of vulgarity. She is strong;
Our life has long been subdued to her.

He loved not jokingly, not without reason ... He,
In our age of sophisms, a proud age,
He was born to be a straight and kind fellow.
Nature gave him not arrogant,
But a clear mind; he respected the law
And someone else's property ... Silent,
Moved, he slowly faces
He bowed and quietly walked out onto the porch.

Andrey sat down on the shaky step.
Autumn evening brightened
Crosses and walls of white churches.
Talkative, fresh, long flutter
The tips of the branches tremble in the garden.
Spills in jets with silence
Lead color blushes the clouds.

The sun is setting. The air is wonderfully quiet
And the wind shudders like a sleepy one.
Windows of dark houses for a moment
Burned up and went out. Burdened
Sudden dew, the meadow freezes. Calmed down
The whole immense world. And fragrant
The transparent vapor rushed high ...
And the sky is waiting for the cold moon.

Here the stars flashed ... My God!
How indifferent, how dumb nature!
How painful the impetuous, alive
Its order, eternity and peace!
But often after the past year
In an agonizing painful struggle
Nature, you will envy you!


Six months have passed. Winter is dashing
Passed; the clear spring has returned,
Blue leaped among the fields
Cheerful, free wave
A young kidney has already broken through,
And the mute depth trembled ...
The healthy earth shines and breathes
And melts and glows with embryos.

And our Andrey? Outdoor change
We do not notice in his fate.
Still to the neighbor after the scene
He walked ... “The same people, the same walls.
All the same, therefore ... "That's how minds
Superficial judges for the most part ...
But we are thoughtful, fortunately.

And then it develops for a long time.
A crafty doubt fights her;
It grows and gets stronger, but with difficulty ...
And only then the last meaning
We will finally understand it completely,
When in ourselves we will mercilessly destroy
Stubborn selfishness ... or fall out of love.

Andrey was too young and simple-minded ...
And I did not think to stop loving and could not.
He felt that his world was broken,
And the secret heat tormented and burned him.
He was thoughtfully obedient to fate,
I am strict with myself, inexorably strict ...
He respected what he loved ... and now
People do not believe their own shrine.

At first, our acquaintances were new
Their position ... but at least sometimes
It never spoke.
They seemed to give themselves their word
Forget the past ... and forever ...
And they kept their word holy, firmly
And they believed in each other proudly.

They were often cheated on ... However, both
They did not take advantage of someone else's weakness;
And even suspicious malice
In their childishly honest and direct life,
I did not notice spots ... (so that a miracle
We did not find in that, we add: as long as).

Still intricate, agile
Evenings passed in conversations.
They laughed in the same unfeigned manner ...
But if the husband leaves the yard
And they used to say: "it's time to sleep"
And less often indulged in those unclear
Dreamy impulses so dangerous

Everything is so ... but everyone took part
In everything that the other thought and desired.
So sometimes over a thundercloud,
When angry bad weather makes a noise,
Suddenly gold will open
Through the frequent rain, the distant forest will light up.

How to express their secret concern
When, for a while, a quick penalty,
They walked quietly, reluctantly to the threshold
And parted until another day?
Andrey started slowly on the road
And, bowing his head sadly,
Chagall walked so steadily, so sadly ...
And his heart then broke and ached.

But Bossuet said: “Everything earthly
Master of the world, nothing living
He cannot say: stay here forever!
Through the plains to the blue sea
The waters of rivers tend to be far away ...
And life rushes, playing in the open,
To the distant, mysterious sea

Not only the coachmen, but everyone knows
That it's hard to hold back downhill.
Andrei fought conscientiously, honestly;
But time passed, it passed without stopping ...
Generosity is often inconsistent
With love ... What is there to do? And out of spite
Great intentions, like children,
We fall into spaced webs.

Andrew loved, but sacrifice himself
He was proud of her purity
Her soul that knew no shame.
How? To her to bow silently with her head
Before anyone in the world? .. Never!
Find out the excitement of shameful timidity?
Humiliate yourself with feigned joy?

To bring her to the court of an idle crowd?
Forfeit the right to despise fate
And make a wife, a slave outside.
A dumb, willing slave?
Oh no! To a weakening, ailing soul,
But who gave her word to endure the fight
What do you need? Virtue and patience?

And if you are given other powers,
And your heart, greedy for passions,
Doesn't feel what is dear to the heart
Live free ... until the grave
Do not accept any chains ...
The power of a calm mind
You will not even be allowed to suffer.

Andrey was not a hero ... and in vain
Wouldn't; but as an honest fellow, it's clear
He understood that it was impossible so
That it is necessary to help the trouble ... but how?
About this often, for a long time, forcibly
He thought and was completely lost.

A bitter doubt seized him ...
And in the silence of agonizing nights
Finally ripe; he must with her
To part ... with her ... oh, new torment!
About sorrow! oh, bleak gloom! Andrews
Surrendered to a terrible, hopeless sadness,
As if before death is inevitable.

Confess everything ... without saying a word,
Explain ... but the woman is ready
Always suspect deception ... In the mind
Unhappy guess again
Were confused, confused ... In the gloomy darkness
He wandered ... A little adventure
Suddenly resolved the difficulty

It's calm, carefree in Saratov,
Having eaten smoked carp,
Died. Death we all swear willingly,
And our Andrey was obliged to death
In a rounded and profitable name,
Yes, moreover, an excellent pretext

To leave ... Five or six days in an understandable longing
He spent ... Once at the table,
With incredible carelessness,
Playing feverishly with a knife
He's pretty bad news
Neighbors cooked ... and then
Abruptly, without looking at anyone,
Said, “I have to go. Uncle died. "

The spouse responded with one hum
(He ate a fat pancake); his wife
At the guest with an amazed exclamation
She looks ... She is agitated, pale ...
Suddenly stricken with misery
Her heart trembled ... But here she is
I came to my senses ... and, slowly blushing,
With fright, he silently listens to Andrey.

I knew him ... I know the whole world.
Excuse me ... Are you now about the inheritance? "
Sorry, sorry to lose your neighborhood ...
Oh no ... I won't be long ... no ... "And the thrill
An embarrassed babbling stopped him.

Dunyasha looks at him ... Parting
He prophesies to them ... but for how many days?
What, what is he hiding? Why is he with her
So cold? Why suddenly a hand
Did Andrey run over his gloomy face?
Why her torturing gaze
Did he avoid it, as if in fear of reproach?

She got angry. Before tears
Women are always angry. Slightly
Biting my lips, with gentle eyes
She squinted ... yes, the poor man
With ridicule, hints, words
I tormented the whole day until
He got out of patience ...
Dunyasha felt better for a minute.

But in the evening, when that irritation
Silence gradually replaced
Silent sadness, dull confusion,
Andrew's tired look suddenly she
I noticed ... involuntarily regret
She woke up in her soul, and, full of
Repentance, Dunyasha is silent
Walked around the room and fearfully

I sat down with him. Her gaze welcomes
Shone; the face breathed with kindness.
"Andrey, why are you going?" Noticeably
The uneven voice trembled. Head
He wilted hopelessly, unrequited,
I wanted to speak, waved my hand,
He glanced furtively at her ... turning pale ...
And Dunyasha understood Andrey's look.

She sat in silence, dying,
With closed eyes. In front of her
The whole future is gloomy, empty,
Instantly turned around ... and, with all
Gathering strength, slowly getting up,
She said in a whisper: “Andrey,
I understand you ... you are not sly ...
I am grateful to you ... you are right ... right! "

His hand, trembling, found a hand
Dunyasha ... Parting forever,
For the last time, for a bitter separation
He shook his sweet hand then.
Without transferring a changeable sound
He went out and suddenly burst into tears.

O sense of duty! How many delights
(Spiritual, of course) you
Is given to us in return for worries
Insignificant, vulgar earthly joy!
But due to various difficulties,
By weakness, our hero lingered,
Until it arrived, to the longing of the county nobles
Bobkovsky, sad day of departure.

Andrew in the morning in a sad alarm
All plunged; grandfather's sob,
Groaning, he moved to the very threshold,
I stuffed and locked a thick suitcase;
And he stuffed his boots into his pocket ...
People are tormented and tormented by parting,
A date never makes me happy.

Then he started the boxes empty
With great noise to push; in one
Witnesses of the past ... Then
He went out into the garden ... and the leaves are damp
Above him they rustled sadly, the old house
As if he was grieving too, oblivion
Anticipating the imminent fall.

With a heavy heart to a kind neighbor
Andrew trudged off; but not immediately he
I came to him and did not get to dinner.
The heavy evening bell was already buzzing.
It is easier for horses; easier, your will ... "
Andrey agreed with him. Where is Dunyasha?

She was sitting in a corner. Confusion
The eyes were exposed. In the dark
She seemed pale. Fatigue
Her sad, quiet beauty
It gave expression
So touching were those eyes
Softened by recent tears
That our poor Andrei threw up his hands.

He spoke to her ... as usual
Before leaving, they say:
That nobody in the world is perfect
Not able to borrow; moreover
They rarely laughed, forcedly
And strangely, they frowned for a long time ...
Thaddeus yawned to tears very long
And, having finished, he admired importantly.

Dunyasha had a garden, but old
Russian habit. Our kindergarten
In the counties they flaunt. From the living room
Two or three steps led to the terraces.
The garden ended quite dark, long
Alley ... In the evening, and in the hot hour,
And even at night on the sand of the path
Little feet often wandered around.

That evening, above the ground, to greedy moisture,
Merry, spring thunderstorm
Has rushed noisily ... Light pleasant dream
The wave flows softly over the eyes
Everything that breathes and in the cool shade
Each new leaf has a tear
Transparent trembles, shines slyly,
And the sky dies down majestically ...

In the wake of others, backward, lazy
A cloud is rushing, light as smoke.
Somewhere in the distance will arise hastily
Gripped, will disappear fearfully.
The garden smells damp ...
And on the steps are rare, large
Raindrops are still dazzling.

And all three went to the terraces ...
Here, after a few silence, husband
I announced to them that the time is not like this,
To walk, and suddenly returned
Into the living room. But the sky is blue
They smiled affectionately. Self-friend
Between a light house and a dark garden.

Everything is so charming: silence
Around, as if sensitively above the ground
The night has wilted and listens ...
A distant, timid star ... peace
Dumb air ... Desire
In their hearts full of grief, longing,
Love, ignited autocraticly ...
But the moon flashed voluptuously ...

And, as if awakened by the bashful,
With a slow and insinuating ray
They spoke in a sleepy speech
The tops of the lindens are drenched in rain.
Suddenly along the silent paths,
In the bushes and on the sand in front of the porch
Faint shadows leaped ... Excitement
Hiding, both look in the distance.

Oh night! oh darkness! about a secret meeting!
You step timidly, with trembling foot ...
From behind the wall, a crafty calling,
Like a light ringing, it rushes after you ...
Rough, hot breathing
In the shade of a fragrant, dormant, damp,
Your face will blow hastily ...
But they gazed into the distance in silence.

Hearts were torn ... but no eyes, no hands
They did not dare to meet ... By the moon,
Frightened by the closeness of separation
They sit in dismal silence.
Only occasionally gusty agony
They were shaken vaguely, as in a dream ...
Dunyasha got up, went to the window,

Looks: in front of a huge samovar
The husband sat down; slowly to the lips



























