Amur State Humanitarian Pedagogical University. Amur State Humanitarian Pedagogical University (agpu) Amur Humanitarian Pedagogical State

The event was organized by the Department of Preschool and Correctional Pedagogy and Psychology of AmSPGU, ANO Hippotherapeutic Center "Constellation Horses" and Children's Library named after M. Gorky.

March 13, students of the Pofk-38 group of the direction of training "Pedagogical education" profile "Physical culture" with the assistant professor of the Department of ThiMFKiSD Karas T.Yu. within the framework of the discipline "Elective courses in physical culture" attended a master class on the study of the elements of martial arts.

On March 11, in the pool of the SC "Metallurg", the traditional city sports meeting among the Physical Culture Collectives was held. Competitions were held in the discipline of swimming. AMSPGU was represented by students and teachers of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, members of the SNG sports club: Alifanova Ekaterina (4th year), Korzh Aleksey (3rd year), Karas Tatyana Yurievna (Associate Professor of the Department of Timing and Pedagogy and Pedagogy), Lapoukhov Yegor Ivanovich (Chairman of SNG SNG, assistant of the department TiMFKiSD).

On March 13, 2020, a career guidance event "My choice is AMSPU" was held at the Amur State Humanitarian Pedagogical University. The University was attended by 412 students of 9-10 grades of secondary schools of our city.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Territory informs that the Commission of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation for the Development of Education and Science is conducting an online public opinion poll on the implementation of the Address of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education and science. Based on the results of the survey, proposals and recommendations will be formulated for federal executive bodies

In anticipation of the All-Russian vote on the approval of amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the All-Russian vote), the Central Election Commission and the Association of Volunteer Centers announced the start of the "Constitution Volunteers" project (hereinafter - the draft). Within two weeks before the start of voting in public places (shopping centers, airports, railway and bus stations, etc.), information stands will be placed around the region, where volunteers will tell the population about the planned changes to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the All-Russian Voting. Each citizen will be invited at information desks not only to learn about voting, but also to receive information about volunteer movements operating in the territory of the region.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Khabarovsk Territory informs that the All-Russian public movement "People's Front" For Russia "is implementing the federal project" Digital Dictation. "

Traditionally, first-year students of the direction of training "Pedagogical education" of the profile "Physical culture" are trained in swimming in the pool of the House of Youth under the guidance of assistant professor of the Department of Sports and Fitness and Sports Karas T.Yu.

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Amur State Humanitarian Pedagogical University" announces a competition for filling vacant positions

On March 4, 2020, on the eve of the celebration of March 8, for foreign students, the teacher of the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language, O.Yu. Gorbatskaya, a traditional master class "Sweet Tulip" was held.

About the university

Amur State Humanitarian Pedagogical University - until December 2006, Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Pedagogical University, - the first university in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Fifty-three years ago, he accepted his first students. There were only 147 of them, future teachers of mathematics and physics, Russian language and literature. And the teaching staff then totaled only 12 people. Today AMSPGU is almost seven thousand students of various forms of education - full-time, part-time, distance. Education here is conducted in forty specialties and areas at six faculties and four institutes. Among them there is the faculty of pre-university training.

A student can choose for himself the level of education he needs - to get a secondary vocational education, complete a bachelor's, specialty, master's degree. If you wish, you can continue your professional training in postgraduate and doctoral studies at the university.

The educational process is carried out by more than two hundred and fifty teachers working in 23 departments and in 4 scientific laboratories, including 22 doctors of sciences, professors, 132 candidates of sciences, associate professors.

AMSPU currently has three educational buildings, with dozens of classrooms and educational laboratories with modern equipment, interactive whiteboards, computer labs, a library with three ordinary reading rooms and an electronic hall, excellent sports halls for game types, boxing, judo, large and small assembly halls, a museum, an exhibition hall, a conference hall, where the most important international events are held not only by the university, but also by the administration of the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, two large comfortable dormitories, which have an Internet room, a cafe "University", a medical center and others services that save students from many everyday problems.

Dynamically developing partnerships with this university and a number of other foreign universities in the UK, Japan, China allow today our students to go there for practice, and their students to study with us. University scientists conduct joint research with colleagues from universities in Great Britain, Germany, China and other countries. The Consuls General of the USA, Japan, and the PRC act as lecturers in the student auditorium.

AMSPGU is a recognized leader in the Khabarovsk Territory in organizing educational work with young people. Among his students there are many laureates of All-Russian and regional creative competitions, scientific student works. Seven of them are Laureates of the priority national project "Education".

Strengthening the position of the university in recent years in all areas of activity - educational, educational, scientific, international, administrative and economic - determined the place that it occupied today in the system of higher education in the Far East, and determined its new status: Amur State Humanitarian and Pedagogical State university, made one of the leading centers of education, science and culture in the Far East.

International relations of AMSPGU

The main forms of international activity of AMSPU are joint scientific research with foreign universities, exchange of scientific and technical information and pedagogical technologies, international scientific conferences and seminars, joint publication of monographs and scientific articles, professional development of the teaching staff, overseas internships, field practices, international exchange of teachers, graduate students, undergraduates and students, training students and graduate students, cooperation with foreign universities in the cultural and sports sphere.

Constant contacts are maintained with colleagues from China, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, USA, Republic of Korea, Japan and other countries. The result of joint work is publications in international scientific journals and speeches at scientific symposia. Among the honorary professors of the university is the former Consul General of Japan in Khabarovsk, and now the Ambassador of Japan to the Republic of Uzbekistan, Mr. Kusumoto, Professor of the Harbin Pedagogical University of the People's Republic of China, Mr. Zhang Shaojie, Professor of the York University of Great Britain, Mr. J. Pitt.

The university is implementing 15 international projects in the field of education. Among the foreign partners with whom the university cooperates today are the universities of Nottingham, Sheffield, Leeds and Loveborough (Great Britain), the College of New Caledonia (Canada), universities of the People's Republic of China, Vietnam, the Republic of Korea, Japan, and the USA.

AMSPU maintains relations with the Consulates General of Japan and China in Khabarovsk, the Consulates General of the United States and the Republic of Korea in Vladivostok, the Korean Cultural and Educational Center, the French Embassy in the Russian Federation, the Japanese Center in Khabarovsk, the Fulbright Institute of International Education (USA), International Educational Center - DAAD Foundation (Germany), etc.

The university conducts such activities as the organization of foreign internships and internships for teachers and students of the university. Students of various faculties make historical, regional and field expeditions, undergo language practice at foreign universities. AMSPU students are provided with opportunities not only for short-term, but also for long-term study at a foreign university. The university conducts international student exchange programs (free of charge). On the basis of the university, a program for the exchange of teachers and scientists in the specialties "Russian as a foreign language", "English", "French" is carried out. The exchange of scientists is carried out in all specialties offered by the university. Foreign students, undergraduates, postgraduates study at AMSPGU, who study both in short-term courses and during a full university course (4 years) with a bachelor's degree.

Every year, several graduates of the "Foreign Language" specialty travel to foreign universities to continue their studies in master's and postgraduate studies.

Educational activity of AMSPU

Meeting the needs of Komsomolsk-on-Amur and the northern territories of the Khabarovsk Territory in teaching and humanitarian personnel, the university trains 45 basic educational programs, including 32 graduate programs, 8 bachelor's and 5 master's programs.

In almost every educational program, students, along with the main one, receive an additional specialty and, in addition, have the opportunity to choose a profile specialization. Both the additional (second) specialty and the profile specialization fit into the diploma, which puts the graduate in a more advantageous position in employment.

Thanks to the extensive network of specialties and areas of training available at the AmSPGU, the applicant can implement the educational trajectory corresponding to his interests on the basis of:

* Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
* Institute of Philology
* natural-geographical faculty
* Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
* Faculty of Technology and Design
* Faculty of History and Law
* Faculty of Economics
* Institute of Distance Learning
* Institute of Continuing Education

The university trains specialists in accelerated and abbreviated educational programs, implements professional educational programs for people wishing to get a second higher education.

In accordance with the obtained license, AMSPGU in 2008 was granted the right to conduct educational activities in educational programs of secondary vocational pedagogical education.

High-quality training of graduates is guaranteed:

* Qualified faculty of the university. The share of people with academic degrees and titles involved in teaching is 60%. The university employs over 250 scientific and pedagogical workers, including: 22 doctors of sciences, professors, 132 candidates of sciences, associate professors. The teaching staff of the university includes two academicians of the IANPO, 58 Honorary and Honored Workers of Higher Education, Excellences in Public Education and Honored Teachers of Russia.
* The created quality management system for educational activities.
* Availability of modern computer classes, technically equipped classrooms, physical, chemical, biological and technological laboratories, as well as reading rooms and self-study rooms.
* A half-million fund of educational, scientific and methodological literature, which is annually replenished with several thousand new publications of printed materials with a humanitarian and pedagogical orientation.

On the basis of the Institute of Continuing Education, the university provides training, professional retraining and advanced training of specialists in 44 educational programs, including: 8 programs of advanced training for university teachers, 24 advanced training programs for specialists in the profile of the university, 8 programs of professional retraining and 4 programs of the second higher education.

Ensuring the availability of educational programs, AMSPGU opened its representative offices in the cities of Sovetskaya Gavan, Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, Amursk, Vanino, r. Okhotsk. At present, more than 350 students are mastering pedagogical professions through distant technology offices.

In recent years, the university has been actively developing international educational programs. Having concluded cooperation agreements with the universities of the People's Republic of China (Dalian, Jiamusi, Daqing, Qiqihar, Harbin, Heihe), the university conducts, within the framework of the Philological Education direction, training bachelors, Chinese citizens, under the Russian as a Foreign Language program, provides prepares Chinese students according to the "2 + 2" scheme, and also implements one-year internship programs. In turn, Russian students, within the framework of a cooperation agreement, get the opportunity to study history and field practical training on the territory of China, and students studying the Chinese language - to improve their translation skills and oral speech in Chinese universities.

Innovative activity of AMSPU

In recent years, the search for and implementation of innovative forms of educational activity has significantly intensified at the university:

* The foundations have been laid for the transition to a two-level education system in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna process for all pedagogical educational programs.
* Since 2006, the university has been a member of IARIR (Association of Presidents of Universities of North-East Asia).
* The university participates in the implementation of 15 international projects between AMGPGU and universities in China, Japan, Korea, Canada, Great Britain and others: student exchange, preparation of bachelors, masters, graduate students, field and regional studies, care of compatriots' burials, publication of joint students from the PRC of scientific works.
* Programs of continuing professional education and second higher education are being implemented in the main areas of educational activities of the university, the foundations for training specialists on the basis of distance education have been laid.
* Technologies for recruiting applicants have been worked out on the basis of a unified state examination and Olympiads.
* The process of introducing innovations into the educational process is increasing:
o active teaching methods in the lecture process, laboratory work, seminars - more than 20% of teachers;
o multimedia and information technologies (electronic educational resources, interactive whiteboards, etc.) - more than 35% of teachers;
o communication technologies - more than 25% of teachers.

The integration of educational, research, innovation and production resources is being carried out.

* A unified information and communication space of the university has been created. A unified corporate telecommunications network of the university was formed: a modern server center was put into operation; modern structured cabling systems are being introduced using fiber-optic communication lines and wireless technologies.
* A corporate information system developed in-house by employees, teachers and students based on the 1C: Enterprise 8.1 platform is being introduced to ensure the educational process, scientific activities and university management.
* The basic foundations of the quality management system have been laid.

Scientific activity of AMSPGU

The result of all the previous development of AMSPU is the creation of a powerful educational, research and cultural potential that allows solving large-scale scientific and educational tasks that correspond to the mission of the university.

The scientific activity of AMSPU is based on the best Russian, foreign and own university traditions and innovations.

The strategic goal of the AMSPU is to maximize the use of the research potential of the university in ensuring the educational process, the development of fundamental research in priority areas of science and the satisfaction of the interests of the Far Eastern region in applied research through:

* support of existing scientific schools and scientific departments of the university;
* creation of new scientific departments in promising areas of research and training for the university;
* modernization of the material base for scientific research, the creation of centers for collective use;
* formation of a system for the protection of intellectual property of the university;
* increasing the level of competitiveness and relevance of the results of research work of the teaching staff and university staff in the region, the Russian Federation, the international scientific community.

The main directions of research work at AMSPU

Research activities in recent years have been carried out within 14 branches of science, in 20 main (priority) scientific areas:

* Actual problems of Russian society at the present stage of development: socio-philosophical and methodological aspects
* Historical and social problems of the development of the Far Eastern region
* Socio-economic problems of the development of the Far Eastern region
* Creation of pedagogical conditions for the development of children's giftedness
* Modernization of technology education in the context of profiling schools in the Khabarovsk Territory
* Education of schoolchildren of the Khabarovsk Territory by means of folk traditions and national culture
* Socio-pedagogical bases of prevention of alcoholism and drug addiction among children and adolescents
* Improving the quality of training specialists based on innovative educational technologies
* Information and Communication Technologies in the Continuous Education System
* Study of the influence of socialization institutions in the system of factors of psychological safety of children and adolescents in conditions of socio-economic instability
* Language abnormalities in language and speech
* Cultural interpretation of literary text and problems of literary analysis
* Literature of the Russian Diaspora of the Far East in the national cultural process of the XX century
* Investigation of pipe bending using ice filler
* Study of anthropogenic impact on the flora and fauna of the Lower Amur region
* Assessment of physical development and human health at different stages of ontogenesis
* Mathematical and Cartographic Modeling of Natural and Social Systems Using GIS Technologies. Introduction of modeling methods and new information technologies into geographic education
* Geology, Geodynamics and Oil and Gas Prospects of Sedimentary Basins of the Far East
* Observation of the covering of stars and planets by the Moon
* Landscape and Ecological Assessment of the Geographical Environment of the Far East

Research and educational divisions of AmSPGU

Research laboratories:

* Joint research laboratory "Strategic planning of regional development" between the university and the Institute of Economic Research FEB RAS
* Regional Scientific and Practical Laboratory "Design Methods of Technological Education"
* Regional Research Laboratory "New Forms of Preschool Education"
* Laboratory of Geoinformation Technologies
* Laboratory for diagnostics of morphological and functional state and human health
* Laboratory "Russian language in the system of university and school teaching of the Russian language"
* Laboratory of Literature and Culture of the Far East and Far East Abroad
* Laboratory of Biodiversity of the Amur Region
* Laboratory of psychological support and safety of children and adolescents
* Laboratory for the development of children of early, preschool and primary school age
* Laboratory of Innovative Processes in Education (Department of Pedagogy and Innovative Educational Technologies
* Interdepartmental Laboratory for Sociological Research

Scientific research, scientific and educational and other centers:

* French Resource Center
* Representation of Jiamus University
* Scientific Innovation Center for the Modernization of the Regional Education System
* Center for functional diagnostics of representatives of all age categories of the population of Komsomolsk-on-Amur and correction of the development of children and adolescents Humanitarian Historical and Legal Center "Perspektiva" Center for psychological support
* Resource center for the development of innovative activities

Scientific schools:

At the university, under the leadership of leading doctors of sciences, professors, 12 scientific schools are actively operating in such branches of science as physical and mathematical, philosophical, biological, philological, pedagogical, psychological, economic.

Training of scientific and pedagogical personnel

Currently, the university trains highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel within 8 branches of science in 16 specialties:

* 03.00.00 - BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (03.00.05 - Botany, 03.00.09 - Entomology)
* 05.13.00 - TECHNICAL SCIENCES (05.13.18 - Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes)
* 07.00.00 - HISTORICAL SCIENCES (07.00.02 - Domestic history, 07.00.09 - Historiography, source studies and methods of historical research)
* 09.00.00 - PHILOSOPHICAL SCIENCES (09.00.01 - Ontology and theory of knowledge, 09.00.11 - Social philosophy)
* 10.00.00 - PHILOLOGICAL SCIENCES (10.01.01 - Russian literature, 10.02.19 - Theory of language)
* 13.00.00 - PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES (13.00.01 - General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education, 13.00.08 - Theory and methodology of vocational education)
* 19.00.00 - PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES (19.00.01 - General psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology, 19.00.05 - Social and psychology, 19.00.07 - Educational psychology, 19.00.10 - Correctional psychology)
* 25.00.00 - EARTH SCIENCES (25.00.23 - Physical geography and biogeography, soil geography and landscape geochemistry)

University scientists take an active part in the implementation of scientific, scientific, technical and innovative programs of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Federal Education Agency, etc.

Teachers, staff, graduate students and students regularly participate in competitions for projects and grants held by Russian and foreign organizations, programs and funds.

Several dozen scientific conferences, seminars, exhibitions and other scientific events are organized and held annually at the AMSPU.

The university has experience in conducting Internet conferences of regional and international importance.

Over the past 5 years, the university has held 99 conferences, of which 35 are international, 32 all-Russian, 23 regional.

Publishing activity is actively developing at the university, over the past 5 years, university scientists have published 48 monographs, 74 collections of scientific papers, 372 textbooks and teaching aids, including 31 with the stamp of the Ministry of Education of Russia and the UMO, 32 with the stamp of the Far Eastern Regional Educational and Methodological Center (DV RUMTs ), 1940 scientific articles, including in central publications.

Among the permanent priorities of the university's activities is the organization of research work of students, the expansion and improvement of the scientific training of young specialists.

The main indicators of work efficiency are the high scientific achievements of our students noted at the Russian and international levels.

Educational work

In the field of educational work, the Amur Humanitarian Pedagogical University is one of the leaders in the Far Eastern Federal District. A stable system of student co-management of the university has developed here. Exactly co-management, joint participation of students and teaching staff in solving problems of organizing educational and extracurricular work, social protection of students. A strong student trade union committee, student councils of faculties, dormitories, councils of elders, a center for youth initiatives - each contributes to the creation of a creative and professional educational environment of the university. The traditions of student self-government are constantly evolving and are supported by field studies of student activists held at the university, by the “I am the leader” contests.

The extracurricular time of our students is not an idle pastime, it is a time for the development of their abilities, a time for self-realization. For this, the University has created a Center for Leisure and Culture, where creative vocal and dance groups, rock musicians' ensembles, the KVN club, the Pygmalion image center, and the Auditoria student information center work. Their participants are winners of regional, regional and all-Russian competitions. The folk song ensemble "Lada" is the winner of the festival of folk art of the Siberian and Far East zones "Zhivaya Rus", the pop song ensemble "Kolorit" is the winner of the Khabarovsk regional festival "Student Spring", and its soloist Yu. Aramisov is the winner of the All-Russian festival "Student Spring "In the nomination -" author-performer ". Members of the creative teams of the AmSPGU successfully presented their art abroad, performing on the stage of the Music Institute in Jiamusi (China), repeatedly became prize-winners of international vocal competitions in Vladivostok and Kiev. Visitors from the PRC and foreign students studying at the AmSPGU often take part in student concerts.

The university successfully develops student sports, both mass and high-performance sports. Among our students there are International Masters of Sports, members of Russian national teams, winners and prize-winners of world and European championships, international student competitions - I. Maksimov, P. Boliguzov A. Geranin, Alexander and Anatoly Klinkov. Especially we love boxing at AMSPGU. The boxing club has been headed for many years by the Honored Trainer of Russia, the trainer of the Russian national boxing team, a graduate of our university S.I. Gondurkaev.

For ten years, AMSPGU has been organizing the Far Eastern regional competition of professional skills among students of pedagogical specialties of universities in the Far East. The idea of \u200b\u200bholding this competition also arose on the initiative of students. Teams from Transbaikalia, Sakhalin, Yakutia, Kuzbass, Primorye, Amur and Jewish Autonomous Regions come to the competition every year.

The university employs volunteer teams of students, leading the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and working with refusenik children, children from social shelters, there is a student pedagogical team of counselors. Twice its members - E. Shepeleva and R. Dranishnikov - became winners of the regional competition of counselors "The Way to the Stars", and Roman also became the second prize winner of the All-Russian competition of counselors in Gelendzhik.

AMSPGU today is the center of active student life, bright, eventful and always socially significant.