Alternative Science. Alexander Andreevich Samarsky: biography Scientific achievements of Academician Samara

AA Samarskiy is a world-renowned scientist, the founder of Russian mathematical modeling, the creator of the operator theory of difference schemes, the author of over 30 monographs and 450 articles.

A. A. Samarsky was born on February 19, 1919 in the village of Donetsk region of Ukraine. Member of the Great Patriotic War, seriously wounded in the battles near Moscow. In 1945 he graduated from the Physics Department of Moscow University, in 1948 he defended his candidate's dissertation, in 1957 - his doctoral dissertation, in 1966 he was elected a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and in 1976 - an academician. Since 1948, together with Academician A.N. Tikhonov, he developed numerical methods and carried out the first direct calculations of the explosion power of an atomic bomb, and later a hydrogen bomb in the USSR, which coincided well with the tests. In these works, the foundations of mathematical modeling were laid and the most important principles for the design and justification of difference schemes and parallel computations were created. Since the 1960s, AA Samarskii and his students have been working on the problems of laser thermonuclear fusion, magnetic and radiation gas dynamics, the creation of powerful lasers, aerodynamics, atomic energy, plasma physics, and many others. In these works, the methodology of a computational experiment "model-algorithm-program" was developed. The need to substantiate applied calculations led A.A. Samarskii to create an operator theory of difference schemes, which significantly outstripped the world level. He and his students work intensively in this area, and have created many highly efficient algorithms for solving the most complex urgent problems of science and technology.

From 1953 to 1991, AA Samarskiy headed a department at the Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, and in 1991 organized the Institute of Mathematical Modeling of the Russian Academy of Sciences and until 1998 was its director; currently he is the scientific director of the institute and advisor to the RAS. He has been teaching at Moscow State University for over 50 years, founded and headed the Department of Computational Methods at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, and the Department of Mathematical Modeling at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. A. A. Samarskii created a large scientific school; among his students there are 5 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, over 40 doctors and 100 candidates of sciences. His students work in many countries - Germany, Bulgaria, Hungary, USA, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Latvia, Lithuania. Many generations of students have learned from his books. A. A. Samarskiy is the organizer and editor-in-chief of the journal "Mathematical Modeling", a member of the editorial boards of 6 domestic and foreign journals, Deputy Academician-Secretary of the Department of Informatics, Computer Science and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Russian section of IMACS (International Association for the Application of Mathematics and Computers in modeling).

A. A. Samarsky - Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of Lenin, State and Lomonosov prizes; awarded the Orders of Lenin (three times), the Patriotic War I degree, Glory, the October Revolution, the Red Banner of Labor, Friendship of Peoples; medals for the defense of Moscow, for the victory over Germany and others.

USSR → Russia 22x20px Russia Scientific area: Place of work: Academic degree: Academic title: Alma mater: Supervisor: Notable students: Known as:

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Known as:

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Awards and prizes:
The order of Lenin The order of Lenin The order of Lenin Order of the October Revolution
Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class Order of Friendship of Peoples

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Medal "For the Defense of Moscow"

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Alexander Andreevich Samarsky (February 19, Svistuny farm, Yekaterinoslavskaya province - February 11, Moscow) - Russian mathematician, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, chairman of the Academic Council, head. Department of Computational Methods, Faculty of CMC, Moscow State University; department mathematical modeling of MIPT.


He was left without parents early. From the age of five, he was raised by older sisters. Since 1932, after moving to Taganrog, he studied at the secondary school N2 named. A.P. Chekhov, from which he graduated with a gold medal in 1936. At school, in addition to success in mathematics and physics, he was fond of literature, wrote plays.

He entered the Department of Mathematical Physics of the Physics Faculty of Moscow State University.

In December 1943, upon a call from the Moscow State University administration, A.A. Samarsky returned to Moscow on crutches to continue his studies. After graduating from the university in 1945, he entered the graduate school of Moscow State University under A. N. Tikhonov.

In 1957 A. A. Samarsky defended his doctoral dissertation. Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in the Department of Mathematics (1966). Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1976).

A.A. Samarskiy works at Moscow University in the following positions: Associate Professor (1948-1958), Professor of the Physics Department of Moscow State University (since 1958), Professor of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University (1961-1970), Professor of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University (since 1970 ). A. A. Samarskiy in 1982 organizes the Department of Computational Methods of the Faculty of CMC MSU, the head of which he becomes (1982-2008).

In 1990, A. A. Samarsky, on behalf of the government, created the Academy of Sciences and became its director. He was Deputy Academician-Secretary of the Department of Informatics, Computer Engineering and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the complex problem "Mathematical Modeling". Member of the editorial board of the journal "Uspekhi Mathematical Sciences", member of the editorial board of the "Journal of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics". Founder of the journal "Mathematical Modeling".

A. A. Samarsky died on February 11, 2008 after a serious and long illness. He was buried in Moscow at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

Scientific work

A. A. Samarskiy is an outstanding specialist in the field of computational mathematics, mathematical physics, theory of mathematical modeling. Creator of the theory of operator-difference schemes, the general theory of stability of difference schemes.

Since 1948, together with Academician A.N. Tikhonov, he developed numerical methods and conducted the first direct calculations of the explosion power of an atomic bomb in the USSR, and later a hydrogen bomb, which coincided well with the tests. In these works, the foundations of mathematical modeling were laid and the most important principles for the design and justification of difference schemes and parallel computations were created.

Since the 1960s, together with his students, he has been engaged in problems of laser thermonuclear fusion, magnetic and radiation gas dynamics, the creation of powerful lasers, aerodynamics, atomic energy, plasma physics and many others.

A. A. Samarsky is a co-author of the scientific discovery "T-layer effect", which is entered in the State Register of discoveries of the USSR under No. 55 with a priority of 1965.


  1. Tikhonov A.N., Samarsky A.A. (1st issue in 1951).
  2. Samarsky A.A. Introduction to the theory of difference schemes. - Moscow: Nauka, 1971. - 552 p.
  3. Samarsky A.A. Introduction to Numerical Methods. 1987.
  4. Samarskiy A.A., Vabishchevich P.N. Additive schemes for problems of mathematical physics. - M .: Nauka, 2001. ISBN 5-02-006505-6
  5. Samarskiy A.A., Mikhailov A.P. Mathematical Modeling: Ideas. Methods. Examples. - M .: Fizmatlit, 2005 (5th ed.). ISBN 5-9221-0120-X
  6. Samarsky A.A., Vabishchevich P.N., Samarskaya E.A. Problems and exercises on numerical methods. URSS. 2007 (3rd ed).
  7. Samarskiy A.A., Gulin A.V. Numerical methods.

State awards

  • Hero of Socialist Labor:
    • By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 16, 1979, Alexander Andreevich Samara was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal;
  • State Prize of Russia (1999) - for a cycle of works on the theory of difference schemes
  • Three times Commander of the Order of Lenin
  • Order of the Patriotic War 1 degree
  • Order of Glory 3 degree
  • Medal "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945."


At the end of July 2015, at a meeting of the Presidium of the Moscow Government, it was decided to assign the name of Akademik Samarsky Street to Projected Passage No. 3541, which is located on the Moscow State University campus on Lenin Hills, between Lebedeva Street and Mendeleevskaya Street. The northeastern facade of the Main Building of Moscow State University, facing the Vorobyovy Gory and the Moskva River, now faces onto Akademik Samarsky Street.

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  • on the official website of RAS
  • (from the site of the IMM RAS)
  • on the website of the Department of Computational Methods of Computational Methods and Methods of MSU
  • at

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An excerpt characterizing Samarsky, Alexander Andreevich

- How do you know this, Isidora? Who could tell you this ?!
- Oh, there are “friends” and FRIENDS, as you usually like to say, Your Holiness! .. - I answered deliberately, prying him on. - It was these FRIENDS who told me everything that I wanted to know about you. Only you and I use different methods to obtain the information we are interested in, you know - my friends did not have to be tortured for this, they themselves told me everything with pleasure ... And believe me, it is always much more pleasant! Unless you are tempted by the torture itself, of course ... As it seemed to me, you love the smell of blood, Holiness? ..
I gradually came to my senses and more and more felt my warlike spirit returning to me. There was nothing to lose anyway ... And no matter how hard I tried to be nice, Karaff didn’t care. He longed for only one thing - to get answers to his questions. The rest didn't matter. Except, perhaps, one - my complete submission to him ... But he knew perfectly well that this would not happen. So I didn’t have to be polite or even bearable to him. And to be honest, it really gave me pleasure ...
- Are you not interested in what happened to your father, Isidora? You love him so much!
"Love !!!" ... He did not say - "loved"! So, for now, the father was still alive! I tried not to show my joy, and as calmly as possible said:
- Who cares, Holiness, you will kill him anyway! And it will happen sooner or later - it no longer matters ...
- Oh, how wrong you are, dear Isidora! .. For everyone who ends up in the cellars of the Inquisition, this is of great importance! You can't even imagine how big ...
Karaffa was again "Karaffa", that is, a sophisticated tormentor who, in order to achieve his goal, was ready with great pleasure to watch the most atrocious human tortures, the most terrible other people's pain ...
And now, with the interest of a gambler, he tried to find at least some open gap in my pain-torn consciousness, and whether it was fear, anger or even love, it did not matter to him ... He just wanted to strike, and which of my feelings will open the "door" for him - it was already a secondary matter ...
But I didn’t give in ... Apparently my famous “patience” helped, which amused everyone around me ever since I was just a baby. My father once told me that I was the most patient child that he and my mother had ever seen, and who could hardly be pissed off by anything. When the rest of the patience about something was completely lost, I still said: "Nothing, everything will be fine, everything will be fine, you just have to wait a little" ... I believed in the positive even when no one else believed in it ... But it is precisely this feature of mine that Karaffa, even with all his excellent knowledge, apparently did not know. Therefore, he was enraged by my incomprehensible calmness, which, in reality, was not any calmness, but was only my inexhaustible patience. I just could not allow that, doing us such inhuman evil, he also enjoyed our deep, sincere pain.
Although, to be completely frank, I still could not explain some of the actions in Karaffa's behavior ...
On the one hand, he seemed to be sincerely delighted with my unusual "talents", as if it really had some meaning for him ... And also he was always sincerely admired by my "famous" natural beauty, which was spoken of delight in his eyes, every time we met. And at the same time, for some reason, Karaffu was greatly disappointed by any flaw, or even the slightest imperfection, which he accidentally discovered in me and sincerely infuriated any weakness of mine or even my slightest mistake, which, from time to time, to me, as to any person, happened to do ... Sometimes it even seemed to me that I reluctantly destroyed some non-existent ideal he had created for himself ...
If I didn't know him so well, I might even be inclined to believe that this incomprehensible and evil person loved me in his own way and very strange ...
But, as soon as my exhausted brain came to such an absurd conclusion, I immediately reminded myself that it was after all about Caraff! And he certainly didn't have any pure or sincere feelings inside him! .. And even more so, such as Love. Rather, it was like the feeling of an owner who has found an expensive toy for himself and wants to see in it, nothing more and nothing less, as soon as his ideal. And if the slightest flaw suddenly appeared in this toy, he was almost immediately ready to throw it straight into the fire ...
- Does your soul know how to leave your body during life, Isidora? - interrupted my sad reflections with another unusual question of Karaff.
- Well, of course, Your Holiness! This is the simplest thing that any Vedun can do. Why does this interest you?
- Your father uses this to get away from pain ... - Caraffa said thoughtfully. “Therefore, there is no point in torturing him with ordinary torture. But I will find a way to get him to talk, even if it takes much longer than I thought. He knows a lot, Isidora. I think even much more than you can imagine. He did not reveal half of it to you! ... Wouldn't you like to know the rest ?!
- Why, Your Holiness?! .. - trying to hide my joy from what I heard, I said as calmly as possible. - If he did not open something, then it was not time for me to find out yet. Premature knowledge is very dangerous, Your Holiness - it can both help and kill. So sometimes it takes a lot of care to teach someone. I think you should have known this, you studied there for some time, in Meteor?
- Nonsense !!! I am ready for anything! Oh, I've been ready for so long, Isidora! These fools simply do not see that I only need Knowledge, and I can do much more than others! Maybe even more than they themselves! ..
Karaffa was scary in his "DESIRE of the desired", and I realized that in order to gain this knowledge, he would sweep away ANY obstacles that come across in his path ... And whether it will be me or my father, or even baby Anna, but he will achieve what he wants, he will "knock" him out of us, in spite of everything, as apparently, he achieved and before everything that his insatiable brain was aiming at, including his current power and visit to Meteora, and, for sure, much, much more, about what I preferred not to know, so as not to completely lose hope of victory over him. Caraffa was really dangerous for humanity! .. His super-crazy "faith" in his "genius" exceeded any customary norms of the highest existing conceit and frightened with its peremptoryness when it came to them "desired", of which he had no idea , but only knew that he wanted it ...
To cool him a little, I suddenly began to “melt” right in front of his “holy” gaze, and after a moment I completely disappeared ... It was a childish trick of the simplest “blowing”, as we called instantaneous movement from one place to another (I think as they called teleportation), but it was supposed to have a "refreshing" effect on Caraffa. And I was not mistaken ... When I came back a minute later, his stunned face expressed complete confusion, which, I'm sure, very few people managed to see. Unable to bear this funny picture longer, I laughed heartily.
“We know many tricks, Your Holiness, but these are just tricks. KNOWLEDGE is completely different. This is a weapon, and it is very important what hands it falls into ...
But Caraffa did not listen to me. He was, like a little child, shocked by what he had just seen, and immediately wanted to know it for himself! .. It was a new, unfamiliar toy that he should have had right now !!! Don't hesitate a minute!
But, on the other hand, he was also a very intelligent person, and, despite the thirst to have something, he almost always knew how to think. Therefore, literally after a moment, his gaze gradually began to darken, and the widening black eyes stared at me with a mute but very persistent question, and I was pleased to see that he finally began to understand the real meaning of my little "Trick" ...
- So, all this time you could just “leave”?! .. Why didn't you leave, Isidora? !! - almost without breathing, whispered Karaffa.
Some wild, unrealizable hope burned in his gaze, which, apparently, should have emanated from me ... But as I answered, he saw that he was wrong. And "iron" Karaffa, to my greatest surprise, wilted !!! For a moment it even seemed to me that something inside him snapped, as if he had just gained and immediately lost something very vital for him, and perhaps to some extent even dear ...

Alexander Andreevich Samarsky - a world-renowned scientist, the founder of domestic mathematical modeling, the creator of modern computational methods for the numerical solution of mathematical physics problems on computers.

Alexander Andreevich was born on February 19, 1919 on the Svistuny farm (now the village of N.-Ivanovskoye, Donetsk region of Ukraine). Member of the Great Patriotic War. He was seriously wounded in the battles near Moscow.

In 1945 g. A. A. Samarsky graduated faculty of Physics, Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov, in 1948 he defended his candidate's dissertation, in 1957 - his doctoral dissertation. In 1966 g. A. A. Samarsky was elected a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the Department of Mathematics, and in 1976 - an academician in the same Department.

Since 1948, Aleksandr Andreevich, together with him, developed numerical methods and carried out the first direct calculations of the explosion power of an atomic bomb and later a hydrogen bomb in the USSR, the results of which coincided well with the tests. Already in these works, the foundations of mathematical modeling were laid and the most important principles for the compilation and substantiation of difference schemes were created as the basis for numerical methods. The most important results on the theory of difference schemes were published A. A. Samarsky and A. N. Tikhonov in 1958-1960 in the Reports of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Since the early 60s A. A. Samarsky with his students, he was engaged in the problems of laser thermonuclear fusion, magnetic and radiation gas dynamics, the creation of powerful lasers, aerodynamics, atomic energy, plasma physics and many others. In these works, a methodology of mathematical modeling and computational experiment was developed, known as the famous triad A. A. Samarsky "model - algorithm - program". The need to justify applied calculations using computers led A. A. Samarsky to the creation of an operator theory of difference schemes, which significantly outstripped the world level of that time. A. A. Samarsky and his students work intensively in this area, and at present they have created a number of highly efficient algorithms for solving the most complex urgent problems of science and technology.

A. A. Samarskiy own fundamental results in three main areas of the theory of difference methods: the theory of grid approximation of equations of mathematical physics, the theory of stability of difference schemes, the theory of construction and substantiation of methods for solving equations using difference schemes of high order of accuracy on non-uniform grids.

The first big cycle of work A. A. Samarsky on the theory of difference methods was devoted to the solution of stationary problems of mathematical physics. In these works, the foundations of the theory of homogeneous difference schemes were laid, the constructive principle of conservatism of a homogeneous difference scheme in the class of discontinuous coefficients was formulated.

The second fundamental cycle of works A. A. Samarsky was devoted to difference methods for solving non-stationary multidimensional problems of mathematical physics. In this cycle of works, the method of a priori estimates was developed, which made it possible to obtain an estimate of the rate of convergence of difference schemes in various metrics; the principle of total approximation is proposed, which served as the basis for the creation of economical difference schemes for solving linear and nonlinear equations of mathematical physics.

In a cycle of works A. A. Samarsky on this topic " Stability problems in the general theory of difference schemes"the theory of stability of two-layer and three-layer difference schemes was constructed, considered as operator-difference equations in a Hilbert space. The main achievements of the developed A. A. Samarsky stability theory consists in introducing a unified canonical form of writing difference schemes and in obtaining necessary and sufficient conditions for stability in terms of operator inequalities.

So, for a two-layer difference scheme

n \u003d 1,2,… (where A, B are bounded linear operators in Hilbert space) a necessary and sufficient stability condition is expressed by the classical matrix inequality B-0,5t A\u003e \u003d 0. Developed by A. A. Samarsky the theory of stability made it possible to estimate the rate of convergence of iterative processes, to indicate the optimal values \u200b\u200bof the iterative parameters necessary for the practice of developing applied programs.

Among the works of Alexander Andreevich on mathematical physics and differential equations, there is a large cycle on the theory of nonlinear equations of mathematical physics. He proposed new analytical and numerical methods for studying the nonlinear stage of processes occurring in a regime with sharpening. These studies made it possible to predict new phenomena in plasma physics, localization of diffusion processes, and obtain original results in the study of the phenomenon of diffusion chaos.

From 1953 to 1991 A. A. Samarsky headed the department in Institute of Applied Mathematics. M. V. Keldysh Academy of Sciences of the USSR, in 1991 he organized the Institute of Mathematical Modeling of the Russian Academy of Sciences and until 1998 was its director. He is currently the scientific director of this institute and an advisor to the Russian Academy of Sciences.

For over 50 years Alexander Andreevich has been teaching in Moscow State University, he founded and led department of Computational Methods at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, and department of Mathematical Modeling at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. A. A. Samarsky created a large scientific school. Among his students there are 5 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, over 40 doctors and 100 candidates of sciences. His students work in Germany, Bulgaria, Hungary, USA, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Latvia, Lithuania.

A. A. Samarsky - author of over 30 monographs and 450 scientific articles. Many generations of students and graduate students study from his books. A. A. Samarsky is the organizer and editor-in-chief of the journal "Mathematical Modeling", a member of the editorial boards of six domestic and foreign journals, Deputy Academician-Secretary of the Department of Informatics, Computing and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Russian Section of the International Association for the Application of Mathematics and Computers in Modeling (IMACS).

Alexander Andreevich Samarsky - Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of Lenin, State and Lomonosov prizes; awarded the Orders of Lenin (three times), Patriotic War I degree, Glory, October Revolution, Red Banner of Labor, Friendship of Peoples; medals "For the Defense of Moscow", "For Victory over Germany" and other awards.

Read the article dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Alexander Andreevich Samarsky on

He procured a call for his student to Moscow in order to continue his studies at the Physics Department of Moscow State University 1945 - Victory 1945 - Moscow State University. Faculty of Physics. Thesis, for which it was proposed to immediately confer the title of candidate of sciences, but Tikhonov reasonably objected 1945 - Moscow State University. Graduate student. In addition to the dissertation, he completed about twenty scientific works in physics 1946 - VKP (). Member 1948 - Candidate of Physics and Mathematics. Scientific opponent - Petrovsky I.G. 1948 - June 10. Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1990-774ss / op signed by Stalin. Received a separate room, and Sakharov A.D. 1948 - July 10. Special laboratory (Head - Tikhonov A.N.), leading specialist. Task - mathematical modeling of the explosion and calculation of the power of the atomic bomb 1951 - Textbook. A. N. Tikhonov, A. A. Samarsky. "Equations of Mathematical Physics" - passed 6 editions (the first edition in 1951 and the sixth edition - in 1999) 1953 - USSR Academy of Sciences. ... Head of the department. uses the first in the USSR computer copy "Strela" 1954 - Stalin Prize 1957 - Moscow State University. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. One of the scientific opponents was A.D. Sakharov. 1958 - Professor 1962 - Lenin Prize 1966 - USSR Academy of Sciences. Corresponding Member. Head of departments at Moscow State University and Moscow University of Physics and Technology 1976 - USSR Academy of Sciences. Academician 1982 - Moscow State University. Department of Computational Methods, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics. Manager 1986 - Began the development of the National Program for the development and application of methods of mathematical modeling in science and the national economy 1986 - Organized the All-Union Center for Mathematical Modeling and became its director 1989 - The journal "Mathematical Modeling. Editor-in-Chief 1990 - USSR Academy of Sciences. All-Union Center for Mathematical Modeling was transformed into the first in the country
1999 - State Prize for a series of papers on the theory of difference schemes 2003 - Book. A. A. Samarsky, P. N. Vabishchevich. Computational heat transfer
2003 - Book by B.M.Budak, A.A. Samarsky, A.N. Tikhonov. Collection of problems in mathematical physics
2005 - A. A. Samarsky, A. P. Mikhailov. Math modeling. Ideas. Methods. Examples of
2005 - Book. A. A. Samarsky. Introduction to Numerical Methods. 3rd Edition, Stereotyped, ISBN 5-8114-0602-9 2008 - February 11. Died In addition to A.N. Tikhonov, he considered such outstanding scientists as I.G. Petrovsky, M.V. Keldysh, I.E., D.D. Ivanenko, V.M. Glushkov as his teachers. and Dorodnitsyn A.A. Samarskiy is the founder of the scientific direction of mathematical modeling, his contribution to the creation of the general theory of difference schemes, in particular, the theory of stability of difference schemes and methods for solving grid equations is enormous. He was directly involved in the creation of atomic and hydrogen bombs, numerically simulating the behavior of these objects in various situations. A. A. Samarskiy is a leading specialist in the field of computational mathematics and mathematical modeling. His research interests are mathematical physics, numerical modeling of complex nonlinear systems and phenomena, and difference methods. A. A. Samarskii is the author of fundamental results in the theory of differential equations with both smooth and discontinuous coefficients, the theory of nonlinear equations, and the formulation and study of a number of nonclassical problems in mathematical physics. Typical of A.A. Samarsky is the formulation of problems of a computational experiment carried out with the help of modern computers, the construction of a theory of mathematical and numerical modeling of complex physical processes, the development of effective difference methods. A.A. Samarskii is responsible for fundamental results in the main directions of the theory of difference methods: on the theory of grid approximation of equations of mathematical physics, on the theory of stability of difference schemes, on the theory of constructing and substantiating methods for solving grid equations. List of scientific works of A.A. Samarskiy contains about five hundred titles, including more than 20 monographs and textbooks. Among his students there are about 100 candidates of sciences, of which more than 40 have defended their doctoral dissertations. Scientific schools, created with the direct participation of A. A. Samarsky, now actively work not only in Russia, but also in Belarus, Georgia, Lithuania, Uzbekistan, and Ukraine. Under his leadership, more accurate than in the West, direct calculations of the power of a nuclear explosion were carried out, which, according to the world scientific community, opened a new page in the development of applied mathematics. At the turn of the 70-80s, Samarsky came up with a concept based on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe methodology of mathematical modeling as the "intellectual core" of the entire informatization process. Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of Lenin and State Prizes, laureate of the Lomonosov Prize of Moscow University, holder of three Orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of Friendship of Peoples, Orders of Glory and the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, awarded the medals "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War "," For the Defense of Moscow ".... Samara Professor Emeritus of Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov, Honorary Doctor of the Technical University in Chemnitz (Germany), Honorary Professor of Tbilisi University and Taganrog Radio Engineering University, Honorary Member of the Academies of Sciences of Ukraine and Belarus
Academician Alexander Samarsky: "a portrait of the first atomic and other bombs"

Tea drinking at the academy

This is already a tradition. On the first Wednesday of every month, one of the prominent scientists comes to the old building of the RAS Presidium. And there, in the hall, which has known the greatest rise of reason in its century-long history, a leisurely conversation begins about the fate of a scientist and science, about the past and the future, about fulfilled dreams and remaining hopes. This is a kind of confessions of scientists. And their listeners are not only science journalists, but also students, and even schoolchildren who are invited to such meetings.

On June 10, 1948, signed by J.V. Stalin with the stamp "Sov. Secret (Special folder)", a decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR N1990-774ss / op "On additional tasks for the plan of special scientific research work for 1948" was issued. which in the 9th paragraph refers to the provision of "as a matter of priority" to several scientists apartments and rooms. At that time, Candidate of Geophysical Sciences A.A. Samarsky and Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.D. Sakharov could only claim the rooms they received. But the most important thing is that it was by this resolution that they entered an extremely narrow circle of people who were instructed to "perform calculations" PO "of the designs RDS-1, RDS-2, RDS-3, RDS-4, RDS-5 with various variants of the equation of state .. . "

For the uninitiated, I will explain that the abbreviation "RDS" hid an atomic bomb, and "PO" - its central part of plutonium-239 ... Academician Alexander Andreevich Samarsky recalls that time with sadness: they say, the years were young, joyful, although life was taking shape dramatically, and sometimes even tragically. And the resentment is growing today, not yesterday. The jubilee celebrations marking the 50th anniversary of the testing of the first Soviet atomic bomb were held with pomp - with reports and receptions, ceremonial meetings and conferences, meetings and banquets. But Academician Samarsky was not invited to them, not even a commemorative badge was presented ... And the academician was offended!

I tried to explain to him that any anniversaries are vanity, they say, it is well known about his contribution to science, and the Hero's Star on his chest, and the Lenin Prize, and there are many state awards, and, most importantly, the respect of students who multiply the glory of the mathematician Samarsky throughout the world. The very fact that he created the Russian Academy of Sciences, of which he was director for many, many years and in which there are fifty doctors of sciences, speaks for itself. However, Alexander Andreevich, agreeing with all the arguments, nevertheless did not hide his insult:

A.S. Such forgetfulness is unpleasant to me. Yes, I understand that through the Academy of Sciences our laboratory did not seem to exist, and we were not officially included in our atomic ministry - we were very highly classified! - but nevertheless, we must not forget about those people who made the first calculations of the atomic bomb ...

We got to talking. And I propose a recording of this conversation, which will at least slightly reveal the history of the life of a person whose fate was connected with the epochal events of the twentieth century.

V.G. There is a classic journalist question: who are you? It is understood that you must introduce yourself: where did you come from, where and when were you born, how did you start your career?

A.S. Born in a village, studied in Donetsk, finished school in Taganrog. By the way, the Chekhov school ... It is quite understandable that it was in this school that almost all students had a great craving for literature. I was good at mathematics and physics, but the "Chekhovian tradition" had an effect: I decided to enter the Literary Institute, especially since I had already written plays ... However, my physics and mathematics teachers "rebelled" - they demanded that I apply for Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University. I could not disobey my teachers, and therefore I followed their advice. I was 18 years old, and it seemed that everything in life was determined ... But the war came, and on July 6, 1941 I applied to the people's militia division ...

V.G. But you were a student ?!
A.S. Yes, I could get a reservation, but for our generation, the main thing was the Fatherland, its protection.
V.G. And where did you fight?
A.S. First, there, where almost all the Moscow militia were killed, was on the Ugra River. And then the offensive began. On December 12, in reconnaissance, I hit a mine. More than thirty fragments were pulled out of me - there were many operations. However, eight fragments remained in me, the surgeons could not get them. In September 1942 I was discharged from the hospital. I got out on crutches ... It was in Khakassia ... My relatives stayed in Taganrog, but it was occupied by the Germans. The university was evacuated from Moscow and was, it seems, in Ashgabat. What should I do? And I was sent as a teacher to a school at the Kommunar gold mine. I taught mathematics ... I worked there for over a year.

Reflections on Science... The world is nonlinear, that is, the basic laws of the development of inanimate and living nature (from micro- to macrocosm), including social and economic structures, are nonlinear. This means, in particular, that several paths of evolution of a complex object are possible, that is, the future is ambiguously determined by the present (initial conditions) and it cannot be predicted based only on previous experience. The optimal path of evolution must be chosen based on knowledge of the laws of its development, it must be calculated and controlled. This is a difficult and difficult task, but life requires its solution.

V.G. Probably you thought that you would stay in Siberia forever?
A.S. It could have happened, but I had a friend in Moscow with whom I corresponded. He studied at the Military Academy, but nevertheless went to the university and managed to get me called to study. And already in December 1943 I returned to Moscow. My teacher is Corresponding Member Tikhonov ...

V.G. Will the future famous mathematician Academician Tikhonov?
A.S. Yes, yes, it was he! .. I attended many seminars, and since I was very "hungry" for science, I was active and curious about all of them, and therefore many professors offered me to study with them. But the choice, fortunately, fell on Andrei Nikolaevich Tikhonov. He was young, passionate and unusually talented. At the age of 16 he finished school as an external student, entered the university, and very quickly achieved success - the theorem of his name entered the world science, he solved a number of interesting problems. Then he started working at the Geophysical Institute, because he was attracted to applied problems ... Well, I was just looking for my own path. I even had one work published on theoretical physics ... Andrei Nikolaevich suddenly decided that I should try in experimental physics as well. The teacher's word is the law! I waddled around the laboratory on my crutches and immediately hated this branch of physics. He returned to theoretical work. At the defense of my diploma, my opponents offered to give me a PhD right away - the work really turned out to be good ...

V.G. Was she in physics or math?
A.S. In mathematics, but with a physical content ... I clarify this, because it was the combination of physics and mathematics that largely determined my future destiny in science ... By the way, it was Tikhonov who objected to my candidate's degree!

V.G. Why? After all, he, as a teacher, was flattering, wasn't it?
A.S. He said: "If we give him a degree, then as a nonresident, he will have to leave Moscow. And graduate school will give him the opportunity to be at the university for another three years!" It was a wise decision, because by the time I was finishing my graduate school, I already had about twenty published papers. I tried myself in different fields, including the application of numerical problems in chemical physics.

V.G. For normal people, this is the realm of "terra incognito" ...
A.S. Or maybe the other way around ?!
V.G. In this case, I will clarify: for the vast majority of people ...
A.S. We can already agree with this ... But it can simply be explained as follows: there are models of different levels, or, as we say, "of different ranks." Mathematicians investigate fundamental problems ... At first, it was different - we were required to answer a specific question, but you won’t get anything fundamentally new from particular problems, and therefore, of course, I was interested in global problems. It's just interesting!

Reflections on Science... It is impossible to rely that science will develop spontaneously, satisfying its internal needs for self-development and self-organization. Science must fulfill an urgent social order, promoting scientific and technological progress not in the distant future, but today. You cannot use such a model (which has a considerable number of supporters): first carry out fundamental research, and then look for where it can be used. It is necessary to find ways of developing science in a given direction, associated with the solution of certain major problems. Apparently, for this, methods of resource management (material and human) can be applied. It is important to remember that all problems must be solved quickly and at a high scientific level. The required level of applied work is possible only on the basis of fundamental research, which is oriented in nature. In connection with the development and application of computing technology, a special responsibility lies with mathematics. Modern applied mathematics must, fulfilling a social order, decide what is needed and what is needed.

V.G. How is the search for global challenges going?
A.S. The paths are different. For example, I once leafed through old physics journals and found there an article by the young and Ivanenko. It was about the structure of the atom, about some of the features of the processes that took place in it ... In general, I was able to prove that their conclusions are wrong.

V.G. Has it caused a sensation?
A.S. This work became my Ph.D. thesis. By the way, it was very small: twenty pages of introduction and twenty pages of text. My opponent on defense was academician Petrovsky, he wrote a brilliant review.

V.G. After your defense and graduation from graduate school, were you supposed to leave Moscow?
A.S. It would have happened, but at that time a secret Resolution of the Central Committee of the Party was issued on the creation of a mathematical laboratory for solving problems related to the creation of an atomic bomb. There was a kind of meeting "at the highest level" where Tikhonov proposed to carry out calculations of the atomic bomb ... By the way, he was present at this meeting and said that "if something like that can be done, it will be a scientific feat!" Nevertheless, Tikhonov's proposal was accepted, and a tiny laboratory appeared, in which there were only a few human mathematicians. And they recruited about thirty girls-calculators who graduated from the Geodetic Institute.

V.G. Are they instead of computers?
A.S. Yes ... And we were given a task: to create a "numerical model of the atomic bomb."
V.G. And it was then that the special committee gave you and the candidate of sciences Sakharov a room each?
A.S. Exactly so, because I had nowhere to live ... However, the decree was fulfilled only at the end of 1950. Since I was single, I did not quite legally continue to live in the university dormitory, and then I started renting an apartment ... However, we spent most of our time at work - after all, the time for work was very short: only about a year! But this problem was of the highest category of complexity, and besides, the physicists had very inaccurate data ... Their models were very rough, approximate ... They operated with them ... And Andrei Nikolaevich Tikhonov and I agreed that I will deal with accurate models.

V.G. Apparently, you reached the finish line at the same time?
A.S. Yes, by the time of the first test of our bomb, we already had the first results ... The discrepancy was only 30 percent ...
V.G. Total?!
A.S. This is a great result! I don't know how it is now, but the Americans have never had a discrepancy of less than 30 percent before. Thus, our calculations turned out to be very accurate ... Later we reduced the discrepancy figure to ten percent ...
V.G. How did you manage it ?! I think Americans have always had better computers?
A.S. Our initial data was taken correctly. We tried to preserve the correct mathematical description of the physical process, and I am convinced that the fact that at first I had a physical education helped.

V.G. Does it mean that mathematics comes first?
A.S. And this is what determined our success. Physicists were involved in the calculations. This is a fundamental difference ... But how to solve the resulting equations? I am proud to have come up with "parallel computing". There were thirty girls in my submission. There were several hundred equations. It turned out about ten equations for each girl ... They counted as if independently, but passed their data to each other ... Of course, I'm simplifying a little, but the idea of \u200b\u200bthe method, it seems to me, is clear ... "Parallelization of calculations" made it possible to carry out calculations for us in two months, about once every fifteen we have accelerated the process of work ... I consider this the greatest achievement in the first year of work on the atomic bomb.

Reflections on Science... Using the benefits of mathematical modeling and the informatics tools based on it in technological applications requires serious intellectual and organizational efforts. The symptoms of our lagging behind the developed countries in this area are, perhaps, more alarming than in the fundamental sciences. In the West, there has been a transition to the massive introduction of mathematical modeling and computational experiment into technology. The purchases of supercomputers by automobile concerns for calculating complete vehicle structures, in particular in emergency situations, are becoming typical. This turns out to be a very profitable business, since mathematical models are involved in "accidents", and not expensive cars. Firms that do not have the appropriate calculation methods become uncompetitive ... The European consortium "Mathematics in Industry" was created. Its goals are the effective use of mathematical modeling methods in industry and the development of an appropriate catalog of problems. Against this background, the unique experience of mathematical modeling of some technologies of microelectronics, instrument making, laser and thermal processing of materials is almost not used.

V.G. Isn't your wife a computer girl?
A.S. No, she's a medic. By the way, an Uzbek. Her father was an academician-mechanic; at one time he graduated from Moscow State University. And the grandfather is a revolutionary ... Why did you ask about this?
V.G. I know one academic atomic scientist. He is a theoretician, and his wife was engaged in calculations ...
A.S. Do you mean Academician Avrorin?
V.G. Exactly!
A.S. Everyone who started working on the bomb was young, and therefore there are many such "atomic families" ... That time, of course, is remembered with good feelings, although it was very difficult, since at the first stage they worked with primitive computers .. But it was very interesting, it was creative work. Numerical methods were rapidly improving: literally two years later, I proposed a more accurate mathematical model ... Until 1953, we used manual techniques and advanced quite far in this area ... I immediately realized that I needed to study the theory of numerical methods, and that was correct, since it was possible to promote special calculation methods. By the way, the Americans lagged behind in this area - they hoped for technology and miscalculated.

V.G. They admitted this: later they confirmed that, despite the strong lag in computers, we did not yield to them in the main thing: in the calculations of the most complex physical processes that occur during the explosions of atomic and thermonuclear bombs ... You named the date: 1953. After that, didn’t you deal with weapons ?!

A.S. I've been doing it all my life ... In 1953, the Institute of Applied Mathematics was established, and there our laboratory became a department.
V.G. Mstislav Vsevolodovich Keldysh became the director, right?
A.S. He is the director, his deputy is Tikhonov, and I am the head of the department. Our department was the largest in the institute. A little later, a department appeared, which was headed by Okhotsimsky. This is already space ...
V.G. Keldysh's participation in the "Atomic Project" is known. Has it gone through your department?
A.S. Yes ... The advent of computers in 1953-1954 opened up new possibilities for conducting computational experiments. On our rather weak computers, we were able to solve all the tasks necessary for defense - after all, we had developed effective numerical methods and optimized the "model - algorithm - program" triad.

V.G. Sounds unusual and beautiful!
A.S. And this was one of the achievements that I am proud of. If we turn to the same bomb, then the diagram looked something like this. There was some division between the settlement groups. First, the calculation of the compression process was carried out - this is a kind of preparation for the explosion, and then these data and calculations were sent to our department, where all the processes related to the explosion were calculated ... It is curious that the task was written right in my office. For example, Sakharov came and immediately gave us assignments on my desk ... By the way, I recently handed over to, that is, to Arzamas-16, my notebook, in which Sakharov and Babaev took notes.

V.G. Do you mean calculating a thermonuclear bomb?
A.S. Even before the advent of machines, we had a huge amount of calculations - after all, by this time we had been calculating for six years.
V.G. And you didn't have any competitors?
A.S. At various times, at one stage or another, they appeared, but inevitably our competitors lost ... In the end, Keldysh relied only on us and, as far as I know, did not turn to other groups of mathematicians.

V.G. Did you have information from the Americans?
A.S. I didn’t even know about the existence of spies in this area! .. To me, never once and from anyone - and at the first stage I talked a lot with Sakharov and - not a single information, not a single figure or idea was received! I emphasize - not once! And I immediately add: fortunately, because it allowed us to go our own way and, in the end, get ahead of the Americans. So borrowing could only go in the other direction: from us to the Americans.

V.G. And how long have you worked for the Atomic Project?
A.S. It is very active - somewhere before the 80th year. Then they collaborated only sporadically, when the need arose ... In fact, by that time all the fundamental problems had been resolved.

Reflections on Science... The computerization of education by itself cannot solve the problem of personnel. Its meaning is different - to create an educational background and psychological prerequisites for a fairly wide graduation of mid-skilled specialists ("users" of the new methodology). To train highly qualified developers, intensive and concentrated activities are required. One of them is the creation of centers for mathematical modeling in the largest universities. This step is very promising and meets the nature of higher education. The multipurpose nature of mathematical modeling will allow combining the efforts of scientists of different specialties working in universities, will help the synthesis of scientific and educational processes without dispersing funds across faculties and departments. Without attracting large investments, a significant increase in the share of research work in universities will be achieved.

V.G. You said: "The problems have been resolved" ... This is what determined the fact that the major scientists - Sakharov and - left Arzamas-16. By the way, what is your impression of them?
A.S. Sakharov is undoubtedly an outstanding person, devoid of any complexes. He combined the talent of the visionary physicist and mathematician. But he was credited with the definition of "father of the hydrogen bomb," and this is incorrect, since it offended many physicists who worked with Sakharov. And there was no need to do this, because Sakharov did not need to be exalted - in himself he was an outstanding scientist and person.

It was created solely due to the fact that the defense industry was faced with the need for complex mathematical calculations. And he stood on three pillars: nuclear weapons, rocket and space technology, computer software. The success is evidenced by the fact that academicians Yakov) and the All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Physics (Snezhinsk).

The last major state task the institute was working on was the creation of the reusable space system "Energia" - "Buran". Actually, this program was deemed necessary after Keldysh's note to the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee with a mathematical substantiation of the military threat from the American shuttles. Recently, defense tasks of the same scale have disappeared, and the institute has to, according to its director, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yuri Popov, look for worthy and large-scale tasks on its own.

There are many such tasks. Creation of robotic systems with elements of artificial intelligence and the development of computer graphics, the development of the architecture of supercomputers and GRID-networks and risk management in national economic systems, computational biology, medicine, strategic planning and even pattern recognition for anti-terrorist purposes. Unfortunately, it often happens that even having received approval at all levels of government structures, scientists cannot obtain funding.

With particular regret, the institute, where the national space program began, and its director M. Keldysh was the permanent chairman of the Interdepartmental Council on Space, they perceive that interplanetary spacecraft have not been launched in the country for 14 years. Hands did not give up - one of the projects included in the federal space program involves the launch in 2007 on the Soyuz rocket (no one is counting on Proton due to lack of money) of an apparatus to a small celestial body to collect relic space matter. Why not send? After all, the names of the Institute's employees have been assigned to 11 minor planets of the solar system. The science

Russia, Russia

Scientific area: Place of work: Academic degree: Academic title: Alma mater: Supervisor: Awards and prizes:

Alexander Andreevich Samarsky (February 19, Svistuny farm, Yekaterinoslavskaya province - February 11, Moscow) - Russian mathematician, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, chairman of the Academic Council, head. Department of Computational Methods, Faculty of CMC, Moscow State University; department mathematical modeling of MIPT.


He was left without parents early. From the age of five, he was raised by older sisters. Since 1932, after moving to Taganrog, he studied at the secondary school N2 named. A.P. Chekhov, from which he graduated with a gold medal in 1936. At school, in addition to success in mathematics and physics, he was fond of literature, wrote plays.

He entered the Department of Mathematical Physics of the Physics Faculty of Moscow State University.

In December 1943, upon a call from the Moscow State University administration, A.A. Samarsky returned to Moscow on crutches to continue his studies. After graduating from the university in 1945, he entered the graduate school of Moscow State University under A. N. Tikhonov.

In 1957 A. A. Samarsky defended his doctoral dissertation. Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in the Department of Mathematics (1966). Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1976).

A.A. Samarskiy works at Moscow University in the following positions: Associate Professor (1948-1958), Professor of the Physics Department of Moscow State University (since 1958), Professor of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University (1961-1970), Professor of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University (since 1970 ). A. A. Samarskiy in 1982 organizes the Department of Computational Methods of the Faculty of CMC MSU, the head of which he becomes (1982-2008).

In 1990, A. A. Samarsky, on behalf of the government, created the Academy of Sciences and became its director. He was Deputy Academician-Secretary of the Department of Informatics, Computer Engineering and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the complex problem "Mathematical Modeling". Member of the editorial board of the journal "Uspekhi Mathematical Sciences", member of the editorial board of the "Journal of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics". Founder of the journal "Mathematical Modeling".

A. A. Samarsky died on February 11, 2008 after a serious and long illness. He was buried in Moscow at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

Scientific work

A. A. Samarskiy is an outstanding specialist in the field of computational mathematics, mathematical physics, theory of mathematical modeling. Creator of the theory of operator-difference schemes, the general theory of stability of difference schemes.

Since 1948, together with Academician A.N. Tikhonov, he developed numerical methods and conducted the first direct calculations of the explosion power of an atomic bomb in the USSR, and later a hydrogen bomb, which coincided well with the tests. In these works, the foundations of mathematical modeling were laid and the most important principles for the design and justification of difference schemes and parallel computations were created.

Since the 1960s, together with his students, he has been engaged in problems of laser thermonuclear fusion, magnetic and radiation gas dynamics, the creation of powerful lasers, aerodynamics, atomic energy, plasma physics and many others.

A. A. Samarsky is a co-author of the scientific discovery "T-layer effect", which is entered in the State Register of discoveries of the USSR under No. 55 with a priority of 1965.


  1. Tikhonov A.N., Samarsky A.A. (1st issue in 1951).
  2. Samarsky A.A. Introduction to the theory of difference schemes. - Moscow: Nauka, 1971. - 552 p.
  3. Samarsky A.A. Introduction to Numerical Methods. 1987.
  4. Samarskiy A.A., Vabishchevich P.N. Additive schemes for problems of mathematical physics. - M .: Nauka, 2001. ISBN 5-02-006505-6
  5. Samarskiy A.A., Mikhailov A.P. Mathematical Modeling: Ideas. Methods. Examples. - M .: Fizmatlit, 2005 (5th ed.). ISBN 5-9221-0120-X
  6. Samarsky A.A., Vabishchevich P.N., Samarskaya E.A. Problems and exercises on numerical methods. URSS. 2007 (3rd ed).
  7. Samarskiy A.A., Gulin A.V. Numerical methods.

State awards

  • Hero of Socialist Labor:
    • By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 16, 1979, Alexander Andreevich Samara was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal;
  • State Prize of Russia (1999) - for a cycle of works on the theory of difference schemes
  • Three times Commander of the Order of Lenin
  • Order of the Patriotic War 1 degree
  • Order of Glory 3 degree
  • Medal "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945."


At the end of July 2015, at a meeting of the Presidium of the Moscow Government, it was decided to assign the name of Akademik Samarsky Street to Projected Passage No. 3541, which is located on the Moscow State University campus on Lenin Hills, between Lebedeva Street and Mendeleevskaya Street. The northeastern facade of the Main Building of Moscow State University, facing the Vorobyovy Gory and the Moskva River, now faces onto Akademik Samarsky Street.

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Heroes of the Country website.

  • on the official website of RAS
  • (from the site of the IMM RAS)
  • on the website of the Department of Computational Methods of Computational Methods and Methods of MSU
  • at

An excerpt characterizing Samarsky, Alexander Andreevich

Understanding these words, Princess Marya sobbed even louder, and the doctor, taking her by the arm, led her out of the room onto the terrace, persuading her to calm down and get busy with the preparations for the departure. After Princess Marya left the prince, he again started talking about his son, about the war, about the sovereign, twitched his eyebrows angrily, began to raise a hoarse voice, and with him came the second and last blow.
Princess Marya stopped on the terrace. The day cleared, it was sunny and hot. She could not understand anything, think about anything and feel nothing, except for her passionate love for her father, love, which, it seemed to her, she did not know until that moment. She ran out into the garden and, sobbing, ran down to the pond along the young linden paths planted by Prince Andrey.
“Yes… I… I… I. I wanted him dead. Yes, I wished it would end sooner ... I wanted to calm down ... But what will happen to me? Why do I need peace when he’s gone, ”Princess Marya muttered aloud, walking briskly through the garden and pressing her chest with her hands, from which sobs were convulsively escaping. Walking around the garden circle, which led her back to the house, she saw m lle Bourienne (who remained in Bogucharovo and did not want to leave) and an unknown man coming to meet her. This was the leader of the district, who himself had come to the princess in order to present to her the whole necessity of an early departure. Princess Marya listened and did not understand him; she took him into the house, offered him breakfast and sat down with him. Then, having apologized to the leader, she went to the door of the old prince. The doctor with an anxious face came to her and said that it was impossible.
- Go, princess, go, go!
Princess Marya went back into the garden and under the mountain by the pond, in a place where no one could see, sat down on the grass. She did not know how long she had been there. Someone's running female steps along the path made her wake up. She got up and saw that Dunyasha, her maid, evidently running after her, suddenly, as if frightened by the sight of her young lady, stopped.
"Please, princess ... prince ..." said Dunyasha in a broken voice.
“Now, I'm going, I'm going,” the princess began hastily speaking, not giving Dunyasha time to finish what she had to say, and, trying not to see Dunyasha, ran to the house.
“Princess, God's will is being done, you must be ready for anything,” said the leader, meeting her at the front door.
- Leave me. It is not true! She shouted angrily at him. The doctor wanted to stop her. She pushed him away and ran to the door. “And why are these people with frightened faces stopping me? I don't need anyone! And what are they doing here? She opened the door, and the bright daylight in this previously dim room terrified her. There were women and a nanny in the room. They all pulled away from the bed, giving her way. He was still lying on the bed; but the stern look of his calm face stopped Princess Mary on the threshold of the room.
“No, he is not dead, it cannot be! Princess Marya said to herself, went up to him and, overcoming the horror that gripped her, pressed her lips to his cheek. But she immediately pulled away from him. Instantly, all the strength of tenderness for him that she felt in herself disappeared and was replaced by a feeling of horror for what was in front of her. “No, he is no more! He is not there, but right there, in the same place where he was, something alien and hostile, some kind of terrible, terrifying and repulsive secret ... - And, covering her face with her hands, Princess Mary fell into the arms of the doctor who supported her.
In the presence of Tikhon and the doctor, the women washed what he was, tied his head with a handkerchief to prevent the open mouth from stiffening, and tied the diverging legs with another handkerchief. Then they put on a uniform with medals and put a small shriveled body on the table. God knows who and when took care of this, but everything seemed to happen by itself. By nightfall, candles were burning around the coffin, there was a cover on the coffin, a juniper was sprinkled on the floor, a printed prayer was placed under a dead shriveled head, and a sexton was sitting in the corner reading a psalter.
As the horses shy away, crowd and snort over a dead horse, so in the living room around the coffin a foreign people crowded, and their own - the leader, and the headman, and the women, and all with stopped frightened eyes, crossed themselves and bowed, and kissed the cold and numb hand of the old prince.

Bogucharovo was always, before the settlement of Prince Andrei, an overseas estate, and the Bogucharovo peasants had a completely different character from the Lysogorsk ones. They differed from them in speech, clothing, and morals. They were called steppe. The old prince praised them for their endurance at work when they came to help clean up the Bald Mountains or dig ponds and ditches, but did not like them for their savagery.
The last stay in Bogucharovo of Prince Andrey, with his innovations - hospitals, schools and the relief of rent - did not soften their morals, but, on the contrary, strengthened in them those character traits that the old prince called savagery. Between them there were always some vague rumors, now about the enumeration of all of them as Cossacks, now about a new faith into which they would be converted, now about some tsarist leaves, now about the oath to Pavel Petrovich in 1797 (about which they said that then the will came out, but the gentlemen took it away), then about Peter Fyodorovich who will reign in seven years, under whom everything will be free and it will be so simple that nothing will happen. Rumors about the war in Bonaparte and his invasion were combined for them with the same obscure ideas about the Antichrist, the end of the world and pure will.
In the vicinity of Bogucharov there were more and more large villages, state and quitrent landowners. There were very few landowners living in this area; there were also very few courtyards and literate, and in the life of the peasants in this area were more noticeable and stronger than in others, those mysterious currents of Russian folk life, the reasons and significance of which are inexplicable to contemporaries. One of these phenomena was the movement, which appeared twenty years ago, between the peasants of this area to move to some kind of warm rivers. Hundreds of peasants, including the Bogucharovs, suddenly began to sell their livestock and leave with their families somewhere to the southeast. Like birds flying somewhere over the seas, these people with their wives and children strove to the southeast, where none of them was. They went up in caravans, bathed one by one, fled, and rode and went there, to the warm rivers. Many were punished, exiled to Siberia, many died of cold and hunger on the way, many returned on their own, and the movement died down by itself, just as it began for no apparent reason. But the underwater jets did not stop flowing among these people and gathered for some kind of new force that could manifest itself in the same strange, unexpected and at the same time simple, natural and powerful. Now, in 1812, for a person who lived close with the people, it was noticeable that these underwater jets were doing powerful work and were close to manifestation.
Alpatych, having arrived in Bogucharovo a few time before the death of the old prince, noticed that there was unrest among the people and that, contrary to what was happening in the strip of Bald Mountains at a sixty-verst radius, where all the peasants left (leaving the Cossacks to ravage their villages), in the steppe strip , in Bogucharovskaya, the peasants, as was heard, had relations with the French, received some kind of paper that went between them, and remained in their places. He knew through the courtyard people loyal to him that the peasant Karp, who had a great influence on the world, who had a great influence on the world, who had traveled the other day with an official carriage, returned with the news that the Cossacks were ravaging the villages from which the inhabitants were leaving, but that the French did not touch them. He knew that another man yesterday even brought from the village of Visloukhov - where the French were stationed - a paper from the French general, in which it was announced to the residents that no harm would be done to them and that they would pay for everything that was taken from them if they stayed. As proof of this, the peasant brought from Visloukhiv one hundred rubles in banknotes (he did not know that they were fake), given to him in advance for hay.
Finally, and most importantly, Alpatych knew that on the very day he ordered the headman to collect carts for the removal of the princess's wagon train from Bogucharovo, in the morning there was a gathering in the village, at which it was supposed not to be taken out and wait. Meanwhile, time did not endure. The leader, on the day of the prince's death, August 15th, insisted on Princess Marya that she should leave on the same day, as it was becoming dangerous. He said that after the 16th he was not responsible for anything. On the day of the death of the prince, he left in the evening, but promised to come to the funeral the next day. But the next day he could not come, because, according to the news he himself received, the French suddenly moved, and he only managed to take his family and everything of value from his estate.